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## [2.0.0] - 8-12-2021
### Changed 
 - Gtest dependence from TriBITS to vanilla version
 - Extra repository logic from TriBITS to Git submodule 
 - FlexLexer version from 2.5.37 to 2.6.4
 - GNU BISON version from 3.0.4 to 3.7.6
 - WASP Node type of INT to INTEGER (potentially break compatibility with 1.x if you using wasp::INT)
 - Refactored VII into more generic Extra Definition Driven Interpreter (EDDI) - breaks backward compatibility
 - EDDI input parser to cache staged non decorative nodes to avoid expensive node-count loop
 - EDDI input Lexer to be 8-bit to support identifying unicode characters 
 - Refacted GetPot into latest MOOSE-revised Hierarchical Input Text (HIT) - breaks backward compatibility
 - HIT block and subblock to be equivalent
 - HIT comma is no longer a valid array separator
 - HIT semicolon is now an allowed array separator

### Added
 - waspdrive scheduler capability.
 - support for HIT shorthand object notation '[x/y/z]'
 - support for commas in HIT strings
 - support for double-quoted strings in HIT documents
 - support for more than one input and template file in waspdrive input 
 - support for EDDI input section naming and validation
 - support for parsing EDDI input list syntax `<n..m x i> 193*10` etc.
 - support for parsing EDDI include files via a list of search locations
 - support for EDDI strings that contain '+' and comments containing unicode characters
 - InputAliases STRIDE construct to support strided aliases as dictated by EDDI input

### Fixed
- wasplsp compile error in certain configurations caused by missing include of `functional`.