## Place local configuration variables used by Pulsar and run.sh in here. For example ## If using the drmaa queue manager, you will need to set the DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH variable, ## you may also need to update LD_LIBRARY_PATH for underlying library as well. #export DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/libdrmaa.so ## If you wish to use a variety of Galaxy tools that depend on galaxy.eggs being defined, ## set GALAXY_HOME to point to a copy of Galaxy. #export GALAXY_HOME=/path/to/galaxy ## In order to set metadata on the pulsar side, Pulsar needs to know where ## Galaxy's virtualenv is. If not using remote metadata, this is unnecessary. #export GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV=/path/to/galaxy/.venv ## Uncomment to verify GALAXY_HOME is set properly before starting the Pulsar. #export TEST_GALAXY_LIBS=1 ## If using a manager that runs jobs as real users, be sure to load your Python ## environement in here as well. # . .venv/bin/activate