import os import re import ast import sys try: from distutils.util import get_platform is_windows = get_platform().startswith("win") except ImportError: # Don't break install if distuils is incompatible in some way # probably overly defensive. is_windows = False try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup # Set environment variable to 1 to build as library for Galaxy instead # of as stand-alone app. DEFAULT_PULSAR_GALAXY_LIB = 0 PULSAR_GALAXY_LIB = os.environ.get("PULSAR_GALAXY_LIB", "%d" % DEFAULT_PULSAR_GALAXY_LIB) == "1" readme = open('README.rst').read() history = open('HISTORY.rst').read().replace('.. :changelog:', '') requirements = [ 'six', 'webob', 'psutil', 'pyyaml', ] if not PULSAR_GALAXY_LIB: requirements.append("galaxy-lib") # TODO: use extra_requires here to be more correct. if sys.version_info[0] == 2: requirements.append('PasteScript') requirements.append('paste') test_requirements = [ # TODO: put package test requirements here ] _version_re = re.compile(r'__version__\s+=\s+(.*)') with open('pulsar/', 'rb') as f: version = str(ast.literal_eval('utf-8')).group(1))) if is_windows: scripts = ["scripts/pulsar.bat"] else: scripts = ["scripts/pulsar"] name = "pulsar-app" if not PULSAR_GALAXY_LIB else "pulsar-galaxy-lib" setup( name=name, version=version, description='Distributed job execution application built for Galaxy (', long_description=readme + '\n\n' + history, author='Galaxy Project', author_email='', url='', packages=[ 'pulsar', 'pulsar.cache', 'pulsar.client', 'pulsar.client.test', 'pulsar.client.staging', 'pulsar.client.transport', 'pulsar.managers', 'pulsar.managers.base', 'pulsar.managers.staging', 'pulsar.managers.util', 'pulsar.managers.util.cli', 'pulsar.managers.util.cli.job', '', 'pulsar.managers.util.condor', 'pulsar.managers.util.drmaa', 'pulsar.managers.util.job_script', 'pulsar.mesos', 'pulsar.messaging', 'pulsar.scripts', '', 'pulsar.util', 'pulsar.util.pastescript', 'pulsar.web', ], entry_points=''' [console_scripts] pulsar-main=pulsar.main:main pulsar-check=pulsar.client.test.check:main pulsar-config=pulsar.scripts.config:main pulsar-drmaa-launch=pulsar.scripts.drmaa_launch:main pulsar-drmaa-kill=pulsar.scripts.drmaa_kill:main pulsar-chown-working-directory=pulsar.scripts.chown_working_directory:main pulsar-submit=pulsar.scripts.submit:main ''', scripts=scripts, package_data={'pulsar': [ 'managers/util/job_script/', 'managers/util/job_script/', ]}, package_dir={'pulsar': 'pulsar'}, include_package_data=True, install_requires=requirements, license="Apache License 2.0", zip_safe=False, keywords='pulsar', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Environment :: Console', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Natural Language :: English', "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', ], test_suite='test', tests_require=test_requirements )