// Mantid Repository : https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid // // Copyright © 2013 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI, // NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source // & Institut Laue - Langevin // SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 + #ifndef MANTID_API_FILELOADERREGISTRY_H_ #define MANTID_API_FILELOADERREGISTRY_H_ #include "MantidAPI/AlgorithmFactory.h" #include "MantidAPI/IFileLoader.h" #include "MantidKernel/SingletonHolder.h" #ifndef Q_MOC_RUN #include <type_traits> #endif #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> namespace Mantid { namespace Kernel { class Logger; } namespace API { class IAlgorithm; /** Keeps a registry of algorithm's that are file loading algorithms to allow them to be searched to find the correct one to load a particular file. A macro, DECLARE_FILELOADER_ALGORITHM is defined in RegisterFileLoader.h. Use this in place of the standard DECLARE_ALGORITHM macro */ class MANTID_API_DLL FileLoaderRegistryImpl { public: /// Defines types of possible file enum LoaderFormat { Nexus, Generic }; public: /// @returns the number of entries in the registry inline size_t size() const { return m_totalSize; } /** * Registers a loader whose format is one of the known formats given in * LoaderFormat. It * also passes this registration on to the AlgorithmFactory so that it can be * created. * The template type should be the class being registered. The name is taken * from the string * returned by the name() method on the object. * @param format The type of loader being subscribed, see LoaderFormat * @throws std::invalid_argument if an entry with this name already exists */ template <typename Type> void subscribe(LoaderFormat format) { SubscriptionValidator<Type>::check(format); const auto nameVersion = AlgorithmFactory::Instance().subscribe<Type>(); // If the factory didn't throw then the name is valid m_names[format].insert(nameVersion); m_totalSize += 1; m_log.debug() << "Registered '" << nameVersion.first << "' version '" << nameVersion.second << "' as file loader\n"; } /// Unsubscribe a named algorithm and version from the loader registration void unsubscribe(const std::string &name, const int version = -1); /// Returns the name of an Algorithm that can load the given filename const boost::shared_ptr<IAlgorithm> chooseLoader(const std::string &filename) const; /// Checks whether the given algorithm can load the file bool canLoad(const std::string &algorithmName, const std::string &filename) const; private: /// Friend so that CreateUsingNew friend struct Mantid::Kernel::CreateUsingNew<FileLoaderRegistryImpl>; /// Default constructor (for singleton) FileLoaderRegistryImpl(); /// Destructor ~FileLoaderRegistryImpl(); /// Helper for subscribe to check base class template <typename T> struct SubscriptionValidator { static void check(LoaderFormat format) { switch (format) { case Nexus: if (!std::is_base_of<IFileLoader<Kernel::NexusDescriptor>, T>::value) { throw std::runtime_error( std::string("FileLoaderRegistryImpl::subscribe - Class '") + typeid(T).name() + "' registered as Nexus loader but it does not " "inherit from " "API::IFileLoader<Kernel::NexusDescriptor>"); } break; case Generic: if (!std::is_base_of<IFileLoader<Kernel::FileDescriptor>, T>::value) { throw std::runtime_error( std::string("FileLoaderRegistryImpl::subscribe - Class '") + typeid(T).name() + "' registered as Generic loader but it does " "not inherit from " "API::IFileLoader<Kernel::FileDescriptor>"); } break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Invalid LoaderFormat given"); } } }; /// Remove a named algorithm & version from the given map void removeAlgorithm(const std::string &name, const int version, std::multimap<std::string, int> &typedLoaders); /// The list of names. The index pointed to by LoaderFormat defines a set for /// that format std::vector<std::multimap<std::string, int>> m_names; /// Total number of names registered size_t m_totalSize; /// Reference to a logger mutable Kernel::Logger m_log; }; /// Type for the actual singleton instance using FileLoaderRegistry = Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder<FileLoaderRegistryImpl>; } // namespace API } // namespace Mantid namespace Mantid { namespace Kernel { EXTERN_MANTID_API template class MANTID_API_DLL Mantid::Kernel::SingletonHolder<Mantid::API::FileLoaderRegistryImpl>; } } // namespace Mantid #endif /* MANTID_API_FILELOADERREGISTRY_H_ */