#include "MantidMDAlgorithms/LoadDNSSCD.h" #include "MantidAPI/ExperimentInfo.h" #include "MantidAPI/FileProperty.h" #include "MantidAPI/ITableWorkspace.h" #include "MantidAPI/MultipleFileProperty.h" #include "MantidAPI/RegisterFileLoader.h" #include "MantidAPI/Run.h" #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h" #include "MantidDataObjects/MDEventFactory.h" #include "MantidGeometry/Crystal/IndexingUtils.h" #include "MantidGeometry/Crystal/OrientedLattice.h" #include "MantidGeometry/MDGeometry/HKL.h" #include "MantidKernel/ArrayLengthValidator.h" #include "MantidKernel/ArrayProperty.h" #include "MantidKernel/BoundedValidator.h" #include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h" #include "MantidKernel/ListValidator.h" #include "MantidKernel/TimeSeriesProperty.h" #include "MantidKernel/UnitLabelTypes.h" #include "MantidAPI/ITableWorkspace.h" #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h" #include "MantidGeometry/Instrument.h" #include "MantidKernel/PhysicalConstants.h" #include "MantidKernel/VectorHelper.h" #include <Poco/DateTime.h> #include <Poco/DateTimeFormat.h> #include <Poco/DateTimeFormatter.h> #include <Poco/DateTimeParser.h> #include <Poco/DirectoryIterator.h> #include <Poco/File.h> #include <Poco/Path.h> #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp> #include <boost/exception/diagnostic_information.hpp> #include <boost/exception_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/regex.hpp> #include <iomanip> #include <iterator> #include <map> #include "MantidDataObjects/MDBoxBase.h" #include "MantidDataObjects/MDEventInserter.h" #include "MantidMDAlgorithms/MDWSDescription.h" #include "MantidMDAlgorithms/MDWSTransform.h" //======================== // helper functions namespace { void eraseSubStr(std::string &str, const std::string &toErase) { // Search for the substring in string size_t pos = str.find(toErase); if (pos != std::string::npos) { // If found then erase it from string str.erase(pos, toErase.length()); } } std::string parseTime(std::string &str) { // remove unnecessary symbols eraseSubStr(str, "#"); eraseSubStr(str, "start"); eraseSubStr(str, "stopped"); eraseSubStr(str, "at"); auto it = std::find_if(str.begin(), str.end(), [](char ch) { return !std::isspace<char>(ch, std::locale::classic()); }); str.erase(str.begin(), it); using namespace boost::posix_time; // try to parse as a posix time try { auto time = time_from_string(str); return to_iso_extended_string(time); } catch (std::exception &) { int tzd; Poco::DateTime dt; bool ok = Poco::DateTimeParser::tryParse(str, dt, tzd); if (ok) { auto time = Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"); return time; } std::string result(""); return result; } } } // anonymous namespace //============================ using namespace Mantid::Kernel; using namespace Mantid::API; using namespace Mantid::DataObjects; using namespace Mantid::Geometry; namespace Mantid { namespace MDAlgorithms { DECLARE_FILELOADER_ALGORITHM(LoadDNSSCD) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Constructor */ LoadDNSSCD::LoadDNSSCD() : m_columnSep("\t, ;"), m_nDims(4) {} /** * Return the confidence with with this algorithm can load the file * @param descriptor A descriptor for the file * @returns An integer specifying the confidence level. 0 indicates it will not * be used */ int LoadDNSSCD::confidence(Kernel::FileDescriptor &descriptor) const { // DNS data acquisition writes ascii files with .d_dat extension int confidence(0); if ((descriptor.extension() == ".d_dat") && descriptor.isAscii()) { confidence = 80; } return confidence; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Initialize the algorithm's properties. */ void LoadDNSSCD::init() { std::vector<std::string> exts(1, ".d_dat"); declareProperty(Kernel::make_unique<MultipleFileProperty>("Filenames", exts), "Select one or more DNS SCD .d_dat files to load." "Files must be measured at the same conditions."); declareProperty(make_unique<WorkspaceProperty<IMDEventWorkspace>>( "OutputWorkspace", "", Direction::Output), "An output MDEventWorkspace."); declareProperty(make_unique<WorkspaceProperty<IMDEventWorkspace>>( "NormalizationWorkspace", "", Direction::Output), "An output normalization MDEventWorkspace."); const std::vector<std::string> normOptions = {"monitor", "time"}; declareProperty("Normalization", "monitor", boost::make_shared<StringListValidator>(normOptions), "Algorithm will create a separate normalization workspace. " "Choose whether it should contain monitor counts or time."); auto mustBePositive = boost::make_shared<BoundedValidator<double>>(); mustBePositive->setLower(0.0); auto reasonableAngle = boost::make_shared<BoundedValidator<double>>(); reasonableAngle->setLower(5.0); reasonableAngle->setUpper(175.0); // clang-format off auto mustBe3D = boost::make_shared<ArrayLengthValidator<double> >(3); auto mustBe2D = boost::make_shared<ArrayLengthValidator<double> >(2); // clang-format on std::vector<double> u0(3, 0), v0(3, 0); u0[0] = 1.; u0[1] = 1.; v0[2] = 1.; declareProperty(make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>( "a", 1.0, mustBePositive, Direction::Input), "Lattice parameter a in Angstrom"); declareProperty(make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>( "b", 1.0, mustBePositive, Direction::Input), "Lattice parameter b in Angstrom"); declareProperty(make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>( "c", 1.0, mustBePositive, Direction::Input), "Lattice parameter c in Angstrom"); declareProperty(make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>( "alpha", 90.0, reasonableAngle, Direction::Input), "Angle between b and c in degrees"); declareProperty(make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>( "beta", 90.0, reasonableAngle, Direction::Input), "Angle between a and c in degrees"); declareProperty(make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>( "gamma", 90.0, reasonableAngle, Direction::Input), "Angle between a and b in degrees"); declareProperty(make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>( "OmegaOffset", 0.0, boost::make_shared<BoundedValidator<double>>(), Direction::Input), "Angle in degrees between (HKL1) and the beam axis" "if the goniometer is at zero."); declareProperty( Kernel::make_unique<ArrayProperty<double>>("HKL1", u0, mustBe3D), "Indices of the vector in reciprocal space in the horizontal plane at " "angle Omegaoffset, " "if the goniometer is at zero."); declareProperty( Kernel::make_unique<ArrayProperty<double>>("HKL2", v0, mustBe3D), "Indices of a second vector in reciprocal space in the horizontal plane " "not parallel to HKL1"); std::vector<double> ttl(2, 0); ttl[1] = 180.0; declareProperty( Kernel::make_unique<ArrayProperty<double>>("TwoThetaLimits", ttl, mustBe2D), "Range (min, max) of scattering angles (2theta, in degrees) to consider. " "Everything out of this range will be cut."); declareProperty( Kernel::make_unique<WorkspaceProperty<API::ITableWorkspace>>( "LoadHuberFrom", "", Direction::Input, PropertyMode::Optional), "A table workspace to load a list of raw sample rotation angles. " "Huber angles given in the data files will be ignored."); declareProperty( Kernel::make_unique<WorkspaceProperty<API::ITableWorkspace>>( "SaveHuberTo", "", Direction::Output, PropertyMode::Optional), "A workspace name to save a list of raw sample rotation angles."); auto mustBeIntPositive = boost::make_shared<BoundedValidator<int>>(); mustBeIntPositive->setLower(0); declareProperty(make_unique<PropertyWithValue<int>>( "ElasticChannel", 0, mustBeIntPositive, Direction::Input), "Elastic channel number. Only for TOF data."); auto mustBeNegative = boost::make_shared<BoundedValidator<double>>(); mustBeNegative->setUpper(0.0); declareProperty( make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>("DeltaEmin", -10.0, mustBeNegative, Direction::Input), "Minimal energy transfer to consider. Should be <=0. Only for TOF data."); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Read Huber angles from a given table workspace. */ void LoadDNSSCD::loadHuber(ITableWorkspace_sptr tws) { ColumnVector<double> huber = tws->getVector("Huber(degrees)"); // set huber[0] for each run in m_data for (auto &ds : m_data) { ds.huber = huber[0]; } // dublicate runs for each huber in the table std::vector<ExpData> old(m_data); for (size_t i = 1; i < huber.size(); ++i) { for (auto &ds : old) { ds.huber = huber[i]; m_data.push_back(ds); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Save Huber angles to a given table workspace. */ Mantid::API::ITableWorkspace_sptr LoadDNSSCD::saveHuber() { std::vector<double> huber; for (auto ds : m_data) huber.push_back(ds.huber); // remove dublicates std::sort(huber.begin(), huber.end()); huber.erase(unique(huber.begin(), huber.end()), huber.end()); Mantid::API::ITableWorkspace_sptr huberWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().createTable("TableWorkspace"); huberWS->addColumn("double", "Huber(degrees)"); for (size_t i = 0; i < huber.size(); i++) { huberWS->appendRow(); huberWS->cell<double>(i, 0) = huber[i]; } return huberWS; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Execute the algorithm. */ void LoadDNSSCD::exec() { MultipleFileProperty *multiFileProp = dynamic_cast<MultipleFileProperty *>(getPointerToProperty("Filenames")); if (!multiFileProp) { throw std::logic_error( "Filenames property must have MultipleFileProperty type."); } std::vector<std::string> filenames = VectorHelper::flattenVector(multiFileProp->operator()()); if (filenames.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("Must specify at least one filename."); // set type of normalization std::string normtype = getProperty("Normalization"); if (normtype == "monitor") { m_normtype = "Monitor"; m_normfactor = 1.0; } else { m_normtype = "Timer"; m_normfactor = 0.0; // error for time should be 0 } g_log.notice() << "The normalization workspace will contain " << m_normtype << ".\n"; ExperimentInfo_sptr expinfo = boost::make_shared<ExperimentInfo>(); API::Run &run = expinfo->mutableRun(); for (auto fname : filenames) { std::map<std::string, std::string> str_metadata; std::map<std::string, double> num_metadata; try { read_data(fname, str_metadata, num_metadata); // if no stop_time, take file_save_time std::string time(str_metadata["stop_time"]); if (time.empty()) { g_log.warning() << "stop_time is empty! File save time will be used instead." << std::endl; time = str_metadata["file_save_time"]; } updateProperties<std::string>(run, str_metadata, time); updateProperties<double>(run, num_metadata, time); } catch (...) { g_log.warning() << "Failed to read file " << fname; g_log.warning() << ". This file will be ignored. " << std::endl; g_log.debug() << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() << std::endl; } } if (m_data.empty()) throw std::runtime_error( "No valid DNS files have been provided. Nothing to load."); // merge data with different time channel number is not allowed auto ch_n = m_data.front().nchannels; bool same_channel_number = std::all_of(m_data.begin(), m_data.end(), [ch_n](ExpData &d) { return (d.nchannels == ch_n); }); if (!same_channel_number) throw std::runtime_error( "Error: cannot merge data with different TOF channel numbers."); m_OutWS = MDEventFactory::CreateMDWorkspace(m_nDims, "MDEvent"); m_OutWS->addExperimentInfo(expinfo); // load huber angles from a table workspace if given ITableWorkspace_sptr huberWS = getProperty("LoadHuberFrom"); if (huberWS) { g_log.notice() << "Huber angles will be loaded from " << huberWS->getName() << std::endl; loadHuber(huberWS); } // get wavelength TimeSeriesProperty<double> *wlprop = dynamic_cast<TimeSeriesProperty<double> *>( expinfo->run().getProperty("Lambda")); // assume, that lambda is in nm double wavelength = wlprop->minValue() * 10.0; // needed to estimate extents => minValue run.addProperty("wavelength", wavelength); run.getProperty("wavelength")->setUnits("Angstrom"); fillOutputWorkspace(wavelength); std::string saveHuberTableWS = getProperty("SaveHuberTo"); if (!saveHuberTableWS.empty()) { Mantid::API::ITableWorkspace_sptr huber_table = saveHuber(); setProperty("SaveHuberTo", huber_table); } setProperty("OutputWorkspace", m_OutWS); } int LoadDNSSCD::splitIntoColumns(std::list<std::string> &columns, std::string &str) { boost::split(columns, str, boost::is_any_of(m_columnSep), boost::token_compress_on); return static_cast<int>(columns.size()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T> void LoadDNSSCD::updateProperties(API::Run &run, std::map<std::string, T> &metadata, std::string time) { typename std::map<std::string, T>::iterator it = metadata.begin(); while (it != metadata.end()) { TimeSeriesProperty<T> *timeSeries(nullptr); std::string name(it->first); std::string units; // std::regex does not work for rhel7, thus boost boost::regex reg("([-_a-zA-Z]+)\\[(.*)]"); boost::smatch match; if (boost::regex_search(name, match, reg) && match.size() > 2) { std::string new_name(match.str(1)); units.assign(match.str(2)); name = new_name; } if (run.hasProperty(name)) { timeSeries = dynamic_cast<TimeSeriesProperty<T> *>(run.getLogData(name)); if (!timeSeries) throw std::invalid_argument( "Log '" + name + "' already exists but the values are a different type."); } else { timeSeries = new TimeSeriesProperty<T>(name); if (!units.empty()) timeSeries->setUnits(units); run.addProperty(timeSeries); } timeSeries->addValue(time, it->second); ++it; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Create output workspace void LoadDNSSCD::fillOutputWorkspace(double wavelength) { // dimensions std::vector<std::string> vec_ID(4); vec_ID[0] = "H"; vec_ID[1] = "K"; vec_ID[2] = "L"; vec_ID[3] = "DeltaE"; std::vector<std::string> dimensionNames(4); dimensionNames[0] = "H"; dimensionNames[1] = "K"; dimensionNames[2] = "L"; dimensionNames[3] = "DeltaE"; Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = Mantid::Kernel::HKL; double a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma; a = getProperty("a"); b = getProperty("b"); c = getProperty("c"); alpha = getProperty("alpha"); beta = getProperty("beta"); gamma = getProperty("gamma"); std::vector<double> u = getProperty("HKL1"); std::vector<double> v = getProperty("HKL2"); // load empty DNS instrument to access L1 and L2 IAlgorithm_sptr loadAlg = AlgorithmManager::Instance().create("LoadEmptyInstrument"); loadAlg->setChild(true); loadAlg->setLogging(false); loadAlg->initialize(); loadAlg->setProperty("InstrumentName", "DNS"); loadAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", "__DNS_Inst"); loadAlg->execute(); MatrixWorkspace_sptr instWS = loadAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace"); const auto &instrument = instWS->getInstrument(); const auto &samplePosition = instrument->getSample()->getPos(); const auto &sourcePosition = instrument->getSource()->getPos(); const auto beamVector = samplePosition - sourcePosition; const auto l1 = beamVector.norm(); // calculate tof1 auto velocity = PhysicalConstants::h / (PhysicalConstants::NeutronMass * wavelength * 1e-10); // m/s auto tof1 = 1e+06 * l1 / velocity; // microseconds g_log.debug() << "TOF1 = " << tof1 << std::endl; // calculate incident energy auto Ei = 0.5 * PhysicalConstants::NeutronMass * velocity * velocity / PhysicalConstants::meV; g_log.debug() << "Ei = " << Ei << std::endl; double dEmin = getProperty("DeltaEmin"); // estimate extents double qmax = 4.0 * M_PI / wavelength; std::vector<double> extentMins = {-qmax * a, -qmax * b, -qmax * c, dEmin}; std::vector<double> extentMaxs = {qmax * a, qmax * b, qmax * c, Ei}; // Get MDFrame of HKL type with RLU auto unitFactory = makeMDUnitFactoryChain(); auto unit = unitFactory->create(Units::Symbol::RLU.ascii()); Mantid::Geometry::HKL frame(unit); // add dimensions for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nDims; ++i) { std::string id = vec_ID[i]; std::string name = dimensionNames[i]; m_OutWS->addDimension( Geometry::MDHistoDimension_sptr(new Geometry::MDHistoDimension( id, name, frame, static_cast<coord_t>(extentMins[i]), static_cast<coord_t>(extentMaxs[i]), 5))); } // Set coordinate system m_OutWS->setCoordinateSystem(coordinateSystem); // calculate RUB matrix Mantid::Geometry::OrientedLattice o; o = Mantid::Geometry::OrientedLattice(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma); o.setUFromVectors(Mantid::Kernel::V3D(u[0], u[1], u[2]), Mantid::Kernel::V3D(v[0], v[1], v[2])); double omega_offset = getProperty("OmegaOffset"); omega_offset *= -1.0 * deg2rad; DblMatrix rotm(3, 3); rotm[0][0] = std::cos(omega_offset); rotm[0][1] = 0.0; rotm[0][2] = std::sin(omega_offset); rotm[1][0] = 0.0; rotm[1][1] = 1.0; rotm[1][2] = 0.0; rotm[2][0] = -std::sin(omega_offset); rotm[2][1] = 0.0; rotm[2][2] = std::cos(omega_offset); DblMatrix ub(o.getUB()); ub = rotm * ub; o.setUB(ub); DblMatrix ub_inv(ub); // invert the UB matrix ub_inv.Invert(); // Creates a new instance of the MDEventInserter to output workspace MDEventWorkspace<MDEvent<4>, 4>::sptr mdws_mdevt_4 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MDEventWorkspace<MDEvent<4>, 4>>(m_OutWS); MDEventInserter<MDEventWorkspace<MDEvent<4>, 4>::sptr> inserter(mdws_mdevt_4); // create a normalization workspace IMDEventWorkspace_sptr normWS = m_OutWS->clone(); // Creates a new instance of the MDEventInserter to norm workspace MDEventWorkspace<MDEvent<4>, 4>::sptr normws_mdevt_4 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MDEventWorkspace<MDEvent<4>, 4>>(normWS); MDEventInserter<MDEventWorkspace<MDEvent<4>, 4>::sptr> norm_inserter( normws_mdevt_4); // scattering angle limits std::vector<double> tth_limits = getProperty("TwoThetaLimits"); double theta_min = tth_limits[0] * deg2rad / 2.0; double theta_max = tth_limits[1] * deg2rad / 2.0; // get elastic channel from the user input int echannel_user = getProperty("ElasticChannel"); // Go though each element of m_data to convert to MDEvent for (ExpData ds : m_data) { uint16_t runindex = 0; signal_t norm_signal(ds.norm); signal_t norm_error = std::sqrt(m_normfactor * norm_signal); double ki = 2.0 * M_PI / ds.wavelength; for (size_t i = 0; i < ds.detID.size(); i++) { const auto &detector = instWS->getDetector(i); const auto &detectorPosition = detector->getPos(); const auto detectorVector = detectorPosition - samplePosition; const auto l2 = detectorVector.norm(); auto tof2_elastic = 1e+06 * l2 / velocity; // geometric elastic channel int echannel_geom = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(tof2_elastic / ds.chwidth)); // rotate the signal array to get elastic peak at right position int ch_diff = echannel_geom - echannel_user; if ((echannel_user > 0) && (ch_diff < 0)) { std::rotate(ds.signal[i].begin(), ds.signal[i].begin() - ch_diff, ds.signal[i].end()); } else if ((echannel_user > 0) && (ch_diff > 0)) { std::rotate(ds.signal[i].rbegin(), ds.signal[i].rbegin() + ch_diff, ds.signal[i].rend()); } detid_t detid(ds.detID[i]); double theta = 0.5 * (ds.detID[i] * 5.0 - ds.deterota) * deg2rad; int64_t nchannels = static_cast<int64_t>(ds.signal[i].size()); if ((theta > theta_min) && (theta < theta_max)) { PARALLEL_FOR_IF(Kernel::threadSafe(*m_OutWS, *normWS)) for (auto channel = 0; channel < nchannels; channel++) { PARALLEL_START_INTERUPT_REGION double signal = ds.signal[i][channel]; signal_t error = std::sqrt(signal); double tof2 = static_cast<double>(channel) * ds.chwidth + 0.5 * ds.chwidth; // bin centers double dE = 0.0; if (nchannels > 1) { double v2 = 1e+06 * l2 / tof2; dE = Ei - 0.5 * PhysicalConstants::NeutronMass * v2 * v2 / PhysicalConstants::meV; } if (dE > dEmin) { double kf = std::sqrt( ki * ki - 2.0e-20 * PhysicalConstants::NeutronMass * dE * PhysicalConstants::meV / (PhysicalConstants::h_bar * PhysicalConstants::h_bar)); double tlab = std::atan2(ki - kf * cos(2.0 * theta), kf * sin(2.0 * theta)); double omega = (ds.huber - ds.deterota) * deg2rad - tlab; V3D uphi(-cos(omega), 0, -sin(omega)); double qabs = 0.5 * std::sqrt(ki * ki + kf * kf - 2.0 * ki * kf * cos(2.0 * theta)) / M_PI; V3D hphi = uphi * qabs; // qabs = ki * sin(theta), for elastic case; V3D hkl = ub_inv * hphi; std::vector<Mantid::coord_t> millerindex(4); millerindex[0] = static_cast<float>(hkl.X()); millerindex[1] = static_cast<float>(hkl.Y()); millerindex[2] = static_cast<float>(hkl.Z()); millerindex[3] = static_cast<float>(dE); PARALLEL_CRITICAL(addValues) { inserter.insertMDEvent( static_cast<float>(signal), static_cast<float>(error * error), static_cast<uint16_t>(runindex), detid, millerindex.data()); norm_inserter.insertMDEvent( static_cast<float>(norm_signal), static_cast<float>(norm_error * norm_error), static_cast<uint16_t>(runindex), detid, millerindex.data()); } } PARALLEL_END_INTERUPT_REGION } PARALLEL_CHECK_INTERUPT_REGION } } } setProperty("NormalizationWorkspace", normWS); } void LoadDNSSCD::read_data(const std::string fname, std::map<std::string, std::string> &str_metadata, std::map<std::string, double> &num_metadata) { std::ifstream file(fname); std::string line; std::string::size_type n; std::string s; boost::regex reg1("^#\\s+(\\w+):(.*)"); boost::regex reg2("^#\\s+((\\w+\\s)+)\\s+(-?\\d+(,\\d+)*(\\.\\d+(e\\d+)?)?)"); boost::smatch match; getline(file, line); n = line.find("DNS"); if (n == std::string::npos) { throw std::invalid_argument("Not a DNS file"); } // get file save time Poco::File pfile(fname); Poco::DateTime lastModified = pfile.getLastModified(); std::string wtime( Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(lastModified, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")); str_metadata.insert(std::make_pair("file_save_time", wtime)); // get file basename Poco::Path p(fname); str_metadata.insert(std::make_pair("run_number", p.getBaseName())); // parse metadata while (getline(file, line)) { n = line.find("Lambda"); if (n != std::string::npos) { boost::regex re("[\\s]+"); s = line.substr(5); boost::sregex_token_iterator it(s.begin(), s.end(), re, -1); boost::sregex_token_iterator reg_end; getline(file, line); std::string s2 = line.substr(2); boost::sregex_token_iterator it2(s2.begin(), s2.end(), re, -1); for (; (it != reg_end) && (it2 != reg_end); ++it) { std::string token(it->str()); if (token.find_first_not_of(' ') == std::string::npos) { ++it2; continue; } if (token == "Mono") { str_metadata.insert(std::make_pair(token, it2->str())); } else { num_metadata.insert(std::make_pair(token, std::stod(it2->str()))); } ++it2; } } // parse start and stop time n = line.find("start"); if (n != std::string::npos) { str_metadata.insert(std::make_pair("start_time", parseTime(line))); getline(file, line); str_metadata.insert(std::make_pair("stop_time", parseTime(line))); getline(file, line); } if (boost::regex_search(line, match, reg1) && match.size() > 2) { str_metadata.insert(std::make_pair(match.str(1), match.str(2))); } if (boost::regex_search(line, match, reg2) && match.size() > 2) { s = match.str(1); s.erase(std::find_if_not(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), ::isspace).base(), s.end()); num_metadata.insert(std::make_pair(s, std::stod(match.str(3)))); } n = line.find("DATA"); if (n != std::string::npos) { break; } } std::map<std::string, double>::const_iterator m = num_metadata.lower_bound("TOF"); g_log.debug() << "TOF Channels number: " << m->second << std::endl; std::map<std::string, double>::const_iterator w = num_metadata.lower_bound("Time"); g_log.debug() << "Channel width: " << w->second << std::endl; ExpData ds; ds.deterota = num_metadata["DeteRota"]; ds.huber = num_metadata["Huber"]; ds.wavelength = 10.0 * num_metadata["Lambda[nm]"]; ds.norm = num_metadata[m_normtype]; ds.chwidth = w->second; ds.nchannels = static_cast<size_t>(std::ceil(m->second)); // read data array getline(file, line); std::list<std::string> columns; while (getline(file, line)) { boost::trim(line); const int cols = splitIntoColumns(columns, line); if (cols > 0) { ds.detID.push_back(std::stoi(columns.front())); columns.pop_front(); std::vector<double> signal; std::transform(columns.begin(), columns.end(), std::back_inserter(signal), [](const std::string &s) { return std::stod(s); }); ds.signal.push_back(signal); } } // DNS PA detector bank has only 24 detectors ds.detID.resize(24); ds.signal.resize(24); m_data.push_back(ds); } } // namespace MDAlgorithms } // namespace Mantid