.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. alias:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm removes the exponential time decay from the specified muon spectra, leaving the rest unchanged. By default, all the spectra in a workspace will be corrected. The formula for removing the exponential decay is given by: .. math:: NewData = (OldData\times{e^\frac{t}{\tau}})/N_0 - 1.0 where :math:`\tau` is the muon lifetime (2.197019e-6 seconds). :math:`N_0` is a fitted normalisation constant. Usage ----- **Example - Removing exponential decay:** .. testcode:: ExSimple y = [100, 150, 50, 10, 5] x = [1,2,3,4,5,6] input = CreateWorkspace(x,y) output = RemoveExpDecay(input) print "Exp. decay removed:", output.readY(0) Output: .. testoutput:: ExSimple Exp. decay removed: [-0.24271091 0.79071878 -0.05901962 -0.70332224 -0.76615428] .. categories:: .. sourcelink::