Engineering Diffraction ======================= .. contents:: Table of Contents :local: Overview -------- This custom interface integrates several tasks related to engineering diffraction. It provides functionality for calibration, focusing, and pre-processing of event mode data. Further extensions can be expected for next releases as it is under active development. Feedback is very much welcome. The following sections describe the different tabs or functionality areas of the interface. .. interface:: Engineering Diffraction :align: center :width: 400 General options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Instrument Select the instrument. Only ENGIN-X (ISIS) is supported in this version. ? Shows this documentation page. Close Close the interface RB Number To enable the GUI specify a RB Number (where "RB Number" usually denotes the experiment reference number at ISIS). This reference will be used for the output paths, so that files from different users and/or experiments can be kept separate. * Red Star Sign If a red star sign is displayed next to the Browse Button, it is mostly likely because the file specified has not been found. Error message can be viewed by hovering over the red star sign. .. _ui engineering calibration: Calibration ----------- This tab provides a graphical interface to calculate calibrations and visualize them. It is possible to - generate a new calibration file (which becomes the new current calibration) - load an existing calibration from a GSAS instrument parameters file previously generated For the current calibration, the following parameters are displayed: the vanadium run number, the calibration sample run number, and the path to the output calibration file. This output calibration file is a GSAS instrument parameters file (IPARM/PAR/PRM). The interface produces a "all_banks" calibration file and in addition a calibration file for every individual bank. All the calibration files are writen in the same directory. With the help of Cropped Calibration user can also calibrate according to bank or by setting the Spectrum Numbers once the Cropped Calibration group box has been enabled. The plot Calibrated Workspace check-box will enable user to plot vanadium curves and Ceria peaks. For Ceria peaks there will be two workspace generated and plotted, one for each bank, whereas for cropped calibration there will only be only one workspace generate and plotted, depending on the selected bank or provided Spectrum IDs. The workspace contains difc and tzero data which is then utilised to plot the Ceria peaks per bank, the graph will plot Peaks Fitted and Difc/TZero Straight Line for comparison. More information regarding the fit peaks can be found on the :ref:`EnggFitPeaks<algm-EnggFitPeaks>` documentation. Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ These parameters are required to generate new calibrations: Vanadium # Number of the vanadium run used to correct calibration and experiment runs. Calibration sample # Number of the calibration sample run (for example Ceria run) used to calibrate experiment runs. Bank Name: This parameter is only required when Cropped Calibration is being carried out. The bank name can be selected from a drop down list with option of "North" and "South", which are equivalently to 1 and 2 respectively. However the Bank Name drop down list is set to "Enable Spectrum-Nos" by default. This option cannot be used together with Spectrum Nos, as they overlap. For the convenience of users, the GUI will only enable Spectrum Numbers and Customise Bank Name text-fields when Bank Name drop down list is set to "Enable Spectrum-Nos" Spectrum Numbers: This parameter is only required when Cropped Calibration is being carried out, the parameter will set the spectrum numbers of the detectors, that should be considered in the calibration while all others will be ignored. This option cannot be used together with Bank Name, as they overlap. You may also give multiple ranges, for example: "0-100", or "0-9", "150-750". Customise Bank Name: This parameter is only required when Cropped Calibration is being carried out with Spectrum Numbers, the parameter will set the workspace and .his file name according to this Bank Name provided by the user. However if the user does not provide a personalised name, the interface will use "cropped" as a default bank name. The calibration process depends on several additional parameters and settings which can be modified in the *Settings* section (tab), see below for details. .. _focus-Engineering_Diffraction-ref: Focus ----- Here it is possible to focus run files, by providing a run number or a range of run number to enable multi-run focusing, along with that the user may also select the files with the help of Browse button. The focusing process uses the algorithm :ref:`EnggFocus <algm-EnggFocus>`. In the documentation of the algorithm you can find the details on how the input runs are focused. The interface will also create workspaces that can be inspected in the workspaces window: 1. The *engggui_focusing_input_ws workspace* for the data being focused 2. The *engggui_focusing_output_ws... workspace* for the corresponding focused data (where the ... denotes a suffix explained below). Three focusing alternatives are provided: 1. Normal focusing, which includes all the spectra from the input run. 2. Cropped focusing, where several spectra or ranges of spectra can be specified, as a list separated by commas. 3. Texture focusing, where the *texture* group of detectors is given in a Detector Grouping File. Depending on the alternative chosen, the focusing operation will include different banks and/or combinations of spectra (detectors). In the firs option, normal focusing, all the selected banks and all the spectra present in the input runs are considered. In the second alternative, cropped focusing, all the banks are considered in principle but only a list of spectra provided manually are processed. In the third option, *texture focusing*, the banks are defined by a user-defined list of banks and corresponding spectrum Nos provided in a file. For these alternatives, the output focused workspace will take different suffixes: *_bank_1, _bank_2*, and so on for normal focusing, *_cropped* for cropped focusing, and *_texture_bank_1, _texture_bank_2*, and so on for texture focusing (using the bank IDs given in the detector grouping file). Cropped focusing and Texture focusing have been disabled by default to declutter the interface, but each section can be enabled simply by ticking the check-box next to Focus Cropped and Focus Texture. For texture focusing, the detector grouping file is a text (csv) file with one line per bank. Each line must contain at least two numeric fields, where the first one specifies the bank ID, and the second and subsequent ones different spectrum numbers or ranges of spectrum numbers. For example:: # Bank ID, spectrum numbers 1, 205-210 2, 100, 102, 107 3, 300, 310, 320-329, 350-370 When a focus run process is being carried out, Focus Stop button will be enabled. Focus Stop button will allow the user to abort once the current focus run process has been completed. Inside the *Result Log* a warning message will be displayed with last successful run and total number of focus runs that could not be processed. Run Number ^^^^^^^^^^ The run provided to focus can be for example 228061-228063, this will run all the files within the given range as long as the file directories are included in the `User Directories <>`_. The user may also provide an input of 228061-3 or 228061, 228062, 2280623 which should work the same way. If a red star sign is displayed next to the Browse Button, it is mostly likely because the file specified has not been found. Error message can be viewed by hovering over the red star sign. Checking the availability of all the files can take some time, for this reason it is also possible that a file may not have been found but the red star sign has not been displayed. If you manage to click Focus before red sign is displayed, the interface will process the last valid focus run instead. Output ^^^^^^ Under the output section, the user is provided with an option of plotting data in three different formats. One Window - Replacing Plots: will replace the previous graph and plot a new graph on top. One Window - Waterfall: will plot all the generated focused workspace graphs in one window which can be useful while comparing various graphs. The Multiple Windows: will plot graph in separate windows. However, user may also change the Plot Data Representation drop-down box while a run is being carried out. This will update the interface and plot workspace according to the new given input. For example, if a user has selected One Window - Replacing Plots and then decides to change it to One Window - Waterfall during a run, the interface will carry on by plotting Waterfall within the same window. The user also has an option of generated GSS, XYE and OpenGenie formatted file by clicking the Output Files checkbox. This will generated three different files for each focused output workspace in Mantid. These files can be found with appropriate name at location: `C:\EnginX_Mantid\User\236516\Focus` on Windows, the EnginX_Mantid folder can be found on `Desktop/Home` on other platforms. The Multiple Runs Focus Mode combo-box enables two alternative focus mode. `Focus Individual Run Files Separately` is the default option set, which allows user to run focus with multi-run files. Whereas the `Focus Sum Of Files` option merges all the multi-run number files together and applies the Focus Process to the merged file. Pre-processing -------------- .. warning:: This is a new capability that is currently in a very early stage of definition and implementation. Not all options may be supported and/or consistent at the moment. The focusing options can be applied directly to histogram data. For event mode experiments, the event data (which would be loaded as event workspaces in Mantid) need to be pre-processed. The simplest pre-processing option is "regular time binning" which will produce a histogram data workspace (as a :ref:`Workspace2D <Workspace2D>`). The only parameter required is the bin width. The workspace will be named with the following convention: - *engggui_preproc_time_ws* When the input run file contains multiple workspaces (it would be loaded by :ref:`Load <algm-Load>` as multiple :ref:`EventWorkspace <EventWorkspace>` workspaces) the output workspace will be a group with the corresponding number of histogram workspaces, binned separately. This is the case when the input run file comes from a multi-period experiment. Note that the time bin can be a multiple of the pulse time. A different way of pre-processing event data is by rebinning multi-period data by pulse times. In this case the input required is the time step for the binning (the x axis of the output will be time instead of time-of-flight). It is also possible to specify the number of periods that will be processed (starting from the first one). This type of pre-processing produces workspaces with the following naming convention: - *engggui_preproc_by_pulse_time_ws* This tab uses the algorithms :ref:`Rebin <algm-Rebin>` and :ref:`Rebin <algm-RebinByPulseTimes>` to bin the data in different ways when converting event data into histogram data. Fitting ------- .. warning:: This is a new capability that is currently in a very early stage of definition and implementation. Not all options may be supported and/or consistent at the moment. The Fitting tab provides a graphical interface which fits an expected diffraction pattern and visualises them. The pastern is specified by providing a list of dSpacing values where Bragg peaks are expected. The algorithm :ref:`EnggFitPeaks<algm-EnggFitPeaks>` used in the background fit peaks in those areas using a peak fitting function. To use the Fitting tab, user is required to provide: 1. A focused file as Focus Run input by browsing or entering single/multi run number 2. List of expected peaks which can be either by browsing a (*CSV*) file or entering within the text-field simply click on the Fit button. Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ These parameters are required to process Fitting successfully: Focused Run #: Focused workspace directory or selected with the help of browse button. User may also select the file/s by simply entering the file run number or a range of consecutive run number separated by dash (`-`), for example: "194547-194550" or "241391-241399". It is compulsory for these file/s to be located within the focused output directory. Focused workspace can be generated with the help of :ref:`focus-Engineering_Diffraction-ref` tab, the output folder directory can be set in the :ref:`setting-Engineering_Diffraction-ref` tab under the *Focusing settings* section. When a valid range of consecutive run numbers is given, the interface will automatically import and add the run number/s to the list on the right side of the graph, from where each run number can be selected from by click on it. The interface will then automatically update the Plot Bank combo-box according to the bank files found for each entered/selected run-number. .. _ExpectedPeaks-Engineering_Diffraction-ref: Peaks: A list of dSpacing values to be translated into TOF to find expected peaks. These peaks can be manually written or imported by selecting a (*CSV*) file. Plot Bank/Bank List: These GUI widgets will only be enabled when multiple focused bank files are found within the working directory or focused output directory. This would enable user to select the desired bank which they would like to plot with the help of Plot Bank combo-box or Bank List. Output ^^^^^^ Once the Fit button has been clicked, wait until the Fitting process has completed and upon completion you should be able to view on the Fitting tab; the focused workspace plotted in the background in grey crosses. Whereas the expected peaks plotted in various colours over lapping the focused workspace peaks. Within the :ref:`Preview-Engineering_Diffraction-ref` section user is able to zoom-in or zoom-out as well as select, add and save peaks. The interface will also generate workspaces that can be inspected in the workspaces window: 1. The *engggui_fitting_fitpeaks_param* Table workspace with the parameters of the peaks found and fitted. 2. The *engggui_fitting_focused_ws* Focused workspace also loaded so the fitted data can be compared with focused data 3. The *engggui_fitting_single_peaks* workspace within each workspace index representing individual expected peak. .. _Preview-Engineering_Diffraction-ref: Preview ^^^^^^^ Once the fitting process has completed and you are able to view a focused workspace with listed expected peaks on the data plot, Select Peak button should should also be enabled. If the fitting fails with the given peaks then the focused workspace will still be plotted so that user can select peaks manually. By clicking Select Peak button the peak picker tool can be activated. To select a peak simply hold *Shift* key and left-click on the graph near the peak's center. To get help selecting the center of the peak, you may set the peak width by left-click and drag horizontally, while holding *Ctrl* key as well. User may also zoom-in to the graph by holding left-click and dragging on the plot, whereas zoom-out by simple left-click on the plot. When user is satisfied with the center position of the peak, you may add the selected peak to :ref:`ExpectedPeaks-Engineering_Diffraction-ref` list by clicking Add Peak button. User may rerun Fit process by clearing peaks list using Clear button and manually selecting peaking using Select Peak button or instead Save the peaks list in *CSV* file by clicking Save button. User may plot single peak fitting workspace in separate window by using Plot To Separate Window button, if the *engggui_fitting_single_peaks* is available. .. _setting-Engineering_Diffraction-ref: Settings -------- Controls several settings, including the input folders where the instrument run files can be found. Other advanced options can also be controlled to customize the way the underlying calculations are performed. Calibration Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The calibration settings are organized in three blocks: 1. Input directories 2. Pixel (full) calibration 3. Advanced settings The input directories will be used when looking for run files (Vanadium and Ceria). They effectively become part of the search path of Mantid when using this interface. The pixel (full) calibration file contains the calibration details of every pixel of all banks, as produced by the algorithm :ref:`EnggCalibrateFull <algm-EnggCalibrateFull>`. A default pixel calibration file is provided with Mantid packages. This calibration has been produced for the Vanadium and calibration sample (Ceria) runs indicated in the name of the calibration file. Note that this calibration is currently subject to changes, as the fitting of peaks is being refined. The Following advanced settings are available to customize the behavior of this interface: Force recalculate If this is enabled, Vanadium corrections will be recalculated even if previous correction results are available for the current Vanadium run number. This is not required unless a modification is done to the original Vanadium run file, or there is a change in the algorithms that calculate the corrections Template .prm file By changing this option you can Use a different template file for the output GSAS IPAR/PAR/PRM that is generated in the Calibration tab. Rebin for Calibrate This sets a rebin width parameter that can be used by underlying algorithms such as :ref:`EnggCalibrate <algm-EnggCalibrate>` and :ref:`EnggFocus <algm-EnggFocus>` Algorithms ---------- Most of the functionality provided by this interface is based on the engineering diffraction Mantid algorithms (which are named with the prefix *Engg*). This includes :ref:`EnggCalibrate <algm-EnggCalibrate>`, :ref:`EnggCalibrateFull <algm-EnggCalibrateFull>`, :ref:`EnggVanadiumCorrections <algm-EnggVanadiumCorrections>`, :ref:`EnggFocus <algm-EnggFocus>`, :ref:`EnggFitPeaks<algm-EnggFitPeaks>` and several other algorithms, explained in detail in the Mantid algorithms documentation. .. categories:: Interfaces Diffraction