.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. alias:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This is a workflow algorithm that does the bulk of the work for time focusing diffraction data. This is done by executing several sub-algorithms as listed below. #. :ref:`algm-CompressEvents` (event workspace only) #. :ref:`algm-CropWorkspace` #. :ref:`algm-RemovePromptPulse` #. :ref:`algm-MaskDetectors` #. :ref:`algm-Rebin` or :ref:`algm-ResampleX` if not d-space binning #. :ref:`algm-AlignDetectors` #. If LRef, minwl, or DIFCref are specified: #. :ref:`algm-ConvertUnits` to time-of-flight #. :ref:`algm-UnwrapSNS` #. :ref:`algm-RemoveLowResTOF` #. :ref:`algm-ConvertUnits` to d-spacing #. :ref:`algm-Rebin` if d-space binning #. :ref:`algm-DiffractionFocussing` #. :ref:`algm-SortEvents` (event workspace only) #. :ref:`algm-EditInstrumentGeometry` (if appropriate) #. :ref:`algm-ConvertUnits` to time-of-flight Workflow ######## .. diagram:: AlignAndFocusPowder-v1_wkflw.dot Usage ----- **Example: A simple Powgen example** The files needed for this example are not present in our standard usage data download due to their size. They can however be downloaded using these links: `PG3_9830_event.nxs <https://github.com/mantidproject/systemtests/blob/master/Data/PG3_9830_event.nxs?raw=true>`_ and `pg3_mantid_det.cal <>`_. You will have to rename :literal:`pg3_mantid_det.cal` manually, as its name in the link above is a list of random characters. .. code-block:: python PG3_9830_event = Load('PG3_9830_event.nxs') PG3_9830_event = AlignAndFocusPowder(PG3_9830_event, CalFileName='pg3_mantid_det.cal', Params='100') .. categories:: .. sourcelink::