diff --git a/dev-docs/source/GitWorkflow.rst b/dev-docs/source/GitWorkflow.rst
index e3d340e04642c2d1749b77c733bb3aa62937ddb4..4da5835e57b93c4c202cc1be89527f5eda7fe8df 100644
--- a/dev-docs/source/GitWorkflow.rst
+++ b/dev-docs/source/GitWorkflow.rst
@@ -94,8 +94,31 @@ When creating a pull request you should:
 A good example is `here <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/18713>`__.
-Recommended reading: `How to Write the Perfect Pull Request
+Recommended reading: `How to Write the Perfect Pull Request <https://github.com/blog/1943-how-to-write-the-perfect-pull-request>`_
+For further information about the review process see :ref:`reviewing a pull request <ReviewingAPullRequest>`.
+To check out a particular pull request for functional testing use the following commmands:
+.. code-block:: sh
+   git fetch <main-remote-name>  +pull/<ID>/merge:pr/<ID>-merged
+   git checkout pr/<ID>-merged
+where ``<ID>`` is the pull request number given on GitHub and ``<main-remote-name>`` is the name
+of the remote pointing to the original ``mantid`` repository. If you cloned directly from `mantid <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid>`_
+then ``main-remote-name=origin`` else if you cloned from a fork then it is the name of remote that points
+back to the original repository.
+Note that these commands will checkout a temporary branch that has the development branch merged with master and not just
+the development branch on its own. This command can be aliased by adding the following to the ``[alias]]`` section of your ``~/.gitconfig``
+.. code-block:: sh
+   test-pr=!f() { git fetch <main-remote-name> +pull/$1/merge:pr/$1-merged && git checkout pr/$1-merged; }; f
+where again ``<main-remote-name>`` has the same meaning as above
 Stale Pull Requests
diff --git a/dev-docs/source/IndividualTicketTesting.rst b/dev-docs/source/ReviewingAPullRequest.rst
similarity index 96%
rename from dev-docs/source/IndividualTicketTesting.rst
rename to dev-docs/source/ReviewingAPullRequest.rst
index de0d31601d3e47794da51efd1edd3033d7f78377..6d2d8693e1cf4ca9523c73cd14544bd90b2203fd 100644
--- a/dev-docs/source/IndividualTicketTesting.rst
+++ b/dev-docs/source/ReviewingAPullRequest.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-.. _IndividualTicketTesting:
+.. _ReviewingAPullRequest:
-Individual Ticket Testing
+Reviewing a Pull Request
 An important step in our :ref:`development workflow <GitWorkflow>` is the testing of individual issues/tickets after the development on them is complete, and before the code is merges into the master branch. Developers pick one from `the list <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pulls>`_ of completed issues and perform a number of verification steps on it. The mechanics of testing a pull request (e.g. the git commands to use) are described :ref:`here <GitWorkflow>`. This page is concerned with the aspects that should be considered in deciding whether a pull request should be recommended to merge or sent back to the developer for further work. *There should be very little reluctance to reopen a ticket even for minor issues.*
diff --git a/dev-docs/source/index.rst b/dev-docs/source/index.rst
index d00e74dec25c61f71e4fcf9f7c0cd66c3a3263c7..db38ed602e98300c49519ef45295d76562f9588a 100644
--- a/dev-docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/dev-docs/source/index.rst
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Testing
-   IndividualTicketTesting
+   ReviewingAPullRequest
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ Testing
    Guidance on writing good unit tests.
-   What to expect and inspect when reviewing an individual contribution to mantid.
+   What to do when reviewing an individual contribution to mantid.
    A walk through of how to write a performance test.
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ Component Overviews
+   Widgets/Plotting