From ca3eb13aa8c1e666cfd83bc3f7ea1b2869bb5cf1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wenduo Zhou <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 22:00:47 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Refs #13692.  Reduced to 143 warnings.

 .../mantid/api/src/Exports/Algorithm.cpp      |  1 +
 .../api/src/Exports/AlgorithmFactory.cpp      |  6 +++-
 .../api/src/Exports/AlgorithmHistory.cpp      | 20 ++++++++---
 .../api/src/Exports/AlgorithmManager.cpp      |  8 +++++
 .../mantid/api/src/Exports/BoxController.cpp  | 13 ++++++-
 .../src/Exports/DataProcessorAlgorithm.cpp    | 15 +++++++-
 .../api/src/Exports/FrameworkManager.cpp      |  8 +++++
 .../api/src/Exports/FunctionFactory.cpp       |  5 ++-
 .../mantid/api/src/Exports/IAlgorithm.cpp     | 34 +++++++++++++++----
 .../mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction.cpp      | 10 +++++-
 .../mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeakFunction.cpp  |  3 +-
 .../api/src/Exports/IWorkspaceProperty.cpp    |  2 ++
 12 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Algorithm.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Algorithm.cpp
index 41ef7653cab..2ebe6a155f3 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Algorithm.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Algorithm.cpp
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ void export_leaf_classes() {
       // deprecated methods
       .def("setWikiSummary", &PythonAlgorithm::setWikiSummary,
+           (arg("self"), arg("summary")),
            "(Deprecated.) Set summary for the help.");
   // Prior to version 3.2 there was a separate C++ PythonAlgorithm class that
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmFactory.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmFactory.cpp
index 48b38115527..4aa463269f8 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmFactory.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmFactory.cpp
@@ -118,11 +118,15 @@ void export_AlgorithmFactory() {
                             "an option to specify the version"))
       .def("getRegisteredAlgorithms", &getRegisteredAlgorithms,
+           (arg("self"), arg("include_hidden")),
            "Returns a Python dictionary of currently registered algorithms")
       .def("highestVersion", &AlgorithmFactoryImpl::highestVersion,
+           (arg("self"), arg("algorithm_name")),
            "Returns the highest version of the named algorithm. Throws "
            "ValueError if no algorithm can be found")
-      .def("subscribe", &subscribe, "Register a Python class derived from "
+      .def("subscribe", &subscribe,
+           (arg("self"), arg("object")),
+           "Register a Python class derived from "
                                     "PythonAlgorithm into the factory")
       .def("Instance", &AlgorithmFactory::Instance,
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmHistory.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmHistory.cpp
index 8c886db7e8e..e0778ad2d26 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmHistory.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmHistory.cpp
@@ -59,39 +59,49 @@ void export_AlgorithmHistory() {
   class_<AlgorithmHistory>("AlgorithmHistory", no_init)
       .def("name", &AlgorithmHistory::name,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the name of the algorithm.")
       .def("version", &AlgorithmHistory::version,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the version of the algorithm.")
       .def("executionDuration", &AlgorithmHistory::executionDuration,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the execution duration of the algorithm.")
       .def("executionDate", &AlgorithmHistory::executionDate,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the execution date of the algorithm.")
       .def("execCount", &AlgorithmHistory::execCount,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the execution number of the algorithm.")
       .def("childHistorySize", &AlgorithmHistory::childHistorySize,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of the child algorithms.")
-           &AlgorithmHistory::getChildAlgorithmHistory, arg("index"),
+           &AlgorithmHistory::getChildAlgorithmHistory,
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
            "Returns the child algorithm at the given index in the history")
-      .def("getChildHistories", &getChildrenAsList, "Returns a list of child "
-                                                    "algorithm histories for "
-                                                    "this algorithm history.")
+      .def("getChildHistories", &getChildrenAsList,
+           arg("self"),
+           "Returns a list of child "
+           "algorithm histories for "
+           "this algorithm history.")
       .def("getProperties", &getPropertiesAsList,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns properties for this algorithm history.")
       .def("getChildAlgorithm", &AlgorithmHistory::getChildAlgorithm,
-           arg("index"),
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
            "Returns the algorithm at the given index in the history")
       // ----------------- Operators --------------------------------------
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmManager.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmManager.cpp
index f827fd3728b..d31a131fe26 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmManager.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmManager.cpp
@@ -79,21 +79,29 @@ void export_AlgorithmManager() {
                createUnmanaged_overloads((arg("name"), arg("version")),
                                          "Creates an unmanaged algorithm."))
           .def("size", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::size,
+               arg("self"),
                "Returns the number of managed algorithms")
           .def("setMaxAlgorithms", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::setMaxAlgorithms,
+               (arg("self"), arg("n")),
                "Set the maximum number of allowed managed algorithms")
           .def("getAlgorithm", &getAlgorithm,
+               (arg("self"), arg("id_holder")),
                "Return the algorithm instance identified by the given id.")
           .def("removeById", &removeById,
+               (arg("self"), arg("id_holder")),
                "Remove an algorithm from the managed list")
           .def("newestInstanceOf", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::newestInstanceOf,
+               (arg("self"), arg("algorithm_name")),
                "Returns the newest created instance of the named algorithm")
           .def("runningInstancesOf", &runningInstancesOf,
+               (arg("self"), arg("algorithm_name")),
                "Returns a list of managed algorithm instances that are "
                "currently executing")
           .def("clear", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::clear,
+               arg("self"),
                "Clears the current list of managed algorithms")
           .def("cancelAll", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::cancelAll,
+               arg("self"),
                "Requests that all currently running algorithms be cancelled");
   // Instance method
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/BoxController.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/BoxController.cpp
index 7caf592a3ea..35b0b67d837 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/BoxController.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/BoxController.cpp
@@ -11,24 +11,35 @@ void export_BoxController() {
   class_<BoxController, boost::noncopyable>("BoxController", no_init)
-      .def("getNDims", &BoxController::getNDims, "Get # of dimensions")
+      .def("getNDims", &BoxController::getNDims,
+           arg("self"),
+           "Get # of dimensions")
       .def("getSplitThreshold", &BoxController::getSplitThreshold,
+           arg("self"),
            "Return the splitting threshold, in # of events")
       .def("getSplitInto", &BoxController::getSplitInto,
+           (arg("self"), arg("dim")),
            "Return into how many to split along a dimension")
       .def("getMaxDepth", &BoxController::getMaxDepth,
+           arg("self"),
            "Return the max recursion depth allowed for grid box splitting.")
       .def("getTotalNumMDBoxes", &BoxController::getTotalNumMDBoxes,
+           arg("self"),
            "Return the total number of MD Boxes, irrespective of depth")
       .def("getTotalNumMDGridBoxes", &BoxController::getTotalNumMDGridBoxes,
+           arg("self"),
            "Return the total number of MDGridBox'es, irrespective of depth")
       .def("getAverageDepth", &BoxController::getAverageDepth,
+           arg("self"),
            "Return the average recursion depth of gridding.")
       .def("isFileBacked", &BoxController::isFileBacked,
+           arg("self"),
            "Return True if the MDEventWorkspace is backed by a file ")
       .def("getFilename", &BoxController::getFilename,
+           arg("self"),
            "Return  the full path to the file open as the file-based back or "
            "empty string if no file back-end is initiated")
       .def("useWriteBuffer", &BoxController::useWriteBuffer,
+           arg("self"),
            "Return true if the MRU should be used");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/DataProcessorAlgorithm.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/DataProcessorAlgorithm.cpp
index 1dacf9c7bc5..2f9350e4ae7 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/DataProcessorAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/DataProcessorAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -25,39 +25,48 @@ void export_DataProcessorAlgorithm() {
       "DataProcessorAlgorithm", "Base class workflow-type algorithms")
       .def("setLoadAlg", &DataProcessorAdapter::setLoadAlgProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("alg")),
            "Set the name of the algorithm called using the load() method "
       .def("setLoadAlgFileProp", &DataProcessorAdapter::setLoadAlgFilePropProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("file_prop_name")),
            "Set the name of the file property for the load algorithm when "
            "using "
            "the load() method [Default=Filename]")
       .def("setAccumAlg", &DataProcessorAdapter::setAccumAlgProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("alg")),
            "Set the name of the algorithm called to accumulate a chunk of "
            "processed data [Default=Plus]")
       .def("determineChunk", &DataProcessorAdapter::determineChunkProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("file_name")),
            "Return a TableWorkspace containing the information on how to split "
            "the "
            "input file when processing in chunks")
       .def("loadChunk", &DataProcessorAdapter::loadChunkProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("row_index")),
            "Load a chunk of data")
       .def("load", (loadOverload1)&DataProcessorAdapter::loadProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("input_data")),
            "Loads the given file or workspace data and returns the workspace. "
            "The output is not stored in the AnalysisDataService.")
       .def("load", (loadOverload2)&DataProcessorAdapter::loadProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("input_data"), arg("load_quite")),
            "Loads the given file or workspace data and returns the workspace. "
            "If loadQuiet=True then output is not stored in the "
       .def("splitInput", &DataProcessorAdapter::splitInputProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("input")),
-      .def("forwardProperties", &DataProcessorAdapter::forwardPropertiesProxy)
+      .def("forwardProperties", &DataProcessorAdapter::forwardPropertiesProxy,
+           arg("self"))
@@ -65,21 +74,25 @@ void export_DataProcessorAlgorithm() {
            "a new one if it does not exist")
       .def("assemble", &DataProcessorAdapter::assembleProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("partial_wsname"), arg("output_wsname")),
            "If an MPI build, assemble the partial workspaces from all MPI "
            "processes. "
            "Otherwise, simply returns the input workspace")
       .def("saveNexus", &DataProcessorAdapter::saveNexusProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("output_wsname"), arg("output_filename")),
            "Save a workspace as a nexus file. If this is an MPI build then "
            "saving only "
            "happens for the main thread.")
       .def("isMainThread", &DataProcessorAdapter::isMainThreadProxy,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns true if this algorithm is the main thread for an MPI "
            "build. For "
            "non-MPI build it always returns true")
       .def("getNThreads", &DataProcessorAdapter::getNThreadsProxy,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of running MPI processes in an MPI build or 1 "
            "for "
            "a non-MPI build");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FrameworkManager.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FrameworkManager.cpp
index 1e31d32096f..1203f15ca02 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FrameworkManager.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FrameworkManager.cpp
@@ -13,30 +13,38 @@ void export_FrameworkManager() {
+           arg("self"),
            "Sets the number of OpenMP threads to the value specified in the "
            "config file")
       .def("setNumOMPThreads", &FrameworkManagerImpl::setNumOMPThreads,
+           (arg("self"), arg("nthread")),
            "Set the number of OpenMP threads to the given value")
       .def("getNumOMPThreads", &FrameworkManagerImpl::getNumOMPThreads,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of OpenMP threads that will be used.")
       .def("clear", &FrameworkManagerImpl::clear,
+           arg("self"),
            "Clear all memory held by Mantid")
       .def("clearAlgorithms", &FrameworkManagerImpl::clearAlgorithms,
+           arg("self"),
            "Clear memory held by algorithms (does not include workspaces)")
       .def("clearData", &FrameworkManagerImpl::clearData,
+           arg("self"),
            "Clear memory held by the data service (essentially all workspaces, "
            "including hidden)")
       .def("clearInstruments", &FrameworkManagerImpl::clearInstruments,
+           arg("self"),
            "Clear memory held by the cached instruments")
+           arg("self"),
            "Clear memory held by the PropertyManagerDataService")
       .def("Instance", &FrameworkManager::Instance,
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FunctionFactory.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FunctionFactory.cpp
index 2d94e8f7aea..f5c103bca4b 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FunctionFactory.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FunctionFactory.cpp
@@ -90,14 +90,17 @@ void export_FunctionFactory() {
   class_<FunctionFactoryImpl, boost::noncopyable>("FunctionFactoryImpl",
       .def("getFunctionNames", &getFunctionNames,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns a list of the currently available functions")
       .def("createFunction", &FunctionFactoryImpl::createFunction,
+           (arg("self"), arg("type")),
            "Return a pointer to the requested function")
       .def("subscribe", &subscribe,
+           (arg("self"), arg("object")),
            "Register a Python class derived from IFunction into the factory")
       .def("unsubscribe", &FunctionFactoryImpl::unsubscribe,
+           (arg("self"), arg("class_name")),
            "Remove a type from the factory")
       .def("Instance", &FunctionFactory::Instance,
            "Returns a reference to the FunctionFactory singleton")
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IAlgorithm.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IAlgorithm.cpp
index f70cc834983..2bf8059cae0 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -340,46 +340,64 @@ void export_ialgorithm() {
            "Return a list of input, in/out and output properties "
            "such that the mandatory properties are first followed by the "
            "optional ones.")
       .def("outputProperties", &getOutputProperties,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns a list of the output properties on the algorithm")
       .def("isInitialized", &IAlgorithm::isInitialized,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns True if the algorithm is initialized, False otherwise")
       .def("isExecuted", &IAlgorithm::isExecuted,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns True if the algorithm has been executed successfully, "
            "False otherwise")
       .def("isLogging", &IAlgorithm::isLogging, arg("self"),
            "Returns True if the "
            "algorithm's logger is turned "
            "on, False otherwise")
-      .def("isRunning", &IAlgorithm::isRunning, "Returns True if the algorithm "
-                                                "is considered to be running, "
-                                                "False otherwise")
+      .def("isRunning", &IAlgorithm::isRunning,
+           arg("self"),
+           "Returns True if the algorithm "
+           "is considered to be running, "
+           "False otherwise")
       .def("setChild", &IAlgorithm::setChild,
+           (arg("self"), arg("is_child")),
            "If true this algorithm is run as a child algorithm. There will be "
            "no logging and nothing is stored in the Analysis Data Service")
+           (arg("self"), arg("on")),
            "If true then history will be recorded regardless of the child "
       .def("setAlgStartupLogging", &IAlgorithm::setAlgStartupLogging,
+           (arg("self"), arg("enabled")),
            "If true then allow logging of start and end messages")
       .def("getAlgStartupLogging", &IAlgorithm::getAlgStartupLogging,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns true if logging of start and end messages")
       .def("setAlwaysStoreInADS", &IAlgorithm::setAlwaysStoreInADS,
+           (arg("self"), arg("do_store")),
            "If true then even child algorithms will have their workspaces "
            "stored in the ADS.")
       .def("isChild", &IAlgorithm::isChild,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns True if the algorithm has been marked to run as a child. "
            "If True then Output workspaces "
            "are NOT stored in the Analysis Data Service but must be retrieved "
            "from the property.")
-      .def("setLogging", &IAlgorithm::setLogging, "Toggle logging on/off.")
-      .def("setRethrows", &IAlgorithm::setRethrows)
-      .def("initialize", &IAlgorithm::initialize, "Initializes the algorithm")
+      .def("setLogging", &IAlgorithm::setLogging,
+           (arg("self"), arg("value")),
+           "Toggle logging on/off.")
+      .def("setRethrows", &IAlgorithm::setRethrows,
+           (arg("self"), arg("rethrow")),
+           "To query whether an algorithm should rethrow exceptions when executing.")
+      .def("initialize", &IAlgorithm::initialize,
+           arg("self"),
+           "Initializes the algorithm")
       .def("validateInputs", &IAlgorithm::validateInputs,
+           arg("self"),
            "Cross-check all inputs and return any errors as a dictionary")
       .def("execute", &executeProxy,
+           arg("self"),
            "Runs the algorithm and returns whether it has been successful")
       // 'Private' static methods
       .def("_algorithmInThread", &_algorithmInThread)
@@ -389,7 +407,9 @@ void export_ialgorithm() {
       // deprecated methods
       .def("getOptionalMessage", &getOptionalMessage,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the optional user message attached to the algorithm")
       .def("getWikiSummary", &getWikiSummary,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the summary found on the wiki page");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction.cpp
index 9e7b21eb69d..f755085d7fe 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction.cpp
@@ -123,18 +123,26 @@ void export_IFunction() {
       //-- Deprecated functions that have the wrong names --
       .def("categories", &getCategories,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns a list of the categories for an algorithm")
-      .def("numParams", &IFunction::nParams, "Return the number of parameters")
+      .def("numParams", &IFunction::nParams,
+           arg("self"),
+           "Return the number of parameters")
       .def("getParamName", &IFunction::parameterName,
+           (arg("self"), arg("i")),
            "Return the name of the ith parameter")
       .def("getParamDescr", &IFunction::parameterDescription,
+           (arg("self"), arg("i")),
            "Return a description of the ith parameter")
       .def("getParamExplicit", &IFunction::isExplicitlySet,
+           (arg("self"), arg("i")),
            "Return whether the ith parameter needs to be explicitely set")
            (double (IFunction::*)(std::size_t) const) & IFunction::getParameter,
+           (arg("self"), arg("i")),
            "Get the value of the ith parameter")
       //-- Python special methods --
       .def("__repr__", &IFunction::asString,
+           arg("self"),
            "Return a string representation of the function");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeakFunction.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeakFunction.cpp
index 3ac4f633273..0c0c19486ea 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeakFunction.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeakFunction.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ void export_IPeakFunction() {
            (arg("self"), arg("vec_x")),
            "Calculate the values of the function for the given x values. The "
            "output should be stored in the out array")
-      .def("intensity", &IPeakFunction::intensity, arg("self"),
+      .def("intensity", &IPeakFunction::intensity,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the integral intensity of the peak function.")
       .def("setIntensity", &IPeakFunction::setIntensity,
            (arg("self"), arg("new_intensity")),
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IWorkspaceProperty.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IWorkspaceProperty.cpp
index 525d92c8448..08baa602526 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IWorkspaceProperty.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IWorkspaceProperty.cpp
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ void export_IWorkspaceProperty() {
   class_<IWorkspaceProperty, boost::noncopyable>("IWorkspaceProperty", no_init)
       .def("isOptional", &IWorkspaceProperty::isOptional,
+           arg("self"),
            "Is the input workspace property optional")
       .def("isLocking", &IWorkspaceProperty::isLocking,
+           arg("self"),
            "Will the workspace be locked when starting an algorithm");