From c595e7fa242470a3d6b5cfbfa25a51bd6a509d24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Russell Taylor <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 13:40:14 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Re #9357. Remove Managed Workspaces

along with associated classes and references thereto.

Now that we only support 64 bit we can just fall back on swap when
memory runs out.
 .../Framework/API/inc/MantidAPI/ISpectrum.h   |   2 -
 .../API/inc/MantidAPI/MemoryManager.h         |   2 -
 .../Framework/API/src/MemoryManager.cpp       |  74 --
 .../Framework/API/src/WorkspaceFactory.cpp    |  43 +-
 .../Framework/API/test/WorkspaceFactoryTest.h |  16 -
 .../inc/MantidDataHandling/LoadRaw3.h         |   5 -
 .../Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadRaw3.cpp   |  87 ---
 .../DataHandling/test/LoadMappingTableTest.h  |   2 -
 .../DataHandling/test/LoadMuonNexus1Test.h    |   1 -
 .../DataHandling/test/LoadMuonNexus2Test.h    |   1 -
 .../DataHandling/test/LoadRaw3Test.h          |  52 --
 .../DataHandling/test/LoadRawBin0Test.h       |   1 -
 .../DataHandling/test/LoadRawSpectrum0Test.h  |   1 -
 .../Framework/DataObjects/CMakeLists.txt      |  11 -
 .../MantidDataObjects/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.h | 158 -----
 .../inc/MantidDataObjects/Histogram1D.h       |  19 +-
 .../MantidDataObjects/ManagedDataBlock2D.h    | 109 ---
 .../MantidDataObjects/ManagedHistogram1D.h    | 207 ------
 .../MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h    |  98 ---
 .../DataObjects/src/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.cpp | 199 ------
 .../DataObjects/src/ManagedDataBlock2D.cpp    | 206 ------
 .../DataObjects/src/ManagedHistogram1D.cpp    |  89 ---
 .../DataObjects/src/ManagedWorkspace2D.cpp    | 322 ---------
 .../DataObjects/test/ManagedDataBlock2DTest.h | 267 --------
 .../DataObjects/test/ManagedHistogram1DTest.h | 120 ----
 .../DataObjects/test/ManagedWorkspace2DTest.h | 639 ------------------
 .../Framework/Kernel/src/ConfigService.cpp    |   1 -
 .../Framework/Kernel/test/ConfigServiceTest.h |  13 +-
 .../Properties/     |  14 -
 .../api/src/Exports/MatrixWorkspace.cpp       |   5 +-
 .../Mantid/MantidPlot/src/Mantid/MantidUI.cpp |   2 +-
 .../MantidPlot/src/Mantid/WorkspaceIcons.cpp  |   1 -
 32 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 2752 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.h
 delete mode 100644 Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedDataBlock2D.h
 delete mode 100644 Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedHistogram1D.h
 delete mode 100644 Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h
 delete mode 100644 Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/src/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.cpp
 delete mode 100644 Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/src/ManagedDataBlock2D.cpp
 delete mode 100644 Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/src/ManagedHistogram1D.cpp
 delete mode 100644 Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/src/ManagedWorkspace2D.cpp
 delete mode 100644 Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedDataBlock2DTest.h
 delete mode 100644 Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedHistogram1DTest.h
 delete mode 100644 Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedWorkspace2DTest.h

diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/inc/MantidAPI/ISpectrum.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/inc/MantidAPI/ISpectrum.h
index 3f37b5998c2..e535a7bfdb6 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/inc/MantidAPI/ISpectrum.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/inc/MantidAPI/ISpectrum.h
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ namespace API
   class DLLExport ISpectrum 
-    friend class ManagedDataBlock2D;
     ISpectrum(const specid_t specNo);
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/inc/MantidAPI/MemoryManager.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/inc/MantidAPI/MemoryManager.h
index e058cab31e4..ec9cef64a1e 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/inc/MantidAPI/MemoryManager.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/inc/MantidAPI/MemoryManager.h
@@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ namespace Mantid
       /// Returns available physical memory in the system in KB.
       MemoryInfo getMemoryInfo();
-      /// Returns true if there is not sufficient memory for a full Workspace2D.
-      bool goForManagedWorkspace(std::size_t NVectors,std::size_t XLength,std::size_t YLength);
       /// Release memory back to the system if we linked againsed tcmalloc
       void releaseFreeMemory();
       /// Release memory back to the system if we linked againsed tcmalloc and are above this much use
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/src/MemoryManager.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/src/MemoryManager.cpp
index ae06fee4e2e..28bdaabb6cb 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/src/MemoryManager.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/src/MemoryManager.cpp
@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ MemoryManagerImpl::~MemoryManagerImpl()
 MemoryInfo MemoryManagerImpl::getMemoryInfo()
   Kernel::MemoryStats mem_stats;
@@ -51,78 +49,6 @@ MemoryInfo MemoryManagerImpl::getMemoryInfo()
   return info;
-/** Decides if a ManagedWorkspace2D sould be created for the current memory conditions
-    and workspace parameters NVectors, XLength,and YLength.
-    @param NVectors :: the number of vectors
-    @param XLength :: the size of the X vector
-    @param YLength :: the size of the Y vector
-    @return true is managed workspace is needed
- */
-bool MemoryManagerImpl::goForManagedWorkspace(std::size_t NVectors, std::size_t XLength, std::size_t YLength)
-  int AlwaysInMemory;// Check for disabling flag
-  if (Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getValue("ManagedWorkspace.AlwaysInMemory", AlwaysInMemory)
-      && AlwaysInMemory)
-    return false;
-  // check potential size to create and determine trigger  
-  int availPercent;
-  if (!Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getValue("ManagedWorkspace.LowerMemoryLimit", availPercent))
-  {
-    // Default to 40% if missing
-    availPercent = 40;
-  }
-  if (availPercent > 150)
-  {
-    g_log.warning("ManagedWorkspace.LowerMemoryLimit is not allowed to be greater than 150%.");
-    availPercent = 150;
-  }
-  if (availPercent < 0)
-  {
-    g_log.warning("Negative value for ManagedWorkspace.LowerMemoryLimit. Setting to 0.");
-    availPercent = 0;
-  }
-  if (availPercent > 90)
-  {
-    g_log.warning("ManagedWorkspace.LowerMemoryLimit is greater than 90%. Danger of memory errors.");
-  }
-  MemoryInfo mi = getMemoryInfo();
-  size_t triggerSize = mi.availMemory / 100 * availPercent / sizeof(double);
-  // Avoid int overflow
-  size_t wsSize = 0;
-  if (NVectors > 1024)
-      wsSize = NVectors / 1024 * (YLength * 2 + XLength);
-  else if (YLength * 2 + XLength > 1024)
-      wsSize = (YLength * 2 + XLength) / 1024 * NVectors;
-  else
-      wsSize = NVectors * (YLength * 2 + XLength) / 1024;
-//  g_log.debug() << "Requested memory: " << (wsSize * sizeof(double))/1024 << " MB. " << std::endl;
-//  g_log.debug() << "Available memory: " << mi.availMemory << " KB.\n";
-//  g_log.debug() << "MWS trigger memory: " << triggerSize * sizeof(double) << " KB.\n";
-  bool goManaged = (wsSize > triggerSize);
-  // If we're on the cusp of going managed, add in the reserved but unused memory
-  if( goManaged )
-  {
-    // This is called separately as on some systems it is an expensive calculation.
-    // See Kernel/src/Memory.cpp - reservedMem() for more details
-    Kernel::MemoryStats mem_stats;
-    const size_t reserved = mem_stats.reservedMem();
-//    g_log.debug() << "Windows - Adding reserved but unused memory of " << reserved << " KB\n";
-    mi.availMemory += reserved;
-    triggerSize += reserved / 100 * availPercent / sizeof(double);
-    goManaged = (wsSize > triggerSize);
-    g_log.debug() << "Requested memory: " << (wsSize * sizeof(double))/1024 << " MB." << std::endl;
-    g_log.debug() << "Available memory: " << (mi.availMemory)/1024 << " MB." << std::endl;
-    g_log.debug() << "ManagedWS trigger memory: " << (triggerSize * sizeof(double))/1024 << " MB." << std::endl;
-  }
-  return goManaged;
 /** Release any free memory back to the system.
  * Calling this could help the system avoid going into swap.
  * NOTE: This only works if you linked against tcmalloc.
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/src/WorkspaceFactory.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/src/WorkspaceFactory.cpp
index a584cf4bab8..7d8e5bacefe 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/src/WorkspaceFactory.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/src/WorkspaceFactory.cpp
@@ -149,9 +149,6 @@ void WorkspaceFactoryImpl::initializeFromParent(const MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr
 /** Creates a new instance of the class with the given name, and allocates memory for the arrays
- *  where it creates and initialises either a Workspace2D or a ManagedWorkspace2D
- *  according to the size requested and the value of the configuration parameter
- *  ManagedWorkspace.LowerMemoryLimit (default 40% of available physical memory) Workspace2D only.
  *  @param  className The name of the class you wish to create
  *  @param  NVectors  The number of vectors/histograms/detectors in the workspace
  *  @param  XLength   The number of X data points/bin boundaries in each vector (must all be the same)
@@ -163,46 +160,14 @@ void WorkspaceFactoryImpl::initializeFromParent(const MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr
 MatrixWorkspace_sptr WorkspaceFactoryImpl::create(const std::string& className, const size_t& NVectors,
                                             const size_t& XLength, const size_t& YLength) const
-  MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws;
-  // Creates a managed workspace if over the trigger size and a 2D workspace is being requested.
-  // Otherwise calls the vanilla create method.
-  bool is2D = className.find("2D") != std::string::npos;
-  if ( MemoryManager::Instance().goForManagedWorkspace(static_cast<size_t>(NVectors), static_cast<size_t>(XLength),
-                                                          static_cast<size_t>(YLength)) && is2D )
-  {
-      // check if there is enough memory for 100 data blocks
-      int blockMemory;
-      if ( ! Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getValue("ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize", blockMemory)
-          || blockMemory <= 0 )
-      {
-        // default to 1MB if property not found
-        blockMemory = 1024*1024;
-      }
-      MemoryInfo mi = MemoryManager::Instance().getMemoryInfo();
-      if ( static_cast<unsigned int>(blockMemory)*100/1024 > mi.availMemory )
-      {
-          throw std::runtime_error("There is not enough memory to allocate the workspace");
-      }
-      ws = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(this->create("ManagedWorkspace2D"));
-      g_log.information("Created a ManagedWorkspace2D");
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      // No need for a Managed Workspace
-      if ( is2D && ( className.substr(0,7) == "Managed" ))
-          ws = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(this->create("Workspace2D"));
-      else
-          ws = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(this->create(className));
-  }
+  MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(this->create(className));
   if (!ws)
-      g_log.error("Workspace was not created");
-      throw std::runtime_error("Workspace was not created");
+    g_log.error("Workspace was not created");
+    throw std::runtime_error("Workspace was not created");
   return ws;
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/test/WorkspaceFactoryTest.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/test/WorkspaceFactoryTest.h
index a28d8cf1dbf..67fc8db0583 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/test/WorkspaceFactoryTest.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/API/test/WorkspaceFactoryTest.h
@@ -41,13 +41,6 @@ class WorkspaceFactoryTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite
     std::vector<size_t> size;
-  class ManagedWorkspace2DTest: public Workspace2DTest
-  {
-  public:
-    const std::string id() const {return "ManagedWorkspace2DTest";}
-    size_t getNumberHistograms() const { return 2;}
-  };
   class NotInFactory : public WorkspaceTester
@@ -60,15 +53,6 @@ public:
-    try
-    {
-      WorkspaceFactory::Instance().subscribe<ManagedWorkspace2DTest>("ManagedWorkspace2DTest");
-    }
-    catch (std::runtime_error&)
-    {
-      // In theory, we shouldn't have the 'real' ManagedWorkspace2D when running this test, but
-      // in reality we do so need catch the error from trying to subscribe again
-    }
   void testReturnType()
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/inc/MantidDataHandling/LoadRaw3.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/inc/MantidDataHandling/LoadRaw3.h
index 49998b8b11e..11a57bae0d5 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/inc/MantidDataHandling/LoadRaw3.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/inc/MantidDataHandling/LoadRaw3.h
@@ -80,11 +80,6 @@ namespace Mantid
       void validateWorkspaceSizes( bool bexcludeMonitors ,bool bseparateMonitors,
           const int64_t normalwsSpecs,const int64_t  monitorwsSpecs);
-      /// This method is useful for separating  or excluding   monitors from the output workspace
-      void  separateOrexcludeMonitors(DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr localWorkspace,
-          bool binclude,bool bexclude,bool bseparate,
-          int64_t numberOfSpectra,const std::string &fileName);
       /// creates output workspace, monitors excluded from this workspace
       void excludeMonitors(FILE* file,const int& period,const std::vector<specid_t>& monitorList,
           DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws_sptr);
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadRaw3.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadRaw3.cpp
index 559df364766..906379b2312 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadRaw3.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadRaw3.cpp
@@ -573,92 +573,5 @@ namespace Mantid
       return bMonitor;
-    /** This method separates/excludes monitors from output workspace and creates a separate workspace for monitors
-     *  @param localWorkspace :: shared pointer to workspace
-     *  @param binclude :: boolean  variable for including monitors
-     *  @param bexclude ::  boolean variable for excluding monitors
-     *  @param bseparate ::  boolean variable for separating the monitor workspace from output workspace
-     *  @param m_numberOfSpectra ::  number of spectra
-     *  @param fileName ::  raw file name
-     */
-    void LoadRaw3::separateOrexcludeMonitors(DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr localWorkspace,
-        bool binclude,bool bexclude,bool bseparate,
-        int64_t m_numberOfSpectra,const std::string &fileName)
-    {
-      (void) binclude; // Avoid compiler warning
-      std::vector<specid_t> monitorwsList;
-      DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr monitorWorkspace;
-      FILE *file(NULL);
-      std::vector<specid_t> monitorSpecList = getmonitorSpectrumList(SpectrumDetectorMapping(localWorkspace.get()));
-      if (bseparate && !monitorSpecList.empty())
-      {
-        Property *ws = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
-        std::string localWSName = ws->value();
-        std::string monitorWSName = localWSName + "_Monitors";
-        declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<Workspace> ("MonitorWorkspace", monitorWSName,
-            Direction::Output));
-        //create monitor workspace
-        const int64_t nMons(static_cast<int64_t>(monitorSpecList.size()));
-        monitorWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataObjects::Workspace2D>(
-            WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(localWorkspace,nMons,m_lengthIn,m_lengthIn-1));
-        setProperty("MonitorWorkspace", boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Workspace>(monitorWorkspace));
-        file =openRawFile(fileName);
-        ioRaw(file,true );
-      }
-      // Now check whether there is more than one time regime in use
-      m_noTimeRegimes =getNumberofTimeRegimes();
-      // Get the time channel array(s) and store in a vector inside a shared pointer
-      m_timeChannelsVec = getTimeChannels(m_noTimeRegimes,m_lengthIn);
-      //read raw file
-      if (bseparate && !monitorSpecList.empty())
-      {
-        readData(file, 0);
-      }
-      int64_t monitorwsIndex = 0;
-      for (specid_t i = 0; i < m_numberOfSpectra; ++i)
-      {
-        int64_t histToRead = i + 1;
-        if (bseparate && !monitorSpecList.empty())
-        {
-          if (!readData(file, histToRead))
-          {
-            throw std::runtime_error("Error reading raw file");
-          }
-        }
-        if ((bseparate && !monitorSpecList.empty()) || bexclude)
-        {
-          if (isMonitor(monitorSpecList, static_cast<specid_t>(i) + 1))
-          {
-            spec2index_map wsIndexmap;
-            SpectraAxis* axis = dynamic_cast<SpectraAxis*>(localWorkspace->getAxis(1));
-            axis->getSpectraIndexMap(wsIndexmap);
-            spec2index_map::const_iterator wsItr;
-            wsItr = wsIndexmap.find(static_cast<specid_t>(i + 1));
-            if (wsItr != wsIndexmap.end())
-              monitorwsList.push_back(static_cast<specid_t>(wsItr->second));
-            if (bseparate)
-            {
-              monitorWorkspace->getSpectrum(monitorwsIndex)->setSpectrumNo(i+1);
-              setWorkspaceData(monitorWorkspace, m_timeChannelsVec, monitorwsIndex, i + 1, m_noTimeRegimes,m_lengthIn,1);
-              ++monitorwsIndex;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if ((bseparate && !monitorwsList.empty()) || bexclude)
-      {
-        localWorkspace->setMonitorList(monitorwsList);
-        if (bseparate)
-        {
-          fclose(file);
-        }
-      }
-    }
   } // namespace DataHandling
 } // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMappingTableTest.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMappingTableTest.h
index be1cceae7a5..b95336f5746 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMappingTableTest.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMappingTableTest.h
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
 #include "MantidDataHandling/LoadInstrumentFromRaw.h"
 #include "MantidDataHandling/LoadMappingTable.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/TimeSeriesProperty.h"
 #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
@@ -16,7 +15,6 @@ using namespace Mantid;
 using namespace Mantid::API;
 using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
 using namespace Mantid::DataHandling;
-using namespace Mantid::DataObjects;
 class LoadMappingTableTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMuonNexus1Test.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMuonNexus1Test.h
index f796c0d1b02..4e942bf6cc6 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMuonNexus1Test.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMuonNexus1Test.h
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 #include "MantidDataHandling/LoadMuonNexus1.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FrameworkManager.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMuonNexus2Test.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMuonNexus2Test.h
index 0d145fdbf48..e7841302387 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMuonNexus2Test.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadMuonNexus2Test.h
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 #include "MantidDataHandling/LoadMuonNexus2.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FrameworkManager.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRaw3Test.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRaw3Test.h
index aca30ad8910..6114749f8c7 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRaw3Test.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRaw3Test.h
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceGroup.h"
 #include "MantidDataHandling/LoadRaw3.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h"
 #include "MantidGeometry/Instrument.h"
 #include "MantidGeometry/Instrument/Detector.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
@@ -389,7 +388,6 @@ public:
     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( loader4.execute() )
     TS_ASSERT( loader4.isExecuted() )
-    // Get back workspace and check it really is a ManagedWorkspace2D
     Workspace_sptr output;
     TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( output = AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieve("parameterIDF") );
@@ -890,56 +888,6 @@ public:
-  void testWithManagedWorkspace()
-  {
-    ConfigServiceImpl& conf = ConfigService::Instance();
-    const std::string managed = "ManagedWorkspace.LowerMemoryLimit";
-    const std::string oldValue = conf.getString(managed);
-    conf.setString(managed,"0");
-    LoadRaw3 loader4;
-    loader4.initialize();
-    loader4.setPropertyValue("Filename", inputFile);
-    loader4.setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", "managedws2");
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( loader4.execute() )
-    TS_ASSERT( loader4.isExecuted() )
-    // Get back workspace and check it really is a ManagedWorkspace2D
-    Workspace_sptr output;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( output = AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieve("managedws2") );
-    TS_ASSERT( dynamic_cast<ManagedWorkspace2D*>(output.get()) )
-    AnalysisDataService::Instance().remove("managedws2");
-    conf.setString(managed,oldValue);
-  }
-  void testSeparateMonitorsWithManagedWorkspace()
-  {
-    ConfigServiceImpl& conf = ConfigService::Instance();
-    const std::string managed = "ManagedWorkspace.LowerMemoryLimit";
-    const std::string oldValue = conf.getString(managed);
-    conf.setString(managed,"0");
-    LoadRaw3 loader8;
-    loader8.initialize();
-    loader8.setPropertyValue("Filename", inputFile);
-    loader8.setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", "managedws2");
-    loader8.setPropertyValue("LoadMonitors", "Separate");
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( loader8.execute() )
-    TS_ASSERT( loader8.isExecuted() )
-    // Get back workspace and check it really is a ManagedWorkspace2D
-    Workspace_sptr output;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( output = AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieve("managedws2") );
-    TS_ASSERT( dynamic_cast<ManagedWorkspace2D*>(output.get()) )
-    Workspace_sptr output1;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( output1 = AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieve("managedws2_Monitors") );
-    // TS_ASSERT( dynamic_cast<ManagedWorkspace2D*>(output1.get()) )
-    AnalysisDataService::Instance().remove("managedws2");
-    AnalysisDataService::Instance().remove("managedws2_Monitors");
-    conf.setString(managed,oldValue);
-  }
   void testExecWithRawDatafile_s_type()
     LoadRaw3 loader12;
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRawBin0Test.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRawBin0Test.h
index e6014d57969..6a9528ee5a7 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRawBin0Test.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRawBin0Test.h
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 #include "MantidDataHandling/LoadRawBin0.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FrameworkManager.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRawSpectrum0Test.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRawSpectrum0Test.h
index b96665896b0..6fc2de8f379 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRawSpectrum0Test.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/test/LoadRawSpectrum0Test.h
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 #include "MantidDataHandling/LoadRawSpectrum0.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FrameworkManager.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/CMakeLists.txt b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/CMakeLists.txt
index 7bc5229f482..8a90f3cfe0d 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 set ( SRC_FILES
-	src/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.cpp
@@ -7,9 +6,6 @@ set ( SRC_FILES
-	src/ManagedDataBlock2D.cpp
-	src/ManagedHistogram1D.cpp
-	src/ManagedWorkspace2D.cpp
@@ -33,7 +29,6 @@ set ( SRC_UNITY_IGNORE_FILES
 set ( INC_FILES
-	inc/MantidDataObjects/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.h
@@ -42,9 +37,6 @@ set ( INC_FILES
-	inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedDataBlock2D.h
-	inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedHistogram1D.h
-	inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h
@@ -69,9 +61,6 @@ set ( TEST_FILES
-	ManagedDataBlock2DTest.h
-	ManagedHistogram1DTest.h
-	ManagedWorkspace2DTest.h
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4452e2f2356..00000000000
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-#include "MantidDataObjects/Workspace2D.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/MRUList.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedDataBlock2D.h"
-namespace Mantid
-namespace DataObjects
-  /** For use in the AbsManagedWorkspace2D MRU list */
-  class ManagedDataBlockMRUMarker
-  {
-  public:
-    /** Constructor
-     * @param dataBlockIndex :: index of the data block in the list of data blocks of the ManagedWorkspace2D
-     */
-    ManagedDataBlockMRUMarker(size_t dataBlockIndex)
-    : m_index(dataBlockIndex)
-    {
-    }
-    /// Function returns a unique index, used for hashing for MRU list
-    size_t hashIndexFunction() const
-    {
-      return m_index;
-    }
-    /// @return index of the data block in the list of data blocks of the ManagedWorkspace2D
-    size_t getBlockIndex() const
-    {
-      return m_index;
-    }
-  private:
-    size_t m_index; ///< unique index of a data block
-  };
-  /** AbsManagedWorkspace2D
-  This is an abstract class for a managed workspace. 
-  Implementations must override init(..) which sets m_vectorsPerBlock and
-  readDataBlock(..) and writeDataBlock(..)
-  Copyright &copy; 2008-2012 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory
-  This file is part of Mantid.
-  Mantid is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-  (at your option) any later version.
-  Mantid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-  GNU General Public License for more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-  File change history is stored at: <>.
-  Code Documentation is available at: <>
-  */
-  class DLLExport AbsManagedWorkspace2D : public Workspace2D
-  {
-    friend class ManagedHistogram1D;
-  protected:
-    /// Most-Recently-Used list of markers of ManagedDataBlocks objects.
-    typedef Mantid::Kernel::MRUList<ManagedDataBlockMRUMarker> mru_list;
-  public:
-    AbsManagedWorkspace2D();
-    virtual ~AbsManagedWorkspace2D();
-    virtual const std::string id() const {return "AbsManagedWorkspace2D";}
-    /// Return the underlying ISpectrum ptr at the given workspace index.
-    virtual Mantid::API::ISpectrum * getSpectrum(const size_t index);
-    /// Return the underlying ISpectrum ptr (const version) at the given workspace index.
-    virtual const Mantid::API::ISpectrum * getSpectrum(const size_t index) const;
-    //section required for iteration
-    virtual std::size_t size() const;
-    virtual std::size_t blocksize() const;
-    /// Returns the size of physical memory the workspace takes
-    virtual size_t getMemorySize() const = 0;
-    /// Managed workspaces are not really thread-safe (and parallel file access
-    /// would be silly anyway)
-    virtual bool threadSafe() const { return false; }
-  protected:
-    /// Vector of the data blocks contained. All blocks are in memory but their contents might be empty
-    std::vector<ManagedDataBlock2D *> m_blocks;
-    /// Initialize
-    virtual void init(const std::size_t &NVectors, const std::size_t &XLength, const std::size_t &YLength);
-    /// Init the blocks alone
-    void initBlocks();
-    /// Number of blocks in temporary storage
-    std::size_t getNumberBlocks() const
-    {
-      return m_bufferedMarkers.size();
-    }
-    /// Get a data block for a workspace index
-    ManagedDataBlock2D* getDataBlock(const std::size_t index) const;
-    /// Get and read in a data block only if required by the MRU lsit
-    void readDataBlockIfNeeded(const std::size_t index) const;
-    /// Reads in a data block.
-    virtual void readDataBlock(ManagedDataBlock2D *newBlock,size_t startIndex)const = 0;
-    /// Saves the dropped data block to disk.
-    virtual void writeDataBlock(ManagedDataBlock2D *toWrite) const = 0;
-    /// The number of vectors in each data block
-    std::size_t m_vectorsPerBlock;
-    /// The length of the X vector in each Histogram1D. Must all be the same.
-    std::size_t m_XLength;
-    /// The length of the Y & E vectors in each Histogram1D. Must all be the same.
-    std::size_t m_YLength;
-    /// The size in bytes of each vector
-    std::size_t m_vectorSize;
-    /// The size in bytes of one block
-    std::size_t m_blockSize;
-    /// Markers used only to track which data blocks to release
-    mutable mru_list m_bufferedMarkers;
-  private:
-    // Make copy constructor and copy assignment operator private (and without definition) unless they're needed
-    /// Private copy constructor
-    AbsManagedWorkspace2D(const AbsManagedWorkspace2D&);
-    /// Private copy assignment operator
-    AbsManagedWorkspace2D& operator=(const AbsManagedWorkspace2D&);
-    virtual std::size_t getHistogramNumberHelper() const;
-  public:
-  };
-} // namespace DataObjects
-} // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/Histogram1D.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/Histogram1D.h
index f6bb7b74f38..deeb407c215 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/Histogram1D.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/Histogram1D.h
@@ -4,21 +4,15 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/ISpectrum.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/cow_ptr.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/System.h"
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <vector>
 namespace Mantid
 namespace DataObjects
-	1D histogram implementation.
+  1D histogram implementation.
-    \class Histogram1D Histogram1D.h
-    \author Laurent C Chapon, ISIS, RAL
-    \date 26/09/2007  
-  Copyright &copy; 2007-8 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory
+  Copyright &copy; 2007-2014 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory
   This file is part of Mantid.
@@ -40,15 +34,6 @@ namespace DataObjects
 class DLLExport Histogram1D : public Mantid::API::ISpectrum
-  friend class ManagedDataBlock2D;
-  // The data storage type used internally in a Histogram1D
-  // typedef std::vector<double> MantidVec; //Removed redundant typedef
-  //typedef Kernel::cow_ptr<MantidVec > MantidVecPtr;
   MantidVecPtr refY;   ///< RefCounted Y
   MantidVecPtr refE;   ///< RefCounted Error
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedDataBlock2D.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedDataBlock2D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b3339d32e59..00000000000
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedDataBlock2D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Includes
-#include "MantidAPI/ISpectrum.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/DllConfig.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/Histogram1D.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedHistogram1D.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/cow_ptr.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <vector>
-namespace Mantid
-namespace DataObjects
-/** Stores a block of 2D data.
-    The data storage is the same as that of a Workspace2D (i.e. a vector of Histogram1D's),
-    but no sample, instrument or history data is held here.
-    The class supports the Workspace iterators.
-    Copyright &copy; 2008-2012 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory
-    This file is part of Mantid.
-    Mantid is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    Mantid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-    File change history is stored at: <>.
-    Code Documentation is available at: <>
-class DLLExport ManagedDataBlock2D
-  /// Output a string representation to a stream
-  friend DLLExport std::fstream& operator<<(std::fstream&, ManagedDataBlock2D&);
-  /// Input a string representation to a stream
-  friend DLLExport std::fstream& operator>>(std::fstream&, ManagedDataBlock2D&);
-  ManagedDataBlock2D(const std::size_t &minIndex, const std::size_t &noVectors, const std::size_t &XLength, const std::size_t &YLength,
-      AbsManagedWorkspace2D * parentWS, MantidVecPtr sharedDx);
-  virtual ~ManagedDataBlock2D();
-  void initialize();
-  int minIndex() const;
-  bool hasChanges() const;
-  void hasChanges(bool has);
-  void releaseData();
-  size_t getNumSpectra() const
-  { return m_data.size(); }
-  /// Return the underlying ISpectrum ptr at the given workspace index.
-  virtual Mantid::API::ISpectrum * getSpectrum(const size_t index);
-  /// Return the underlying ISpectrum ptr (const version) at the given workspace index.
-  virtual const Mantid::API::ISpectrum * getSpectrum(const size_t index) const;
-  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /// @return true if the data was loaded from disk
-  bool isLoaded() const
-  { return m_loaded; }
-  /** Set the loaded flag
-   * @param loaded :: bool flag value */
-  void setLoaded(bool loaded)
-  { m_loaded = loaded; }
-  // Make copy constructor and copy assignment operator private (and without definition) unless they're needed
-  /// Private copy constructor
-  ManagedDataBlock2D(const ManagedDataBlock2D&);
-  /// Private copy assignment operator
-  ManagedDataBlock2D& operator=(const ManagedDataBlock2D&);
-  /// The data 'chunk'. NOTE: These pointers are owned by Workspace2D!
-  std::vector<ManagedHistogram1D *> m_data;
-  /// The length of the X vector in each Histogram1D. Must all be the same. 
-  const std::size_t m_XLength;
-  /// The length of the Y & E vectors in each Histogram1D. Must all be the same. 
-  const std::size_t m_YLength;
-  /// The index of the workspace that this datablock starts from.
-  const std::size_t m_minIndex;
-  /// Is the data block initialized or loaded from disk?
-  bool m_loaded;
-} // namespace DataObjects
-} // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedHistogram1D.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedHistogram1D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d52a9517e1f..00000000000
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedHistogram1D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-#include "MantidKernel/System.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/ISpectrum.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/Histogram1D.h"
-//#include "MantidDataObjects/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.h"
-//#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedDataBlock2D.h"
-namespace Mantid
-namespace DataObjects
-  // Forward declaration
-  class AbsManagedWorkspace2D;
-  /** A "managed" version of Histogram1D where the
-   * data is loaded only when required
-    @author Janik Zikovsky
-    @date 2011-07-26
-    Copyright &copy; 2011 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory
-    This file is part of Mantid.
-    Mantid is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    Mantid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-    File change history is stored at: <>
-    Code Documentation is available at: <>
-  */
-  class DLLExport ManagedHistogram1D : public Histogram1D //Mantid::API::ISpectrum
-  {
-  public:
-    friend class ManagedDataBlock2D;
-    ManagedHistogram1D(AbsManagedWorkspace2D * parentWS, size_t workspaceIndex);
-    ManagedHistogram1D(const ManagedHistogram1D&);
-    ManagedHistogram1D& operator=(const ManagedHistogram1D&);
-    virtual ~ManagedHistogram1D();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /** Method that retrieves the data from the disk
-     * if needed.
-     */
-    void retrieveData() const;
-    /** Method that clears the data vectors to release
-     * memory when the spectrum can be released to disk.
-     */
-    void releaseData();
-    // ------------ Y/E data setters -----------------------------
-    /// Sets the data.
-    void setData(const MantidVec& Y)
-    {  retrieveData(); refY.access()=Y; m_dirty=true; }
-    /// Sets the data and errors
-    void setData(const MantidVec& Y, const MantidVec& E)
-    {  retrieveData(); refY.access()=Y; refE.access()=E; m_dirty=true; }
-    /// Sets the data.
-    void setData(const MantidVecPtr& Y)
-    { retrieveData(); refY=Y; m_dirty=true; }
-    /// Sets the data and errors
-    void setData(const MantidVecPtr& Y, const MantidVecPtr& E)
-    { retrieveData(); refY=Y; refE=E; m_dirty=true; }
-    /// Sets the data.
-    void setData(const MantidVecPtr::ptr_type& Y)
-    { retrieveData(); refY=Y; m_dirty=true; }
-    /// Sets the data and errors
-    void setData(const MantidVecPtr::ptr_type& Y, const MantidVecPtr::ptr_type& E)
-    { retrieveData(); refY=Y; refE=E; m_dirty=true; }
-    /// Zero the data (Y&E) in this spectrum
-    void clearData();
-    // ------------ Y/E data accessors -----------------------------
-    // Get the array data
-    /// Returns the y data const
-    virtual const MantidVec& dataY() const
-    { retrieveData(); return *refY; }
-    /// Returns the error data const
-    virtual const MantidVec& dataE() const
-    { retrieveData(); return *refE; }
-    ///Returns the y data
-    virtual MantidVec& dataY()
-    { retrieveData(); m_dirty=true; return refY.access(); }
-    ///Returns the error data
-    virtual MantidVec& dataE()
-    { retrieveData(); m_dirty=true; return refE.access(); }
-    /// Returns the y data const
-    virtual const MantidVec& readY() const
-    { retrieveData(); return *refY; }
-    /// Returns the error data const
-    virtual const MantidVec& readE() const
-    { retrieveData(); return *refE; }
-    // ------------ X data accessors -----------------------------
-    virtual void setX(const MantidVec& X)
-    { retrieveData(); refX.access()=X; m_dirty = true; }
-    virtual void setX(const MantidVecPtr& X)
-    { retrieveData(); refX=X; m_dirty = true; }
-    virtual void setX(const MantidVecPtr::ptr_type& X)
-    { retrieveData(); refX=X; m_dirty = true; }
-    virtual MantidVec& dataX()
-    { retrieveData(); m_dirty = true;
-      return refX.access(); }
-    virtual const MantidVec& dataX() const
-    { retrieveData();
-      return *refX; }
-    virtual const MantidVec& readX() const
-    { retrieveData();
-      return *refX; }
-    virtual MantidVecPtr ptrX() const
-    { retrieveData(); m_dirty = true;
-      return refX; }
-    virtual std::size_t size() const
-    { retrieveData();
-      return refY->size();
-    }
-    /// Checks for errors
-    bool isError() const
-    { retrieveData();
-      return refE->empty();
-    }
-    /// Gets the memory size of the histogram
-    size_t getMemorySize() const
-    { return ((refX->size()+refY->size()+refE->size())*sizeof(double)); }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @return true if the data was modified.
-    bool isDirty() const
-    { return m_dirty; }
-    /** Set the dirty flag
-     * @param dirty :: bool flag value */
-    void setDirty(bool dirty)
-    { m_dirty = dirty; }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @return true if the data was loaded from disk
-    bool isLoaded() const
-    { return m_loaded; }
-    /** Set the loaded flag
-     * @param loaded :: bool flag value */
-    void setLoaded(bool loaded)
-    { m_loaded = loaded; }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @return m_workspaceIndex (for debugging mostly)
-    size_t getWorkspaceIndex() const
-    { return m_workspaceIndex; }
-  protected:
-    /// Are the data vectors loaded from the disk?
-    mutable bool m_loaded;
-    /// Was the data modified?
-    mutable bool m_dirty;
-    /// Workspace that owns this histogram
-    AbsManagedWorkspace2D * m_parentWorkspace;
-    /// Index in m_parentWorkspace
-    size_t m_workspaceIndex;
-  public:
-    // ------------ Direct data accessors, for use by ManagedDataBlock2D -----------------------------
-    MantidVec& directDataX() { return refX.access(); }
-    MantidVec& directDataY() { return refY.access(); }
-    MantidVec& directDataE() { return refE.access(); }
-    void directSetX(boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec> newX) { refX = newX; }
-  };
-} // namespace DataObjects
-} // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bbbd84b26b..00000000000
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/inc/MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// Includes
-#include "MantidDataObjects/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.h"
-namespace Mantid
-namespace DataObjects
-/** The ManagedWorkspace2D allows the framework to handle 2D datasets that are too
-    large to fit in the available system memory by making use of a temporary file.
-    It is a specialisation of Workspace2D.
-    The optional configuration property ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize sets the size
-    (in bytes) of the blocks used to internally buffer data. The default is 1MB.
-    @author Russell Taylor, Tessella Support Services plc
-    @date 22/01/2008
-    Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory
-    This file is part of Mantid.
-    Mantid is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    Mantid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-    File change history is stored at: <>.
-    Code Documentation is available at: <>
-class DLLExport ManagedWorkspace2D : public AbsManagedWorkspace2D
-  ManagedWorkspace2D();
-  virtual ~ManagedWorkspace2D();
-  virtual const std::string id() const {return "ManagedWorkspace2D";}
-  virtual size_t getMemorySize() const;
-  virtual bool threadSafe() const { return false; }
-  std::string get_filename() const;
-  /// Get number of temporary files used to store the data.
-  size_t getNumberFiles() const {return m_datafile.size();}
-  /// Reads in a data block.
-  virtual void readDataBlock(ManagedDataBlock2D *newBlock,std::size_t startIndex)const;
-  /// Saves the dropped data block to disk.
-  virtual void writeDataBlock(ManagedDataBlock2D *toWrite) const;
-  // Make copy constructor and copy assignment operator private (and without definition) unless they're needed
-  /// Private copy constructor
-  ManagedWorkspace2D(const ManagedWorkspace2D&);
-  /// Private copy assignment operator
-  ManagedWorkspace2D& operator=(const ManagedWorkspace2D&);
-  virtual void init(const std::size_t &NVectors, const std::size_t &XLength, const std::size_t &YLength);
-  virtual std::size_t getHistogramNumberHelper() const;
-  ManagedDataBlock2D* getDataBlock(const std::size_t index) const;
-  /// The number of blocks per temporary file
-  std::size_t m_blocksPerFile;
-  /// Size of each temp file in bytes
-  long long m_fileSize;
-  /// The name of the temporary file
-  std::string m_filename;
-  /// The stream handle to the temporary file used to store the data
-  mutable std::vector<std::fstream*> m_datafile;
-  /// Index written up to in temporary file
-  mutable int m_indexWrittenTo;
-  /// Static instance count. Used to ensure temporary filenames are distinct.
-  static int g_uniqueID;
-} // namespace DataObjects
-} // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/src/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/src/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index eb3b62ba560..00000000000
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/src/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-// Includes
-#include "MantidDataObjects/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/Workspace2D.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedDataBlock2D.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/ISpectrum.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/RefAxis.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/SpectraAxis.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <valarray>
-#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/sequenced_index.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/mem_fun.hpp>
-using Mantid::API::ISpectrum;
-namespace Mantid
-namespace DataObjects
-using std::size_t;
-/// Constructor
-AbsManagedWorkspace2D::AbsManagedWorkspace2D() :
-/** Sets the size of the workspace and sets up the temporary file.
- * The m_vectorsPerBlock value needs to be set by now.
- *
-*  @param NVectors :: The number of vectors/histograms/detectors in the workspace
-*  @param XLength :: The number of X data points/bin boundaries in each vector (must all be the same)
-*  @param YLength :: The number of data/error points in each vector (must all be the same)
-*  @throw std::runtime_error if unable to open a temporary file
-void AbsManagedWorkspace2D::init(const std::size_t &NVectors, const std::size_t &XLength, const std::size_t &YLength)
-  m_noVectors = NVectors;
-  m_axes.resize(2);
-  m_axes[0] = new API::RefAxis(XLength, this);
-  m_axes[1] = new API::SpectraAxis(this);
-  m_XLength = XLength;
-  m_YLength = YLength;
-/** Create all the blocks and spectra in the workspace
-  * The m_vectorsPerBlock value needs to be set by now.
-  * Must be called AFTER init()
-  *
-  */
-void AbsManagedWorkspace2D::initBlocks()
-  // Make a default-0 DX vector (X error vector). It will be shared by all spectra
-  MantidVecPtr sharedDx;
-  sharedDx.access().resize(m_XLength, 0.0);
-  // Create all the data bloocks
-  m_blocks.clear();
-  for (size_t i=0; i<m_noVectors; i += m_vectorsPerBlock)
-  {
-    // Ensure the last block has the right # of vectors
-    size_t numVectorsInThisBlock = m_vectorsPerBlock;
-    if ((i + numVectorsInThisBlock) > m_noVectors) numVectorsInThisBlock = m_noVectors - i;
-    // Each ManagedDataBlock2D will create its own vectors.
-    ManagedDataBlock2D * block = new ManagedDataBlock2D(i, numVectorsInThisBlock, m_XLength, m_YLength, this, sharedDx );
-    m_blocks.push_back( block );
-  }
-  // Copy the pointers over into the Workspace2D thing
-  data.resize(m_noVectors, NULL);
-  for (size_t i=0; i<m_noVectors; i++)
-    data[i] = this->getSpectrum(i);
-/// Destructor. Clears the buffer and deletes the temporary file.
-  // Clear MRU list (minor amount of memory)
-  m_bufferedMarkers.clear();
-  // Delete the blocks (big memory);
-  for (size_t i=0; i<m_blocks.size(); i++)
-    delete m_blocks[i];
-  m_blocks.clear();
-/// Get pseudo size
-size_t AbsManagedWorkspace2D::size() const
-  return m_noVectors * blocksize();
-/// Get the size of each vector
-size_t AbsManagedWorkspace2D::blocksize() const
-  return (m_noVectors > 0) ? m_YLength : 0;
-/// Return the underlying ISpectrum ptr at the given workspace index.
-ISpectrum * AbsManagedWorkspace2D::getSpectrum(const size_t index)
-  if (index>=m_noVectors)
-    throw std::range_error("AbsManagedWorkspace2D::getSpectrum, histogram number out of range");
-  ISpectrum * spec = getDataBlock(index)->getSpectrum(index);
-  return spec;
-const ISpectrum * AbsManagedWorkspace2D::getSpectrum(const size_t index) const
-  if (index>=m_noVectors)
-    throw std::range_error("AbsManagedWorkspace2D::getSpectrum, histogram number out of range");
-  ISpectrum * spec = const_cast<ISpectrum*>(getDataBlock(index)->getSpectrum(index));
-  return spec;
-/** Returns the number of histograms.
- *  For some reason Visual Studio couldn't deal with the main getHistogramNumber() method
- *  being virtual so it now just calls this private (and virtual) method which does the work.
- *  @return the number of histograms associated with the workspace
- */
-size_t AbsManagedWorkspace2D::getHistogramNumberHelper() const
-  return m_noVectors;
-/** Get a pointer to the data block containing the data corresponding to a given index
-*  @param index :: The index to search for
-*  @return A pointer to the data block containing the index requested
-// not really a const method, but need to pretend it is so that const data getters can call it
-ManagedDataBlock2D* AbsManagedWorkspace2D::getDataBlock(const std::size_t index) const
-  // Which clock does this correspond to?
-  size_t blockIndex = index / m_vectorsPerBlock;
-  // Address of that block
-  return const_cast<ManagedDataBlock2D*>(m_blocks[blockIndex]);
-/** Get and read in a data block only if required by the MRU lsit
- *
- * @param index :: workspace index of the spectrum wanted
- */
-void AbsManagedWorkspace2D::readDataBlockIfNeeded(const std::size_t index) const
-  // Which block does this correspond to?
-  size_t blockIndex = index / m_vectorsPerBlock;
-  // Read it in first.
-  ManagedDataBlock2D* readBlock = const_cast<ManagedDataBlock2D*>(m_blocks[blockIndex]);
-  this->readDataBlock(readBlock, readBlock->minIndex());
-  // Mark that this latest-read block was recently read into the MRU list
-  ManagedDataBlockMRUMarker * markerToDrop = m_bufferedMarkers.insert(
-      new ManagedDataBlockMRUMarker(blockIndex));
-  // Do we need to drop out a data block?
-  if (markerToDrop)
-  {
-    size_t dropIndex = markerToDrop->getBlockIndex();
-    //std::cout << "Dropping block at " << dropIndex << " when asked to read block " << blockIndex << std::endl;
-    delete markerToDrop;
-    if (dropIndex < m_blocks.size())
-    {
-      // Address of that block
-      ManagedDataBlock2D* droppedBlock = const_cast<ManagedDataBlock2D*>(m_blocks[dropIndex]);
-      // Write it to disk only when needed
-      if (droppedBlock->hasChanges())
-        this->writeDataBlock(droppedBlock);
-      // Free up the memory
-      droppedBlock->releaseData();
-    }
-  }
-} // namespace DataObjects
-} // namespace Mantid
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index f5e56b78689..00000000000
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/src/ManagedDataBlock2D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-// Includes
-#include "MantidAPI/ISpectrum.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedDataBlock2D.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedHistogram1D.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/Exception.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using Mantid::API::ISpectrum;
-namespace Mantid
-namespace DataObjects
-  namespace
-  {
-    /// static logger
-    Kernel::Logger g_log("ManagedDataBlock2D");
-  }
-using std::size_t;
-/** Constructor.
- *  @param minIndex :: The index of the workspace that this data block starts at
- *  @param NVectors :: The number of Histogram1D's in this data block
- *  @param XLength ::  The number of elements in the X data
- *  @param YLength ::  The number of elements in the Y/E data
- *  @param parentWS :: The workspace that owns this block
- *  @param sharedDx :: A cow-ptr to a correctly-sized DX vector that every spectrum will share (until written to).
- */
-ManagedDataBlock2D::ManagedDataBlock2D(const std::size_t &minIndex, const std::size_t &NVectors,
-    const std::size_t &XLength, const std::size_t &YLength, AbsManagedWorkspace2D * parentWS, MantidVecPtr sharedDx) :
-  m_XLength(XLength), m_YLength(YLength), m_minIndex(minIndex), m_loaded(false)
-//  MantidVecPtr t1;
-//  t1.access().resize(XLength); //this call initializes array to zero
-  m_data.clear();
-  for (size_t i=0; i<NVectors; i++)
-  {
-    m_data.push_back( new ManagedHistogram1D(parentWS, minIndex+i) );
-    m_data[i]->setDx(sharedDx);
-    //TODO: Anything about Dx?
-  }
-  if (!parentWS)
-    this->initialize();
-/** Initialize the vectors to empty values */
-void ManagedDataBlock2D::initialize()
-  for (size_t i=0; i<m_data.size(); i++)
-  {
-    // Initialize the vectors if no workspace is passed
-    m_data[i]->directDataX().resize(m_XLength, 0.0);
-    m_data[i]->directDataY().resize(m_YLength, 0.0);
-    m_data[i]->directDataE().resize(m_YLength, 0.0);
-    // It was 'loaded' so it won't get re-initialized in this block
-    m_data[i]->setLoaded(true);
-  }
-  this->m_loaded = true;
-/// Virtual destructor
-  // Do nothing: Workspace2D owns the pointer!!!
-/// The minimum index of the workspace data that this data block contains
-int ManagedDataBlock2D::minIndex() const // TODO this should return size_t but it breaks lots of things
-  return static_cast<int>(m_minIndex);
-/** Flags whether the data has changed since being read in.
- *  In fact indicates whether the data has been accessed in a non-const fashion.
- *  @return True if the data has been changed.
- */
-bool ManagedDataBlock2D::hasChanges() const
-  bool hasChanges = false;
-  for (std::vector<ManagedHistogram1D*>::const_iterator iter = m_data.begin(); iter != m_data.end(); ++iter)
-  {
-    const ManagedHistogram1D * it = *iter;
-    hasChanges = hasChanges || it->isDirty();
-  }
-  return hasChanges;
-/** Gives the possibility to drop the flag. Used in ManagedRawFileWorkspace2D atfer
- *  reading in from a raw file.
- *  @param has :: True if the data has been changed.
- */
-void ManagedDataBlock2D::hasChanges(bool has)
-  for (std::vector<ManagedHistogram1D*>::iterator iter = m_data.begin(); iter != m_data.end(); ++iter)
-  {
-    ManagedHistogram1D * it = *iter;
-    it->m_dirty = has;
-  }
-/// Return the underlying ISpectrum ptr at the given workspace index.
-ISpectrum * ManagedDataBlock2D::getSpectrum(const size_t index)
-  if ( ( index < m_minIndex )
-      || ( index >= m_minIndex + m_data.size() ) )
-    throw std::range_error("ManagedDataBlock2D::getSpectrum, histogram number out of range");
-  return m_data[index-m_minIndex];
-const ISpectrum * ManagedDataBlock2D::getSpectrum(const size_t index) const
-  if ( ( index < m_minIndex )
-      || ( index >= m_minIndex + m_data.size() ) )
-    throw std::range_error("ManagedDataBlock2D::getSpectrum, histogram number out of range");
-  return m_data[index-m_minIndex];
-/** Release the memory in the loaded data blocks */
-void ManagedDataBlock2D::releaseData()
-  for (std::vector<ManagedHistogram1D*>::iterator iter = m_data.begin(); iter != m_data.end(); ++iter)
-  {
-    ManagedHistogram1D * it = *iter;
-    it->releaseData();
-  }
-  this->m_loaded = false;
-/** Output file stream operator.
- *  @param fs :: The stream to write to
- *  @param data :: The object to write to file
- *  @return stream representation of data
- */
-std::fstream& operator<<(std::fstream& fs, ManagedDataBlock2D& data)
-  for (std::vector<ManagedHistogram1D*>::iterator iter = data.m_data.begin(); iter != data.m_data.end(); ++iter)
-  {
-    ManagedHistogram1D * it = *iter;
-    // If anyone's gone and changed the size of the vectors then get them back to the
-    // correct size, removing elements or adding zeroes as appropriate.
-    if (it->directDataX().size() != data.m_XLength)
-    {
-      it->directDataX().resize(data.m_XLength, 0.0);
-      g_log.warning() << "X vector resized to " << data.m_XLength << " elements.";
-    }
-    fs.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(it->directDataX().front())), data.m_XLength * sizeof(double));
-    if (it->directDataY().size() != data.m_YLength)
-    {
-      it->directDataY().resize(data.m_YLength, 0.0);
-      g_log.warning() << "Y vector resized to " << data.m_YLength << " elements.";
-    }
-    fs.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(it->directDataY().front())), data.m_YLength * sizeof(double));
-    if (it->directDataE().size() != data.m_YLength)
-    {
-      it->directDataE().resize(data.m_YLength, 0.0);
-      g_log.warning() << "E vector resized to " << data.m_YLength << " elements.";
-    }
-    fs.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(it->directDataE().front())), data.m_YLength * sizeof(double));
-    // Clear the "dirty" flag since it was just written out.
-    it->setDirty(false);
-  }
-  return fs;
-/** Input file stream operator.
- *  @param fs :: The stream to read from
- *  @param data :: The object to fill with the read-in data
- *  @return stream representation of data
- */
-std::fstream& operator>>(std::fstream& fs, ManagedDataBlock2D& data)
-  // Assumes that the ManagedDataBlock2D passed in is the same size as the data to be read in
-  // Will be ManagedWorkspace2D's job to ensure that this is so
-  for (std::vector<ManagedHistogram1D*>::iterator iter = data.m_data.begin(); iter != data.m_data.end(); ++iter)
-  {
-    ManagedHistogram1D * it = *iter;
-    it->directDataX().resize(data.m_XLength, 0.0);
-<char *>(&(it->directDataX().front())), data.m_XLength * sizeof(double));
-    it->directDataY().resize(data.m_YLength, 0.0);
-<char *>(&(it->directDataY().front())), data.m_YLength * sizeof(double));
-    it->directDataE().resize(data.m_YLength, 0.0);
-<char *>(&(it->directDataE().front())), data.m_YLength * sizeof(double));
-    // Yes, it is loaded
-    it->setLoaded(true);
-  }
-  return fs;
-} // namespace DataObjects
-} // namespace Mantid
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index 4e060e5a8ac..00000000000
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/src/ManagedHistogram1D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedHistogram1D.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/System.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/AbsManagedWorkspace2D.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h"
-namespace Mantid
-namespace DataObjects
-  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /** Constructor
-   */
-  ManagedHistogram1D::ManagedHistogram1D(AbsManagedWorkspace2D * parentWS, size_t workspaceIndex)
-  : m_loaded(false), m_dirty(false),
-    m_parentWorkspace(parentWS), m_workspaceIndex(workspaceIndex)
-  {
-  }
-  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /** Destructor
-   */
-  ManagedHistogram1D::~ManagedHistogram1D()
-  {
-  }
-  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /** Clear Y and E vectors */
-  void ManagedHistogram1D::clearData()
-  {
-    retrieveData();
-    m_dirty = true;
-    MantidVec & yValues = this->dataY();
-    std::fill(yValues.begin(), yValues.end(), 0.0);
-    MantidVec & eValues = this->dataE();
-    std::fill(eValues.begin(), eValues.end(), 0.0);
-  }
-  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /** Method that retrieves the data from the disk
-   * if needed.
-   */
-  void ManagedHistogram1D::retrieveData() const
-  {
-    // Only load from disk when needed
-    if (!m_loaded)
-    {
-      if (m_parentWorkspace)
-      {
-        // This method will read in the data and fill in this (and other nearby) spectra
-        m_parentWorkspace->readDataBlockIfNeeded(m_workspaceIndex);
-      }
-      // OK, we're loaded
-      m_loaded = true;
-      // We have not modified anything yet.
-      m_dirty = false;
-    }
-  }
-  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /** Method that clears the data vectors to release
-   * memory when the spectrum can be released to disk.
-   * The data should have been saved already.
-   */
-  void ManagedHistogram1D::releaseData()
-  {
-    if (m_loaded)
-    {
-      // Clear all the vectors to release the memory
-      refX.access().clear();
-      MantidVec().swap(refX.access());
-      refY.access().clear();
-      MantidVec().swap(refY.access());
-      refE.access().clear();
-      MantidVec().swap(refE.access());
-      // Note: we leave DX alone since it is kept in memory always.
-      // Reset Markers
-      m_loaded = false;
-      m_dirty = false;
-    }
-  }
-} // namespace Mantid
-} // namespace DataObjects
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index 07b69836b2e..00000000000
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/src/ManagedWorkspace2D.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-// Includes
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/RefAxis.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/SpectraAxis.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
-#include <limits>
-#include <Poco/File.h>
-namespace Mantid
-namespace DataObjects
-  namespace
-  {
-    /// static logger
-    Kernel::Logger g_log("ManagedWorkspace2D");
-  }
-using std::size_t;
-// Initialise the instance count
-int ManagedWorkspace2D::g_uniqueID = 1;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma warning (push)
-#pragma warning( disable:4355 )
-//Disable warning for using this in constructor.
-//This is safe as long as the class that gets the pointer does not use any methods on it in it's constructor.
-//In this case this is an inner class that is only used internally to this class, and is safe.
-#endif //_WIN32
-/// Constructor
-ManagedWorkspace2D::ManagedWorkspace2D() :
-  AbsManagedWorkspace2D(), m_indexWrittenTo(-1)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma warning (pop)
-#endif //_WIN32
-/** Sets the size of the workspace and sets up the temporary file
- *  @param NVectors :: The number of vectors/histograms/detectors in the workspace
- *  @param XLength :: The number of X data points/bin boundaries in each vector (must all be the same)
- *  @param YLength :: The number of data/error points in each vector (must all be the same)
- *  @throw std::runtime_error if unable to open a temporary file
- */
-void ManagedWorkspace2D::init(const std::size_t &NVectors, const std::size_t &XLength, const std::size_t &YLength)
-  AbsManagedWorkspace2D::init(NVectors,XLength,YLength);
-  m_vectorSize = /*sizeof(int) +*/ ( m_XLength + ( 2*m_YLength ) ) * sizeof(double);
-  // Get memory size of a block from config file
-  int blockMemory;
-  if ( ! Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getValue("ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize", blockMemory)
-      || blockMemory <= 0 )
-  {
-    // default to 1MB if property not found
-    blockMemory = 1024*1024;
-  }
-  m_vectorsPerBlock = blockMemory / static_cast<int>(m_vectorSize);
-  // Should this ever come out to be zero, then actually set it to 1
-  if ( m_vectorsPerBlock == 0 ) m_vectorsPerBlock = 1;
-  // Create all the blocks
-  this->initBlocks();
-  g_log.debug()<<"blockMemory: "<<blockMemory<<"\n";
-  g_log.debug()<<"m_vectorSize: "<<m_vectorSize<<"\n";
-  g_log.debug()<<"m_vectorsPerBlock: "<<m_vectorsPerBlock<<"\n";
-  g_log.debug()<<"Memory: "<<getMemorySize()<<"\n";
-  // Calculate the number of blocks that will go into a file
-  if ( ! Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getValue("ManagedWorkspace.BlocksPerFile", m_blocksPerFile)
-      || m_blocksPerFile <= 0 )
-  {
-    // default
-    m_blocksPerFile = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / (m_vectorsPerBlock * static_cast<int>(m_vectorSize));
-    if (std::numeric_limits<int>::max()%(m_vectorsPerBlock * m_vectorSize) != 0) ++m_blocksPerFile; 
-  }
-  m_fileSize = m_vectorSize * m_vectorsPerBlock * m_blocksPerFile;
-  // Now work out the number of files needed
-  size_t totalBlocks = m_noVectors / m_vectorsPerBlock;
-  if (m_noVectors%m_vectorsPerBlock != 0) ++totalBlocks;
-  size_t numberOfFiles = totalBlocks / m_blocksPerFile;
-  if (totalBlocks%m_blocksPerFile != 0) ++numberOfFiles;
-  m_datafile.resize(numberOfFiles);
-  // Look for the (optional) path from the configuration file
-  std::string path = Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getString("ManagedWorkspace.FilePath");
-  if( path.empty() || !Poco::File(path).exists() || !Poco::File(path).canWrite() )
-  {
-    path = Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getUserPropertiesDir();
-    g_log.debug() << "Temporary file written to " << path << std::endl;
-  }
-  // Append a slash if necessary
-  if( ( *(path.rbegin()) != '/' ) && ( *(path.rbegin()) != '\\' ) )
-  {
-    path.push_back('/');
-  }
-  std::stringstream filestem;
-  filestem << "WS2D" << ManagedWorkspace2D::g_uniqueID;
-  m_filename = filestem.str() + this->getTitle() + ".tmp";
-  // Increment the instance count
-  ++ManagedWorkspace2D::g_uniqueID;
-  std::string fullPath = path + m_filename;
-  {
-    std::string fileToOpen = fullPath + "0";
-    // Create the temporary file
-    m_datafile[0] = new std::fstream(fileToOpen.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
-    if ( ! *m_datafile[0] )
-    {
-      m_datafile[0]->clear();
-      // Try to open in current working directory instead
-      std::string file = m_filename + "0";
-      m_datafile[0]->open(file.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
-      // Throw an exception if it still doesn't work
-      if ( ! *m_datafile[0] )
-      {
-        g_log.error("Unable to open temporary data file");
-        throw std::runtime_error("ManagedWorkspace2D: Unable to open temporary data file");
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      m_filename = fullPath;
-    }
-  } // block to restrict scope of fileToOpen
-  // Set exception flags for fstream so that any problems from now on will throw
-  m_datafile[0]->exceptions( std::fstream::eofbit | std::fstream::failbit | std::fstream::badbit );
-  // Open the other temporary files (if any)
-  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_datafile.size(); ++i)
-  {
-    std::stringstream fileToOpen;
-    fileToOpen << m_filename << i;
-    m_datafile[i] = new std::fstream(fileToOpen.str().c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
-    if ( ! *m_datafile[i] )
-    {
-      g_log.error("Unable to open temporary data file");
-      throw std::runtime_error("ManagedWorkspace2D: Unable to open temporary data file");
-    }
-    m_datafile[i]->exceptions( std::fstream::eofbit | std::fstream::failbit | std::fstream::badbit );
-  }
-/// Destructor. Clears the buffer and deletes the temporary file.
-  // delete all ManagedDataBlock2D's
-  //m_bufferedData.clear();
-  // delete the temporary file and fstream objects
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_datafile.size(); ++i)
-  {
-    m_datafile[i]->close();
-    delete m_datafile[i];
-    std::stringstream fileToRemove;
-    fileToRemove << m_filename << i;
-    remove(fileToRemove.str().c_str());
-  }
-/**  This function decides if ManagedDataBlock2D with given startIndex needs to 
-     be loaded from storage and loads it.
-     @param newBlock :: Returned data block address
-     @param startIndex :: Starting spectrum index in the block
-void ManagedWorkspace2D::readDataBlock(ManagedDataBlock2D *newBlock,std::size_t startIndex)const
-  // You only need to read it if it hasn't been loaded before
-  if (!newBlock->isLoaded())
-  {
-    // Check whether datablock has previously been saved. If so, read it in.
-    // @todo: Careful here. Without the (int)cast the m_indexWrittenTo variable is cast to a size_t and if it
-    // is at its default (-1) then this wraps around and the if evaluates to true when it should not, i.e. the
-    // first time the function is called with startIndex = 0 and m_indexWrittenTo = -1
-    if ((int)startIndex <= m_indexWrittenTo)
-    {
-      long long seekPoint = startIndex * m_vectorSize;
-      int fileIndex = 0;
-      //while (seekPoint > std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
-      while (seekPoint >= m_fileSize)
-      {
-        seekPoint -= m_fileSize;
-        ++fileIndex;
-      }
-      // Safe to cast seekPoint to int because the while loop above guarantees that
-      // it'll be in range by this point.
-      m_datafile[fileIndex]->seekg(static_cast<int>(seekPoint), std::ios::beg);
-      // The stream operator does the loading
-      *m_datafile[fileIndex] >> *newBlock;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      // The block does not exist on file.
-      // It needs to be created with some empty vectors of the right length.
-      newBlock->initialize();
-    }
-  }
- * Write a data block to disk.
- * @param toWrite :: pointer to the ManagedDataBlock2D to write.
- */
-void ManagedWorkspace2D::writeDataBlock(ManagedDataBlock2D *toWrite) const
-  //std::cout << "Writing " << toWrite->minIndex() << std::endl;
-  //std::cout << ">>> " << m_indexWrittenTo << std::endl;
-  //std::cout << ">>> " << m_vectorsPerBlock << std::endl;
-  size_t fileIndex = 0;
-  // Check whether we need to pad file with zeroes before writing data
-  if ( toWrite->minIndex() > static_cast<int>(m_indexWrittenTo+m_vectorsPerBlock) /*&& m_indexWrittenTo >= 0*/ )
-  {
-    if ( m_indexWrittenTo < 0 )
-    {
-      fileIndex = 0;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      fileIndex = m_indexWrittenTo / (m_vectorsPerBlock * m_blocksPerFile);
-    }
-    m_datafile[fileIndex]->seekp(0, std::ios::end);
-    //const int speczero = 0;
-    const std::vector<double> xzeroes(m_XLength);
-    const std::vector<double> yzeroes(m_YLength);
-    // if i is a workspace index the loop has to start with 1 because m_indexWrittenTo + 0 is the index
-    // of the last saved histogram.
-    for (int i = 1; i < (toWrite->minIndex() - m_indexWrittenTo); ++i)
-    {
-      size_t fi = (m_indexWrittenTo + i) / (m_blocksPerFile * m_vectorsPerBlock);
-      if ( fi > fileIndex )
-      {
-        fileIndex = fi;
-        m_datafile[fileIndex]->seekp(0, std::ios::beg);
-      }
-      //std::cerr << "Zeroes to " << fi << ' ' << m_indexWrittenTo + i << ' ' << m_datafile[fileIndex]->tellg() << std::endl;
-      m_datafile[fileIndex]->write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(const_cast<double*>(&*xzeroes.begin())),
-                                   m_XLength * sizeof(double));
-      m_datafile[fileIndex]->write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(const_cast<double*>(&*yzeroes.begin())),
-                                   m_YLength * sizeof(double));
-      m_datafile[fileIndex]->write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(const_cast<double*>(&*yzeroes.begin())),
-                                   m_YLength * sizeof(double));
-      // these don't match the ManagedWorkspace2D file stream operators.
-      //m_datafile[fileIndex]->write((char *) &*yzeroes.begin(), m_YLength * sizeof(double));
-      //m_datafile[fileIndex]->write((char *) &speczero, sizeof(int) );
-    }
-    //std::cout << "Here!!!!" << std::endl;
-  }
-  else
-  // If no padding needed, go to correct place in file
-  {
-    long long seekPoint = toWrite->minIndex() * m_vectorSize;
-    //while (seekPoint > std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
-    while (seekPoint >= m_fileSize)
-    {
-      seekPoint -= m_fileSize;
-      ++fileIndex;
-    }
-    // Safe to cast seekPoint to int because the while loop above guarantees that
-    // it'll be in range by this point.
-    m_datafile[fileIndex]->seekp(static_cast<int>(seekPoint), std::ios::beg);
-    //std::cout << "Now here!!!!" << std::endl;
-  }
-  *m_datafile[fileIndex] << *toWrite;
-  m_indexWrittenTo = std::max(m_indexWrittenTo, toWrite->minIndex());
-/** Returns the number of histograms.
- *  For some reason Visual Studio couldn't deal with the main getHistogramNumber() method
- *  being virtual so it now just calls this private (and virtual) method which does the work.
- *  @return the number of histograms assocaited with the workspace
- */
-size_t ManagedWorkspace2D::getHistogramNumberHelper() const
-  return m_noVectors;
-/// Return the size used in memory
-size_t ManagedWorkspace2D::getMemorySize() const
-  return size_t(m_vectorSize)*size_t(m_bufferedMarkers.size())*size_t(m_vectorsPerBlock);
-/// Return the full path to the file used.
-std::string ManagedWorkspace2D::get_filename() const
-  return this->m_filename;
-} // namespace DataObjects
-} // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedDataBlock2DTest.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedDataBlock2DTest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bafc8bd0fcd..00000000000
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedDataBlock2DTest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedDataBlock2D.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/MatrixWorkspace.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/cow_ptr.h"
-using namespace Mantid::DataObjects;
-using Mantid::MantidVec;
-using Mantid::MantidVecPtr;
-class ManagedDataBlock2DTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite
-  // This pair of boilerplate methods prevent the suite being created statically
-  // This means the constructor isn't called when running other tests
-  static ManagedDataBlock2DTest *createSuite() { return new ManagedDataBlock2DTest(); }
-  static void destroySuite( ManagedDataBlock2DTest *suite ) { delete suite; }
-  ManagedDataBlock2DTest()
-    : data(0,2,4,3, NULL, MantidVecPtr() )
-  {
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-    {
-      data.getSpectrum(0)->dataX()[i] = i;
-      data.getSpectrum(1)->dataX()[i] = i+4;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-    {
-      data.getSpectrum(0)->dataY()[i] = i*10;
-      data.getSpectrum(0)->dataE()[i] = sqrt(data.getSpectrum(0)->dataY()[i]);
-      data.getSpectrum(1)->dataY()[i] = i*100;
-      data.getSpectrum(1)->dataE()[i] = sqrt(data.getSpectrum(1)->dataY()[i]);
-    }
-  }
-  void testConstructor()
-  {
-    ManagedDataBlock2D aBlock(0,2,2,2, NULL, MantidVecPtr());
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( aBlock.minIndex(), 0 );
-    TS_ASSERT( ! aBlock.hasChanges() );
-    TSM_ASSERT("When initialized the block says it is loaded", aBlock.isLoaded() );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->dataX().size(), 2 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->dataY().size(), 2 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->dataE().size(), 2 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( aBlock.getSpectrum(1)->dataX().size(), 2 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( aBlock.getSpectrum(1)->dataY().size(), 2 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( aBlock.getSpectrum(1)->dataE().size(), 2 );
-  }
-  void test_releaseData()
-  {
-    ManagedDataBlock2D aBlock(0,2,2,2, NULL, MantidVecPtr());
-    TSM_ASSERT("When initialized the block says it is loaded", aBlock.isLoaded() );
-    // Spectra start loaded too
-    ManagedHistogram1D * h0 = dynamic_cast<ManagedHistogram1D *>(aBlock.getSpectrum(0));
-    ManagedHistogram1D * h1 = dynamic_cast<ManagedHistogram1D *>(aBlock.getSpectrum(1));
-    TS_ASSERT(h0->isLoaded());
-    TS_ASSERT(h1->isLoaded());
-    aBlock.releaseData();
-    // No longer loaded
-    TS_ASSERT(!h0->isLoaded());
-    TS_ASSERT(!h1->isLoaded());
-  }
-  void testSetX()
-  {
-    ManagedDataBlock2D aBlock(0,1,1,1, NULL, MantidVecPtr());
-    double aNumber = 5.5;
-    boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec > v( new MantidVec(1, aNumber) );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->setX(v) );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->dataX()[0], aNumber );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( aBlock.getSpectrum(-1)->setX(v), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( aBlock.getSpectrum(1)->setX(v), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT( aBlock.hasChanges() );
-  }
-  void testSpectrumNo()
-  {
-    ManagedDataBlock2D aBlock(0,1,1,1, NULL, MantidVecPtr());
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->setSpectrumNo(1234) );
-    // You don't need to save back to disk since that's in memory all the time
-    TS_ASSERT( !aBlock.hasChanges() );
-  }
-  void testDetectorIDs()
-  {
-    ManagedDataBlock2D aBlock(0,1,1,1, NULL, MantidVecPtr());
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->addDetectorID(1234) );
-    // You don't need to save back to disk since that's in memory all the time
-    TS_ASSERT( !aBlock.hasChanges() );
-  }
-  void testSetData()
-  {
-    ManagedDataBlock2D aBlock(0,1,1,1, NULL, MantidVecPtr());
-    double aNumber = 9.9;
-    boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec > v( new MantidVec(1, aNumber) );
-    double anotherNumber = 3.3;
-    boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec > w( new MantidVec(1, anotherNumber) );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->setData(v,v) );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->dataY()[0], aNumber )    ;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( aBlock.getSpectrum(-1)->setData(v,v), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( aBlock.getSpectrum(1)->setData(v,v), std::range_error );
-    double yetAnotherNumber = 2.25;
-    (*v)[0] = yetAnotherNumber;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->setData(v,w) );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->dataY()[0], yetAnotherNumber );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( aBlock.getSpectrum(0)->dataE()[0], anotherNumber );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( aBlock.getSpectrum(-1)->setData(v,w), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( aBlock.getSpectrum(1)->setData(v,w), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT( aBlock.hasChanges() );
-  }
-  void testDataX()
-  {
-    dataXTester(data);
-  }
-  void testDataY()
-  {
-    dataYTester(data);
-  }
-  void testDataE()
-  {
-    dataETester(data);
-  }
-  void testStreamOperators()
-  {
-    std::fstream outfile("ManagedDataBlock2DTest.tmp", std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
-    TS_ASSERT( outfile );
-    outfile << data;
-    outfile.close();
-    std::fstream infile("ManagedDataBlock2DTest.tmp", std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
-    TS_ASSERT( infile );
-    // Empty block
-    ManagedDataBlock2D readData(0,2,4,3, NULL, MantidVecPtr());
-    // The spectra say "loaded" because they were initialized
-    ManagedHistogram1D * h0 = dynamic_cast<ManagedHistogram1D *>(readData.getSpectrum(0));
-    ManagedHistogram1D * h1 = dynamic_cast<ManagedHistogram1D *>(readData.getSpectrum(1));
-    TS_ASSERT(h0->isLoaded());
-    TS_ASSERT(h1->isLoaded());
-    infile >> readData;
-    // use const methods so that I can check the changes flag behaves as it should
-    TS_ASSERT( ! readData.hasChanges() );
-    dataXTester(readData);
-    dataYTester(readData);
-    dataETester(readData);
-    TS_ASSERT( readData.hasChanges() );
-    // The spectra are now marked as loaded
-    TS_ASSERT(h0->isLoaded());
-    TS_ASSERT(h1->isLoaded());
-    remove("ManagedDataBlock2DTest.tmp");
-  }
-    ManagedDataBlock2D data;
-    void dataXTester(ManagedDataBlock2D &dataToTest)
-    {
-      MantidVec x;
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( dataToTest.getSpectrum(-1)->dataX(), std::range_error );
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( x = dataToTest.getSpectrum(0)->dataX() );
-      MantidVec xx;
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( xx = dataToTest.getSpectrum(1)->dataX() );
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( dataToTest.getSpectrum(2)->dataX(), std::range_error );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( x.size(), 4 );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xx.size(), 4 );
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
-      {
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( x[i], i );
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xx[i], i+4 );
-      }
-      // test const version
-      const ManagedDataBlock2D &constRefToData = dataToTest;
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.getSpectrum(-1)->dataX(), std::range_error );
-      const MantidVec xc = constRefToData.getSpectrum(0)->dataX();
-      const MantidVec xxc = constRefToData.getSpectrum(1)->dataX();
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.getSpectrum(2)->dataX(), std::range_error );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xc.size(), 4 );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xxc.size(), 4 );
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xc.size(); ++i)
-      {
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xc[i], i );
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xxc[i], i+4 );
-      }
-    }
-    void dataYTester(ManagedDataBlock2D &dataToTest)
-    {
-      MantidVec y;
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( dataToTest.getSpectrum(-1)->dataY(), std::range_error );
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( y = dataToTest.getSpectrum(0)->dataY() );
-      MantidVec yy;
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( yy = dataToTest.getSpectrum(1)->dataY() );
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( dataToTest.getSpectrum(2)->dataY(), std::range_error );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( y.size(), 3 );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yy.size(), 3 );
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < y.size(); ++i)
-      {
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( y[i], i*10 );
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yy[i], i*100 );
-      }    
-      // test const version
-      const ManagedDataBlock2D &constRefToData = dataToTest;
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.getSpectrum(-1)->dataY(), std::range_error );
-      const MantidVec yc = constRefToData.getSpectrum(0)->dataY();
-      const MantidVec yyc = constRefToData.getSpectrum(1)->dataY();
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.getSpectrum(2)->dataY(), std::range_error );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yc.size(), 3 );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yyc.size(), 3 );
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < yc.size(); ++i)
-      {
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yc[i], i*10 );
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yyc[i], i*100 );
-      }    
-    }
-    void dataETester(ManagedDataBlock2D &dataToTest)
-    {
-      MantidVec e;
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( dataToTest.getSpectrum(-1)->dataE(), std::range_error );
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( e = dataToTest.getSpectrum(0)->dataE() );
-      MantidVec ee;
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( ee = dataToTest.getSpectrum(1)->dataE() );
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( dataToTest.getSpectrum(2)->dataE(), std::range_error );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( e.size(), 3 );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ee.size(), 3 );
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i)
-      {
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( e[i], sqrt(i*10.0) );
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ee[i], sqrt(i*100.0) );
-      }    
-      // test const version
-      const ManagedDataBlock2D &constRefToData = dataToTest;
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.getSpectrum(-1)->dataE(), std::range_error );
-      const MantidVec ec = constRefToData.getSpectrum(0)->dataE();
-      const MantidVec eec = constRefToData.getSpectrum(1)->dataE();
-      TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.getSpectrum(2)->dataE(), std::range_error );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ec.size(), 3 );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( eec.size(), 3 );
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ec.size(); ++i)
-      {
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ec[i], sqrt(i*10.0) );
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( eec[i], sqrt(i*100.0) );
-      }    
-    }
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedHistogram1DTest.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedHistogram1DTest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bb220248ec..00000000000
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedHistogram1DTest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedHistogram1D.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/System.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/Timer.h"
-#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace Mantid;
-using namespace Mantid::DataObjects;
-using namespace Mantid::API;
-class ManagedHistogram1DTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite
-  void test_constructor()
-  {
-    ManagedHistogram1D h(NULL, 1234);
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( h.getWorkspaceIndex(), 1234);
-  }
-  /** Const access does not set the dirty flag */
-  void test_dirtyFlag_const()
-  {
-    const ManagedHistogram1D h(NULL, 1234);
-    TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-    const MantidVec & x = h.dataX();
-    TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-    const MantidVec & y = h.dataY();
-    TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-    const MantidVec & e = h.dataE();
-    TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-    const MantidVec & dx = h.dataDx();
-    TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-  }
-  /** Non-const access does set the dirty flag (except for Dx)*/
-  void test_dirtyFlag_isSet()
-  {
-    {
-      ManagedHistogram1D h(NULL, 1234);
-      TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-      h.dataX();
-      TS_ASSERT( h.isDirty() );
-      ManagedHistogram1D * h2 = new ManagedHistogram1D(NULL, 1234);
-      // Check that the method is properly overridden in ISpectrum
-      ISpectrum * spec = h2;
-      TS_ASSERT( !h2->isDirty() );
-      spec->dataX();
-      TS_ASSERT( h2->isDirty() );
-    }
-    {
-      ManagedHistogram1D h(NULL, 1234);
-      TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-      h.ptrX();
-      TS_ASSERT( h.isDirty() );
-    }
-    {
-      ManagedHistogram1D h(NULL, 1234);
-      TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-      h.dataY();
-      TS_ASSERT( h.isDirty() );
-    }
-    {
-      ManagedHistogram1D h(NULL, 1234);
-      TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-      h.dataE();
-      TS_ASSERT( h.isDirty() );
-    }
-    {
-      ManagedHistogram1D h(NULL, 1234);
-      TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-      h.dataDx();
-      // Dx does NOT dirty it
-      TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-    }
-  }
-  /** setX or setData() makes it dirty */
-  void test_dirtyFlag_isSet_whenUsingSetData()
-  {
-    MantidVec X, Y, E;
-    {
-      ManagedHistogram1D h(NULL, 1234);
-      TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-      h.setData(Y);
-      TS_ASSERT( h.isDirty() );
-    }
-    {
-      ManagedHistogram1D h(NULL, 1234);
-      TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-      h.setData(Y, E);
-      TS_ASSERT( h.isDirty() );
-    }
-    {
-      ManagedHistogram1D h(NULL, 1234);
-      TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-      h.setX(X);
-      TS_ASSERT( h.isDirty() );
-    }
-    {
-      ManagedHistogram1D h(NULL, 1234);
-      TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-      h.setDx(X);
-      // Dx does NOT dirty it
-      TS_ASSERT( !h.isDirty() );
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedWorkspace2DTest.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedWorkspace2DTest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7812cd70c26..00000000000
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataObjects/test/ManagedWorkspace2DTest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
-#include "MantidAPI/MemoryManager.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
-#include "MantidDataObjects/ManagedWorkspace2D.h"
-#include "MantidGeometry/IDTypes.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/Memory.h"
-#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
-#include <Poco/File.h>
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-using Mantid::MantidVec;
-using std::size_t;
-using Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D;
-class ManagedWorkspace2DTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite
-  static ManagedWorkspace2DTest *createSuite() { return new ManagedWorkspace2DTest(); }
-  static void destroySuite( ManagedWorkspace2DTest *suite ) { delete suite; }
-  ManagedWorkspace2DTest()
-  {
-    smallWorkspace.setTitle("ManagedWorkspace2DTest_smallWorkspace");
-    smallWorkspace.initialize(2,4,3);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-    {
-      smallWorkspace.dataX(0)[i] = static_cast<double>(i);
-      smallWorkspace.dataX(1)[i] = static_cast<double>(i+4);
-    }
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-    {
-      smallWorkspace.dataY(0)[i] = static_cast<double>(i*10);
-      smallWorkspace.dataE(0)[i] = sqrt(smallWorkspace.dataY(0)[i]);
-      smallWorkspace.dataY(1)[i] = static_cast<double>(i*100);
-      smallWorkspace.dataE(1)[i] = sqrt(smallWorkspace.dataY(1)[i]);     
-    }
-    bigWorkspace.setTitle("ManagedWorkspace2DTest_bigWorkspace");
-    size_t nVec = 1250;
-    size_t vecLength = 25;
-    bigWorkspace.initialize(nVec, vecLength, vecLength);
-    for (size_t i=0; i< nVec; i++)
-    {
-      boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec > x1(new MantidVec(vecLength, static_cast<MantidVec::value_type>(1+i) ) );
-      boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec > y1(new MantidVec(vecLength, static_cast<MantidVec::value_type>(5+i) ) );
-      boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec > e1(new MantidVec(vecLength, static_cast<MantidVec::value_type>(4+i) ) );
-      bigWorkspace.setX(i,x1);     
-      bigWorkspace.setData(i,y1,e1);
-      // As of 20/7/2011, revision [13332], these calls have no (lasting) effect.
-      // When they do, the testSpectrumAndDetectorNumbers test will start to fail
-      bigWorkspace.getSpectrum(i)->setSpectrumNo((int)i);
-      bigWorkspace.getSpectrum(i)->setDetectorID((int)i*100);
-    }
-  }
-  void testInit()
-  {
-    Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D ws;
-    ws.setTitle("testInit");
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( ws.initialize(5,5,5) );;
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.getNumberHistograms(), 5 );;
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.blocksize(), 5 );;
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.size(), 25 );;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
-    {
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.dataX(i).size(), 5 );;
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.dataY(i).size(), 5 );;
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.dataE(i).size(), 5 );;
-    }
-    // Test all is as it should be with the temporary file
-    std::string filename = ws.get_filename() + "0";
-    std::fstream file(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
-    TSM_ASSERT(filename, file);;
-    double temp;
- *) &temp, sizeof(double));
-    TS_ASSERT( );
-    file.close();
-  }
-  void testCast()
-  {
-    Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D *ws = new Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D;
-    TS_ASSERT( dynamic_cast<Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D*>(ws) );
-    TS_ASSERT( dynamic_cast<Mantid::API::Workspace*>(ws) );
-    delete ws;
-  }
-  void testId()
-  {
-    TS_ASSERT( !"ManagedWorkspace2D") );
-  }
-  void testgetNumberHistograms()
-  {
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( smallWorkspace.getNumberHistograms(), 2 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.getNumberHistograms(), 1250 );
-    Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D &ws = dynamic_cast<Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D&>(smallWorkspace);
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.getNumberHistograms(), 2);;
-  }
-  void testSetX()
-  {
-    Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D ws;
-    ws.setTitle("testSetX");
-    ws.initialize(1,1,1);
-    double aNumber = 5.5;
-    boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec > v(new MantidVec(1, aNumber));
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( ws.setX(0,v) );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.dataX(0)[0], aNumber );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( ws.setX(-1,v), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( ws.setX(1,v), std::range_error );
-    double anotherNumber = 9.99;
-    boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec > vec(new MantidVec(25, anotherNumber));
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( bigWorkspace.setX(10, vec) );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataX(10)[7], anotherNumber );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataX(10)[22], anotherNumber );
-  }
-  void testSetData()
-  {
-    Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D ws;
-    ws.setTitle("testSetData");
-    ws.initialize(1,1,1);
-    double aNumber = 9.9;
-    boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec > v(new MantidVec(1, aNumber));
-    double anotherNumber = 3.3;
-    boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec > w(new MantidVec(1, anotherNumber));
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( ws.setData(0,v,v) );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.dataY(0)[0], aNumber )    ;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( ws.setData(-1,v,v), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( ws.setData(1,v,v), std::range_error );
-    double yetAnotherNumber = 2.25;
-    (*v)[0] = yetAnotherNumber;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( ws.setData(0,v,w) );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.dataY(0)[0], yetAnotherNumber );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.dataE(0)[0], anotherNumber );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( ws.setData(-1,v,w), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( ws.setData(1,v,w), std::range_error );
-    double oneMoreNumber = 8478.6728;
-    boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec > vec(new MantidVec(25, oneMoreNumber));
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( bigWorkspace.setData(49, vec, vec) );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataY(49)[0], oneMoreNumber );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataE(49)[9], oneMoreNumber );
-  }
-  void testSize()
-  {
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( smallWorkspace.size(), 6 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.size(), 31250 );
-  }
-  void testBlocksize()
-  {
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( smallWorkspace.blocksize(), 3 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.blocksize(), 25 )    ;
-  }
-  void testDataX()
-  {
-    MantidVec x;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( smallWorkspace.dataX(-1), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( x = smallWorkspace.dataX(0) );
-    MantidVec xx;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( xx = smallWorkspace.dataX(1) );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( smallWorkspace.dataX(2), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( x.size(), 4 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xx.size(), 4 );
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
-    {
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( x[i], i );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xx[i], i+4 );
-    }
-    // test const version
-    const Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D &constRefToData = smallWorkspace;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.dataX(-1), std::range_error );
-    const MantidVec xc = constRefToData.dataX(0);
-    const MantidVec xxc = constRefToData.dataX(1);
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.dataX(2), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xc.size(), 4 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xxc.size(), 4 );
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < xc.size(); ++i)
-    {
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xc[i], i );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xxc[i], i+4 );
-    }
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataX(101)[5], 102 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataX(201)[24], 202 );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( bigWorkspace.dataX(39)[10] = 2.22 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataX(39)[10], 2.22 );
-  }
-  void testDataDx()
-  {
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( smallWorkspace.dataDx(0).size(), 4 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( smallWorkspace.readDx(1)[3], 0.0 );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( smallWorkspace.dataDx(1)[3] = 9.9 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( smallWorkspace.readDx(1)[3], 9.9 );
-  }
-  void testDataY()
-  {
-    MantidVec y;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( smallWorkspace.dataY(-1), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( y = smallWorkspace.dataY(0) );
-    MantidVec yy;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( yy = smallWorkspace.dataY(1) );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( smallWorkspace.dataY(2), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( y.size(), 3 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yy.size(), 3 );
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < y.size(); ++i)
-    {
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( y[i], i*10 );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yy[i], i*100 );
-    }    
-    // test const version
-    const Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D &constRefToData = smallWorkspace;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.dataY(-1), std::range_error );
-    const MantidVec yc = constRefToData.dataY(0);
-    const MantidVec yyc = constRefToData.dataY(1);
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.dataY(2), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yc.size(), 3 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yyc.size(), 3 );
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < yc.size(); ++i)
-    {
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yc[i], i*10 );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yyc[i], i*100 );
-    }    
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataY(178)[8], 183 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataY(64)[11], 69 );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( bigWorkspace.dataY(123)[8] = 3.33 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataY(123)[8], 3.33 );
-  }
-  void testDataE()
-  {
-    MantidVec e;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( smallWorkspace.dataE(-1), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( e = smallWorkspace.dataE(0) );
-    MantidVec ee;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( ee = smallWorkspace.dataE(1) );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( smallWorkspace.dataE(2), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( e.size(), 3 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ee.size(), 3 );
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i)
-    {
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( e[i], sqrt(static_cast<double>(i)*10.0) );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ee[i], sqrt(static_cast<double>(i)*100.0) );
-    }    
-    // test const version
-    const Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D &constRefToData = smallWorkspace;
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.dataE(-1), std::range_error );
-    const MantidVec ec = constRefToData.dataE(0);
-    const MantidVec eec = constRefToData.dataE(1);
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS( const MantidVec v = constRefToData.dataE(2), std::range_error );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ec.size(), 3 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( eec.size(), 3 );
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < ec.size(); ++i)
-    {
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ec[i], sqrt(static_cast<double>(i)*10.0) );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( eec[i], sqrt(static_cast<double>(i)*100.0) );
-    }    
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataE(0)[23], 4 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataE(249)[2], 253 );
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING( bigWorkspace.dataE(11)[11] = 4.44 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.dataE(11)[11], 4.44 );
-  }
-  void testSpectrumAndDetectorNumbers()
-  {
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < bigWorkspace.getNumberHistograms(); ++i)
-    {
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.getAxis(1)->spectraNo(i), i );
-      // Values were set in the constructor
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( bigWorkspace.getSpectrum(i)->getSpectrumNo(), i );
-      TS_ASSERT( bigWorkspace.getSpectrum(i)->hasDetectorID((int)i*100) );
-    }
-  }
-  void testMultipleFiles()
-  {
-    const size_t NHist = 111;
-    const size_t NY = 9;
-    const size_t NX = NY + 1;
-    double dBlockSize = 2 * ( sizeof(int) + ( NX + 2*NY ) * sizeof(double) );
-    // This will make sure 1 ManagedDataBlock = 2 Vectors
-    Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl& conf = Mantid::Kernel::ConfigService::Instance();
-    const std::string blocksize = "ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize";
-    const std::string oldValue = conf.getString(blocksize);
-    conf.setString(blocksize,boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dBlockSize));
-    const std::string blockPerFile = "ManagedWorkspace.BlocksPerFile";
-    const std::string oldValueBlockPerFile = conf.getString(blockPerFile);
-    conf.setString(blockPerFile,"9");
-    Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D ws;
-    ws.initialize(NHist, NX, NY);
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.getNumberFiles(), NHist /( 2 * 9 ) + 1 );
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < ws.getNumberHistograms(); ++i )
-    {
-      auto& y = ws.dataY( i );
-      for(size_t j = 0; j < y.size(); ++j)
-      {
-        y[j] = double(1000*i) + double(j);
-      }
-    }
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < ws.getNumberHistograms(); ++i )
-    {
-      auto& y = ws.dataY( i );
-      for(size_t j = 0; j < y.size(); ++j)
-      {
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( y[j], double(1000*i) + double(j) );
-      }
-    }
-    conf.setString(blocksize,oldValue);
-    conf.setString(blockPerFile,oldValueBlockPerFile);
-  }
-  void testMultipleFiles1()
-  {
-    const size_t NHist = 211;
-    const size_t NY = 9;
-    const size_t NX = NY + 1;
-    const size_t StartHist = 90;
-    double dBlockSize = /*sizeof(int) +*/ ( NX + 2*NY ) * sizeof(double);
-    // This will make sure 1 ManagedDataBlock = 1 Vector
-    Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl& conf = Mantid::Kernel::ConfigService::Instance();
-    const std::string blocksize = "ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize";
-    const std::string oldValue = conf.getString(blocksize);
-    conf.setString(blocksize,boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dBlockSize));
-    const std::string blockPerFile = "ManagedWorkspace.BlocksPerFile";
-    const std::string oldValueBlockPerFile = conf.getString(blockPerFile);
-    conf.setString(blockPerFile,"40");
-    Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D ws;
-    ws.initialize(NHist, NX, NY);
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.getNumberFiles(), NHist /( 40 ) + 1 );
-    // start writing from some index > 0
-    for(size_t i = StartHist; i < ws.getNumberHistograms(); ++i )
-    {
-      auto& y = ws.dataY( i );
-      for(size_t j = 0; j < y.size(); ++j)
-      {
-        y[j] = double(1000*i) + double(j);
-      }
-    }
-    for(size_t i = StartHist; i < ws.getNumberHistograms(); ++i )
-    {
-      auto& y = ws.dataY( i );
-      for(size_t j = 0; j < y.size(); ++j)
-      {
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( y[j], double(1000*i) + double(j) );
-      }
-    }
-    // check that front spectra can be read and zero
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.readY( 0 )[0], 0.0 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.readY( 1 )[0], 0.0 );
-    conf.setString(blocksize,oldValue);
-    conf.setString(blockPerFile,oldValueBlockPerFile);
-  }
-  void testMultipleFiles2()
-  {
-    const size_t NHist = 211;
-    const size_t NY = 9;
-    const size_t NX = NY + 1;
-    const size_t StartHist = 90;
-    double dBlockSize = /*sizeof(int) +*/ ( NX + 2*NY ) * sizeof(double);
-    // This will make sure 1 ManagedDataBlock = 1 Vector
-    Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl& conf = Mantid::Kernel::ConfigService::Instance();
-    const std::string blocksize = "ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize";
-    const std::string oldValue = conf.getString(blocksize);
-    conf.setString(blocksize,boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dBlockSize));
-    const std::string blockPerFile = "ManagedWorkspace.BlocksPerFile";
-    const std::string oldValueBlockPerFile = conf.getString(blockPerFile);
-    conf.setString(blockPerFile,"40");
-    Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D ws;
-    ws.initialize(NHist, NX, NY);
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.getNumberFiles(), NHist /( 40 ) + 1 );
-    // write at front
-    ws.dataY( 0 )[0] = 1.0;
-    ws.dataY( 1 )[0] = 2.0;
-    // leave a gap
-    for(size_t i = StartHist; i < ws.getNumberHistograms(); ++i )
-    {
-      auto& y = ws.dataY( i );
-      for(size_t j = 0; j < y.size(); ++j)
-      {
-        y[j] = double(1000*i) + double(j);
-      }
-    }
-    // check the filled spectra
-    for(size_t i = StartHist; i < ws.getNumberHistograms(); ++i )
-    {
-      auto& y = ws.dataY( i );
-      for(size_t j = 0; j < y.size(); ++j)
-      {
-        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( y[j], double(1000*i) + double(j) );
-      }
-    }
-    // check that front spectra weren't changed by padding
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.readY( 0 )[0], 1.0 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( ws.readY( 1 )[0], 2.0 );
-    conf.setString(blocksize,oldValue);
-    conf.setString(blockPerFile,oldValueBlockPerFile);
-  }
-  void testPadding()
-  {
-    //std::cout << "Start!!!!" << std::endl;
-    // This will make sure 1 ManagedDataBlock = 1 Vector
-    Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl& conf = Mantid::Kernel::ConfigService::Instance();
-    const std::string blocksize = "ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize";
-    const std::string oldValue = conf.getString(blocksize);
-    conf.setString(blocksize,"1");
-    const std::string blockPerFile = "ManagedWorkspace.BlocksPerFile";
-    const std::string oldValueBlockPerFile = conf.getString(blockPerFile);
-    conf.setString(blockPerFile,"10");
-    Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D ws;
-    ws.initialize(111,10,9);
-    MantidVec fours(10,4.0);
-    MantidVec fives(9,5.0);
-    MantidVec sixes(9,6.0);
-    for ( std::size_t i = 10; i < ws.getNumberHistograms(); ++i )
-    {
-      ws.dataX(i) = fours;
-      ws.dataY(i) = fives;
-      ws.dataE(i) = sixes;
-    }
-    // Get back a block that should have gone out to disk and check its values
-    MantidVec xvals = ws.dataX(50);
-    MantidVec yvals = ws.dataY(50);
-    MantidVec evals = ws.dataE(50);
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xvals.size(), 10 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yvals.size(), 9 );
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( evals.size(), 9 );
-    for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < 9; ++j )
-    {
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xvals[j], 4.0 );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( yvals[j], 5.0 );
-      TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( evals[j], 6.0 );
-    }
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( xvals.back(), 4.0 );
-    conf.setString(blocksize,oldValue);
-    conf.setString(blockPerFile,oldValueBlockPerFile);
-    //std::cout << "End!!!! " <<  std::endl;
-  }
-  void testDestructor()
-  {
-    std::string filename;
-    { // Scoping block
-      Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D tmp;
-      tmp.initialize(1,1,1);
-      filename = tmp.get_filename() + "0";
-      // File should exist
-      TS_ASSERT ( Poco::File(filename).exists() );
-    }
-    TSM_ASSERT ( "File should have been deleted", ! Poco::File(filename).exists() );
-  }
-  Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D smallWorkspace;
-  Mantid::DataObjects::ManagedWorkspace2D bigWorkspace;
-// Performance test
-class ManagedWorkspace2DTestPerformance : public CxxTest::TestSuite
-  Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inWS;
-  Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr managedWS;
-  static ManagedWorkspace2DTestPerformance *createSuite() { return new ManagedWorkspace2DTestPerformance(); }
-  static void destroySuite( ManagedWorkspace2DTestPerformance *suite ) { delete suite; }
-  ManagedWorkspace2DTestPerformance()
-  {
-    // Make sure the input workspace is NOT managed
-    Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl& conf = Mantid::Kernel::ConfigService::Instance();
-    conf.setString("ManagedWorkspace.AlwaysInMemory","1");
-    // Workspace should use up around 800 MB of memory
-    inWS = Mantid::API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("Workspace2D",7000,5000,5000);
-    conf.setString("ManagedWorkspace.AlwaysInMemory","0");
-  }
-  // This should take ~no time (nothing should be written to disk)
-  void testCreationViaFactory()
-  {
-    // Make sure we go managed
-    Mantid::Kernel::ConfigServiceImpl& conf = Mantid::Kernel::ConfigService::Instance();
-    const std::string managed = "ManagedWorkspace.LowerMemoryLimit";
-    const std::string oldValue = conf.getString(managed);
-    conf.setString(managed,"0");
-    const std::string managed2 = "ManagedRawFileWorkspace.DoNotUse";
-    const std::string oldValue2 = conf.getString(managed2);
-    conf.setString(managed2,"0");
-    // 1 MB block size
-    conf.setString("ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize", "1000000");
-    Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats stats;
-    stats.update();
-    size_t memBefore = stats.availMem() ;
-    managedWS = Mantid::API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inWS);
-    stats.update();
-    double memLoss = double(memBefore) - double(stats.availMem());
-    TSM_ASSERT_LESS_THAN( "Memory used up in creating a ManagedWorkspace should be minimal", memLoss, 20*1024);
-    std::cout << memLoss/(1024.0) << " MB of memory used up in creating an empty ManagedWorkspace." << std::endl;
-  }
-  // This should also take ~no time (nothing should be written to disk)
-  void testReadSpectrumNumber()
-  {
-    Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats stats;
-    stats.update();
-    size_t memBefore = stats.availMem() ;
-    Mantid::specid_t num(0);
-    for ( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < managedWS->getNumberHistograms(); ++i )
-    {
-      Mantid::API::ISpectrum * spec = managedWS->getSpectrum(i);
-      if ( ! spec->hasDetectorID(0) )
-      {
-        num = spec->getSpectrumNo();
-      }
-    }
-    TS_ASSERT ( num != 0 );
-    stats.update();
-    double memLoss = double(memBefore) - double(stats.availMem());
-    TSM_ASSERT_LESS_THAN( "Memory used up by looping only for spectrum numbers should be minimal", memLoss, 20*1024);
-    std::cout << memLoss/(1024.0) << " MB of memory used up in looping looking only for spectra." << std::endl;
-  }
-  // This should take a while...
-  void testLoopOverHalf()
-  {
-    Mantid::Kernel::MemoryStats stats;
-    // Temporary while I ensure that the memory-per-process code works on each platform
-#if _WIN32
-    size_t processMemBefore = stats.residentMem();
-    size_t memBefore = stats.availMem();
-    boost::shared_ptr<ManagedWorkspace2D> ws = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ManagedWorkspace2D>(managedWS);
-    TSM_ASSERT("Workspace is really managed", ws);
-    for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < 3500; ++i )
-    {
-      managedWS->dataX(i) = inWS->readX(i);
-      managedWS->dataY(i) = inWS->readY(i);
-      managedWS->dataE(i) = inWS->readE(i);
-    }
-    // For linux, make sure to release old memory
-    Mantid::API::MemoryManager::Instance().releaseFreeMemory();
-    stats.update();
-#if _WIN32
-    size_t processMemNow = stats.residentMem();
-    double memLoss = static_cast<double>(processMemNow) - static_cast<double>(processMemBefore);
-    size_t memNow =  stats.availMem();
-    double memLoss = static_cast<double>(memBefore) - static_cast<double>(memNow);
-    TSM_ASSERT_LESS_THAN( "MRU list should limit the amount of memory to around 100 MB used when accessing the data.", memLoss, 200*1024);
-    std::cout << memLoss/(1024.0) << " MB of memory used up in looping. Memory looped over = " << 3500.0*5000*24 / (1024.0*1024.0) << " MB." << std::endl;
-  }
-  // ...but only about half as long as this
-  void testLoopOverWhole()
-  {
-    Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr managedWS2 = Mantid::API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inWS);
-    for ( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < managedWS2->getNumberHistograms(); ++i )
-    {
-      managedWS2->dataX(i) = inWS->readX(i);
-      managedWS2->dataY(i) = inWS->readY(i);
-      managedWS2->dataE(i) = inWS->readE(i);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/ConfigService.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/ConfigService.cpp
index c829caa436b..86a330312a8 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/ConfigService.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/ConfigService.cpp
@@ -232,7 +232,6 @@ ConfigServiceImpl::ConfigServiceImpl() :
   m_ConfigPaths.insert(std::make_pair("user.python.plugins.directories", true));
   m_ConfigPaths.insert(std::make_pair("datasearch.directories", true));
   m_ConfigPaths.insert(std::make_pair("", true));
-  m_ConfigPaths.insert(std::make_pair("ManagedWorkspace.FilePath", true));
   //attempt to load the default properties file that resides in the directory of the executable
   std::string propertiesFilesList;
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/test/ConfigServiceTest.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/test/ConfigServiceTest.h
index 1c9039fb0b3..5af09a06f00 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/test/ConfigServiceTest.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/test/ConfigServiceTest.h
@@ -191,21 +191,20 @@ public:
   void TestCustomProperty()
-    //Mantid.legs is defined in the properties script as 6
-    std::string countString = ConfigService::Instance().getString("ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize");
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(countString, "4000");
+    std::string countString = ConfigService::Instance().getString("algorithms.retained");
+    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(countString, "50");
    void TestCustomPropertyAsValue()
     //Mantid.legs is defined in the properties script as 6
     int value = 0;
-    ConfigService::Instance().getValue("ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize",value);
+    ConfigService::Instance().getValue("algorithms.retained",value);
     double dblValue = 0;
-    ConfigService::Instance().getValue("ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize",dblValue);
+    ConfigService::Instance().getValue("algorithms.retained",dblValue);
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(value, 4000);
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(dblValue, 4000.0);
+    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(value, 50);
+    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(dblValue, 50.0);
   void TestMissingProperty()
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Properties/ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Properties/
index 9aa0919a994..ac2bfe7691a 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Properties/
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Properties/
@@ -95,20 +95,6 @@ =
 # The Number of algorithms properties to retain im memory for refence in scripts.
 algorithms.retained = 50
-# ManagedWorkspace.LowerMemoryLimit sets the memory limit to trigger the use of 
-# a ManagedWorkspace. A ManagedWorkspace will be used for a workspace requiring greater amount of memory 
-# than defined by LowerMemoryLimit. LowerMemoryLimit is a precentage of the physical memory available for
-# the process. On Linux it is the free physical memory, on Windows it is the smaller of the free physical memory
-# and the available virtual memory. The default value for LowerMemoryLimit is 40%. Setting the limit too high
-# may lead to unrecoverable bad allocations. If this happens the advice is to close Mantid and relaunch it 
-# with a smaller LowerMemoryLimit.
-ManagedWorkspace.LowerMemoryLimit = 80
-# Setting this to 1 will disable managed workspaces completely - use with care!
-ManagedWorkspace.AlwaysInMemory = 0
-ManagedWorkspace.DataBlockSize = 4000
-ManagedWorkspace.FilePath = 
 # Defines the maximum number of cores to use for OpenMP
 # For machine default set to 0
 MultiThreaded.MaxCores = 0
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MatrixWorkspace.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MatrixWorkspace.cpp
index 73714e1afa3..3ee289eeb29 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MatrixWorkspace.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MatrixWorkspace.cpp
@@ -239,10 +239,9 @@ void export_MatrixWorkspace()
-  static const int NUM_IDS = 8;
+  static const int NUM_IDS = 7;
   static const char * WORKSPACE_IDS[NUM_IDS] = {\
-      "GroupingWorkspace", "ManagedWorkspace2D",
-      "MaskWorkspace", "OffsetsWorkspace",
+      "GroupingWorkspace", "MaskWorkspace", "OffsetsWorkspace",
       "RebinnedOutput", "SpecialWorkspace2D", "Workspace2D", "WorkspaceSingleValue"
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/src/Mantid/MantidUI.cpp b/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/src/Mantid/MantidUI.cpp
index d151fe48cf8..9b27e1eb040 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/src/Mantid/MantidUI.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/src/Mantid/MantidUI.cpp
@@ -1921,7 +1921,7 @@ void MantidUI::manageMantidWorkspaces()
 #ifdef _WIN32
-  QMessageBox::warning(appWindow(),tr("Mantid Workspace"),tr("Clicked on Managed Workspace"),tr("Ok"),tr("Cancel"),QString(),0,1);
+  QMessageBox::warning(appWindow(),tr("Mantid Workspace"),tr("Clicked on Manage Workspace"),tr("Ok"),tr("Cancel"),QString(),0,1);
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/src/Mantid/WorkspaceIcons.cpp b/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/src/Mantid/WorkspaceIcons.cpp
index 92dad1d753e..757413ba089 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/src/Mantid/WorkspaceIcons.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/src/Mantid/WorkspaceIcons.cpp
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ void WorkspaceIcons::initInternalLookup()
   // MatrixWorkspace types
   m_idToPixmapName["EventWorkspace"] = "mantid_matrix_xpm";
   m_idToPixmapName["GroupingWorkspace"] = "mantid_matrix_xpm";
-  m_idToPixmapName["ManagedWorkspace2D"] = "mantid_matrix_xpm";
   m_idToPixmapName["MaskWorkspace"] = "mantid_matrix_xpm";
   m_idToPixmapName["OffsetsWorkspace"] = "mantid_matrix_xpm";
   m_idToPixmapName["RebinnedOutput"] = "mantid_matrix_xpm";