diff --git a/Framework/LiveData/inc/MantidLiveData/LoadLiveData.h b/Framework/LiveData/inc/MantidLiveData/LoadLiveData.h
index 95be2c5e1634a860172f0efb8908b91f5bbacb0b..cbf7a56c0b39a6b27e1fd36f8ab5b3a291e99383 100644
--- a/Framework/LiveData/inc/MantidLiveData/LoadLiveData.h
+++ b/Framework/LiveData/inc/MantidLiveData/LoadLiveData.h
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ private:
   void appendChunk(Mantid::API::Workspace_sptr chunkWS);
   API::Workspace_sptr appendMatrixWSChunk(API::Workspace_sptr accumWS,
                                           Mantid::API::Workspace_sptr chunkWS);
-  void resetAllXToSingleBin(API::Workspace *workspace);
+  void updateDefaultBinBoundaries(API::Workspace *workspace);
   /// The "accumulation" workspace = after adding, but before post-processing
   Mantid::API::Workspace_sptr m_accumWS;
diff --git a/Framework/LiveData/src/LiveDataAlgorithm.cpp b/Framework/LiveData/src/LiveDataAlgorithm.cpp
index 61ef87e70a14db04745fba7678bd20e78be82e86..4ac1e436c9c252bcf7fcdfd6d636950fd4fd8afe 100644
--- a/Framework/LiveData/src/LiveDataAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/Framework/LiveData/src/LiveDataAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -74,10 +74,7 @@ void LiveDataAlgorithm::initProps() {
       make_unique<PropertyWithValue<std::string>>("ProcessingAlgorithm", "",
       "Name of the algorithm that will be run to process each chunk of data.\n"
-      "Optional. If blank, no processing will occur. Note that, if "
-      "PreserveEvents is enabled, any rebinning done in this step will be "
-      "lost. Use the Post-Process step for custom rebinning of "
-      "EventWorkspaces.");
+      "Optional. If blank, no processing will occur.");
       make_unique<PropertyWithValue<std::string>>("ProcessingProperties", "",
@@ -89,19 +86,13 @@ void LiveDataAlgorithm::initProps() {
                       "ProcessingScript", "", Direction::Input),
                   "A Python script that will be run to process each chunk of "
                   "data. Only for command line usage, does not appear on the "
-                  "user interface. Note that, if PreserveEvents is enabled, "
-                  "any rebinning done in this step will be lost. Use the "
-                  "Post-Process step for custom rebinning of "
-                  "EventWorkspaces.");
+                  "user interface.");
   declareProperty(make_unique<FileProperty>("ProcessingScriptFilename", "",
                                             FileProperty::OptionalLoad, "py"),
                   "A Python script that will be run to process each chunk of "
                   "data. Only for command line usage, does not appear on the "
-                  "user interface. Note that, if PreserveEvents is enabled, "
-                  "any rebinning done in this step will be lost. Use the "
-                  "Post-Process step for custom rebinning of "
-                  "EventWorkspaces.");
+                  "user interface.");
   std::vector<std::string> propOptions{"Add", "Replace", "Append"};
diff --git a/Framework/LiveData/src/LoadLiveData.cpp b/Framework/LiveData/src/LoadLiveData.cpp
index d52545245f2a76b458cf194c0a569f2766f2f770..ba5fd01ffbec0515c3607933438386e504dc5987 100644
--- a/Framework/LiveData/src/LoadLiveData.cpp
+++ b/Framework/LiveData/src/LoadLiveData.cpp
@@ -417,6 +417,17 @@ Workspace_sptr LoadLiveData::appendMatrixWSChunk(Workspace_sptr accumWS,
   return accumWS;
+namespace {
+bool isUsingDefaultBinBoundaries(const EventWorkspace *workspace) {
+  // only check first spectrum
+  const auto &x = workspace->binEdges(0);
+  if (x.size() > 2)
+    return false;
+  // make sure that they are sorted
+  return (x.front() < x.back());
+} // namespace
 /** Resets all HistogramX in given EventWorkspace(s) to a single bin.
@@ -428,15 +439,17 @@ Workspace_sptr LoadLiveData::appendMatrixWSChunk(Workspace_sptr accumWS,
  * @param workspace :: Workspace(Group) that will have its bins reset
-void LoadLiveData::resetAllXToSingleBin(API::Workspace *workspace) {
+void LoadLiveData::updateDefaultBinBoundaries(API::Workspace *workspace) {
   if (auto *ws_event = dynamic_cast<EventWorkspace *>(workspace)) {
-    ws_event->resetAllXToSingleBin();
+    if (isUsingDefaultBinBoundaries(ws_event))
+      ws_event->resetAllXToSingleBin();
   } else if (auto *ws_group = dynamic_cast<WorkspaceGroup *>(workspace)) {
     auto num_entries = static_cast<size_t>(ws_group->getNumberOfEntries());
     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
       auto ws = ws_group->getItem(i);
       if (auto *ws_event = dynamic_cast<EventWorkspace *>(ws.get()))
-        ws_event->resetAllXToSingleBin();
+        if (isUsingDefaultBinBoundaries(ws_event))
+          ws_event->resetAllXToSingleBin();
@@ -492,18 +505,17 @@ void LoadLiveData::exec() {
   this->setPropertyValue("LastTimeStamp", lastTimeStamp.toISO8601String());
   // For EventWorkspaces, we adjust the X values such that all events fit
-  // within the bin boundaries. This is done both before and after the
-  // "Process" step. Any custom rebinning should be done in Post-Processing.
-  bool PreserveEvents = this->getProperty("PreserveEvents");
-  if (PreserveEvents)
-    this->resetAllXToSingleBin(chunkWS.get());
+  // within the bin boundaries
+  const bool preserveEvents = this->getProperty("PreserveEvents");
+  if (preserveEvents)
+    this->updateDefaultBinBoundaries(chunkWS.get());
   // Now we process the chunk
   Workspace_sptr processed = this->processChunk(chunkWS);
   EventWorkspace_sptr processedEvent =
-  if (!PreserveEvents && processedEvent) {
+  if (!preserveEvents && processedEvent) {
     // Convert the monitor workspace, if there is one and it's necessary
     MatrixWorkspace_sptr monitorWS = processedEvent->monitorWorkspace();
     auto monitorEventWS =
@@ -548,18 +560,20 @@ void LoadLiveData::exec() {
   g_log.notice() << "Performing the " << accum << " operation.\n";
   // Perform the accumulation and set the AccumulationWorkspace workspace
-  if (accum == "Replace")
+  if (accum == "Replace") {
-  else if (accum == "Append")
+  } else if (accum == "Append") {
-  else
+  } else {
     // Default to Add.
-  // For EventWorkspaces, we adjust the X values such that all events fit
-  // within the bin boundaries. This is done both before and after the
-  // "Process" step. Any custom rebinning should be done in Post-Processing.
-  this->resetAllXToSingleBin(m_accumWS.get());
+    // When adding events, the default bin boundaries may need to be updated.
+    // The function itself checks to see if it is appropriate
+    if (preserveEvents) {
+      this->updateDefaultBinBoundaries(m_accumWS.get());
+    }
+  }
   // At this point, m_accumWS is set.
diff --git a/Framework/LiveData/test/LoadLiveDataTest.h b/Framework/LiveData/test/LoadLiveDataTest.h
index 7d3734e109d30a9aa3d0a9c3d533ec2a62395c04..1eb6147cd4b60efadd47adc4768bdb0913f376a4 100644
--- a/Framework/LiveData/test/LoadLiveDataTest.h
+++ b/Framework/LiveData/test/LoadLiveDataTest.h
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public:
     // Accumulated workspace: it was rebinned, but rebinning should be reset
     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ws_accum->getNumberHistograms(), 2);
     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ws_accum->getNumberEvents(), 200);
-    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ws_accum->blocksize(), 1);
+    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ws_accum->blocksize(), 40);
     // The post-processed workspace was rebinned starting at 40e3
     TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ws->getNumberHistograms(), 2);
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/plugins/algorithms/WorkflowAlgorithms/DirectILLDiagnostics.py b/Framework/PythonInterface/plugins/algorithms/WorkflowAlgorithms/DirectILLDiagnostics.py
index 7e771323b5f73efb4fe7da2969d73de8e33a284c..4b136994689002a10f6a5c0714ab01b7377e796f 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/plugins/algorithms/WorkflowAlgorithms/DirectILLDiagnostics.py
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/plugins/algorithms/WorkflowAlgorithms/DirectILLDiagnostics.py
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ from mantid.api import (AlgorithmFactory, DataProcessorAlgorithm, InstrumentVali
                         WorkspaceProperty, WorkspaceUnitValidator)
 from mantid.kernel import (CompositeValidator, Direction, FloatBoundedValidator, IntArrayBoundedValidator,
                            IntArrayProperty, Property, StringArrayProperty, StringListValidator)
-from mantid.simpleapi import (ClearMaskFlag, CloneWorkspace, CreateEmptyTableWorkspace, Divide,
-                              ExtractMask, Integration, LoadMask, MaskDetectors, MedianDetectorTest, Plus, SolidAngle)
+from mantid.simpleapi import (ClearMaskFlag, CloneWorkspace, CreateEmptyTableWorkspace, CreateSingleValuedWorkspace, Divide,
+                              ExtractMask, Integration, LoadMask, MaskDetectors, MedianDetectorTest, Multiply, Plus, SolidAngle)
 import numpy
 import os.path
@@ -83,10 +83,17 @@ def _createDiagnosticsReportTable(reportWSName, numberHistograms, algorithmLoggi
 def _createMaskWS(ws, name, algorithmLogging):
     """Return a single bin workspace with same number of histograms as ws."""
-    maskWS, detList = ExtractMask(InputWorkspace=ws,
-                                  OutputWorkspace=name,
-                                  EnableLogging=algorithmLogging)
-    maskWS *= 0.0
+    extractResult = ExtractMask(InputWorkspace=ws,
+                                OutputWorkspace=name,
+                                EnableLogging=algorithmLogging)
+    zeroWS = CreateSingleValuedWorkspace(DataValue=0.,
+                                         ErrorValue=0.,
+                                         EnableLogging=algorithmLogging,
+                                         StoreInADS=False)
+    maskWS = Multiply(LHSWorkspace=extractResult.OutputWorkspace,
+                      RHSWorkspace=zeroWS,
+                      OutputWorkspace=name,
+                      EnableLogging=algorithmLogging)
     return maskWS
@@ -793,10 +800,10 @@ class DirectILLDiagnostics(DataProcessorAlgorithm):
-        maskWS, detectorList = ExtractMask(InputWorkspace=maskWS,
-                                           OutputWorkspace=maskWSName,
-                                           EnableLogging=algorithmLogging)
-        return maskWS
+        extractResult = ExtractMask(InputWorkspace=maskWS,
+                                    OutputWorkspace=maskWSName,
+                                    EnableLogging=algorithmLogging)
+        return extractResult.OutputWorkspace
     def _value(self, ws, propertyName, instrumentParameterName, defaultValue):
         """Return a suitable value either from a property, the IPF or the supplied defaultValue."""
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/test/python/plugins/algorithms/WorkflowAlgorithms/DirectILLDiagnosticsTest.py b/Framework/PythonInterface/test/python/plugins/algorithms/WorkflowAlgorithms/DirectILLDiagnosticsTest.py
index f96d3820519481349700b23bfebfbf3133cc77ad..35aa19c91d323eadb57e5aa0df2369ff4b0d9990 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/test/python/plugins/algorithms/WorkflowAlgorithms/DirectILLDiagnosticsTest.py
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/test/python/plugins/algorithms/WorkflowAlgorithms/DirectILLDiagnosticsTest.py
@@ -181,6 +181,34 @@ class DirectILLDiagnosticsTest(unittest.TestCase):
                 self.assertEquals(ys[0], 0)
+    def testMaskedComponents(self):
+        inWS = mtd[self._RAW_WS_NAME]
+        spectraCount = inWS.getNumberHistograms()
+        outWSName = 'diagnosticsWS'
+        kwargs = {
+            'InputWorkspace': self._RAW_WS_NAME,
+            'OutputWorkspace': outWSName,
+            'ElasticPeakDiagnostics': 'Peak Diagnostics OFF',
+            'BkgDiagnostics': 'Bkg Diagnostics OFF',
+            'BeamStopDiagnostics': 'Beam Stop Diagnostics OFF',
+            'DefaultMask': 'Default Mask OFF',
+            'MaskedComponents': 'tube_1',
+            'rethrow': True
+        }
+        run_algorithm('DirectILLDiagnostics', **kwargs)
+        self.assertTrue(mtd.doesExist(outWSName))
+        outWS = mtd[outWSName]
+        self.assertEquals(outWS.getNumberHistograms(), spectraCount)
+        self.assertEquals(outWS.blocksize(), 1)
+        for i in range(spectraCount):
+            Ys = outWS.readY(i)
+            detector = outWS.getDetector(i)
+            componentName = detector.getFullName()
+            if 'tube_1' in componentName:
+                self.assertEquals(Ys[0], 1)
+            else:
+                self.assertEquals(Ys[0], 0)
     def testOutputIsUsable(self):
         inWS = mtd[self._RAW_WS_NAME]
         spectraCount = inWS.getNumberHistograms()
diff --git a/MantidPlot/CMakeLists.txt b/MantidPlot/CMakeLists.txt
index b6d215007ee8a6e5888fa2e0d8a6c8829a3c2b17..9006e50ef3175fbdb82269c12129baf4258ef749 100644
--- a/MantidPlot/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/MantidPlot/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -891,6 +891,7 @@ set ( MANTIDPLOT_TEST_PY_FILES
+    MantidPlotProjectRecovery.py
diff --git a/MantidPlot/test/MantidPlotProjectRecovery.py b/MantidPlot/test/MantidPlotProjectRecovery.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..755aef40761fd1b2a2656b399b26ccafb3cc43e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MantidPlot/test/MantidPlotProjectRecovery.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import mantidplottests
+import os
+import platform
+import unittest
+import mantidplot
+from mantidplottests import runTests, threadsafe_call
+from glob import glob
+#from mantid.kernel import *
+from mantid import AnalysisDataService, ConfigService
+from mantid.simpleapi import CreateWorkspace
+from PyQt4 import QtGui
+import shutil
+import _qti
+path = os.path.join(ConfigService.getAppDataDirectory(), 'recovery', platform.node())
+def cleanUp():
+    # Clean Up
+    for cc in glob(os.path.join(path, "*", "")):
+        shutil.rmtree(cc)
+    AnalysisDataService.clear()
+class MantidPlotProjectRecovery(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_exec(self):
+        CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace="ws", DataX=[
+                        1, 2, 3], DataY=[1, 2, 3], NSpec=1)
+        threadsafe_call(_qti.app.saveRecoveryCheckpoint)
+        cleanUp()
+        #Test that it cleaned up after itself
+        self.assertEqual(len(glob(os.path.join(path, "*", ""))), 0)
+    def test_checkpoint_creation(self):
+        CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace="ws", DataX=[
+                        1, 2, 3], DataY=[1, 2, 3], NSpec=1)
+        listOfCheckpointsBefore = glob(os.path.join(path, "*", ""))
+        for ii in listOfCheckpointsBefore:
+            shutil.rmtree(ii)
+        threadsafe_call(_qti.app.saveRecoveryCheckpoint)
+        listOfCheckpointsAfter = glob(os.path.join(path, "*", "")) 
+        self.assertEqual(len(listOfCheckpointsAfter), 1)
+        cleanUp()
+        #Test that it cleaned up after itself
+        self.assertEqual(len(glob(os.path.join(path, "*", ""))), 0)
+# Run the unit tests
diff --git a/buildconfig/CMake/GNUSetup.cmake b/buildconfig/CMake/GNUSetup.cmake
index ebb044b0372261e9537b76cdead083c0499e5218..71e57587cac0d39bb42ee49eb6e3ab296671aea6 100644
--- a/buildconfig/CMake/GNUSetup.cmake
+++ b/buildconfig/CMake/GNUSetup.cmake
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if ( CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX )
   message( STATUS "gcc version: ${GCC_COMPILER_VERSION}" )
     # Add an option to use the old C++ ABI if gcc is 5 series
     option ( USE_CXX98_ABI "If enabled, sets the _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 compiler flag" OFF)
     if ( USE_CXX98_ABI )
diff --git a/docs/source/algorithms/LoadLiveData-v1.rst b/docs/source/algorithms/LoadLiveData-v1.rst
index f94295576e348cbcecc3563f3c4826891176c067..31f7af8a594d58ab50ed497c99c46b1ce2cff2f8 100644
--- a/docs/source/algorithms/LoadLiveData-v1.rst
+++ b/docs/source/algorithms/LoadLiveData-v1.rst
@@ -31,26 +31,20 @@ Data Processing
 -  You have two options on how to process this workspace:
 Processing with an Algorithm
 -  Specify the name of the algorithm in the ``ProcessingAlgorithm``
-   -  This could be, e.g. a `Python Algorithm <Python Algorithm>`__
-      written for this purpose.
+   -  This could be a python algorithm written for this purpose
    -  The algorithm *must* have at least 2 properties: ``InputWorkspace``
       and ``OutputWorkspace``.
    -  Any other properties are set from the string in
-   -  The algorithm is then run, and its ``OutputWorkspace`` is saved.
-.. note:
-   When PreserveEvents is enabled, any rebinning done in this step will be
-   lost. Use the Post-Process step instead for EventWorkspaces.
+   -  The algorithm is then run, and its ``OutputWorkspace`` is saved
 Processing with a Python Script
 The python script is run using :ref:`algm-RunPythonScript`. Please see
 its documentation for details of how the script is run.
@@ -72,10 +66,13 @@ its documentation for details of how the script is run.
    - Contents of the file have the exact same rules as specifying the ``ProcessingScript``
-.. note:
+.. note::
-   When PreserveEvents is enabled, any rebinning done in this step will be
-   lost. Use the Post-Process step instead for EventWorkspaces.
+   When ``PreserveEvents`` is enabled and the data has not been binned
+   during the process step (with ``ProcessingAlgorithm``,
+   ``ProcessingScript``, or ``ProcessingScriptFilename``), the data
+   will be rebinned at the end of the step to include all events. Use
+   the Post-Process step instead for :ref:`EventWorkspaces <EventWorkspace>`.
 Data Accumulation
@@ -90,36 +87,31 @@ Data Accumulation
    -  If you select ``Append``, then the spectra from each chunk will be
       appended to the output workspace.
-A Warning About Events
+.. warning::
-Beware! If you select ``PreserveEvents=True`` and your processing
-keeps the data as :ref:`EventWorkspaces <EventWorkspace>`, you may end
-up creating **very large** EventWorkspaces in long runs. Most plots
-require re-sorting the events, which is an operation that gets much
-slower as the list gets bigger (Order of :math:`N * log(N)`). This
-could cause Mantid to run very slowly or to crash due to lack of
+   Beware! If you select ``PreserveEvents=True`` and your processing
+   keeps the data as :ref:`EventWorkspaces <EventWorkspace>`, you may end
+   up creating **very large** EventWorkspaces in long runs. Most plots
+   require re-sorting the events, which is an operation that gets much
+   slower as the list gets bigger (Order of :math:`N * log(N)`). This
+   could cause Mantid to run very slowly or to crash due to lack of
+   memory.
-Additionally, the resulting EventWorkspaces produced when
-``PreserveEvents=True`` will have their X values reset to a single bin with
-boundaries that encompass all events currently in the workspace. This means
-that any rebinning that was done during the Process step will be lost. If
-custom binning is required, this should be done using the Post-Process step
-described below.
+   It is highly recommended that early in the PostProcessing step one
+   uses :ref:`CompressEvents <algm-CompressEvents>` if the data is going
+   to remain in events.
 Post-Processing Step
--  Optionally, you can specify some processing to perform *after*
-   accumulation.
+- Optionally, you can specify some processing to perform *after*
+  accumulation.
-   -  You then need to specify the ``AccumulationWorkspace`` property.
+  -  You then need to specify the ``AccumulationWorkspace`` property.
-- Using either the ``PostProcessingAlgorithm``,
-   ``PostProcessingScript``, or ``PostProcessingScriptFilename`` (same
-   way as above), the ``AccumulationWorkspace`` is processed into the
-   ``OutputWorkspace``
+- Using either the ``PostProcessingAlgorithm``, ``PostProcessingScript``,
+  or ``PostProcessingScriptFilename`` (same way as above), the
+  ``AccumulationWorkspace`` is processed into the ``OutputWorkspace``
diff --git a/docs/source/release/v3.14.0/framework.rst b/docs/source/release/v3.14.0/framework.rst
index bd6226d7a6eb00274b051e2e79d53f23a5679343..6333b037be40330909381e2e39c6a2e4a3e8f75e 100644
--- a/docs/source/release/v3.14.0/framework.rst
+++ b/docs/source/release/v3.14.0/framework.rst
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Improvements
 - :ref:`CropToComponent <algm-CropToComponent>` now supports also scanning workspaces.
 - :ref:`SumOverlappingTubes <algm-SumOverlappingTubes>` will produce histogram data, and will not split the counts between bins by default.
 - :ref:`SumSpectra <algm-SumSpectra>` has an additional option, ``MultiplyBySpectra``, which controls whether or not the output spectra are multiplied by the number of bins. This property should be set to ``False`` for summing spectra as PDFgetN does.
-- :ref:`Live Data <algm-StartLiveData>` for events in PreserveEvents mode now produces workspaces that have bin boundaries which encompass the total x-range (TOF) for all events across all spectra.
+- :ref:`Live Data <algm-StartLiveData>` for events with ``PreserveEvents=True`` now produces workspaces that have bin boundaries which encompass the total x-range (TOF) for all events across all spectra if the data was not binned during the process step.
 - Bugfix in :ref:`ConvertToMatrixWorkspace <algm-ConvertToMatrixWorkspace>` with ``Workspace2D`` as the ``InputWorkspace`` not being cloned to the ``OutputWorkspace``. Added support for ragged workspaces.
 - :ref:`RebinToWorkspace <algm-RebinToWorkspace>` now checks if the ``WorkspaceToRebin`` and ``WorkspaceToMatch`` already have the same binning. Added support for ragged workspaces.
 - :ref:`GroupWorkspaces <algm-GroupWorkspaces>` supports glob patterns for matching workspaces in the ADS.