diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/inc/MantidVatesAPI/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet.h b/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/inc/MantidVatesAPI/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet.h
index e7b02efe328f7cfd049568dfe67e80018e81902d..d7d9e205f664c959ce640b250b1508a716188e4e 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/inc/MantidVatesAPI/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/inc/MantidVatesAPI/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet.h
@@ -43,21 +43,16 @@ namespace VATES
                               vtkUnstructuredGrid *output);
     /// Destructor
     virtual ~vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet();
-    /// Set the scaling factors
-    void initialize(double xScale, double yScale, double zScale);
     /// Apply the scaling and add metadata
-    void execute();
+    void execute(double xScale, double yScale, double zScale);
     vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet& operator=(const vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet& other);
     /// Set metadata on the dataset to handle scaling
-    void updateMetaData();
+    void updateMetaData(double xScale, double yScale,
+                        double zScale);
     vtkUnstructuredGrid *m_inputData; ///< Data to scale
     vtkUnstructuredGrid *m_outputData; ///< Scaled data
-    double m_xScaling; ///< The scale factor in the X direction
-    double m_yScaling; ///< The scale factor in the Y direction
-    double m_zScaling; ///< The scale factor in the Z direction
-    bool m_isInitialised; ///< Flag to declare object initialised
 } // namespace VATES
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/src/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/src/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet.cpp
index c18bdf281068c0aab32fa1c9a8e2cd9b227b1fc3..d52ea8da7722bba70c218944192e7613ec8dd83b 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/src/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/src/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet.cpp
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ namespace VATES {
     vtkUnstructuredGrid *input, vtkUnstructuredGrid *output)
-    : m_inputData(input), m_outputData(output), m_xScaling(1.0),
-      m_yScaling(1.0), m_zScaling(1.0), m_isInitialised(false) {
+    : m_inputData(input), m_outputData(output){
   if (NULL == m_inputData) {
     throw std::runtime_error("Cannot construct vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet with "
                              "NULL input vtkUnstructuredGrid");
@@ -42,29 +41,14 @@ vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet::vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet(
 vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet::~vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet() {}
- * Set the scaling factors for the data, once run, the object is now
- * initialised.
+ * Process the input data. First, scale a copy of the points and apply
+ * that to the output data. Next, update the metadata for range information.
  * @param xScale : Scale factor for the x direction
  * @param yScale : Scale factor for the y direction
  * @param zScale : Scale factor for the z direction
-void vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet::initialize(double xScale, double yScale,
-                                           double zScale) {
-  m_xScaling = xScale;
-  m_yScaling = yScale;
-  m_zScaling = zScale;
-  m_isInitialised = true;
- * Process the input data. First, scale a copy of the points and apply
- * that to the output data. Next, update the metadata for range information.
- */
-void vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet::execute() {
-  if (!m_isInitialised) {
-    throw std::runtime_error(
-        "vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet needs initialize run before executing");
-  }
+void vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet::execute(double xScale, double yScale,
+                                        double zScale) {
   vtkPoints *points = m_inputData->GetPoints();
@@ -73,16 +57,16 @@ void vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet::execute() {
   for (int i = 0; i < points->GetNumberOfPoints(); i++) {
     point = points->GetPoint(i);
-    point[0] *= m_xScaling;
-    point[1] *= m_yScaling;
-    point[2] *= m_zScaling;
+    point[0] *= xScale;
+    point[1] *= yScale;
+    point[2] *= zScale;
   // Shallow copy the input.
   // Give the output dataset the scaled set of points.
-  this->updateMetaData();
+  this->updateMetaData(xScale, yScale, zScale);
@@ -94,16 +78,20 @@ void vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet::execute() {
  * and
  * http://www.paraview.org/ParaView/Doc/Nightly/www/cxx-doc/classvtkPVChangeOfBasisHelper.html
  * for a better understanding.
+ * @param xScale : Scale factor for the x direction
+ * @param yScale : Scale factor for the y direction
+ * @param zScale : Scale factor for the z direction
-void vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet::updateMetaData() {
+void vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet::updateMetaData(double xScale, double yScale,
+                                               double zScale) {
   // We need to put the scaling on the diagonal elements of the ChangeOfBasis
   // (COB) Matrix.
   vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> cobMatrix =
-  cobMatrix->Element[0][0] *= m_xScaling;
-  cobMatrix->Element[1][1] *= m_yScaling;
-  cobMatrix->Element[2][2] *= m_zScaling;
+  cobMatrix->Element[0][0] *= xScale;
+  cobMatrix->Element[1][1] *= yScale;
+  cobMatrix->Element[2][2] *= zScale;
   if (!vtkPVChangeOfBasisHelper::AddChangeOfBasisMatrixToFieldData(m_outputData,
                                                                    cobMatrix)) {
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/test/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSetTest.h b/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/test/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSetTest.h
index 8235b3d61b2387f3b3fef24087a6a4c121fe31b5..ff26639200be1006e8be500f684773e5b528f52e 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/test/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSetTest.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Vates/VatesAPI/test/vtkDataSetToScaledDataSetTest.h
@@ -80,19 +80,11 @@ public:
-  void testExecThrowIfNoInit() {
-    vtkUnstructuredGrid *in = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
-    vtkUnstructuredGrid *out = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
-    vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet scaler(in, out);
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS(scaler.execute(), std::runtime_error);
-  }
   void testExecution() {
     vtkUnstructuredGrid *in = makeDataSet();
     vtkUnstructuredGrid *out = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
     vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet scaler(in, out);
-    scaler.initialize(0.1, 0.5, 0.2);
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING(scaler.execute());
+    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING(scaler.execute(0.1, 0.5, 0.2));
     // Check bounds are scaled
     double *bb = out->GetBounds();
@@ -148,8 +140,7 @@ public:
     // Act
     vtkDataSetToScaledDataSet scaler(in, out);
-    scaler.initialize(0.1, 0.5, 0.2);
-    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING(scaler.execute());
+    TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING(scaler.execute(0.1, 0.5, 0.2));
     vtkFieldData *fieldData = out->GetFieldData();
     MetadataJsonManager manager;