From 921d38001afeaa9563ea15f47520a8bee25bcc2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matt King <>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 10:05:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Now works with instrument change

When the slitCalculator is open, if you change
the process instrument that was previously used
the corresponding information used in the slitCalculator
will change to the appropriate instrument information

Refs #13758
 .../MantidQtCustomInterfaces/QtReflMainView.h |    4 +
 .../CustomInterfaces/src/QtReflMainView.cpp   | 1298 ++++++++---------
 .../MantidQtMantidWidgets/SlitCalculator.h    |    4 +-
 MantidQt/MantidWidgets/src/SlitCalculator.cpp |   24 +-
 4 files changed, 652 insertions(+), 678 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/inc/MantidQtCustomInterfaces/QtReflMainView.h b/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/inc/MantidQtCustomInterfaces/QtReflMainView.h
index e57514b3b07..f837b1d12f4 100644
--- a/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/inc/MantidQtCustomInterfaces/QtReflMainView.h
+++ b/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/inc/MantidQtCustomInterfaces/QtReflMainView.h
@@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ public:
   virtual void showAlgorithmDialog(const std::string &algorithm);
   virtual std::string requestNotebookPath();
+  // Settings
+  virtual void saveSettings(const std::map<std::string, QVariant> &options);
+  virtual void loadSettings(std::map<std::string, QVariant> &options);
   // Plotting
   virtual void plotWorkspaces(const std::set<std::string> &workspaces);
diff --git a/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/src/QtReflMainView.cpp b/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/src/QtReflMainView.cpp
index 2723cd05a27..b637e714e78 100644
--- a/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/src/QtReflMainView.cpp
+++ b/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/src/QtReflMainView.cpp
@@ -8,667 +8,641 @@
 #include <qinputdialog.h>
 #include <qmessagebox.h>
+namespace {
+const QString ReflSettingsGroup = "Mantid/CustomInterfaces/ISISReflectometry";
+namespace MantidQt {
+namespace CustomInterfaces {
+using namespace Mantid::API;
+/** Constructor
+QtReflMainView::QtReflMainView(QWidget *parent)
+    : UserSubWindow(parent), m_openMap(new QSignalMapper(this)),
+      m_calculator(new MantidWidgets::SlitCalculator(this)) {}
+/** Destructor
+QtReflMainView::~QtReflMainView() {}
+Initialise the Interface
+void QtReflMainView::initLayout() {
+  ui.setupUi(this);
+  ui.buttonProcess->setDefaultAction(ui.actionProcess);
+  ui.buttonTransfer->setDefaultAction(ui.actionTransfer);
+  // Create a whats this button
+  ui.rowToolBar->addAction(QWhatsThis::createAction(this));
+  // Expand the process runs column at the expense of the search column
+  ui.splitterTables->setStretchFactor(0, 0);
+  ui.splitterTables->setStretchFactor(1, 1);
+  // Allow rows and columns to be reordered
+  ui.viewTable->verticalHeader()->setMovable(true);
+  ui.viewTable->horizontalHeader()->setMovable(true);
+  // Custom context menu for table
+  connect(ui.viewTable, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)),
+          this, SLOT(showContextMenu(const QPoint &)));
+  connect(ui.tableSearchResults,
+          SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), this,
+          SLOT(showSearchContextMenu(const QPoint &)));
+  // Finally, create a presenter to do the thinking for us
+  m_presenter =
+      boost::shared_ptr<IReflPresenter>(new ReflMainViewPresenter(this));
+This slot loads a table workspace model and changes to a LoadedMainView
+@param name : the string name of the workspace to be grabbed
+void QtReflMainView::setModel(QString name) {
+  m_toOpen = name.toStdString();
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::OpenTableFlag);
+Set a new model in the tableview
+@param model : the model to be attached to the tableview
+void QtReflMainView::showTable(QReflTableModel_sptr model) {
+  m_model = model;
+  // So we can notify the presenter when the user updates the table
+  connect(m_model.get(),
+          SIGNAL(dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)), this,
+          SLOT(tableUpdated(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)));
+  ui.viewTable->setModel(m_model.get());
+  ui.viewTable->resizeColumnsToContents();
+Set a new model for search results
+@param model : the model to be attached to the search results
+void QtReflMainView::showSearch(ReflSearchModel_sptr model) {
+  m_searchModel = model;
+  ui.tableSearchResults->setModel(m_searchModel.get());
+  ui.tableSearchResults->resizeColumnsToContents();
+Set the list of tables the user is offered to open
+@param tables : the names of the tables in the ADS
+void QtReflMainView::setTableList(const std::set<std::string> &tables) {
+  ui.menuOpenTable->clear();
+  for (auto it = tables.begin(); it != tables.end(); ++it) {
+    QAction *openTable =
+        ui.menuOpenTable->addAction(QString::fromStdString(*it));
+    openTable->setIcon(QIcon("://worksheet.png"));
+    // Map this action to the table name
+    m_openMap->setMapping(openTable, QString::fromStdString(*it));
+    connect(openTable, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_openMap, SLOT(map()));
+    connect(m_openMap, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)), this, SLOT(setModel(QString)));
+  }
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "save" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionSaveTable_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SaveFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "save as" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionSaveTableAs_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SaveAsFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "append row" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionAppendRow_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::AppendRowFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "prepend row" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionPrependRow_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PrependRowFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "delete" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionDeleteRow_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::DeleteRowFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "process" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionProcess_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ProcessFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "group rows" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionGroupRows_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::GroupRowsFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "clear selected" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionClearSelected_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ClearSelectedFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "copy selection" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionCopySelected_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::CopySelectedFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "cut selection" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionCutSelected_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::CutSelectedFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "paste selection" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionPasteSelected_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PasteSelectedFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "new table" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionNewTable_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::NewTableFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "expand selection" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionExpandSelection_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ExpandSelectionFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "options..." button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionOptionsDialog_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::OptionsDialogFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "search" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionSearch_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SearchFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "transfer" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionTransfer_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::TransferFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "export table" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionExportTable_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ExportTableFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "import table" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionImportTable_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ImportTableFlag);
+/** This slot is used to syncrhonise the two instrument selection widgets */
+void QtReflMainView::on_comboProcessInstrument_currentIndexChanged(int index) {
+  ui.comboSearchInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
+  m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(
+      ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
+  m_calculator->processInstrumentHasBeenChanged();
+/** This slot is used to syncrhonise the two instrument selection widgets */
+void QtReflMainView::on_comboSearchInstrument_currentIndexChanged(int index) {
+  ui.comboProcessInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
+  m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(
+      ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
+  m_calculator->processInstrumentHasBeenChanged();
+This slot opens the documentation when the "help" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionHelp_triggered() {
+  MantidQt::API::HelpWindow::showPage(
+      this,
+      QString(
+          "qthelp://org.mantidproject/doc/interfaces/ISIS_Reflectometry.html"));
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "plot selected rows" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionPlotRow_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PlotRowFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "plot selected groups" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionPlotGroup_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PlotGroupFlag);
+This slot shows the slit calculator
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionSlitCalculator_triggered() {
+  m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(
+      ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
+  m_calculator->show();
+This slot notifies the presenter that the table has been updated/changed by the
+void QtReflMainView::tableUpdated(const QModelIndex &topLeft,
+                                  const QModelIndex &bottomRight) {
+  Q_UNUSED(topLeft);
+  Q_UNUSED(bottomRight);
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::TableUpdatedFlag);
+This slot is triggered when the user right clicks on the table
+@param pos : The position of the right click within the table
+void QtReflMainView::showContextMenu(const QPoint &pos) {
+  // If the user didn't right-click on anything, don't show a context menu.
+  if (!ui.viewTable->indexAt(pos).isValid())
+    return;
+  // parent widget takes ownership of QMenu
+  QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionProcess);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionExpandSelection);
+  menu->addSeparator();
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionPlotRow);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionPlotGroup);
+  menu->addSeparator();
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionPrependRow);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionAppendRow);
+  menu->addSeparator();
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionGroupRows);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionCopySelected);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionCutSelected);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionPasteSelected);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionClearSelected);
+  menu->addSeparator();
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionDeleteRow);
+  menu->popup(ui.viewTable->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos));
+This slot is triggered when the user right clicks on the search results table
+@param pos : The position of the right click within the table
+void QtReflMainView::showSearchContextMenu(const QPoint &pos) {
+  if (!ui.tableSearchResults->indexAt(pos).isValid())
+    return;
+  // parent widget takes ownership of QMenu
+  QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionTransfer);
+  menu->popup(ui.tableSearchResults->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos));
+Show an information dialog
+@param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
+@param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
+void QtReflMainView::giveUserInfo(std::string prompt, std::string title) {
+  QMessageBox::information(this, QString(title.c_str()),
+                           QString(prompt.c_str()), QMessageBox::Ok,
+                           QMessageBox::Ok);
+Show an critical error dialog
+@param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
+@param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
+void QtReflMainView::giveUserCritical(std::string prompt, std::string title) {
+  QMessageBox::critical(this, QString(title.c_str()), QString(prompt.c_str()),
+                        QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
+Show a warning dialog
+@param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
+@param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
+void QtReflMainView::giveUserWarning(std::string prompt, std::string title) {
+  QMessageBox::warning(this, QString(title.c_str()), QString(prompt.c_str()),
+                       QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
+Ask the user a Yes/No question
+@param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
+@param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
+@returns a boolean true if Yes, false if No
+bool QtReflMainView::askUserYesNo(std::string prompt, std::string title) {
+  auto response = QMessageBox::question(
+      this, QString(title.c_str()), QString(prompt.c_str()),
+      QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes);
+  if (response == QMessageBox::Yes) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+Ask the user to enter a string.
+@param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
+@param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
+@param defaultValue : The default value entered.
+@returns The user's string if submitted, or an empty string
+std::string QtReflMainView::askUserString(const std::string &prompt,
+                                          const std::string &title,
+                                          const std::string &defaultValue) {
+  bool ok;
+  QString text = QInputDialog::getText(
+      QString::fromStdString(title), QString::fromStdString(prompt),
+      QLineEdit::Normal, QString::fromStdString(defaultValue), &ok);
+  if (ok)
+    return text.toStdString();
+  return "";
+Show the user the dialog for an algorithm
+void QtReflMainView::showAlgorithmDialog(const std::string &algorithm) {
+  std::stringstream pythonSrc;
+  pythonSrc << "try:\n";
+  pythonSrc << "  " << algorithm << "Dialog()\n";
+  pythonSrc << "except:\n";
+  pythonSrc << "  pass\n";
+  runPythonCode(QString::fromStdString(pythonSrc.str()));
+Show the user file dialog to choose save location of notebook
+std::string QtReflMainView::requestNotebookPath() {
+  QString qfilename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
+      0, "Save notebook file", QDir::currentPath(),
+      "IPython Notebook files (*.ipynb);;All files (*.*)",
+      new QString("IPython Notebook files (*.ipynb)"));
+  return qfilename.toStdString();
+ Save settings
+ @param options : map of user options to save
+ */
+void QtReflMainView::saveSettings(
+    const std::map<std::string, QVariant> &options) {
+  QSettings settings;
+  settings.beginGroup(ReflSettingsGroup);
+  for (auto it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++it)
+    settings.setValue(QString::fromStdString(it->first), it->second);
+  settings.endGroup();
+ Load settings
+ @param options : map of user options to load into
+ */
+void QtReflMainView::loadSettings(std::map<std::string, QVariant> &options) {
+  QSettings settings;
+  settings.beginGroup(ReflSettingsGroup);
+  QStringList keys = settings.childKeys();
+  for (auto it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it)
+    options[it->toStdString()] = settings.value(*it);
+  settings.endGroup();
+Plot a workspace
+void QtReflMainView::plotWorkspaces(const std::set<std::string> &workspaces) {
+  if (workspaces.empty())
+    return;
+  std::stringstream pythonSrc;
+  pythonSrc << "base_graph = None\n";
+  for (auto ws = workspaces.begin(); ws != workspaces.end(); ++ws)
+    pythonSrc << "base_graph = plotSpectrum(\"" << *ws
+              << "\", 0, True, window = base_graph)\n";
+  pythonSrc << "base_graph.activeLayer().logLogAxes()\n";
+  runPythonCode(QString::fromStdString(pythonSrc.str()));
+Set the range of the progress bar
+@param min : The minimum value of the bar
+@param max : The maxmimum value of the bar
+void QtReflMainView::setProgressRange(int min, int max) {
+  ui.progressBar->setRange(min, max);
+Set the status of the progress bar
+@param progress : The current value of the bar
+void QtReflMainView::setProgress(int progress) {
+  ui.progressBar->setValue(progress);
+ Get status of checkbox which determines whether an ipython notebook is produced
+ @return true if a notebook should be output on process, false otherwise
+ */
+bool QtReflMainView::getEnableNotebook() {
+  return ui.checkEnableNotebook->isChecked();
+Set which rows are selected
+@param rows : The set of rows to select
+void QtReflMainView::setSelection(const std::set<int> &rows) {
+  ui.viewTable->clearSelection();
+  auto selectionModel = ui.viewTable->selectionModel();
+  for (auto row = rows.begin(); row != rows.end(); ++row)
+    selectionModel->select(ui.viewTable->model()->index((*row), 0),
+                           QItemSelectionModel::Select |
+                               QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
+Set the list of available instruments to search and process for
+@param instruments : The list of instruments available
+@param defaultInstrument : The instrument to have selected by default
+void QtReflMainView::setInstrumentList(
+    const std::vector<std::string> &instruments,
+    const std::string &defaultInstrument) {
+  ui.comboSearchInstrument->clear();
+  ui.comboProcessInstrument->clear();
+  for (auto it = instruments.begin(); it != instruments.end(); ++it) {
+    QString instrument = QString::fromStdString(*it);
+    ui.comboSearchInstrument->addItem(instrument);
+    ui.comboProcessInstrument->addItem(instrument);
+  }
+  int index = ui.comboSearchInstrument->findData(
+      QString::fromStdString(defaultInstrument), Qt::DisplayRole);
+  ui.comboSearchInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
+  ui.comboProcessInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
+Set the strategy used for generating hints for the autocompletion in the options
+@param hintStrategy The hinting strategy to use
+void QtReflMainView::setOptionsHintStrategy(HintStrategy *hintStrategy) {
+  ui.viewTable->setItemDelegateForColumn(
+      ReflMainViewPresenter::COL_OPTIONS,
+      new HintingLineEditFactory(hintStrategy));
+Sets the contents of the system's clipboard
+@param text The contents of the clipboard
+void QtReflMainView::setClipboard(const std::string &text) {
+  QApplication::clipboard()->setText(QString::fromStdString(text));
+Get the selected instrument for searching
+@returns the selected instrument to search for
+std::string QtReflMainView::getSearchInstrument() const {
+  return ui.comboSearchInstrument->currentText().toStdString();
+Get the selected instrument for processing
+@returns the selected instrument to process with
+std::string QtReflMainView::getProcessInstrument() const {
+  return ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString();
+Get the indices of the highlighted rows
+@returns a set of ints containing the highlighted row numbers
+std::set<int> QtReflMainView::getSelectedRows() const {
+  std::set<int> rows;
+  auto selectionModel = ui.viewTable->selectionModel();
+  if (selectionModel) {
+    auto selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows();
+    for (auto it = selectedRows.begin(); it != selectedRows.end(); ++it)
+      rows.insert(it->row());
+  }
+  return rows;
+Get the indices of the highlighted search result rows
+@returns a set of ints containing the selected row numbers
+std::set<int> QtReflMainView::getSelectedSearchRows() const {
+  std::set<int> rows;
+  auto selectionModel = ui.tableSearchResults->selectionModel();
+  if (selectionModel) {
+    auto selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows();
+    for (auto it = selectedRows.begin(); it != selectedRows.end(); ++it)
+      rows.insert(it->row());
+  }
+  return rows;
+Get the name of the workspace that the user wishes to open as a table
+@returns The name of the workspace to open
+std::string QtReflMainView::getWorkspaceToOpen() const { return m_toOpen; }
+Get a pointer to the presenter that's currently controlling this view.
+@returns A pointer to the presenter
+boost::shared_ptr<IReflPresenter> QtReflMainView::getPresenter() const {
+  return m_presenter;
+Gets the contents of the system's clipboard
+@returns The contents of the clipboard
+std::string QtReflMainView::getClipboard() const {
+  return QApplication::clipboard()->text().toStdString();
+Get the string the user wants to search for.
+@returns The search string
+std::string QtReflMainView::getSearchString() const {
+  return ui.textSearch->text().toStdString();
-  const QString ReflSettingsGroup = "Mantid/CustomInterfaces/ISISReflectometry";
-namespace MantidQt
-  namespace CustomInterfaces
-  {
-    using namespace Mantid::API;
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /** Constructor
-    */
-    QtReflMainView::QtReflMainView(QWidget *parent) : UserSubWindow(parent), m_openMap(new QSignalMapper(this)), m_calculator(new MantidWidgets::SlitCalculator(this))
-    {
-    }
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /** Destructor
-    */
-    QtReflMainView::~QtReflMainView()
-    {
-    }
-    /**
-    Initialise the Interface
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::initLayout()
-    {
-      ui.setupUi(this);
-      ui.buttonProcess->setDefaultAction(ui.actionProcess);
-      ui.buttonTransfer->setDefaultAction(ui.actionTransfer);
-      //Create a whats this button
-      ui.rowToolBar->addAction(QWhatsThis::createAction(this));
-      //Expand the process runs column at the expense of the search column
-      ui.splitterTables->setStretchFactor(0, 0);
-      ui.splitterTables->setStretchFactor(1, 1);
-      //Allow rows and columns to be reordered
-      ui.viewTable->verticalHeader()->setMovable(true);
-      ui.viewTable->horizontalHeader()->setMovable(true);
-      //Custom context menu for table
-      connect(ui.viewTable, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(const QPoint&)));
-      connect(ui.tableSearchResults, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(showSearchContextMenu(const QPoint&)));
-      //Finally, create a presenter to do the thinking for us
-      m_presenter = boost::shared_ptr<IReflPresenter>(new ReflMainViewPresenter(this));
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot loads a table workspace model and changes to a LoadedMainView presenter
-    @param name : the string name of the workspace to be grabbed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setModel(QString name)
-    {
-      m_toOpen = name.toStdString();
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::OpenTableFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    Set a new model in the tableview
-    @param model : the model to be attached to the tableview
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::showTable(QReflTableModel_sptr model)
-    {
-      m_model = model;
-      //So we can notify the presenter when the user updates the table
-      connect(m_model.get(), SIGNAL(dataChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(tableUpdated(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)));
-      ui.viewTable->setModel(m_model.get());
-      ui.viewTable->resizeColumnsToContents();
-    }
-    /**
-    Set a new model for search results
-    @param model : the model to be attached to the search results
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::showSearch(ReflSearchModel_sptr model)
-    {
-      m_searchModel = model;
-      ui.tableSearchResults->setModel(m_searchModel.get());
-      ui.tableSearchResults->resizeColumnsToContents();
-    }
-    /**
-    Set the list of tables the user is offered to open
-    @param tables : the names of the tables in the ADS
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setTableList(const std::set<std::string>& tables)
-    {
-      ui.menuOpenTable->clear();
-      for(auto it = tables.begin(); it != tables.end(); ++it)
-      {
-        QAction* openTable = ui.menuOpenTable->addAction(QString::fromStdString(*it));
-        openTable->setIcon(QIcon("://worksheet.png"));
-        //Map this action to the table name
-        m_openMap->setMapping(openTable, QString::fromStdString(*it));
-        connect(openTable, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_openMap, SLOT(map()));
-        connect(m_openMap, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)), this, SLOT(setModel(QString)));
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "save" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionSaveTable_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SaveFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "save as" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionSaveTableAs_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SaveAsFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "append row" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionAppendRow_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::AppendRowFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "prepend row" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionPrependRow_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PrependRowFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "delete" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionDeleteRow_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::DeleteRowFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "process" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionProcess_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ProcessFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "group rows" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionGroupRows_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::GroupRowsFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "clear selected" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionClearSelected_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ClearSelectedFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "copy selection" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionCopySelected_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::CopySelectedFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "cut selection" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionCutSelected_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::CutSelectedFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "paste selection" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionPasteSelected_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PasteSelectedFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "new table" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionNewTable_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::NewTableFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "expand selection" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionExpandSelection_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ExpandSelectionFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "options..." button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionOptionsDialog_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::OptionsDialogFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "search" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionSearch_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SearchFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "transfer" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionTransfer_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::TransferFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "export table" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionExportTable_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ExportTableFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "import table" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionImportTable_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ImportTableFlag);
-    }
-    /** This slot is used to syncrhonise the two instrument selection widgets */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_comboProcessInstrument_currentIndexChanged(int index)
-    {
-      ui.comboSearchInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
-      m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
-      m_calculator->emitInstrumentChangedSignal();
-    }
-    /** This slot is used to syncrhonise the two instrument selection widgets */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_comboSearchInstrument_currentIndexChanged(int index)
-    {
-      ui.comboProcessInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
-      m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
-      m_calculator->emitInstrumentChangedSignal();
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot opens the documentation when the "help" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionHelp_triggered()
-    {
-      MantidQt::API::HelpWindow::showPage(this, QString("qthelp://org.mantidproject/doc/interfaces/ISIS_Reflectometry.html"));
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "plot selected rows" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionPlotRow_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PlotRowFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "plot selected groups" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionPlotGroup_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PlotGroupFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot shows the slit calculator
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionSlitCalculator_triggered()
-    {
-      m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
-      m_calculator->show();
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the table has been updated/changed by the user
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::tableUpdated(const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight)
-    {
-      Q_UNUSED(topLeft);
-      Q_UNUSED(bottomRight);
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::TableUpdatedFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot is triggered when the user right clicks on the table
-    @param pos : The position of the right click within the table
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::showContextMenu(const QPoint& pos)
-    {
-      //If the user didn't right-click on anything, don't show a context menu.
-      if(!ui.viewTable->indexAt(pos).isValid())
-        return;
-      //parent widget takes ownership of QMenu
-      QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionProcess);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionExpandSelection);
-      menu->addSeparator();
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionPlotRow);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionPlotGroup);
-      menu->addSeparator();
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionPrependRow);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionAppendRow);
-      menu->addSeparator();
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionGroupRows);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionCopySelected);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionCutSelected);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionPasteSelected);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionClearSelected);
-      menu->addSeparator();
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionDeleteRow);
-      menu->popup(ui.viewTable->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos));
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot is triggered when the user right clicks on the search results table
-    @param pos : The position of the right click within the table
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::showSearchContextMenu(const QPoint& pos)
-    {
-      if(!ui.tableSearchResults->indexAt(pos).isValid())
-        return;
-      //parent widget takes ownership of QMenu
-      QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionTransfer);
-      menu->popup(ui.tableSearchResults->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos));
-    }
-    /**
-    Show an information dialog
-    @param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
-    @param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::giveUserInfo(std::string prompt, std::string title)
-    {
-      QMessageBox::information(this,QString(title.c_str()),QString(prompt.c_str()),QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
-    }
-    /**
-    Show an critical error dialog
-    @param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
-    @param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::giveUserCritical(std::string prompt, std::string title)
-    {
-      QMessageBox::critical(this,QString(title.c_str()),QString(prompt.c_str()),QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
-    }
-    /**
-    Show a warning dialog
-    @param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
-    @param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::giveUserWarning(std::string prompt, std::string title)
-    {
-      QMessageBox::warning(this,QString(title.c_str()),QString(prompt.c_str()),QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
-    }
-    /**
-    Ask the user a Yes/No question
-    @param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
-    @param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
-    @returns a boolean true if Yes, false if No
-    */
-    bool QtReflMainView::askUserYesNo(std::string prompt, std::string title)
-    {
-      auto response = QMessageBox::question(this,QString(title.c_str()),QString(prompt.c_str()),QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes);
-      if (response == QMessageBox::Yes)
-      {
-        return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    /**
-    Ask the user to enter a string.
-    @param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
-    @param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
-    @param defaultValue : The default value entered.
-    @returns The user's string if submitted, or an empty string
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::askUserString(const std::string& prompt, const std::string& title, const std::string& defaultValue)
-    {
-      bool ok;
-      QString text = QInputDialog::getText(QString::fromStdString(title), QString::fromStdString(prompt), QLineEdit::Normal, QString::fromStdString(defaultValue), &ok);
-      if(ok)
-        return text.toStdString();
-      return "";
-    }
-    /**
-    Show the user the dialog for an algorithm
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::showAlgorithmDialog(const std::string& algorithm)
-    {
-      std::stringstream pythonSrc;
-      pythonSrc << "try:\n";
-      pythonSrc << "  " << algorithm << "Dialog()\n";
-      pythonSrc << "except:\n";
-      pythonSrc << "  pass\n";
-      runPythonCode(QString::fromStdString(pythonSrc.str()));
-    }
-    /**
-    Show the user file dialog to choose save location of notebook
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::requestNotebookPath()
-    {
-      QString qfilename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(0, "Save notebook file", QDir::currentPath(),
-                                                       "IPython Notebook files (*.ipynb);;All files (*.*)",
-                                                       new QString("IPython Notebook files (*.ipynb)"));
-      return qfilename.toStdString();
-    }
-    /**
-     Save settings
-     @param options : map of user options to save
-     */
-    void QtReflMainView::saveSettings(const std::map<std::string,QVariant>& options)
-    {
-      QSettings settings;
-      settings.beginGroup(ReflSettingsGroup);
-      for(auto it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++it)
-        settings.setValue(QString::fromStdString(it->first), it->second);
-      settings.endGroup();
-    }
-    /**
-     Load settings
-     @param options : map of user options to load into
-     */
-    void QtReflMainView::loadSettings(std::map<std::string,QVariant>& options)
-    {
-      QSettings settings;
-      settings.beginGroup(ReflSettingsGroup);
-      QStringList keys = settings.childKeys();
-      for(auto it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it)
-        options[it->toStdString()] = settings.value(*it);
-      settings.endGroup();
-    }
-    /**
-    Plot a workspace
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::plotWorkspaces(const std::set<std::string>& workspaces)
-    {
-      if(workspaces.empty())
-        return;
-      std::stringstream pythonSrc;
-      pythonSrc << "base_graph = None\n";
-      for(auto ws = workspaces.begin(); ws != workspaces.end(); ++ws)
-        pythonSrc << "base_graph = plotSpectrum(\"" << *ws << "\", 0, True, window = base_graph)\n";
-      pythonSrc << "base_graph.activeLayer().logLogAxes()\n";
-      runPythonCode(QString::fromStdString(pythonSrc.str()));
-    }
-    /**
-    Set the range of the progress bar
-    @param min : The minimum value of the bar
-    @param max : The maxmimum value of the bar
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setProgressRange(int min, int max)
-    {
-      ui.progressBar->setRange(min, max);
-    }
-    /**
-    Set the status of the progress bar
-    @param progress : The current value of the bar
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setProgress(int progress)
-    {
-      ui.progressBar->setValue(progress);
-    }
-    /**
-     Get status of checkbox which determines whether an ipython notebook is produced
-     @return true if a notebook should be output on process, false otherwise
-     */
-    bool QtReflMainView::getEnableNotebook()
-    {
-      return ui.checkEnableNotebook->isChecked();
-    }
-    /**
-    Set which rows are selected
-    @param rows : The set of rows to select
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setSelection(const std::set<int>& rows)
-    {
-      ui.viewTable->clearSelection();
-      auto selectionModel = ui.viewTable->selectionModel();
-      for(auto row = rows.begin(); row != rows.end(); ++row)
-        selectionModel->select(ui.viewTable->model()->index((*row), 0), QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
-    }
-    /**
-    Set the list of available instruments to search and process for
-    @param instruments : The list of instruments available
-    @param defaultInstrument : The instrument to have selected by default
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setInstrumentList(const std::vector<std::string>& instruments, const std::string& defaultInstrument)
-    {
-      ui.comboSearchInstrument->clear();
-      ui.comboProcessInstrument->clear();
-      for(auto it = instruments.begin(); it != instruments.end(); ++it)
-      {
-        QString instrument = QString::fromStdString(*it);
-        ui.comboSearchInstrument->addItem(instrument);
-        ui.comboProcessInstrument->addItem(instrument);
-      }
-      int index = ui.comboSearchInstrument->findData(QString::fromStdString(defaultInstrument), Qt::DisplayRole);
-      ui.comboSearchInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
-      ui.comboProcessInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
-    }
-    /**
-    Set the strategy used for generating hints for the autocompletion in the options column.
-    @param hintStrategy The hinting strategy to use
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setOptionsHintStrategy(HintStrategy* hintStrategy)
-    {
-      ui.viewTable->setItemDelegateForColumn(ReflMainViewPresenter::COL_OPTIONS, new HintingLineEditFactory(hintStrategy));
-    }
-    /**
-    Sets the contents of the system's clipboard
-    @param text The contents of the clipboard
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setClipboard(const std::string& text)
-    {
-      QApplication::clipboard()->setText(QString::fromStdString(text));
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the selected instrument for searching
-    @returns the selected instrument to search for
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::getSearchInstrument() const
-    {
-      return ui.comboSearchInstrument->currentText().toStdString();
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the selected instrument for processing
-    @returns the selected instrument to process with
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::getProcessInstrument() const
-    {
-      return ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString();
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the indices of the highlighted rows
-    @returns a set of ints containing the highlighted row numbers
-    */
-    std::set<int> QtReflMainView::getSelectedRows() const
-    {
-      std::set<int> rows;
-      auto selectionModel = ui.viewTable->selectionModel();
-      if(selectionModel)
-      {
-        auto selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows();
-        for(auto it = selectedRows.begin(); it != selectedRows.end(); ++it)
-          rows.insert(it->row());
-      }
-      return rows;
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the indices of the highlighted search result rows
-    @returns a set of ints containing the selected row numbers
-    */
-    std::set<int> QtReflMainView::getSelectedSearchRows() const
-    {
-      std::set<int> rows;
-      auto selectionModel = ui.tableSearchResults->selectionModel();
-      if(selectionModel)
-      {
-        auto selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows();
-        for(auto it = selectedRows.begin(); it != selectedRows.end(); ++it)
-          rows.insert(it->row());
-      }
-      return rows;
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the name of the workspace that the user wishes to open as a table
-    @returns The name of the workspace to open
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::getWorkspaceToOpen() const
-    {
-      return m_toOpen;
-    }
-    /**
-    Get a pointer to the presenter that's currently controlling this view.
-    @returns A pointer to the presenter
-    */
-    boost::shared_ptr<IReflPresenter> QtReflMainView::getPresenter() const
-    {
-      return m_presenter;
-    }
-    /**
-    Gets the contents of the system's clipboard
-    @returns The contents of the clipboard
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::getClipboard() const
-    {
-      return QApplication::clipboard()->text().toStdString();
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the string the user wants to search for.
-    @returns The search string
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::getSearchString() const
-    {
-      return ui.textSearch->text().toStdString();
-    }
-  } // namespace CustomInterfaces
+} // namespace CustomInterfaces
 } // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/inc/MantidQtMantidWidgets/SlitCalculator.h b/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/inc/MantidQtMantidWidgets/SlitCalculator.h
index f88271b88c5..0c1f1477169 100644
--- a/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/inc/MantidQtMantidWidgets/SlitCalculator.h
+++ b/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/inc/MantidQtMantidWidgets/SlitCalculator.h
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public:
   Mantid::Geometry::Instrument_sptr getInstrument();
   void setCurrentInstrumentName(std::string instrumentName);
   std::string getCurrentInstrumentName();
-  void emitInstrumentChangedSignal();
+  void processInstrumentHasBeenChanged();
   Ui::SlitCalculator ui;
@@ -54,8 +54,6 @@ private:
   std::string currentInstrumentName;
   void setupSlitCalculatorWithInstrumentValues(
-  void instrumentChanged();
 private slots:
   void on_recalculate_triggered();
diff --git a/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/src/SlitCalculator.cpp b/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/src/SlitCalculator.cpp
index 7a456a5ec65..d02dcb65ef6 100644
--- a/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/src/SlitCalculator.cpp
+++ b/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/src/SlitCalculator.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/Progress.h"
 #include "MantidGeometry/Instrument/InstrumentDefinitionParser.h"
 #include <math.h>
 namespace MantidQt {
@@ -11,14 +10,14 @@ namespace MantidWidgets {
 SlitCalculator::SlitCalculator(QWidget *parent) {
-  if (currentInstrumentName == ""){
-      currentInstrumentName = "INTER";
-      setInstrument(currentInstrumentName);
+  if (currentInstrumentName == "") {
+    currentInstrumentName = "INTER";
+    setInstrument(currentInstrumentName);
-void SlitCalculator::emitInstrumentChangedSignal(){
-    on_recalculate_triggered();
+void SlitCalculator::processInstrumentHasBeenChanged() {
+  on_recalculate_triggered();
 SlitCalculator::~SlitCalculator() {}
 void SlitCalculator::setInstrument(std::string instrumentName) {
@@ -55,25 +54,24 @@ void SlitCalculator::setupSlitCalculatorWithInstrumentValues(
   auto slit1Component = instrument->getComponentByName("slit1");
   auto slit2Component = instrument->getComponentByName("slit2");
   auto sampleComponent = instrument->getComponentByName("some-surface-holder");
-    // convert between metres and millimetres
+  // convert between metres and millimetres
   const double s1s2 = 1e3 * slit1Component->getDistance(*slit2Component);
   const double s2sa = 1e3 * slit2Component->getDistance(*sampleComponent);
 Mantid::Geometry::Instrument_sptr SlitCalculator::getInstrument() {
   return this->instrument;
-void SlitCalculator::setCurrentInstrumentName(std::string instrumentName){
-    this->currentInstrumentName = instrumentName;
+void SlitCalculator::setCurrentInstrumentName(std::string instrumentName) {
+  this->currentInstrumentName = instrumentName;
-std::string SlitCalculator::getCurrentInstrumentName(){
-    return this->currentInstrumentName;
+std::string SlitCalculator::getCurrentInstrumentName() {
+  return this->currentInstrumentName;
 void SlitCalculator::on_recalculate_triggered() {
   const auto currentInstrument = getInstrument();
-  if (currentInstrument->getName() != currentInstrumentName){
+  if (currentInstrument->getName() != currentInstrumentName) {
   // Gather input