diff --git a/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/inc/MantidQtCustomInterfaces/QtReflMainView.h b/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/inc/MantidQtCustomInterfaces/QtReflMainView.h
index e57514b3b0750f06dbcc794cdfd578ea1efc4e4c..f837b1d12f4124437e577566acf5991b4a7f6504 100644
--- a/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/inc/MantidQtCustomInterfaces/QtReflMainView.h
+++ b/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/inc/MantidQtCustomInterfaces/QtReflMainView.h
@@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ public:
   virtual void showAlgorithmDialog(const std::string &algorithm);
   virtual std::string requestNotebookPath();
+  // Settings
+  virtual void saveSettings(const std::map<std::string, QVariant> &options);
+  virtual void loadSettings(std::map<std::string, QVariant> &options);
   // Plotting
   virtual void plotWorkspaces(const std::set<std::string> &workspaces);
diff --git a/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/src/QtReflMainView.cpp b/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/src/QtReflMainView.cpp
index 2723cd05a2779d7712ba4611ec522047e81dda1a..b637e714e781c24ca11a64e409994ca8c432fef5 100644
--- a/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/src/QtReflMainView.cpp
+++ b/MantidQt/CustomInterfaces/src/QtReflMainView.cpp
@@ -8,667 +8,641 @@
 #include <qinputdialog.h>
 #include <qmessagebox.h>
+namespace {
+const QString ReflSettingsGroup = "Mantid/CustomInterfaces/ISISReflectometry";
+namespace MantidQt {
+namespace CustomInterfaces {
+using namespace Mantid::API;
+/** Constructor
+QtReflMainView::QtReflMainView(QWidget *parent)
+    : UserSubWindow(parent), m_openMap(new QSignalMapper(this)),
+      m_calculator(new MantidWidgets::SlitCalculator(this)) {}
+/** Destructor
+QtReflMainView::~QtReflMainView() {}
+Initialise the Interface
+void QtReflMainView::initLayout() {
+  ui.setupUi(this);
+  ui.buttonProcess->setDefaultAction(ui.actionProcess);
+  ui.buttonTransfer->setDefaultAction(ui.actionTransfer);
+  // Create a whats this button
+  ui.rowToolBar->addAction(QWhatsThis::createAction(this));
+  // Expand the process runs column at the expense of the search column
+  ui.splitterTables->setStretchFactor(0, 0);
+  ui.splitterTables->setStretchFactor(1, 1);
+  // Allow rows and columns to be reordered
+  ui.viewTable->verticalHeader()->setMovable(true);
+  ui.viewTable->horizontalHeader()->setMovable(true);
+  // Custom context menu for table
+  connect(ui.viewTable, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)),
+          this, SLOT(showContextMenu(const QPoint &)));
+  connect(ui.tableSearchResults,
+          SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), this,
+          SLOT(showSearchContextMenu(const QPoint &)));
+  // Finally, create a presenter to do the thinking for us
+  m_presenter =
+      boost::shared_ptr<IReflPresenter>(new ReflMainViewPresenter(this));
+This slot loads a table workspace model and changes to a LoadedMainView
+@param name : the string name of the workspace to be grabbed
+void QtReflMainView::setModel(QString name) {
+  m_toOpen = name.toStdString();
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::OpenTableFlag);
+Set a new model in the tableview
+@param model : the model to be attached to the tableview
+void QtReflMainView::showTable(QReflTableModel_sptr model) {
+  m_model = model;
+  // So we can notify the presenter when the user updates the table
+  connect(m_model.get(),
+          SIGNAL(dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)), this,
+          SLOT(tableUpdated(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)));
+  ui.viewTable->setModel(m_model.get());
+  ui.viewTable->resizeColumnsToContents();
+Set a new model for search results
+@param model : the model to be attached to the search results
+void QtReflMainView::showSearch(ReflSearchModel_sptr model) {
+  m_searchModel = model;
+  ui.tableSearchResults->setModel(m_searchModel.get());
+  ui.tableSearchResults->resizeColumnsToContents();
+Set the list of tables the user is offered to open
+@param tables : the names of the tables in the ADS
+void QtReflMainView::setTableList(const std::set<std::string> &tables) {
+  ui.menuOpenTable->clear();
+  for (auto it = tables.begin(); it != tables.end(); ++it) {
+    QAction *openTable =
+        ui.menuOpenTable->addAction(QString::fromStdString(*it));
+    openTable->setIcon(QIcon("://worksheet.png"));
+    // Map this action to the table name
+    m_openMap->setMapping(openTable, QString::fromStdString(*it));
+    connect(openTable, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_openMap, SLOT(map()));
+    connect(m_openMap, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)), this, SLOT(setModel(QString)));
+  }
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "save" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionSaveTable_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SaveFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "save as" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionSaveTableAs_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SaveAsFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "append row" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionAppendRow_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::AppendRowFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "prepend row" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionPrependRow_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PrependRowFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "delete" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionDeleteRow_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::DeleteRowFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "process" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionProcess_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ProcessFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "group rows" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionGroupRows_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::GroupRowsFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "clear selected" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionClearSelected_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ClearSelectedFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "copy selection" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionCopySelected_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::CopySelectedFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "cut selection" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionCutSelected_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::CutSelectedFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "paste selection" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionPasteSelected_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PasteSelectedFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "new table" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionNewTable_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::NewTableFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "expand selection" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionExpandSelection_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ExpandSelectionFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "options..." button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionOptionsDialog_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::OptionsDialogFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "search" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionSearch_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SearchFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "transfer" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionTransfer_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::TransferFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "export table" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionExportTable_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ExportTableFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "import table" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionImportTable_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ImportTableFlag);
+/** This slot is used to syncrhonise the two instrument selection widgets */
+void QtReflMainView::on_comboProcessInstrument_currentIndexChanged(int index) {
+  ui.comboSearchInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
+  m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(
+      ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
+  m_calculator->processInstrumentHasBeenChanged();
+/** This slot is used to syncrhonise the two instrument selection widgets */
+void QtReflMainView::on_comboSearchInstrument_currentIndexChanged(int index) {
+  ui.comboProcessInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
+  m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(
+      ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
+  m_calculator->processInstrumentHasBeenChanged();
+This slot opens the documentation when the "help" button has been pressed
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionHelp_triggered() {
+  MantidQt::API::HelpWindow::showPage(
+      this,
+      QString(
+          "qthelp://org.mantidproject/doc/interfaces/ISIS_Reflectometry.html"));
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "plot selected rows" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionPlotRow_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PlotRowFlag);
+This slot notifies the presenter that the "plot selected groups" button has been
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionPlotGroup_triggered() {
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PlotGroupFlag);
+This slot shows the slit calculator
+void QtReflMainView::on_actionSlitCalculator_triggered() {
+  m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(
+      ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
+  m_calculator->show();
+This slot notifies the presenter that the table has been updated/changed by the
+void QtReflMainView::tableUpdated(const QModelIndex &topLeft,
+                                  const QModelIndex &bottomRight) {
+  Q_UNUSED(topLeft);
+  Q_UNUSED(bottomRight);
+  m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::TableUpdatedFlag);
+This slot is triggered when the user right clicks on the table
+@param pos : The position of the right click within the table
+void QtReflMainView::showContextMenu(const QPoint &pos) {
+  // If the user didn't right-click on anything, don't show a context menu.
+  if (!ui.viewTable->indexAt(pos).isValid())
+    return;
+  // parent widget takes ownership of QMenu
+  QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionProcess);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionExpandSelection);
+  menu->addSeparator();
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionPlotRow);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionPlotGroup);
+  menu->addSeparator();
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionPrependRow);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionAppendRow);
+  menu->addSeparator();
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionGroupRows);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionCopySelected);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionCutSelected);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionPasteSelected);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionClearSelected);
+  menu->addSeparator();
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionDeleteRow);
+  menu->popup(ui.viewTable->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos));
+This slot is triggered when the user right clicks on the search results table
+@param pos : The position of the right click within the table
+void QtReflMainView::showSearchContextMenu(const QPoint &pos) {
+  if (!ui.tableSearchResults->indexAt(pos).isValid())
+    return;
+  // parent widget takes ownership of QMenu
+  QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this);
+  menu->addAction(ui.actionTransfer);
+  menu->popup(ui.tableSearchResults->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos));
+Show an information dialog
+@param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
+@param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
+void QtReflMainView::giveUserInfo(std::string prompt, std::string title) {
+  QMessageBox::information(this, QString(title.c_str()),
+                           QString(prompt.c_str()), QMessageBox::Ok,
+                           QMessageBox::Ok);
+Show an critical error dialog
+@param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
+@param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
+void QtReflMainView::giveUserCritical(std::string prompt, std::string title) {
+  QMessageBox::critical(this, QString(title.c_str()), QString(prompt.c_str()),
+                        QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
+Show a warning dialog
+@param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
+@param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
+void QtReflMainView::giveUserWarning(std::string prompt, std::string title) {
+  QMessageBox::warning(this, QString(title.c_str()), QString(prompt.c_str()),
+                       QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
+Ask the user a Yes/No question
+@param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
+@param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
+@returns a boolean true if Yes, false if No
+bool QtReflMainView::askUserYesNo(std::string prompt, std::string title) {
+  auto response = QMessageBox::question(
+      this, QString(title.c_str()), QString(prompt.c_str()),
+      QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes);
+  if (response == QMessageBox::Yes) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+Ask the user to enter a string.
+@param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
+@param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
+@param defaultValue : The default value entered.
+@returns The user's string if submitted, or an empty string
+std::string QtReflMainView::askUserString(const std::string &prompt,
+                                          const std::string &title,
+                                          const std::string &defaultValue) {
+  bool ok;
+  QString text = QInputDialog::getText(
+      QString::fromStdString(title), QString::fromStdString(prompt),
+      QLineEdit::Normal, QString::fromStdString(defaultValue), &ok);
+  if (ok)
+    return text.toStdString();
+  return "";
+Show the user the dialog for an algorithm
+void QtReflMainView::showAlgorithmDialog(const std::string &algorithm) {
+  std::stringstream pythonSrc;
+  pythonSrc << "try:\n";
+  pythonSrc << "  " << algorithm << "Dialog()\n";
+  pythonSrc << "except:\n";
+  pythonSrc << "  pass\n";
+  runPythonCode(QString::fromStdString(pythonSrc.str()));
+Show the user file dialog to choose save location of notebook
+std::string QtReflMainView::requestNotebookPath() {
+  QString qfilename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
+      0, "Save notebook file", QDir::currentPath(),
+      "IPython Notebook files (*.ipynb);;All files (*.*)",
+      new QString("IPython Notebook files (*.ipynb)"));
+  return qfilename.toStdString();
+ Save settings
+ @param options : map of user options to save
+ */
+void QtReflMainView::saveSettings(
+    const std::map<std::string, QVariant> &options) {
+  QSettings settings;
+  settings.beginGroup(ReflSettingsGroup);
+  for (auto it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++it)
+    settings.setValue(QString::fromStdString(it->first), it->second);
+  settings.endGroup();
+ Load settings
+ @param options : map of user options to load into
+ */
+void QtReflMainView::loadSettings(std::map<std::string, QVariant> &options) {
+  QSettings settings;
+  settings.beginGroup(ReflSettingsGroup);
+  QStringList keys = settings.childKeys();
+  for (auto it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it)
+    options[it->toStdString()] = settings.value(*it);
+  settings.endGroup();
+Plot a workspace
+void QtReflMainView::plotWorkspaces(const std::set<std::string> &workspaces) {
+  if (workspaces.empty())
+    return;
+  std::stringstream pythonSrc;
+  pythonSrc << "base_graph = None\n";
+  for (auto ws = workspaces.begin(); ws != workspaces.end(); ++ws)
+    pythonSrc << "base_graph = plotSpectrum(\"" << *ws
+              << "\", 0, True, window = base_graph)\n";
+  pythonSrc << "base_graph.activeLayer().logLogAxes()\n";
+  runPythonCode(QString::fromStdString(pythonSrc.str()));
+Set the range of the progress bar
+@param min : The minimum value of the bar
+@param max : The maxmimum value of the bar
+void QtReflMainView::setProgressRange(int min, int max) {
+  ui.progressBar->setRange(min, max);
+Set the status of the progress bar
+@param progress : The current value of the bar
+void QtReflMainView::setProgress(int progress) {
+  ui.progressBar->setValue(progress);
+ Get status of checkbox which determines whether an ipython notebook is produced
+ @return true if a notebook should be output on process, false otherwise
+ */
+bool QtReflMainView::getEnableNotebook() {
+  return ui.checkEnableNotebook->isChecked();
+Set which rows are selected
+@param rows : The set of rows to select
+void QtReflMainView::setSelection(const std::set<int> &rows) {
+  ui.viewTable->clearSelection();
+  auto selectionModel = ui.viewTable->selectionModel();
+  for (auto row = rows.begin(); row != rows.end(); ++row)
+    selectionModel->select(ui.viewTable->model()->index((*row), 0),
+                           QItemSelectionModel::Select |
+                               QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
+Set the list of available instruments to search and process for
+@param instruments : The list of instruments available
+@param defaultInstrument : The instrument to have selected by default
+void QtReflMainView::setInstrumentList(
+    const std::vector<std::string> &instruments,
+    const std::string &defaultInstrument) {
+  ui.comboSearchInstrument->clear();
+  ui.comboProcessInstrument->clear();
+  for (auto it = instruments.begin(); it != instruments.end(); ++it) {
+    QString instrument = QString::fromStdString(*it);
+    ui.comboSearchInstrument->addItem(instrument);
+    ui.comboProcessInstrument->addItem(instrument);
+  }
+  int index = ui.comboSearchInstrument->findData(
+      QString::fromStdString(defaultInstrument), Qt::DisplayRole);
+  ui.comboSearchInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
+  ui.comboProcessInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
+Set the strategy used for generating hints for the autocompletion in the options
+@param hintStrategy The hinting strategy to use
+void QtReflMainView::setOptionsHintStrategy(HintStrategy *hintStrategy) {
+  ui.viewTable->setItemDelegateForColumn(
+      ReflMainViewPresenter::COL_OPTIONS,
+      new HintingLineEditFactory(hintStrategy));
+Sets the contents of the system's clipboard
+@param text The contents of the clipboard
+void QtReflMainView::setClipboard(const std::string &text) {
+  QApplication::clipboard()->setText(QString::fromStdString(text));
+Get the selected instrument for searching
+@returns the selected instrument to search for
+std::string QtReflMainView::getSearchInstrument() const {
+  return ui.comboSearchInstrument->currentText().toStdString();
+Get the selected instrument for processing
+@returns the selected instrument to process with
+std::string QtReflMainView::getProcessInstrument() const {
+  return ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString();
+Get the indices of the highlighted rows
+@returns a set of ints containing the highlighted row numbers
+std::set<int> QtReflMainView::getSelectedRows() const {
+  std::set<int> rows;
+  auto selectionModel = ui.viewTable->selectionModel();
+  if (selectionModel) {
+    auto selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows();
+    for (auto it = selectedRows.begin(); it != selectedRows.end(); ++it)
+      rows.insert(it->row());
+  }
+  return rows;
+Get the indices of the highlighted search result rows
+@returns a set of ints containing the selected row numbers
+std::set<int> QtReflMainView::getSelectedSearchRows() const {
+  std::set<int> rows;
+  auto selectionModel = ui.tableSearchResults->selectionModel();
+  if (selectionModel) {
+    auto selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows();
+    for (auto it = selectedRows.begin(); it != selectedRows.end(); ++it)
+      rows.insert(it->row());
+  }
+  return rows;
+Get the name of the workspace that the user wishes to open as a table
+@returns The name of the workspace to open
+std::string QtReflMainView::getWorkspaceToOpen() const { return m_toOpen; }
+Get a pointer to the presenter that's currently controlling this view.
+@returns A pointer to the presenter
+boost::shared_ptr<IReflPresenter> QtReflMainView::getPresenter() const {
+  return m_presenter;
+Gets the contents of the system's clipboard
+@returns The contents of the clipboard
+std::string QtReflMainView::getClipboard() const {
+  return QApplication::clipboard()->text().toStdString();
+Get the string the user wants to search for.
+@returns The search string
+std::string QtReflMainView::getSearchString() const {
+  return ui.textSearch->text().toStdString();
-  const QString ReflSettingsGroup = "Mantid/CustomInterfaces/ISISReflectometry";
-namespace MantidQt
-  namespace CustomInterfaces
-  {
-    using namespace Mantid::API;
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /** Constructor
-    */
-    QtReflMainView::QtReflMainView(QWidget *parent) : UserSubWindow(parent), m_openMap(new QSignalMapper(this)), m_calculator(new MantidWidgets::SlitCalculator(this))
-    {
-    }
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /** Destructor
-    */
-    QtReflMainView::~QtReflMainView()
-    {
-    }
-    /**
-    Initialise the Interface
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::initLayout()
-    {
-      ui.setupUi(this);
-      ui.buttonProcess->setDefaultAction(ui.actionProcess);
-      ui.buttonTransfer->setDefaultAction(ui.actionTransfer);
-      //Create a whats this button
-      ui.rowToolBar->addAction(QWhatsThis::createAction(this));
-      //Expand the process runs column at the expense of the search column
-      ui.splitterTables->setStretchFactor(0, 0);
-      ui.splitterTables->setStretchFactor(1, 1);
-      //Allow rows and columns to be reordered
-      ui.viewTable->verticalHeader()->setMovable(true);
-      ui.viewTable->horizontalHeader()->setMovable(true);
-      //Custom context menu for table
-      connect(ui.viewTable, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(const QPoint&)));
-      connect(ui.tableSearchResults, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(showSearchContextMenu(const QPoint&)));
-      //Finally, create a presenter to do the thinking for us
-      m_presenter = boost::shared_ptr<IReflPresenter>(new ReflMainViewPresenter(this));
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot loads a table workspace model and changes to a LoadedMainView presenter
-    @param name : the string name of the workspace to be grabbed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setModel(QString name)
-    {
-      m_toOpen = name.toStdString();
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::OpenTableFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    Set a new model in the tableview
-    @param model : the model to be attached to the tableview
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::showTable(QReflTableModel_sptr model)
-    {
-      m_model = model;
-      //So we can notify the presenter when the user updates the table
-      connect(m_model.get(), SIGNAL(dataChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(tableUpdated(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)));
-      ui.viewTable->setModel(m_model.get());
-      ui.viewTable->resizeColumnsToContents();
-    }
-    /**
-    Set a new model for search results
-    @param model : the model to be attached to the search results
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::showSearch(ReflSearchModel_sptr model)
-    {
-      m_searchModel = model;
-      ui.tableSearchResults->setModel(m_searchModel.get());
-      ui.tableSearchResults->resizeColumnsToContents();
-    }
-    /**
-    Set the list of tables the user is offered to open
-    @param tables : the names of the tables in the ADS
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setTableList(const std::set<std::string>& tables)
-    {
-      ui.menuOpenTable->clear();
-      for(auto it = tables.begin(); it != tables.end(); ++it)
-      {
-        QAction* openTable = ui.menuOpenTable->addAction(QString::fromStdString(*it));
-        openTable->setIcon(QIcon("://worksheet.png"));
-        //Map this action to the table name
-        m_openMap->setMapping(openTable, QString::fromStdString(*it));
-        connect(openTable, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_openMap, SLOT(map()));
-        connect(m_openMap, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)), this, SLOT(setModel(QString)));
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "save" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionSaveTable_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SaveFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "save as" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionSaveTableAs_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SaveAsFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "append row" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionAppendRow_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::AppendRowFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "prepend row" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionPrependRow_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PrependRowFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "delete" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionDeleteRow_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::DeleteRowFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "process" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionProcess_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ProcessFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "group rows" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionGroupRows_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::GroupRowsFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "clear selected" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionClearSelected_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ClearSelectedFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "copy selection" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionCopySelected_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::CopySelectedFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "cut selection" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionCutSelected_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::CutSelectedFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "paste selection" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionPasteSelected_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PasteSelectedFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "new table" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionNewTable_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::NewTableFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "expand selection" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionExpandSelection_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ExpandSelectionFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "options..." button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionOptionsDialog_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::OptionsDialogFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "search" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionSearch_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::SearchFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "transfer" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionTransfer_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::TransferFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "export table" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionExportTable_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ExportTableFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "import table" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionImportTable_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::ImportTableFlag);
-    }
-    /** This slot is used to syncrhonise the two instrument selection widgets */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_comboProcessInstrument_currentIndexChanged(int index)
-    {
-      ui.comboSearchInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
-      m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
-      m_calculator->emitInstrumentChangedSignal();
-    }
-    /** This slot is used to syncrhonise the two instrument selection widgets */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_comboSearchInstrument_currentIndexChanged(int index)
-    {
-      ui.comboProcessInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
-      m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
-      m_calculator->emitInstrumentChangedSignal();
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot opens the documentation when the "help" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionHelp_triggered()
-    {
-      MantidQt::API::HelpWindow::showPage(this, QString("qthelp://org.mantidproject/doc/interfaces/ISIS_Reflectometry.html"));
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "plot selected rows" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionPlotRow_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PlotRowFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the "plot selected groups" button has been pressed
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionPlotGroup_triggered()
-    {
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::PlotGroupFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot shows the slit calculator
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::on_actionSlitCalculator_triggered()
-    {
-      m_calculator->setCurrentInstrumentName(ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString());
-      m_calculator->show();
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot notifies the presenter that the table has been updated/changed by the user
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::tableUpdated(const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight)
-    {
-      Q_UNUSED(topLeft);
-      Q_UNUSED(bottomRight);
-      m_presenter->notify(IReflPresenter::TableUpdatedFlag);
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot is triggered when the user right clicks on the table
-    @param pos : The position of the right click within the table
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::showContextMenu(const QPoint& pos)
-    {
-      //If the user didn't right-click on anything, don't show a context menu.
-      if(!ui.viewTable->indexAt(pos).isValid())
-        return;
-      //parent widget takes ownership of QMenu
-      QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionProcess);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionExpandSelection);
-      menu->addSeparator();
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionPlotRow);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionPlotGroup);
-      menu->addSeparator();
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionPrependRow);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionAppendRow);
-      menu->addSeparator();
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionGroupRows);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionCopySelected);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionCutSelected);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionPasteSelected);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionClearSelected);
-      menu->addSeparator();
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionDeleteRow);
-      menu->popup(ui.viewTable->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos));
-    }
-    /**
-    This slot is triggered when the user right clicks on the search results table
-    @param pos : The position of the right click within the table
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::showSearchContextMenu(const QPoint& pos)
-    {
-      if(!ui.tableSearchResults->indexAt(pos).isValid())
-        return;
-      //parent widget takes ownership of QMenu
-      QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this);
-      menu->addAction(ui.actionTransfer);
-      menu->popup(ui.tableSearchResults->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos));
-    }
-    /**
-    Show an information dialog
-    @param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
-    @param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::giveUserInfo(std::string prompt, std::string title)
-    {
-      QMessageBox::information(this,QString(title.c_str()),QString(prompt.c_str()),QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
-    }
-    /**
-    Show an critical error dialog
-    @param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
-    @param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::giveUserCritical(std::string prompt, std::string title)
-    {
-      QMessageBox::critical(this,QString(title.c_str()),QString(prompt.c_str()),QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
-    }
-    /**
-    Show a warning dialog
-    @param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
-    @param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::giveUserWarning(std::string prompt, std::string title)
-    {
-      QMessageBox::warning(this,QString(title.c_str()),QString(prompt.c_str()),QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
-    }
-    /**
-    Ask the user a Yes/No question
-    @param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
-    @param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
-    @returns a boolean true if Yes, false if No
-    */
-    bool QtReflMainView::askUserYesNo(std::string prompt, std::string title)
-    {
-      auto response = QMessageBox::question(this,QString(title.c_str()),QString(prompt.c_str()),QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes);
-      if (response == QMessageBox::Yes)
-      {
-        return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    /**
-    Ask the user to enter a string.
-    @param prompt : The prompt to appear on the dialog
-    @param title : The text for the title bar of the dialog
-    @param defaultValue : The default value entered.
-    @returns The user's string if submitted, or an empty string
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::askUserString(const std::string& prompt, const std::string& title, const std::string& defaultValue)
-    {
-      bool ok;
-      QString text = QInputDialog::getText(QString::fromStdString(title), QString::fromStdString(prompt), QLineEdit::Normal, QString::fromStdString(defaultValue), &ok);
-      if(ok)
-        return text.toStdString();
-      return "";
-    }
-    /**
-    Show the user the dialog for an algorithm
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::showAlgorithmDialog(const std::string& algorithm)
-    {
-      std::stringstream pythonSrc;
-      pythonSrc << "try:\n";
-      pythonSrc << "  " << algorithm << "Dialog()\n";
-      pythonSrc << "except:\n";
-      pythonSrc << "  pass\n";
-      runPythonCode(QString::fromStdString(pythonSrc.str()));
-    }
-    /**
-    Show the user file dialog to choose save location of notebook
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::requestNotebookPath()
-    {
-      QString qfilename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(0, "Save notebook file", QDir::currentPath(),
-                                                       "IPython Notebook files (*.ipynb);;All files (*.*)",
-                                                       new QString("IPython Notebook files (*.ipynb)"));
-      return qfilename.toStdString();
-    }
-    /**
-     Save settings
-     @param options : map of user options to save
-     */
-    void QtReflMainView::saveSettings(const std::map<std::string,QVariant>& options)
-    {
-      QSettings settings;
-      settings.beginGroup(ReflSettingsGroup);
-      for(auto it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++it)
-        settings.setValue(QString::fromStdString(it->first), it->second);
-      settings.endGroup();
-    }
-    /**
-     Load settings
-     @param options : map of user options to load into
-     */
-    void QtReflMainView::loadSettings(std::map<std::string,QVariant>& options)
-    {
-      QSettings settings;
-      settings.beginGroup(ReflSettingsGroup);
-      QStringList keys = settings.childKeys();
-      for(auto it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it)
-        options[it->toStdString()] = settings.value(*it);
-      settings.endGroup();
-    }
-    /**
-    Plot a workspace
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::plotWorkspaces(const std::set<std::string>& workspaces)
-    {
-      if(workspaces.empty())
-        return;
-      std::stringstream pythonSrc;
-      pythonSrc << "base_graph = None\n";
-      for(auto ws = workspaces.begin(); ws != workspaces.end(); ++ws)
-        pythonSrc << "base_graph = plotSpectrum(\"" << *ws << "\", 0, True, window = base_graph)\n";
-      pythonSrc << "base_graph.activeLayer().logLogAxes()\n";
-      runPythonCode(QString::fromStdString(pythonSrc.str()));
-    }
-    /**
-    Set the range of the progress bar
-    @param min : The minimum value of the bar
-    @param max : The maxmimum value of the bar
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setProgressRange(int min, int max)
-    {
-      ui.progressBar->setRange(min, max);
-    }
-    /**
-    Set the status of the progress bar
-    @param progress : The current value of the bar
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setProgress(int progress)
-    {
-      ui.progressBar->setValue(progress);
-    }
-    /**
-     Get status of checkbox which determines whether an ipython notebook is produced
-     @return true if a notebook should be output on process, false otherwise
-     */
-    bool QtReflMainView::getEnableNotebook()
-    {
-      return ui.checkEnableNotebook->isChecked();
-    }
-    /**
-    Set which rows are selected
-    @param rows : The set of rows to select
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setSelection(const std::set<int>& rows)
-    {
-      ui.viewTable->clearSelection();
-      auto selectionModel = ui.viewTable->selectionModel();
-      for(auto row = rows.begin(); row != rows.end(); ++row)
-        selectionModel->select(ui.viewTable->model()->index((*row), 0), QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
-    }
-    /**
-    Set the list of available instruments to search and process for
-    @param instruments : The list of instruments available
-    @param defaultInstrument : The instrument to have selected by default
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setInstrumentList(const std::vector<std::string>& instruments, const std::string& defaultInstrument)
-    {
-      ui.comboSearchInstrument->clear();
-      ui.comboProcessInstrument->clear();
-      for(auto it = instruments.begin(); it != instruments.end(); ++it)
-      {
-        QString instrument = QString::fromStdString(*it);
-        ui.comboSearchInstrument->addItem(instrument);
-        ui.comboProcessInstrument->addItem(instrument);
-      }
-      int index = ui.comboSearchInstrument->findData(QString::fromStdString(defaultInstrument), Qt::DisplayRole);
-      ui.comboSearchInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
-      ui.comboProcessInstrument->setCurrentIndex(index);
-    }
-    /**
-    Set the strategy used for generating hints for the autocompletion in the options column.
-    @param hintStrategy The hinting strategy to use
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setOptionsHintStrategy(HintStrategy* hintStrategy)
-    {
-      ui.viewTable->setItemDelegateForColumn(ReflMainViewPresenter::COL_OPTIONS, new HintingLineEditFactory(hintStrategy));
-    }
-    /**
-    Sets the contents of the system's clipboard
-    @param text The contents of the clipboard
-    */
-    void QtReflMainView::setClipboard(const std::string& text)
-    {
-      QApplication::clipboard()->setText(QString::fromStdString(text));
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the selected instrument for searching
-    @returns the selected instrument to search for
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::getSearchInstrument() const
-    {
-      return ui.comboSearchInstrument->currentText().toStdString();
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the selected instrument for processing
-    @returns the selected instrument to process with
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::getProcessInstrument() const
-    {
-      return ui.comboProcessInstrument->currentText().toStdString();
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the indices of the highlighted rows
-    @returns a set of ints containing the highlighted row numbers
-    */
-    std::set<int> QtReflMainView::getSelectedRows() const
-    {
-      std::set<int> rows;
-      auto selectionModel = ui.viewTable->selectionModel();
-      if(selectionModel)
-      {
-        auto selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows();
-        for(auto it = selectedRows.begin(); it != selectedRows.end(); ++it)
-          rows.insert(it->row());
-      }
-      return rows;
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the indices of the highlighted search result rows
-    @returns a set of ints containing the selected row numbers
-    */
-    std::set<int> QtReflMainView::getSelectedSearchRows() const
-    {
-      std::set<int> rows;
-      auto selectionModel = ui.tableSearchResults->selectionModel();
-      if(selectionModel)
-      {
-        auto selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows();
-        for(auto it = selectedRows.begin(); it != selectedRows.end(); ++it)
-          rows.insert(it->row());
-      }
-      return rows;
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the name of the workspace that the user wishes to open as a table
-    @returns The name of the workspace to open
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::getWorkspaceToOpen() const
-    {
-      return m_toOpen;
-    }
-    /**
-    Get a pointer to the presenter that's currently controlling this view.
-    @returns A pointer to the presenter
-    */
-    boost::shared_ptr<IReflPresenter> QtReflMainView::getPresenter() const
-    {
-      return m_presenter;
-    }
-    /**
-    Gets the contents of the system's clipboard
-    @returns The contents of the clipboard
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::getClipboard() const
-    {
-      return QApplication::clipboard()->text().toStdString();
-    }
-    /**
-    Get the string the user wants to search for.
-    @returns The search string
-    */
-    std::string QtReflMainView::getSearchString() const
-    {
-      return ui.textSearch->text().toStdString();
-    }
-  } // namespace CustomInterfaces
+} // namespace CustomInterfaces
 } // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/inc/MantidQtMantidWidgets/SlitCalculator.h b/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/inc/MantidQtMantidWidgets/SlitCalculator.h
index f88271b88c5cc957ba55b5add0fc6073772d8bf0..0c1f14771693db891e85da6da7b87fe8dd224356 100644
--- a/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/inc/MantidQtMantidWidgets/SlitCalculator.h
+++ b/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/inc/MantidQtMantidWidgets/SlitCalculator.h
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public:
   Mantid::Geometry::Instrument_sptr getInstrument();
   void setCurrentInstrumentName(std::string instrumentName);
   std::string getCurrentInstrumentName();
-  void emitInstrumentChangedSignal();
+  void processInstrumentHasBeenChanged();
   Ui::SlitCalculator ui;
@@ -54,8 +54,6 @@ private:
   std::string currentInstrumentName;
   void setupSlitCalculatorWithInstrumentValues(
-  void instrumentChanged();
 private slots:
   void on_recalculate_triggered();
diff --git a/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/src/SlitCalculator.cpp b/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/src/SlitCalculator.cpp
index 7a456a5ec653b37ba6886ab59128920a81182a6d..d02dcb65ef6dba7247327f6926bcd69908b50187 100644
--- a/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/src/SlitCalculator.cpp
+++ b/MantidQt/MantidWidgets/src/SlitCalculator.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/Progress.h"
 #include "MantidGeometry/Instrument/InstrumentDefinitionParser.h"
 #include <math.h>
 namespace MantidQt {
@@ -11,14 +10,14 @@ namespace MantidWidgets {
 SlitCalculator::SlitCalculator(QWidget *parent) {
-  if (currentInstrumentName == ""){
-      currentInstrumentName = "INTER";
-      setInstrument(currentInstrumentName);
+  if (currentInstrumentName == "") {
+    currentInstrumentName = "INTER";
+    setInstrument(currentInstrumentName);
-void SlitCalculator::emitInstrumentChangedSignal(){
-    on_recalculate_triggered();
+void SlitCalculator::processInstrumentHasBeenChanged() {
+  on_recalculate_triggered();
 SlitCalculator::~SlitCalculator() {}
 void SlitCalculator::setInstrument(std::string instrumentName) {
@@ -55,25 +54,24 @@ void SlitCalculator::setupSlitCalculatorWithInstrumentValues(
   auto slit1Component = instrument->getComponentByName("slit1");
   auto slit2Component = instrument->getComponentByName("slit2");
   auto sampleComponent = instrument->getComponentByName("some-surface-holder");
-    // convert between metres and millimetres
+  // convert between metres and millimetres
   const double s1s2 = 1e3 * slit1Component->getDistance(*slit2Component);
   const double s2sa = 1e3 * slit2Component->getDistance(*sampleComponent);
 Mantid::Geometry::Instrument_sptr SlitCalculator::getInstrument() {
   return this->instrument;
-void SlitCalculator::setCurrentInstrumentName(std::string instrumentName){
-    this->currentInstrumentName = instrumentName;
+void SlitCalculator::setCurrentInstrumentName(std::string instrumentName) {
+  this->currentInstrumentName = instrumentName;
-std::string SlitCalculator::getCurrentInstrumentName(){
-    return this->currentInstrumentName;
+std::string SlitCalculator::getCurrentInstrumentName() {
+  return this->currentInstrumentName;
 void SlitCalculator::on_recalculate_triggered() {
   const auto currentInstrument = getInstrument();
-  if (currentInstrument->getName() != currentInstrumentName){
+  if (currentInstrument->getName() != currentInstrumentName) {
   // Gather input