From 8a07fa61f8895b0c1ffc48c01679e9163c967e6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Russell Taylor <>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 12:46:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Re #5883. Use a different user properties file for the MPI

The fermi cluster at ORNL uses the usual SNS home areas (so the same
as the analysis workstations, for example). If the user properties
file is the same, confusion could arise if things are set in it
in and interactive MantidPlot session.
The MPI build now uses instead.
 .../Framework/Kernel/src/ConfigService.cpp       | 16 ++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/ConfigService.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/ConfigService.cpp
index c1c9b2c532e..ffbc88c2dc4 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/ConfigService.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/ConfigService.cpp
@@ -162,10 +162,15 @@ private:
 /// Private constructor for singleton class
 ConfigServiceImpl::ConfigServiceImpl() :
   m_pConf(NULL), m_pSysConfig(NULL), g_log(Logger::get("ConfigService")), m_changed_keys(),
-      m_ConfigPaths(), m_AbsolutePaths(), m_strBaseDir(""), m_PropertyString(""),
-      m_properties_file_name(""),
-      m_user_properties_file_name(""), m_DataSearchDirs(), m_UserSearchDirs(),
-      m_instr_prefixes(), m_removedFlag("@@REMOVED@@")
+  m_ConfigPaths(), m_AbsolutePaths(), m_strBaseDir(""), m_PropertyString(""),
+  m_properties_file_name(""),
+#ifdef MPI_BUILD
+  // Use a different user properties file for an mpi-enabled build to avoid confusion if both are used on the same filesystem
+  m_user_properties_file_name(""),
+  m_user_properties_file_name(""),
+  m_DataSearchDirs(), m_UserSearchDirs(), m_instr_prefixes(), m_removedFlag("@@REMOVED@@")
   //getting at system details
   m_pSysConfig = new WrappedObject<Poco::Util::SystemConfiguration> ;
@@ -1644,9 +1649,8 @@ Ammend paths to point to include the paraview core libraries.
 void ConfigServiceImpl::setParaviewLibraryPath(const std::string& path)
-  std::string platformPathName;
 #ifdef _WIN32
-  platformPathName = "PATH";
+  const std::string platformPathName = "PATH";
   Poco::Path existingPath;
   char separator = existingPath.pathSeparator();
   std::string strSeparator;