From 89a29a151b48430eecbc527ec21a788b7213318e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vickie Lynch <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 11:55:02 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Refs #24539 new bank

 instrument/TOPAZ_Definition_2018-09-01.xml |   2 +-
 instrument/TOPAZ_Definition_2019-01-01.xml | 233 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 234 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 instrument/TOPAZ_Definition_2019-01-01.xml

diff --git a/instrument/TOPAZ_Definition_2018-09-01.xml b/instrument/TOPAZ_Definition_2018-09-01.xml
index e790df37752..17a08c47da5 100644
--- a/instrument/TOPAZ_Definition_2018-09-01.xml
+++ b/instrument/TOPAZ_Definition_2018-09-01.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  name="TOPAZ" valid-from   ="2018-09-01 00:00:00"
-              valid-to     ="2100-01-31 23:59:59"
+              valid-to     ="2018-12-31 23:59:59"
                      last-modified="2018-09-04 16:30:00">
   <!--Created by Vickie Lynch-->
diff --git a/instrument/TOPAZ_Definition_2019-01-01.xml b/instrument/TOPAZ_Definition_2019-01-01.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..31dae161729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/instrument/TOPAZ_Definition_2019-01-01.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!-- For help on the notation used to specify an Instrument Definition File 
+     see -->
+<instrument xmlns="" 
+            xmlns:xsi=""
+            xsi:schemaLocation=""
+ name="TOPAZ" valid-from   ="2019-01-01 00:00:00"
+              valid-to     ="2100-01-31 23:59:59"
+                     last-modified="2019-01-17 11:30:00">
+  <!--Created by Vickie Lynch-->
+  <!--Modified by Vickie Lynch using the script from the Translation Service calibration/geometry/ code. -->
+  <!--DEFAULTS-->
+  <defaults>
+    <length unit="metre"/>
+    <angle unit="degree"/>
+    <reference-frame>
+      <along-beam axis="z"/>
+      <pointing-up axis="y"/>
+      <handedness val="right"/>
+    </reference-frame>
+    <default-view view="spherical_y"/>
+  </defaults>
+  <!--SOURCE-->
+  <component type="moderator">
+    <location z="-18.0"/>
+  </component>
+  <type name="moderator" is="Source"/>
+  <!--SAMPLE-->
+  <component type="sample-position">
+    <location y="0.0" x="0.0" z="0.0"/>
+  </component>
+  <type name="sample-position" is="SamplePos"/>
+  <!--MONITORS-->
+  <component type="monitors" idlist="monitors">
+    <location/>
+  </component>
+  <type name="monitors">
+    <component type="monitor">
+      <location z="-2.488" name="monitor1"/>
+    </component>
+    <component type="monitor">
+      <location z="1.049" name="monitor2"/>
+    </component>
+  </type>
+<!-- XML Code automatically generated on 2019-01-17 11:30:01.182950 for the Mantid instrument definition file -->
+<component type="panel" idstart="851968" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.455000" t="105.192621" p="-33.305992" name="bank13" rot="-99.919712" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="53.154399">
+    <rot val="41.466968" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="1048576" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.455000" t="133.320872" p="-133.248573" name="bank16" rot="8.080272" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="53.154399">
+    <rot val="41.466968" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="1114112" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.455000" t="105.192621" p="-146.694008" name="bank17" rot="44.079783" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="53.154399">
+    <rot val="41.466968" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="1179648" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.455000" t="74.807731" p="-146.694071" name="bank18" rot="80.079867" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="53.154399">
+    <rot val="41.466968" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="1245184" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.455000" t="46.678985" p="-133.248429" name="bank19" rot="116.080009" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="53.154399">
+    <rot val="41.466968" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="1310720" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.425000" t="23.905622" p="-42.859145" name="bank20" rot="-177.410228" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="47.178655">
+    <rot val="22.073524" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="1441792" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.425000" t="90.000202" p="-16.000018" name="bank22" rot="-105.410002" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="47.178655">
+    <rot val="22.073524" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="1703936" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.425000" t="124.403098" p="-160.483843" name="bank26" rot="38.590066" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="47.178655">
+    <rot val="22.073524" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="1769472" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.425000" t="90.000202" p="-163.999982" name="bank27" rot="74.589577" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="47.178655">
+    <rot val="22.073524" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="1835008" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.425000" t="55.596651" p="-160.483782" name="bank28" rot="110.589776" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="47.178655">
+    <rot val="22.073524" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="1900544" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.425000" t="23.905622" p="-137.140855" name="bank29" rot="146.589803" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="47.178655">
+    <rot val="22.073524" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="2162688" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.395000" t="108.000253" p="0.000000" name="bank33" rot="-71.999747" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="45.000000">
+    <rot val="0.000000" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="2359296" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.395000" t="143.999764" p="180.000000" name="bank36" rot="36.000236" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="45.000000">
+    <rot val="0.000000" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="2424832" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.395000" t="108.000253" p="180.000000" name="bank37" rot="71.999747" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="45.000000">
+    <rot val="0.000000" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="2490368" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.395000" t="72.000168" p="180.000000" name="bank38" rot="107.999832" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="45.000000">
+    <rot val="0.000000" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="2555904" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.395000" t="36.000027" p="180.000000" name="bank39" rot="143.999973" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="45.000000">
+    <rot val="0.000000" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="3014656" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.425000" t="124.403098" p="160.483843" name="bank46" rot="69.410491" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="47.178655">
+    <rot val="-22.073524" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="3080192" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.425000" t="90.000202" p="163.999982" name="bank47" rot="105.410002" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="47.178655">
+    <rot val="-22.073524" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="3145728" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.425000" t="55.596651" p="160.483782" name="bank48" rot="141.410201" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="47.178655">
+    <rot val="-22.073524" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<component type="panel" idstart="3211264" idfillbyfirst="y" idstepbyrow="256">
+<location r="0.425000" t="23.905622" p="137.140855" name="bank49" rot="177.410228" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0">
+  <rot val="47.178655">
+    <rot val="-22.073524" axis-x="0" axis-y="1" axis-z="0" />
+  </rot>
+<!-- List of all the bank names:
+     bank13,bank16,bank17,bank18,bank19,bank20,bank22,bank26,bank27,bank28,bank29,bank33,bank36,bank37,bank38,bank39,bank46,bank47,bank48,bank49
+<!-- NOTE: This detector is the same as the SNAP detector -->
+<!-- Rectangular Detector Panel -->
+<type name="panel" is="rectangular_detector" type="pixel"
+    xpixels="256" xstart="-0.078795" xstep="+0.000618"
+    ypixels="256" ystart="-0.078795" ystep="+0.000618" >
+  <properties/>
+  <!-- Pixel for Detectors-->
+  <type is="detector" name="pixel">
+    <cuboid id="pixel-shape">
+      <left-front-bottom-point y="-0.000309" x="-0.000309" z="0.0"/>
+      <left-front-top-point y="0.000309" x="-0.000309" z="0.0"/>
+      <left-back-bottom-point y="-0.000309" x="-0.000309" z="-0.0001"/>
+      <right-front-bottom-point y="-0.000309" x="0.000309" z="0.0"/>
+    </cuboid>
+    <algebra val="pixel-shape"/>
+  </type>
+  <!-- Shape for Monitors-->
+  <!-- TODO: Update to real shape -->
+  <type is="monitor" name="monitor">
+    <cylinder id="some-shape">
+      <centre-of-bottom-base p="0.0" r="0.0" t="0.0"/>
+      <axis y="0.0" x="0.0" z="1.0"/>
+      <radius val="0.01"/>
+      <height val="0.03"/>
+    </cylinder>
+    <algebra val="some-shape"/>
+  </type>
+  <!--MONITOR IDs-->
+  <idlist idname="monitors">
+    <id val="-1"/>
+    <id val="-2"/>
+  </idlist>