From 894c5d269cbca64740720ff28921728c2697f337 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martyn Gigg <>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2015 19:06:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Apply clang-format to changes

Refs #14106
 Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp | 24 +++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp b/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp
index a655613c362..02c1b706167 100644
--- a/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp
+++ b/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp
@@ -787,22 +787,22 @@ void LoadFITS::readDataToWorkspace(const FITSInfo &fileInfo, double cmpp,
   readInBuffer(fileInfo, buffer, len);
   const size_t nrows(fileInfo.axisPixelLengths[1]),
-    ncols(fileInfo.axisPixelLengths[0]);
+      ncols(fileInfo.axisPixelLengths[0]);
   // Treat buffer as a series of bytes
-  uint8_t *buffer8 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&buffer.front());
+  uint8_t *buffer8 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&buffer.front());
   for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(nrows); ++i) {
     Mantid::API::ISpectrum *specRow = ws->getSpectrum(i);
-    auto & dataX = specRow->dataX();
-    auto & dataY = specRow->dataY();
-    auto & dataE = specRow->dataE();
-    std::fill(dataX.begin(), dataX.end(), static_cast<double>(i)*cmpp);
+    auto &dataX = specRow->dataX();
+    auto &dataY = specRow->dataY();
+    auto &dataE = specRow->dataE();
+    std::fill(dataX.begin(), dataX.end(), static_cast<double>(i) * cmpp);
     for (size_t j = 0; j < ncols; ++j) {
       // Map from 2D->1D index
       const size_t start = ((i * (bytespp)) * nrows) + (j * (bytespp));
-      uint8_t const * const buffer8Start = buffer8 + start;
+      uint8_t const *const buffer8Start = buffer8 + start;
       // Reverse byte order of current value. Make sure we allocate enough
       // enough space to hold the size
       boost::scoped_ptr<uint8_t> byteValue(new uint8_t[bytespp]);
@@ -812,11 +812,14 @@ void LoadFITS::readDataToWorkspace(const FITSInfo &fileInfo, double cmpp,
       if (fileInfo.bitsPerPixel == 8)
         val = static_cast<double>(*byteValue);
       else if (fileInfo.bitsPerPixel == 16)
-        val = static_cast<double>(*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(byteValue.get()));
+        val =
+            static_cast<double>(*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(byteValue.get()));
       else if (fileInfo.bitsPerPixel == 32 && !fileInfo.isFloat)
-        val = static_cast<double>(*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(byteValue.get()));
+        val =
+            static_cast<double>(*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(byteValue.get()));
       else if (fileInfo.bitsPerPixel == 64 && !fileInfo.isFloat)
-        val = static_cast<double>(*reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(byteValue.get()));
+        val =
+            static_cast<double>(*reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(byteValue.get()));
       // cppcheck doesn't realise that these are safe casts
       else if (fileInfo.bitsPerPixel == 32 && fileInfo.isFloat) {
@@ -830,7 +833,6 @@ void LoadFITS::readDataToWorkspace(const FITSInfo &fileInfo, double cmpp,
       val = fileInfo.scale * val - fileInfo.offset;
       dataY[j] = val;
       dataE[j] = sqrt(val);