diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Algorithms/src/CreateCalFileByNames.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Algorithms/src/CreateCalFileByNames.cpp
index ff6079f89026d56f48eaef7e99d7904de690c220..f5b44fc0351ef147d82955afcbd38b0e74c9f504 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Algorithms/src/CreateCalFileByNames.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Algorithms/src/CreateCalFileByNames.cpp
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ void CreateCalFileByNames::init() {
       new WorkspaceProperty<>("InstrumentWorkspace", "", Direction::Input,
       "A workspace that contains a reference to the instrument of interest. "
-      "You can use [[LoadEmptyInstrument]] to create such a workspace.");
+      "You can use LoadEmptyInstrument to create such a workspace.");
       new FileProperty("GroupingFileName", "", FileProperty::Save, ".cal"),
-      "The name of the output [[CalFile]]");
+      "The name of the output CalFile");
       "GroupNames", "",
       "A string of the instrument component names to use as separate groups. "
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/plugins/algorithms/ConvertSnsRoiFileToMask.py b/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/plugins/algorithms/ConvertSnsRoiFileToMask.py
index 8ccb0c77143740c9c6bf6e6f1aed3624f737c09c..3cbe75a19b62a584fdd4fd1180674ce3d7471dc2 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/plugins/algorithms/ConvertSnsRoiFileToMask.py
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/plugins/algorithms/ConvertSnsRoiFileToMask.py
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class ConvertSnsRoiFileToMask(api.PythonAlgorithm):
         allowedInstruments = kernel.StringListValidator(INSTRUMENTS)
         self.declareProperty("Instrument", "",
-                             doc="One of the following instruments: "+" ".join(INSTRUMENTS))
+                             doc="One of the supported instruments")
         self.declareProperty("OutputFilePrefix", "",
                              "Overrides the default filename for the output "\
                              +"file (Optional). Default is <inst_name>_Mask.")
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/properties.py b/Code/Mantid/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/properties.py
index f7dedfee1e585addcdc1594fac6e49d745a867ff..3fdf7c0d4837eeb32668294db801a2cb4405c9c4 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/properties.py
+++ b/Code/Mantid/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/properties.py
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class PropertiesDirective(AlgorithmBaseDirective):
-                    str(prop.documentation.replace("\n", " "))
+                    self._create_property_description_string(prop)
@@ -200,6 +200,43 @@ class PropertiesDirective(AlgorithmBaseDirective):
         return defaultstr
+    def _create_property_description_string(self, prop):
+        """
+        Converts the description of the property to a more use-friendly one.
+        Args:
+          prop. The property to find the default value of.
+        Returns:
+          str: The string to add to the property table description section.
+        """
+        desc = str(prop.documentation.replace("\n", " "))
+        allowedValueString = str(prop.allowedValues)
+        # 4 allows for ['']
+        if len(allowedValueString) > 4: 
+            ##make sure the last sentence ended with a full stop (or equivalent)
+            if (not desc.rstrip().endswith("."))      \
+                and (not desc.rstrip().endswith("!")) \
+                and (not desc.rstrip().endswith("?")) \
+                and (len(desc.strip())>0):
+                desc += "."
+            isFileExts = True
+            for item in prop.allowedValues:
+                #check it does not look like a file extension
+                if (not item.startswith(".")) and (not item[-4:].startswith(".")):
+                    isFileExts = False
+                    break
+            prefixString = " Allowed values: "
+            if isFileExts:
+                prefixString = " Allowed extensions: "
+            #put a space in between entries to allow the line to break
+            allowedValueString = allowedValueString.replace("','","', '")
+            desc += prefixString + allowedValueString
+        return desc
 def setup(app):