diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/inc/MantidKernel/Strings.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/inc/MantidKernel/Strings.h
index 2b00535e3fd961194632dc0edcedffc96ae38542..46a574b16f5ca58b6c24b4b5981cae8090cd07de 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/inc/MantidKernel/Strings.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/inc/MantidKernel/Strings.h
@@ -13,15 +13,12 @@
 namespace Mantid
-namespace Kernel
+  namespace Kernel
+  {
-/** Holds support functions for strings.
+    /** Holds support functions for strings.
-    @author S. Ansell
-    @date February 2006
-    Copyright & copy; 2007 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory
+    Copyright & copy; 2007-2012 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory
     This file is part of Mantid.
@@ -37,132 +34,134 @@ namespace Kernel
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
     File change history is stored at: <https://svn.mantidproject.org/mantid/trunk/Code/Mantid>.
     Code Documentation is available at: <http://doxygen.mantidproject.org>
-namespace Strings
-/** Join a set or vector of (something that turns into a string) together
- * into one string, separated by a string.
- * Returns an empty string if the range is null.
- * Does not add the separator after the LAST item.
- *
- * For example, join a vector of strings with commas with:
- *  out = join(v.begin(), v.end(), ", ");
- *
- * @param begin :: iterator at the start
- * @param end :: iterator at the end
- * @param separator :: string to append.
- * @return
- */
-template<typename ITERATOR_TYPE>
-DLLExport std::string join(ITERATOR_TYPE begin, ITERATOR_TYPE end, const std::string separator)
-  std::ostringstream output;
-  for (it = begin; it != end; )
-  {
-    output << *it;
-    it++;
-    if (it != end)
-      output << separator;
-  }
-  return output.str();
-/// Return a string with all matching occurence-strings
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string replace(const std::string &input, const std::string &find_what, const std::string &replace_with);
-/// Return a string with all occurrences of the characters in the input replaced by the replace string 
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string replaceAll(const std::string & input, const std::string & charStr, const std::string & substitute);
-/// determine if a character group exists in a string
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int confirmStr(const std::string& S,const std::string& fullPhrase);
-/// Get a word from a string
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int extractWord(std::string& Line,const std::string& Word,const int cnt = 4);
-/// Get an int from the end of a word
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int endsWithInt(const std::string & word);
-/// strip all spaces
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string removeSpace(const std::string& CLine);
-/// strip pre/post spaces
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string fullBlock(const std::string& A);
-/// strip pre/post spaces
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string strip(const std::string& A);
-/// strip trailling comments
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL void stripComment(std::string& A);
-/// Determines if a string is only spaces
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int isEmpty(const std::string& A);
-/// Get a line and strip comments 
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string getLine(std::istream& fh,const int spc = 256);
-/// get a part of a long line
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int getPartLine(std::istream& fh,std::string& Out,std::string& Excess,const int spc = 256);
-template<typename T> int convPartNum(const std::string& A,T& out);
-/// Convert a string into a number
-template<typename T> int convert(const std::string& A,T& out);
-/// Convert a char* into a number
-template<typename T> int convert(const char* A,T& out);
-/// Convert a number to a string
-template<typename T> std::string toString(const T value);
-/// Convert a vector to a string
-template<typename T> std::string toString(const std::vector<T> &value);
-/// Convert a set to a string
-template<typename T> std::string toString(const std::set<T> &value);
-template<typename T> 
-int setValues(const std::string& Line,const std::vector<int>& Index,std::vector<T>& Out);
-/// Convert and cut a string
-template<typename T> int sectPartNum(std::string& A,T& out);
-/// Convert and cut a string
-template<typename T> int section(std::string& A,T& out);
-/// Convert and cut a char* 
-template<typename T> int section(char* cA,T& out);
-/// Convert and cut a string for MCNPX
-template<typename T> int sectionMCNPX(std::string& A,T& out);
-/// Write file in standard MCNPX input form 
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL void writeMCNPX(const std::string& Line,std::ostream& OX);
-/// Split tring into spc deliminated components
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector<std::string> StrParts(std::string Ln);
-/// Write a set of containers to a file
-template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A>
-int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const T & step,const V<T,A>& Y);
-template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A> 
-int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const V<T,A>& X,const V<T,A>& Y);
-template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A>
-int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const V<T,A>& X,const V<T,A>& Y,const V<T,A>& Err);
-/// Convert a VAX number to x86 little eindien
-float getVAXnum(const float A);
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL void readToEndOfLine( std::ifstream& in ,  bool ConsumeEOL );
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string getWord( std::ifstream &in ,  bool consumeEOL );
-///  function parses a path, found in input string "path" and returns vector of the folders contributed into the path */
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL size_t split_path(const std::string &path, std::vector<std::string> &path_components);
-/// Loads the entire contents of a text file into a string
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string loadFile(const std::string & filename);
-/// checks if the candidate is the member of the group
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int isMember(const std::vector<std::string> &group, const std::string &candidate);
-}   // NAMESPACE Strings
-}   // NAMESPACE Kernel
+     */
+    namespace Strings
+    {
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /** Join a set or vector of (something that turns into a string) together
+       * into one string, separated by a string.
+       * Returns an empty string if the range is null.
+       * Does not add the separator after the LAST item.
+       *
+       * For example, join a vector of strings with commas with:
+       *  out = join(v.begin(), v.end(), ", ");
+       *
+       * @param begin :: iterator at the start
+       * @param end :: iterator at the end
+       * @param separator :: string to append.
+       * @return
+       */
+      template<typename ITERATOR_TYPE>
+      DLLExport std::string join(ITERATOR_TYPE begin, ITERATOR_TYPE end, const std::string separator)
+      {
+        std::ostringstream output;
+        ITERATOR_TYPE it;
+        for (it = begin; it != end; )
+        {
+          output << *it;
+          it++;
+          if (it != end)
+            output << separator;
+        }
+        return output.str();
+      }
+      /// Return a string with all matching occurence-strings
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string replace(const std::string &input, const std::string &find_what, const std::string &replace_with);
+      /// Return a string with all occurrences of the characters in the input replaced by the replace string
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string replaceAll(const std::string & input, const std::string & charStr, const std::string & substitute);
+      /// determine if a character group exists in a string
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int confirmStr(const std::string& S,const std::string& fullPhrase);
+      /// Get a word from a string
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int extractWord(std::string& Line,const std::string& Word,const int cnt = 4);
+      /// Get an int from the end of a word
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int endsWithInt(const std::string & word);
+      /// strip all spaces
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string removeSpace(const std::string& CLine);
+      /// strip pre/post spaces
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string fullBlock(const std::string& A);
+      /// strip pre/post spaces
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string strip(const std::string& A);
+      /// strip trailling comments
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL void stripComment(std::string& A);
+      /// Determines if a string is only spaces
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int isEmpty(const std::string& A);
+      /// Get a line and strip comments
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string getLine(std::istream& fh,const int spc = 256);
+      /// get a part of a long line
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int getPartLine(std::istream& fh,std::string& Out,std::string& Excess,const int spc = 256);
+      /// Takes a character string and evaluates the first [typename T] object
+      template<typename T> int convPartNum(const std::string& A,T& out);
+      /// Convert a string into a number
+      template<typename T> int convert(const std::string& A,T& out);
+      /// Convert a char* into a number
+      template<typename T> int convert(const char* A,T& out);
+      /// Convert a number to a string
+      template<typename T> std::string toString(const T value);
+      /// Convert a vector to a string
+      template<typename T> std::string toString(const std::vector<T> &value);
+      /// Convert a set to a string
+      template<typename T> std::string toString(const std::set<T> &value);
+      template<typename T>
+      int setValues(const std::string& Line,const std::vector<int>& Index,std::vector<T>& Out);
+      /// Convert and cut a string
+      template<typename T> int sectPartNum(std::string& A,T& out);
+      /// Convert and cut a string
+      template<typename T> int section(std::string& A,T& out);
+      /// Convert and cut a char*
+      template<typename T> int section(char* cA,T& out);
+      /// Convert and cut a string for MCNPX
+      template<typename T> int sectionMCNPX(std::string& A,T& out);
+      /// Write file in standard MCNPX input form
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL void writeMCNPX(const std::string& Line,std::ostream& OX);
+      /// Split tring into spc deliminated components
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector<std::string> StrParts(std::string Ln);
+      /// Write a set of containers to a file
+      template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A>
+      int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const T & step,const V<T,A>& Y);
+      template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A>
+      int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const V<T,A>& X,const V<T,A>& Y);
+      template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A>
+      int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const V<T,A>& X,const V<T,A>& Y,const V<T,A>& Err);
+      /// Convert a VAX number to x86 little eindien
+      float getVAXnum(const float A);
+      /// Eat everything from the stream until the next EOL
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL void readToEndOfLine( std::ifstream& in ,  bool ConsumeEOL );
+      /// Returns the next word in the stream
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string getWord( std::ifstream &in ,  bool consumeEOL );
+      ///  function parses a path, found in input string "path" and returns vector of the folders contributed into the path */
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL size_t split_path(const std::string &path, std::vector<std::string> &path_components);
+      /// Loads the entire contents of a text file into a string
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string loadFile(const std::string & filename);
+      /// checks if the candidate is the member of the group
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int isMember(const std::vector<std::string> &group, const std::string &candidate);
+    }   // NAMESPACE Strings
+  }   // NAMESPACE Kernel
 }   // NAMESPACE Mantid
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/Strings.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/Strings.cpp
index d8332d14093075b4d18c4dfcae879759700f08be..56b507f8b572eab3592c1ca70b34343088299e58 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/Strings.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/src/Strings.cpp
@@ -15,1067 +15,1066 @@ using std::size_t;
 namespace Mantid
-namespace Kernel
-namespace Strings
-/** Loads the entire contents of a text file into a string
- *
- * @param filename :: full path to file
- * @return string contents of text file
- */
-std::string loadFile(const std::string & filename)
-  std::string retVal;
-  std::string str;
-  std::ifstream in;
-  in.open(filename.c_str());
-  getline(in,str);
-  while ( in ) {
-    retVal += str + "\n";
-    getline(in,str);
-  }
-  in.close();
-  return retVal;
-/** Return a string with all matching occurence-strings
- *
- * @param input :: input string
- * @param find_what :: will search for all occurences of this string
- * @param replace_with :: ... and replace them with this.
- * @return the modified string.
- */
-std::string replace(const std::string &input, const std::string &find_what, const std::string &replace_with)
-  std::string output = input;
-  std::string::size_type pos=0;
-  while((pos=output.find(find_what, pos))!=std::string::npos)
-  {
-    output.erase(pos, find_what.length());
-    output.insert(pos, replace_with);
-    pos+=replace_with.length();
-  }
-  return output;
- * Return a string with all occurrences of the characters in the input replaced by the replace string 
- * @param input :: The input string to perform the replacement on
- * @param charStr :: Each occurrence of ANY character in this string within the input string will be replaced by substitute
- * @param substitute :: A substitute string
- * @return A new string with the characters replaced
- */
-MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string replaceAll(const std::string & input, const std::string & charStr, const std::string & substitute)
-  std::string replaced;
-  replaced.reserve(input.size());
-  std::string::const_iterator iend = input.end();
-  for( std::string::const_iterator itr = input.begin(); itr != iend; ++itr )
+  namespace Kernel
-    char inputChar = (*itr);
-    if( charStr.find_first_of(inputChar) == std::string::npos ) // Input string char is not one of those to be replaced
+    namespace Strings
-      replaced.push_back(inputChar);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      replaced.append(substitute);
-    }
-  }
-  return replaced;
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /** Loads the entire contents of a text file into a string
+       *
+       * @param filename :: full path to file
+       * @return string contents of text file
+       */
+      std::string loadFile(const std::string & filename)
+      {
+        std::string retVal;
+        std::string str;
+        std::ifstream in;
+        in.open(filename.c_str());
+        getline(in,str);
+        while ( in ) {
+          retVal += str + "\n";
+          getline(in,str);
+        }
+        in.close();
+        return retVal;
+      }
-  Function to convert a number into hex
-  output (and leave the stream un-changed)
-  @param OFS :: Output stream
-  @param n :: Integer to convert
-  \todo Change this to a stream operator
-void printHex(std::ostream& OFS,const int n)
-  std::ios_base::fmtflags PrevFlags=OFS.flags();
-  OFS<<"Ox";
-  OFS.width(8);
-  OFS.fill('0');
-  hex(OFS);
-  OFS << n;
-  OFS.flags(PrevFlags);
-  return;
-  Removes the multiple spaces in the line
-  @param Line :: Line to process
-  @return String with single space components
-std::string stripMultSpc(const std::string& Line)
-  std::string Out;
-  int spc(1);
-  int lastReal(-1);
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<Line.length();i++)
-    {
-      if (Line[i]!=' ' && Line[i]!='\t' &&
-            Line[i]!='\r' &&  Line[i]!='\n')		
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /** Return a string with all matching occurence-strings
+       *
+       * @param input :: input string
+       * @param find_what :: will search for all occurences of this string
+       * @param replace_with :: ... and replace them with this.
+       * @return the modified string.
+       */
+      std::string replace(const std::string &input, const std::string &find_what, const std::string &replace_with)
+      {
+        std::string output = input;
+        std::string::size_type pos=0;
+        while((pos=output.find(find_what, pos))!=std::string::npos)
-      lastReal=i;
-      spc=0;
-      Out+=Line[i];
-    }
-      else if (!spc)
+          output.erase(pos, find_what.length());
+          output.insert(pos, replace_with);
+          pos+=replace_with.length();
+        }
+        return output;
+      }
+      /**
+       * Return a string with all occurrences of the characters in the input replaced by the replace string
+       * @param input :: The input string to perform the replacement on
+       * @param charStr :: Each occurrence of ANY character in this string within the input string will be replaced by substitute
+       * @param substitute :: A substitute string
+       * @return A new string with the characters replaced
+       */
+      MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string replaceAll(const std::string & input, const std::string & charStr, const std::string & substitute)
+      {
+        std::string replaced;
+        replaced.reserve(input.size());
+        std::string::const_iterator iend = input.end();
+        for( std::string::const_iterator itr = input.begin(); itr != iend; ++itr )
-      spc=1;
-      Out+=' ';
-    }
-    }
-  lastReal++;
-  if (lastReal<static_cast<int>(Out.length()))
-    Out.erase(lastReal);
-  return Out;
-  Checks that as least cnt letters of 
-  works is part of the string. It is currently 
-  case sensitive. It removes the Word if found
-  @param Line :: Line to process
-  @param Word :: Word to use
-  @param cnt :: Length of Word for significants [default =4]
-  @retval 1 on success (and changed Line) 
-  @retval 0 on failure 
-int extractWord(std::string& Line,const std::string& Word,const int cnt)
-  if (Word.empty())
-    return 0;
-  size_t minSize(cnt>static_cast<int>(Word.size()) ?  Word.size() : cnt);
-  std::string::size_type pos=Line.find(Word.substr(0,minSize));
-  if (pos==std::string::npos)
-    return 0;
-  // Pos == Start of find
-  size_t LinePt=minSize+pos;
-  for(;minSize<Word.size() && LinePt<Line.size()
-    && Word[minSize]==Line[LinePt];LinePt++,minSize++)
-  {
-  }
-  Line.erase(pos,LinePt-(pos-1));
-  return 1;
-/** If a word ends with a number representing a positive integer, return
- * the value of that int.
- *
- * @param word :: string possibly ending in a number
- * @return the number, or -1 if it does not end in a number
- */
-int endsWithInt(const std::string & word)
-  if (word.empty())
-    return -1;
-  int out = -1;
-  // Find the index of the first number in the string (if any)
-  int firstNumber = int(word.size());
-  for (int i=int(word.size())-1; i>=0; i--)
-  {
-    char c = word[i];
-    if ((c > '9') || (c < '0'))
-      break;
-    firstNumber = i;
-  }
-  // Convert the string of decimals to an int
-  if (firstNumber < int(word.size()))
-  {
-    std::string part = word.substr(firstNumber, word.size()-firstNumber);
-    if (!convert(part, out))
-      return -1;
-  }
-  return out;
-  Check to see if S is the same as the
-  first part of a phrase. (case insensitive)
-  @param S :: string to check
-  @param fullPhrase :: complete phrase
-  @return 1 on success 
-int confirmStr(const std::string& S,const std::string& fullPhrase)
-  const size_t nS(S.length());
-  const size_t nC(fullPhrase.length());
-  if (nS>nC || nS==0)    
-    return 0;           
-  for(size_t i=0;i<nS;i++)
-    if (S[i]!=fullPhrase[i])
-      return 0;
-  return 1;
-  Gets a line and determine if there is addition component to add
-  in the case of a very long line.
-  @param fh :: input stream to get line 
-  @param Out :: string up to last 'tab' or ' '
-  @param Excess :: string after 'tab or ' ' 
-  @param spc :: number of char to try to read 
-  @retval 1 :: more line to be found
-  @retval -1 :: Error with file
-  @retval 0  :: line finished.
-int getPartLine(std::istream& fh,std::string& Out,std::string& Excess,const int spc)
-  //std::string Line;
-  if (fh.good())
-    {
-      char* ss=new char[spc+1];
-      const int clen = static_cast<int>(spc-Out.length());
-      fh.getline(ss,clen,'\n');
-      ss[clen+1]=0;           // incase line failed to read completely
-      Out+=static_cast<std::string>(ss);
-      delete [] ss;                   
-      // remove trailing comments
-      std::string::size_type pos = Out.find_first_of("#!");        
-      if (pos!=std::string::npos)
+          char inputChar = (*itr);
+          if( charStr.find_first_of(inputChar) == std::string::npos ) // Input string char is not one of those to be replaced
+          {
+            replaced.push_back(inputChar);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            replaced.append(substitute);
+          }
+        }
+        return replaced;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       * Function to convert a number into hex
+       * output (and leave the stream un-changed)
+       * @param OFS :: Output stream
+       * @param n :: Integer to convert
+       * \todo Change this to a stream operator
+       */
+      void printHex(std::ostream& OFS,const int n)
+      {
+        std::ios_base::fmtflags PrevFlags=OFS.flags();
+        OFS<<"Ox";
+        OFS.width(8);
+        OFS.fill('0');
+        hex(OFS);
+        OFS << n;
+        OFS.flags(PrevFlags);
+        return;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       * Removes the multiple spaces in the line
+       * @param Line :: Line to process
+       * @return String with single space components
+       */
+      std::string stripMultSpc(const std::string& Line)
+      {
+        std::string Out;
+        int spc(1);
+        int lastReal(-1);
+        for(unsigned int i=0;i<Line.length();i++)
-      Out.erase(pos); 
-      return 0;
-    }
-      if (fh.gcount()==clen-1)         // cont line
+          if (Line[i]!=' ' && Line[i]!='\t' &&
+              Line[i]!='\r' &&  Line[i]!='\n')
+          {
+            lastReal=i;
+            spc=0;
+            Out+=Line[i];
+          }
+          else if (!spc)
+          {
+            spc=1;
+            Out+=' ';
+          }
+        }
+        lastReal++;
+        if (lastReal<static_cast<int>(Out.length()))
+          Out.erase(lastReal);
+        return Out;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Checks that as least cnt letters of
+       *  works is part of the string. It is currently
+       *  case sensitive. It removes the Word if found
+       *  @param Line :: Line to process
+       *  @param Word :: Word to use
+       * @param cnt :: Length of Word for significants [default =4]
+       *  @retval 1 on success (and changed Line)
+       *  @retval 0 on failure
+       */
+      int extractWord(std::string& Line,const std::string& Word,const int cnt)
+      {
+        if (Word.empty())
+          return 0;
+        size_t minSize(cnt>static_cast<int>(Word.size()) ?  Word.size() : cnt);
+        std::string::size_type pos=Line.find(Word.substr(0,minSize));
+        if (pos==std::string::npos)
+          return 0;
+        // Pos == Start of find
+        size_t LinePt=minSize+pos;
+        for(;minSize<Word.size() && LinePt<Line.size()
+        && Word[minSize]==Line[LinePt];LinePt++,minSize++)
-      pos=Out.find_last_of("\t ");
-      if (pos!=std::string::npos)
+        }
+        Line.erase(pos,LinePt-(pos-1));
+        return 1;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /** If a word ends with a number representing a positive integer, return
+       * the value of that int.
+       *
+       * @param word :: string possibly ending in a number
+       * @return the number, or -1 if it does not end in a number
+       */
+      int endsWithInt(const std::string & word)
+      {
+        if (word.empty())
+          return -1;
+        int out = -1;
+        // Find the index of the first number in the string (if any)
+        int firstNumber = int(word.size());
+        for (int i=int(word.size())-1; i>=0; i--)
-          Excess=Out.substr(pos,std::string::npos);
-          Out.erase(pos);
+          char c = word[i];
+          if ((c > '9') || (c < '0'))
+            break;
+          firstNumber = i;
-      else
-        Excess.erase(0,std::string::npos);
-      fh.clear();
-      return 1;
-    }
-      return 0;
-    }
-  return -1;
-  Removes all spaces from a string 
-  except those with in the form '\ '
-  @param CLine :: Line to strip
-  @return String without space
-std::string removeSpace(const std::string& CLine)
-  std::string Out;
-  char prev='x';
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<CLine.length();i++)
-    {
-      if (!isspace(CLine[i]) || prev=='\\')
+        // Convert the string of decimals to an int
+        if (firstNumber < int(word.size()))
-      Out+=CLine[i];
-      prev=CLine[i];
-    }
-    }
-  return Out;
-  Reads a line from the stream of max length spc.
-  Trailing comments are removed. (with # or ! character)
-  @param fh :: already open file handle
-  @param spc :: max number of characters to read 
-  @return String read.
-std::string getLine(std::istream& fh,const int spc)
-  char* ss=new char[spc+1];
-  std::string Line;
-  if (fh.good())
-    {
-      fh.getline(ss,spc,'\n');
-      ss[spc]=0;           // incase line failed to read completely
-      Line=ss;
-      // remove trailing comments
-      std::string::size_type pos = Line.find_first_of("#!");
-      if (pos!=std::string::npos)
-    Line.erase(pos); 
-    }
-  delete [] ss;
-  return Line;
-  Determines if a string is only spaces
-  @param A :: string to check
-  @return 1 on an empty string , 0 on failure
-int isEmpty(const std::string& A)
-  std::string::size_type pos=
-    A.find_first_not_of(" \t");
-  return (pos!=std::string::npos) ? 0 : 1;
-  removes the string after the comment type of 
-  '$ ' or '!' or '#  '
-  @param A :: String to process
-void stripComment(std::string& A)
-  std::string::size_type posA=A.find("$ ");
-  std::string::size_type posB=A.find("# ");
-  std::string::size_type posC=A.find("!");
-  if (posA>posB)
-    posA=posB;
-  if (posA>posC)
-    posA=posC;
-  if (posA!=std::string::npos)
-    A.erase(posA,std::string::npos);
-  return;
-  Returns the string from the first non-space to the 
-  last non-space 
-  @param A :: string to process
-  @return shortened string
-std::string fullBlock(const std::string& A)
-  return strip(A);
-/**  Returns the string from the first non-space to the
-     last non-space
-  @param A :: string to process
-  @return shortened string
-std::string strip(const std::string& A)
-  std::string::size_type posA=A.find_first_not_of(" ");
-  std::string::size_type posB=A.find_last_not_of(" ");
-  if (posA==std::string::npos)
-    return "";
-  return A.substr(posA,1+posB-posA);
-  Write out the line in the limited form for MCNPX
-  ie initial line from 0->72 after that 8 to 72
-  (split on a space or comma)
-  @param Line :: full MCNPX line
-  @param OX :: ostream to write to
-void writeMCNPX(const std::string& Line,std::ostream& OX)
-  const int MaxLine(72);
-  std::string::size_type pos(0);
-  std::string X=Line.substr(0,MaxLine);
-  std::string::size_type posB=X.find_last_of(" ,");
-  int spc(0);
-  while (posB!=std::string::npos && 
-     static_cast<int>(X.length())>=MaxLine-spc)
-    {
-      pos+=posB+1;
-      if (!isspace(X[posB]))
-    posB++;
-      const std::string Out=X.substr(0,posB);
-      if (!isEmpty(Out))
+          std::string part = word.substr(firstNumber, word.size()-firstNumber);
+          if (!convert(part, out))
+            return -1;
+        }
+        return out;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Check to see if S is the same as the
+       *  first part of a phrase. (case insensitive)
+       *  @param S :: string to check
+       *  @param fullPhrase :: complete phrase
+       *  @return 1 on success
+       */
+      int confirmStr(const std::string& S,const std::string& fullPhrase)
+      {
+        const size_t nS(S.length());
+        const size_t nC(fullPhrase.length());
+        if (nS>nC || nS==0)
+          return 0;
+        for(size_t i=0;i<nS;i++)
+          if (S[i]!=fullPhrase[i])
+            return 0;
+        return 1;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Gets a line and determine if there is addition component to add
+       *  in the case of a very long line.
+       *  @param fh :: input stream to get line
+       *  @param Out :: string up to last 'tab' or ' '
+       *  @param Excess :: string after 'tab or ' '
+       *  @param spc :: number of char to try to read
+       *  @retval 1 :: more line to be found
+       *  @retval -1 :: Error with file
+       *  @retval 0  :: line finished.
+       */
+      int getPartLine(std::istream& fh,std::string& Out,std::string& Excess,const int spc)
+      {
+        //std::string Line;
+        if (fh.good())
-      if (spc)
-        OX<<std::string(spc,' ');
-      OX<<X.substr(0,posB)<<std::endl;
-    }
-      spc=8;
-      X=Line.substr(pos,MaxLine-spc);
-      posB=X.find_last_of(" ,");
-    }
-  if (!isEmpty(X))
-    {
-      if (spc)
-    OX<<std::string(spc,' ');
-      OX<<X<<std::endl;
-    }
-  return;
-  Splits the sting into parts that are space delminated.
-  @param Ln :: line component to strip
-  @return vector of components
-std::vector<std::string> StrParts(std::string Ln)
-  std::vector<std::string> Out;
-  std::string Part;
-  while(section(Ln,Part))
-    Out.push_back(Part);
-  return Out;
-  Converts a vax number into a standard unix number
-  @param A :: float number as read from a VAX file
-  @return float A in IEEE little eindian format
-float getVAXnum(const float A) 
-  union 
-   {
-     //char a[4];
-     float f;
-     int ival;
-   } Bd;
-  int sign,expt,fmask;
-  float frac;
-  double onum;
-  Bd.f=A;
-  sign  = (Bd.ival & 0x8000) ? -1 : 1;
-  expt = ((Bd.ival & 0x7f80) >> 7);   //reveresed ? 
-  if (!expt) 
-    return 0.0;
-  fmask = ((Bd.ival & 0x7f) << 16) | ((Bd.ival & 0xffff0000) >> 16);
-  expt-=128;
-  fmask |=  0x800000;
-  frac = (float) fmask  / 0x1000000;
-  onum = frac * static_cast<float>(sign) * pow(2.0,expt);
-  return (float) onum;
-  Takes a character string and evaluates
-  the first [typename T] object. The string is then
-  erase upt to the end of number.
-  The diffierence between this and section is that
-  it allows trailing characters after the number.
-  @param out :: place for output
-  @param A :: string to process
-  @return 1 on success 0 on failure
- */
-template<typename T>
-int sectPartNum(std::string& A,T& out)
-  if (A.empty())
-    return 0;
-  std::istringstream cx;
-  T retval;
-  cx.str(A);
-  cx.clear();
-  cx>>retval;
-  const std::streamoff xpt = cx.tellg();
-  if (xpt < 0)
-    return 0;
-  A.erase(0,static_cast<unsigned int>(xpt));
-  out=retval;
-  return 1;
-  Takes a character string and evaluates
-  the first [typename T] object. The string is then filled with
-  spaces upto the end of the [typename T] object
-  @param out :: place for output
-  @param cA :: char array for input and output.
-  @return 1 on success 0 on failure
- */
-template<typename T>
-int section(char* cA,T& out)
-  if (!cA) return 0;
-  std::string sA(cA);
-  const int item(section(sA,out));
-  if (item)
+          char* ss=new char[spc+1];
+          const int clen = static_cast<int>(spc-Out.length());
+          fh.getline(ss,clen,'\n');
+          ss[clen+1]=0;           // incase line failed to read completely
+          Out+=static_cast<std::string>(ss);
+          delete [] ss;
+          // remove trailing comments
+          std::string::size_type pos = Out.find_first_of("#!");
+          if (pos!=std::string::npos)
+          {
+            Out.erase(pos);
+            return 0;
+          }
+          if (fh.gcount()==clen-1)         // cont line
+          {
+            pos=Out.find_last_of("\t ");
+            if (pos!=std::string::npos)
+            {
+              Excess=Out.substr(pos,std::string::npos);
+              Out.erase(pos);
+            }
+            else
+              Excess.erase(0,std::string::npos);
+            fh.clear();
+            return 1;
+          }
+          return 0;
+        }
+        return -1;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Removes all spaces from a string
+       * except those with in the form '\ '
+       *  @param CLine :: Line to strip
+       *  @return String without space
+       */
+      std::string removeSpace(const std::string& CLine)
+      {
+        std::string Out;
+        char prev='x';
+        for(unsigned int i=0;i<CLine.length();i++)
+        {
+          if (!isspace(CLine[i]) || prev=='\\')
+          {
+            Out+=CLine[i];
+            prev=CLine[i];
+          }
+        }
+        return Out;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Reads a line from the stream of max length spc.
+       *  Trailing comments are removed. (with # or ! character)
+       *  @param fh :: already open file handle
+       *  @param spc :: max number of characters to read
+       *  @return String read.
+       */
+      std::string getLine(std::istream& fh,const int spc)
+      {
+        char* ss=new char[spc+1];
+        std::string Line;
+        if (fh.good())
+        {
+          fh.getline(ss,spc,'\n');
+          ss[spc]=0;           // incase line failed to read completely
+          Line=ss;
+          // remove trailing comments
+          std::string::size_type pos = Line.find_first_of("#!");
+          if (pos!=std::string::npos)
+            Line.erase(pos);
+        }
+        delete [] ss;
+        return Line;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Determines if a string is only spaces
+       *  @param A :: string to check
+       *  @return 1 on an empty string , 0 on failure
+       */
+      int isEmpty(const std::string& A)
+      {
+        std::string::size_type pos=
+            A.find_first_not_of(" \t");
+        return (pos!=std::string::npos) ? 0 : 1;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  removes the string after the comment type of
+       *  '$ ' or '!' or '#  '
+       *  @param A :: String to process
+       */
+      void stripComment(std::string& A)
+      {
+        std::string::size_type posA=A.find("$ ");
+        std::string::size_type posB=A.find("# ");
+        std::string::size_type posC=A.find("!");
+        if (posA>posB)
+          posA=posB;
+        if (posA>posC)
+          posA=posC;
+        if (posA!=std::string::npos)
+          A.erase(posA,std::string::npos);
+        return;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Returns the string from the first non-space to the
+       *  last non-space
+       * @param A :: string to process
+       * @return shortened string
+       */
+      std::string fullBlock(const std::string& A)
+      {
+        return strip(A);
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /** Returns the string from the first non-space to the
+       *  last non-space
+       *  @param A :: string to process
+       *  @return shortened string
+       */
+      std::string strip(const std::string& A)
+      {
+        std::string::size_type posA=A.find_first_not_of(" ");
+        std::string::size_type posB=A.find_last_not_of(" ");
+        if (posA==std::string::npos)
+          return "";
+        return A.substr(posA,1+posB-posA);
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Write out the line in the limited form for MCNPX
+       *  ie initial line from 0->72 after that 8 to 72
+       *  (split on a space or comma)
+       *  @param Line :: full MCNPX line
+       *  @param OX :: ostream to write to
+       */
+      void writeMCNPX(const std::string& Line,std::ostream& OX)
+      {
+        const int MaxLine(72);
+        std::string::size_type pos(0);
+        std::string X=Line.substr(0,MaxLine);
+        std::string::size_type posB=X.find_last_of(" ,");
+        int spc(0);
+        while (posB!=std::string::npos &&
+            static_cast<int>(X.length())>=MaxLine-spc)
+        {
+          pos+=posB+1;
+          if (!isspace(X[posB]))
+            posB++;
+          const std::string Out=X.substr(0,posB);
+          if (!isEmpty(Out))
+          {
+            if (spc)
+              OX<<std::string(spc,' ');
+            OX<<X.substr(0,posB)<<std::endl;
+          }
+          spc=8;
+          X=Line.substr(pos,MaxLine-spc);
+          posB=X.find_last_of(" ,");
+        }
+        if (!isEmpty(X))
+        {
+          if (spc)
+            OX<<std::string(spc,' ');
+          OX<<X<<std::endl;
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Splits the sting into parts that are space delminated.
+       *  @param Ln :: line component to strip
+       *  @return vector of components
+       */
+      std::vector<std::string> StrParts(std::string Ln)
-      strcpy(cA,sA.c_str());
-      return 1;
+        std::vector<std::string> Out;
+        std::string Part;
+        while(section(Ln,Part))
+          Out.push_back(Part);
+        return Out;
-  return 0;
-  takes a character string and evaluates
-  the first <T> object. The string is then filled with
-  spaces upto the end of the <T> object
-  @param out :: place for output
-  @param A :: string for input and output.
-  @return 1 on success 0 on failure
-template<typename T>
-int section(std::string& A,T& out)
-  if (A.empty()) return 0;
-  std::istringstream cx;
-  T retval;
-  cx.str(A);
-  cx.clear();
-  cx>>retval;
-  if (cx.fail())
-    return 0;
-  const std::streamoff xpt = cx.tellg();
-  const char xc = static_cast<char>(cx.get());
-  if (!cx.fail() && !isspace(xc))
-    return 0;
-  A.erase(0, static_cast<unsigned int>(xpt));
-  out=retval;
-  return 1;
-  Takes a character string and evaluates
-  the first [T] object. The string is then filled with
-  spaces upto the end of the [T] object.
-  This version deals with MCNPX numbers. Those
-  are numbers that are crushed together like
-  - 5.4938e+04-3.32923e-6
-  @param out :: place for output
-  @param A :: string for input and output.
-  @return 1 on success 0 on failure
-template<typename T>
-int sectionMCNPX(std::string& A,T& out)
-  if (A.empty()) return 0;
-  std::istringstream cx;
-  T retval;
-  cx.str(A);
-  cx.clear();
-  cx>>retval;
-  if (!cx.fail())
-    {
-      const std::streamoff xpt = cx.tellg();
-      if( xpt < 0 )
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Converts a vax number into a standard unix number
+       *  @param A :: float number as read from a VAX file
+       *  @return float A in IEEE little eindian format
+       */
+      float getVAXnum(const float A)
+        union
+        {
+          //char a[4];
+          float f;
+          int ival;
+        } Bd;
+        int sign,expt,fmask;
+        float frac;
+        double onum;
+        Bd.f=A;
+        sign  = (Bd.ival & 0x8000) ? -1 : 1;
+        expt = ((Bd.ival & 0x7f80) >> 7);   //reveresed ?
+        if (!expt)
+          return 0.0;
+        fmask = ((Bd.ival & 0x7f) << 16) | ((Bd.ival & 0xffff0000) >> 16);
+        expt-=128;
+        fmask |=  0x800000;
+        frac = (float) fmask  / 0x1000000;
+        onum = frac * static_cast<float>(sign) * pow(2.0,expt);
+        return (float) onum;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Takes a character string and evaluates
+       *  the first [typename T] object. The string is then
+       *  erase upt to the end of number.
+       *  The diffierence between this and section is that
+       *  it allows trailing characters after the number.
+       *  @param out :: place for output
+       *  @param A :: string to process
+       *  @return 1 on success 0 on failure
+       */
+      template<typename T>
+      int sectPartNum(std::string& A,T& out)
+      {
+        if (A.empty())
+          return 0;
+        std::istringstream cx;
+        T retval;
+        cx.str(A);
+        cx.clear();
+        cx>>retval;
+        const std::streamoff xpt = cx.tellg();
+        if (xpt < 0)
+          return 0;
+        A.erase(0,static_cast<unsigned int>(xpt));
+        out=retval;
+        return 1;
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Takes a character string and evaluates
+       *  the first [typename T] object. The string is then filled with
+       *  spaces upto the end of the [typename T] object
+       *  @param out :: place for output
+       *  @param cA :: char array for input and output.
+       *  @return 1 on success 0 on failure
+       */
+      template<typename T>
+      int section(char* cA,T& out)
+      {
+        if (!cA) return 0;
+        std::string sA(cA);
+        const int item(section(sA,out));
+        if (item)
+        {
+          strcpy(cA,sA.c_str());
+          return 1;
+        }
         return 0;
-      const char xc=static_cast<char>(cx.get());
-      if (!cx.fail() && !isspace(xc) && (xc!='-' || xpt<5))
+      /**
+       *  takes a character string and evaluates
+       *  the first <T> object. The string is then filled with
+       *  spaces upto the end of the <T> object
+       *  @param out :: place for output
+       *  @param A :: string for input and output.
+       *  @return 1 on success 0 on failure
+       */
+      template<typename T>
+      int section(std::string& A,T& out)
+        if (A.empty()) return 0;
+        std::istringstream cx;
+        T retval;
+        cx.str(A);
+        cx.clear();
+        cx>>retval;
+        if (cx.fail())
+          return 0;
+        const std::streamoff xpt = cx.tellg();
+        const char xc = static_cast<char>(cx.get());
+        if (!cx.fail() && !isspace(xc))
+          return 0;
+        A.erase(0, static_cast<unsigned int>(xpt));
+        out=retval;
+        return 1;
+      }
+      /**
+       *  Takes a character string and evaluates
+       *  the first [T] object. The string is then filled with
+       *  spaces upto the end of the [T] object.
+       *  This version deals with MCNPX numbers. Those
+       *  are numbers that are crushed together like
+       *  - 5.4938e+04-3.32923e-6
+       *  @param out :: place for output
+       *  @param A :: string for input and output.
+       *  @return 1 on success 0 on failure
+       */
+      template<typename T>
+      int sectionMCNPX(std::string& A,T& out)
+      {
+        if (A.empty()) return 0;
+        std::istringstream cx;
+        T retval;
+        cx.str(A);
+        cx.clear();
+        cx>>retval;
+        if (!cx.fail())
+        {
+          const std::streamoff xpt = cx.tellg();
+          if( xpt < 0 )
+          {
+            return 0;
+          }
+          const char xc=static_cast<char>(cx.get());
+          if (!cx.fail() && !isspace(xc) && (xc!='-' || xpt<5))
+          {
+            return 0;
+          }
+          A.erase(0, static_cast<unsigned int>(xpt));
+          out=retval;
+          return 1;
+        }
         return 0;
-      A.erase(0, static_cast<unsigned int>(xpt));
-      out=retval;
-      return 1;
-    }
-  return 0;
-  Takes a character string and evaluates
-  the first [typename T] object. The string is then
-  erase upto the end of number.
-  The diffierence between this and convert is that
-  it allows trailing characters after the number.
-  @param out :: place for output
-  @param A :: string to process
-  @retval number of char read on success
-  @retval 0 on failure
- */
-template<typename T>
-int convPartNum(const std::string& A,T& out)
-  if (A.empty()) return 0;
-  std::istringstream cx;
-  T retval;
-  cx.str(A);
-  cx.clear();
-  cx>>retval;
-  // If we have reached the end of the stream, then we need to clear the error as 
-  // it will cause the tellg() call to return -1.  Not pretty but works for now.
-  cx.clear();
-  const std::streamoff xpt = cx.tellg();
-  if (xpt<0)
-    return 0;
-  out=retval;
-  return static_cast<int>(xpt);
-  Convert a string into a value
-  @param A :: string to pass
-  @param out :: value if found
-  @return 0 on failure 1 on success
-template<typename T>
-int convert(const std::string& A,T& out)
-  if (A.empty()) return 0;
-  std::istringstream cx;
-  T retval;
-  cx.str(A);
-  cx.clear();
-  cx>>retval;
-  if (cx.fail())
-    return 0;
-  const char clast = static_cast<char>(cx.get());
-  if (!cx.fail() && !isspace(clast))
-    return 0;
-  out=retval;
-  return 1;
-  Convert a string into a value
-  @param A :: string to pass
-  @param out :: value if found
-  @return 0 on failure 1 on success
-template<typename T>
-int convert(const char* A,T& out)
-  // No string, no conversion
-  if (!A) return 0;
-  std::string Cx=A;
-  return convert(Cx,out);
-/** Convert a number or other value to a string
- *
- * @param value :: templated value (e.g. a double) to convert
- * @return a string
- */
-template<typename T>
-std::string toString(const T value)
-  std::ostringstream mess;
-  mess << value;
-  return mess.str();
- * This assumes that the vector is sorted.
- *
- * @param value :: templated value (only works for integer types) to convert.
- * @return A reduced string representation.
- */
-template<typename T>
-std::string toString(const std::vector<T> &value)
-  std::ostringstream mess;
-  auto it = value.begin();
-  auto last = value.end();
-  T start;
-  T stop;
-  for (; it != last; ++it)
-  {
-    start = *(it);
-    stop = start;
-    for ( ; it != last; ++it)
-    {
-      if ( (stop + static_cast<T>(1)) == *(it+1) )
-        stop = *(it+1);
-      else
-        break;
-    }
-    mess << start;
-    if (start != stop)
-      mess << "-" << stop;
-    if (it+1 != last)
-      mess << ",";
-  }
-  return mess.str();
-template<typename T>
-std::string toString(const std::set<T> &value)
-  return toString(std::vector<T>(value.begin(), value.end()));
-  Write out the three vectors into a file of type dc 9
-  @param step :: parameter to control x-step (starts from zero)
-  @param Y :: Y column
-  @param Fname :: Name of the file
-  @return 0 on success and -ve on failure
-template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A>
-int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const T &step, const V<T,A>& Y)
-  V<T,A> Ex;   // Empty vector
-  V<T,A> X;    // Empty vector
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<Y.size();i++)
-    X.push_back(i*step);
-  return writeFile(Fname,X,Y,Ex);
-  Write out the three vectors into a file of type dc 9
-  @param X :: X column
-  @param Y :: Y column
-  @param Fname :: Name of the file
-  @return 0 on success and -ve on failure
-template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A>
-int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const V<T,A>& X,const V<T,A>& Y)
-  V<T,A> Ex;   // Empty vector/list
-  return writeFile(Fname,X,Y,Ex);  // don't need to specific ??
-  Write out the three container into a file with
-  column free-formated data in the form :
-   - X  Y Err
-   If Err does not exist (or is short) 0.0 is substituted.
-  @param X :: X column
-  @param Y :: Y column
-  @param Err :: Err column
-  @param Fname :: Name of the file
-  @return 0 on success and -ve on failure
-template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A>
-int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const V<T,A>& X,const V<T,A>& Y,const V<T,A>& Err)
-  const size_t Npts(X.size()>Y.size() ? Y.size() : X.size());
-  const size_t Epts(Npts > Err.size() ? Err.size() : Npts);
-  std::ofstream FX;
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Takes a character string and evaluates
+       *  the first [typename T] object. The string is then
+       *  erase upto the end of number.
+       *  The diffierence between this and convert is that
+       *  it allows trailing characters after the number.
+       *  @param out :: place for output
+       *  @param A :: string to process
+       *  @retval number of char read on success
+       *  @retval 0 on failure
+       */
+      template<typename T>
+      int convPartNum(const std::string& A,T& out)
+      {
+        if (A.empty()) return 0;
+        std::istringstream cx;
+        T retval;
+        cx.str(A);
+        cx.clear();
+        cx>>retval;
+        // If we have reached the end of the stream, then we need to clear the error as
+        // it will cause the tellg() call to return -1.  Not pretty but works for now.
+        cx.clear();
+        const std::streamoff xpt = cx.tellg();
+        if (xpt<0)
+          return 0;
+        out=retval;
+        return static_cast<int>(xpt);
+      }
-  FX.open(Fname.c_str());
-  if (!FX.good())
-    return -1;
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Convert a string into a value
+       *  @param A :: string to pass
+       *  @param out :: value if found
+       *  @return 0 on failure 1 on success
+       */
+      template<typename T>
+      int convert(const std::string& A,T& out)
+      {
+        if (A.empty()) return 0;
+        std::istringstream cx;
+        T retval;
+        cx.str(A);
+        cx.clear();
+        cx>>retval;
+        if (cx.fail())
+          return 0;
+        const char clast = static_cast<char>(cx.get());
+        if (!cx.fail() && !isspace(clast))
+          return 0;
+        out=retval;
+        return 1;
+      }
-  FX<<"# "<<Npts<<" "<<Epts<<std::endl;
-  FX.precision(10);
-  FX.setf(std::ios::scientific,std::ios::floatfield);
-  typename V<T,A>::const_iterator xPt=X.begin();
-  typename V<T,A>::const_iterator yPt=Y.begin();
-  typename V<T,A>::const_iterator ePt=(Epts ? Err.begin() : Y.begin());
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Convert a string into a value
+       *  @param A :: string to pass
+       *  @param out :: value if found
+       *  @return 0 on failure 1 on success
+       */
+      template<typename T>
+      int convert(const char* A,T& out)
+      {
+        // No string, no conversion
+        if (!A) return 0;
+        std::string Cx=A;
+        return convert(Cx,out);
+      }
-  // Double loop to include/exclude a short error stack
-  size_t eCount=0;
-  for(;eCount<Epts;eCount++)
-    {
-      FX<<(*xPt)<<" "<<(*yPt)<<" "<<(*ePt)<<std::endl;
-      ++xPt;
-      ++yPt;
-      ++ePt;
-    }
-  for(;eCount<Npts;eCount++)
-    {
-      FX<<(*xPt)<<" "<<(*yPt)<<" 0.0"<<std::endl;
-      ++xPt;
-      ++yPt;
-    }
-  FX.close();
-  return 0;
-  Call to read in various values in position x1,x2,x3 from the
-  line. Note to avoid the dependency on crossSort this needs
-  to be call IN ORDER
-  @param Line :: string to read
-  @param Index :: Indexes to read
-  @param Out :: OutValues [unchanged if not read]
-  @retval 0 :: success
-  @retval -ve on failure.
-template<typename T>
-int setValues(const std::string& Line,const std::vector<int>& Index,std::vector<T>& Out)
-  if (Index.empty())
-    return 0;
-  if(Out.size()!=Index.size())
-    return -1;
-//    throw ColErr::MisMatch<int>(Index.size(),Out.size(),
-//        "Mantid::Kernel::Strings::setValues");
-  std::string modLine=Line;
-  std::vector<int> sIndex(Index);     // Copy for sorting
-  std::vector<int> OPt(Index.size());
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<Index.size();i++)
-    OPt[i]=i;
-  //  mathFunc::crossSort(sIndex,OPt);
-  typedef std::vector<int>::const_iterator iVecIter;
-  std::vector<int>::const_iterator sc=sIndex.begin();
-  std::vector<int>::const_iterator oc=OPt.begin();
-  int cnt(0);
-  T value;
-  std::string dump;
-  while(sc!=sIndex.end() && *sc<0)
-    {
-      sc++;
-      oc++;
-    }
-  while(sc!=sIndex.end())
-    {
-      if (*sc==cnt)
-        {
-    if (!section(modLine,value))
-      return static_cast<int>(-1-distance(static_cast<iVecIter>(sIndex.begin()),sc));
-    // this loop handles repeat units
-    do
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /** Convert a number or other value to a string
+       *
+       * @param value :: templated value (e.g. a double) to convert
+       * @return a string
+       */
+      template<typename T>
+      std::string toString(const T value)
+      {
+        std::ostringstream mess;
+        mess << value;
+        return mess.str();
+      }
+      /**
+       * This assumes that the vector is sorted.
+       *
+       * @param value :: templated value (only works for integer types) to convert.
+       * @return A reduced string representation.
+       */
+      template<typename T>
+      std::string toString(const std::vector<T> &value)
-        Out[*oc]=value;
-        sc++;
-        oc++;
-      } while (sc!=sIndex.end() && *sc==cnt);
-  }
-      else
+        std::ostringstream mess;
+        auto it = value.begin();
+        auto last = value.end();
+        T start;
+        T stop;
+        for (; it != last; ++it)
-    if (!section(modLine,dump))
-      return static_cast<int>(-1-distance(static_cast<iVecIter>(sIndex.begin()),sc));
-  }
-      cnt++;         // Add only to cnt [sc/oc in while loop]
-    }
-  // Success since loop only gets here if sc is exhaused.
-  return 0;
+          start = *(it);
+          stop = start;
+          for ( ; it != last; ++it)
+          {
+            if ( (stop + static_cast<T>(1)) == *(it+1) )
+              stop = *(it+1);
+            else
+              break;
+          }
+          mess << start;
+          if (start != stop)
+            mess << "-" << stop;
+          if (it+1 != last)
+            mess << ",";
+        }
+        return mess.str();
+      }
+      template<typename T>
+      std::string toString(const std::set<T> &value)
+      {
+        return toString(std::vector<T>(value.begin(), value.end()));
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Write out the three vectors into a file of type dc 9
+       *  @param step :: parameter to control x-step (starts from zero)
+       * @param Y :: Y column
+       *  @param Fname :: Name of the file
+       *  @return 0 on success and -ve on failure
+       */
+      template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A>
+      int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const T &step, const V<T,A>& Y)
+      {
+        V<T,A> Ex;   // Empty vector
+        V<T,A> X;    // Empty vector
+        for(unsigned int i=0;i<Y.size();i++)
+          X.push_back(i*step);
+        return writeFile(Fname,X,Y,Ex);
+      }
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Write out the three vectors into a file of type dc 9
+       *  @param X :: X column
+       *  @param Y :: Y column
+       *  @param Fname :: Name of the file
+       *  @return 0 on success and -ve on failure
+       */
+      template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A>
+      int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const V<T,A>& X,const V<T,A>& Y)
+      {
+        V<T,A> Ex;   // Empty vector/list
+        return writeFile(Fname,X,Y,Ex);  // don't need to specific ??
+      }
-/** Get a word from a line and strips spaces
- *
- * @param in :: stream input
- * @param consumeEOL :: set to true to remove the new lines at the end of the line
- * @return a string with the word read in
- */
-std::string getWord( std::ifstream &in ,  bool consumeEOL )
-  std::string s;
-  char c = 0;
-  if( in.good() )
-    for(  c = static_cast<char>(in.get()) ; c == ' ' && in.good() ; c = static_cast<char>(in.get()) )
-    {}
-  else
-    return std::string();
-  if( c == '\n' )
-  {
-    if( !consumeEOL )
-      in.putback( c );
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Write out the three container into a file with
+       *  column free-formated data in the form :
+       *   - X  Y Err
+       *   If Err does not exist (or is short) 0.0 is substituted.
+       *  @param X :: X column
+       *  @param Y :: Y column
+       *  @param Err :: Err column
+       *  @param Fname :: Name of the file
+       *  @return 0 on success and -ve on failure
+       */
+      template<template<typename T,typename A> class V,typename T,typename A>
+      int writeFile(const std::string& Fname,const V<T,A>& X,const V<T,A>& Y,const V<T,A>& Err)
+      {
+        const size_t Npts(X.size()>Y.size() ? Y.size() : X.size());
+        const size_t Epts(Npts > Err.size() ? Err.size() : Npts);
-    return std::string();
-  }
+        std::ofstream FX;
-  s.push_back( c );
+        FX.open(Fname.c_str());
+        if (!FX.good())
+          return -1;
-  if( in.good() )
-    for(  c = static_cast<char>(in.get()) ; in.good()&&c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' ; c = static_cast<char>(in.get()) )
-      s.push_back( c );
+        FX<<"# "<<Npts<<" "<<Epts<<std::endl;
+        FX.precision(10);
+        FX.setf(std::ios::scientific,std::ios::floatfield);
+        typename V<T,A>::const_iterator xPt=X.begin();
+        typename V<T,A>::const_iterator yPt=Y.begin();
+        typename V<T,A>::const_iterator ePt=(Epts ? Err.begin() : Y.begin());
-  if( ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r')) && !consumeEOL )
-    in.putback( c );
+        // Double loop to include/exclude a short error stack
+        size_t eCount=0;
+        for(;eCount<Epts;eCount++)
+        {
+          FX<<(*xPt)<<" "<<(*yPt)<<" "<<(*ePt)<<std::endl;
+          ++xPt;
+          ++yPt;
+          ++ePt;
+        }
+        for(;eCount<Npts;eCount++)
+        {
+          FX<<(*xPt)<<" "<<(*yPt)<<" 0.0"<<std::endl;
+          ++xPt;
+          ++yPt;
+        }
+        FX.close();
+        return 0;
+      }
-  return s;
+      //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /**
+       *  Call to read in various values in position x1,x2,x3 from the
+       *  line. Note to avoid the dependency on crossSort this needs
+       *  to be call IN ORDER
+       *  @param Line :: string to read
+       *  @param Index :: Indexes to read
+       *  @param Out :: OutValues [unchanged if not read]
+       *  @retval 0 :: success
+       *  @retval -ve on failure.
+       */
+      template<typename T>
+      int setValues(const std::string& Line,const std::vector<int>& Index,std::vector<T>& Out)
+      {
+        if (Index.empty())
+          return 0;
+        if(Out.size()!=Index.size())
+          return -1;
+        //    throw ColErr::MisMatch<int>(Index.size(),Out.size(),
+        //        "Mantid::Kernel::Strings::setValues");
+        std::string modLine=Line;
+        std::vector<int> sIndex(Index);     // Copy for sorting
+        std::vector<int> OPt(Index.size());
+        for(unsigned int i=0;i<Index.size();i++)
+          OPt[i]=i;
+        //  mathFunc::crossSort(sIndex,OPt);
+        typedef std::vector<int>::const_iterator iVecIter;
+        std::vector<int>::const_iterator sc=sIndex.begin();
+        std::vector<int>::const_iterator oc=OPt.begin();
+        int cnt(0);
+        T value;
+        std::string dump;
+        while(sc!=sIndex.end() && *sc<0)
+        {
+          sc++;
+          oc++;
+        }
-/** Read up to the eol
- *
- * @param in :: stream input
- * @param ConsumeEOL :: set to true to remove the new lines at the end of the line
- */
-void readToEndOfLine( std::ifstream& in ,  bool ConsumeEOL )
-  while( in.good() && getWord( in ,  false ).length() > 0  )
-    getWord( in ,  false );
-  if( !ConsumeEOL )
-    return ;
-  getWord( in ,  true );
-/**  function parses a path, placed into input string "path" and returns vector of the folders contributed into the path 
-*  @param path :: the string containing input path,
-     found in path string, if they are separated by \ or / symbols. 
-     Treats special symbols, if defined in the input string as path-es
-     returns 0 for empty input string
-   @param path_components :: holder for the individual folders in the path
-     used to generate path in hdf file, so the resulting path has to obey hdf constrains;
-size_t split_path(const std::string &path, std::vector<std::string> &path_components)
-    if(path.empty()){
-        path_components.resize(0);
+        while(sc!=sIndex.end())
+        {
+          if (*sc==cnt)
+          {
+            if (!section(modLine,value))
+              return static_cast<int>(-1-distance(static_cast<iVecIter>(sIndex.begin()),sc));
+            // this loop handles repeat units
+            do
+            {
+              Out[*oc]=value;
+              sc++;
+              oc++;
+            } while (sc!=sIndex.end() && *sc==cnt);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            if (!section(modLine,dump))
+              return static_cast<int>(-1-distance(static_cast<iVecIter>(sIndex.begin()),sc));
+          }
+          cnt++;         // Add only to cnt [sc/oc in while loop]
+        }
+        // Success since loop only gets here if sc is exhaused.
         return 0;
-    }
-    // convert Windows path into the unix one
-    std::string working_path(path);
-    for(size_t i=0;i<path.size();i++){
-        if(working_path[i]<0x20||working_path[i]>0x7E)working_path[i]='_';
-        if(working_path[i]=='\\')working_path[i]='/';
-        if(working_path[i]==' ')working_path[i]='_';
-    }
-    // path start with relative character, and we need to convert it into full path
-    if(path[0]=='.'){
-        // get absolute path using working directory as base;
-        Poco::Path absol;
-        absol = absol.absolute();
-        working_path = absol.toString(Poco::Path::PATH_UNIX)+working_path;
-    }
-   // as poco splt using regular expressions is doing some rubbish, we need to do split manually
-   // code below implements perl split(/\\//,string) commamd. (\\ has been converted to / above)
- 	std::list<int64_t> split_pos;
-    split_pos.push_back(-1);
-    size_t path_size = working_path.size();
-    for(size_t i=0;i<path_size;i++){
-        if(working_path[i]=='/'){
+      }
+      //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /** Get a word from a line and strips spaces
+       *
+       * @param in :: stream input
+       * @param consumeEOL :: set to true to remove the new lines at the end of the line
+       * @return a string with the word read in
+       */
+      std::string getWord( std::ifstream &in ,  bool consumeEOL )
+      {
+        std::string s;
+        char c = 0;
+        if( in.good() )
+          for(  c = static_cast<char>(in.get()) ; c == ' ' && in.good() ; c = static_cast<char>(in.get()) )
+          {}
+        else
+          return std::string();
+        if( c == '\n' )
+        {
+          if( !consumeEOL )
+            in.putback( c );
+          return std::string();
+        }
+        s.push_back( c );
+        if( in.good() )
+          for(  c = static_cast<char>(in.get()) ; in.good()&&c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' ; c = static_cast<char>(in.get()) )
+            s.push_back( c );
+        if( ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r')) && !consumeEOL )
+          in.putback( c );
+        return s;
+      }
+      //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      /** Read up to the eol
+       *
+       * @param in :: stream input
+       * @param ConsumeEOL :: set to true to remove the new lines at the end of the line
+       */
+      void readToEndOfLine( std::ifstream& in ,  bool ConsumeEOL )
+      {
+        while( in.good() && getWord( in ,  false ).length() > 0  )
+          getWord( in ,  false );
+        if( !ConsumeEOL )
+          return ;
+        getWord( in ,  true );
+      }
+      /**
+       * Function parses a path, placed into input string "path" and returns vector of the folders contributed into the path
+       *  @param path :: the string containing input path, found in path string, if they are separated by \ or / symbols.
+       *  Treats special symbols, if defined in the input string as path-es
+       *  returns 0 for empty input string
+       *  @param path_components :: holder for the individual folders in the path
+       *  used to generate path in hdf file, so the resulting path has to obey hdf constrains;
+       */
+      size_t split_path(const std::string &path, std::vector<std::string> &path_components)
+      {
+        if(path.empty()){
+          path_components.resize(0);
+          return 0;
+        }
+        // convert Windows path into the unix one
+        std::string working_path(path);
+        for(size_t i=0;i<path.size();i++){
+          if(working_path[i]<0x20||working_path[i]>0x7E)working_path[i]='_';
+          if(working_path[i]=='\\')working_path[i]='/';
+          if(working_path[i]==' ')working_path[i]='_';
+        }
+        // path start with relative character, and we need to convert it into full path
+        if(path[0]=='.'){
+          // get absolute path using working directory as base;
+          Poco::Path absol;
+          absol = absol.absolute();
+          working_path = absol.toString(Poco::Path::PATH_UNIX)+working_path;
+        }
+        // as poco splt using regular expressions is doing some rubbish, we need to do split manually
+        // code below implements perl split(/\\//,string) commamd. (\\ has been converted to / above)
+        std::list<int64_t> split_pos;
+        split_pos.push_back(-1);
+        size_t path_size = working_path.size();
+        for(size_t i=0;i<path_size;i++){
+          if(working_path[i]=='/'){
+          }
-    }
-    split_pos.push_back(path_size);
-    // allocate target vector to keep folder structure and fill it in 
-    size_t n_folders = split_pos.size()-1;
-    path_components.resize(n_folders);
-    std::list<int64_t>::iterator it1 = split_pos.begin();
-    std::list<int64_t>::iterator it2 = it1;
-    ++it2;
-    int64_t ic(0);
-    for(; it2!=split_pos.end();++it2){
-        std::string folder = working_path.substr(*it1+1,*it2-*it1-1);
-        if(folder.empty()||(folder.size()==1&&folder==".")){ // skip self-references and double slashes;
+        split_pos.push_back(path_size);
+        // allocate target vector to keep folder structure and fill it in
+        size_t n_folders = split_pos.size()-1;
+        path_components.resize(n_folders);
+        std::list<int64_t>::iterator it1 = split_pos.begin();
+        std::list<int64_t>::iterator it2 = it1;
+        ++it2;
+        int64_t ic(0);
+        for(; it2!=split_pos.end();++it2){
+          std::string folder = working_path.substr(*it1+1,*it2-*it1-1);
+          if(folder.empty()||(folder.size()==1&&folder==".")){ // skip self-references and double slashes;
-        }
-        // reprocess up-references;
-        if(folder==".."){
+          }
+          // reprocess up-references;
+          if(folder==".."){
             if(folder.size()!=2)throw(std::invalid_argument("path contains wrong path group"));
             if(ic<0)throw(std::invalid_argument("path contains relative references to a folder outside of the seach tree"));
+          }
+          path_components[ic]=folder;
+          ic++;
+          it1=it2;
-        path_components[ic]=folder;
-        ic++;
-        it1=it2;
-    }
-    n_folders=size_t(ic);
-    path_components.resize(n_folders);
-    return n_folders;
-/** function checks  if the candidate is the member of the group 
-  * @param group     -- vector of string to check
-  * @param candidate -- the string which has to be checked against the group
-  * @returns         -- number of the candidate in the input vector of strings if the candidate belongs to the group 
-                        or -1 if it does not. 
-                        Returns the number of the first maching entry in the group if there are duplicated entries in the group
-int isMember(const std::vector<std::string> &group, const std::string &candidate)
-    int num(-1);
-    for(size_t i=0;i<group.size();i++){
-        if(candidate.compare(group[i])==0){
+        n_folders=size_t(ic);
+        path_components.resize(n_folders);
+        return n_folders;
+      }
+      /**
+       * Function checks if the candidate is the member of the group
+       * @param group :: vector of string to check
+       * @param candidate :: the string which has to be checked against the group
+       * @returns :: number of the candidate in the input vector of strings if the candidate belongs to the group
+                     or -1 if it does not.
+                     Returns the number of the first maching entry in the group if there are duplicated entries in the group
+       */
+      int isMember(const std::vector<std::string> &group, const std::string &candidate)
+      {
+        int num(-1);
+        for(size_t i=0;i<group.size();i++){
+          if(candidate.compare(group[i])==0){
             num = int(i);
             return num;
+          }
-    }
-    return num;
-/// \cond TEMPLATE
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int section(std::string&,double&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int section(std::string&,float&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int section(std::string&,int&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int section(std::string&,std::string&);
-//template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int section(std::string&, Mantid::Geometry::V3D&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int sectPartNum(std::string&,double&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int sectPartNum(std::string&,int&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int sectionMCNPX(std::string&,double&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const std::string&,double&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const std::string&,float&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const std::string&,std::string&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const std::string&,int&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const std::string&,std::size_t&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const char*,std::string&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const char*,double&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const char*,int&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const char*,std::size_t&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const double value);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const float value);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const int value);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const uint16_t value);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const size_t value); // Matches uint64_t on Linux 64 & Win 64
+        return num;
+      }
+      /// \cond TEMPLATE
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int section(std::string&,double&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int section(std::string&,float&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int section(std::string&,int&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int section(std::string&,std::string&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int sectPartNum(std::string&,double&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int sectPartNum(std::string&,int&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int sectionMCNPX(std::string&,double&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const std::string&,double&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const std::string&,float&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const std::string&,std::string&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const std::string&,int&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const std::string&,std::size_t&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const char*,std::string&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const char*,double&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const char*,int&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convert(const char*,std::size_t&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const double value);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const float value);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const int value);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const uint16_t value);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const size_t value); // Matches uint64_t on Linux 64 & Win 64
 #if defined(__APPLE__) || ( defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)) || (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__LP64__)) // Mac or 32-bit compiler
-  template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const uint64_t value);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const uint64_t value);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const std::string value);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const std::string value);
-// this block should generate the vector ones as well
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const std::set<int> &value);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const std::set<int16_t> &value);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const std::set<size_t> &value); // Matches uint64_t on Linux 64 & Win 64
+      // this block should generate the vector ones as well
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const std::set<int> &value);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const std::set<int16_t> &value);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const std::set<size_t> &value); // Matches uint64_t on Linux 64 & Win 64
 #if defined(__APPLE__) || ( defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)) || (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__LP64__)) // Mac or 32-bit compiler
-  template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const std::set<uint64_t> &value);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::string toString(const std::set<uint64_t> &value);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convPartNum(const std::string&,double&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convPartNum(const std::string&,int&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int setValues(const std::string&,const std::vector<int>&,std::vector<double>&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convPartNum(const std::string&,double&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int convPartNum(const std::string&,int&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int writeFile(const std::string&,const double&,const std::vector<double>&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int writeFile(const std::string&,const std::vector<double>&,const std::vector<double>&,const std::vector<double>&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int writeFile(const std::string&,const std::vector<double>&,const std::vector<double>&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int writeFile(const std::string&,const std::vector<float>&,const std::vector<float>&);
-template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int writeFile(const std::string&,const std::vector<float>&,const std::vector<float>&,const std::vector<float>&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int setValues(const std::string&,const std::vector<int>&,std::vector<double>&);
-/// \endcond TEMPLATE
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int writeFile(const std::string&,const double&,const std::vector<double>&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int writeFile(const std::string&,const std::vector<double>&,const std::vector<double>&,const std::vector<double>&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int writeFile(const std::string&,const std::vector<double>&,const std::vector<double>&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int writeFile(const std::string&,const std::vector<float>&,const std::vector<float>&);
+      template MANTID_KERNEL_DLL int writeFile(const std::string&,const std::vector<float>&,const std::vector<float>&,const std::vector<float>&);
+      /// \endcond TEMPLATE
-}  // NAMESPACE Strings
+    }  // NAMESPACE Strings
-}  // NAMESPACE Kernel
+  }  // NAMESPACE Kernel
 }  // NAMESPACE Mantid