diff --git a/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/CMakeLists.txt b/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/CMakeLists.txt
index 6314b89a3f66c3453d7097e99b98e615f199154a..be38f40c868eaac700586566f27a61d0eb3e482e 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1041,12 +1041,18 @@ install ( FILES ${CONFIG_RESET_SCRIPT} DESTINATION ${BIN_DIR} )
 # this causes fail of the installation with macports
 # therefore MACPORTS option is introduced
 if ( APPLE )
     configure_file ( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/FixBundle.cmake.in
                    @ONLY )
     install ( SCRIPT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FixBundle.cmake )
+  elseif (MACPORTS)
+        install ( FILES  package_python_macports.py DESTINATION MantidPlot.app/ )
+        configure_file ( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/FixMacportsBundle.cmake.in
+                   ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FixMacportsBundle.cmake
+                   @ONLY )
+        install ( SCRIPT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FixMacportsBundle.cmake )
   else ()
     install ( FILES  make_package.rb DESTINATION MantidPlot.app/ )
     configure_file ( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/FixMavericksBundle.cmake.in
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/FixMacportsBundle.cmake.in b/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/FixMacportsBundle.cmake.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02fa2fe1d37f542a8667ed9da9c571b9622a7619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/FixMacportsBundle.cmake.in
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+set ( bundle ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/MantidPlot.app )
+execute_process(COMMAND chmod +x package_python_macports.py WORKING_DIRECTORY ${bundle})
+execute_process(COMMAND ./package_python_macports.py WORKING_DIRECTORY ${bundle})
+file ( GLOB pyqt_libs ${bundle}/Contents/MacOS/PyQt4/*.so )
+file ( GLOB mantid_plugins ${bundle}/plugins/*.dylib )
+file ( GLOB_RECURSE qtplugins ${bundle}/Contents/Frameworks/plugins/*.dylib )
+file ( GLOB_RECURSE mtdqtplugins ${bundle}/plugins/*.dylib )
+file ( GLOB_RECURSE pvplugins ${bundle}/pvplugins/*.dylib )
+file ( GLOB vatesplugins ${bundle}/pvplugins/*.dylib ) # Find just the top level Vates plugins
+# gp_resolved_file_type_override
+#   Sets the type of the dependency. The options are: system, local, embedded, other
+#   For OS X, system & embedded dependencies are NOT copied in to the bundle
+function(gp_resolved_file_type_override resolved_file type_var)
+  if(resolved_file MATCHES "^/usr(|/local)/lib")
+    message(STATUS "resolving ${file} as system")
+    set(${type_var} system PARENT_SCOPE)
+  endif()
+  # Copy Qt dependencies to bundle
+  if(file MATCHES "libQt")
+    message("resolving ${file} as embedded")
+    set(${type_var} embedded PARENT_SCOPE)
+  endif()
+  # Don't copy ParaView into the bundle
+#  if(resolved_file MATCHES "^@ParaView_DIR@")
+#    message(STATUS "resolving ParaView dependency ${file} as system")
+#    set(${type_var} system PARENT_SCOPE)
+#  endif()
+  # resolve python framework as system
+  if(file MATCHES "Python.framework")
+    message("resolving ${file} as system")
+    set(${type_var} system PARENT_SCOPE)
+  endif()
+# gp_item_default_embedded_path_override item default_embedded_path_var
+# Return the path that others should refer to the item by when the item
+# is embedded inside a bundle.
+# This is a project-specific override of BundleUtilities.cmake's
+# gp_item_default_embedded_path
+function(gp_item_default_embedded_path_override item default_embedded_path_var)
+  # By default, embed items next to application
+  #
+  set( path "@executable_path/../MacOS" )
+  list( FIND mantid_plugins ${item} mtd_plugin_found )
+  if( mtd_plugin_found GREATER -1 )
+    message( STATUS "Setting path for Mantid plugin ")
+    set( path "@executable_path/../../plugins" )
+    set( overridden 1 PARENT_SCOPE )
+  endif()
+  list( FIND vatesplugins ${item} vatesplugin_found )
+  if( vatesplugin_found GREATER -1 )
+    message( STATUS "Setting path for Vates plugin ")
+    set( path "@executable_path/../../pvplugins" )
+    set( overridden 1 PARENT_SCOPE )
+  endif()
+  if(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
+     set(path "@executable_path/../Frameworks")
+     set( overridden 1 PARENT_SCOPE )
+   endif()
+  if(item MATCHES "_kernel.so")
+    set(path "@loader_path/../kernel")
+    set( overridden 1 PARENT_SCOPE )
+  endif()
+  if(item MATCHES "_geometry.so")
+    set(path "@loader_path/../geometry")
+    set( overridden 1 PARENT_SCOPE )
+  endif()
+  set(${default_embedded_path_var} "${path}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+include (BundleUtilities)
+set ( mantidpydir ${bundle}/Contents/MacOS/mantid )
+set ( mantidpylibs ${mantidpydir}/kernel/_kernel.so
+                   ${mantidpydir}/geometry/_geometry.so
+                   ${mantidpydir}/api/_api.so )
+set ( other_libs ${bundle}/Contents/MacOS/mantidqtpython.so
+                 ${bundle}/Contents/MacOS/readline.so
+                 ${mantid_plugins}
+                 ${pyqt_libs} ${qtplugins} ${pvplugins}
+                 ${mantidpylibs} ${mtdqtplugins} )
+set ( dirs "@CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@" "@CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH@" /Library/Frameworks /opt/intel/lib /opt/local/lib)
+fixup_bundle ( "${bundle}" "${other_libs}" "${dirs}" ) # This will fix up the dependencies for the hard dependencies: MantidKernel etc
+# Functions to change the dependency references
+function( change_bundle_id new_id sharedlib )
+  execute_process(COMMAND install_name_tool -id ${new_id} ${sharedlib})
+function( change_bundle_dep old_dep new_dep sharedlib )
+  execute_process(COMMAND install_name_tool -change ${old_dep} ${new_dep} ${sharedlib})
+# Allow include to do cmake_policy push/pops:
+# Makes the below behaviour work
+  cmake_policy(SET CMP0011 NEW)
+# Allows ON to be treated directly in an if() statement
+  cmake_policy(SET CMP0012 NEW)
+# MAKE_VATES does not work with macports
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/package_python_macports.py b/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/package_python_macports.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ff39ce91e677ad28d65f05e48d5bab23ae88aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Code/Mantid/MantidPlot/package_python_macports.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Script to pack the python libraries
+to the dmg package created with clang+macports
+import sys, shutil, os
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+# path to copy the libraries
+OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.abspath("Contents/MacOS")
+# list of the python libraries to copy
+PYTHON_LIBRARIES = ['sphinx', 'sphinx_bootstrap_theme', 'IPython', 'zmq', 'pygments', \
+                '_markerlib', 'backports', 'certifi', 'tornado', 'markupsafe', \
+                'jinja2', 'psutil', 'nxs']
+# path to the nxs
+# by default the nexus library installs it here
+# names of the nexus libraries for symlinks
+NEXUSLIBS = {"libNeXus.0.dylib": "libNeXus.dylib", "libNeXusCPP.0.dylib": "libNeXusCPP.dylib"}
+def copy_directory(src, dest):
+    """
+    Copies recursively directory src to dest
+    overwrites dest if the directory dest already exists
+    """
+    if os.path.exists(dest):
+        shutil.rmtree(dest)
+    try:
+        shutil.copytree(src, dest)
+    # Directories are the same
+    except shutil.Error as error:
+        print 'Directory not copied. Error: %s' % error
+    # Any error saying that the directory doesn't exist
+    except OSError as error:
+        print 'Directory not copied. Error: %s' % error
+def copy_file(src, dest):
+    """
+    Copies the file src to destination dst
+    dest must be a full file name
+    """
+    try:
+        shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
+    # file already exists
+    except shutil.Error as error:
+        print 'File is not copied. Error: %s' % error
+    # Any error saying that the directory doesn't exist
+    except OSError as error:
+        print 'File is not copied. Error: %s' % error
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # copy the python libraries
+    for lib in PYTHON_LIBRARIES:
+        try:
+            module = map(__import__, [lib])
+        except ImportError as detail:
+            print "Cannot import library ", lib
+            print "Reason: ", detail
+        else:
+            copy_directory(module[0].__path__[0], os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, lib))
+    # create symlinks for NEXUSLIBS
+    for nlib in NEXUSLIBS.keys():
+        libnexus_src = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, nlib)
+        libnexus_dst = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, NEXUSLIBS[nlib])
+        os.symlink(libnexus_src, libnexus_dst)
+    # copy ipython (although I do not understand why)
+    # find ipython executable
+    IPYTHON_EXECUTABLE = find_executable('ipython')
+        print "Cannot find ipython executable"
+    else:
+        # create bin folder
+        BIN_DIRECTORY_NAME = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'bin')
+        try:
+            if not os.path.exists(BIN_DIRECTORY_NAME):
+                os.mkdir(BIN_DIRECTORY_NAME)
+        except OSError as error:
+            print "Cannot create directory %s. Error: %s." % (BIN_DIRECTORY_NAME, error)
+        else:
+            # copy ipython executable
+            copy_file(IPYTHON_EXECUTABLE, os.path.join(BIN_DIRECTORY_NAME, 'ipython'))
+    # find and copy pyparsing
+    try:
+        import pyparsing
+    except ImportError as detail:
+        print "Cannot import pyparsing. Error: ", detail
+    else:
+        copy_file(pyparsing.__file__, os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'pyparsing.pyc'))
+        copy_file(os.path.splitext(pyparsing.__file__)[0]+'.py', \
+            os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'pyparsing.py'))
+    # find and copy readline
+    try:
+        import readline
+        import readline_path
+    except ImportError as detail:
+        print "Cannot import readline. Error: ", detail
+    else:
+        copy_file(readline.__file__, os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, os.path.split(readline.__file__)[1]))
+        copy_file(readline_path.__file__, os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, \
+            os.path.split(readline_path.__file__)[1]))
+        copy_file(os.path.splitext(readline_path.__file__)[0]+'.py', \
+            os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'readline_path.py'))