diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/CMakeLists.txt b/Framework/CurveFitting/CMakeLists.txt
index 366cbcc0e3ef8676f4bca89f3c0b9799d2a56ab7..65770666d1efc315f6585a940a8d1979a6693d29 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ set ( SRC_FILES
 	# src/ChebyshevPolynomialBackground.cpp
-	src/BoundaryConstraint.cpp
+	src/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.cpp
@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ set ( INC_FILES
 	# inc/MantidCurveFitting/ChebyshevPolynomialBackground.h
-	inc/MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h
+	inc/MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h
@@ -246,43 +246,21 @@ set ( TEST_FILES
 	# ChebyshevPolynomialBackgroundTest.h
 	# RefinePowderInstrumentParametersTest.h
-	Functions/AbragamTest.h
-	Functions/BSplineTest.h
-	Functions/BackToBackExponentialTest.h
-	Functions/BivariateNormalTest.h
-	Functions/Bk2BkExpConvPVTest.h
-	BoundaryConstraintTest.h
+	Constraints/BoundaryConstraintTest.h
-	Functions/ChebfunBaseTest.h
-	Functions/ChebyshevTest.h
-	Functions/ComptonPeakProfileTest.h
-	Functions/ComptonProfileTest.h
-	Functions/ComptonScatteringCountRateTest.h
-	Functions/ConvolutionTest.h
-	Functions/CubicSplineTest.h
-	Functions/DeltaFunctionTest.h
-	Functions/DiffRotDiscreteCircleTest.h
-	Functions/DiffSphereTest.h
-	Functions/DynamicKuboToyabeTest.h
-	Functions/EndErfcTest.h
-	Functions/ExpDecayMuonTest.h
-	Functions/ExpDecayOscTest.h
-	Functions/ExpDecayTest.h
-	Functions/FlatBackgroundTest.h
-	Functions/FullprofPolynomialTest.h
@@ -294,34 +272,42 @@ set ( TEST_FILES
-	GSLMatrixTest.h
-	GSLVectorTest.h
+	Functions/AbragamTest.h
+	Functions/BSplineTest.h
+	Functions/BackToBackExponentialTest.h
+	Functions/BivariateNormalTest.h
+	Functions/Bk2BkExpConvPVTest.h
+	Functions/ChebfunBaseTest.h
+	Functions/ChebyshevTest.h
+	Functions/ComptonPeakProfileTest.h
+	Functions/ComptonProfileTest.h
+	Functions/ComptonScatteringCountRateTest.h
+	Functions/ConvolutionTest.h
+	Functions/CubicSplineTest.h
+	Functions/DeltaFunctionTest.h
+	Functions/DiffRotDiscreteCircleTest.h
+	Functions/DiffSphereTest.h
+	Functions/DynamicKuboToyabeTest.h
+	Functions/EndErfcTest.h
+	Functions/ExpDecayMuonTest.h
+	Functions/ExpDecayOscTest.h
+	Functions/ExpDecayTest.h
+	Functions/FlatBackgroundTest.h
+	Functions/FullprofPolynomialTest.h
-	IPeakFunctionCentreParameterNameTest.h
-	IPeakFunctionIntensityTest.h
-	LatticeDomainCreatorTest.h
-	LatticeFunctionTest.h
-	LeBailFitTest.h
-	LeBailFunctionTest.h
-	MultiDomainCreatorTest.h
-	MultiDomainFunctionTest.h
-	NormaliseByPeakAreaTest.h
-	ParameterEstimatorTest.h
-	PawleyFitTest.h
-	PlotPeakByLogValueTest.h
@@ -329,15 +315,9 @@ set ( TEST_FILES
-	RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3Test.h
-	SeqDomainSpectrumCreatorTest.h
-	SpecialFunctionSupportTest.h
-	SplineBackgroundTest.h
-	SplineInterpolationTest.h
-	SplineSmoothingTest.h
@@ -353,6 +333,26 @@ set ( TEST_FILES
+	GSLMatrixTest.h
+	GSLVectorTest.h
+	IPeakFunctionCentreParameterNameTest.h
+	IPeakFunctionIntensityTest.h
+	LatticeDomainCreatorTest.h
+	LatticeFunctionTest.h
+	LeBailFitTest.h
+	LeBailFunctionTest.h
+	MultiDomainCreatorTest.h
+	MultiDomainFunctionTest.h
+	NormaliseByPeakAreaTest.h
+	ParameterEstimatorTest.h
+	PawleyFitTest.h
+	PlotPeakByLogValueTest.h
+	RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3Test.h
+	SeqDomainSpectrumCreatorTest.h
+	SpecialFunctionSupportTest.h
+	SplineBackgroundTest.h
+	SplineInterpolationTest.h
+	SplineSmoothingTest.h
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h
similarity index 98%
rename from Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h
rename to Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h
index 2b3301fa8ea844eea8951a2583b47df936d45c83..ef798c50e1afbe87ad21d94ee77fdd088c0bfa47 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 namespace Mantid {
 namespace CurveFitting {
+namespace Constraints {
 // Forward Declaration
@@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ private:
   double m_upperBound;
+} // namespace Constraints
 } // namespace CurveFitting
 } // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/Functions/BivariateNormal.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/Functions/BivariateNormal.h
index 821eb0f3bbf18a631bec8a856184b07c39ab15d3..59fd0db97239581ebaa53d4a3a430e70b2536390 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/Functions/BivariateNormal.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/Functions/BivariateNormal.h
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/IFunction1D.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/ParamFunction.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/cow_ptr.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 namespace Mantid {
 namespace CurveFitting {
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3.h
index f60697f358590b6f1a45a561676230521fb90fd4..46cbed993a578cf530235ec39e26daff51c12d6b 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/inc/MantidCurveFitting/RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/LeBailFit.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/ThermalNeutronDtoTOFFunction.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 namespace Mantid {
 namespace CurveFitting {
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/BoundaryConstraint.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.cpp
similarity index 98%
rename from Framework/CurveFitting/src/BoundaryConstraint.cpp
rename to Framework/CurveFitting/src/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.cpp
index 6ecbe020e781f48f2adbc63862c2ddb45fd067e5..86f3f52be2a7fe4549198c0a4926b5a0c3d1074a 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/BoundaryConstraint.cpp
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Includes
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/Expression.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/ConstraintFactory.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/Logger.h"
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 namespace Mantid {
 namespace CurveFitting {
+namespace Constraints {
 namespace {
 /// static logger
 Kernel::Logger g_log("BoundaryConstraint");
@@ -247,5 +248,6 @@ std::string BoundaryConstraint::asString() const {
   return ostr.str();
+} // namespace Constraints
 } // namespace CurveFitting
 } // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/DampingMinimizer.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/DampingMinimizer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 01e3169ebba8d9a0d3587a6d30143796d1de82f0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/DampingMinimizer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// Includes
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/DampingMinimizer.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/CostFuncLeastSquares.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/CostFunctionFactory.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/FuncMinimizerFactory.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/IFunction.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/Logger.h"
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cmath>
-namespace Mantid {
-namespace CurveFitting {
-namespace {
-/// static logger
-Kernel::Logger g_log("DampingMinimizer");
-DECLARE_FUNCMINIMIZER(DampingMinimizer, Damping)
-/// Constructor
-DampingMinimizer::DampingMinimizer(double relTol)
-    : IFuncMinimizer(), m_relTol(relTol) {
-  declareProperty("Damping", 0.0, "The damping parameter.");
-/// Initialize minimizer, i.e. pass a function to minimize.
-void DampingMinimizer::initialize(API::ICostFunction_sptr function, size_t) {
-  m_leastSquares = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CostFuncLeastSquares>(function);
-  if (!m_leastSquares) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument("Damping minimizer works only with least "
-                                "squares. Different function was given.");
-  }
-/// Do one iteration.
-bool DampingMinimizer::iterate(size_t) {
-  const bool debug = false;
-  const double damping = getProperty("Damping");
-  if (!m_leastSquares) {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Cost function isn't set up.");
-  }
-  size_t n = m_leastSquares->nParams();
-  if (n == 0) {
-    m_errorString = "No parameters to fit";
-    return false;
-  }
-  // calculate the first and second derivatives of the cost function.
-  m_leastSquares->valDerivHessian();
-  // copy the hessian
-  GSLMatrix H(m_leastSquares->getHessian());
-  GSLVector dd(m_leastSquares->getDeriv());
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    double tmp = H.get(i, i) + damping;
-    H.set(i, i, tmp);
-  }
-  if (debug) {
-    std::cerr << "H:\n" << H;
-    std::cerr << "-----------------------------\n";
-    for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
-      std::cerr << dd.get(j) << ' ';
-    }
-    std::cerr << std::endl;
-  }
-  /// Parameter corrections
-  GSLVector dx(n);
-  // To find dx solve the system of linear equations   H * dx == -m_der
-  dd *= -1.0;
-  H.solve(dd, dx);
-  if (debug) {
-    for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
-      std::cerr << dx.get(j) << ' ';
-    }
-    std::cerr << std::endl
-              << std::endl;
-  }
-  // Update the parameters of the cost function.
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    double d = m_leastSquares->getParameter(i) + dx.get(i);
-    m_leastSquares->setParameter(i, d);
-    if (debug) {
-      std::cerr << "P" << i << ' ' << d << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-  m_leastSquares->getFittingFunction()->applyTies();
-  // --- prepare for the next iteration --- //
-  // Try the stop condition
-  GSLVector p(n);
-  m_leastSquares->getParameters(p);
-  double dx_norm = gsl_blas_dnrm2(dx.gsl());
-  if (dx_norm < m_relTol) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-/// Return current value of the cost function
-double DampingMinimizer::costFunctionVal() {
-  if (!m_leastSquares) {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Cost function isn't set up.");
-  }
-  return m_leastSquares->val();
-} // namespace CurveFitting
-} // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/DerivMinimizer.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/DerivMinimizer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 57cbc5a122fcbce37b30629977b8cc9c6dcc0dc0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/DerivMinimizer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// Includes
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/DerivMinimizer.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/CostFuncFitting.h"
-namespace Mantid {
-namespace CurveFitting {
-/** Used by the GSL to calculate the cost function.
- * @param x :: Vector with parameters
- * @param params :: Pointer to a DerivMinimizer
- */
-double DerivMinimizer::fun(const gsl_vector *x, void *params) {
-  DerivMinimizer &minimizer = *static_cast<DerivMinimizer *>(params);
-  size_t n = minimizer.m_costFunction->nParams();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    minimizer.m_costFunction->setParameter(i, gsl_vector_get(x, i));
-  }
-  boost::shared_ptr<CostFuncFitting> fitting =
-      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CostFuncFitting>(minimizer.m_costFunction);
-  if (fitting) {
-    fitting->getFittingFunction()->applyTies();
-  }
-  return minimizer.m_costFunction->val();
-/** Used by the GSL to calculate the derivatives.
- * @param x :: Vector with parameters
- * @param params :: Pointer to a DerivMinimizer
- * @param g :: Buffer for the derivatives
- */
-void DerivMinimizer::dfun(const gsl_vector *x, void *params, gsl_vector *g) {
-  DerivMinimizer &minimizer = *static_cast<DerivMinimizer *>(params);
-  size_t n = minimizer.m_costFunction->nParams();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    minimizer.m_costFunction->setParameter(i, gsl_vector_get(x, i));
-  }
-  boost::shared_ptr<CostFuncFitting> fitting =
-      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CostFuncFitting>(minimizer.m_costFunction);
-  if (fitting) {
-    fitting->getFittingFunction()->applyTies();
-  }
-  std::vector<double> der(n);
-  minimizer.m_costFunction->deriv(der);
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    gsl_vector_set(g, i, der[i]);
-  }
-/** Used by the GSL to calculate the cost function and the derivatives.
- * @param x :: Vector with parameters
- * @param params :: Pointer to a DerivMinimizer
- * @param f :: Buffer for the fanction value
- * @param g :: Buffer for the derivatives
- */
-void DerivMinimizer::fundfun(const gsl_vector *x, void *params, double *f,
-                             gsl_vector *g) {
-  DerivMinimizer &minimizer = *static_cast<DerivMinimizer *>(params);
-  size_t n = minimizer.m_costFunction->nParams();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    minimizer.m_costFunction->setParameter(i, gsl_vector_get(x, i));
-  }
-  boost::shared_ptr<CostFuncFitting> fitting =
-      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CostFuncFitting>(minimizer.m_costFunction);
-  if (fitting) {
-    fitting->getFittingFunction()->applyTies();
-  }
-  std::vector<double> der(n);
-  *f = minimizer.m_costFunction->valAndDeriv(der);
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    gsl_vector_set(g, i, der[i]);
-  }
-/// Constructor
-    : m_gslSolver(NULL), m_x(NULL), m_stopGradient(1e-3), m_stepSize(0.1),
-      m_tolerance(0.0001) {
-  initGSLMMin();
- * Constructor.
- * @param stepSize :: Initial step size.
- * @param tolerance :: Tolerance.
- */
-DerivMinimizer::DerivMinimizer(const double stepSize, const double tolerance)
-    : m_gslSolver(NULL), m_x(NULL), m_stopGradient(1e-3), m_stepSize(stepSize),
-      m_tolerance(tolerance) {
-  initGSLMMin();
-void DerivMinimizer::initGSLMMin() {
-  m_gslMultiminContainer.f = NULL;
-  m_gslMultiminContainer.df = NULL;
-  m_gslMultiminContainer.fdf = NULL;
-  m_gslMultiminContainer.n = 0;
-  m_gslMultiminContainer.params = NULL;
- * Destructor.
- */
-DerivMinimizer::~DerivMinimizer() {
-  if (m_gslSolver != NULL) {
-    gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_free(m_gslSolver);
-    gsl_vector_free(m_x);
-  }
- * Initialize the minimizer.
- * @param function :: A cost function to minimize.
- * @param maxIterations :: Maximum number of iterations.
- */
-void DerivMinimizer::initialize(API::ICostFunction_sptr function,
-                                size_t maxIterations) {
-  UNUSED_ARG(maxIterations);
-  m_costFunction = function;
-  m_gslMultiminContainer.n = m_costFunction->nParams();
-  m_gslMultiminContainer.f = &fun;
-  m_gslMultiminContainer.df = &dfun;
-  m_gslMultiminContainer.fdf = &fundfun;
-  m_gslMultiminContainer.params = this;
-  m_gslSolver = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_alloc(getGSLMinimizerType(),
-                                                m_gslMultiminContainer.n);
-  size_t nParams = m_costFunction->nParams();
-  // Starting point
-  m_x = gsl_vector_alloc(nParams);
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams; ++i) {
-    gsl_vector_set(m_x, i, m_costFunction->getParameter(i));
-  }
-  gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_set(m_gslSolver, &m_gslMultiminContainer, m_x,
-                                m_stepSize, m_tolerance);
- * Perform one iteration.
- * @return :: true to continue, false to stop.
- */
-bool DerivMinimizer::iterate(size_t) {
-  if (m_gslSolver == NULL) {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Minimizer " + this->name() +
-                             " was not initialized.");
-  }
-  int status = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_iterate(m_gslSolver);
-  if (status) {
-    m_errorString = gsl_strerror(status);
-    return false;
-  }
-  status = gsl_multimin_test_gradient(m_gslSolver->gradient, m_stopGradient);
-  if (status != GSL_CONTINUE) {
-    m_errorString = gsl_strerror(status);
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
- * Set maximum value of the gradient at which iterations can stop
- * @param value :: New value for the gradient, must be positive.
- */
-void DerivMinimizer::setStopGradient(const double value) {
-  if (value <= 0) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument("Gradient norm must be a positive number");
-  }
-  m_stopGradient = value;
-double DerivMinimizer::costFunctionVal() { return m_gslSolver->f; }
-} // namespace CurveFitting
-} // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/FABADAMinimizer.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/FABADAMinimizer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e8f7e3d70838d4d8dfaa06d2010a61b5954d7bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/FABADAMinimizer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/FABADAMinimizer.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/CostFuncLeastSquares.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "MantidAPI/CostFunctionFactory.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/FuncMinimizerFactory.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/IFunction.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/MatrixWorkspace.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceProperty.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/ITableWorkspace.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/TableRow.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/MersenneTwister.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/PseudoRandomNumberGenerator.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/Logger.h"
-#include <boost/random/normal_distribution.hpp>
-#include <boost/random/uniform_real.hpp>
-#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
-#include <boost/version.hpp>
-#include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <ctime>
-namespace Mantid {
-namespace CurveFitting {
-namespace {
-// static logger object
-Kernel::Logger g_log("FABADAMinimizer");
-// absolute maximum number of iterations when fit must converge
-const size_t convergenceMaxIterations = 50000;
-// number of iterations when convergence isn't expected
-const size_t lowerIterationLimit = 350;
-// very large number
-const double largeNumber = 1e100;
-// jump checking rate
-const size_t jumpCheckingRate = 200;
-// low jump limit
-const double lowJumpLimit = 1e-25;
-/// Constructor
-    : m_counter(0), m_numberIterations(0), m_changes(), m_jump(),
-      m_parameters(), m_chain(), m_chi2(0.), m_converged(false),
-      m_conv_point(0), m_par_converged(), m_lower(), m_upper(), m_bound(),
-      m_criteria(), m_max_iter(0) {
-  declareProperty("ChainLength", static_cast<size_t>(10000),
-                  "Length of the converged chain.");
-  declareProperty("StepsBetweenValues", static_cast<size_t>(10),
-                  "Steps realized between keeping each result.");
-  declareProperty(
-      "ConvergenceCriteria", 0.01,
-      "Variance in Cost Function for considering convergence reached.");
-  declareProperty("JumpAcceptanceRate", 0.6666666,
-                  "Desired jumping acceptance rate");
-  declareProperty(
-      new API::WorkspaceProperty<>("PDF", "PDF", Kernel::Direction::Output),
-      "The name to give the output workspace");
-  declareProperty(
-      new API::WorkspaceProperty<>("Chains", "", Kernel::Direction::Output),
-      "The name to give the output workspace");
-  declareProperty(new API::WorkspaceProperty<>("ConvergedChain", "",
-                                               Kernel::Direction::Output,
-                                               API::PropertyMode::Optional),
-                  "The name to give the output workspace");
-  declareProperty(new API::WorkspaceProperty<API::ITableWorkspace>(
-                      "CostFunctionTable", "", Kernel::Direction::Output),
-                  "The name to give the output workspace");
-  declareProperty(new API::WorkspaceProperty<API::ITableWorkspace>(
-                      "Parameters", "", Kernel::Direction::Output),
-                  "The name to give the output workspace");
-/// Destructor
-FABADAMinimizer::~FABADAMinimizer() {}
-/// Initialize minimizer. Set initial values for all private members.
-void FABADAMinimizer::initialize(API::ICostFunction_sptr function,
-                                 size_t maxIterations) {
-  m_leastSquares = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CostFuncLeastSquares>(function);
-  if (!m_leastSquares) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument(
-        "FABADA works only with least squares. Different function was given.");
-  }
-  m_counter = 0;
-  m_leastSquares->getParameters(m_parameters);
-  API::IFunction_sptr fun = m_leastSquares->getFittingFunction();
-  if (fun->nParams() == 0) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument("Function has 0 fitting parameters.");
-  }
-  size_t n = getProperty("ChainLength");
-  m_numberIterations = n / fun->nParams();
-  if (m_numberIterations > maxIterations) {
-    g_log.warning()
-        << "MaxIterations property reduces the required number of iterations ("
-        << m_numberIterations << ")." << std::endl;
-    m_numberIterations = maxIterations;
-  }
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_leastSquares->nParams(); ++i) {
-    double p = m_parameters.get(i);
-    m_bound.push_back(false);
-    API::IConstraint *iconstr = fun->getConstraint(i);
-    if (iconstr) {
-      BoundaryConstraint *bcon = dynamic_cast<BoundaryConstraint *>(iconstr);
-      if (bcon) {
-        m_bound[i] = true;
-        if (bcon->hasLower()) {
-          m_lower.push_back(bcon->lower());
-        } else {
-          m_lower.push_back(-largeNumber);
-        }
-        if (bcon->hasUpper()) {
-          m_upper.push_back(bcon->upper());
-        } else {
-          m_upper.push_back(largeNumber);
-        }
-        if (p < m_lower[i]) {
-          p = m_lower[i];
-          m_parameters.set(i, p);
-        }
-        if (p > m_upper[i]) {
-          p = m_upper[i];
-          m_parameters.set(i, p);
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      m_lower.push_back(-largeNumber);
-      m_upper.push_back(largeNumber);
-    }
-    std::vector<double> v;
-    v.push_back(p);
-    m_chain.push_back(v);
-    m_max_iter = maxIterations;
-    m_changes.push_back(0);
-    m_par_converged.push_back(false);
-    m_criteria.push_back(getProperty("ConvergenceCriteria"));
-    if (p != 0.0) {
-      m_jump.push_back(std::abs(p / 10));
-    } else {
-      m_jump.push_back(0.01);
-    }
-  }
-  m_chi2 = m_leastSquares->val();
-  std::vector<double> v;
-  v.push_back(m_chi2);
-  m_chain.push_back(v);
-  m_converged = false;
-  m_max_iter = maxIterations;
-/// Do one iteration. Returns true if iterations to be continued, false if they
-/// must stop.
-bool FABADAMinimizer::iterate(size_t) {
-  if (!m_leastSquares) {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Cost function isn't set up.");
-  }
-  size_t nParams = m_leastSquares->nParams();
-  size_t m = nParams;
-  // Just for the last iteration. For doing exactly the indicated number of
-  // iterations.
-  if (m_converged && m_counter == m_numberIterations) {
-    size_t t = getProperty("ChainLength");
-    m = t % nParams;
-  }
-  // Do one iteration of FABADA's algorithm for each parameter.
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < m; i++) {
-    GSLVector new_parameters = m_parameters;
-    // Calculate the step, depending on convergence reached or not
-    double step;
-    if (m_converged || m_bound[i]) {
-      boost::mt19937 mt;
-      mt.seed(123 * (int(m_counter) +
-                     45 * int(i))); // Numeros inventados para la seed
-      boost::normal_distribution<double> distr(0.0, std::abs(m_jump[i]));
-      boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937,
-                               boost::normal_distribution<double>> gen(mt,
-                                                                       distr);
-      step = gen();
-    } else {
-      step = m_jump[i];
-    }
-    // Calculate the new value of the parameter
-    double new_value = m_parameters.get(i) + step;
-    // Comproves if it is inside the boundary constrinctions. If not, changes
-    // it.
-    if (m_bound[i]) {
-      while (new_value < m_lower[i]) {
-        if (std::abs(step) > m_upper[i] - m_lower[i]) {
-          new_value = m_parameters.get(i) + step / 10.0;
-          step = step / 10;
-          m_jump[i] = m_jump[i] / 10;
-        } else {
-          new_value =
-              m_lower[i] + std::abs(step) - (m_parameters.get(i) - m_lower[i]);
-        }
-      }
-      while (new_value > m_upper[i]) {
-        if (std::abs(step) > m_upper[i] - m_lower[i]) {
-          new_value = m_parameters.get(i) + step / 10.0;
-          step = step / 10;
-          m_jump[i] = m_jump[i] / 10;
-        } else {
-          new_value =
-              m_upper[i] - (std::abs(step) + m_parameters.get(i) - m_upper[i]);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Set the new value in order to calculate the new Chi square value
-    if (boost::math::isnan(new_value)) {
-      throw std::runtime_error("Parameter value is NaN.");
-    }
-    new_parameters.set(i, new_value);
-    m_leastSquares->setParameter(i, new_value);
-    double chi2_new = m_leastSquares->val();
-    // If new Chi square value is lower, jumping directly to new parameter
-    if (chi2_new < m_chi2) {
-      for (size_t j = 0; j < nParams; j++) {
-        m_chain[j].push_back(new_parameters.get(j));
-      }
-      m_chain[nParams].push_back(chi2_new);
-      m_parameters = new_parameters;
-      m_chi2 = chi2_new;
-      m_changes[i] += 1;
-    }
-    // If new Chi square value is higher, it depends on the probability
-    else {
-      // Calculate probability of change
-      double prob = exp((m_chi2 / 2.0) - (chi2_new / 2.0));
-      // Decide if changing or not
-      boost::mt19937 mt;
-      mt.seed(int(time_t()) + 48 * (int(m_counter) + 76 * int(i)));
-      boost::uniform_real<> distr(0.0, 1.0);
-      double p = distr(mt);
-      if (p <= prob) {
-        for (size_t j = 0; j < nParams; j++) {
-          m_chain[j].push_back(new_parameters.get(j));
-        }
-        m_chain[nParams].push_back(chi2_new);
-        m_parameters = new_parameters;
-        m_chi2 = chi2_new;
-        m_changes[i] += 1;
-      } else {
-        for (size_t j = 0; j < nParams; j++) {
-          m_chain[j].push_back(m_parameters.get(j));
-        }
-        m_chain[nParams].push_back(m_chi2);
-        m_leastSquares->setParameter(i, new_value - m_jump[i]);
-        m_jump[i] = -m_jump[i];
-      }
-    }
-    const double jumpAR = getProperty("JumpAcceptanceRate");
-    // Update the jump once each jumpCheckingRate iterations
-    if (m_counter % jumpCheckingRate == 150) // JUMP CHECKING RATE IS 200, BUT
-                                             // IS NOT CHECKED AT FIRST STEP, IT
-                                             // IS AT 150
-    {
-      double jnew;
-      if (m_changes[i] == 0.0) {
-        jnew = m_jump[i] /
-      } else {
-        double f = m_changes[i] / double(m_counter);
-        jnew = m_jump[i] * f / jumpAR;
-      }
-      m_jump[i] = jnew;
-      // Check if the new jump is too small. It means that it has been a wrong
-      // convergence.
-      if (std::abs(m_jump[i]) < lowJumpLimit) {
-        API::IFunction_sptr fun = m_leastSquares->getFittingFunction();
-        g_log.warning()
-            << "Wrong convergence for parameter " + fun->parameterName(i) +
-                   ". Try to set a proper initial value for this parameter"
-            << std::endl;
-      }
-    }
-    // Check if the Chi square value has converged for parameter i.
-    const size_t startingPoint =
-        350; // The iteration since it starts to check if convergence is reached
-    if (!m_par_converged[i] && m_counter > startingPoint) {
-      if (chi2_new != m_chi2) {
-        double chi2_quotient = std::abs(chi2_new - m_chi2) / m_chi2;
-        if (chi2_quotient < m_criteria[i]) {
-          m_par_converged[i] = true;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } // for i
-  // Update the counter, after finishing the iteration for each parameter
-  m_counter += 1;
-  // Check if Chi square has converged for all the parameters.
-  if (m_counter > lowerIterationLimit && !m_converged) {
-    size_t t = 0;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams; i++) {
-      if (m_par_converged[i]) {
-        t += 1;
-      }
-    }
-    // If all parameters have converged:
-    // It set up both the counter and the changes' vector to 0, in order to
-    // consider only the data of the converged part of the chain, when updating
-    // the jump.
-    if (t == nParams) {
-      m_converged = true;
-      m_conv_point = m_counter * nParams + 1;
-      m_counter = 0;
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams; ++i) {
-        m_changes[i] = 0;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (!m_converged) {
-    // If there is not convergence continue the iterations.
-    if (m_counter <= convergenceMaxIterations &&
-        m_counter < m_numberIterations - 1) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    // If there is not convergence, but it has been made
-    // convergenceMaxIterations iterations, stop and throw the error.
-    else {
-      API::IFunction_sptr fun = m_leastSquares->getFittingFunction();
-      std::string failed = "";
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams; ++i) {
-        if (!m_par_converged[i]) {
-          failed = failed + fun->parameterName(i) + ", ";
-        }
-      }
-      failed.replace(failed.end() - 2, failed.end(), ".");
-      throw std::runtime_error(
-          "Convegence NOT reached after " +
-          boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_max_iter) +
-          " iterations.\n   Try to set better initial values for parameters: " +
-          failed);
-    }
-  } else {
-    // If convergence has been reached, continue untill complete the chain
-    // length.
-    if (m_counter <= m_numberIterations) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    // If convergence has been reached, but the maximum of iterations have been
-    // reached before finishing the chain, stop and throw the error.
-    if (m_counter >= m_max_iter) {
-      throw std::length_error("Convegence reached but Max Iterations parameter "
-                              "insufficient for creating the whole chain.\n "
-                              "Increase Max Iterations");
-    }
-    // nothing else to do, stop interations
-    return false;
-  }
-  // can we even get here?
-  return true;
-double FABADAMinimizer::costFunctionVal() { return m_chi2; }
-/// When the all the iterations have been done, calculate and show all the
-/// results.
-void FABADAMinimizer::finalize() {
-  // Creating the reduced chain (considering only one each "Steps between
-  // values" values)
-  size_t cl = getProperty("ChainLength");
-  size_t n_steps = getProperty("StepsBetweenValues");
-  size_t conv_length = size_t(double(cl) / double(n_steps));
-  std::vector<std::vector<double>> red_conv_chain;
-  size_t nParams = m_leastSquares->nParams();
-  for (size_t e = 0; e <= nParams; ++e) {
-    std::vector<double> v;
-    v.push_back(m_chain[e][m_conv_point]);
-    red_conv_chain.push_back(v);
-  }
-  // Calculate the red_conv_chain for the cost fuction.
-  auto first = m_chain[nParams].begin() + m_conv_point;
-  auto last = m_chain[nParams].end();
-  std::vector<double> conv_chain(first, last);
-  for (size_t k = 1; k < conv_length; ++k) {
-    red_conv_chain[nParams].push_back(conv_chain[n_steps * k]);
-  }
-  // Calculate the position of the minimum Chi square value
-  auto pos_min = std::min_element(red_conv_chain[nParams].begin(),
-                                  red_conv_chain[nParams].end());
-  m_chi2 = *pos_min;
-  std::vector<double> par_def(nParams);
-  std::vector<double> error_left(nParams);
-  std::vector<double> error_rigth(nParams);
-  API::IFunction_sptr fun = m_leastSquares->getFittingFunction();
-  // Do one iteration for each parameter.
-  for (size_t j = 0; j < nParams; ++j) {
-    // Calculate the parameter value and the errors
-    auto first = m_chain[j].begin() + m_conv_point;
-    auto last = m_chain[j].end();
-    std::vector<double> conv_chain(first, last);
-    auto &rc_chain_j = red_conv_chain[j];
-    for (size_t k = 0; k < conv_length; ++k) {
-      rc_chain_j.push_back(conv_chain[n_steps * k]);
-    }
-    par_def[j] = rc_chain_j[pos_min - red_conv_chain[nParams].begin()];
-    std::sort(rc_chain_j.begin(), rc_chain_j.end());
-    auto pos_par = std::find(rc_chain_j.begin(), rc_chain_j.end(), par_def[j]);
-    auto pos_left = rc_chain_j.begin();
-    auto pos_right = rc_chain_j.end() - 1;
-    size_t sigma = static_cast<size_t>(0.34 * double(conv_length));
-    if (pos_par == rc_chain_j.end()) {
-      error_left[j] = *(pos_right - sigma);
-      error_rigth[j] = *pos_right;
-    } else {
-      if (sigma < static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(pos_left, pos_par))) {
-        pos_left = pos_par - sigma;
-      }
-      // make sure the iterator is valid in any case
-      if (sigma < static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(pos_par, pos_right))) {
-        pos_right = pos_par + sigma;
-      }
-      error_left[j] = *pos_left - *pos_par;
-      error_rigth[j] = *pos_right - *pos_par;
-    }
-  }
-  const bool outputParametersTable = !getPropertyValue("Parameters").empty();
-  if (outputParametersTable) {
-    // Create the workspace for the parameters' value and errors.
-    API::ITableWorkspace_sptr wsPdfE =
-        API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().createTable("TableWorkspace");
-    wsPdfE->addColumn("str", "Name");
-    wsPdfE->addColumn("double", "Value");
-    wsPdfE->addColumn("double", "Left's error");
-    wsPdfE->addColumn("double", "Rigth's error");
-    for (size_t j = 0; j < nParams; ++j) {
-      API::TableRow row = wsPdfE->appendRow();
-      row << fun->parameterName(j) << par_def[j] << error_left[j]
-          << error_rigth[j];
-    }
-    // Set and name the Parameter Errors workspace.
-    setProperty("Parameters", wsPdfE);
-  }
-  // Set the best parameter values
-  for (size_t j = 0; j < nParams; ++j) {
-    m_leastSquares->setParameter(j, par_def[j]);
-  }
-  double mostPchi2;
-  // Create the workspace for the Probability Density Functions
-  size_t pdf_length = 20; // histogram length for the PDF output workspace
-  API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
-      "Workspace2D", nParams + 1, pdf_length + 1, pdf_length);
-  // Calculate the cost function Probability Density Function
-  std::sort(red_conv_chain[nParams].begin(), red_conv_chain[nParams].end());
-  std::vector<double> pdf_y(pdf_length, 0);
-  double start = red_conv_chain[nParams][0];
-  double bin =
-      (red_conv_chain[nParams][conv_length - 1] - start) / double(pdf_length);
-  size_t step = 0;
-  MantidVec &X = ws->dataX(nParams);
-  MantidVec &Y = ws->dataY(nParams);
-  X[0] = start;
-  for (size_t i = 1; i < pdf_length + 1; i++) {
-    double bin_end = start + double(i) * bin;
-    X[i] = bin_end;
-    while (step < conv_length && red_conv_chain[nParams][step] <= bin_end) {
-      pdf_y[i - 1] += 1;
-      ++step;
-    }
-    Y[i - 1] = pdf_y[i - 1] / (double(conv_length) * bin);
-  }
-  std::vector<double>::iterator pos_MPchi2 =
-      std::max_element(pdf_y.begin(), pdf_y.end());
-  if (pos_MPchi2 - pdf_y.begin() == 0) {
-    // mostPchi2 = X[pos_MPchi2-pdf_y.begin()];
-    mostPchi2 = *pos_min;
-  } else {
-    mostPchi2 = X[pos_MPchi2 - pdf_y.begin()] + (bin / 2.0);
-  }
-  // Do one iteration for each parameter.
-  for (size_t j = 0; j < nParams; ++j) {
-    // Calculate the Probability Density Function
-    std::vector<double> pdf_y(pdf_length, 0);
-    double start = red_conv_chain[j][0];
-    double bin =
-        (red_conv_chain[j][conv_length - 1] - start) / double(pdf_length);
-    size_t step = 0;
-    MantidVec &X = ws->dataX(j);
-    MantidVec &Y = ws->dataY(j);
-    X[0] = start;
-    for (size_t i = 1; i < pdf_length + 1; i++) {
-      double bin_end = start + double(i) * bin;
-      X[i] = bin_end;
-      while (step < conv_length && red_conv_chain[j][step] <= bin_end) {
-        pdf_y[i - 1] += 1;
-        ++step;
-      }
-      Y[i - 1] = pdf_y[i - 1] / (double(conv_length) * bin);
-    }
-    // Calculate the most probable value, from the PDF.
-    std::vector<double>::iterator pos_MP =
-        std::max_element(pdf_y.begin(), pdf_y.end());
-    double mostP = X[pos_MP - pdf_y.begin()] + (bin / 2.0);
-    m_leastSquares->setParameter(j, mostP);
-  }
-  // Set and name the PDF workspace.
-  setProperty("PDF", ws);
-  const bool outputChains = !getPropertyValue("Chains").empty();
-  if (outputChains) {
-    // Create the workspace for the complete parameters' chain (the last
-    // histogram is for the Chi square).
-    size_t chain_length = m_chain[0].size();
-    API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr wsC = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
-        "Workspace2D", nParams + 1, chain_length, chain_length);
-    // Do one iteration for each parameter plus one for Chi square.
-    for (size_t j = 0; j < nParams + 1; ++j) {
-      MantidVec &X = wsC->dataX(j);
-      MantidVec &Y = wsC->dataY(j);
-      for (size_t k = 0; k < chain_length; ++k) {
-        X[k] = double(k);
-        Y[k] = m_chain[j][k];
-      }
-    }
-    // Set and name the workspace for the complete chain
-    setProperty("Chains", wsC);
-  }
-  // Read if necessary to show the workspace for the converged part of the
-  // chain.
-  const bool outputConvergedChains =
-      !getPropertyValue("ConvergedChain").empty();
-  if (outputConvergedChains) {
-    // Create the workspace for the converged part of the chain.
-    API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr wsConv = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
-        "Workspace2D", nParams + 1, conv_length, conv_length);
-    // Do one iteration for each parameter plus one for Chi square.
-    for (size_t j = 0; j < nParams + 1; ++j) {
-      std::vector<double>::const_iterator first =
-          m_chain[j].begin() + m_conv_point;
-      std::vector<double>::const_iterator last = m_chain[j].end();
-      std::vector<double> conv_chain(first, last);
-      MantidVec &X = wsConv->dataX(j);
-      MantidVec &Y = wsConv->dataY(j);
-      for (size_t k = 0; k < conv_length; ++k) {
-        X[k] = double(k);
-        Y[k] = conv_chain[n_steps * k];
-      }
-    }
-    // Set and name the workspace for the converged part of the chain.
-    setProperty("ConvergedChain", wsConv);
-  }
-  // Read if necessary to show the workspace for the Chi square values.
-  const bool outputCostFunctionTable =
-      !getPropertyValue("CostFunctionTable").empty();
-  if (outputCostFunctionTable) {
-    // Create the workspace for the Chi square values.
-    API::ITableWorkspace_sptr wsChi2 =
-        API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().createTable("TableWorkspace");
-    wsChi2->addColumn("double", "Chi2min");
-    wsChi2->addColumn("double", "Chi2MP");
-    wsChi2->addColumn("double", "Chi2min_red");
-    wsChi2->addColumn("double", "Chi2MP_red");
-    // Obtain the quantity of the initial data.
-    API::FunctionDomain_sptr domain = m_leastSquares->getDomain();
-    size_t data_number = domain->size();
-    // Calculate the value for the reduced Chi square.
-    double Chi2min_red =
-        m_chi2 / (double(data_number - nParams)); // For de minimum value.
-    double mostPchi2_red = mostPchi2 / (double(data_number - nParams));
-    // Add the information to the workspace and name it.
-    API::TableRow row = wsChi2->appendRow();
-    row << m_chi2 << mostPchi2 << Chi2min_red << mostPchi2_red;
-    setProperty("CostFunctionTable", wsChi2);
-  }
-  // Set the best parameter values
-  for (size_t j = 0; j < nParams; ++j) {
-    m_leastSquares->setParameter(j, par_def[j]);
-  }
-} // namespace CurveFitting
-} // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/FitPowderDiffPeaks.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/FitPowderDiffPeaks.cpp
index e5ba3d3ff3ab98660df071c82ec9114d6c6b287e..4506e6acd5bfdfc82775d095840d43f2e1b00529 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/FitPowderDiffPeaks.cpp
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/FitPowderDiffPeaks.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/TextAxis.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/BackgroundFunction.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/ThermalNeutronDtoTOFFunction.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/Polynomial.h"
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ using namespace Mantid::API;
 using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
 using namespace Mantid::DataObjects;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions;
+using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Constraints;
 using namespace std;
@@ -1855,8 +1856,8 @@ bool FitPowderDiffPeaks::doFitGaussianPeak(DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr dataws,
   // b) Constraint
   double centerleftend = in_center - leftfwhm * 0.5;
   double centerrightend = in_center + rightfwhm * 0.5;
-  CurveFitting::BoundaryConstraint *centerbound =
-      new CurveFitting::BoundaryConstraint(gaussianpeak.get(), "PeakCentre",
+  Constraints::BoundaryConstraint *centerbound =
+      new Constraints::BoundaryConstraint(gaussianpeak.get(), "PeakCentre",
                                            centerleftend, centerrightend,
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/FuncMinimizers/FABADAMinimizer.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/FuncMinimizers/FABADAMinimizer.cpp
index e1dbc421376cc372fe68e51078ba6078f90f5fa1..6e76be4520f4ff5fcbb3ce1cfe702702a01809d7 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/FuncMinimizers/FABADAMinimizer.cpp
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/FuncMinimizers/FABADAMinimizer.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/FuncMinimizers/FABADAMinimizer.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/CostFunctions/CostFuncLeastSquares.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting//Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ void FABADAMinimizer::initialize(API::ICostFunction_sptr function,
     API::IConstraint *iconstr = fun->getConstraint(i);
     if (iconstr) {
-      BoundaryConstraint *bcon = dynamic_cast<BoundaryConstraint *>(iconstr);
+      Constraints::BoundaryConstraint *bcon = dynamic_cast<Constraints::BoundaryConstraint *>(iconstr);
       if (bcon) {
         m_bound[i] = true;
         if (bcon->hasLower()) {
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/BivariateNormal.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/BivariateNormal.cpp
index 3e290bbcae51b0c8d1102cf1bc972bf3af46e428..95749a228b72573bf36cbc76eb7637d677a9a89e 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/BivariateNormal.cpp
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/BivariateNormal.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/BivariateNormal.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/MatrixWorkspace.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/PhysicalConstants.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/ParameterTie.h"
@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ using namespace Mantid::API;
 namespace Mantid {
 namespace CurveFitting {
 namespace Functions {
 using namespace CurveFitting;
+using namespace Constraints;
 namespace {
 /// static logger
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/DiffRotDiscreteCircle.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/DiffRotDiscreteCircle.cpp
index 80377a015d5afaf1e6a58b8d2b6bbf29bdcfb038..ab2f2402bd9ea069d8f8ee7dfd6ad177fd013667 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/DiffRotDiscreteCircle.cpp
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/DiffRotDiscreteCircle.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/MatrixWorkspace.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/ParameterTie.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidGeometry/IDetector.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/Exception.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitConversion.h"
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ Mantid::Kernel::Logger g_log("DiffSphere");
 namespace Mantid {
 namespace CurveFitting {
 namespace Functions {
 using namespace CurveFitting;
+using namespace Constraints;
 using namespace API;
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/DiffSphere.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/DiffSphere.cpp
index 17e975a3796d36542377fc719bd8458346e15701..7cf48ca1c0ebbfab5d0a6ddb5a760f70cdb24e6f 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/DiffSphere.cpp
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/DiffSphere.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/MatrixWorkspace.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/ParameterTie.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidGeometry/IDetector.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/Exception.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitConversion.h"
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ Mantid::Kernel::Logger g_log("DiffSphere");
 namespace Mantid {
 namespace CurveFitting {
 namespace Functions {
 using namespace CurveFitting;
+using namespace Constraints;
 using namespace API;
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/IkedaCarpenterPV.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/IkedaCarpenterPV.cpp
index 72a22b1a576efe345bd5fdda6d4a304e1b526d84..b74d920b0eae28a2cbffa31f5cf8d21f95053c5d 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/IkedaCarpenterPV.cpp
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/IkedaCarpenterPV.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // Includes
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/IkedaCarpenterPV.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/SpecialFunctionSupport.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/MatrixWorkspace.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionFactory.h"
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ using namespace Kernel;
 using namespace SpecialFunctionSupport;
 using namespace Geometry;
+using namespace Constraints;
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/PawleyFunction.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/PawleyFunction.cpp
index be3bb4fb202ef377c7f5082406ce18db37c9efa9..d1ee189b9d13a0fba8972f5ab5c6d09315f32d0c 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/PawleyFunction.cpp
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/PawleyFunction.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/MatrixWorkspace.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitConversion.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
 namespace Mantid {
 namespace CurveFitting {
 namespace Functions {
 using namespace CurveFitting;
+using namespace Constraints;
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/PseudoVoigt.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/PseudoVoigt.cpp
index 1992434d583b0c999e85f44a380ff5f7cf58111a..86c80a034818e8e2972904da8e31ec352fc1753c 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/PseudoVoigt.cpp
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/Functions/PseudoVoigt.cpp
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/PseudoVoigt.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionFactory.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include <cmath>
 namespace Mantid {
 namespace CurveFitting {
 namespace Functions {
 using namespace CurveFitting;
+using namespace Constraints;
 using namespace API;
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/LeBailFunction.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/LeBailFunction.cpp
index 7a47d8a012709196a3a60a00bba78fb05c8610da..6835b74fea4c67b9127fa0c8082e4c1cacbe2930 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/LeBailFunction.cpp
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/LeBailFunction.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/LeBailFunction.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/System.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionFactory.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include <sstream>
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ void LeBailFunction::setFitProfileParameter(string paramname, double minvalue,
   std::stringstream parss;
   parss << "f0." << paramname;
   string parnamef0 = parss.str();
-  CurveFitting::BoundaryConstraint *bc = new BoundaryConstraint(
+  Constraints::BoundaryConstraint *bc = new Constraints::BoundaryConstraint(
       m_compsiteFunction.get(), parnamef0, minvalue, maxvalue);
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/LevenbergMarquardtMDMinimizer.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/LevenbergMarquardtMDMinimizer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 11793321b58aa4f52d8d51db2238f6f28ab41022..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/LevenbergMarquardtMDMinimizer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-// Includes
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/LevenbergMarquardtMDMinimizer.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/CostFuncLeastSquares.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/CostFunctionFactory.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/FuncMinimizerFactory.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/IFunction.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/Logger.h"
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cmath>
-namespace Mantid {
-namespace CurveFitting {
-namespace {
-/// static logger object
-Kernel::Logger g_log("LevenbergMarquardMD");
-// clang-format off
-DECLARE_FUNCMINIMIZER(LevenbergMarquardtMDMinimizer, Levenberg-MarquardtMD)
-// clang-format on
-/// Constructor
-    : IFuncMinimizer(), m_tau(1e-6), m_mu(1e-6), m_nu(2.0), m_rho(1.0),
-      m_F(0.0) {
-  declareProperty("MuMax", 1e6,
-                  "Maximum value of mu - a stopping parameter in failure.");
-  declareProperty("AbsError", 0.0001, "Absolute error allowed for parameters - "
-                                      "a stopping parameter in success.");
-  declareProperty("Debug", false, "Turn on the debug output.");
-/// Initialize minimizer, i.e. pass a function to minimize.
-void LevenbergMarquardtMDMinimizer::initialize(API::ICostFunction_sptr function,
-                                               size_t) {
-  m_leastSquares = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CostFuncLeastSquares>(function);
-  if (!m_leastSquares) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument("Levenberg-Marquardt minimizer works only with "
-                                "least squares. Different function was given.");
-  }
-  m_mu = 0;
-  m_nu = 2.0;
-  m_rho = 1.0;
-/// Do one iteration.
-bool LevenbergMarquardtMDMinimizer::iterate(size_t) {
-  const bool debug = getProperty("Debug");
-  const double muMax = getProperty("MuMax");
-  const double absError = getProperty("AbsError");
-  if (!m_leastSquares) {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Cost function isn't set up.");
-  }
-  size_t n = m_leastSquares->nParams();
-  if (n == 0) {
-    m_errorString = "No parameters to fit.";
-    g_log.information(m_errorString);
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (m_mu > muMax) {
-    // m_errorString = "Failed to converge, maximum mu reached";
-    // g_log.warning() << m_errorString << std::endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // calculate the first and second derivatives of the cost function.
-  if (m_mu == 0.0 || m_rho > 0) {
-    // calculate everything first time or
-    // if last iteration was good
-    m_F = m_leastSquares->valDerivHessian();
-  }
-  // else if m_rho < 0 last iteration was bad: reuse m_der and m_hessian
-  // Calculate damping to hessian
-  if (m_mu == 0) // first iteration or accidental zero
-  {
-    m_mu = m_tau;
-    m_nu = 2.0;
-  }
-  if (debug) {
-    g_log.warning()
-        << "==========================================================="
-        << std::endl;
-    g_log.warning() << "mu=" << m_mu << std::endl
-                    << std::endl;
-  }
-  if (m_D.empty()) {
-    m_D.resize(n);
-  }
-  // copy the hessian
-  GSLMatrix H(m_leastSquares->getHessian());
-  GSLVector dd(m_leastSquares->getDeriv());
-  // scaling factors
-  std::vector<double> sf(n);
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    double d = fabs(dd.get(i));
-    if (m_D[i] > d)
-      d = m_D[i];
-    m_D[i] = d;
-    double tmp = H.get(i, i) + m_mu * d;
-    H.set(i, i, tmp);
-    sf[i] = sqrt(tmp);
-    if (tmp == 0.0) {
-      m_errorString = "Singular matrix.";
-      g_log.information(m_errorString);
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  // apply scaling
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    double d = dd.get(i);
-    dd.set(i, d / sf[i]);
-    for (size_t j = i; j < n; ++j) {
-      const double f = sf[i] * sf[j];
-      double tmp = H.get(i, j);
-      H.set(i, j, tmp / f);
-      if (i != j) {
-        tmp = H.get(j, i);
-        H.set(j, i, tmp / f);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (debug && m_rho > 0) {
-    g_log.warning() << "Hessian:\n" << H;
-    g_log.warning() << "Right-hand side:\n";
-    for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
-      g_log.warning() << dd.get(j) << ' ';
-    }
-    g_log.warning() << std::endl;
-    g_log.warning() << "Determinant=" << H.det() << std::endl;
-  }
-  // Parameter corrections
-  GSLVector dx(n);
-  // To find dx solve the system of linear equations   H * dx == -m_der
-  dd *= -1.0;
-  H.solve(dd, dx);
-  if (debug) {
-    g_log.warning() << "\nScaling factors:" << std::endl;
-    for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
-      g_log.warning() << sf[j] << ' ';
-    }
-    g_log.warning() << std::endl;
-    g_log.warning() << "Corrections:" << std::endl;
-    for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
-      g_log.warning() << dx.get(j) << ' ';
-    }
-    g_log.warning() << std::endl
-                    << std::endl;
-  }
-  // restore scaling
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    double d = dx.get(i);
-    dx.set(i, d / sf[i]);
-    d = dd.get(i);
-    dd.set(i, d * sf[i]);
-  }
-  // save previous state
-  m_leastSquares->push();
-  // Update the parameters of the cost function.
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    double d = m_leastSquares->getParameter(i) + dx.get(i);
-    m_leastSquares->setParameter(i, d);
-    if (debug) {
-      g_log.warning() << "Parameter(" << i << ")=" << d << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-  m_leastSquares->getFittingFunction()->applyTies();
-  // --- prepare for the next iteration --- //
-  double dL;
-  // der -> - der - 0.5 * hessian * dx
-  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, -0.5, m_leastSquares->getHessian().gsl(),
-                 dx.gsl(), 1., dd.gsl());
-  // calculate the linear part of the change in cost function
-  // dL = - der * dx - 0.5 * dx * hessian * dx
-  gsl_blas_ddot(dd.gsl(), dx.gsl(), &dL);
-  double F1 = m_leastSquares->val();
-  if (debug) {
-    g_log.warning() << std::endl;
-    g_log.warning() << "Old cost function " << m_F << std::endl;
-    g_log.warning() << "New cost function " << F1 << std::endl;
-    g_log.warning() << "Linear part " << dL << std::endl;
-  }
-  // Try the stop condition
-  if (m_rho >= 0) {
-    GSLVector p(n);
-    m_leastSquares->getParameters(p);
-    double dx_norm = gsl_blas_dnrm2(dx.gsl());
-    if (dx_norm < absError) {
-      if (debug) {
-        g_log.warning() << "Successful fit, parameters changed by less than "
-                        << absError << std::endl;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (m_rho == 0) {
-      if (m_F != F1) {
-        this->m_errorString = "Failed to converge, rho == 0";
-        g_log.warning() << m_errorString << std::endl;
-      }
-      if (debug) {
-        g_log.warning() << "Successful fit, cost function didn't change."
-                        << std::endl;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  if (fabs(dL) == 0.0) {
-    if (m_F == F1)
-      m_rho = 1.0;
-    else
-      m_rho = 0;
-  } else {
-    m_rho = (m_F - F1) / dL;
-    if (m_rho == 0) {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  if (debug) {
-    g_log.warning() << "rho=" << m_rho << std::endl;
-  }
-  if (m_rho > 0) { // good progress, decrease m_mu but no more than by 1/3
-    // rho = 1 - (2*rho - 1)^3
-    m_rho = 2.0 * m_rho - 1.0;
-    m_rho = 1.0 - m_rho * m_rho * m_rho;
-    const double I3 = 1.0 / 3.0;
-    if (m_rho > I3)
-      m_rho = I3;
-    if (m_rho < 0.0001)
-      m_rho = 0.1;
-    m_mu *= m_rho;
-    m_nu = 2.0;
-    m_F = F1;
-    if (debug) {
-      g_log.warning() << "Good iteration, accept new parameters." << std::endl;
-      g_log.warning() << "rho=" << m_rho << std::endl;
-    }
-    // drop saved state, accept new parameters
-    m_leastSquares->drop();
-  } else { // bad iteration. increase m_mu and revert changes to parameters
-    m_mu *= m_nu;
-    m_nu *= 2.0;
-    // undo parameter update
-    m_leastSquares->pop();
-    m_F = m_leastSquares->val();
-    if (debug) {
-      g_log.warning()
-          << "Bad iteration, increase mu and revert changes to parameters."
-          << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-/// Return current value of the cost function
-double LevenbergMarquardtMDMinimizer::costFunctionVal() {
-  if (!m_leastSquares) {
-    throw std::runtime_error("Cost function isn't set up.");
-  }
-  return m_leastSquares->val();
-} // namespace CurveFitting
-} // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e5614689298bb76705e4f6fed28472a1eab3ff5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// Includes
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/CostFuncLeastSquares.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/CostFunctionFactory.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/FuncMinimizerFactory.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/Exception.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/Logger.h"
-#include "MantidKernel/System.h"
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace Mantid {
-namespace CurveFitting {
-namespace {
-// Get a reference to the logger
-Kernel::Logger g_log("LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer");
-// clang-format off
-DECLARE_FUNCMINIMIZER(LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer, Levenberg-Marquardt)
-// clang-format on
-    : m_data(NULL), gslContainer(), m_gslSolver(NULL), m_function(),
-      m_absError(1e-4), m_relError(1e-4) {
-  declareProperty("AbsError", m_absError, "Absolute error allowed for "
-                                          "parameters - a stopping parameter "
-                                          "in success.");
-  declareProperty("RelError", m_relError, "Relative error allowed for "
-                                          "parameters - a stopping parameter "
-                                          "in success.");
-void LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer::initialize(
-    API::ICostFunction_sptr costFunction, size_t) {
-  // set-up GSL container to be used with GSL simplex algorithm
-  auto leastSquares =
-      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CostFuncLeastSquares>(costFunction);
-  if (leastSquares) {
-    m_data = new GSL_FitData(leastSquares);
-  } else {
-    throw std::runtime_error("LevenbergMarquardt can only be used with Least "
-                             "squares cost function.");
-  }
-  // specify the type of GSL solver to use
-  const gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_type *T = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_lmsder;
-  // setup GSL container
-  gslContainer.f = &gsl_f;
-  gslContainer.df = &gsl_df;
-  gslContainer.fdf = &gsl_fdf;
-  gslContainer.n = m_data->n;
-  gslContainer.p = m_data->p;
-  gslContainer.params = m_data;
-  // setup GSL solver
-  m_gslSolver = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_alloc(T, m_data->n, m_data->p);
-  if (!m_gslSolver) {
-    throw std::runtime_error(
-        "Levenberg-Marquardt minimizer failed to initialize. \n" +
-        boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_data->n) + " data points, " +
-        boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_data->p) + " fitting parameters. ");
-  }
-  gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_set(m_gslSolver, &gslContainer,
-                             m_data->initFuncParams);
-  m_function = leastSquares->getFittingFunction();
-LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer::~LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer() {
-  if (m_data) {
-    delete m_data;
-  }
-  if (m_gslSolver) {
-    gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_free(m_gslSolver);
-  }
-bool LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer::iterate(size_t) {
-  m_absError = getProperty("AbsError");
-  m_relError = getProperty("RelError");
-  int retVal = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_iterate(m_gslSolver);
-  // From experience it is found that gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_iterate
-  // occasionally get
-  // stock - even after having achieved a sensible fit. This seem in particular
-  // to be a
-  // problem on Linux. However, to force GSL not to return ga ga have to do
-  // stuff in the
-  // if statement below
-  // GSL 1.14 changed return value from GSL_CONTINUE->GSL_ENOPROG for
-  // non-converging fits at 10 iterations
-  if (retVal == GSL_CONTINUE || retVal == GSL_ENOPROG) {
-    size_t ia = 0;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_function->nParams(); i++) {
-      if (m_function->isActive(i)) {
-        m_function->setActiveParameter(i, gsl_vector_get(m_gslSolver->x, ia));
-        ++ia;
-      }
-    }
-    m_function->applyTies();
-    retVal = GSL_CONTINUE;
-  }
-  if (retVal && retVal != GSL_CONTINUE) {
-    m_errorString = gsl_strerror(retVal);
-    return false;
-  }
-  retVal = hasConverged();
-  m_errorString = gsl_strerror(retVal);
-  return retVal != GSL_SUCCESS;
-int LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer::hasConverged() {
-  return gsl_multifit_test_delta(m_gslSolver->dx, m_gslSolver->x, m_absError,
-                                 m_relError);
-double LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer::costFunctionVal() {
-  double chi = gsl_blas_dnrm2(m_gslSolver->f);
-  return chi * chi;
-/* Calculates covariance matrix
- *
- * @param epsrel :: Is used to remove linear-dependent columns
- * @param covar :: Returned covariance matrix, here as
- */
-void LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer::calCovarianceMatrix(double epsrel,
-                                                      gsl_matrix *covar) {
-  gsl_multifit_covar(m_gslSolver->J, epsrel, covar);
-} // namespace CurveFitting
-} // namespace Mantid
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3.cpp b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3.cpp
index bfc7bc0984973a9ae965e369eb1058c0d617bf9a..22c96159ba9bcb39f9be9ed40b89532da6a62974 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/src/RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3.cpp
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/src/RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3.cpp
@@ -1267,7 +1267,7 @@ void RefinePowderInstrumentParameters3::setFunctionParameterFitSetups(
         double upperbound = param.maxvalue;
         if (lowerbound >= -DBL_MAX * 0.1 || upperbound <= DBL_MAX * 0.1) {
           // If there is a boundary
-          BoundaryConstraint *bc = new BoundaryConstraint(
+          Constraints::BoundaryConstraint *bc = new Constraints::BoundaryConstraint(
               function.get(), parname, lowerbound, upperbound, false);
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/BoundaryConstraintTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Constraints/BoundaryConstraintTest.h
similarity index 97%
rename from Framework/CurveFitting/test/BoundaryConstraintTest.h
rename to Framework/CurveFitting/test/Constraints/BoundaryConstraintTest.h
index b4fe9bb2d011c0272f7bbd2a786dc5839bac92f5..d4d479b94a603df45163195d330ff99692d8d748 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/BoundaryConstraintTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Constraints/BoundaryConstraintTest.h
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/Gaussian.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/Lorentzian.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 using namespace Mantid::API;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions;
+using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Constraints;
 class BoundaryConstraintTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite {
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ public:
     BoundaryConstraint bc2;
-    ;
     bc2.reset(&gaus, 2);
     bc2.setBounds(10, 20);
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/ConvertToYSpaceTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/ConvertToYSpaceTest.h
index a3fed78b8baaa7c85c3ea0b918de70b4c4cc7fa3..c439658b075daf32105cdbadffb1c21f74eda4e0 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/ConvertToYSpaceTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/ConvertToYSpaceTest.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/ConvertToYSpace.h"
-#include "ComptonProfileTestHelpers.h"
+#include "Functions/ComptonProfileTestHelpers.h"
 using Mantid::CurveFitting::ConvertToYSpace;
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/DampingMinimizerTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/DampingMinimizerTest.h
index 8e1ec30d01ac875a815c27554c3393b64bf9b3b5..1e8d08c13f590156ab50f463a09e6ea4e3714271 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/DampingMinimizerTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/DampingMinimizerTest.h
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/UserFunction.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionDomain1D.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionValues.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include <sstream>
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ using namespace Mantid;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::FuncMinimisers;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::CostFunctions;
+using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Constraints;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions;
 using namespace Mantid::API;
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/LevenbergMarquardtMDTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/LevenbergMarquardtMDTest.h
index 49a24f2a9a00e496cf2552a1f6e80af7139f3766..edaeec639e087ddf475094d1d23c41b66cccb0ea 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/LevenbergMarquardtMDTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/LevenbergMarquardtMDTest.h
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/UserFunction.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionDomain1D.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionValues.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include <sstream>
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ using namespace Mantid;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::FuncMinimisers;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::CostFunctions;
+using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Constraints;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions;
 using namespace Mantid::API;
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/LevenbergMarquardtTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/LevenbergMarquardtTest.h
index 7537ee88047cdbf1e201c0c6520f3c0fba2286bc..359712feb5f798bacd3398eb7e15d1193dac7f58 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/LevenbergMarquardtTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/FuncMinimizers/LevenbergMarquardtTest.h
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/UserFunction.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionDomain1D.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/FunctionValues.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include <sstream>
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ using namespace Mantid;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::FuncMinimisers;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::CostFunctions;
+using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Constraints;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions;
 using namespace Mantid::API;
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/AbragamTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/AbragamTest.h
index 1bea6f89482c2604d3207e2bd1e6008738a62c61..d103dfa360ed57fc1a60f7a2e8a8f357c79f71dc 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/AbragamTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/AbragamTest.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/Abragam.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LinearBackground.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/EndErfcTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/EndErfcTest.h
index 7c9ad2d9ecdfece167bb8fdbcffe3726be3fc7be..5fe20acfd8e99905c50aca1c74e0ba9a838b2b9e 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/EndErfcTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/EndErfcTest.h
@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
 #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/EndErfc.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LinearBackground.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayMuonTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayMuonTest.h
index 7171baaba31e31fb7eb16661f1fca62ce93cbeed..45561fcc3d1326c35d87105e6098aa05f29da5df 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayMuonTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayMuonTest.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/ExpDecayMuon.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LinearBackground.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayOscTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayOscTest.h
index 67025d69e22a3f5a1371bf10ea6260b7a04a7136..cc87d09f6b5b2908c3407d53d9be690c3c6f70a9 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayOscTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayOscTest.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/ExpDecayOsc.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
 #include "MantidDataObjects/Workspace2D.h"
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
 using namespace Mantid::API;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions;
+using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Constraints;
 using namespace Mantid::DataObjects;
 class ExpDecayOscTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite {
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayTest.h
index 243a2dd2ebe4e70c9f3f18051cc55e6fc2d58909..e5b3ff434c8b850ec7e7f672e50f2ed5286c9443 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/ExpDecayTest.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/ExpDecay.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LinearBackground.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GausDecayTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GausDecayTest.h
index 248fdd6cfb86960f10b9f0da11cef5a09e5fb74a..59df2188d75dd290dbac76646fd153cb545aa4e5 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GausDecayTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GausDecayTest.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/GausDecay.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LinearBackground.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GausOscTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GausOscTest.h
index abdc63650ff49e63eca164d4ba4132f81b9432a7..fdd9b91bf366267ffbed186e20b18b338c34f16d 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GausOscTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GausOscTest.h
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/GausOsc.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LinearBackground.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GaussianTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GaussianTest.h
index 903fdeb96efd799b8fb4d704ebc99d1d30a6583e..79c76ab0836973c8c75803cabf7a0dfe36be9d1b 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GaussianTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/GaussianTest.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/Gaussian.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/InstrumentDataService.h"
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ using namespace Mantid::API;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::CostFunctions;
+using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Constraints;
 using namespace Mantid::DataObjects;
 using namespace Mantid::DataHandling;
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/LogNormalTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/LogNormalTest.h
index 2d950578e8a7a2b3a9aaa261b03d118cddff623e..de8055bfb53da1d2a85cced1b8c7fd8c56b8d0ff 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/LogNormalTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/LogNormalTest.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LogNormal.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LinearBackground.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/MuonFInteractionTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/MuonFInteractionTest.h
index 61e05b91013887291e85fd2d468a538cacc86628..3e3e3ac7b52e9a102648c843b693de72215aba0e 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/MuonFInteractionTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/MuonFInteractionTest.h
@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
 #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/MuonFInteraction.h"
-#include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LinearBackground.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StaticKuboToyabeTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StaticKuboToyabeTest.h
index 220de48b3252c2c464f1f59b264cc0220767a962..7cf2b5b478e3392952dd6509d35570141cf118ad 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StaticKuboToyabeTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StaticKuboToyabeTest.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/StaticKuboToyabe.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LinearBackground.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StretchExpMuonTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StretchExpMuonTest.h
index d86db44ec7ab3101cfdc4c1998bfbef1a7002b8b..47c85a7e6818fc8e56a4019299147d47252253c4 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StretchExpMuonTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StretchExpMuonTest.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/StretchExpMuon.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LinearBackground.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
diff --git a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StretchExpTest.h b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StretchExpTest.h
index d25b966d7d2c8b04f97f279f9006ea8889cb332f..b90876d0e5be6b387c2d839a7adf6452763efb06 100644
--- a/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StretchExpTest.h
+++ b/Framework/CurveFitting/test/Functions/StretchExpTest.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/StretchExp.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/LinearBackground.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/BoundaryConstraint.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Constraints/BoundaryConstraint.h"
 #include "MantidCurveFitting/Fit.h"
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
diff --git a/Framework/SINQ/test/PoldiFitPeaks1D2Test.h b/Framework/SINQ/test/PoldiFitPeaks1D2Test.h
index 4ced3e46bad5c158d1d9ef7f047fa179be817d44..35fbec1cc249f38f5f47758afc1a36845b5b3002 100644
--- a/Framework/SINQ/test/PoldiFitPeaks1D2Test.h
+++ b/Framework/SINQ/test/PoldiFitPeaks1D2Test.h
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/IPeakFunction.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/Gaussian.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/FlatBackground.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/FlatBackground.h"
 #include "MantidSINQ/PoldiUtilities/PoldiPeak.h"
 #include "MantidTestHelpers/WorkspaceCreationHelper.h"
@@ -21,6 +20,7 @@ using Mantid::Poldi::PoldiFitPeaks1D2;
 using namespace Mantid::Poldi;
 using namespace Mantid::API;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting;
+using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions;
 using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
 using namespace Mantid::DataObjects;
diff --git a/Framework/SINQ/test/PoldiFitPeaks1DTest.h b/Framework/SINQ/test/PoldiFitPeaks1DTest.h
index a2158802104fad5391ed961eec6a2eced22c43b3..452d6472c3987e074ea2ba878042f6b2cca616c4 100644
--- a/Framework/SINQ/test/PoldiFitPeaks1DTest.h
+++ b/Framework/SINQ/test/PoldiFitPeaks1DTest.h
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 #include "MantidAPI/CompositeFunction.h"
 #include "MantidAPI/IPeakFunction.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/Gaussian.h"
-#include "MantidCurveFitting/FlatBackground.h"
+#include "MantidCurveFitting/Functions/FlatBackground.h"
 #include "MantidSINQ/PoldiUtilities/PoldiPeak.h"
@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ using Mantid::Poldi::PoldiFitPeaks1D;
 using namespace Mantid::Poldi;
 using namespace Mantid::API;
 using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting;
+using namespace Mantid::CurveFitting::Functions;
 using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
 class TestablePoldiFitPeaks1D : public Mantid::Poldi::PoldiFitPeaks1D {