From 5268cc407e4a00f194806da51ffd24bb0db8b7ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pete Peterson <>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 16:41:25 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Re #13987. Fixing whitespace issues.

 docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/    |  2 +-
 docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/ | 14 +++++++-------
 docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/ | 15 +++++++++------
 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/ b/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/
index 2ae58bf405a..863d8256ad4 100644
--- a/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/
+++ b/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class DiagramDirective(BaseDirective):
             dot_executable = os.environ["DOT_EXECUTABLE"]
             self.add_rst(".. figure:: /images/ImageNotFound.png\n\n" +
-                        "    graphviz not found - diagram could not be rendered.")
+                         "    graphviz not found - diagram could not be rendered.")
             return []
         #Make sure we have an output directory
diff --git a/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/ b/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/
index eadfc9f6dec..0531ada285c 100644
--- a/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/
+++ b/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ class PropertiesDirective(AlgorithmBaseDirective):
             header = ('Name', 'Default', 'Description')
             for i in xrange(ifunc.numParams()):
-                properties.append((
-                                  ifunc.parameterName(i),
-                                  str(ifunc.getParameterValue(i)),
-                                  ifunc.paramDescription(i)
-                                  ))
+                properties.append((ifunc.parameterName(i),
+                                   str(ifunc.getParameterValue(i)),
+                                   ifunc.paramDescription(i)
+                ))
             self.add_rst(self.make_header("Properties (fitting parameters)"))
         else: # this is an Algorithm
-            alg = self.create_mantid_algorithm(self.algorithm_name(), self.algorithm_version())
+            alg = self.create_mantid_algorithm(self.algorithm_name(),
+                                               self.algorithm_version())
             alg_properties = alg.getProperties()
             if len(alg_properties) == 0:
                 return False
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class PropertiesDirective(AlgorithmBaseDirective):
         # Added 10 to the length to ensure if table_content is 0 that
         # the table is still displayed.
         col_sizes = [max( (len(row[i] * 10) + 10) for row in table_content)
-                for i in range(len(header_content))]
+                     for i in range(len(header_content))]
         # Use the column widths as a means to formatting columns.
         formatter = ' '.join('{%d:<%d}' % (index,col) for index, col in enumerate(col_sizes))
diff --git a/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/ b/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/
index 1d75ba89c47..f60bee49b5f 100644
--- a/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/
+++ b/docs/sphinxext/mantiddoc/directives/
@@ -112,12 +112,15 @@ class SourceLinkDirective(AlgorithmBaseDirective):
                 suggested_path = "os_agnostic_path_to_file_from_source_root"
                 if len(path_list) > 1:
                     suggested_path = path_list[0].replace(self.source_root, "")
-                raise SourceLinkError("Found multiple possibilities for " + file_name + "." + extension + "\n" +
-                "Possible matches" +  str(path_list) + "\n" +
-                "Specify one using the " + extension + " option\n" +
-                "e.g. \n" +
-                ".. sourcelink:\n" +
-                "      :" + extension + ": " + suggested_path)
+                raise SourceLinkError("Found multiple possibilities for " +
+                                      file_name + "." + extension + "\n" +
+                                      "Possible matches" +  str(path_list) +
+                                      "\n" +
+                                      "Specify one using the " + extension +
+                                      " option\n" +
+                                      "e.g. \n" +
+                                      ".. sourcelink:\n" +
+                                      "      :" + extension + ": " + suggested_path)
             return self.file_lookup[file_name][extension]
         except KeyError: