From 4d7a4fc50145e74d0f77eb071076b21467465b4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Hill <>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 17:17:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Refs #10397 making changes to handle rotation file

 .../inc/MantidDataHandling/LoadFITS.h         |   4 +-
 .../Framework/DataHandling/src/Load.cpp       |   6 +-
 .../Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp   | 820 ++++++++++--------
 .../Framework/DataHandling/src/SaveNXTomo.cpp |  35 +-
 4 files changed, 486 insertions(+), 379 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/inc/MantidDataHandling/LoadFITS.h b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/inc/MantidDataHandling/LoadFITS.h
index 1ed0521b906..dcfc964b646 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/inc/MantidDataHandling/LoadFITS.h
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/inc/MantidDataHandling/LoadFITS.h
@@ -102,7 +102,9 @@ namespace DataHandling
     void loadChunkOfBinsFromFile(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &workspace, vector<vector<double> > &yVals, vector<vector<double> > &eVals, void *&bufferAny, MantidVecPtr &x, size_t spetraCount, int bitsPerPixel, size_t binChunkStartIndex);
     /// Initialises a workspace with IDF and fills it with data
     API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr initAndPopulateHistogramWorkspace();
+    /// Creates a comma separated string of rotations from a file
+    std::string ReadRotations(std::string rotFilePath, size_t fileCount);
     vector<FITSInfo> m_allHeaderInfo;
     size_t m_binChunkSize;
     static const int FIXED_HEADER_SIZE = 2880;    
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/Load.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/Load.cpp
index 0ee51f8d0b4..9bb5bf5f648 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/Load.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/Load.cpp
@@ -181,10 +181,11 @@ namespace Mantid
               // If it's loading into a single file, perform a cursory check on file extensions only.              
               if((ifl && ifl->loadMutipleAsOne()) || (iflNexus && iflNexus->loadMutipleAsOne()))
-                if( fileNames[i].substr(fileNames[i].find_last_of(".")) != ext)
+                // Currently disabled for ticket : should be put back in when completing 10231
+                /*  if( fileNames[i].substr(fileNames[i].find_last_of(".")) != ext)
                   throw std::runtime_error("Cannot load multiple files when more than one Loader is needed.");   
-                }
+                }*/
@@ -320,6 +321,7 @@ namespace Mantid
+      exts.push_back(".fits");
       declareProperty(new MultipleFileProperty("Filename", exts),
         "The name of the file(s) to read, including the full or relative "
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp
index 5b200bba28a..904cc0eb089 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
 #include <Poco/BinaryReader.h>
+#include <fstream>
 using namespace Mantid::DataHandling;
 using namespace Mantid::API;
@@ -13,380 +14,463 @@ using namespace std;
 using namespace boost;
 using Poco::BinaryReader;
+  /**
+  * Used with find_if to check a string isn't a fits file (by checking extension)
+  * @param s string to check for extension
+  * @returns bool Value indicating if the string ends with .fits or not
+  */
+  bool IsNotFits(std::string s)
+  {
+    std::string tmp = s;
+    to_lower(tmp);
+    return !ends_with(tmp,".fits");
+  }
 namespace Mantid
 namespace DataHandling
-	// Register the algorithm into the AlgorithmFactory
-	/**
-	* Return the confidence with with this algorithm can load the file
-	* @param descriptor A descriptor for the file
-	* @returns An integer specifying the confidence level. 0 indicates it will not be used
-	*/
-	int LoadFITS::confidence(Kernel::FileDescriptor & descriptor) const
-	{
-		// Should really improve this to check the file header (of first file at least) to make sure it contains the fields wanted
-		return (descriptor.extension() == ".fits" || descriptor.extension() == ".fit") ? 80 : 0; 
-	}
-	/**
-	* Initialise the algorithm. Declare properties which can be set before execution (input) or 
-	* read from after the execution (output).
-	*/
-	void LoadFITS::init()
-	{
-		// Specify file extensions which can be associated with a FITS file.
-		std::vector<std::string> exts;
-		// Declare the Filename algorithm property. Mandatory. Sets the path to the file to load.
-		exts.clear();
-		exts.push_back(".fits");
-		exts.push_back(".fit");
-		declareProperty(new MultipleFileProperty("Filename", exts), "The input filename of the stored data");
-		declareProperty(new PropertyWithValue<size_t>("FileChunkSize", 100, Direction::Input), "Number of files to read into memory at a time - use lower values for machines with low memory");
-		declareProperty(new API::WorkspaceProperty<API::MatrixWorkspace>("OutputWorkspace", "", Kernel::Direction::Output));    
-	}
-	/**
-	* Execute the algorithm.
-	*/
-	void LoadFITS::exec()
-	{	 
-		// Create FITS file information for each file selected
-		std::vector<std::string> paths;
-		string fName = getPropertyValue("Filename");
-		boost::split(paths, fName, boost::is_any_of(","));
-		m_binChunkSize = getProperty("FileChunkSize");
-		// Shrink chunk size to match number of files if it's over the amount (less memory allocated later)
-		if(m_binChunkSize > paths.size()) m_binChunkSize = static_cast<int>(paths.size());
-		m_allHeaderInfo.resize(paths.size());
-		// Check each header is valid for this loader, - standard (no extension to FITS), and has two axis
-		bool headerValid = true;
-		for(size_t i=0; i<paths.size();++i)
-		{
-			m_allHeaderInfo[i].extension = "";
-			m_allHeaderInfo[i].filePath = paths[i];
-			// Get various pieces of information from the file header which are used to create the workspace
-			if(parseHeader(m_allHeaderInfo[i]))
-			{
-				// Get and convert specific standard header values which will help when parsing the data
-				// BITPIX, NAXIS, NAXISi (where i = 1..NAXIS, e.g. NAXIS2 for two axis), TOF, TIMEBIN, N_COUNTS, N_TRIGS
-				try
-				{
-					m_allHeaderInfo[i].bitsPerPixel = lexical_cast<int>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["BITPIX"]);
-					m_allHeaderInfo[i].numberOfAxis = lexical_cast<int>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["NAXIS"]);
-					for(int j=0; j<m_allHeaderInfo[i].numberOfAxis; ++j)
-					{
-						string keyName = "NAXIS" + lexical_cast<string>(j+1);
-						m_allHeaderInfo[i].axisPixelLengths.push_back(lexical_cast<int>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys[keyName]));
-					}
-					m_allHeaderInfo[i].tof = lexical_cast<double>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["TOF"]);
-					m_allHeaderInfo[i].timeBin = lexical_cast<double>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["TIMEBIN"]);
-					m_allHeaderInfo[i].countsInImage = lexical_cast<long int>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["N_COUNTS"]);
-					m_allHeaderInfo[i].numberOfTriggers = lexical_cast<long int>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["N_TRIGS"]);
-					m_allHeaderInfo[i].extension = m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["XTENSION"]; // Various extensions are available to the FITS format, and must be parsed differently if this is present. Loader doesn't support this.
-				}
-				catch(std::exception &)
-				{
-					//todo write error and fail this load with invalid data in file.
-					g_log.error("Unable to locate one or more valid BITPIX, NAXIS, TOF, TIMEBIN, N_COUNTS or N_TRIGS values in the FITS file header.");
-					throw std::runtime_error("Unable to locate one or more valid BITPIX, NAXIS, TOF, TIMEBIN, N_COUNTS or N_TRIGS values in the FITS file header.");
-				}
-				if(m_allHeaderInfo[i].extension != "") headerValid = false;
-				if(m_allHeaderInfo[i].numberOfAxis != 2) headerValid = false;
-				// Test current item has same axis values as first item.
-				if(m_allHeaderInfo[0].axisPixelLengths[0] != m_allHeaderInfo[i].axisPixelLengths[0]) headerValid = false;
-				if(m_allHeaderInfo[0].axisPixelLengths[1] != m_allHeaderInfo[i].axisPixelLengths[1]) headerValid = false;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// Unable to parse the header, throw.
-				g_log.error("Unable to open the FITS file.");
-				throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open the FITS file.");
-			}
-		}
-		// Check that the files use bit depths of either 8, 16 or 32
-		if(m_allHeaderInfo[0].bitsPerPixel != 8 && m_allHeaderInfo[0].bitsPerPixel != 16 && m_allHeaderInfo[0].bitsPerPixel != 32) 
-		{
-			 g_log.error("FITS Loader only supports 8, 16 or 32 bits per pixel.");
-			 throw std::runtime_error("FITS loader only supports 8, 16 or 32 bits per pixel.");
-		}
-		// Check the format is correct and create the Workspace  
-		if(headerValid)
-		{
-			// No extension is set, therefore it's the standard format which we can parse.
-			// Delete the output workspace name if it existed
-			std::string outName = getPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace");
-			if (AnalysisDataService::Instance().doesExist(outName))   AnalysisDataService::Instance().remove(outName);
-			MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws;
-			ws = initAndPopulateHistogramWorkspace();    
-			// Assign it to the output workspace property
-			setProperty("OutputWorkspace",ws);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Invalid files, record error
-			 g_log.error("Loader currently doesn't support FITS files with non-standard extensions, greater than two axis of data, or has detected that all the files are not similar.");
-			 throw std::runtime_error("Loader currently doesn't support FITS files with non-standard extensions, greater than two axis of data, or has detected that all the files are not similar.");
-		}    
-	}
-	/**
-	* Read a single files header and populate an object with the information
-	* @param headerInfo A FITSInfo file object to parse header information into
-	* @returns A bool specifying succes of the operation
-	*/
-	bool LoadFITS::parseHeader(FITSInfo &headerInfo)
-	{		
-		bool ranSuccessfully = true;
-		try
-		{
-			ifstream istr(headerInfo.filePath.c_str(), ios::binary);
-			Poco::BinaryReader reader(istr);
-			// Iterate 80 bytes at a time until header is parsed | 2880 bytes is the fixed header length of FITS
-			// 2880/80 = 36 iterations required
-			for(int i=0; i < 36; ++i)
-			{   
-				// Keep vect of each header item, including comments, and also keep a map of individual keys.
-				string part;
-				reader.readRaw(80,part);  
-				headerInfo.headerItems.push_back(part);
-				// Add key/values - these are separated by the = symbol. 
-				// If it doesn't have an = it's a comment to ignore. All keys should be unique
-				auto eqPos = part.find('=');
-				if(eqPos > 0)
-				{        
-					string key = part.substr(0, eqPos);
-					string value = part.substr(eqPos+1);
-					// Comments are added after the value separated by a / symbol. Remove.
-					auto slashPos = value.find('/');
-					if(slashPos > 0) value = value.substr(0, slashPos);
+  // Register the algorithm into the AlgorithmFactory
+  /**
+  * Return the confidence with with this algorithm can load the file
+  * @param descriptor A descriptor for the file
+  * @returns An integer specifying the confidence level. 0 indicates it will not be used
+  */
+  int LoadFITS::confidence(Kernel::FileDescriptor & descriptor) const
+  {
+    // Should really improve this to check the file header (of first file at least) to make sure it contains the fields wanted
+    return (descriptor.extension() == ".fits" || descriptor.extension() == ".fit") ? 80 : 0; 
+  }
+  /**
+  * Initialise the algorithm. Declare properties which can be set before execution (input) or 
+  * read from after the execution (output).
+  */
+  void LoadFITS::init()
+  {
+    // Specify file extensions which can be associated with a FITS file.
+    std::vector<std::string> exts;
+    // Declare the Filename algorithm property. Mandatory. Sets the path to the file to load.
+    exts.clear();
+    exts.push_back(".fits");
+    exts.push_back(".fit");
+    declareProperty(new MultipleFileProperty("Filename", exts), "The input filename of the stored data");
+    declareProperty(new PropertyWithValue<size_t>("FileChunkSize", 100, Direction::Input), "Number of files to read into memory at a time - use lower values for machines with low memory");
+    declareProperty(new API::WorkspaceProperty<API::MatrixWorkspace>("OutputWorkspace", "", Kernel::Direction::Output));    
+  }
+  /**
+  * Execute the algorithm.
+  */
+  void LoadFITS::exec()
+  {	 
+    // Create FITS file information for each file selected
+    std::vector<std::string> paths;
+    string fName = getPropertyValue("Filename");
+    boost::split(paths, fName, boost::is_any_of(","));
+    m_binChunkSize = getProperty("FileChunkSize");
+    // If paths contains a non fits file, assume (for now) that it contains information about the rotations
+    std::string rotFilePath = "";
+    std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = std::find_if(paths.begin(),paths.end(),IsNotFits);
+    if(it != paths.end())
+    {
+      rotFilePath = *it;
+      paths.erase(it);
+    }
+    // Shrink chunk size to match number of files if it's over the amount (less memory allocated later)
+    if(m_binChunkSize > paths.size()) m_binChunkSize = static_cast<int>(paths.size());
+    m_allHeaderInfo.resize(paths.size());
+    // Check each header is valid for this loader, - standard (no extension to FITS), and has two axis
+    bool headerValid = true;
+    for(size_t i=0; i<paths.size();++i)
+    {
+      m_allHeaderInfo[i].extension = "";
+      m_allHeaderInfo[i].filePath = paths[i];
+      // Get various pieces of information from the file header which are used to create the workspace
+      if(parseHeader(m_allHeaderInfo[i]))
+      {
+        // Get and convert specific standard header values which will help when parsing the data
+        // BITPIX, NAXIS, NAXISi (where i = 1..NAXIS, e.g. NAXIS2 for two axis), TOF, TIMEBIN, N_COUNTS, N_TRIGS
+        try
+        {
+          string tmpBitPix = m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["BITPIX"];
+          if(boost::contains(tmpBitPix, "-")) 
+            boost::erase_all(tmpBitPix,"-");
+          m_allHeaderInfo[i].bitsPerPixel = lexical_cast<int>(tmpBitPix);
+          m_allHeaderInfo[i].numberOfAxis = lexical_cast<int>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["NAXIS"]);
+          for(int j=0; j<m_allHeaderInfo[i].numberOfAxis; ++j)
+          {
+            string keyName = "NAXIS" + lexical_cast<string>(j+1);
+            m_allHeaderInfo[i].axisPixelLengths.push_back(lexical_cast<int>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys[keyName]));
+          }
+          //m_allHeaderInfo[i].tof = lexical_cast<double>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["TOF"]);
+          //m_allHeaderInfo[i].timeBin = lexical_cast<double>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["TIMEBIN"]);
+          //m_allHeaderInfo[i].countsInImage = lexical_cast<long int>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["N_COUNTS"]);
+          //m_allHeaderInfo[i].numberOfTriggers = lexical_cast<long int>(m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["N_TRIGS"]);
+          m_allHeaderInfo[i].extension = m_allHeaderInfo[i].headerKeys["XTENSION"]; // Various extensions are available to the FITS format, and must be parsed differently if this is present. Loader doesn't support this.
+        }
+        catch(std::exception &)
+        {
+          //todo write error and fail this load with invalid data in file.
+          throw std::runtime_error("Unable to locate one or more valid BITPIX, NAXIS, TOF, TIMEBIN, N_COUNTS or N_TRIGS values in the FITS file header.");
+        }
+        if(m_allHeaderInfo[i].extension != "") headerValid = false;
+        if(m_allHeaderInfo[i].numberOfAxis != 2) headerValid = false;
+        // Test current item has same axis values as first item.
+        if(m_allHeaderInfo[0].axisPixelLengths[0] != m_allHeaderInfo[i].axisPixelLengths[0]) headerValid = false;
+        if(m_allHeaderInfo[0].axisPixelLengths[1] != m_allHeaderInfo[i].axisPixelLengths[1]) headerValid = false;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        // Unable to parse the header, throw.
+        throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open the FITS file.");
+      }
+    }
+    // Check that the files use bit depths of either 8, 16 or 32
+    if(m_allHeaderInfo[0].bitsPerPixel != 8 && m_allHeaderInfo[0].bitsPerPixel != 16 && m_allHeaderInfo[0].bitsPerPixel != 32) 
+    {
+       throw std::runtime_error("FITS loader only supports 8, 16 or 32 bits per pixel.");
+    }
+    // Check the format is correct and create the Workspace  
+    if(headerValid)
+    {
+      // No extension is set, therefore it's the standard format which we can parse.
+      // Delete the output workspace name if it existed
+      std::string outName = getPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace");
+      if (AnalysisDataService::Instance().doesExist(outName))   AnalysisDataService::Instance().remove(outName);
+      MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws;
+      ws = initAndPopulateHistogramWorkspace();    
+      // Set info in WS log to hold rotational information
+      if(rotFilePath != "")
+      {
+        string csvRotations = ReadRotations(rotFilePath, paths.size());
+        Run &theRun = ws->mutableRun();
+        theRun.addLogData(new PropertyWithValue<std::string>("Rotations", csvRotations));  
+      }
+      // Assign it to the output workspace property
+      setProperty("OutputWorkspace",ws);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Invalid files, record error
+       throw std::runtime_error("Loader currently doesn't support FITS files with non-standard extensions, greater than two axis of data, or has detected that all the files are not similar.");
+    }    
+  }
+  /**
+  * Read a single files header and populate an object with the information
+  * @param headerInfo A FITSInfo file object to parse header information into
+  * @returns A bool specifying succes of the operation
+  */
+  bool LoadFITS::parseHeader(FITSInfo &headerInfo)
+  {		
+    bool ranSuccessfully = true;
+    try
+    {
+      ifstream istr(headerInfo.filePath.c_str(), ios::binary);
+      Poco::BinaryReader reader(istr);
+      // Iterate 80 bytes at a time until header is parsed | 2880 bytes is the fixed header length of FITS
+      // 2880/80 = 36 iterations required
+      for(int i=0; i < 36; ++i)
+      {   
+        // Keep vect of each header item, including comments, and also keep a map of individual keys.
+        string part;
+        reader.readRaw(80,part);  
+        headerInfo.headerItems.push_back(part);
+        // Add key/values - these are separated by the = symbol. 
+        // If it doesn't have an = it's a comment to ignore. All keys should be unique
+        auto eqPos = part.find('=');
+        if(eqPos > 0)
+        {        
+          string key = part.substr(0, eqPos);
+          string value = part.substr(eqPos+1);
+          // Comments are added after the value separated by a / symbol. Remove.
+          auto slashPos = value.find('/');
+          if(slashPos > 0) value = value.substr(0, slashPos);
-					boost::trim(key);
-					boost::trim(value);
-					headerInfo.headerKeys[key] = value;
-				}    
-			}
-			istr.close();
-		}
-		catch(...)
-		{
-			// Unable to read the file
-			ranSuccessfully = false;
-		}
-		return ranSuccessfully;
-	}
-	/**
-	* Create histogram workspace
-	* @returns Created workspace
-	*/
-	MatrixWorkspace_sptr LoadFITS::initAndPopulateHistogramWorkspace()
-	{		
-		MantidVecPtr x;
-		x.access().resize(m_allHeaderInfo.size() + 1);
-		// Init time bins
-		double binCount = 0;
-		for(size_t i=0;i<m_allHeaderInfo.size() + 1; ++i)
-		{
-			x.access()[i] = binCount;
-			if(i != m_allHeaderInfo.size()) binCount += m_allHeaderInfo[i].timeBin;
-		}
-		size_t spectraCount = 0;
-		if(m_allHeaderInfo[0].numberOfAxis > 0) spectraCount += m_allHeaderInfo[0].axisPixelLengths[0];
-		// Presumably 2 axis, but futureproofing.
-		for(int i=1;i<m_allHeaderInfo[0].numberOfAxis;++i)
-		{
-			spectraCount *= m_allHeaderInfo[0].axisPixelLengths[i];
-		}
-		MatrixWorkspace_sptr retVal(new DataObjects::Workspace2D);
-		retVal->initialize(spectraCount, m_allHeaderInfo.size()+1, m_allHeaderInfo.size());
-		IAlgorithm_sptr loadInst = createChildAlgorithm("LoadInstrument");
+          boost::trim(key);
+          boost::trim(value);
+          headerInfo.headerKeys[key] = value;
+        }    
+      }
+      istr.close();
+    }
+    catch(...)
+    {
+      // Unable to read the file
+      ranSuccessfully = false;
+    }
+    return ranSuccessfully;
+  }
+  /**
+  * Create histogram workspace
+  * @returns Created workspace
+  */
+  MatrixWorkspace_sptr LoadFITS::initAndPopulateHistogramWorkspace()
+  {		
+    MantidVecPtr x;
+    x.access().resize(m_allHeaderInfo.size() + 1);
+    // Init time bins
+    double binCount = 0;
+    for(size_t i=0;i<m_allHeaderInfo.size() + 1; ++i)
+    {
+      x.access()[i] = binCount;
+      if(i != m_allHeaderInfo.size()) binCount += 1;//m_allHeaderInfo[i].timeBin;
+    }
+    size_t spectraCount = 0;
+    if(m_allHeaderInfo[0].numberOfAxis > 0) spectraCount += m_allHeaderInfo[0].axisPixelLengths[0];
+    // Presumably 2 axis, but futureproofing.
+    for(int i=1;i<m_allHeaderInfo[0].numberOfAxis;++i)
+    {
+      spectraCount *= m_allHeaderInfo[0].axisPixelLengths[i];
+    }
+    MatrixWorkspace_sptr retVal(new DataObjects::Workspace2D);
+    retVal->initialize(spectraCount, m_allHeaderInfo.size()+1, m_allHeaderInfo.size());
+    IAlgorithm_sptr loadInst = createChildAlgorithm("LoadInstrument");
-		try 
-		{
-			std::string directoryName = Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getInstrumentDirectory();
-			directoryName = directoryName + "/IMAT_Definition.xml";
-			loadInst->setPropertyValue("Filename", directoryName);
-			loadInst->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("Workspace", retVal);
-			loadInst->execute();
-		} 
-		catch (std::exception & ex) 
-		{
-			g_log.information("Cannot load the instrument definition. " + string(ex.what()) );
-		}
-		int bitsPerPixel = m_allHeaderInfo[0].bitsPerPixel; // assumes all files have the same, which they should. 
-		vector<vector<double> > yVals(spectraCount, std::vector<double>(m_binChunkSize));
-		vector<vector<double> > eVals(spectraCount, std::vector<double>(m_binChunkSize));
-		// allocate memory to contain the data section of the file:
-		void * bufferAny = NULL;        
-		bufferAny = malloc ((bitsPerPixel/8)*spectraCount);
-		if (bufferAny == NULL) 
-		{
-			throw std::runtime_error("FITS loader couldn't allocate enough memory to run. Try a smaller chunk size.");	
-		}
-		size_t steps = static_cast<size_t>(ceil(m_allHeaderInfo.size()/m_binChunkSize));
-		Progress prog(this,0.0,1.0,steps);
-		// Load a chunk of files at a time into workspace
-		try
-		{
-			for(size_t i=0; i<m_allHeaderInfo.size(); i+=m_binChunkSize)
-			{
-				loadChunkOfBinsFromFile(retVal, yVals, eVals, bufferAny, x, spectraCount, bitsPerPixel, i);
-			}
-		}
-		catch(...)
-		{
-			// Exceptions should be handled internally, but catch here to free any memory. Belt and braces.
-			free(bufferAny);
-			g_log.error("FITS Loader unable to correctly parse files.");
-			throw std::runtime_error("FITS loader unable to correctly parse files.");
-		}
-		// Memory no longer needed
-		free (bufferAny);  
-		retVal->mutableRun().addProperty("Filename", m_allHeaderInfo[0].filePath);
-		// Set the Unit of the X Axis
-		try
-		{
-			retVal->getAxis(0)->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create("TOF");
-		}
-		catch ( Exception::NotFoundError & )
-		{
-			retVal->getAxis(0)->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create("Label");
-			Unit_sptr unit = retVal->getAxis(0)->unit();
-			boost::shared_ptr<Units::Label> label = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Units::Label>(unit);
-			label->setLabel("TOF", "TOF");
-		}
-		retVal->setYUnit("Counts");
-		retVal->setTitle("Test Workspace");
-		return retVal;
-	}
-	/**
-	* Loads data from a selection of the FITS files into the workspace
-	* @param workspace The workspace to insert data into
-	* @param yVals Reference to a pre-allocated vector to hold data values for the workspace
-	* @param eVals Reference to a pre-allocated vector to hold error values for the workspace
-	* @param bufferAny Pointer to an allocated memory region which will hold a files worth of data
-	* @param x Vector holding the X bin values
-	* @param spectraCount Number of data points in each file
-	* @param bitsPerPixel Number of bits used to represent one data point 
-	* @param binChunkStartIndex Index for the first file to be processed in this chunk 
-	*/
-	void LoadFITS::loadChunkOfBinsFromFile(MatrixWorkspace_sptr &workspace, vector<vector<double> > &yVals, vector<vector<double> > &eVals, void *&bufferAny, MantidVecPtr &x, size_t spectraCount, int bitsPerPixel, size_t binChunkStartIndex)
-	{
-		size_t binsThisChunk = m_binChunkSize;
-		if((binChunkStartIndex + m_binChunkSize) > m_allHeaderInfo.size())
-		{
-			// No need to do extra processing if number of bins to process is lower than m_binChunkSize
-			// Also used to prevent out of bounds error where a greater number of elements have been reserved.
-			binsThisChunk = static_cast<size_t>(m_allHeaderInfo.size() - binChunkStartIndex);
-		}       
-		uint8_t *buffer8 = NULL;
-		uint16_t *buffer16 = NULL;
-		uint32_t *buffer32 = NULL;
-		// create pointer of correct data type to void pointer of the buffer:
-		buffer8 = static_cast<uint8_t*>(bufferAny);
-		buffer16 = static_cast<uint16_t*>(bufferAny);
-		buffer32 = static_cast<uint32_t*>(bufferAny);
-		for(size_t i=binChunkStartIndex; i < binChunkStartIndex+binsThisChunk ; ++i)
-		{      
-			// Read Data
-			bool fileErr = false;
-			FILE * currFile = fopen ( m_allHeaderInfo[i].filePath.c_str(), "rb" );
-			if (currFile==NULL) fileErr = true;    
-			size_t result = 0;
-			if(!fileErr)
-			{
-				fseek (currFile , FIXED_HEADER_SIZE , SEEK_CUR);
-				result = fread(bufferAny, bitsPerPixel/8, spectraCount, currFile);
-			}
-			if (result != spectraCount) fileErr = true;			
-			if(fileErr)
-			{
-				throw std::runtime_error("Error reading file; possibly invalid data.");	
-			}
-			for(size_t j=0; j<spectraCount;++j)
-			{
-				double val = 0;
-				if(bitsPerPixel == 8) val = static_cast<double>(buffer8[j]);
-				if(bitsPerPixel == 16) val = static_cast<double>(buffer16[j]);
-				if(bitsPerPixel == 32) val = static_cast<double>(buffer32[j]);
-				yVals[j][i-binChunkStartIndex] = val;
-				eVals[j][i-binChunkStartIndex] = sqrt(val);
-			}				
-			// Clear memory associated with the file load
-			fclose (currFile);
-		}
-		// Now load chunk into workspace 
-		PARALLEL_FOR1(workspace)
-		for (int64_t wi = 0; wi < static_cast<int64_t>(spectraCount); ++wi)
-		{
-			workspace->setX(wi, x);
-			MantidVec *currY = &workspace->dataY(wi);
-			MantidVec *currE = &workspace->dataE(wi);
-			std::copy(yVals[wi].begin(), yVals[wi].end()-(m_binChunkSize-binsThisChunk), currY->begin()+binChunkStartIndex );
-			std::copy(eVals[wi].begin(), eVals[wi].end()-(m_binChunkSize-binsThisChunk), currE->begin()+binChunkStartIndex );
-			// I expect this will be wanted once IDF is in a more useful state.
-			//workspace->getSpectrum(wi)->setDetectorID(detid_t(wi));
-			//workspace->getSpectrum(wi)->setSpectrumNo(specid_t(wi+1));
-		}           
-	}		
+    try 
+    {
+      std::string directoryName = Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getInstrumentDirectory();
+      directoryName = directoryName + "/IMAT_Definition.xml";
+      loadInst->setPropertyValue("Filename", directoryName);
+      loadInst->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("Workspace", retVal);
+      loadInst->execute();
+    } 
+    catch (std::exception & ex) 
+    {
+      g_log.information("Cannot load the instrument definition. " + string(ex.what()) );
+    }
+    int bitsPerPixel = m_allHeaderInfo[0].bitsPerPixel; // assumes all files have the same, which they should. 
+    vector<vector<double> > yVals(spectraCount, std::vector<double>(m_binChunkSize));
+    vector<vector<double> > eVals(spectraCount, std::vector<double>(m_binChunkSize));
+    // allocate memory to contain the data section of the file:
+    void * bufferAny = NULL;        
+    bufferAny = malloc ((bitsPerPixel/8)*spectraCount);
+    if (bufferAny == NULL) 
+    {
+      throw std::runtime_error("FITS loader couldn't allocate enough memory to run. Try a smaller chunk size.");	
+    }
+    size_t steps = static_cast<size_t>(ceil(m_allHeaderInfo.size()/m_binChunkSize));
+    Progress prog(this,0.0,1.0,steps);
+    // Load a chunk of files at a time into workspace
+    try
+    {
+      for(size_t i=0; i<m_allHeaderInfo.size(); i+=m_binChunkSize)
+      {
+        loadChunkOfBinsFromFile(retVal, yVals, eVals, bufferAny, x, spectraCount, bitsPerPixel, i);
+      }
+    }
+    catch(...)
+    {
+      // Exceptions should be handled internally, but catch here to free any memory. Belt and braces.
+      free(bufferAny);
+      throw std::runtime_error("FITS loader unable to correctly parse files.");
+    }
+    // Memory no longer needed
+    free (bufferAny);  
+    retVal->mutableRun().addProperty("Filename", m_allHeaderInfo[0].filePath);
+    // Set the Unit of the X Axis
+    try
+    {
+      retVal->getAxis(0)->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create("TOF");
+    }
+    catch ( Exception::NotFoundError & )
+    {
+      retVal->getAxis(0)->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create("Label");
+      Unit_sptr unit = retVal->getAxis(0)->unit();
+      boost::shared_ptr<Units::Label> label = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Units::Label>(unit);
+      label->setLabel("TOF", "TOF");
+    }
+    retVal->setYUnit("Counts");
+    retVal->setTitle("Test Workspace");
+    return retVal;
+  }
+  /**
+  * Loads data from a selection of the FITS files into the workspace
+  * @param workspace The workspace to insert data into
+  * @param yVals Reference to a pre-allocated vector to hold data values for the workspace
+  * @param eVals Reference to a pre-allocated vector to hold error values for the workspace
+  * @param bufferAny Pointer to an allocated memory region which will hold a files worth of data
+  * @param x Vector holding the X bin values
+  * @param spectraCount Number of data points in each file
+  * @param bitsPerPixel Number of bits used to represent one data point 
+  * @param binChunkStartIndex Index for the first file to be processed in this chunk 
+  */
+  void LoadFITS::loadChunkOfBinsFromFile(MatrixWorkspace_sptr &workspace, vector<vector<double> > &yVals, vector<vector<double> > &eVals, void *&bufferAny, MantidVecPtr &x, size_t spectraCount, int bitsPerPixel, size_t binChunkStartIndex)
+  {
+    size_t binsThisChunk = m_binChunkSize;
+    if((binChunkStartIndex + m_binChunkSize) > m_allHeaderInfo.size())
+    {
+      // No need to do extra processing if number of bins to process is lower than m_binChunkSize
+      // Also used to prevent out of bounds error where a greater number of elements have been reserved.
+      binsThisChunk = static_cast<size_t>(m_allHeaderInfo.size() - binChunkStartIndex);
+    }       
+    uint8_t *buffer8 = NULL;
+    uint16_t *buffer16 = NULL;
+    uint32_t *buffer32 = NULL;
+    // create pointer of correct data type to void pointer of the buffer:
+    buffer8 = static_cast<uint8_t*>(bufferAny);
+    buffer16 = static_cast<uint16_t*>(bufferAny);
+    buffer32 = static_cast<uint32_t*>(bufferAny);
+    for(size_t i=binChunkStartIndex; i < binChunkStartIndex+binsThisChunk ; ++i)
+    {      
+      // Read Data
+      bool fileErr = false;
+      FILE * currFile = fopen ( m_allHeaderInfo[i].filePath.c_str(), "rb" );
+      if (currFile==NULL) fileErr = true;    
+      size_t result = 0;
+      if(!fileErr)
+      {
+        fseek (currFile , FIXED_HEADER_SIZE , SEEK_CUR);
+        result = fread(bufferAny, bitsPerPixel/8, spectraCount, currFile);
+      }
+      if (result != spectraCount) fileErr = true;			
+      if(fileErr)
+      {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Error reading file; possibly invalid data.");	
+      }
+      for(size_t j=0; j<spectraCount;++j)
+      {
+        double val = 0;
+        if(bitsPerPixel == 8) val = static_cast<double>(buffer8[j]);
+        if(bitsPerPixel == 16) val = static_cast<double>(buffer16[j]);
+        if(bitsPerPixel == 32) val = static_cast<double>(buffer32[j]);
+        yVals[j][i-binChunkStartIndex] = val;
+        eVals[j][i-binChunkStartIndex] = sqrt(val);
+      }				
+      // Clear memory associated with the file load
+      fclose (currFile);
+    }
+    // Now load chunk into workspace 
+    PARALLEL_FOR1(workspace)
+    for (int64_t wi = 0; wi < static_cast<int64_t>(spectraCount); ++wi)
+    {
+      workspace->setX(wi, x);
+      MantidVec *currY = &workspace->dataY(wi);
+      MantidVec *currE = &workspace->dataE(wi);
+      std::copy(yVals[wi].begin(), yVals[wi].end()-(m_binChunkSize-binsThisChunk), currY->begin()+binChunkStartIndex );
+      std::copy(eVals[wi].begin(), eVals[wi].end()-(m_binChunkSize-binsThisChunk), currE->begin()+binChunkStartIndex );
+      // I expect this will be wanted once IDF is in a more useful state.
+      //workspace->getSpectrum(wi)->setDetectorID(detid_t(wi));
+      //workspace->getSpectrum(wi)->setSpectrumNo(specid_t(wi+1));
+    }           
+  }		
+  /**
+  * Reads a file containing rotation values for each image into a comma separated string
+  * @param rotFilePath The path to a file containing rotation values
+  * @param fileCount number of images which should have corresponding rotation values in the file
+  *
+  * @returns string A comma separated string of doubles
+  */
+  std::string LoadFITS::ReadRotations(std::string rotFilePath, size_t fileCount)
+  {
+    ifstream fStream(rotFilePath);
+    std::string csvRotations = "";
+    try
+    {
+      // Ensure valid file
+      if(fStream.good())
+      {
+        // Get lines, split words, verify and add to map.
+        string line;
+        vector<string> lineSplit;
+        size_t ind = -1;
+        while(getline(fStream, line))
+        {
+          ind++;
+          boost::split(lineSplit,line, boost::is_any_of("\t"));
+          if(ind==0 || lineSplit[0] == "")
+            continue; // Skip first iteration or where rotation value is empty
+          if(ind!=1) // append a comma to separate values if not the first index
+            csvRotations += ",";
+          csvRotations += lineSplit[1];          
+        }
+        // Check the number of rotations in file matches number of files
+        if(ind != fileCount)
+          throw std::runtime_error("File error, throw higher up.");
+        fStream.close(); 
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        throw std::runtime_error("File error, throw higher up.");  
+      }
+    }
+    catch(...)
+    {
+      throw std::runtime_error("Invalid file path or file format: Expected a file with a line separated list of rotations with the same number of entries as other files.");
+    }
+    return csvRotations;
+  }
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/SaveNXTomo.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/SaveNXTomo.cpp
index 836047e6fb0..70b590cd733 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/SaveNXTomo.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/SaveNXTomo.cpp
@@ -152,19 +152,38 @@ namespace Mantid
       // TODO: Write sample info
       // name
-      std::vector<double> rotationAngles(dims_array[0]);
       // Initialise rotations - if unknown, fill with equal steps from 0 to 180 over all frames.
-      // TODO: collect and use actual rotation values
-      double step = static_cast<double>(180/dims_array[0]);
-      rotationAngles[0] = step;
+      std::vector<double> rotationAngles(dims_array[0]);
+      std::string rotValues = "";
+      std::vector<std::string> rotSplit;
-      for(auto it = rotationAngles.begin()+1; it != rotationAngles.end(); ++it)
+      if(inputWS->run().hasProperty("Rotations"))
+      {
+        rotValues = inputWS->run().getLogData("Rotations")->value();
+        boost::split(rotSplit, rotValues, boost::is_any_of(","));
+      }      
+      if(rotSplit.size() == static_cast<size_t>(dims_array[0]) )
+      {
+	      for(size_t i=0; i<rotSplit.size(); i++)
+	      {
+	        rotationAngles[i] = boost::lexical_cast<double>(rotSplit[i]);
+	      }
+      }
+      else
-        *it = (*(it-1)) + step;
+	      // Make some fake values
+	      g_log.notice("Unable to find a correctly formatted rotation angle file with same entry count as input; creating fake values.");
+	      double step = static_cast<double>(180/dims_array[0]);
+		    rotationAngles[0] = step;
+		    for(auto it = rotationAngles.begin()+1; it != rotationAngles.end(); ++it)
+		    {
+			    *it = (*(it-1)) + step;
+		    }
-      nxFile.writeData("rotation_angle", rotationAngles);
+		  nxFile.writeData("rotation_angle", rotationAngles);
       // Create a link object for rotation_angle to use later