diff --git a/Code/Mantid/MantidQt/SliceViewer/inc/MantidQtSliceViewer/LineViewer.ui b/Code/Mantid/MantidQt/SliceViewer/inc/MantidQtSliceViewer/LineViewer.ui
index 63ef5c455ce485641893f794a0f89c9706ce3206..936842470df498a47a2ddff99af393dd814bba5e 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/MantidQt/SliceViewer/inc/MantidQtSliceViewer/LineViewer.ui
+++ b/Code/Mantid/MantidQt/SliceViewer/inc/MantidQtSliceViewer/LineViewer.ui
@@ -240,6 +240,19 @@ from the length of the line being drawn</string>
+         <item>
+          <widget class="QCheckBox" name="ckOverWrite">
+           <property name="toolTip">
+            <string>Overwrite any existing line cuts from the same MDWorkspace</string>
+           </property>
+           <property name="text">
+            <string>Overwrite lines</string>
+           </property>
+           <property name="checked">
+            <bool>true</bool>
+           </property>
+          </widget>
+         </item>
           <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_4">
            <property name="orientation">
@@ -268,7 +281,16 @@ from the length of the line being drawn</string>
        <property name="spacing">
-       <property name="margin">
+       <property name="leftMargin">
+        <number>2</number>
+       </property>
+       <property name="topMargin">
+        <number>2</number>
+       </property>
+       <property name="rightMargin">
+        <number>2</number>
+       </property>
+       <property name="bottomMargin">
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/MantidQt/SliceViewer/src/LineViewer.cpp b/Code/Mantid/MantidQt/SliceViewer/src/LineViewer.cpp
index 0be3451b0d4bed1d8b9cd73172732d06139e89c6..6201328b653383db637246c2ac271eaec7b90a8d 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/MantidQt/SliceViewer/src/LineViewer.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/MantidQt/SliceViewer/src/LineViewer.cpp
@@ -24,58 +24,80 @@ using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
 using Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension_const_sptr;
 using MantidQt::API::AlgorithmRunner;
-namespace MantidQt
-namespace SliceViewer
-  namespace
-  {
-    /// static logger
-    Mantid::Kernel::Logger g_log("LineViewer");
-    /**
-     * Set thicknesses allowing the integrated dimensions, where the default should be to integrate to the full range.
-     * @param ws : Workspace to integrate
-     * @param dimIndex : Dimension index to set the thickness for.
-     * @param width : Default thickness (for non integrated dimensions)
-     * @param thicknesses : Thickness vector to write to
-     */
-    void setThicknessUsingDimensionInfo(IMDWorkspace_sptr ws, size_t dimIndex, double width,
-          Mantid::Kernel::VMD& thicknesses)
-      {
-        auto currentDim = ws->getDimension(dimIndex);
-        if (currentDim->getIsIntegrated())
-        {
-          const double min = currentDim->getMaximum();
-          const double max = currentDim->getMinimum();
-          double range = std::abs(max - min)/2;
-          thicknesses[dimIndex] = VMD_t(range);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          thicknesses[dimIndex] = VMD_t(width);
-        }
-      }
+namespace {
+ * Makes names for line cuts
+ * @param wsName : Name of the workspace to create a cut from
+ * @param overwrite : True to overwrite anything of this name in the analysis
+ * data service
+ * @return name of the line cut.
+ */
+std::string proposeIntegratedWSName(const std::string &wsName,
+                                    const bool overwrite) {
+  const auto baseName = wsName + "_line";
+  std::string resultName = baseName;
+  if (!overwrite) {
+    // Fabricate a new name based on the base name.
+    AnalysisDataServiceImpl &store = AnalysisDataService::Instance();
+    if (store.doesExist(baseName)) {
+      std::string candidateName;
+      unsigned int counter = 1;
+      do {
+        candidateName = baseName + QString::number(counter).toStdString();
+        ++counter;
+      } while (store.doesExist(candidateName));
+      resultName = candidateName;
+    }
+  return resultName;
+namespace MantidQt {
+namespace SliceViewer {
+namespace {
+/// static logger
+Mantid::Kernel::Logger g_log("LineViewer");
+ * Set thicknesses allowing the integrated dimensions, where the default should
+ * be to integrate to the full range.
+ * @param ws : Workspace to integrate
+ * @param dimIndex : Dimension index to set the thickness for.
+ * @param width : Default thickness (for non integrated dimensions)
+ * @param thicknesses : Thickness vector to write to
+ */
+void setThicknessUsingDimensionInfo(IMDWorkspace_sptr ws, size_t dimIndex,
+                                    double width,
+                                    Mantid::Kernel::VMD &thicknesses) {
+  auto currentDim = ws->getDimension(dimIndex);
+  if (currentDim->getIsIntegrated()) {
+    const double min = currentDim->getMaximum();
+    const double max = currentDim->getMinimum();
+    double range = std::abs(max - min) / 2;
+    thicknesses[dimIndex] = VMD_t(range);
+  } else {
+    thicknesses[dimIndex] = VMD_t(width);
+  }
 LineViewer::LineViewer(QWidget *parent)
- : QWidget(parent),
-   m_planeWidth(0),
-   m_numBins(100),
-   m_allDimsFree(false), m_freeDimX(0), m_freeDimY(1),
-   m_fixedBinWidthMode(false), m_fixedBinWidth(0.1), m_binWidth(0.1)
-	ui.setupUi(this);
-	// Other setup
+    : QWidget(parent), m_planeWidth(0), m_numBins(100), m_allDimsFree(false),
+      m_freeDimX(0), m_freeDimY(1), m_fixedBinWidthMode(false),
+      m_fixedBinWidth(0.1), m_binWidth(0.1) {
+  ui.setupUi(this);
+  // Other setup
   ui.textBinWidth->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(ui.textBinWidth));
-	// --------- Create the plot -----------------
+  // --------- Create the plot -----------------
   m_plotLayout = new QVBoxLayout(ui.frmPlot);
   m_plot = new QwtPlot();
-  m_plot->setBackgroundColor(QColor(255,255,255)); // White background
+  m_plot->setBackgroundColor(QColor(255, 255, 255)); // White background
   m_plotLayout->addWidget(m_plot, 1);
   // Make the 2 curves
@@ -93,7 +115,8 @@ LineViewer::LineViewer(QWidget *parent)
   // To run BinMD in the background
   m_algoRunner = new AlgorithmRunner(this);
-  QObject::connect(m_algoRunner, SIGNAL(algorithmComplete(bool)), this, SLOT(lineIntegrationComplete(bool)));
+  QObject::connect(m_algoRunner, SIGNAL(algorithmComplete(bool)), this,
+                   SLOT(lineIntegrationComplete(bool)));
   // Make the splitter use the minimum size for the controls and not stretch out
   ui.splitter->setStretchFactor(0, 0);
@@ -101,83 +124,86 @@ LineViewer::LineViewer(QWidget *parent)
   //----------- Connect signals -------------
   QObject::connect(ui.btnApply, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(apply()));
-  QObject::connect(ui.chkAdaptiveBins, SIGNAL(  stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adaptiveBinsChanged()));
-  QObject::connect(ui.spinNumBins, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(numBinsChanged()));
-  QObject::connect(ui.textPlaneWidth, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(thicknessTextEdited()));
-  QObject::connect(ui.radNumBins, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(on_radNumBins_toggled()));
-  QObject::connect(ui.textBinWidth, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(textBinWidth_changed()));
-  QObject::connect(m_lineOptions, SIGNAL(changedPlotAxis()), this, SLOT(refreshPlot()));
-  QObject::connect(m_lineOptions, SIGNAL(changedNormalization()), this, SLOT(refreshPlot()));
-  QObject::connect(m_lineOptions, SIGNAL(changedYLogScaling()), this, SLOT(onToggleLogYAxis()));
+  QObject::connect(ui.chkAdaptiveBins, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this,
+                   SLOT(adaptiveBinsChanged()));
+  QObject::connect(ui.spinNumBins, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this,
+                   SLOT(numBinsChanged()));
+  QObject::connect(ui.textPlaneWidth, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this,
+                   SLOT(thicknessTextEdited()));
+  QObject::connect(ui.radNumBins, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this,
+                   SLOT(on_radNumBins_toggled()));
+  QObject::connect(ui.textBinWidth, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this,
+                   SLOT(textBinWidth_changed()));
+  QObject::connect(m_lineOptions, SIGNAL(changedPlotAxis()), this,
+                   SLOT(refreshPlot()));
+  QObject::connect(m_lineOptions, SIGNAL(changedNormalization()), this,
+                   SLOT(refreshPlot()));
+  QObject::connect(m_lineOptions, SIGNAL(changedYLogScaling()), this,
+                   SLOT(onToggleLogYAxis()));
+LineViewer::~LineViewer() {}
 /** With the workspace set, create the dimension text boxes */
-void LineViewer::createDimensionWidgets()
+void LineViewer::createDimensionWidgets() {
   // Create all necessary widgets
-  if (m_startText.size() < int(m_ws->getNumDims()))
-  {
-    for (size_t d=m_startText.size(); d<m_ws->getNumDims(); d++)
-    {
-      QLabel * dimLabel = new QLabel(this);
+  if (m_startText.size() < int(m_ws->getNumDims())) {
+    for (size_t d = m_startText.size(); d < m_ws->getNumDims(); d++) {
+      QLabel *dimLabel = new QLabel(this);
-      ui.gridLayout->addWidget(dimLabel, 0, int(d)+1);
+      ui.gridLayout->addWidget(dimLabel, 0, int(d) + 1);
-      QLineEdit * startText = new QLineEdit(this);
-      QLineEdit * endText = new QLineEdit(this);
-      QLineEdit * thicknessText = new QLineEdit(this);
+      QLineEdit *startText = new QLineEdit(this);
+      QLineEdit *endText = new QLineEdit(this);
+      QLineEdit *thicknessText = new QLineEdit(this);
       startText->setToolTip("Start point of the line in this dimension");
       endText->setToolTip("End point of the line in this dimension");
-      thicknessText->setToolTip("Integration thickness (above and below plane) in this dimension. Specify 1/2 the total thickness for integration.");
+      thicknessText->setToolTip("Integration thickness (above and below plane) "
+                                "in this dimension. Specify 1/2 the total "
+                                "thickness for integration.");
       startText->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(startText));
       endText->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(endText));
       thicknessText->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(thicknessText));
-      ui.gridLayout->addWidget(startText, 1, int(d)+1);
-      ui.gridLayout->addWidget(endText, 2, int(d)+1);
-      ui.gridLayout->addWidget(thicknessText, 3, int(d)+1);
+      ui.gridLayout->addWidget(startText, 1, int(d) + 1);
+      ui.gridLayout->addWidget(endText, 2, int(d) + 1);
+      ui.gridLayout->addWidget(thicknessText, 3, int(d) + 1);
       // Signals that don't change
-      QObject::connect(thicknessText, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(thicknessTextEdited()));
+      QObject::connect(thicknessText, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this,
+                       SLOT(thicknessTextEdited()));
   // ------ Update the widgets -------------------------
-  for (int d=0; d<int(m_ws->getNumDims()); d++)
-  {
-    m_dimensionLabel[d]->setText( QString::fromStdString(m_ws->getDimension( size_t(d))->getName() ) );
+  for (int d = 0; d < int(m_ws->getNumDims()); d++) {
+    m_dimensionLabel[d]->setText(
+        QString::fromStdString(m_ws->getDimension(size_t(d))->getName()));
 /** Disable any controls relating to dimensions that are not "free"
  * e.g. if you are in the X-Y plane, the Z position cannot be changed.
  * Also updates the radio buttons for the choice of X axis.
-void LineViewer::updateFreeDimensions()
-  for (int d=0; d<int(m_ws->getNumDims()); d++)
-  {
+void LineViewer::updateFreeDimensions() {
+  for (int d = 0; d < int(m_ws->getNumDims()); d++) {
     // Can always change the start value
     // This dimension is free to move if b == true
     bool b = (m_allDimsFree || d == m_freeDimX || d == m_freeDimY);
-    // If all dims are free, width makes little sense. Only allow one (circular) width
+    // If all dims are free, width makes little sense. Only allow one (circular)
+    // width
     if (m_allDimsFree)
       m_thicknessText[d]->setVisible(d != 0);
@@ -187,33 +213,29 @@ void LineViewer::updateFreeDimensions()
-    if (d == m_freeDimX || d == m_freeDimY)
-    {
+    if (d == m_freeDimX || d == m_freeDimY) {
       // Free dimension - update the preview
-      QObject::connect(m_startText[d], SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(startEndTextEdited()));
-      QObject::connect(m_endText[d], SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(startEndTextEdited()));
-    }
-    else
-    {
+      QObject::connect(m_startText[d], SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this,
+                       SLOT(startEndTextEdited()));
+      QObject::connect(m_endText[d], SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this,
+                       SLOT(startEndTextEdited()));
+    } else {
       // Non-Free dimension - link start to end
-      QObject::connect(m_startText[d], SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(startLinkedToEndText()));
+      QObject::connect(m_startText[d], SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this,
+                       SLOT(startLinkedToEndText()));
-  if (!m_allDimsFree)
-  {
-    std::string s = "(in " + m_ws->getDimension(m_freeDimX)->getName() + "-" +  m_ws->getDimension(m_freeDimY)->getName()
-        + " plane)";
+  if (!m_allDimsFree) {
+    std::string s = "(in " + m_ws->getDimension(m_freeDimX)->getName() + "-" +
+                    m_ws->getDimension(m_freeDimY)->getName() + " plane)";
 /** Show the start/end/width points in the GUI */
-void LineViewer::updateStartEnd()
-  for (int d=0; d<int(m_ws->getNumDims()); d++)
-  {
+void LineViewer::updateStartEnd() {
+  for (int d = 0; d < int(m_ws->getNumDims()); d++) {
@@ -227,17 +249,16 @@ void LineViewer::updateStartEnd()
 /** Calculate the number of bins (fixed-bin-width mode)
  * or show the bin width (fixed-#-bins mode) */
-void LineViewer::updateBinWidth()
+void LineViewer::updateBinWidth() {
   // If partially initialized, vectors might be wrong
   if (m_start.getNumDims() != m_end.getNumDims())
   double length = (m_start - m_end).norm();
-  if (m_fixedBinWidthMode)
-  {
+  if (m_fixedBinWidthMode) {
     // Fixed bin width. Find the number of bins.
     m_numBins = size_t(length / m_fixedBinWidth + 0.5);
-    if (m_numBins < 1) m_numBins = 1;
+    if (m_numBins < 1)
+      m_numBins = 1;
     // Show the # of bins
@@ -245,9 +266,7 @@ void LineViewer::updateBinWidth()
     // Show the fixed bin width
     m_binWidth = length / double(m_numBins);
-  }
-  else
-  {
+  } else {
     // Fixed number of bins mode
     m_binWidth = length / double(m_numBins);
@@ -258,15 +277,13 @@ void LineViewer::updateBinWidth()
 /** Read all the text boxes and interpret their values.
  * Does not refresh.
-void LineViewer::readTextboxes()
+void LineViewer::readTextboxes() {
   VMD start = m_start;
   VMD end = m_start;
   VMD width = m_thickness;
   bool allOk = true;
   bool ok;
-  for (int d=0; d<int(m_ws->getNumDims()); d++)
-  {
+  for (int d = 0; d < int(m_ws->getNumDims()); d++) {
     start[d] = VMD_t(m_startText[d]->text().toDouble(&ok));
     allOk = allOk && ok;
@@ -281,7 +298,8 @@ void LineViewer::readTextboxes()
   allOk = allOk && ok;
   // Only continue if all values typed were valid numbers.
-  if (!allOk) return;
+  if (!allOk)
+    return;
   m_start = start;
   m_end = end;
   m_thickness = width;
@@ -294,23 +312,20 @@ void LineViewer::readTextboxes()
  * @param ws :: MatrixWorkspace to integrate
-IAlgorithm_sptr LineViewer::applyMatrixWorkspace(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws)
-  try
-  {
+LineViewer::applyMatrixWorkspace(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws) {
+  try {
     if (getPlanarWidth() <= 0)
       throw std::runtime_error("Planar Width must be > 0");
-    IAlgorithm_sptr alg = AlgorithmManager::Instance().createUnmanaged("Rebin2D");
+    IAlgorithm_sptr alg =
+        AlgorithmManager::Instance().createUnmanaged("Rebin2D");
     alg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", ws);
     alg->setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", m_integratedWSName);
-    if(ws->id() == "RebinnedOutput")
-    {
+    if (ws->id() == "RebinnedOutput") {
       alg->setProperty("UseFractionalArea", true);
-    }
-    else
-    {
+    } else {
       alg->setProperty("UseFractionalArea", false);
     // (half-width in the plane)
@@ -320,49 +335,49 @@ IAlgorithm_sptr LineViewer::applyMatrixWorkspace(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sp
     double dy = m_end[m_freeDimY] - m_start[m_freeDimY];
     size_t numBins = m_numBins;
-    if (fabs(dx) > fabs(dy))
-    {
+    if (fabs(dx) > fabs(dy)) {
       // Horizontal line
       double start = m_start[m_freeDimX];
       double end = m_end[m_freeDimX];
-      if (end < start)
-      {
+      if (end < start) {
         start = end;
         end = m_start[m_freeDimX];
       double vertical = m_start[m_freeDimY];
-      double binWidth = (end-start) / static_cast<double>(numBins);
-      if (binWidth <= 0) return IAlgorithm_sptr();
+      double binWidth = (end - start) / static_cast<double>(numBins);
+      if (binWidth <= 0)
+        return IAlgorithm_sptr();
-      alg->setPropertyValue("Axis1Binning",
-          Strings::toString(start) + "," + Strings::toString(binWidth) + "," + Strings::toString(end));
+      alg->setPropertyValue("Axis1Binning", Strings::toString(start) + "," +
+                                                Strings::toString(binWidth) +
+                                                "," + Strings::toString(end));
-          Strings::toString(vertical-planeWidth) + "," + Strings::toString(planeWidth*2) + "," + Strings::toString(vertical+planeWidth));
+                            Strings::toString(vertical - planeWidth) + "," +
+                                Strings::toString(planeWidth * 2) + "," +
+                                Strings::toString(vertical + planeWidth));
       alg->setProperty("Transpose", false);
-    }
-    else
-    {
+    } else {
       // Vertical line
       double start = m_start[m_freeDimY];
       double end = m_end[m_freeDimY];
-      if (end < start)
-      {
+      if (end < start) {
         start = end;
         end = m_start[m_freeDimY];
-      double binWidth = (end-start) / static_cast<double>(numBins);
+      double binWidth = (end - start) / static_cast<double>(numBins);
       double vertical = m_start[m_freeDimX];
-          Strings::toString(vertical-planeWidth) + "," + Strings::toString(planeWidth*2) + "," + Strings::toString(vertical+planeWidth));
-      alg->setPropertyValue("Axis2Binning",
-          Strings::toString(start) + "," + Strings::toString(binWidth) + "," + Strings::toString(end));
+                            Strings::toString(vertical - planeWidth) + "," +
+                                Strings::toString(planeWidth * 2) + "," +
+                                Strings::toString(vertical + planeWidth));
+      alg->setPropertyValue("Axis2Binning", Strings::toString(start) + "," +
+                                                Strings::toString(binWidth) +
+                                                "," + Strings::toString(end));
       alg->setProperty("Transpose", true);
     return alg;
-  }
-  catch (std::exception & e)
-  {
+  } catch (std::exception &e) {
     // Log the error
     g_log.error() << "Invalid property passed to Rebin2D:" << std::endl;
     g_log.error() << e.what() << std::endl;
@@ -376,8 +391,8 @@ IAlgorithm_sptr LineViewer::applyMatrixWorkspace(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sp
  * @param ws :: MDHisto or MDEventWorkspace to integrate
  * @return the algorithm to run
-IAlgorithm_sptr LineViewer::applyMDWorkspace(Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr ws)
+LineViewer::applyMDWorkspace(Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr ws) {
   bool adaptive = ui.chkAdaptiveBins->isChecked();
   // (half-width in the plane)
@@ -403,13 +418,11 @@ IAlgorithm_sptr LineViewer::applyMDWorkspace(Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr ws)
   IAlgorithm_sptr alg;
   size_t numBins = m_numBins;
-  if (adaptive)
-  {
+  if (adaptive) {
     alg = AlgorithmManager::Instance().create("SliceMD");
     // "SplitInto" parameter
     numBins = 2;
-  }
-  else
+  } else
     alg = AlgorithmManager::Instance().create("BinMD");
   alg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", ws);
@@ -420,7 +433,7 @@ IAlgorithm_sptr LineViewer::applyMDWorkspace(Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr ws)
   std::vector<double> OutputExtents;
   // The X basis vector
-  alg->setPropertyValue("BasisVector0", "X,units," + basisX.toString(",") );
+  alg->setPropertyValue("BasisVector0", "X,units," + basisX.toString(","));
@@ -434,17 +447,17 @@ IAlgorithm_sptr LineViewer::applyMDWorkspace(Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr ws)
   // Now each remaining dimension
   std::string dimChars = "012345"; // SlicingAlgorithm::getDimensionChars();
   size_t propNum = 2;
-  for (int d=0; d<int(ws->getNumDims()); d++)
-  {
-    if ((d != m_freeDimX) && (d != m_freeDimY))
-    {
+  for (int d = 0; d < int(ws->getNumDims()); d++) {
+    if ((d != m_freeDimX) && (d != m_freeDimY)) {
       // Letter of the dimension
-      std::string dim(" "); dim[0] = dimChars[propNum];
+      std::string dim(" ");
+      dim[0] = dimChars[propNum];
       // Simple basis vector going only in this direction
       VMD basis = m_start * 0;
       basis[d] = 1.0;
       // Set the basis vector with the width *2 and 1 bin
-      alg->setPropertyValue("BasisVector" + dim, dim +",units," + basis.toString(",") );
+      alg->setPropertyValue("BasisVector" + dim,
+                            dim + ",units," + basis.toString(","));
@@ -452,15 +465,13 @@ IAlgorithm_sptr LineViewer::applyMDWorkspace(Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr ws)
       if (propNum > dimChars.size())
         throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::apply(): too many dimensions!");
-  alg->setPropertyValue("Translation", origin.toString(",") );
-  alg->setProperty("OutputBins", OutputBins );
-  alg->setProperty("OutputExtents", OutputExtents );
-  if (!adaptive)
-  {
+  alg->setPropertyValue("Translation", origin.toString(","));
+  alg->setProperty("OutputBins", OutputBins);
+  alg->setProperty("OutputExtents", OutputExtents);
+  if (!adaptive) {
     alg->setProperty("IterateEvents", true);
   return alg;
@@ -474,15 +485,20 @@ IAlgorithm_sptr LineViewer::applyMDWorkspace(Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr ws)
  * @throw std::runtime_error if an error occurs.
  * */
-void LineViewer::apply()
-  if (m_allDimsFree)
-    throw std::runtime_error("Not currently supported with all dimensions free!");
+void LineViewer::apply() {
+ if (m_allDimsFree) {
+     throw std::runtime_error(
+      "Not currently supported with all dimensions free!");
+ }
-  m_integratedWSName = m_ws->getName() + "_line" ;
+  // Make a name for the line-cut
+  m_integratedWSName = proposeIntegratedWSName(m_ws->getName(), ui.ckOverWrite->isChecked());
   // Different call for
-  MatrixWorkspace_sptr matrixWs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(m_ws);
+  MatrixWorkspace_sptr matrixWs =
+      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(m_ws);
   IAlgorithm_sptr alg;
   if (matrixWs)
@@ -490,23 +506,19 @@ void LineViewer::apply()
     alg = this->applyMDWorkspace(m_ws);
-  if (alg)
-  {
+  if (alg) {
     // Start the algorithm asynchronously
     // In the mean time, change the title
     m_plot->setTitle("Integrating Line...");
-  }
-  else
+  } else
     m_plot->setTitle("Invalid Properties for Rebin Algorithm");
 // ==============================================================================================
-// ================================== SLOTS =====================================================
+// ================================== SLOTS
+// =====================================================
 // ==============================================================================================
 /** Slot called when the line integration algorithm (typically BinMD)
@@ -514,15 +526,12 @@ void LineViewer::apply()
  * @param error :: true if something went wrong
-void LineViewer::lineIntegrationComplete(bool error)
-  if (!error)
-  {
-    m_sliceWS = AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieveWS<IMDWorkspace>(m_integratedWSName);
+void LineViewer::lineIntegrationComplete(bool error) {
+  if (!error) {
+    m_sliceWS = AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieveWS<IMDWorkspace>(
+        m_integratedWSName);
-  }
-  else
-  {
+  } else {
     // Unspecified error in algorithm
     m_plot->setTitle("Error integrating workspace - see log.");
@@ -533,27 +542,22 @@ void LineViewer::lineIntegrationComplete(bool error)
 /** Slot called when the start text of a non-free dimensions is changed.
  * Changes the end text correspondingly
-void LineViewer::startLinkedToEndText()
-  for (int d=0; d<int(m_ws->getNumDims()); d++)
-  {
-    if (d != m_freeDimX && d != m_freeDimY)
-    {
+void LineViewer::startLinkedToEndText() {
+  for (int d = 0; d < int(m_ws->getNumDims()); d++) {
+    if (d != m_freeDimX && d != m_freeDimY) {
       // Copy the start text to the end text
-      m_endText[d]->setText( m_startText[d]->text() );
+      m_endText[d]->setText(m_startText[d]->text());
   // Call the slot to update the preview
 /** Slot called when any of the start/end text boxes are edited
  * in GUI. Only changes the values if they are all valid.
-void LineViewer::startEndTextEdited()
+void LineViewer::startEndTextEdited() {
   // Send the signal that the positions changed
@@ -561,55 +565,45 @@ void LineViewer::startEndTextEdited()
 /** Slot called when the width text box is edited */
-void LineViewer::thicknessTextEdited()
+void LineViewer::thicknessTextEdited() {
-  //TODO: Don't always auto-apply
+  // TODO: Don't always auto-apply
   // Send the signal that the width changed
   emit changedPlanarWidth(this->getPlanarWidth());
 /** Slot called when the number of bins changes */
-void LineViewer::numBinsChanged()
+void LineViewer::numBinsChanged() {
   m_numBins = ui.spinNumBins->value();
   // Show the bin width
-  //TODO: Don't always auto-apply
+  // TODO: Don't always auto-apply
 /** Slot called when checking the adaptive box */
-void LineViewer::adaptiveBinsChanged()
-  //TODO: Don't always auto-apply
+void LineViewer::adaptiveBinsChanged() {
+  // TODO: Don't always auto-apply
 /** Slot called when the num bins/bin width radio choice changes */
-void LineViewer::on_radNumBins_toggled()
+void LineViewer::on_radNumBins_toggled() {
   setFixedBinWidthMode(ui.radNumBins->isChecked(), m_fixedBinWidth);
 /** Slot called when the desired fixed bin width text box
  * is edited and the user pressed Return or lost focus.
-void LineViewer::textBinWidth_changed()
-  if (m_fixedBinWidthMode)
-  {
+void LineViewer::textBinWidth_changed() {
+  if (m_fixedBinWidthMode) {
     bool ok;
     double width = ui.textBinWidth->text().toDouble(&ok);
-    if (ok && width > 0)
-    {
+    if (ok && width > 0) {
       // Change the desired bin size and update necessary GUI
       this->setFixedBinWidthMode(m_fixedBinWidthMode, width);
-    }
-    else
-    {
+    } else {
       // Bad number! Reset to the old value
@@ -617,46 +611,37 @@ void LineViewer::textBinWidth_changed()
 // ==============================================================================================
-// ================================== External Getters ==========================================
+// ================================== External Getters
+// ==========================================
 // ==============================================================================================
-/** @return the width in the plane, or the width in dimension 0 if not restricted to a plane */
-double LineViewer::getPlanarWidth() const
-  return m_planeWidth;
+/** @return the width in the plane, or the width in dimension 0 if not
+ * restricted to a plane */
+double LineViewer::getPlanarWidth() const { return m_planeWidth; }
-/// @return the full width vector in each dimensions. The values in the X-Y dimensions should be ignored
-Mantid::Kernel::VMD LineViewer::getWidth() const
-  return m_thickness;
+/// @return the full width vector in each dimensions. The values in the X-Y
+/// dimensions should be ignored
+Mantid::Kernel::VMD LineViewer::getWidth() const { return m_thickness; }
 /** For fixed-bin-width mode, get the desired fixed bin width.
  * @return the desired fixed bin width
-double LineViewer::getFixedBinWidth() const
-  return m_fixedBinWidth;
+double LineViewer::getFixedBinWidth() const { return m_fixedBinWidth; }
 /** Is the LineViewer in fixed-bin-width mode?
  * @return True if in fixed bin width mode.
-bool LineViewer::getFixedBinWidthMode() const
-  return m_fixedBinWidthMode;
+bool LineViewer::getFixedBinWidthMode() const { return m_fixedBinWidthMode; }
 // ==============================================================================================
-// ================================== External Setters ==========================================
+// ================================== External Setters
+// ==========================================
 // ==============================================================================================
 /** Set the workspace being sliced
  * @param ws :: IMDWorkspace */
-void LineViewer::setWorkspace(Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr ws)
-  if(!ws)
+void LineViewer::setWorkspace(Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr ws) {
+  if (!ws)
     throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setWorkspace(): Invalid workspace.");
   m_ws = ws;
   m_thickness = VMD(ws->getNumDims());
@@ -665,34 +650,33 @@ void LineViewer::setWorkspace(Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace_sptr ws)
 /** Set the start point of the line to integrate
  * @param start :: vector for the start point */
-void LineViewer::setStart(Mantid::Kernel::VMD start)
+void LineViewer::setStart(Mantid::Kernel::VMD start) {
   if (m_ws && start.getNumDims() != m_ws->getNumDims())
-    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setStart(): Invalid number of dimensions in the start vector.");
+    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setStart(): Invalid number of "
+                             "dimensions in the start vector.");
   m_start = start;
 /** Set the end point of the line to integrate
  * @param end :: vector for the end point */
-void LineViewer::setEnd(Mantid::Kernel::VMD end)
+void LineViewer::setEnd(Mantid::Kernel::VMD end) {
   if (m_ws && end.getNumDims() != m_ws->getNumDims())
-    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setEnd(): Invalid number of dimensions in the end vector.");
+    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setEnd(): Invalid number of "
+                             "dimensions in the end vector.");
   m_end = end;
 /** Set the width of the line in each dimensions
- * @param width :: vector for the width in each dimension. X dimension stands in for the XY plane width */
-void LineViewer::setThickness(Mantid::Kernel::VMD width)
+ * @param width :: vector for the width in each dimension. X dimension stands in
+ * for the XY plane width */
+void LineViewer::setThickness(Mantid::Kernel::VMD width) {
   if (m_ws && width.getNumDims() != m_ws->getNumDims())
-    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setThickness(): Invalid number of dimensions in the width vector.");
+    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setThickness(): Invalid number of "
+                             "dimensions in the width vector.");
   m_thickness = width;
@@ -700,23 +684,16 @@ void LineViewer::setThickness(Mantid::Kernel::VMD width)
 /** Set the width of the line in the planar dimension only.
  * Other dimensions' widths will follow unless they were manually changed
  * @param width :: width in the plane. */
-void LineViewer::setPlanarWidth(double width)
-  if (m_allDimsFree)
-  {
-    for (size_t d=0; d<m_thickness.getNumDims(); d++)
-    {
+void LineViewer::setPlanarWidth(double width) {
+  if (m_allDimsFree) {
+    for (size_t d = 0; d < m_thickness.getNumDims(); d++) {
       setThicknessUsingDimensionInfo(m_ws, d, width, m_thickness);
-  }
-  else
-  {
+  } else {
     double oldPlanarWidth = this->getPlanarWidth();
-    for (size_t d = 0; d < m_thickness.getNumDims(); d++)
-    {
+    for (size_t d = 0; d < m_thickness.getNumDims(); d++) {
       // Only modify the locked ones
-      if (m_thickness[d] == oldPlanarWidth)
-      {
+      if (m_thickness[d] == oldPlanarWidth) {
         setThicknessUsingDimensionInfo(m_ws, d, width, m_thickness);
@@ -732,14 +709,13 @@ void LineViewer::setPlanarWidth(double width)
  * @param numBins :: # of bins
  * @throw std::invalid_argument if numBins < 1
  * */
-void LineViewer::setNumBins(int numBins)
+void LineViewer::setNumBins(int numBins) {
   if (numBins < 1)
     throw std::invalid_argument("LineViewer::setNumBins(): must be > 0");
   m_numBins = size_t(numBins);
-  //ui.spinNumBins->blockSignals(true);
-  ui.spinNumBins->setValue( int(numBins) );
-  //ui.spinNumBins->blockSignals(false);
+  // ui.spinNumBins->blockSignals(true);
+  ui.spinNumBins->setValue(int(numBins));
+  // ui.spinNumBins->blockSignals(false);
 /** Set the free dimensions - dimensions that are allowed to change
@@ -748,13 +724,14 @@ void LineViewer::setNumBins(int numBins)
  * @param dimX :: Index of the X dimension in the 2D slice
  * @param dimY :: Index of the Y dimension in the 2D slice
-void LineViewer::setFreeDimensions(bool all, int dimX, int dimY)
+void LineViewer::setFreeDimensions(bool all, int dimX, int dimY) {
   int nd = int(m_ws->getNumDims());
   if (dimX < 0 || dimX >= nd)
-    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setFreeDimensions(): Free X dimension index is out of range.");
+    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setFreeDimensions(): Free X "
+                             "dimension index is out of range.");
   if (dimY < 0 || dimY >= nd)
-    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setFreeDimensions(): Free Y dimension index is out of range.");
+    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setFreeDimensions(): Free Y "
+                             "dimension index is out of range.");
   m_allDimsFree = all;
   m_freeDimX = dimX;
   m_freeDimY = dimY;
@@ -766,8 +743,7 @@ void LineViewer::setFreeDimensions(bool all, int dimX, int dimY)
  * @param dimX :: index of the X-dimension of the plane
  * @param dimY :: index of the Y-dimension of the plane
-void LineViewer::setFreeDimensions(size_t dimX, size_t dimY)
+void LineViewer::setFreeDimensions(size_t dimX, size_t dimY) {
   m_allDimsFree = false;
   m_freeDimX = int(dimX);
   m_freeDimY = int(dimY);
@@ -787,22 +763,21 @@ void LineViewer::setFreeDimensions(size_t dimX, size_t dimY)
  *        bin width. Must be > 0. Ignored for non-fixed-bin-width mode.
  * @throw std::invalid_argument if binWidth <= 0
-void LineViewer::setFixedBinWidthMode(bool fixedWidth, double binWidth)
+void LineViewer::setFixedBinWidthMode(bool fixedWidth, double binWidth) {
   if (binWidth <= 0)
-    throw std::invalid_argument("LineViewer::setFixedBinWidthMode(): binWidth must be > 0");
+    throw std::invalid_argument(
+        "LineViewer::setFixedBinWidthMode(): binWidth must be > 0");
   m_fixedBinWidthMode = fixedWidth;
-  if (m_fixedBinWidthMode)
-  {
+  if (m_fixedBinWidthMode) {
     m_fixedBinWidth = binWidth;
-    ui.textBinWidth->setToolTip("Desired bin width (will adjust the number of bins).");
+    ui.textBinWidth->setToolTip(
+        "Desired bin width (will adjust the number of bins).");
-    ui.spinNumBins->setToolTip("Current number of bins (calculated from the fixed bin width)");
-  }
-  else
-  {
+    ui.spinNumBins->setToolTip(
+        "Current number of bins (calculated from the fixed bin width)");
+  } else {
     ui.textBinWidth->setToolTip("Current bin width, given the number of bins.");
@@ -820,12 +795,13 @@ void LineViewer::setFixedBinWidthMode(bool fixedWidth, double binWidth)
   // Show the start/end, and update # of bins
-  //TODO: Don't always auto-apply
+  // TODO: Don't always auto-apply
 // ==============================================================================================
-// ================================== Methods for Python ==========================================
+// ================================== Methods for Python
+// ==========================================
 // ==============================================================================================
 /** Set the start point of the line to integrate
@@ -834,10 +810,10 @@ void LineViewer::setFixedBinWidthMode(bool fixedWidth, double binWidth)
  * @param y :: position of the start in the "Y" dimension
  *        (as shown in the SliceViewer).
-void LineViewer::setStartXY(double x, double y)
+void LineViewer::setStartXY(double x, double y) {
   if (m_allDimsFree)
-    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setStartXY(): cannot use with all dimensions free.");
+    throw std::runtime_error(
+        "LineViewer::setStartXY(): cannot use with all dimensions free.");
   m_start[m_freeDimX] = VMD_t(x);
   m_start[m_freeDimY] = VMD_t(y);
@@ -852,10 +828,10 @@ void LineViewer::setStartXY(double x, double y)
  * @param y :: position of the start in the "Y" dimension
  *        (as shown in the SliceViewer).
-void LineViewer::setEndXY(double x, double y)
+void LineViewer::setEndXY(double x, double y) {
   if (m_allDimsFree)
-    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::setEndXY(): cannot use with all dimensions free.");
+    throw std::runtime_error(
+        "LineViewer::setEndXY(): cannot use with all dimensions free.");
   m_end[m_freeDimX] = VMD_t(x);
   m_end[m_freeDimY] = VMD_t(y);
@@ -868,10 +844,10 @@ void LineViewer::setEndXY(double x, double y)
  * in the X/Y coordinates as shown in the SliceViewer
  * @return [X,Y] coordinates
-QPointF LineViewer::getStartXY() const
+QPointF LineViewer::getStartXY() const {
   if (m_allDimsFree)
-    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::getStartXY(): cannot use with all dimensions free.");
+    throw std::runtime_error(
+        "LineViewer::getStartXY(): cannot use with all dimensions free.");
   return QPointF(m_start[m_freeDimX], m_start[m_freeDimY]);
@@ -879,10 +855,10 @@ QPointF LineViewer::getStartXY() const
  * in the X/Y coordinates as shown in the SliceViewer
  * @return [X,Y] coordinates
-QPointF LineViewer::getEndXY() const
+QPointF LineViewer::getEndXY() const {
   if (m_allDimsFree)
-    throw std::runtime_error("LineViewer::getEndXY(): cannot use with all dimensions free.");
+    throw std::runtime_error(
+        "LineViewer::getEndXY(): cannot use with all dimensions free.");
   return QPointF(m_end[m_freeDimX], m_end[m_freeDimY]);
@@ -894,10 +870,10 @@ QPointF LineViewer::getEndXY() const
  * @param width :: width of integration, in the units of all dimensions
-void LineViewer::setThickness(double width)
-  if (!m_ws) return;
-  for (int i=0; i<int(m_ws->getNumDims()); i++)
+void LineViewer::setThickness(double width) {
+  if (!m_ws)
+    return;
+  for (int i = 0; i < int(m_ws->getNumDims()); i++)
     m_thickness[i] = VMD_t(width);
@@ -913,11 +889,12 @@ void LineViewer::setThickness(double width)
  * @param width :: width of integration, in the units of the dimension.
  * @throw std::invalid_argument if the index is invalid
-void LineViewer::setThickness(int dim, double width)
-  if (!m_ws) return;
+void LineViewer::setThickness(int dim, double width) {
+  if (!m_ws)
+    return;
   if (dim >= int(m_ws->getNumDims()) || dim < 0)
-    throw std::invalid_argument("There is no dimension # " + Strings::toString(dim) + " in the workspace.");
+    throw std::invalid_argument("There is no dimension # " +
+                                Strings::toString(dim) + " in the workspace.");
   m_thickness[dim] = VMD_t(width);
@@ -933,9 +910,9 @@ void LineViewer::setThickness(int dim, double width)
  * @param width :: thickness of integration, in the units of the dimension.
  * @throw std::runtime_error if the name is not found in the workspace
-void LineViewer::setThickness(const QString & dim, double width)
-  if (!m_ws) return;
+void LineViewer::setThickness(const QString &dim, double width) {
+  if (!m_ws)
+    return;
   int index = int(m_ws->getDimensionIndexByName(dim.toStdString()));
   return this->setThickness(index, width);
@@ -944,58 +921,44 @@ void LineViewer::setThickness(const QString & dim, double width)
  * @return the number of bins in the line to integrate (int)
-int LineViewer::getNumBins() const
-  return int(m_numBins);
+int LineViewer::getNumBins() const { return int(m_numBins); }
 /** Get the width of each bin
  * @return the width of each bin (double)
-double LineViewer::getBinWidth() const
-  return m_binWidth;
+double LineViewer::getBinWidth() const { return m_binWidth; }
 /** Choose which coordinates to use as the X axis to plot in the line view.
  * @param choice :: PlotAxisChoice, either Auto, X, Y or Distance.
-void LineViewer::setPlotAxis(int choice)
-  m_lineOptions->setPlotAxis(choice);
+void LineViewer::setPlotAxis(int choice) { m_lineOptions->setPlotAxis(choice); }
 /** Return which coordinates to use as the X axis to plot in the line view.
  * @return PlotAxisChoice, either Auto, X, Y or Distance.
-int LineViewer::getPlotAxis() const
-  return m_lineOptions->getPlotAxis();
+int LineViewer::getPlotAxis() const { return m_lineOptions->getPlotAxis(); }
 // ==============================================================================================
-// ================================== Rendering =================================================
+// ================================== Rendering
+// =================================================
 // ==============================================================================================
  * Helper method to get the positive min value.
  * @param curveData : CurveData to look through the data of.
  * @param from : Start value
  * @return : Positive min value.
-double getPositiveMin(const MantidQwtWorkspaceData& curveData, const double from)
+double getPositiveMin(const MantidQwtWorkspaceData &curveData,
+                      const double from) {
   double yPositiveMin = from;
   size_t n = curveData.size();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-  {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
     double y = curveData.y(i);
-    if (y > 0 && y < yPositiveMin)
-    {
+    if (y > 0 && y < yPositiveMin) {
       yPositiveMin = y;
@@ -1007,19 +970,15 @@ double getPositiveMin(const MantidQwtWorkspaceData& curveData, const double from
  * Uses the isLogScaled method to work out which scale engine to make.
  * @param curveData : Curve Data to read.
-void LineViewer::setupScaleEngine(MantidQwtWorkspaceData& curveData)
-  QwtScaleEngine* engine = NULL;
+void LineViewer::setupScaleEngine(MantidQwtWorkspaceData &curveData) {
+  QwtScaleEngine *engine = NULL;
   auto from = curveData.getYMin();
   auto to = curveData.getYMax();
-  if (m_lineOptions->isLogScaledY())
-  {
+  if (m_lineOptions->isLogScaledY()) {
     engine = new QwtLog10ScaleEngine();
-  }
-  else
-  {
+  } else {
     engine = new QwtLinearScaleEngine();
   m_plot->setAxisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::yLeft, engine);
@@ -1029,16 +988,14 @@ void LineViewer::setupScaleEngine(MantidQwtWorkspaceData& curveData)
 /** Calculate and show the preview (non-integrated) line,
  * using the current parameters. */
-void LineViewer::showPreview()
-  MantidQwtIMDWorkspaceData curveData(m_ws, isLogScaledY(),
-      m_start, m_end, m_lineOptions->getNormalization());
+void LineViewer::showPreview() {
+  MantidQwtIMDWorkspaceData curveData(m_ws, isLogScaledY(), m_start, m_end,
+                                      m_lineOptions->getNormalization());
-  if (m_fullCurve->isVisible())
-  {
+  if (m_fullCurve->isVisible()) {
@@ -1050,18 +1007,17 @@ void LineViewer::showPreview()
   m_plot->setTitle("Preview Plot");
-  m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::xBottom, curveData.getXAxisLabel() );
-  m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft, curveData.getYAxisLabel() );
+  m_plot->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::xBottom, curveData.getXAxisLabel());
+  m_plot->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, curveData.getYAxisLabel());
 Gets the dimension index corresponding to the lineviewers preview plot x axis.
 @return the index.
-int LineViewer::getXAxisDimensionIndex() const
-  MantidQwtIMDWorkspaceData curveData(m_ws, isLogScaledY(),
-      m_start, m_end, m_lineOptions->getNormalization());
+int LineViewer::getXAxisDimensionIndex() const {
+  MantidQwtIMDWorkspaceData curveData(m_ws, isLogScaledY(), m_start, m_end,
+                                      m_lineOptions->getNormalization());
   return curveData.currentPlotXAxis();
@@ -1071,42 +1027,37 @@ int LineViewer::getXAxisDimensionIndex() const
  * Getter for the log scaled status.
  * @return True if and only if the y-axis is log scaled.
-bool LineViewer::isLogScaledY() const
-  return m_lineOptions->isLogScaledY();
+bool LineViewer::isLogScaledY() const { return m_lineOptions->isLogScaledY(); }
 /** Calculate and show the full (integrated) line, using the latest
  * integrated workspace. The apply() method must have been called
  * before calling this. */
-void LineViewer::showFull()
-  if (!m_sliceWS) return;
-  MatrixWorkspace_sptr sliceMatrix = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(m_sliceWS);
-  if (sliceMatrix)
-  {
+void LineViewer::showFull() {
+  if (!m_sliceWS)
+    return;
+  MatrixWorkspace_sptr sliceMatrix =
+      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(m_sliceWS);
+  if (sliceMatrix) {
     const bool distribution(false);
-    QwtWorkspaceSpectrumData curveData(*sliceMatrix, 0, isLogScaledY(), distribution);
+    QwtWorkspaceSpectrumData curveData(*sliceMatrix, 0, isLogScaledY(),
+                                       distribution);
-    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::xBottom, curveData.getXAxisLabel() );
-    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft, curveData.getYAxisLabel() );
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    MantidQwtIMDWorkspaceData curveData(m_sliceWS, isLogScaledY(),
-        VMD(), VMD(), m_lineOptions->getNormalization());
+    m_plot->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::xBottom, curveData.getXAxisLabel());
+    m_plot->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, curveData.getYAxisLabel());
+  } else {
+    MantidQwtIMDWorkspaceData curveData(m_sliceWS, isLogScaledY(), VMD(), VMD(),
+                                        m_lineOptions->getNormalization());
-    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::xBottom, curveData.getXAxisLabel() );
-    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft, curveData.getYAxisLabel() );
+    m_plot->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::xBottom, curveData.getXAxisLabel());
+    m_plot->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, curveData.getYAxisLabel());
-  if (m_previewCurve->isVisible())
-  {
+  if (m_previewCurve->isVisible()) {
@@ -1122,22 +1073,17 @@ void LineViewer::showFull()
  * or plot axis.
  * Refreshes the preview or full plot, whichever is visible.
-void LineViewer::refreshPlot()
+void LineViewer::refreshPlot() {
   if (m_previewCurve->isVisible())
  * Handler for the log10 toggle axis event.
-void LineViewer::onToggleLogYAxis()
-  refreshPlot();
+void LineViewer::onToggleLogYAxis() { refreshPlot(); }
 } // namespace