diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp
index 86df82bf489cd2146239c8de976e4e2a4c9d3377..c147984dc309b96d04e74125cca22c1dd1bf87b3 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadFITS.cpp
@@ -88,9 +88,11 @@ void LoadFITS::init() {
       "OutputWorkspace", "", Kernel::Direction::Output));
-      new PropertyWithValue<int>("ImageKey", -1, Kernel::Direction::Input),
+      new PropertyWithValue<int>("ImageKey", 0, Kernel::Direction::Input),
       "Image type to set these files as. 0=data image, 1=flat field, 2=open "
-      "field, -1=use the value from FITS header.");
+      "field, -1=use the value from FITS header. At present, if this is not "
+      "specified and an IMAGEKEY entry is not found in the FITS header, the "
+      "loader will show an error message and stop.");
   declareProperty(new PropertyWithValue<string>(BIT_DEPTH_NAME, "BITPIX",
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/docs/source/algorithms/LoadFITS-v1.rst b/Code/Mantid/docs/source/algorithms/LoadFITS-v1.rst
index 557447bc10fd2b485125fe0b816072e009c36e29..1184957082ea3bb9cc5fcd8427abafca0877988f 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/docs/source/algorithms/LoadFITS-v1.rst
+++ b/Code/Mantid/docs/source/algorithms/LoadFITS-v1.rst
@@ -9,6 +9,86 @@
-Load data from FITS files
+Load FITS files, which typically contain images, into a
+:ref:`WorkspaceGroup <WorkspaceGroup>`. FITS stands for Flexible Image
+Transport System, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FITS. A new
+workspace (of type :ref:`Workspace2D <Workspace2D>`) is created for
+every FITS file loaded with this algorithm, and these workspaces are
+added into a :ref:`WorkspaceGroup <WorkspaceGroup>`. The group
+workspace is named as indicated in the OutputWorkspace input
+property. The workspaces included in the group are named with the same
+name and an appendix _1, _2, etc., incremented sequentially as new
+files are loaded with the same OutputWorkspace property.
+The current implementation of this algorithm only supports 2D files
+(FITS images with two axes), and it should in principle be able to
+load FITS files from different sources.
+The workspaces created by this algorithm contain one spectrum per
+pixel. The first spectrum correspond to the top-left corner and the
+last spectrum to the bottom-right corner.
+FITS header entries
+At a very minimum, the standard header entries SIMPLE, BITPIX, NAXIS,
+NAXIS1, and NAXIS2 must be present in the file.
+This algorithm interprets extension headers defined for the IMAT
+instrument (ISIS facility). The set of extension headers for the IMAT
+instrument is being defined as of this writing and specific support
+and/or functionality related to additional headers might be added in
+this algorithm.
+Child algorithms used
+This algorithm uses one child algorithm:
+- :ref:`algm-LoadInstrument`, which looks for a description of the
+  instrument in the facilities definition file and if found reads it.
+  This algorithm is used only once when loading a set of FITS file
+  corresponding to the same instrument.
+.. testcode:: LoadFITS
+    ws_name = 'FITSws'
+    wsg = LoadFITS(Filename='FITS_small_01.fits', OutputWorkspace=ws_name)
+    ws = wsg.getItem(0)
+    # A couple of standard FITS header entries
+    bpp_log = '_BITPIX'
+    try:
+        log = ws.getRun().getLogData(bpp_log).value
+        print "Bits per pixel: %s" % int(log)
+    except RuntimeError:
+        print "Could not find the keyword '%s' in this FITS file" % bpp_log
+    axis1_log = '_NAXIS1'
+    axis2_log = '_NAXIS2'
+    try:
+        log1 = ws.getRun().getLogData(axis1_log).value
+        log2 = ws.getRun().getLogData(axis2_log).value
+        print "FITS image size: %s x %s pixels" % (int(log1), int(log2))
+        print "Number of spectra in the output workspace: %d" % ws.getNumberHistograms()
+    except RuntimeError:
+        print "Could not find the keywords '%s' and '%s' in this FITS file" % (axis1_log, axis2_log)
+.. testcleanup:: LoadFITS
+    DeleteWorkspace(ws_name)
+.. testoutput:: LoadFITS
+   Bits per pixel: 16
+   FITS image size: 512 x 512 pixels
+   Number of spectra in the output workspace: 262144
 .. categories::