diff --git a/Framework/Algorithms/inc/MantidAlgorithms/FindPeakBackground.h b/Framework/Algorithms/inc/MantidAlgorithms/FindPeakBackground.h
index 62ce8bda1e0f32d9677e690ff1b173b7a76bcb88..26f32d2c04d3bcd3cba0e3406d249e833cf16e95 100644
--- a/Framework/Algorithms/inc/MantidAlgorithms/FindPeakBackground.h
+++ b/Framework/Algorithms/inc/MantidAlgorithms/FindPeakBackground.h
@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@ private:
   /// create output workspace
   void createOutputWorkspaces();
-  void findStartStopIndex(size_t &istart, size_t &istop);
+  /// main method to find peak background
+  int findBackground(std::vector<size_t> &peak_min_max_indexes,
+                     std::vector<double> &bkgd3);
   /// set histogram data to find background
   void setHistogram(const HistogramData::Histogram &histogram);
@@ -88,12 +90,19 @@ private:
   /// set fit window
   void setFitWindow(const std::vector<double> &window);
+  /// add result to output workpsace
+  void addResultToOutput(const int &goodfit,
+                         const std::vector<size_t> &peakindexes,
+                         const std::vector<double> &bkgdparams);
   /// histogram data to find peak background
   boost::shared_ptr<const HistogramData::Histogram> m_histogram;
   //  HistogramData::Histogram& m_histogram;
   /// fit window
   std::vector<double> m_vecFitWindows;
+  size_t m_iStartX; /// l0 in original code
+  size_t m_iStopX;  /// n in original code
   /// background order: 0 for flat, 1 for linear, 2 for quadratic
   size_t m_backgroundOrder;
   /// constant sigma
diff --git a/Framework/Algorithms/src/FindPeakBackground.cpp b/Framework/Algorithms/src/FindPeakBackground.cpp
index ec60398fc8b0cfe996924c09fe254520b4c830bf..350ecb4e91e7e58aa4f29cb21484c47995282abd 100644
--- a/Framework/Algorithms/src/FindPeakBackground.cpp
+++ b/Framework/Algorithms/src/FindPeakBackground.cpp
@@ -71,30 +71,85 @@ void FindPeakBackground::exec() {
   // Get input and validate
-  auto &inpX = m_histogram->x();
-  auto &inpY = m_histogram->y();
-  size_t sizex = inpX.size(); // inpWS->x(inpwsindex).size();
-  size_t sizey = inpY.size(); // inpWS->y(inpwsindex).size();
-  // determine the fit window with their index in X (or Y)
-  size_t n = sizey;
-  size_t l0 = 0;
-  if (m_vecFitWindows.size() > 1) {
-    Mantid::Algorithms::FindPeaks fp;
-    l0 = fp.getIndex(inpX, m_vecFitWindows[0]);
-    n = fp.getIndex(inpX, m_vecFitWindows[1]);
-    if (n < sizey)
-      n++;
-  }
-  // m_vecFitWindows won't be used again form this point till end.
+  //  auto &inpX = m_histogram->x();
+  //  auto &inpY = m_histogram->y();
+  //  size_t sizex = inpX.size(); // inpWS->x(inpwsindex).size();
+  //  size_t sizey = inpY.size(); // inpWS->y(inpwsindex).size();
+  //  // determine the fit window with their index in X (or Y)
+  //  size_t n = sizey;
+  //  size_t l0 = 0;
+  //  if (m_vecFitWindows.size() > 1) {
+  //    Mantid::Algorithms::FindPeaks fp;
+  //    l0 = fp.getIndex(inpX, m_vecFitWindows[0]);
+  //    n = fp.getIndex(inpX, m_vecFitWindows[1]);
+  //    if (n < sizey)
+  //      n++;
+  //  }
+  //  // m_vecFitWindows won't be used again form this point till end.
   // Set up output table workspace
-  // 3. Get Y values
+  // set progress 10%
   Progress prog(this, 0.0, 1.0, 1);
   // Find background
+  std::vector<size_t> peakindexes;
+  std::vector<double> bkgdparams;
+  int goodfit = findBackground(peakindexes, bkgdparams);
+  // add to output workspace
+  addResultToOutput(goodfit, peakindexes, bkgdparams);
+  prog.report();
+  // 4. Set the output
+  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", m_outPeakTableWS);
+ * @brief FindPeakBackground::addResultToOutput
+ * @param goodfit
+ * @param peakindexes
+ * @param bkgdparams
+ */
+void FindPeakBackground::addResultToOutput(
+    const int &goodfit, const std::vector<size_t> &peakindexes,
+    const std::vector<double> &bkgdparams) {
+  if (goodfit > 0) {
+    int min_peak = static_cast<int>(peakindexes[0]);
+    int max_peak = static_cast<int>(peakindexes[1]);
+    double a0 = bkgdparams[0];
+    double a1 = bkgdparams[1];
+    double a2 = bkgdparams[2];
+    API::TableRow t = m_outPeakTableWS->getRow(0);
+    t << static_cast<int>(m_inputWSIndex) << min_peak << max_peak << a0 << a1
+      << a2 << goodfit;
+  }
+  return;
+/** Main method to process find peak background
+ * Note: all inputs shall be set up by this method
+ * @brief FindPeakBackground::findBackground
+ * @param peak_min_max_indexes
+ * @param bkgd3
+ * @return integer as good fit or not!
+ */
+int FindPeakBackground::findBackground(
+    std::vector<size_t> &peak_min_max_indexes, std::vector<double> &bkgd3) {
+  // get something from previously set up class variable
+  auto &inpX = m_histogram->x();
+  auto &inpY = m_histogram->y();
+  size_t l0 = m_iStartX;
+  size_t n = m_iStopX;
+  int goodfit(0);
   double Ymean, Yvariance, Ysigma;
   MantidVec maskedY;
   auto in = std::min_element(inpY.cbegin(), inpY.cend());
@@ -162,10 +217,10 @@ void FindPeakBackground::exec() {
         if (inpY[l + l0] > peaks[ipeak].maxY)
           peaks[ipeak].maxY = inpY[l + l0];
-    }
+    } // END-FOR (l)
     size_t min_peak, max_peak;
     double a0 = 0., a1 = 0., a2 = 0.;
-    int goodfit;
     if (!peaks.empty()) {
       g_log.debug() << "Peaks' size = " << peaks.size()
                     << " -> esitmate background. \n";
@@ -186,20 +241,28 @@ void FindPeakBackground::exec() {
       goodfit = 2;
     estimateBackground(inpX, inpY, l0, n, min_peak, max_peak, (!peaks.empty()),
                        a0, a1, a2);
     // Add a new row
-    API::TableRow t = m_outPeakTableWS->getRow(0);
-    t << static_cast<int>(m_inputWSIndex) << static_cast<int>(min_peak)
-      << static_cast<int>(max_peak) << a0 << a1 << a2 << goodfit;
-  }
-  prog.report();
+    //    API::TableRow t = m_outPeakTableWS->getRow(0);
+    //    t << static_cast<int>(m_inputWSIndex) << static_cast<int>(min_peak)
+    //      << static_cast<int>(max_peak) << a0 << a1 << a2 << goodfit;
-  // 4. Set the output
-  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", m_outPeakTableWS);
+    // set up good fit result
+    peak_min_max_indexes.resize(2);
+    peak_min_max_indexes[0] = min_peak;
+    peak_min_max_indexes[1] = max_peak;
+    bkgd3.resize(3);
+    bkgd3[0] = a0;
+    bkgd3[1] = a1;
+    bkgd3[2] = a2;
+  } // END-IF: if (n - l0 > 5)
+  return goodfit;
@@ -444,6 +507,10 @@ void FindPeakBackground::setBackgroundOrder(size_t order) {
  * @param fitwindow
 void FindPeakBackground::setFitWindow(const std::vector<double> &fitwindow) {
+  size_t l0 = 0;
+  size_t n = m_histogram->y().size();
   // validate input
   if (m_vecFitWindows.size() == 0) {
@@ -453,11 +520,37 @@ void FindPeakBackground::setFitWindow(const std::vector<double> &fitwindow) {
              m_vecFitWindows[0] >= m_vecFitWindows[1]) {
     throw std::invalid_argument("Fit window has either wrong item number or "
                                 "window value is not in ascending order.");
+  } else {
+    Mantid::Algorithms::FindPeaks fp;
+    l0 = fp.getIndex(m_histogram->x(), m_vecFitWindows[0]);
+    n = fp.getIndex(m_histogram->x(), m_vecFitWindows[1]);
+    if (n < m_histogram->y().size())
+      n++;
-  // m_vecFitWindows.resize(2);
   // copy the input to class variable
   m_vecFitWindows = fitwindow;
+  m_iStartX = l0;
+  m_iStopX = n;
+  // ---- from here .. all from original code
+  //  auto &inpX = m_histogram->x();
+  //  auto &inpY = m_histogram->y();
+  //  size_t sizex = inpX.size(); // inpWS->x(inpwsindex).size();
+  //  size_t sizey = inpY.size(); // inpWS->y(inpwsindex).size();
+  // determine the fit window with their index in X (or Y)
+  // size_t n = sizey;
+  // size_t l0 = 0;
+  //  if (m_vecFitWindows.size() > 1) {
+  //    Mantid::Algorithms::FindPeaks fp;
+  //    l0 = fp.getIndex(inpX, m_vecFitWindows[0]);
+  //    n = fp.getIndex(inpX, m_vecFitWindows[1]);
+  //    if (n < sizey)
+  //      n++;
+  //  }
+  // m_vecFitWindows won't be used again form this point till end.