diff --git a/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/simpleapi.py b/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/simpleapi.py
index a8504f916262da4b9f247d1dd228e5a850b044ca..1ded6b0bf0352e05f97a0fe0054a9010ac70383b 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/simpleapi.py
+++ b/Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/simpleapi.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import
+import os, string
 import mantid.api as _api
 import mantid.kernel as _kernel
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ from mantid.api._aliases import *
 #------------------------ Specialized function calls --------------------------
 # List of specialized algorithms
-__SPECIALIZED_FUNCTIONS__ = ["Load", "Fit"]
+__SPECIALIZED_FUNCTIONS__ = ["Load", "Fit", "CutMD"]
 # List of specialized algorithms
 __MDCOORD_FUNCTIONS__ = ["PeakIntensityVsRadius", "CentroidPeaksMD","IntegratePeaksMD"]
 # The "magic" keyword to enable/disable logging
@@ -257,22 +258,124 @@ def FitDialog(*args, **kwargs):
 #--------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
-#This dictionary maps algorithm names to functions that preprocess their inputs
-#in the simpleapi. The functions take args and kwargs as regular arguments and
-#modify them as required.
+def CutMD(*args, **kwargs):
+    """
+    Slices multidimensional workspaces using input projection information and binning limits.
+    """
+    (in_wss,) = _get_mandatory_args('CutMD', ["InputWorkspace"], *args, **kwargs)
+    # If the input isn't a list, wrap it in one so we can iterate easily
+    if isinstance(in_wss, list):
+        in_list = in_wss
+        handling_multiple_workspaces = True
+    else:
+        in_list = [in_wss]
+        handling_multiple_workspaces = False
+    # Remove from keywords so it is not set twice
+    if "InputWorkspace" in kwargs:
+        del kwargs['InputWorkspace']
+    #Make sure we were given some output workspace names
+    lhs = _kernel.funcreturns.lhs_info()
+    if lhs[0] == 0 and 'OutputWorkspace' not in kwargs:
+        raise RuntimeError("Unable to set output workspace name. Please either assign the output of "
+                           "CutMD to a variable or use the OutputWorkspace keyword.")
+    #Take what we were given
+    if "OutputWorkspace" in kwargs:
+        out_names = kwargs["OutputWorkspace"]
+    else:
+        out_names = list(lhs[1])
+    #Ensure the output names we were given are valid
+    if handling_multiple_workspaces:
+        if not isinstance(out_names, list):
+            raise RuntimeError("Multiple OutputWorkspaces must be given as a list when processing multiple InputWorkspaces.")
+    else:
+        #We wrap in a list for our convenience. The user musn't pass us one though.
+        if not isinstance(out_names, list):
+            out_names = [out_names]
+        elif len(out_names) != 1:
+            raise RuntimeError("Only one OutputWorkspace required")
+    if len(out_names) != len(in_list):
+        raise RuntimeError("Different number of input and output workspaces given.")
+    # Split PBins up into P1Bin, P2Bin, etc.
+    if "PBins" in kwargs:
+        bins = kwargs["PBins"]
+        del kwargs["PBins"]
+        if isinstance(bins, tuple) or isinstance(bins, list):
+            for bin in range(len(bins)):
+                kwargs["P{0}Bin".format(bin+1)] = bins[bin]
+    # Create and execute
+    algm = _create_algorithm_object('CutMD')
+    _set_logging_option(algm, kwargs)
-_algorithm_preprocessors = dict()
+    # Now check that all the kwargs we've got are correct
+    for key in kwargs.keys():
+        if key not in algm:
+            raise RuntimeError("Unknown property: {0}".format(key))
+    # We're now going to build to_process, which is the list of workspaces we want to process.
+    to_process = list()
+    for i in range(len(in_list)):
+        ws = in_list[i]
+        if isinstance(ws, _api.Workspace):
+            #It's a workspace, do nothing to it
+            to_process.append(ws)
+        elif isinstance(ws, str):
+            if ws in mtd:
+                #It's a name of something in the ads, just take it from the ads
+                to_process.append(_api.AnalysisDataService[ws])
+            else:
+                #Let's try treating it as a filename
+                load_alg = AlgorithmManager.create("Load")
+                load_alg.setLogging(True)
+                load_alg.setAlwaysStoreInADS(False)
+                load_alg.setProperty("Filename", ws)
+                load_alg.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", "__loaded_by_cutmd_{0}".format(i+1))
+                load_alg.execute()
+                if not load_alg.isExecuted():
+                    raise TypeError("Failed to load " + ws)
+                wsn = load_alg.getProperty("OutputWorkspace").valueAsStr
+                to_process.append(_api.AnalysisDataService[wsn])
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("Unexpected type: " + type(ws))
+    #Run the algorithm across the inputs and outputs
+    for i in range(len(to_process)):
+        _set_properties(algm, **kwargs)
+        algm.setProperty('InputWorkspace', to_process[i])
+        algm.setProperty('OutputWorkspace', out_names[i])
+        algm.execute()
-def _pp_cutmd(args, kwargs):
-  if "PBins" in kwargs:
-    bins = kwargs["PBins"]
-    del kwargs["PBins"]
-    if isinstance(bins, tuple) or isinstance(bins, list):
-      #PBin has been provided, we need to split it out into P1Bin, P2Bin, etc.
-      for bin in range(len(bins)):
-        kwargs["P{0}Bin".format(bin+1)] = bins[bin]
+    #Get the workspace objects so we can return them
+    for i in range(len(out_names)):
+        out_names[i] = _api.AnalysisDataService[out_names[i]]
-_algorithm_preprocessors["CutMD"] = _pp_cutmd
+    #We should only return a list if we're handling multiple workspaces
+    if handling_multiple_workspaces:
+        return out_names
+    else:
+        return out_names[0]
+# Have a better load signature for autocomplete
+_signature = "\bInputWorkspace"
+# Getting the code object for Load
+_f = CutMD.func_code
+# Creating a new code object nearly identical, but with the two variable names replaced
+# by the property list.
+_c = _f.__new__(_f.__class__, _f.co_argcount, _f.co_nlocals, _f.co_stacksize, _f.co_flags, _f.co_code, _f.co_consts, _f.co_names,\
+       (_signature, "kwargs"), _f.co_filename, _f.co_name, _f.co_firstlineno, _f.co_lnotab, _f.co_freevars)
+# Replace the code object of the wrapper function
+CutMD.func_code = _c
+#--------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
 def _get_function_spec(func):
     """Get the python function signature for the given function object
@@ -568,10 +671,6 @@ def _create_algorithm_function(algorithm, version, _algm_object):
             the proper version of the algorithm without failing.
-        # If needed, preprocess this algorithm's input
-        if algorithm in _algorithm_preprocessors:
-          _algorithm_preprocessors[algorithm](args, kwargs)
         _version = version
         if "Version" in kwargs:
             _version = kwargs["Version"]
diff --git a/Code/Mantid/docs/source/algorithms/CutMD-v1.rst b/Code/Mantid/docs/source/algorithms/CutMD-v1.rst
index 98b00565f70354061e153679fb13593d870b82d5..da2f0f251e15456314cd10bdb50cc2a8e139241e 100644
--- a/Code/Mantid/docs/source/algorithms/CutMD-v1.rst
+++ b/Code/Mantid/docs/source/algorithms/CutMD-v1.rst
@@ -9,11 +9,20 @@
-This algorithm performs slicing of multiDimensional data according to a chosen projection, and binning choice. The algorithm uses :ref:`algm-BinMD` or 
-:ref:`algm-SliceMD` to achieve the binning of the data. The choice of child algorithm used for the slicing is controlled by the NoPix option.
+This algorithm performs slicing of multiDimensional data according to a chosen
+projection, and binning choice. The algorithm uses :ref:`algm-BinMD` or
+:ref:`algm-SliceMD` to achieve the binning of the data. The choice of child
+algorithm used for the slicing is controlled by the NoPix option.
 The synax is similar to that used by `Horace <http://horace.isis.rl.ac.uk/Manipulating_and_extracting_data_from_SQW_files_and_objects#cut_sqw>`__.
+Unlike most Mantid algorithms, CutMD can accept a list of workspaces as the
+input workspace, given as the name of a workspace in the analysis data service
+or the path to a workspace, or simply a workspace object in python. These will
+all then be processed sequentially with the same options. The only requirement
+is that the same number of output workspaces are also given so that CutMD knows
+what to call each output workspace created.
@@ -39,6 +48,10 @@ Usage
    # Apply the cut (PBins property sets the P1Bin, P2Bin, etc. properties for you)
    out_md = CutMD(to_cut, Projection=proj_ws, PBins=([0.1], [0.1], [0.1], [-5,5]), NoPix=True)
+   #Another way we can call CutMD:
+   #[out1, out2, out3] = CutMD([to_cut, "some_other_file.nxs", "some_workspace_name"], ...)
    print 'number of dimensions', out_md.getNumDims()
    print 'number of dimensions not integrated', len(out_md.getNonIntegratedDimensions())
    dim_dE = out_md.getDimension(3)