diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/api/WorkspacePropertyExporter.h b/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/api/WorkspacePropertyExporter.h
index f28cb82152330306db9044da42922b1e994284c0..aff1c6a9507ca2431c3838f5558181fc7933a5b9 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/api/WorkspacePropertyExporter.h
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/api/WorkspacePropertyExporter.h
@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ template <typename WorkspaceType> struct WorkspacePropertyExporter {
                   API::PropertyMode::Type, API::LockMode::Type>(
             args("name", "defaultValue", "direction", "optional", "locking")))
         // These variants require the validator object to be cloned
-        .def("__init__",
-             make_constructor(
-                 &createPropertyWithValidator, default_call_policies(),
-                 args("name", "defaultValue", "direction", "validator")))
+        .def("__init__", make_constructor(&createPropertyWithValidator,
+                                          default_call_policies(),
+                                          (arg("name"), arg("defaultValue"),
+                                           arg("direction"), arg("validator"))))
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ template <typename WorkspaceType> struct WorkspacePropertyExporter {
                               args("name", "defaultValue", "direction",
                                    "optional", "locking", "validator")))
-        .def("isOptional", &TypedWorkspaceProperty::isOptional,
+        .def("isOptional", &TypedWorkspaceProperty::isOptional, arg("self"),
              "Returns true if the property has been marked as optional")
         .add_property("value", &value);
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/kernel/DataServiceExporter.h b/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/kernel/DataServiceExporter.h
index 5de200f77772535379d80f49cc8303345a0d4aba..90679c67007c4a433a9654ac8c4b214633f45354 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/kernel/DataServiceExporter.h
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/kernel/DataServiceExporter.h
@@ -66,30 +66,37 @@ template <typename SvcType, typename SvcPtrType> struct DataServiceExporter {
     auto classType =
         PythonType(pythonClassName, no_init)
             .def("add", &DataServiceExporter::addItem,
+                 (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("item")),
                  "Adds the given object to the service with the given name. If "
                  "the name/object exists it will raise an error.")
             .def("addOrReplace", &DataServiceExporter::addOrReplaceItem,
+                 (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("item")),
                  "Adds the given object to the service with the given name. "
                  "The the name exists the object is replaced.")
-            .def("doesExist", &SvcType::doesExist,
+            .def("doesExist", &SvcType::doesExist, (arg("self"), arg("name")),
                  "Returns True if the object is found in the service.")
             .def("retrieve", &DataServiceExporter::retrieveOrKeyError,
+                 (arg("self"), arg("name")),
                  "Retrieve the named object. Raises an exception if the name "
                  "does not exist")
-            .def("remove", &SvcType::remove, "Remove a named object")
-            .def("clear", &SvcType::clear,
+            .def("remove", &SvcType::remove, (arg("self"), arg("name")),
+                 "Remove a named object")
+            .def("clear", &SvcType::clear, arg("self"),
                  "Removes all objects managed by the service.")
-            .def("size", &SvcType::size,
+            .def("size", &SvcType::size, arg("self"),
                  "Returns the number of objects within the service")
             .def("getObjectNames", &DataServiceExporter::getObjectNamesAsList,
+                 arg("self"),
                  "Return the list of names currently known to the ADS")
             // Make it act like a dictionary
-            .def("__len__", &SvcType::size)
-            .def("__getitem__", &DataServiceExporter::retrieveOrKeyError)
-            .def("__setitem__", &DataServiceExporter::addOrReplaceItem)
-            .def("__contains__", &SvcType::doesExist)
-            .def("__delitem__", &SvcType::remove);
+            .def("__len__", &SvcType::size, arg("self"))
+            .def("__getitem__", &DataServiceExporter::retrieveOrKeyError,
+                 (arg("self"), arg("name")))
+            .def("__setitem__", &DataServiceExporter::addOrReplaceItem,
+                 (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("item")))
+            .def("__contains__", &SvcType::doesExist, arg("self"))
+            .def("__delitem__", &SvcType::remove, (arg("self"), arg("name")));
     return classType;
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/kernel/TypedValidatorExporter.h b/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/kernel/TypedValidatorExporter.h
index e876486b65ce12d54ea8a1a57c5e651db2a7a722..aed38b70fe762cec3f5f3df0fa9c7fc1038125f5 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/kernel/TypedValidatorExporter.h
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/inc/MantidPythonInterface/kernel/TypedValidatorExporter.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ template <typename Type> struct TypedValidatorExporter {
     class_<TypedValidator<Type>, bases<IValidator>, boost::noncopyable>(
         pythonClassName, no_init)
-        .def("isValid", &IValidator::isValid<Type>,
+        .def("isValid", &IValidator::isValid<Type>, (arg("self"), arg("value")),
              "Returns an empty string if the value is considered valid, "
              "otherwise a string defining the error is returned.");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Algorithm.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Algorithm.cpp
index 843ccf1e8b1eaa9ca3ad952c8f491d400455e074..44b07a508d7484ec85fd0d0b15371ab40f1f85c4 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Algorithm.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Algorithm.cpp
@@ -83,22 +83,19 @@ void export_leaf_classes() {
       .def("fromString", &Algorithm::fromString,
            "Initialize the algorithm from a string representation")
       .def("createChildAlgorithm", &Algorithm::createChildAlgorithm,
-           (arg("name"), arg("startProgress") = -1.0, arg("endProgress") = -1.0,
-            arg("enableLogging") = true, arg("version") = -1),
+           (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("startProgress") = -1.0,
+            arg("endProgress") = -1.0, arg("enableLogging") = true,
+            arg("version") = -1),
            "Creates and intializes a named child algorithm. Output workspaces "
            "are given a dummy name.")
                (arg("self"), arg("prop"), arg("doc") = "")))
-           &Algorithm::enableHistoryRecordingForChild, (args("on")),
+           &Algorithm::enableHistoryRecordingForChild, (arg("self"), arg("on")),
            "Turns history recording on or off for an algorithm.")
@@ -108,7 +105,6 @@ void export_leaf_classes() {
                "Declares a named property where the type is taken from "
                "the type of the defaultValue and mapped to an appropriate C++ "
@@ -117,23 +113,22 @@ void export_leaf_classes() {
                "Declares a named property where the type is taken from the "
                "type "
                "of the defaultValue and mapped to an appropriate C++ type"))
            (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("defaultValue"),
             arg("direction") = Direction::Input),
            "Declares a named property where the type is taken from the type "
            "of the defaultValue and mapped to an appropriate C++ type")
-      .def("getLogger", &PythonAlgorithm::getLogger,
+      .def("getLogger", &PythonAlgorithm::getLogger, arg("self"),
            "Returns a reference to this algorithm's logger")
-      .def("log", &PythonAlgorithm::getLogger,
+      .def("log", &PythonAlgorithm::getLogger, arg("self"),
            "Returns a reference to this algorithm's logger") // Traditional name
       // deprecated methods
       .def("setWikiSummary", &PythonAlgorithm::setWikiSummary,
+           (arg("self"), arg("summary")),
            "(Deprecated.) Set summary for the help.");
   // Prior to version 3.2 there was a separate C++ PythonAlgorithm class that
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmFactory.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmFactory.cpp
index 14fa42684ddb16434842304533d8508d63033ff7..16596444d5052301e09371c9ef001fdf29eb5665 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmFactory.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmFactory.cpp
@@ -125,12 +125,15 @@ void export_AlgorithmFactory() {
                             "an option to specify the version"))
       .def("getRegisteredAlgorithms", &getRegisteredAlgorithms,
+           (arg("self"), arg("include_hidden")),
            "Returns a Python dictionary of currently registered algorithms")
       .def("highestVersion", &AlgorithmFactoryImpl::highestVersion,
+           (arg("self"), arg("algorithm_name")),
            "Returns the highest version of the named algorithm. Throws "
            "ValueError if no algorithm can be found")
-      .def("subscribe", &subscribe, "Register a Python class derived from "
-                                    "PythonAlgorithm into the factory")
+      .def("subscribe", &subscribe, (arg("self"), arg("object")),
+           "Register a Python class derived from "
+           "PythonAlgorithm into the factory")
       .def("Instance", &AlgorithmFactory::Instance,
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmHistory.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmHistory.cpp
index 8c886db7e8e024996dfda59da964188d8b61eb96..05a5f7045434a46b2bbd1ba14e0f7e9a2b35ec6a 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmHistory.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmHistory.cpp
@@ -58,40 +58,42 @@ void export_AlgorithmHistory() {
   class_<AlgorithmHistory>("AlgorithmHistory", no_init)
-      .def("name", &AlgorithmHistory::name,
+      .def("name", &AlgorithmHistory::name, arg("self"),
            "Returns the name of the algorithm.")
-      .def("version", &AlgorithmHistory::version,
+      .def("version", &AlgorithmHistory::version, arg("self"),
            "Returns the version of the algorithm.")
       .def("executionDuration", &AlgorithmHistory::executionDuration,
-           "Returns the execution duration of the algorithm.")
+           arg("self"), "Returns the execution duration of the algorithm.")
-      .def("executionDate", &AlgorithmHistory::executionDate,
+      .def("executionDate", &AlgorithmHistory::executionDate, arg("self"),
            "Returns the execution date of the algorithm.")
-      .def("execCount", &AlgorithmHistory::execCount,
+      .def("execCount", &AlgorithmHistory::execCount, arg("self"),
            "Returns the execution number of the algorithm.")
-      .def("childHistorySize", &AlgorithmHistory::childHistorySize,
+      .def("childHistorySize", &AlgorithmHistory::childHistorySize, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of the child algorithms.")
-           &AlgorithmHistory::getChildAlgorithmHistory, arg("index"),
+           &AlgorithmHistory::getChildAlgorithmHistory,
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
            "Returns the child algorithm at the given index in the history")
-      .def("getChildHistories", &getChildrenAsList, "Returns a list of child "
-                                                    "algorithm histories for "
-                                                    "this algorithm history.")
+      .def("getChildHistories", &getChildrenAsList, arg("self"),
+           "Returns a list of child "
+           "algorithm histories for "
+           "this algorithm history.")
-      .def("getProperties", &getPropertiesAsList,
+      .def("getProperties", &getPropertiesAsList, arg("self"),
            "Returns properties for this algorithm history.")
       .def("getChildAlgorithm", &AlgorithmHistory::getChildAlgorithm,
-           arg("index"),
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
            "Returns the algorithm at the given index in the history")
       // ----------------- Operators --------------------------------------
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmManager.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmManager.cpp
index 15aa52abed074a2c1c67e30a011043c131cc01a6..283b71e128e716988c2c52cc63c09f788932503f 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmManager.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/AlgorithmManager.cpp
@@ -86,22 +86,25 @@ void export_AlgorithmManager() {
           .def("createUnmanaged", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::createUnmanaged,
                createUnmanaged_overloads((arg("name"), arg("version")),
                                          "Creates an unmanaged algorithm."))
-          .def("size", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::size,
+          .def("size", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::size, arg("self"),
                "Returns the number of managed algorithms")
           .def("setMaxAlgorithms", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::setMaxAlgorithms,
+               (arg("self"), arg("n")),
                "Set the maximum number of allowed managed algorithms")
-          .def("getAlgorithm", &getAlgorithm,
+          .def("getAlgorithm", &getAlgorithm, (arg("self"), arg("id_holder")),
                "Return the algorithm instance identified by the given id.")
-          .def("removeById", &removeById,
+          .def("removeById", &removeById, (arg("self"), arg("id_holder")),
                "Remove an algorithm from the managed list")
           .def("newestInstanceOf", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::newestInstanceOf,
+               (arg("self"), arg("algorithm_name")),
                "Returns the newest created instance of the named algorithm")
           .def("runningInstancesOf", &runningInstancesOf,
+               (arg("self"), arg("algorithm_name")),
                "Returns a list of managed algorithm instances that are "
                "currently executing")
-          .def("clear", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::clear,
+          .def("clear", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::clear, arg("self"),
                "Clears the current list of managed algorithms")
-          .def("cancelAll", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::cancelAll,
+          .def("cancelAll", &AlgorithmManagerImpl::cancelAll, arg("self"),
                "Requests that all currently running algorithms be cancelled");
   // Instance method
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Axis.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Axis.cpp
index 134ea0eecfdb293583ce9e7ef8a67dbb8de7479b..664da1fb0da97aea7d9a3bfca91669d1b2683fa9 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Axis.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Axis.cpp
@@ -83,33 +83,41 @@ void export_Axis() {
   // Class
   class_<Axis, boost::noncopyable>("MantidAxis", no_init)
-      .def("length", &Axis::length, "Returns the length of the axis")
+      .def("length", &Axis::length, arg("self"),
+           "Returns the length of the axis")
       .def("title", (const std::string &(Axis::*)() const) & Axis::title,
-           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(), "Get the axis title")
-      .def("isSpectra", &Axis::isSpectra,
+           arg("self"), return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(),
+           "Get the axis title")
+      .def("isSpectra", &Axis::isSpectra, arg("self"),
            "Returns true if this is a SpectraAxis")
-      .def("isNumeric", &Axis::isNumeric,
+      .def("isNumeric", &Axis::isNumeric, arg("self"),
            "Returns true if this is a NumericAxis")
-      .def("isText", &Axis::isText, "Returns true if this is a TextAxis")
-      .def("label", &Axis::label, "Return the axis label")
+      .def("isText", &Axis::isText, arg("self"),
+           "Returns true if this is a TextAxis")
+      .def("label", &Axis::label, (arg("self"), arg("index")),
+           "Return the axis label")
       .def("getUnit", (const Unit_sptr &(Axis::*)() const) & Axis::unit,
-           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(),
+           arg("self"), return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(),
            "Returns the unit object for the axis")
       .def("getValue", &Axis::getValue,
-           Axis_getValue(args("index", "vertical_index"),
+           Axis_getValue((arg("self"), arg("index"), arg("vertical_index")),
                          "Returns the value at the given point on the Axis. "
                          "The vertical axis index [default=0]"))
-      .def("extractValues", &extractAxisValues,
+      .def("extractValues", &extractAxisValues, arg("self"),
            "Return a numpy array of the axis values")
-      .def("setUnit", &Axis::setUnit,
+      .def("setUnit", &Axis::setUnit, (arg("self"), arg("unit_name")),
            "Set the unit for this axis by name.")
-      .def("setValue", &Axis::setValue, "Set a value at the given index")
-      .def("getMin", &Axis::getMin, "Get min value specified on the axis")
-      .def("getMax", &Axis::getMax, "Get max value specified on the axis")
+      .def("setValue", &Axis::setValue,
+           (arg("self"), arg("index"), arg("value")),
+           "Set a value at the given index")
+      .def("getMin", &Axis::getMin, arg("self"),
+           "Get min value specified on the axis")
+      .def("getMax", &Axis::getMax, arg("self"),
+           "Get max value specified on the axis")
       //------------------------------------ Special methods
-      .def("__len__", &Axis::length);
+      .def("__len__", &Axis::length, arg("self"));
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -128,7 +136,8 @@ void export_NumericAxis() {
   /// Exported so that Boost.Python can give back a NumericAxis class when an
   /// Axis* is returned
   class_<NumericAxis, bases<Axis>, boost::noncopyable>("NumericAxis", no_init)
-      .def("create", &createNumericAxis, return_internal_reference<>(),
+      .def("create", &createNumericAxis, arg("length"),
+           return_internal_reference<>(),
            "Creates a new NumericAxis of a specified length")
@@ -151,7 +160,8 @@ void export_BinEdgeAxis() {
   /// Axis* is returned
   class_<BinEdgeAxis, bases<NumericAxis>, boost::noncopyable>("BinEdgeAxis",
-      .def("create", &createBinEdgeAxis, return_internal_reference<>(),
+      .def("create", &createBinEdgeAxis, arg("length"),
+           return_internal_reference<>(),
            "Creates a new BinEdgeAxis of a specified length")
@@ -169,9 +179,13 @@ Axis *createTextAxis(int length) { return new Mantid::API::TextAxis(length); }
 void export_TextAxis() {
   class_<TextAxis, bases<Axis>, boost::noncopyable>("TextAxis", no_init)
-      .def("setLabel", &TextAxis::setLabel, "Set the label at the given entry")
-      .def("label", &TextAxis::label, "Return the label at the given position")
-      .def("create", &createTextAxis, return_internal_reference<>(),
+      .def("setLabel", &TextAxis::setLabel,
+           (arg("self"), arg("index"), arg("label")),
+           "Set the label at the given entry")
+      .def("label", &TextAxis::label, (arg("self"), arg("index")),
+           "Return the label at the given position")
+      .def("create", &createTextAxis, arg("length"),
+           return_internal_reference<>(),
            "Creates a new TextAxis of a specified length")
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/BoxController.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/BoxController.cpp
index 7caf592a3ea586aad1dc6544bb2b80c7024c543b..af6debd38bd7864bcda9671f74e9e7979deeeed6 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/BoxController.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/BoxController.cpp
@@ -11,24 +11,28 @@ void export_BoxController() {
   class_<BoxController, boost::noncopyable>("BoxController", no_init)
-      .def("getNDims", &BoxController::getNDims, "Get # of dimensions")
-      .def("getSplitThreshold", &BoxController::getSplitThreshold,
+      .def("getNDims", &BoxController::getNDims, arg("self"),
+           "Get # of dimensions")
+      .def("getSplitThreshold", &BoxController::getSplitThreshold, arg("self"),
            "Return the splitting threshold, in # of events")
       .def("getSplitInto", &BoxController::getSplitInto,
+           (arg("self"), arg("dim")),
            "Return into how many to split along a dimension")
-      .def("getMaxDepth", &BoxController::getMaxDepth,
+      .def("getMaxDepth", &BoxController::getMaxDepth, arg("self"),
            "Return the max recursion depth allowed for grid box splitting.")
       .def("getTotalNumMDBoxes", &BoxController::getTotalNumMDBoxes,
+           arg("self"),
            "Return the total number of MD Boxes, irrespective of depth")
       .def("getTotalNumMDGridBoxes", &BoxController::getTotalNumMDGridBoxes,
+           arg("self"),
            "Return the total number of MDGridBox'es, irrespective of depth")
-      .def("getAverageDepth", &BoxController::getAverageDepth,
+      .def("getAverageDepth", &BoxController::getAverageDepth, arg("self"),
            "Return the average recursion depth of gridding.")
-      .def("isFileBacked", &BoxController::isFileBacked,
+      .def("isFileBacked", &BoxController::isFileBacked, arg("self"),
            "Return True if the MDEventWorkspace is backed by a file ")
-      .def("getFilename", &BoxController::getFilename,
+      .def("getFilename", &BoxController::getFilename, arg("self"),
            "Return  the full path to the file open as the file-based back or "
            "empty string if no file back-end is initiated")
-      .def("useWriteBuffer", &BoxController::useWriteBuffer,
+      .def("useWriteBuffer", &BoxController::useWriteBuffer, arg("self"),
            "Return true if the MRU should be used");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/DataProcessorAlgorithm.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/DataProcessorAlgorithm.cpp
index 1dacf9c7bc503e3455d541b358f1beb3dac72b61..00c8a38090785a1306a40883c221b28f3dffbcd5 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/DataProcessorAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/DataProcessorAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -25,61 +25,72 @@ void export_DataProcessorAlgorithm() {
       "DataProcessorAlgorithm", "Base class workflow-type algorithms")
       .def("setLoadAlg", &DataProcessorAdapter::setLoadAlgProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("alg")),
            "Set the name of the algorithm called using the load() method "
       .def("setLoadAlgFileProp", &DataProcessorAdapter::setLoadAlgFilePropProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("file_prop_name")),
            "Set the name of the file property for the load algorithm when "
            "using "
            "the load() method [Default=Filename]")
       .def("setAccumAlg", &DataProcessorAdapter::setAccumAlgProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("alg")),
            "Set the name of the algorithm called to accumulate a chunk of "
            "processed data [Default=Plus]")
       .def("determineChunk", &DataProcessorAdapter::determineChunkProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("file_name")),
            "Return a TableWorkspace containing the information on how to split "
            "the "
            "input file when processing in chunks")
       .def("loadChunk", &DataProcessorAdapter::loadChunkProxy,
-           "Load a chunk of data")
+           (arg("self"), arg("row_index")), "Load a chunk of data")
       .def("load", (loadOverload1)&DataProcessorAdapter::loadProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("input_data")),
            "Loads the given file or workspace data and returns the workspace. "
            "The output is not stored in the AnalysisDataService.")
       .def("load", (loadOverload2)&DataProcessorAdapter::loadProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("input_data"), arg("load_quite")),
            "Loads the given file or workspace data and returns the workspace. "
            "If loadQuiet=True then output is not stored in the "
       .def("splitInput", &DataProcessorAdapter::splitInputProxy,
-           return_value_policy<VectorToNumpy>())
+           (arg("self"), arg("input")), return_value_policy<VectorToNumpy>())
-      .def("forwardProperties", &DataProcessorAdapter::forwardPropertiesProxy)
+      .def("forwardProperties", &DataProcessorAdapter::forwardPropertiesProxy,
+           arg("self"))
+           (arg("self"), arg("property_manager")),
            "Returns the named property manager from the service or creates "
            "a new one if it does not exist")
       .def("assemble", &DataProcessorAdapter::assembleProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("partial_wsname"), arg("output_wsname")),
            "If an MPI build, assemble the partial workspaces from all MPI "
            "processes. "
            "Otherwise, simply returns the input workspace")
       .def("saveNexus", &DataProcessorAdapter::saveNexusProxy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("output_wsname"), arg("output_filename")),
            "Save a workspace as a nexus file. If this is an MPI build then "
            "saving only "
            "happens for the main thread.")
       .def("isMainThread", &DataProcessorAdapter::isMainThreadProxy,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns true if this algorithm is the main thread for an MPI "
            "build. For "
            "non-MPI build it always returns true")
-      .def("getNThreads", &DataProcessorAdapter::getNThreadsProxy,
+      .def("getNThreads", &DataProcessorAdapter::getNThreadsProxy, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of running MPI processes in an MPI build or 1 "
            "for "
            "a non-MPI build");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FileFinder.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FileFinder.cpp
index 6f50a63f0d945bc3f01b14f5103a8d42f7b63aaa..6d216cc065028263cc2edb49956b08f50b7456bc 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FileFinder.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FileFinder.cpp
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ void export_FileFinder() {
   class_<FileFinderImpl, boost::noncopyable>("FileFinderImpl", no_init)
       .def("getFullPath", &FileFinderImpl::getFullPath,
-               (arg("path"), arg("ignoreDirs") = false),
+               (arg("self"), arg("path"), arg("ignoreDirs") = false),
                "Return a full path to the given file if it can be found within "
                "datasearch.directories paths. Directories can be ignored with "
                "ignoreDirs=True. An empty string is returned otherwise."))
-      .def("findRuns", &FileFinderImpl::findRuns,
+      .def("findRuns", &FileFinderImpl::findRuns, (arg("self"), arg("hintstr")),
            "Find a list of files file given a hint. "
            "The hint can be a comma separated list of run numbers and can also "
            "include ranges of runs, e.g. 123-135 or equivalently 123-35"
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FileLoaderRegistry.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FileLoaderRegistry.cpp
index 5935cb7aae9932ac57f2f9c6f8ce18203e867f2d..baa9c3e8a188627728b20dfa745d7dd2cdfbaee7 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FileLoaderRegistry.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FileLoaderRegistry.cpp
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ void export_FileLoaderRegistry() {
   class_<FileLoaderRegistryImpl, boost::noncopyable>("FileLoaderRegistryImpl",
       .def("canLoad", &FileLoaderRegistryImpl::canLoad,
+           (arg("self"), arg("algorithm_name"), arg("file_name")),
            "Perform a check that that the given algorithm can load the file")
       .def("Instance", &FileLoaderRegistry::Instance,
            "Returns a reference to the FileLoaderRegistry singleton instance")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FrameworkManager.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FrameworkManager.cpp
index 1e31d32096f1b312b05f7f5cfff115ab486ccf85..d6df442a862bd0060019dd70b7ef395c26ec8a73 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FrameworkManager.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FrameworkManager.cpp
@@ -12,31 +12,34 @@ void export_FrameworkManager() {
   class_<FrameworkManagerImpl, boost::noncopyable>("FrameworkManagerImpl",
-           &FrameworkManagerImpl::setNumOMPThreadsToConfigValue,
+           &FrameworkManagerImpl::setNumOMPThreadsToConfigValue, arg("self"),
            "Sets the number of OpenMP threads to the value specified in the "
            "config file")
       .def("setNumOMPThreads", &FrameworkManagerImpl::setNumOMPThreads,
+           (arg("self"), arg("nthread")),
            "Set the number of OpenMP threads to the given value")
       .def("getNumOMPThreads", &FrameworkManagerImpl::getNumOMPThreads,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of OpenMP threads that will be used.")
-      .def("clear", &FrameworkManagerImpl::clear,
+      .def("clear", &FrameworkManagerImpl::clear, arg("self"),
            "Clear all memory held by Mantid")
       .def("clearAlgorithms", &FrameworkManagerImpl::clearAlgorithms,
+           arg("self"),
            "Clear memory held by algorithms (does not include workspaces)")
-      .def("clearData", &FrameworkManagerImpl::clearData,
+      .def("clearData", &FrameworkManagerImpl::clearData, arg("self"),
            "Clear memory held by the data service (essentially all workspaces, "
            "including hidden)")
       .def("clearInstruments", &FrameworkManagerImpl::clearInstruments,
-           "Clear memory held by the cached instruments")
+           arg("self"), "Clear memory held by the cached instruments")
-           &FrameworkManagerImpl::clearPropertyManagers,
+           &FrameworkManagerImpl::clearPropertyManagers, arg("self"),
            "Clear memory held by the PropertyManagerDataService")
       .def("Instance", &FrameworkManager::Instance,
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FunctionFactory.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FunctionFactory.cpp
index 2d94e8f7aea8f4484f240f8b13488aa68e7a6d44..7735fc15decf7418218e07c3b204f3235ef4774c 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FunctionFactory.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/FunctionFactory.cpp
@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ void export_FunctionFactory() {
   class_<FunctionFactoryImpl, boost::noncopyable>("FunctionFactoryImpl",
-      .def("getFunctionNames", &getFunctionNames,
+      .def("getFunctionNames", &getFunctionNames, arg("self"),
            "Returns a list of the currently available functions")
       .def("createFunction", &FunctionFactoryImpl::createFunction,
+           (arg("self"), arg("type")),
            "Return a pointer to the requested function")
-      .def("subscribe", &subscribe,
+      .def("subscribe", &subscribe, (arg("self"), arg("object")),
            "Register a Python class derived from IFunction into the factory")
       .def("unsubscribe", &FunctionFactoryImpl::unsubscribe,
-           "Remove a type from the factory")
+           (arg("self"), arg("class_name")), "Remove a type from the factory")
       .def("Instance", &FunctionFactory::Instance,
            "Returns a reference to the FunctionFactory singleton")
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IAlgorithm.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IAlgorithm.cpp
index e2be117bf9a2e743ff79c79dfc3e2a0e5843cf51..009ca30fb110ff5ede255104d493cfe8e16fcbdf 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -302,89 +302,102 @@ void export_ialgorithm() {
   class_<IAlgorithm, bases<IPropertyManager>, boost::noncopyable>(
       "IAlgorithm", "Interface for all algorithms", no_init)
-      .def("name", &IAlgorithm::name, "Returns the name of the algorithm")
-      .def("alias", &IAlgorithm::alias, "Return the aliases for the algorithm")
-      .def("version", &IAlgorithm::version,
+      .def("name", &IAlgorithm::name, arg("self"),
+           "Returns the name of the algorithm")
+      .def("alias", &IAlgorithm::alias, arg("self"),
+           "Return the aliases for the algorithm")
+      .def("version", &IAlgorithm::version, arg("self"),
            "Returns the version number of the algorithm")
-      .def("cancel", &IAlgorithm::cancel,
+      .def("cancel", &IAlgorithm::cancel, arg("self"),
            "Request that the algorithm stop running")
-      .def("category", &IAlgorithm::category,
+      .def("category", &IAlgorithm::category, arg("self"),
            "Returns the category containing the algorithm")
-      .def("categories", &IAlgorithm::categories,
+      .def("categories", &IAlgorithm::categories, arg("self"),
            "Returns the list of categories this algorithm belongs to")
-      .def("summary", &IAlgorithm::summary,
+      .def("summary", &IAlgorithm::summary, arg("self"),
            "Returns a summary message describing the algorithm")
-      .def("workspaceMethodName", &IAlgorithm::workspaceMethodName,
+      .def("workspaceMethodName", &IAlgorithm::workspaceMethodName, arg("self"),
            "Returns a name that will be used when attached as a workspace "
            "method. Empty string indicates do not attach")
-      .def("workspaceMethodOn", &IAlgorithm::workspaceMethodOn,
+      .def("workspaceMethodOn", &IAlgorithm::workspaceMethodOn, arg("self"),
            return_value_policy<VectorToNumpy>(), // creates a list for strings
            "Returns a set of class names that will have the method attached. "
            "Empty list indicates all types")
-           &IAlgorithm::workspaceMethodInputProperty,
+           &IAlgorithm::workspaceMethodInputProperty, arg("self"),
            "Returns the name of the input workspace property used by the "
            "calling object")
-      .def("getAlgorithmID", &getAlgorithmID,
+      .def("getAlgorithmID", &getAlgorithmID, arg("self"),
            "Returns a unique identifier for this algorithm object")
-      .def("docString", &createDocString,
+      .def("docString", &createDocString, arg("self"),
            "Returns a doc string for the algorithm")
       .def("mandatoryProperties", &getInputPropertiesWithMandatoryFirst,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns a list of input and in/out property names that is ordered "
            "such that the mandatory properties are first followed by the "
            "optional ones.")
-      .def("orderedProperties", &getAlgorithmPropertiesOrdered,
+      .def("orderedProperties", &getAlgorithmPropertiesOrdered, arg("self"),
            "Return a list of input, in/out and output properties "
            "such that the mandatory properties are first followed by the "
            "optional ones.")
-      .def("outputProperties", &getOutputProperties,
+      .def("outputProperties", &getOutputProperties, arg("self"),
            "Returns a list of the output properties on the algorithm")
-      .def("isInitialized", &IAlgorithm::isInitialized,
+      .def("isInitialized", &IAlgorithm::isInitialized, arg("self"),
            "Returns True if the algorithm is initialized, False otherwise")
-      .def("isExecuted", &IAlgorithm::isExecuted,
+      .def("isExecuted", &IAlgorithm::isExecuted, arg("self"),
            "Returns True if the algorithm has been executed successfully, "
            "False otherwise")
-      .def("isLogging", &IAlgorithm::isLogging, "Returns True if the "
-                                                "algorithm's logger is turned "
-                                                "on, False otherwise")
-      .def("isRunning", &IAlgorithm::isRunning, "Returns True if the algorithm "
-                                                "is considered to be running, "
-                                                "False otherwise")
-      .def("setChild", &IAlgorithm::setChild,
+      .def("isLogging", &IAlgorithm::isLogging, arg("self"),
+           "Returns True if the "
+           "algorithm's logger is turned "
+           "on, False otherwise")
+      .def("isRunning", &IAlgorithm::isRunning, arg("self"),
+           "Returns True if the algorithm "
+           "is considered to be running, "
+           "False otherwise")
+      .def("setChild", &IAlgorithm::setChild, (arg("self"), arg("is_child")),
            "If true this algorithm is run as a child algorithm. There will be "
            "no logging and nothing is stored in the Analysis Data Service")
+           (arg("self"), arg("on")),
            "If true then history will be recorded regardless of the child "
       .def("setAlgStartupLogging", &IAlgorithm::setAlgStartupLogging,
+           (arg("self"), arg("enabled")),
            "If true then allow logging of start and end messages")
       .def("getAlgStartupLogging", &IAlgorithm::getAlgStartupLogging,
-           "Returns true if logging of start and end messages")
+           arg("self"), "Returns true if logging of start and end messages")
       .def("setAlwaysStoreInADS", &IAlgorithm::setAlwaysStoreInADS,
+           (arg("self"), arg("do_store")),
            "If true then even child algorithms will have their workspaces "
            "stored in the ADS.")
-      .def("isChild", &IAlgorithm::isChild,
+      .def("isChild", &IAlgorithm::isChild, arg("self"),
            "Returns True if the algorithm has been marked to run as a child. "
            "If True then Output workspaces "
            "are NOT stored in the Analysis Data Service but must be retrieved "
            "from the property.")
-      .def("setLogging", &IAlgorithm::setLogging, "Toggle logging on/off.")
-      .def("setRethrows", &IAlgorithm::setRethrows)
-      .def("initialize", &IAlgorithm::initialize, "Initializes the algorithm")
-      .def("validateInputs", &IAlgorithm::validateInputs,
+      .def("setLogging", &IAlgorithm::setLogging, (arg("self"), arg("value")),
+           "Toggle logging on/off.")
+      .def("setRethrows", &IAlgorithm::setRethrows,
+           (arg("self"), arg("rethrow")), "To query whether an algorithm "
+                                          "should rethrow exceptions when "
+                                          "executing.")
+      .def("initialize", &IAlgorithm::initialize, arg("self"),
+           "Initializes the algorithm")
+      .def("validateInputs", &IAlgorithm::validateInputs, arg("self"),
            "Cross-check all inputs and return any errors as a dictionary")
-      .def("execute", &executeProxy,
+      .def("execute", &executeProxy, arg("self"),
            "Runs the algorithm and returns whether it has been successful")
       // 'Private' static methods
-      .def("_algorithmInThread", &_algorithmInThread)
+      .def("_algorithmInThread", &_algorithmInThread, arg("thread_id"))
       // Special methods
-      .def("__str__", &IAlgorithm::toString)
+      .def("__str__", &IAlgorithm::toString, arg("self"))
       // deprecated methods
-      .def("getOptionalMessage", &getOptionalMessage,
+      .def("getOptionalMessage", &getOptionalMessage, arg("self"),
            "Returns the optional user message attached to the algorithm")
-      .def("getWikiSummary", &getWikiSummary,
+      .def("getWikiSummary", &getWikiSummary, arg("self"),
            "Returns the summary found on the wiki page");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction.cpp
index c517492f0ac447c26864903f09306b5683a8065a..4805e9a712f33945ff66e444d5968e5cd0d0e139 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction.cpp
@@ -58,82 +58,96 @@ void export_IFunction() {
   class_<IFunction, IFunctionAdapter, boost::noncopyable>(
       "IFunction", "Base class for all functions", no_init)
-      .def("name", &IFunction::name, "Return the name of the function")
+      .def("name", &IFunction::name, arg("self"),
+           "Return the name of the function")
-      .def("category", &IFunctionAdapter::category,
+      .def("category", &IFunctionAdapter::category, arg("self"),
            "Return a semi-colon(;) separated string for the categories this "
            "class should belong to. For sub-categories use a \\ separator")
-      .def("initialize", &IFunction::initialize,
+      .def("initialize", &IFunction::initialize, arg("self"),
            "Declares any parameters and attributes on the function")
-      .def("getCategories", &getCategories,
+      .def("getCategories", &getCategories, arg("self"),
            "Returns a list of the categories for an algorithm")
-      .def("nAttributes", &IFunction::nAttributes,
+      .def("nAttributes", &IFunction::nAttributes, arg("self"),
            "Return the number of attributes (non-fitting arguments)")
-      .def("attributeNames", &IFunction::getAttributeNames,
+      .def("attributeNames", &IFunction::getAttributeNames, arg("self"),
            "The names of all the attributes")
-      .def("nParams", &IFunction::nParams, "Return the number of parameters")
+      .def("nParams", &IFunction::nParams, arg("self"),
+           "Return the number of parameters")
-      .def("parameterName", &IFunction::parameterName,
+      .def("parameterName", &IFunction::parameterName, (arg("self"), arg("i")),
            "Return the name of the ith parameter")
       .def("paramDescription", &IFunction::parameterDescription,
-           "Return a description of the ith parameter")
+           (arg("self"), arg("i")), "Return a description of the ith parameter")
       .def("isExplicitlySet", &IFunction::isExplicitlySet,
+           (arg("self"), arg("i")),
            "Return whether the ith parameter needs to be explicitely set")
            (double (IFunction::*)(size_t) const) & IFunction::getParameter,
-           "Get the value of the ith parameter")
+           (arg("self"), arg("i")), "Get the value of the ith parameter")
            (double (IFunction::*)(const std::string &) const) &
-           "Get the value of the named parameter")
+           (arg("self"), arg("name")), "Get the value of the named parameter")
       .def("setParameter", (setParameterType1)&IFunction::setParameter,
-           setParameterType1_Overloads("Sets the value of the ith parameter"))
+           setParameterType1_Overloads(
+               (arg("self"), arg("i"), arg("value"), arg("explicitlySet")),
+               "Sets the value of the ith parameter"))
       .def("setParameter", (setParameterType2)&IFunction::setParameter,
-           setParameterType2_Overloads("Sets the value of the named parameter"))
+           setParameterType2_Overloads(
+               (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("value"), arg("explicitlySet")),
+               "Sets the value of the named parameter"))
       .def("declareAttribute", &IFunctionAdapter::declareAttribute,
+           (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("default_value")),
            "Declare an attribute with an initial value")
            (PyObject * (IFunctionAdapter::*)(const std::string &)) &
+           (arg("self"), arg("name")),
            "Return the value of the named attribute")
       .def("declareParameter", &IFunctionAdapter::declareFitParameter,
+           (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("init_value"), arg("description")),
            "Declare a fitting parameter settings its default value & "
       .def("declareParameter", &IFunctionAdapter::declareFitParameterNoDescr,
+           (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("init_value")),
            "Declare a fitting parameter settings its default value")
       .def("declareParameter", &IFunctionAdapter::declareFitParameterZeroInit,
+           (arg("self"), arg("name")),
            "Declare a fitting parameter settings its default value to 0.0")
       //-- Deprecated functions that have the wrong names --
-      .def("categories", &getCategories,
+      .def("categories", &getCategories, arg("self"),
            "Returns a list of the categories for an algorithm")
-      .def("numParams", &IFunction::nParams, "Return the number of parameters")
-      .def("getParamName", &IFunction::parameterName,
+      .def("numParams", &IFunction::nParams, arg("self"),
+           "Return the number of parameters")
+      .def("getParamName", &IFunction::parameterName, (arg("self"), arg("i")),
            "Return the name of the ith parameter")
       .def("getParamDescr", &IFunction::parameterDescription,
-           "Return a description of the ith parameter")
+           (arg("self"), arg("i")), "Return a description of the ith parameter")
       .def("getParamExplicit", &IFunction::isExplicitlySet,
+           (arg("self"), arg("i")),
            "Return whether the ith parameter needs to be explicitely set")
            (double (IFunction::*)(std::size_t) const) & IFunction::getParameter,
-           "Get the value of the ith parameter")
+           (arg("self"), arg("i")), "Get the value of the ith parameter")
       //-- Python special methods --
-      .def("__repr__", &IFunction::asString,
+      .def("__repr__", &IFunction::asString, arg("self"),
            "Return a string representation of the function");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction1D.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction1D.cpp
index b610b945ffb3ccb664e1fd82870631607349008c..a435fc7b192eadaad8060c02817d251d5bd2cf59 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction1D.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IFunction1D.cpp
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ void export_IFunction1D() {
            (object (IFunction1DAdapter::*)(const object &) const) &
+           (arg("self"), arg("xvals")),
            "Calculate the values of the function for the given x values and "
            "returns them");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDEventWorkspace.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDEventWorkspace.cpp
index bd69cd0dab31b54c2ede7e5b609a0471b05bdde8..4bd404f62e4b60fe2af7038ce00b91a43326241e 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDEventWorkspace.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDEventWorkspace.cpp
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ void export_IMDEventWorkspace() {
   // IMDEventWorkspace class
   class_<IMDEventWorkspace, bases<IMDWorkspace, MultipleExperimentInfos>,
          boost::noncopyable>("IMDEventWorkspace", no_init)
-      .def("getNPoints", &IMDEventWorkspace::getNPoints,
+      .def("getNPoints", &IMDEventWorkspace::getNPoints, arg("self"),
            "Returns the total number of points (events) in this workspace")
-      .def("getNumDims", &IMDEventWorkspace::getNumDims,
+      .def("getNumDims", &IMDEventWorkspace::getNumDims, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of dimensions in this workspace")
       .def("getBoxController", (BoxController_sptr (IMDEventWorkspace::*)()) &
-           "Returns the BoxController used in this workspace");
+           arg("self"), "Returns the BoxController used in this workspace");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDHistoWorkspace.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDHistoWorkspace.cpp
index 3852f7080de7fc94c761795836bf827b22994e65..f64840efaf7bd9f7a3266ade3d528054fdb18aa4 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDHistoWorkspace.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDHistoWorkspace.cpp
@@ -167,55 +167,65 @@ void export_IMDHistoWorkspace() {
   // IMDHistoWorkspace class
   class_<IMDHistoWorkspace, bases<IMDWorkspace, MultipleExperimentInfos>,
          boost::noncopyable>("IMDHistoWorkspace", no_init)
-      .def("getSignalArray", &getSignalArrayAsNumpyArray,
+      .def("getSignalArray", &getSignalArrayAsNumpyArray, arg("self"),
            "Returns a read-only numpy array containing the signal values")
       .def("getErrorSquaredArray", &getErrorSquaredArrayAsNumpyArray,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns a read-only numpy array containing the square of the error "
-      .def("getNumEventsArray", &getNumEventsArrayAsNumpyArray,
+      .def("getNumEventsArray", &getNumEventsArrayAsNumpyArray, arg("self"),
            "Returns a read-only numpy array containing the number of MD events "
            "in each bin")
       .def("signalAt", &IMDHistoWorkspace::signalAt,
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
            "Return a reference to the signal at the linear index")
       .def("errorSquaredAt", &IMDHistoWorkspace::errorSquaredAt,
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
            "Return the squared-errors at the linear index")
       .def("setSignalAt", &IMDHistoWorkspace::setSignalAt,
+           (arg("self"), arg("index"), arg("value")),
            "Sets the signal at the specified index.")
       .def("setErrorSquaredAt", &IMDHistoWorkspace::setErrorSquaredAt,
+           (arg("self"), arg("index"), arg("value")),
            "Sets the squared-error at the specified index.")
       .def("setSignalArray", &setSignalArray,
+           (arg("self"), arg("signalValues")),
            "Sets the signal from a numpy array. The sizes must match the "
            "current workspace sizes. A ValueError is thrown if not")
-      .def("setErrorSquaredArray", &setErrorSquaredArray,
+      .def("setErrorSquaredArray", &setErrorSquaredArray, arg("self"),
            "Sets the square of the errors from a numpy array. The sizes must "
            "match the current workspace sizes. A ValueError is thrown if not")
       .def("setTo", &IMDHistoWorkspace::setTo,
+           (arg("self"), arg("signal"), arg("error_squared"),
+            arg("num_events")),
            "Sets all signals/errors in the workspace to the given values")
       .def("getInverseVolume", &IMDHistoWorkspace::getInverseVolume,
-           return_value_policy<return_by_value>(),
+           arg("self"), return_value_policy<return_by_value>(),
            "Return the inverse of volume of EACH cell in the workspace.")
            (size_t (IMDHistoWorkspace::*)(size_t, size_t) const) &
+           (arg("self"), arg("index1"), arg("index2")),
            "Get the 1D linear index from the 2D array")
            (size_t (IMDHistoWorkspace::*)(size_t, size_t, size_t) const) &
+           (arg("self"), arg("index1"), arg("index2"), arg("index3")),
            "Get the 1D linear index from the 3D array")
@@ -223,10 +233,13 @@ void export_IMDHistoWorkspace() {
            (size_t (IMDHistoWorkspace::*)(size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t)
                 const) &
+           (arg("self"), arg("index1"), arg("index2"), arg("index3"),
+            arg("index4")),
            "Get the 1D linear index from the 4D array")
       .def("getCenter", &IMDHistoWorkspace::getCenter,
+           (arg("self"), arg("linear_index")),
            "Return the position of the center of a bin at a given position");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDWorkspace.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDWorkspace.cpp
index 3c8921df6623a7b4dee6c9abeb6324acb7341798..989089801c34318f3e7087c81f2a3221bd553a33 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDWorkspace.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMDWorkspace.cpp
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ void export_IMDWorkspace() {
   // EventWorkspace class
   class_<IMDWorkspace, bases<Workspace, MDGeometry>, boost::noncopyable>(
       "IMDWorkspace", no_init)
-      .def("getNPoints", &IMDWorkspace::getNPoints, args("self"),
+      .def("getNPoints", &IMDWorkspace::getNPoints, arg("self"),
            "Returns the total number of points within the workspace")
-      .def("getNEvents", &IMDWorkspace::getNEvents, args("self"),
+      .def("getNEvents", &IMDWorkspace::getNEvents, arg("self"),
            "Returns the total number of events, contributed to the workspace")
-           &IMDWorkspace::getSpecialCoordinateSystem, args("self"),
+           &IMDWorkspace::getSpecialCoordinateSystem, arg("self"),
            "Returns the special coordinate system of the workspace")
       .def("displayNormalization", &IMDWorkspace::displayNormalization,
            args("self"), "Returns the visual normalization of the workspace.")
-           &IMDWorkspace::displayNormalizationHisto, args("self"),
+           &IMDWorkspace::displayNormalizationHisto, arg("self"),
            "For MDEventWorkspaces returns the visual normalization of dervied "
            "For all others returns the same as displayNormalization.");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMaskWorkspace.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMaskWorkspace.cpp
index 66affb607c0e136f9da7bbfb99b7d421020880b1..7090972a851786d4d7cf28c5e48773cfe1146485 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMaskWorkspace.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IMaskWorkspace.cpp
@@ -28,12 +28,13 @@ bool isMaskedFromList(const IMaskWorkspace &self,
 void export_IMaskWorkspace() {
   class_<IMaskWorkspace, boost::noncopyable>("IMaskWorkspace", no_init)
-      .def("getNumberMasked", &IMaskWorkspace::getNumberMasked,
+      .def("getNumberMasked", &IMaskWorkspace::getNumberMasked, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of masked pixels in the workspace")
       .def("isMasked", (bool (IMaskWorkspace::*)(const Mantid::detid_t) const) &
+           (arg("self"), arg("detector_id")),
            "Returns whether the given detector ID is masked")
-      .def("isMasked", isMaskedFromList,
+      .def("isMasked", isMaskedFromList, (arg("self"), arg("detector_id_list")),
            "Returns whether all of the given detector ID list are masked");
   // register pointers
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeak.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeak.cpp
index 13ace3dced290717e05e3ff3888be2e1c5603115..f3e42c14c3f26423d58cb51961c44b632746c78a 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeak.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeak.cpp
@@ -36,95 +36,111 @@ void export_IPeak() {
   register_ptr_to_python<IPeak *>();
   class_<IPeak, boost::noncopyable>("IPeak", no_init)
-      .def("getDetectorID", &IPeak::getDetectorID,
+      .def("getDetectorID", &IPeak::getDetectorID, arg("self"),
            "Get the ID of the detector at the center of the peak")
-      .def("setDetectorID", &IPeak::setDetectorID,
+      .def("setDetectorID", &IPeak::setDetectorID, (arg("self"), arg("det_id")),
            "Set the detector ID and look up and cache values related to it.")
-      .def("getRunNumber", &IPeak::getRunNumber,
+      .def("getRunNumber", &IPeak::getRunNumber, arg("self"),
            "Return the run number this peak was measured at")
       .def("setRunNumber", &IPeak::setRunNumber,
+           (arg("self"), arg("run_number")),
            "Set the run number that measured this peak")
-      .def("getMonitorCount", &IPeak::getMonitorCount,
+      .def("getMonitorCount", &IPeak::getMonitorCount, arg("self"),
            "Get the monitor count set for this peak")
       .def("setMonitorCount", &IPeak::setMonitorCount,
+           (arg("self"), arg("monitor_count")),
            "Set the monitor count for this peak")
-      .def("getH", &IPeak::getH, "Get the H index of the peak")
-      .def("getK", &IPeak::getK, "Get the K index of the peak")
-      .def("getL", &IPeak::getL, "Get the L index of the peak")
-      .def("getHKL", &IPeak::getHKL, "Get HKL as a V3D object")
+      .def("getH", &IPeak::getH, arg("self"), "Get the H index of the peak")
+      .def("getK", &IPeak::getK, arg("self"), "Get the K index of the peak")
+      .def("getL", &IPeak::getL, arg("self"), "Get the L index of the peak")
+      .def("getHKL", &IPeak::getHKL, arg("self"), "Get HKL as a V3D object")
       .def("setHKL", (void (IPeak::*)(double, double, double)) & IPeak::setHKL,
+           (arg("self"), arg("h"), arg("k"), arg("l")),
            "Set the HKL values of this peak")
-      .def("setH", &IPeak::setH, "Get the H index of the peak")
-      .def("setK", &IPeak::setK, "Get the K index of the peak")
-      .def("setL", &IPeak::setL, "Get the L index of the peak")
-      .def("getQLabFrame", &IPeak::getQLabFrame,
+      .def("setH", &IPeak::setH, (arg("self"), arg("h")),
+           "Get the H index of the peak")
+      .def("setK", &IPeak::setK, (arg("self"), arg("k")),
+           "Get the K index of the peak")
+      .def("setL", &IPeak::setL, (arg("self"), arg("l")),
+           "Get the L index of the peak")
+      .def("getQLabFrame", &IPeak::getQLabFrame, arg("self"),
            "Return the Q change (of the lattice, k_i - k_f) for this peak.\n"
            "The Q is in the Lab frame: the goniometer rotation was NOT taken "
            "Note: There is no 2*pi factor used, so \\|Q| = 1/wavelength.")
-      .def("findDetector", &IPeak::findDetector,
+      .def("findDetector", &IPeak::findDetector, arg("self"),
            "Using the instrument set in the peak, perform ray tracing to find "
            "the exact detector.")
-      .def("getQSampleFrame", &IPeak::getQSampleFrame,
+      .def("getQSampleFrame", &IPeak::getQSampleFrame, arg("self"),
            "Return the Q change (of the lattice, k_i - k_f) for this peak."
            "The Q is in the Sample frame: the goniometer rotation WAS taken "
            "out. ")
-      .def("setQLabFrame", setQLabFrame1, "Set the peak using the peak's "
-                                          "position in reciprocal space, in "
-                                          "the lab frame.")
+      .def("setQLabFrame", setQLabFrame1, (arg("self"), arg("qlab_frame")),
+           "Set the peak using the peak's "
+           "position in reciprocal space, in "
+           "the lab frame.")
       .def("setQLabFrame", setQLabFrame2,
+           (arg("self"), arg("qlab_frame"), arg("distance")),
            "Set the peak using the peak's position in reciprocal space, in the "
            "lab frame. Detector distance explicitly supplied.") // two argument
                                                                 // overload
-      .def("setQSampleFrame", setQSampleFrame1, "Set the peak using the peak's "
+      .def("setQSampleFrame", setQSampleFrame1,
+           (arg("self"), arg("qsample_frame")), "Set the peak using the peak's "
                                                 "position in reciprocal space, "
                                                 "in the sample frame.")
       .def("setQSampleFrame", setQSampleFrame2,
+           (arg("self"), arg("qsample_frame"), arg("distance")),
            "Set the peak using the peak's position in reciprocal space, in the "
            "sample frame. Detector distance explicitly supplied.")
       .def("setWavelength", &IPeak::setWavelength,
+           (arg("self"), arg("wave_length")),
            "Set the incident wavelength of the neutron. Calculates the energy "
            "from this assuming elastic scattering.")
-      .def("getWavelength", &IPeak::getWavelength,
+      .def("getWavelength", &IPeak::getWavelength, arg("self"),
            "Return the incident wavelength")
-      .def("getScattering", &IPeak::getScattering,
+      .def("getScattering", &IPeak::getScattering, arg("self"),
            "Calculate the scattering angle of the peak")
-      .def("getDSpacing", &IPeak::getDSpacing,
+      .def("getDSpacing", &IPeak::getDSpacing, arg("self"),
            "Calculate the d-spacing of the peak, in 1/Angstroms")
-      .def("getTOF", &IPeak::getTOF, "Calculate the time of flight (in "
-                                     "microseconds) of the neutrons for this "
-                                     "peak")
-      .def("getInitialEnergy", &IPeak::getInitialEnergy,
+      .def("getTOF", &IPeak::getTOF, arg("self"),
+           "Calculate the time of flight (in "
+           "microseconds) of the neutrons for this "
+           "peak")
+      .def("getInitialEnergy", &IPeak::getInitialEnergy, arg("self"),
            "Get the initial (incident) neutron energy")
-      .def("getFinalEnergy", &IPeak::getFinalEnergy,
+      .def("getFinalEnergy", &IPeak::getFinalEnergy, arg("self"),
            "Get the final neutron energy")
       .def("setInitialEnergy", &IPeak::setInitialEnergy,
+           (arg("self"), arg("initial_energy")),
            "Set the initial (incident) neutron energy")
       .def("setFinalEnergy", &IPeak::setFinalEnergy,
-           "Set the final neutron energy")
-      .def("getIntensity", &IPeak::getIntensity,
+           (arg("self"), arg("final_energy")), "Set the final neutron energy")
+      .def("getIntensity", &IPeak::getIntensity, arg("self"),
            "Return the integrated peak intensity")
-      .def("getSigmaIntensity", &IPeak::getSigmaIntensity,
+      .def("getSigmaIntensity", &IPeak::getSigmaIntensity, arg("self"),
            "Return the error on the integrated peak intensity")
       .def("setIntensity", &IPeak::setIntensity,
-           "Set the integrated peak intensity")
+           (arg("self"), arg("intensity")), "Set the integrated peak intensity")
       .def("setSigmaIntensity", &IPeak::setSigmaIntensity,
+           (arg("self"), arg("sigma_intensity")),
            "Set the error on the integrated peak intensity")
-      .def("getBinCount", &IPeak::getBinCount,
+      .def("getBinCount", &IPeak::getBinCount, arg("self"),
            "Return the # of counts in the bin at its peak")
-      .def("setBinCount", &IPeak::setBinCount,
+      .def("setBinCount", &IPeak::setBinCount, (arg("self"), arg("bin_count")),
            "Set the # of counts in the bin at its peak")
-      .def("getRow", &IPeak::getRow, "For RectangularDetectors only, returns "
-                                     "the row (y) of the pixel of the "
-                                     "detector.")
-      .def("getCol", &IPeak::getCol, "For RectangularDetectors only, returns "
-                                     "the column (x) of the pixel of the "
-                                     "detector.")
-      .def("getDetPos", &IPeak::getDetPos,
+      .def("getRow", &IPeak::getRow, arg("self"),
+           "For RectangularDetectors only, returns "
+           "the row (y) of the pixel of the "
+           "detector.")
+      .def("getCol", &IPeak::getCol, arg("self"),
+           "For RectangularDetectors only, returns "
+           "the column (x) of the pixel of the "
+           "detector.")
+      .def("getDetPos", &IPeak::getDetPos, arg("self"),
            "Return the detector position vector")
-      .def("getL1", &IPeak::getL1,
+      .def("getL1", &IPeak::getL1, arg("self"),
            "Return the L1 flight path length (source to sample), in meters. ")
-      .def("getL2", &IPeak::getL2,
+      .def("getL2", &IPeak::getL2, arg("self"),
            "Return the L2 flight path length (sample to detector), in meters.")
-      .def("getPeakShape", getPeakShape, "Get the peak shape");
+      .def("getPeakShape", getPeakShape, arg("self"), "Get the peak shape");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeakFunction.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeakFunction.cpp
index f98e84fb8ec7b29d732c1f0626a252e2a9604872..3ac4f6332732a278c3b3ffaa9371cdb41d21edf9 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeakFunction.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeakFunction.cpp
@@ -14,11 +14,13 @@ void export_IPeakFunction() {
            (object (IPeakFunctionAdapter::*)(const object &) const) &
+           (arg("self"), arg("vec_x")),
            "Calculate the values of the function for the given x values. The "
            "output should be stored in the out array")
-      .def("intensity", &IPeakFunction::intensity,
+      .def("intensity", &IPeakFunction::intensity, arg("self"),
            "Returns the integral intensity of the peak function.")
       .def("setIntensity", &IPeakFunction::setIntensity,
+           (arg("self"), arg("new_intensity")),
            "Changes the integral intensity of the peak function by setting its "
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeaksWorkspace.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeaksWorkspace.cpp
index cedd6732c37158cc1c9d6e074d721bd5203735f8..392d246c8fc1f0b33b63ddbeb98e747aabadd1de 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeaksWorkspace.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IPeaksWorkspace.cpp
@@ -40,29 +40,33 @@ void export_IPeaksWorkspace() {
   // IPeaksWorkspace class
   class_<IPeaksWorkspace, bases<ITableWorkspace, ExperimentInfo>,
          boost::noncopyable>("IPeaksWorkspace", no_init)
-      .def("getNumberPeaks", &IPeaksWorkspace::getNumberPeaks,
+      .def("getNumberPeaks", &IPeaksWorkspace::getNumberPeaks, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of peaks within the workspace")
-      .def("addPeak", &IPeaksWorkspace::addPeak, "Add a peak to the workspace")
+      .def("addPeak", &IPeaksWorkspace::addPeak, (arg("self"), arg("peak")),
+           "Add a peak to the workspace")
       .def("removePeak", &IPeaksWorkspace::removePeak,
-           "Remove a peak from the workspace")
+           (arg("self"), arg("peak_num")), "Remove a peak from the workspace")
       .def("getPeak", &IPeaksWorkspace::getPeakPtr,
-           return_internal_reference<>(), "Returns a peak at the given index")
-      .def("createPeak", createPeakQLab,
+           (arg("self"), arg("peak_num")), return_internal_reference<>(),
+           "Returns a peak at the given index")
+      .def("createPeak", createPeakQLab, (arg("self"), arg("data")),
            "Create a Peak and return it from its coordinates in the QLab frame")
       .def("createPeak", createPeakQLabWithDistance,
+           (arg("self"), arg("data"), arg("detector_distance")),
            "Create a Peak and return it from its coordinates in the QLab "
            "frame, detector-sample distance explicitly provided")
-      .def("createPeakHKL", createPeakHKL,
+      .def("createPeakHKL", createPeakHKL, (arg("self"), arg("data")),
            "Create a Peak and return it from its coordinates in the HKL frame")
       .def("hasIntegratedPeaks", &IPeaksWorkspace::hasIntegratedPeaks,
-           "Determine if the peaks have been integrated")
-      .def("getRun", &IPeaksWorkspace::mutableRun,
+           arg("self"), "Determine if the peaks have been integrated")
+      .def("getRun", &IPeaksWorkspace::mutableRun, arg("self"),
            "Return the Run object for this workspace")
       .def("peakInfoNumber", &IPeaksWorkspace::peakInfoNumber,
+           (arg("self"), arg("qlab_frame"), arg("lab_coordinate")),
            "Peak info number at Q vector for this workspace");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ISpectrum.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ISpectrum.cpp
index 1e27e7f78036b3a1a341ac103b9f1a0c747bec1f..3afbf36902caa3b24d84fadceb531e4cddd67ca3 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ISpectrum.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ISpectrum.cpp
@@ -12,21 +12,24 @@ void export_ISpectrum() {
   class_<ISpectrum, boost::noncopyable>("ISpectrum", no_init)
       .def("hasDetectorID", &ISpectrum::hasDetectorID,
+           (arg("self"), arg("det_id")),
            "Returns True if the spectrum contain the given spectrum number")
-      .def("getSpectrumNo", &ISpectrum::getSpectrumNo,
+      .def("getSpectrumNo", &ISpectrum::getSpectrumNo, arg("self"),
            "Returns the spectrum number of this spectrum")
       .def("getDetectorIDs", (const std::set<detid_t> &(ISpectrum::*)() const) &
-           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(),
+           arg("self"), return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(),
            "Returns a list of detector IDs for this spectrum")
       .def("addDetectorID", &ISpectrum::addDetectorID,
-           "Add a detector ID to this spectrum")
+           (arg("self"), arg("det_id")), "Add a detector ID to this spectrum")
       .def("setDetectorID", &ISpectrum::setDetectorID,
-           "Set the given ID has the only")
-      .def("clearDetectorIDs", &ISpectrum::clearDetectorIDs,
+           (arg("self"), arg("det_id")), "Set the given ID has the only")
+      .def("clearDetectorIDs", &ISpectrum::clearDetectorIDs, arg("self"),
            "Clear the set of detector IDs")
       .def("setSpectrumNo", &ISpectrum::setSpectrumNo,
+           (arg("self"), arg("num")),
            "Set the spectrum number for this spectrum")
-      .def("hasDx", &ISpectrum::hasDx, "Returns True if the spectrum uses the "
-                                       "DX (X Error) array, else False.");
+      .def("hasDx", &ISpectrum::hasDx, arg("self"),
+           "Returns True if the spectrum uses the "
+           "DX (X Error) array, else False.");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ISplittersWorkspace.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ISplittersWorkspace.cpp
index 55585283456e84176d06a1bc53b33b0f37a287a1..2ace16a65bb1aac998660d10ba45565d1a2e88c1 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ISplittersWorkspace.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ISplittersWorkspace.cpp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ void export_ISplittersWorkspace() {
   class_<ISplittersWorkspace, boost::noncopyable>("ISplittersWorkspace",
       .def("getNumberSplitters", &ISplittersWorkspace::getNumberSplitters,
-           "Returns the number of splitters within the workspace");
+           arg("self"), "Returns the number of splitters within the workspace");
   // register pointers
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ITableWorkspace.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ITableWorkspace.cpp
index 8280d0fb2512acd690f46edcfa72fcfb2ede005a..853166f3094888aba80258dd77e561a5fbfe564b 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ITableWorkspace.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ITableWorkspace.cpp
@@ -338,51 +338,55 @@ void export_ITableWorkspace() {
   class_<ITableWorkspace, bases<Workspace>, boost::noncopyable>(
       "ITableWorkspace", iTableWorkspace_docstring.c_str(), no_init)
-      .def("addColumn", &addColumn, (arg("type"), arg("name")),
+      .def("addColumn", &addColumn, (arg("self"), arg("type"), arg("name")),
            "Add a named column with the given type. Recognized types are: "
-      .def("removeColumn", &ITableWorkspace::removeColumn, (arg("name")),
-           "Remove the named column")
+      .def("removeColumn", &ITableWorkspace::removeColumn,
+           (arg("self"), arg("name")), "Remove the named column")
-      .def("columnCount", &ITableWorkspace::columnCount,
+      .def("columnCount", &ITableWorkspace::columnCount, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of columns in the workspace")
-      .def("rowCount", &ITableWorkspace::rowCount,
+      .def("rowCount", &ITableWorkspace::rowCount, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of rows within the workspace")
-      .def("setRowCount", &ITableWorkspace::setRowCount, (arg("count")),
+      .def("setRowCount", &ITableWorkspace::setRowCount,
+           (arg("self"), arg("count")),
            "Resize the table to contain count rows")
-      .def("__len__", &ITableWorkspace::rowCount,
+      .def("__len__", &ITableWorkspace::rowCount, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of rows within the workspace")
-      .def("getColumnNames", &ITableWorkspace::getColumnNames,
+      .def("getColumnNames", &ITableWorkspace::getColumnNames, arg("self"),
            "Return a list of the column names")
-      .def("keys", &ITableWorkspace::getColumnNames,
+      .def("keys", &ITableWorkspace::getColumnNames, arg("self"),
            "Return a list of the column names")
-      .def("column", &column,
+      .def("column", &column, (arg("self"), arg("column")),
            "Return all values of a specific column as a list")
-      .def("row", &row, "Return all values of a specific row as a dict")
+      .def("row", &row, (arg("self"), arg("row")),
+           "Return all values of a specific row as a dict")
-      .def("addRow", &addRowFromDict,
+      .def("addRow", &addRowFromDict, (arg("self"), arg("row_items_dict")),
            "Appends a row with the values from the dictionary")
-      .def("addRow", &addRowFromList,
+      .def("addRow", &addRowFromList, (arg("self"), arg("row_items_list")),
            "Appends a row with the values from the given list. "
            "It it assumed that the items are in the correct order for the "
            "defined columns")
-      .def("cell", &cell, "Return the given cell. If the first argument is a "
-                          "number then it is interpreted as a row otherwise it "
-                          "is interpreted as a column name")
+      .def("cell", &cell, (arg("self"), arg("value"), arg("row_or_column")),
+           "Return the given cell. If the first argument is a "
+           "number then it is interpreted as a row otherwise it "
+           "is interpreted as a column name")
-      .def("setCell", &setCell,
+      .def("setCell", &setCell, (arg("self"), arg("row_or_column"),
+                                 arg("column_or_row"), arg("value")),
            "Sets the value of a given cell. If the first argument is a "
            "number then it is interpreted as a row otherwise it is interpreted "
            "as a column name");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IWorkspaceProperty.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IWorkspaceProperty.cpp
index 525d92c8448be014be0f277607eff7b2593beeb8..8e50a5b573226ff8e8a6707bca688bf8555f6c7b 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IWorkspaceProperty.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/IWorkspaceProperty.cpp
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ void export_IWorkspaceProperty() {
   using Mantid::API::IWorkspaceProperty;
   class_<IWorkspaceProperty, boost::noncopyable>("IWorkspaceProperty", no_init)
-      .def("isOptional", &IWorkspaceProperty::isOptional,
+      .def("isOptional", &IWorkspaceProperty::isOptional, arg("self"),
            "Is the input workspace property optional")
-      .def("isLocking", &IWorkspaceProperty::isLocking,
+      .def("isLocking", &IWorkspaceProperty::isLocking, arg("self"),
            "Will the workspace be locked when starting an algorithm");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Jacobian.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Jacobian.cpp
index 732cae6fca5c6feaec3b64c6d969d5ffbaa4067f..e9d0eb07cfbfb1e91c8151f51e009ff885a90daf 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Jacobian.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Jacobian.cpp
@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ void export_Jacobian() {
   register_ptr_to_python<Jacobian *>();
   class_<Jacobian, boost::noncopyable>("Jacobian", no_init)
-      .def("set", &Jacobian::set, (arg("iy"), arg("ip"), arg("value")),
+      .def("set", &Jacobian::set,
+           (arg("self"), arg("iy"), arg("ip"), arg("value")),
            "Set an element of the Jacobian matrix where iy=index of data "
            "point, ip=index of parameter.")
-      .def("get", &Jacobian::get, (arg("iy"), arg("ip")),
+      .def("get", &Jacobian::get, (arg("self"), arg("iy"), arg("ip")),
            "Return the given element of the Jacobian matrix where iy=index of "
            "data point, ip=index of parameter.");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MDGeometry.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MDGeometry.cpp
index 2c62473353409541efc3e8d1a815ac758c4ad425..c739bc51666f77b172acb054c3266249488ec7d7 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MDGeometry.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MDGeometry.cpp
@@ -35,88 +35,94 @@ boost::python::list getNonIntegratedDimensionsAsPyList(const MDGeometry &self) {
 void export_MDGeometry() {
   class_<MDGeometry, boost::noncopyable>("MDGeometry", no_init)
-      .def("getNumDims", &MDGeometry::getNumDims,
+      .def("getNumDims", &MDGeometry::getNumDims, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of dimensions present")
-      .def("getDimension", &MDGeometry::getDimension, (args("index")),
+      .def("getDimension", &MDGeometry::getDimension,
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
            "Returns the description of the dimension at the given index "
            "(starts from 0). Raises RuntimeError if index is out of range.")
-      .def("getDimensionWithId", &MDGeometry::getDimensionWithId, (args("id")),
+      .def("getDimensionWithId", &MDGeometry::getDimensionWithId,
+           (arg("self"), arg("id")),
            "Returns the description of the dimension with the given id string. "
            "Raises ValueError if the string is not a known id.")
       .def("getDimensionIndexByName", &MDGeometry::getDimensionIndexByName,
-           (args("name")), "Returns the index of the dimension with the given "
-                           "name. Raises RuntimeError if the name does not "
-                           "exist.")
+           (arg("self"), arg("name")),
+           "Returns the index of the dimension with the given "
+           "name. Raises RuntimeError if the name does not "
+           "exist.")
       .def("getDimensionIndexById", &MDGeometry::getDimensionIndexById,
-           (args("id")), "Returns the index of the dimension with the given "
-                         "ID. Raises RuntimeError if the name does not exist.")
+           (arg("self"), arg("id")),
+           "Returns the index of the dimension with the given "
+           "ID. Raises RuntimeError if the name does not exist.")
       .def("getNonIntegratedDimensions", &getNonIntegratedDimensionsAsPyList,
+           arg("self"),
            "Returns the description objects of the non-integrated dimension as "
            "a python list of IMDDimension.")
-      .def("estimateResolution", &MDGeometry::estimateResolution,
+      .def("estimateResolution", &MDGeometry::estimateResolution, arg("self"),
            "Returns a numpy array containing the width of the smallest bin in "
            "each dimension")
-      .def("getXDimension", &MDGeometry::getXDimension,
+      .def("getXDimension", &MDGeometry::getXDimension, arg("self"),
            "Returns the dimension description mapped to X")
-      .def("getYDimension", &MDGeometry::getYDimension,
+      .def("getYDimension", &MDGeometry::getYDimension, arg("self"),
            "Returns the dimension description mapped to Y")
-      .def("getZDimension", &MDGeometry::getZDimension,
+      .def("getZDimension", &MDGeometry::getZDimension, arg("self"),
            "Returns the dimension description mapped to Z")
-      .def("getTDimension", &MDGeometry::getTDimension,
+      .def("getTDimension", &MDGeometry::getTDimension, arg("self"),
            "Returns the dimension description mapped to time")
-      .def("getGeometryXML", &MDGeometry::getGeometryXML,
+      .def("getGeometryXML", &MDGeometry::getGeometryXML, arg("self"),
            "Returns an XML representation, as a string, of the geometry of the "
            (const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &(MDGeometry::*)(size_t) const) &
-           (args("index")), return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(),
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
+           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(),
            "Returns a VMD object defining the basis vector for the specified "
       .def("hasOriginalWorkspace", &MDGeometry::hasOriginalWorkspace,
-           (args("index")),
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
            "Returns True if there is a source workspace at the given index")
       .def("numOriginalWorkspaces", &MDGeometry::numOriginalWorkspaces,
-           "Returns the number of source workspaces attached")
+           arg("self"), "Returns the number of source workspaces attached")
       .def("getOriginalWorkspace", &MDGeometry::getOriginalWorkspace,
-           (args("index")),
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
            "Returns the source workspace attached at the given index")
       .def("getOrigin", (const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &(MDGeometry::*)() const) &
-           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(),
+           arg("self"), return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(),
            "Returns the vector of the origin (in the original workspace) that "
            "corresponds to 0,0,0... in this workspace")
-           &MDGeometry::getNumberTransformsFromOriginal,
+           &MDGeometry::getNumberTransformsFromOriginal, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of transformations from original workspace "
            "coordinate systems")
-           &MDGeometry::getNumberTransformsToOriginal,
+           &MDGeometry::getNumberTransformsToOriginal, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of transformations to original workspace "
            "coordinate systems")
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MatrixWorkspace.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MatrixWorkspace.cpp
index 7be15fa4d6a0798a2911a6bd218c4a2aa7291b6d..fbb754ab25819191b32321b6a3133e9441408f20 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MatrixWorkspace.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MatrixWorkspace.cpp
@@ -157,10 +157,10 @@ void export_MatrixWorkspace() {
          boost::noncopyable>("MatrixWorkspace", no_init)
       //--------------------------------------- Meta information
-      .def("blocksize", &MatrixWorkspace::blocksize, args("self"),
+      .def("blocksize", &MatrixWorkspace::blocksize, arg("self"),
            "Returns size of the Y data array")
       .def("getNumberHistograms", &MatrixWorkspace::getNumberHistograms,
-           args("self"), "Returns the number of spectra in the workspace")
+           arg("self"), "Returns the number of spectra in the workspace")
       .def("binIndexOf", &MatrixWorkspace::binIndexOf,
                (arg("self"), arg("xvalue"), arg("workspaceIndex")),
@@ -168,73 +168,79 @@ void export_MatrixWorkspace() {
                "workspace_index is optional [default=0]"))
-           args("self", "det"),
+           (arg("self"), arg("det")),
            "Returns the two theta value for a given detector")
-           args("self", "det"),
+           (arg("self"), arg("det")),
            "Returns the signed two theta value for given detector")
       .def("getSpectrum", (ISpectrum * (MatrixWorkspace::*)(const size_t)) &
-           return_internal_reference<>(), args("self", "workspaceIndex"),
+           (arg("self"), arg("workspaceIndex")), return_internal_reference<>(),
            "Return the spectra at the given workspace index.")
-           &MatrixWorkspace::getIndexFromSpectrumNumber, args("self"),
+           &MatrixWorkspace::getIndexFromSpectrumNumber,
+           (arg("self"), arg("spec_no")),
            "Returns workspace index correspondent to the given spectrum "
            "number. Throws if no such spectrum is present in the workspace")
       .def("getDetector", &MatrixWorkspace::getDetector,
-           args("self", "workspaceIndex"), "Return the Detector or "
-                                           "DetectorGroup that is linked to "
-                                           "the given workspace index")
-      .def("getRun", &MatrixWorkspace::mutableRun,
-           return_internal_reference<>(), args("self"),
+           (arg("self"), arg("workspaceIndex")),
+           "Return the Detector or "
+           "DetectorGroup that is linked to "
+           "the given workspace index")
+      .def("getRun", &MatrixWorkspace::mutableRun, arg("self"),
+           return_internal_reference<>(),
            "Return the Run object for this workspace")
-      .def("axes", &MatrixWorkspace::axes, args("self"),
+      .def("axes", &MatrixWorkspace::axes, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of axes attached to the workspace")
-      .def("getAxis", &MatrixWorkspace::getAxis, return_internal_reference<>(),
-           args("self", "axis_index"))
-      .def("isHistogramData", &MatrixWorkspace::isHistogramData, args("self"),
+      .def("getAxis", &MatrixWorkspace::getAxis,
+           (arg("self"), arg("axis_index")), return_internal_reference<>(),
+           "Get a pointer to a workspace axis")
+      .def("isHistogramData", &MatrixWorkspace::isHistogramData, arg("self"),
            "Returns True if this is considered to be binned data.")
       .def("isDistribution", (const bool &(MatrixWorkspace::*)() const) &
-           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(), args("self"),
+           arg("self"), return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(),
            "Returns the status of the distribution flag")
-      .def("YUnit", &MatrixWorkspace::YUnit, args("self"),
+      .def("YUnit", &MatrixWorkspace::YUnit, arg("self"),
            "Returns the current Y unit for the data (Y axis) in the workspace")
-      .def("YUnitLabel", &MatrixWorkspace::YUnitLabel, args("self"),
+      .def("YUnitLabel", &MatrixWorkspace::YUnitLabel, arg("self"),
            "Returns the caption for the Y axis")
       // Deprecated
-      .def("getNumberBins", &getNumberBinsDeprecated, args("self"),
+      .def("getNumberBins", &getNumberBinsDeprecated, arg("self"),
            "Returns size of the Y data array (deprecated, use blocksize "
-      .def("getSampleDetails", &getSampleDetailsDeprecated,
-           return_internal_reference<>(), args("self"),
+      .def("getSampleDetails", &getSampleDetailsDeprecated, arg("self"),
+           return_internal_reference<>(),
            "Return the Run object for this workspace (deprecated, use getRun "
       //--------------------------------------- Setters
       .def("setYUnitLabel", &MatrixWorkspace::setYUnitLabel,
-           args("self", "newLabel"),
+           (arg("self"), arg("newLabel")),
            "Sets a new caption for the data (Y axis) in the workspace")
-      .def("setYUnit", &MatrixWorkspace::setYUnit, args("self", "newUnit"),
+      .def("setYUnit", &MatrixWorkspace::setYUnit,
+           (arg("self"), arg("newUnit")),
            "Sets a new unit for the data (Y axis) in the workspace")
       .def("setDistribution", (bool &(MatrixWorkspace::*)(const bool)) &
-           return_value_policy<return_by_value>(), args("self", "newVal"),
+           (arg("self"), arg("newVal")), return_value_policy<return_by_value>(),
            "Set distribution flag. If True the workspace has been divided by "
            "the bin-width.")
       .def("replaceAxis", &MatrixWorkspace::replaceAxis,
-           args("self", "axisIndex", "newAxis"))
+           (arg("self"), arg("axisIndex"), arg("newAxis")),
+           "Replaces one of the workspace's axes with the new one provided.")
       //--------------------------------------- Read spectrum data
-      .def("readX", &MatrixWorkspace::readX, return_readonly_numpy(),
-           args("self", "workspaceIndex"), "Creates a read-only numpy wrapper "
-                                           "around the original X data at the "
-                                           "given index")
+      .def("readX", &MatrixWorkspace::readX,
+           (arg("self"), arg("workspaceIndex")), return_readonly_numpy(),
+           "Creates a read-only numpy wrapper "
+           "around the original X data at the "
+           "given index")
       .def("readY", &MatrixWorkspace::readY, return_readonly_numpy(),
            args("self", "workspaceIndex"), "Creates a read-only numpy wrapper "
                                            "around the original Y data at the "
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MultipleExperimentInfos.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MultipleExperimentInfos.cpp
index e1ee933671887581dcfb37ed06065f2045ba4643..1635dd5d4cc22a15a23e6c5c364668734bbd86f4 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MultipleExperimentInfos.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/MultipleExperimentInfos.cpp
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ void export_MultipleExperimentInfos() {
            (ExperimentInfo_sptr (MultipleExperimentInfos::*)(const uint16_t)) &
+           (arg("self"), arg("run_index")),
            "Return the experiment info at the given index.")
-           &MultipleExperimentInfos::getNumExperimentInfo,
+           &MultipleExperimentInfos::getNumExperimentInfo, arg("self"),
            "Return the number of experiment info objects,");
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Projection.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Projection.cpp
index 080bed5db9c13e75709f93e262432f96f35f05b7..0973bf8190b35b423e6065bea29cadcf4c3531e4 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Projection.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Projection.cpp
@@ -114,21 +114,23 @@ void export_Projection() {
            "of u and v.")
       .def("__init__", make_constructor(&projCtor3),
            "Constructs a 3 dimensional projection")
-      .def("getOffset", &Projection::getOffset,
+      .def("getOffset", &Projection::getOffset, (arg("self"), arg("nd")),
            "Returns the offset for the given dimension", args("dimension"))
-      .def("getAxis", &Projection::getAxis,
+      .def("getAxis", &Projection::getAxis, (arg("self"), arg("nd")),
            "Returns the axis for the given dimension", args("dimension"))
-      .def("getType", &getUnit, "Returns the unit for the given dimension",
-           args("dimension"))
+      .def("getType", &getUnit, (arg("self"), arg("dimension")),
+           "Returns the unit for the given dimension")
       .def("setOffset", &Projection::setOffset,
+           (arg("self"), arg("nd"), arg("offset")),
            "Sets the offset for the given dimension",
            args("dimension", "offset"))
       .def("setAxis", &Projection::setAxis,
-           "Sets the axis for the given dimension", args("dimension", "axis"))
-      .def("setAxis", &projSetAxis, "Sets the axis for the given dimension",
-           args("dimension", "axis"))
-      .def("setType", &setUnit, "Sets the unit for the given dimension",
-           args("dimension", "unit"))
+           (arg("self"), arg("dimension"), arg("axis")),
+           "Sets the axis for the given dimension")
+      .def("setAxis", &projSetAxis, (arg("self"), arg("nd"), arg("data")),
+           "Sets the axis for the given dimension")
+      .def("setType", &setUnit, (arg("self"), arg("dimension"), arg("unit")),
+           "Sets the unit for the given dimension")
            "u", make_function(&Projection::U, return_internal_reference<>(),
                               boost::mpl::vector2<V3D &, Projection &>()),
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Run.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Run.cpp
index 8f8548bbcc57f1bd0fc0ca70815263ec4b454a43..bc950c6e2ff6754c95539fd6a278f394a995040d 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Run.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Run.cpp
@@ -116,67 +116,77 @@ void export_Run() {
   // Run class
   class_<Run, boost::noncopyable>("Run", no_init)
-      .def("getProtonCharge", &Run::getProtonCharge,
+      .def("getProtonCharge", &Run::getProtonCharge, arg("self"),
            "Return the total good proton charge for the run")
-      .def("integrateProtonCharge", &Run::integrateProtonCharge,
+      .def("integrateProtonCharge", &Run::integrateProtonCharge, arg("self"),
            "Return the total good proton charge for the run")
-      .def("hasProperty", &Run::hasProperty,
+      .def("hasProperty", &Run::hasProperty, (arg("self"), arg("name")),
            "Returns True if the given log value is contained within the run")
-      .def("getProperty", &Run::getProperty,
+      .def("getProperty", &Run::getProperty, (arg("self"), arg("name")),
            return_value_policy<return_by_value>(), "Returns the named property "
                                                    "(log value). Use '.value' "
                                                    "to return the value.")
-      .def("getProperties", &Run::getProperties, return_internal_reference<>(),
+      .def("getProperties", &Run::getProperties, arg("self"),
+           return_internal_reference<>(),
            "Return the list of run properties managed by this object.")
            (Property * (Run::*)(const std::string &) const) & Run::getLogData,
-           return_value_policy<return_by_value>(),
+           (arg("self"), arg("name")), return_value_policy<return_by_value>(),
            "Returns the named log. Use '.value' to return the value. The same "
            "as getProperty.")
            (const std::vector<Property *> &(Run::*)() const) & Run::getLogData,
-           return_internal_reference<>(),
+           arg("self"), return_internal_reference<>(),
            "Return the list of logs for this run. The same as getProperties.")
            (const Mantid::Geometry::Goniometer &(Run::*)() const) &
-           return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>(),
+           arg("self"), return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>(),
            "Get the oriented lattice for this sample")
-      .def("addProperty", &addProperty, "Adds a property with the given name "
-                                        "and value. If replace=True then an "
-                                        "existing property is overwritten")
+      .def("addProperty", &addProperty,
+           (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("value"), arg("replace")),
+           "Adds a property with the given name "
+           "and value. If replace=True then an "
+           "existing property is overwritten")
       .def("addProperty", &addPropertyWithUnit,
+           (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("value"), arg("units"),
+            arg("replace")),
            "Adds a property with the given name, value and unit. If "
            "replace=True then an existing property is overwritten")
       .def("setStartAndEndTime", &Run::setStartAndEndTime,
+           (arg("self"), arg("start"), arg("end")),
            "Set the start and end time of the run")
-      .def("startTime", &Run::startTime,
+      .def("startTime", &Run::startTime, arg("self"),
            "Return the total starting time of the run.")
-      .def("endTime", &Run::endTime, "Return the total ending time of the run.")
+      .def("endTime", &Run::endTime, arg("self"),
+           "Return the total ending time of the run.")
       //--------------------------- Dictionary
       // access----------------------------
-      .def("get", &getWithDefault, "Returns the value pointed to by the key or "
-                                   "None if it does not exist")
-      .def("get", &get,
+      .def("get", &getWithDefault, (arg("self"), arg("key"), arg("default")),
+           "Returns the value pointed to by the key or "
+           "None if it does not exist")
+      .def("get", &get, (arg("self"), arg("key")),
            "Returns the value pointed to by the key or the default value given")
-      .def("keys", &keys, "Returns the names of the properties as list")
-      .def("__contains__", &Run::hasProperty)
-      .def("__getitem__", &Run::getProperty,
+      .def("keys", &keys, arg("self"),
+           "Returns the names of the properties as list")
+      .def("__contains__", &Run::hasProperty, (arg("self"), arg("name")))
+      .def("__getitem__", &Run::getProperty, (arg("self"), arg("name")),
-      .def("__setitem__", &addOrReplaceProperty)
+      .def("__setitem__", &addOrReplaceProperty,
+           (arg("self"), arg("name"), arg("value")))
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Sample.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Sample.cpp
index cbf45afe13a4c246126189710d15d03a218f85e2..baa9826478dbad9a4c9ee7b2065d468a7cfedf01 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Sample.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Sample.cpp
@@ -16,35 +16,41 @@ void export_Sample() {
   class_<Sample, boost::noncopyable>("Sample", no_init)
       .def("getName", &Sample::getName,
-           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(),
+           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(), arg("self"),
            "Returns the string name of the sample")
       .def("getOrientedLattice", (const OrientedLattice &(Sample::*)() const) &
-           return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>(),
+           arg("self"), return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>(),
            "Get the oriented lattice for this sample")
-      .def("hasOrientedLattice", &Sample::hasOrientedLattice,
+      .def("hasOrientedLattice", &Sample::hasOrientedLattice, arg("self"),
            "Returns True if this sample has an oriented lattice, false "
-      .def("size", &Sample::size,
+      .def("size", &Sample::size, arg("self"),
            "Return the number of samples contained within this sample")
       // Required for ISIS SANS reduction until the full sample geometry is
       // defined on loading
-      .def("getGeometryFlag", &Sample::getGeometryFlag,
+      .def("getGeometryFlag", &Sample::getGeometryFlag, arg("self"),
            "Return the geometry flag.")
-      .def("getThickness", &Sample::getThickness, "Return the thickness in mm")
-      .def("getHeight", &Sample::getHeight, "Return the height in mm")
-      .def("getWidth", &Sample::getWidth, "Return the width in mm")
+      .def("getThickness", &Sample::getThickness, arg("self"),
+           "Return the thickness in mm")
+      .def("getHeight", &Sample::getHeight, arg("self"),
+           "Return the height in mm")
+      .def("getWidth", &Sample::getWidth, arg("self"), "Return the width in mm")
            (const Material &(Sample::*)() const)(&Sample::getMaterial),
-           return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>(),
+           arg("self"), return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>(),
            "The material the sample is composed of")
       .def("setGeometryFlag", &Sample::setGeometryFlag,
-           "Set the geometry flag.")
-      .def("setThickness", &Sample::setThickness, "Set the thickness in mm.")
-      .def("setHeight", &Sample::setHeight, "Set the height in mm.")
-      .def("setWidth", &Sample::setWidth, "Set the width in mm.")
+           (arg("self"), arg("geom_id")), "Set the geometry flag.")
+      .def("setThickness", &Sample::setThickness, (arg("self"), arg("thick")),
+           "Set the thickness in mm.")
+      .def("setHeight", &Sample::setHeight, (arg("self"), arg("height")),
+           "Set the height in mm.")
+      .def("setWidth", &Sample::setWidth, (arg("self"), arg("width")),
+           "Set the width in mm.")
       // -------------------------Operators
       // -------------------------------------
-      .def("__len__", &Sample::size)
+      .def("__len__", &Sample::size, arg("self"),
+           "Gets the number of samples in this collection")
       .def("__getitem__", &Sample::operator[], return_internal_reference<>());
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ScriptRepository.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ScriptRepository.cpp
index 91979d2a4981d49db39845bc3dc316c1bd95b463..2422b6c7a81b3dace66d938011db87ac2ac29173 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ScriptRepository.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ScriptRepository.cpp
@@ -196,11 +196,15 @@ Arguments:\n\
   ///@todo better description
   class_<ScriptRepository, boost::noncopyable>("ScriptRepository", repo_desc,
-      .def("install", &ScriptRepository::install, install_desc)
-      .def("listFiles", &getListFiles, list_files_desc)
-      .def("fileInfo", &getInfo, file_info_desc)
-      .def("description", &getDescription, file_description_desc)
-      .def("fileStatus", &getStatus, file_status_desc)
-      .def("download", &ScriptRepository::download, download_desc)
-      .def("update", &ScriptRepository::check4Update, update_desc);
+      .def("install", &ScriptRepository::install,
+           (arg("self"), arg("local_path")), install_desc)
+      .def("listFiles", &getListFiles, arg("self"), list_files_desc)
+      .def("fileInfo", &getInfo, (arg("self"), arg("path")), file_info_desc)
+      .def("description", &getDescription, (arg("self"), arg("path")),
+           file_description_desc)
+      .def("fileStatus", &getStatus, (arg("self"), arg("path")),
+           file_status_desc)
+      .def("download", &ScriptRepository::download,
+           (arg("self"), arg("file_path")), download_desc)
+      .def("update", &ScriptRepository::check4Update, arg("self"), update_desc);
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ScriptRepositoryFactory.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ScriptRepositoryFactory.cpp
index 0f572e8bf639040dd0f7d8e74c9347f270ee083d..91eef3e80418280995943a92161a2537dded62a9 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ScriptRepositoryFactory.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/ScriptRepositoryFactory.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ void export_ScriptRepositoryFactory() {
   class_<ScriptRepositoryFactoryImpl, boost::noncopyable>(
       "ScriptRepositoryFactory", no_init)
       .def("create", &ScriptRepositoryFactoryImpl::create,
+           (arg("self"), arg("class_name")),
            "Return a pointer to the ScriptRepository object")
       .def("Instance", &ScriptRepositoryFactory::Instance,
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Workspace.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Workspace.cpp
index e1943cc6a740d1e21760b84822ac78d760d4f4ff..a399b9ca775cb9cdad79cff7a4b904cef7f48692 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Workspace.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/Workspace.cpp
@@ -30,24 +30,27 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(Workspace_isDirtyOverloads,
 void export_Workspace() {
   class_<Workspace, bases<DataItem>, boost::noncopyable>("Workspace", no_init)
       .def("getName", &Workspace::getName,
-           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(), args("self"),
+           return_value_policy<copy_const_reference>(), arg("self"),
            "Returns the name of the workspace. This could be an empty string")
-      .def("getTitle", &Workspace::getTitle, args("self"),
+      .def("getTitle", &Workspace::getTitle, arg("self"),
            "Returns the title of the workspace")
-      .def("setTitle", &Workspace::setTitle, args("self", "title"))
-      .def("getComment", &Workspace::getComment,
+      .def("setTitle", &Workspace::setTitle, (arg("self"), arg("title")),
+           "Set the title of the workspace")
+      .def("getComment", &Workspace::getComment, arg("self"),
            "Returns the comment field on the workspace")
-      .def("setComment", &Workspace::setComment, args("self", "comment"))
+      .def("setComment", &Workspace::setComment, (arg("self"), arg("comment")),
+           "Set the comment field of the workspace")
       .def("isDirty", &Workspace::isDirty,
-           Workspace_isDirtyOverloads(arg("n"), "True if the workspace has run "
-                                                "more than n algorithms "
-                                                "(Default=1)"))
-      .def("getMemorySize", &Workspace::getMemorySize, args("self"),
+           Workspace_isDirtyOverloads((arg("self"), arg("n")),
+                                      "True if the workspace has run "
+                                      "more than n algorithms "
+                                      "(Default=1)"))
+      .def("getMemorySize", &Workspace::getMemorySize, arg("self"),
            "Returns the memory footprint of the workspace in KB")
       .def("getHistory", (const WorkspaceHistory &(Workspace::*)() const) &
-           return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>(), args("self"),
+           arg("self"), return_value_policy<reference_existing_object>(),
            "Return read-only access to the workspace history");
   // register pointers
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceFactory.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceFactory.cpp
index 0057a3ea6089e7908683974b8db845216dbd06b2..94373c2f9d16a87446c5864760cd9c88aa1aeea8 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceFactory.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceFactory.cpp
@@ -70,22 +70,26 @@ void export_WorkspaceFactory() {
   class_<WorkspaceFactoryImpl, boost::noncopyable>("WorkspaceFactoryImpl",
       .def("create", &createFromParentPtr,
-           createFromParent_Overload(
-               createFromParentDoc, (arg("parent"), arg("NVectors") = -1,
-                                     arg("XLength") = -1, arg("YLength") = -1)))
+           createFromParent_Overload(createFromParentDoc,
+                                     (arg("self"), arg("parent"),
+                                      arg("NVectors") = -1, arg("XLength") = -1,
+                                      arg("YLength") = -1)))
       .def("create", (createFromScratchPtr)&WorkspaceFactoryImpl::create,
            createFromScratchDoc, return_value_policy<AsType<Workspace_sptr>>(),
-           (arg("className"), arg("NVectors"), arg("XLength"), arg("YLength")))
+           (arg("self"), arg("className"), arg("NVectors"), arg("XLength"),
+            arg("YLength")))
       .def("createTable", &WorkspaceFactoryImpl::createTable,
-           createTable_Overload("Creates an empty TableWorkspace",
-                                (arg("className") = "TableWorkspace"))
+           createTable_Overload(
+               "Creates an empty TableWorkspace",
+               (arg("self"), arg("className") = "TableWorkspace"))
       .def("createPeaks", &WorkspaceFactoryImpl::createPeaks,
-           createPeaks_Overload("Creates an empty PeaksWorkspace",
-                                (arg("className") = "PeaksWorkspace"))
+           createPeaks_Overload(
+               "Creates an empty PeaksWorkspace",
+               (arg("self"), arg("className") = "PeaksWorkspace"))
       .def("Instance", &WorkspaceFactory::Instance,
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceGroup.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceGroup.cpp
index 702a7fe490a02376198838b30531fd34f70347cd..8c15d0331d17f326bcc93695ee46b4d083c8f017 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceGroup.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceGroup.cpp
@@ -13,22 +13,26 @@ void export_WorkspaceGroup() {
   class_<WorkspaceGroup, bases<Workspace>, boost::noncopyable>("WorkspaceGroup",
       .def("getNumberOfEntries", &WorkspaceGroup::getNumberOfEntries,
-           "Returns the number of entries in the group")
-      .def("getNames", &WorkspaceGroup::getNames,
+           arg("self"), "Returns the number of entries in the group")
+      .def("getNames", &WorkspaceGroup::getNames, arg("self"),
            "Returns the names of the entries in the group")
            (bool (WorkspaceGroup::*)(const std::string &wsName) const) &
+           (arg("self"), arg("workspace")),
            "Returns true if the given name is in the group")
-      .def("add", &WorkspaceGroup::add, "Add a name to the group")
-      .def("size", &WorkspaceGroup::size,
+      .def("add", &WorkspaceGroup::add, (arg("self"), arg("workspace_name")),
+           "Add a name to the group")
+      .def("size", &WorkspaceGroup::size, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of workspaces contained in the group")
-      .def("remove", &WorkspaceGroup::remove, "Remove a name from the group")
+      .def("remove", &WorkspaceGroup::remove,
+           (arg("self"), arg("workspace_name")), "Remove a name from the group")
       .def("getItem", (Workspace_sptr (WorkspaceGroup::*)(const size_t) const) &
+           (arg("self"), arg("workspace_name")),
            "Returns the item at the given index")
-      .def("isMultiPeriod", &WorkspaceGroup::isMultiperiod,
+      .def("isMultiPeriod", &WorkspaceGroup::isMultiperiod, arg("self"),
            "Retuns true if the workspace group is multi-period")
       // ------------ Operators --------------------------------
       .def("__len__", &WorkspaceGroup::getNumberOfEntries)
diff --git a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceHistory.cpp b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceHistory.cpp
index ad3133315cf8f163ccbd0f643d94ee004166d8d1..9a32321b85fe93b711c88e770ae089e673720b86 100644
--- a/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceHistory.cpp
+++ b/Framework/PythonInterface/mantid/api/src/Exports/WorkspaceHistory.cpp
@@ -38,27 +38,31 @@ void export_WorkspaceHistory() {
   class_<WorkspaceHistory, boost::noncopyable>("WorkspaceHistory", no_init)
-      .def("getAlgorithmHistories", &getHistoriesAsList,
+      .def("getAlgorithmHistories", &getHistoriesAsList, arg("self"),
            "Returns a list of algorithm histories for this workspace history.")
       .def("getAlgorithmHistory", &WorkspaceHistory::getAlgorithmHistory,
-           arg("index"), return_value_policy<Policies::RemoveConstSharedPtr>(),
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
+           return_value_policy<Policies::RemoveConstSharedPtr>(),
            "Returns the algorithm history at the given index in the history")
-      .def("size", &WorkspaceHistory::size,
+      .def("size", &WorkspaceHistory::size, arg("self"),
            "Returns the number of algorithms in the immediate history")
-      .def("empty", &WorkspaceHistory::empty,
+      .def("empty", &WorkspaceHistory::empty, arg("self"),
            "Returns whether the history has any entries")
-      .def("lastAlgorithm", &WorkspaceHistory::lastAlgorithm,
+      .def("lastAlgorithm", &WorkspaceHistory::lastAlgorithm, arg("self"),
            "Returns the last algorithm run on this workspace so that its "
            "properties can be accessed")
       .def("getAlgorithm", &WorkspaceHistory::getAlgorithm,
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
            "Returns the algorithm at the given index in the history")
       // ----------------- Operators --------------------------------------
-      .def("__getitem__", &WorkspaceHistory::getAlgorithm)
+      .def("__getitem__", &WorkspaceHistory::getAlgorithm,
+           (arg("self"), arg("index")),
+           "Create an algorithm from a history record at a given index")