diff --git a/docs/source/algorithms/ComputeCalibrationCoefVan-v1.rst b/docs/source/algorithms/ComputeCalibrationCoefVan-v1.rst
index 66fbcd07fb6648cce441c76df458a53a8c0b67bd..799c1857fd20c4ceb21f6582fef5fe4d7012c57a 100644
--- a/docs/source/algorithms/ComputeCalibrationCoefVan-v1.rst
+++ b/docs/source/algorithms/ComputeCalibrationCoefVan-v1.rst
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Workspace containing these correction coefficients is created as an output and c
 Restrictions on the input workspaces
 The valid input workspace:
diff --git a/docs/source/algorithms/ImggAggregateWavelengths-v1.rst b/docs/source/algorithms/ImggAggregateWavelengths-v1.rst
index 8a5861f5167c75f3e4fabf7f5e2cdbc66cc5a2b8..834b945dde7e7150e3ed5c24c69aebe81cd2409a 100644
--- a/docs/source/algorithms/ImggAggregateWavelengths-v1.rst
+++ b/docs/source/algorithms/ImggAggregateWavelengths-v1.rst
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ output subdirectory will be named
 **bands_index_idx_<start>_to_<end>**. And when the time of flight
 range option (**ToFRanges**) is used the names will be
 **bands_tof_idx_<start>_to_<end>**. The initial prefix
-(bands_uniform_, bands_index_, bands_tof_) can be mofified via the
+(bands_uniform, bands_index, bands_tof) can be mofified via the
 input properties **OutputSubdirsPrefixUniformBands**,
 **OutputSubdirsPrefixIndexBands**, **OutputSubdirsPrefixToFBands**,
diff --git a/docs/source/algorithms/LoadMuonNexus-v1.rst b/docs/source/algorithms/LoadMuonNexus-v1.rst
index 4235ab6208efed45acd568dad822fd0f533f70b9..8ea366a61ad362b9123f6bad4ca595fd203fd042 100644
--- a/docs/source/algorithms/LoadMuonNexus-v1.rst
+++ b/docs/source/algorithms/LoadMuonNexus-v1.rst
@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@ Log values are loaded into the workspace run object as follows:
 | - single-period:                          | ``goodfrm`` (number of good   |
 | ``run/instrument/beam/frames_good``       | frames)                       |
-|                                           |                               |
 | - multi-period:                           |                               | 
 | ``run/instrument/beam/frames_period_daq`` |                               |
+|                                           |                               |
 | Other NX\_LOG entries under ``run``       | time series (via LoadMuonLog) |
diff --git a/docs/source/algorithms/LoadMuonNexus-v2.rst b/docs/source/algorithms/LoadMuonNexus-v2.rst
index 1b7babb349d448ba07e54e78a24cbd7b70a456b1..5c44a2b0fe490c1c28809722a3b369c416834aca 100644
--- a/docs/source/algorithms/LoadMuonNexus-v2.rst
+++ b/docs/source/algorithms/LoadMuonNexus-v2.rst
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ The ChildAlgorithms used by LoadMuonNexus are:
 -  :ref:`algm-LoadMuonNexus-v1` - this loads the muon nexus file if not identified as
    version 2. It in turn uses the following child algorithm:
-    -  :ref:`algm-LoadMuonLog` - this reads log information from the Nexus file and uses
-       it to create TimeSeriesProperty entries in the workspace.
+   -  :ref:`algm-LoadMuonLog` - this reads log information from the Nexus file and uses
+      it to create TimeSeriesProperty entries in the workspace.
 -  :ref:`algm-LoadInstrument` - this algorithm looks for an XML description of the
    instrument and if found reads it.
 -  :ref:`algm-LoadInstrumentFromNexus` - this is called if the normal
diff --git a/docs/source/algorithms/ReflectometryReductionOne-v1.rst b/docs/source/algorithms/ReflectometryReductionOne-v1.rst
index 47fccd9be6b7bdedafb236f626758380e8d7eab6..9e1415794ad48fb95e18a3d8838fef43debd630d 100644
--- a/docs/source/algorithms/ReflectometryReductionOne-v1.rst
+++ b/docs/source/algorithms/ReflectometryReductionOne-v1.rst
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ algorithms that may need to manipulate/use it.
     :width: 650px
     :height: 250px
     :align: center
diff --git a/docs/source/algorithms/VesuvioCorrections-v1.rst b/docs/source/algorithms/VesuvioCorrections-v1.rst
index 3095e81f5f3aaef3988d0ea9c9769cf92e34512b..d07ab87ea3ecadafb68d1b97093029cedcbedff4 100644
--- a/docs/source/algorithms/VesuvioCorrections-v1.rst
+++ b/docs/source/algorithms/VesuvioCorrections-v1.rst
@@ -20,61 +20,61 @@ Usage
 .. testcode:: VesuvioCorrectionsExample
-###### Simulates LoadVesuvio with spectrum number 135-136 #################
-tof_ws = CreateSimulationWorkspace(Instrument='Vesuvio',BinParams=[50,0.5,562],UnitX='TOF')
-tof_ws = CropWorkspace(tof_ws,StartWorkspaceIndex=134,EndWorkspaceIndex=135) # index one less than spectrum number
-tof_ws = ConvertToPointData(tof_ws)
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='t0',ParameterType='Number',Value='0.5')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l1', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.021')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l2', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.023')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_tof', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.3')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_theta', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.028')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz', ParameterType='Number', Value='24.0')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_gauss', ParameterType='Number', Value='73.0')
-# Algorithm allows separate parameters for the foils
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
-                       ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
-                       ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
-                       ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
-                       ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')
-#######################Create dummy fit parameters#############################
-params = ms.CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace='__VesuvioCorrections_test_fit_params')
-params.addColumn('str', 'Name')
-params.addColumn('float', 'Value')
-params.addColumn('float', 'Error')
-params.addRow(['f0.Width', 4.72912, 0.41472])
-params.addRow(['f0.FSECoeff', 0.557332, 0])
-params.addRow(['f0.C_0', 11.8336, 1.11468])
-params.addRow(['f1.Width', 10, 0])
-params.addRow(['f1.Intensity', 2.21085, 0.481347])
-params.addRow(['f2.Width', 13, 0])
-params.addRow(['f2.Intensity', 1.42443, 0.583283])
-params.addRow(['f3.Width', 30, 0])
-params.addRow(['f3.Intensity', 0.499497, 0.28436])
-params.addRow(['f4.A0', -0.00278903, 0.00266163])
-params.addRow(['f4.A1', 14.5313, 22.2307])
-params.addRow(['f4.A2', -5475.01, 35984.4])
-params.addRow(['Cost function value', 2.34392, 0])
-masses = [1.0079, 16.0, 27.0, 133.0]
-profiles = "function=GramCharlier,hermite_coeffs=[1, 0, 0],k_free=0,sears_flag=1,width=[2, 5, 7];function=Gaussian,width=10;function=Gaussian,width=13;function=Gaussian,width=30"
-corrections, corrected, linear_fit, out_ws = VesuvioCorrections(InputWorkspace=tof_ws,
-                                                                GammaBackground=True,
-                                                                FitParameters=params,
-                                                                Masses=masses,
-                                                                MassProfiles=profiles,
-                                                                ContainerScale=0.1,
-                                                                GammaBackground=0.2)
+  ###### Simulates LoadVesuvio with spectrum number 135-136 #################
+  tof_ws = CreateSimulationWorkspace(Instrument='Vesuvio',BinParams=[50,0.5,562],UnitX='TOF')
+  tof_ws = CropWorkspace(tof_ws,StartWorkspaceIndex=134,EndWorkspaceIndex=135) # index one less than spectrum number
+  tof_ws = ConvertToPointData(tof_ws)
+  SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='t0',ParameterType='Number',Value='0.5')
+  SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l1', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.021')
+  SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l2', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.023')
+  SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_tof', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.3')
+  SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_theta', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.028')
+  SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz', ParameterType='Number', Value='24.0')
+  SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_gauss', ParameterType='Number', Value='73.0')
+  # Algorithm allows separate parameters for the foils
+  SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
+                         ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
+  SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
+                         ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')
+  SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
+                         ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
+  SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
+                         ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')
+  #######################Create dummy fit parameters#############################
+  params = ms.CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace='__VesuvioCorrections_test_fit_params')
+  params.addColumn('str', 'Name')
+  params.addColumn('float', 'Value')
+  params.addColumn('float', 'Error')
+  params.addRow(['f0.Width', 4.72912, 0.41472])
+  params.addRow(['f0.FSECoeff', 0.557332, 0])
+  params.addRow(['f0.C_0', 11.8336, 1.11468])
+  params.addRow(['f1.Width', 10, 0])
+  params.addRow(['f1.Intensity', 2.21085, 0.481347])
+  params.addRow(['f2.Width', 13, 0])
+  params.addRow(['f2.Intensity', 1.42443, 0.583283])
+  params.addRow(['f3.Width', 30, 0])
+  params.addRow(['f3.Intensity', 0.499497, 0.28436])
+  params.addRow(['f4.A0', -0.00278903, 0.00266163])
+  params.addRow(['f4.A1', 14.5313, 22.2307])
+  params.addRow(['f4.A2', -5475.01, 35984.4])
+  params.addRow(['Cost function value', 2.34392, 0])
+  masses = [1.0079, 16.0, 27.0, 133.0]
+  profiles = "function=GramCharlier,hermite_coeffs=[1, 0, 0],k_free=0,sears_flag=1,width=[2, 5, 7];function=Gaussian,width=10;function=Gaussian,width=13;function=Gaussian,width=30"
+  corrections, corrected, linear_fit, out_ws = VesuvioCorrections(InputWorkspace=tof_ws,
+                                                                  GammaBackground=True,
+                                                                  FitParameters=params,
+                                                                  Masses=masses,
+                                                                  MassProfiles=profiles,
+                                                                  ContainerScale=0.1,
+                                                                  GammaBackground=0.2)
 .. categories::
diff --git a/docs/source/algorithms/VesuvioPreFit-v1.rst b/docs/source/algorithms/VesuvioPreFit-v1.rst
index 4b1b0c501e97ad9ca30ef59b5a3e0d43e1d6c4a9..cd754da96cc197bec1df33bc487d18d59af542ed 100644
--- a/docs/source/algorithms/VesuvioPreFit-v1.rst
+++ b/docs/source/algorithms/VesuvioPreFit-v1.rst
@@ -22,31 +22,31 @@ Usage
 .. testcode:: VesuvioPreFitExample
-###### Simulates LoadVesuvio with spectrum number 135-136 #################
-tof_ws = CreateSimulationWorkspace(Instrument='Vesuvio',BinParams=[50,0.5,562],UnitX='TOF')
-tof_ws = CropWorkspace(tof_ws,StartWorkspaceIndex=134,EndWorkspaceIndex=135) # index one less than spectrum number
-tof_ws = ConvertToPointData(tof_ws)
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='t0',ParameterType='Number',Value='0.5')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l1', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.021')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l2', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.023')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_tof', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.3')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_theta', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.028')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz', ParameterType='Number', Value='24.0')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_gauss', ParameterType='Number', Value='73.0')
-# Algorithm allows separate parameters for the foils
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
-                       ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
-                       ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
-                       ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
-SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
-                       ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')
-pre_fit_workspace = VesuvioPreFit(Inputworkspace=tof_ws, Smoothing="Neighbour",
-                                  SmoothingOptions="NPoints=3", BadDataError=-1)
+    ###### Simulates LoadVesuvio with spectrum number 135-136 #################
+    tof_ws = CreateSimulationWorkspace(Instrument='Vesuvio',BinParams=[50,0.5,562],UnitX='TOF')
+    tof_ws = CropWorkspace(tof_ws,StartWorkspaceIndex=134,EndWorkspaceIndex=135) # index one less than spectrum number
+    tof_ws = ConvertToPointData(tof_ws)
+    SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='t0',ParameterType='Number',Value='0.5')
+    SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l1', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.021')
+    SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_l2', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.023')
+    SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_tof', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.3')
+    SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_theta', ParameterType='Number', Value='0.028')
+    SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz', ParameterType='Number', Value='24.0')
+    SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ParameterName='sigma_gauss', ParameterType='Number', Value='73.0')
+    # Algorithm allows separate parameters for the foils
+    SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
+                           ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
+    SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos0', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
+                           ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')
+    SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='hwhm_lorentz',
+                           ParameterType='Number', Value='144.0')
+    SetInstrumentParameter(tof_ws, ComponentName='foil-pos1', ParameterName='sigma_gauss',
+                           ParameterType='Number', Value='20.0')
+    ###########################################################################
+    pre_fit_workspace = VesuvioPreFit(Inputworkspace=tof_ws, Smoothing="Neighbour",
+                                      SmoothingOptions="NPoints=3", BadDataError=-1)
 .. categories::
diff --git a/docs/source/api/python/index.rst b/docs/source/api/python/index.rst
index 9901fe66d477ee915c1c65abe013aa1374fe599b..553a7e12812a2da2dff8b57f2cc1786c183d60c3 100644
--- a/docs/source/api/python/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/api/python/index.rst
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Techniques
 .. toctree::
+   :glob:
    :maxdepth: 1
-   techniques/calibration
-   techniques/PowderDiffractionISIS-v1
+   techniques/*
diff --git a/docs/source/concepts/Calibration.rst b/docs/source/concepts/Calibration.rst
index 06e4616e6391771474897ab15c4149d1e5a04850..893628cf5ce78843cd6c2c90009e996d6e857242 100644
--- a/docs/source/concepts/Calibration.rst
+++ b/docs/source/concepts/Calibration.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.. _Calibration:
+.. _Calibration Intro:
@@ -8,10 +8,9 @@ Calibration
 What is Calibration?
 Calibration is a process which determines and corrects for differences in the definition of an instrument to reality, generally conducted by performing a measurement of a reference compound under known conditions.
 Supported Types of Calibration
diff --git a/docs/source/concepts/ORNL_SANS_Reduction.rst b/docs/source/concepts/ORNL_SANS_Reduction.rst
index 4e1af84c5508e94d3c06b01fd57a7bea985f1fe4..40e3837271e0b1fd791167efd8da14a2fa189632 100644
--- a/docs/source/concepts/ORNL_SANS_Reduction.rst
+++ b/docs/source/concepts/ORNL_SANS_Reduction.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.. _Facilities File:
+.. _Reduction for ORNL SANS:
 .. role:: xml(literal)
    :class: highlight
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Reduction script
 .. code-block:: python
   import mantid
   from mantid.simpleapi import *
   from reduction_workflow.instruments.sans.hfir_command_interface import *
diff --git a/docs/source/concepts/PointAndSpaceGroups.rst b/docs/source/concepts/PointAndSpaceGroups.rst
index e868bb8c097794282c49d2c62a8f336f9a0ec3c1..c6786c4d5e774c300c651daa3f592490171db457 100644
--- a/docs/source/concepts/PointAndSpaceGroups.rst
+++ b/docs/source/concepts/PointAndSpaceGroups.rst
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ Through the presence of certain symmetry operations in certain directions, the L
 Any point group can be generated by using a maximum of three symmetry operations as so-called generators using the principle described in [Shmueli84]_. According to this, any point group can be described either as a cyclic group or as a product of maximum three cyclic groups. The point group :math:`4` is an example for a group that is simply a cyclic group generated from a positive four fold rotation axis along the :math:`z`-axis, which has the order 4.
 .. math::
-G = \left\{{4^{+}}^0, {4^{+}}^1, {4^{+}}^2, {4^{+}}^3\right\} = \left\{1, 4^{+}, 2, 4^{-}\right\}
+  G = \left\{{4^{+}}^0, {4^{+}}^1, {4^{+}}^2, {4^{+}}^3\right\} = \left\{1, 4^{+}, 2, 4^{-}\right\}
 So by specifying one single symmetry operation as generator, all symmetry operations of the point group in question are generated. From this it's convenient to expand the example to generate a point group that can be expressed as the product of two cyclic groups - :math:`4/m`. In this point group, an additional mirror plane is present perpendicular to the four fold axis. The point group can be expressed as product of :math:`4` shown above and a cyclic group generated by the symmetry operation :math:`m` (mirror plane perpendicular to :math:`z`):
 .. math::
-G' = G \cdot \left\{m^0, m^1\right\} = \left\{1, 4^{+}, 2, 4^{-}\right\} \cdot \left\{1, m\right\} = \left\{1, m, 4^{+}, \bar{4}^{+}, 2, \bar{1}, 4^{-}, \bar{4}^{-}\right\}
+  G' = G \cdot \left\{m^0, m^1\right\} = \left\{1, 4^{+}, 2, 4^{-}\right\} \cdot \left\{1, m\right\} = \left\{1, m, 4^{+}, \bar{4}^{+}, 2, \bar{1}, 4^{-}, \bar{4}^{-}\right\}
 This means that :math:`4/m` contains an inversion center as well as a four fold rotoinversion axis which result from the combination of the operations of the two cyclic groups. It's also possible to use a different cyclic group to achive the same result (:math:`\bar{1}`). As mentioned above, for some point groups it's necessary to use three generators, which follows the same principle and is not shown here.
diff --git a/docs/source/concepts/calibration/EngineeringCalibration.rst b/docs/source/concepts/calibration/EngineeringCalibration.rst
index 9c8f2a0bb9165e257b76235c8c47ec6be93e6725..36711bd8f702b248d3adfca8117aa24ad3cd4422 100644
--- a/docs/source/concepts/calibration/EngineeringCalibration.rst
+++ b/docs/source/concepts/calibration/EngineeringCalibration.rst
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ The peak functions (shapes):
 * :ref:`BackToBackExponential<func-BackToBackExponential>` (used in EnggFitPeaks, to fit the peaks when accuracy is needed)
 * :ref:`Gaussian<func-Gaussian>` (used in FindPeaks when the a quick validation is needed, but fit accuracy is not vital)
-* :ref:`Bk2BkExpConvPV <func-Bk2BkExpConvPV>` (is the Mantid equivalent to the function used in GSAS).
 File Formats
diff --git a/docs/source/concepts/calibration/PythonCodeForCalibration.rst b/docs/source/concepts/calibration/PythonCodeForCalibration.rst
index 3a988f501f40364b089f39345790bdaa565f12b2..0decfda23dbabf94fcab2ec1eed66ad0d9066efd 100644
--- a/docs/source/concepts/calibration/PythonCodeForCalibration.rst
+++ b/docs/source/concepts/calibration/PythonCodeForCalibration.rst
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ directly:
 This function requires some inputs and allow for some optional
 parameters as well. The minimum set of parameters required are:
-* The workspace whose instrument is based on tubes (ws), where the counts in the tube pixels have been integrated
-* Definition of the set of tubes to be calibrated (tubeSet)
-* The position of the known points (knownPositions)
-* The shape of the known points (funcForm). Currently, we accept two shapes identified as 1 for :ref:`Gaussian <func-Gaussian>` and 2 for Edges.
+- The workspace whose instrument is based on tubes (ws), where the counts in the tube pixels have been integrated
+- Definition of the set of tubes to be calibrated (tubeSet)
+- The position of the known points (knownPositions)
+- The shape of the known points (funcForm). Currently, we accept two shapes identified as 1 for :ref:`Gaussian <func-Gaussian>` and 2 for Edges.
 Parameter: Workspace
@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ The second step is to define what are the tubes to be calibrated
 (**tubeSet**). This parameter accepts the following inputs:
 * As single string that defines a set of tubes 
-  (e.g. MERLIN/door2/tube_1_1), door (e.g. MAPS/A1_window), or the whole instrument 
-  (e.g. MAPS)
+  (e.g. MERLIN/door2/tube_1_1), door (e.g. MAPS/A1_window), or the whole instrument (e.g. MAPS)
 * A list of strings (e.g. [MERLIN/door2/tube_1_1, MERLIN/door2/tube_1_2], [MERLIN/door1, MERLIN/door2])
 * A `TubeSpec <TubeSpec>`__ object.
diff --git a/docs/source/images/VSIEllipses.png b/docs/source/images/VSIEllipses.png
index b5f26addc70ca64376b61133ecdccbafb1074c73..ba3180ba111de1baafdcb2d92bd03359ec37d9e5 100644
Binary files a/docs/source/images/VSIEllipses.png and b/docs/source/images/VSIEllipses.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/interfaces/DPDFBackgroundRemover.rst b/docs/source/interfaces/DPDFBackgroundRemover.rst
index d19a8563f9fee73ffc961770531404fa2484c370..d5ea1585cf5f417daa2f745d737700d85b3cbeb8 100644
--- a/docs/source/interfaces/DPDFBackgroundRemover.rst
+++ b/docs/source/interfaces/DPDFBackgroundRemover.rst
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ Action Buttons
 .. categories:: Interfaces DynamicPDF
 Developer's Corner
 .. diagram:: DPDFBackgroundRemover_mainComponents.dot
diff --git a/docs/source/interfaces/Engineering_Diffraction.rst b/docs/source/interfaces/Engineering_Diffraction.rst
index 12e6bf8b241ce7441c9c4530b48e7ba090699a83..aa4cdd9733e2232fb55cd8eee948a2b168c6505a 100644
--- a/docs/source/interfaces/Engineering_Diffraction.rst
+++ b/docs/source/interfaces/Engineering_Diffraction.rst
@@ -48,10 +48,9 @@ This tab provides a graphical interface to calculate calibrations and
 visualize them.
 It is possible to
-- generate a new calibration file (which becomes the new current
-  calibration)
-- load an existing calibration from a GSAS instrument
-  parameters file previously generated
+- generate a new calibration file (which becomes the new current calibration)
+- load an existing calibration from a GSAS instrument parameters file previously generated
 For the current calibration, the following parameters are displayed:
 the vanadium run number, the calibration sample run number, and the
@@ -291,6 +290,8 @@ To use the Fitting tab, user is required to provide:
 2. List of expected peaks which can be either by browsing a (*CSV*) file
    or entering within the text-field simply click on the Fit button.
+.. _ExpectedPeaks-Engineering_Diffraction-ref:
@@ -312,8 +313,6 @@ Focused Run #:
   The interface will then automatically update the Plot Bank combo-box
   according to the bank files found for each entered/selected run-number.
-.. _ExpectedPeaks-Engineering_Diffraction-ref:
   A list of dSpacing values to be translated into TOF to find expected
   peaks. These peaks can be manually written or imported by selecting a
diff --git a/docs/source/interfaces/QECoverage.rst b/docs/source/interfaces/QECoverage.rst
index 80c90ae21ac802fbe32945ba87c7db2854bf03dc..213b92adec744fcdfac1d0f74001c432d8e379f7 100644
--- a/docs/source/interfaces/QECoverage.rst
+++ b/docs/source/interfaces/QECoverage.rst
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ To overplot the calculated Q-E trajectories, set the "Plot Over" check box.
 The plot range is from Emin to Ei for direct, and from -Ef to Emax for indirect
 geometry spectrometers, and Emin and Emax may be inputted in the appropriate text
-box. If this box is left empty, Emin=-|Ei| (Emax=|Ef|) is set automatically for
+box. If this box is left empty, Emin=-Ei (Emax=Ef) is set automatically for
 direct (indirect) geometry.
 You can choose to create a 1D Mantid workspace for latter plotting using the
diff --git a/docs/source/interfaces/Tomographic_Reconstruction.rst b/docs/source/interfaces/Tomographic_Reconstruction.rst
index 2aff03a6dc4a67e74df10875cd98870adae8bf00..be32fce3bac1f24040b56b257b9b400792bc120b 100644
--- a/docs/source/interfaces/Tomographic_Reconstruction.rst
+++ b/docs/source/interfaces/Tomographic_Reconstruction.rst
@@ -174,19 +174,18 @@ where:
   or directory is synchronized (at least partially) between the remote
   compute resource and the (local) instrument analysis machine.
-* *RB987654321* is the experiment reference number (or so-called RB
-number) which usually starts with the prefix "RB".
+* *RB987654321* is the experiment reference number (or so-called RB number) which usually starts with the prefix "RB".
 * *experiment_foo* is a name given by the user to the particular
   experiment the data comes from. This is specified in free form.
-* inside the path there will normally be at least three folders or
-subdirectories for the sample, flat, and dark images:
+* inside the path there will normally be at least three folders or subdirectories for the sample, flat, and dark images:
   - data
   - flat
   - dark
 As the files are mirrored on the remote computer cluster, if a network
 drive have been added (or mapped) in the local system, for example
 using the drive "S:", then the following path would contain a similar
@@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ Energy bands
 Here it is possible to aggregate stacks of images normally acquired as
 energy/wavelength selective data. This interface is based on the
-algorithm :ref:`ImggAggWavelengths <algm-ImggAggWavelengths>` which
+algorithm :ref:`ImggAggregateWavelengths <algm-ImggAggregateWavelengths>` which
 supports different ways of aggregating the input images. In the
 simplest case, a number of output bands can be produced by aggregating
 the input bands split into uniform segments. This is called "uniform
@@ -377,8 +376,8 @@ could by produced by specifying the ranges as "0-499, 250-749,
 500-999". In principle it is also possible to aggregate images by time
 of flight ranges, based on specific extension headers that must be
 included in the input (FITS) images. This option is disabled at the
-moment.  Please refer to the documentation of :ref:`ImggAggWavelengths
-<algm-ImggAggWavelengths>` for lower level details on how the
+moment.  Please refer to the documentation of :ref:`ImggAggregateWavelengths
+<algm-ImggAggregateWavelengths>` for lower level details on how the
 algorithm processes the input directories and files.
 .. figure:: /images/tomo_tab7_energy_bands.png
diff --git a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/diffraction.rst b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/diffraction.rst
index c6187f92f77795633cdcdcbee37a6ae83b56c0eb..8f7acb8f2c394208ab056ddcb96cc90536416421 100644
--- a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/diffraction.rst
+++ b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/diffraction.rst
@@ -7,16 +7,38 @@ Diffraction Changes
+- The documentation for all calibration approaches, including Powder diffraction, single crystal and engineering calibrations has been pulled together, and expanded :ref:`here <Calibration Intro>`. 
-- The documentation for all calibration approaches, including Powder diffraction, single crystal and engineering calibrations has been pulled together, and expanded :ref:`here<Calibration>`.
+Powder Diffraction
+- :ref:`PDFFourierTransform <algm-PDFFourierTransform>` has been corrected in its calculation of errors.
+Powder Diffraction Scripts
+- Pearl powder diffraction has been integrated and can be found
+  `scripts/PearlPowderISIS`. The routines/script has been differentiated from
+  the long list of directories of calibration and raw files. The calibration
+  directories can be found in a file by the name of pearl_calib_factory.py,
+  whereas the raw directories can be found in a file by the name of
+  pearl_cycle_factory.py.
+- PowderISIS script has been renamed to CryPowderISIS and can be found within
+  the following folder `scripts/CryPowderISIS`
+- :ref:`pearl-powder-diffraction-ref` documentation has been implemented and
+  PowderISIS script documentation has been renamed to
+  :ref:`cry-powder-diffraction-ref`
-Crystal Improvements
+Single Crystal Improvements
 - :ref:`SCDCalibratePanels <algm-SCDCalibratePanels>` has parameter errors reduced,
-   option for simplex minimization, and 3 new workspaces which can plot calculated 
-   vs theoretical columns, rows, and TOF for each bank. Calibration is now as good 
-   as ISAW's for Mandi data.
+  an option for simplex minimization, and 3 new workspaces which can plot calculated 
+  vs theoretical columns, rows, and TOF for each bank. Calibration is now as good 
+  as ISAW's for Mandi data.
 - 5 detectors added to the MANDI instrument geometry
 - :ref:`LoadCIF <algm-LoadCIF>` can now also load structures where only anisotropic displacement parameters are given,
   which are converted to equivalent isotropic parameters.
@@ -54,7 +76,8 @@ Engineering Diffraction
 - New algorithm :ref:`SaveNexusPD <algm-SaveNexusPD>` which creates a nexus file for use in GUDRUN and will hopefully be supported by Rietveld packages in the future.
-Graphical user interface:
+Graphical user interface
 - Vanadium Curves and Ceria Peaks graphs are plotted once basic and cropped
   calibration process has been carried out
@@ -97,8 +120,7 @@ Imaging
 - The new algorithm :ref:`ImggAggregateWavelengths <algm-ImggAggregateWavelengths>`
   aggregates stacks of images from wavelength dependent data.
-- The algorithm `ImggTomographicReconstruction
-  <algm-ImggTomographicReconstruction>` has been introduced. This is a
+- The algorithm `ImggTomographicReconstruction <algm-ImggTomographicReconstruction>` has been introduced. This is a
   first experimental version that implements the Filtered
   Back-Projection (FBP) reconstruction method using the FBP
   implementation of the `TomoPy package
@@ -107,7 +129,8 @@ Imaging
   using the algorithm :ref:`SaveFITS <algm-SaveFITS>`.
-Improvements in the tomographic reconstruction graphical user interface:
+Improvements in the tomographic reconstruction graphical user interface
 - New capabilities added when visualizing stacks of images:
@@ -131,28 +154,7 @@ Improvements in the tomographic reconstruction graphical user interface:
-Powder Diffraction
-- :ref:`PDFFourierTransform <algm-PDFFourierTransform>` has been corrected in its calculation of errors.
-Powder Diffraction Scripts
-- Pearl powder diffraction has been integrated and can be found
-  `scripts/PearlPowderISIS`. The routines/script has been differentiated from
-  the long list of directories of calibration and raw files. The calibration
-  directories can be found in a file by the name of pearl_calib_factory.py,
-  whereas the raw directories can be found in a file by the name of
-  pearl_cycle_factory.py.
-- PowderISIS script has been renamed to CryPowderISIS and can be found within
-  the following folder `scripts/CryPowderISIS`
-- :ref:`pearl-powder-diffraction-ref` documentation has been implemented and
-  PowderISIS script documentation has been renamed to
-  :ref:`cry-powder-diffraction-ref`
 Full list of `diffraction <http://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pulls?q=is%3Apr+milestone%3A%22Release+3.7%22+is%3Amerged+label%3A%22Component%3A+Diffraction%22>`_
diff --git a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/direct_inelastic.rst b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/direct_inelastic.rst
index 3345271c37cf53044ef70b1b30abda5034a5c194..110134166c49895b0b9de5df4b1b3d7f1b652a87 100644
--- a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/direct_inelastic.rst
+++ b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/direct_inelastic.rst
@@ -9,18 +9,18 @@ Improvements
 - New CNCS formula to calculate T0 accounts for different phasing of the choppers since August 2015
-- The documentation for all calibration approaches, including PSD tube calibration has been pulled together :ref:`here<Calibration>`
-`Full list of changes on GitHub <http://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pulls?q=is%3Apr+milestone%3A%22Release+3.7%22+is%3Amerged+label%3A%22Component%3A+Direct+Inelastic%22>`_
+- The documentation for all calibration approaches, including PSD tube calibration has been pulled together :ref:`here <Calibration Intro>`.
+- Many improvements have been made to the VATES command line interface, these are detailed in the :ref:`Framework section <R3.7 Vates CLI>` of the release notes.
 Crystal Field
-FOCUS fortran program that fits crystal field parameters is being translated into Mantid (C++ and python).
-The release notes on this work will go here.
+- A fitting function was added (:ref:`CrystalFieldSpectrum <func-CrystalFieldSpectrum>`) that fits crystal field parameters to a spectrum.  It is based on fortran program FOCUS which was translated into C++.
 Phonon DOS
 The old PySlice routine to compute the phonon DOS from powder data using the incoherent approximation has
-been ported and is now a Mantid Python Algorithm :ref:`ComputeIncoherentDOS <algm-ComputeIncoherentDOS`
+been ported and is now a Mantid Python Algorithm :ref:`ComputeIncoherentDOS <algm-ComputeIncoherentDOS>`. 
+`Full list of changes on GitHub <http://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pulls?q=is%3Apr+milestone%3A%22Release+3.7%22+is%3Amerged+label%3A%22Component%3A+Direct+Inelastic%22>`_
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/framework.rst b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/framework.rst
index 846bbf2bb2e7787b3333074035f923cf02981310..9c592530bf2fc6dbf644ea2f195667fcd5a23299 100644
--- a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/framework.rst
+++ b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/framework.rst
@@ -5,13 +5,35 @@ Framework Changes
 .. contents:: Table of Contents
+- The Instrument Definition File syntax has been extended to provide support for a new type of topologically regular, but geometrically irregular form of 2D detectors. This new type of detector available in the IDF is known as a Structured Detector. Information on how to use this new detector type can be found in the :ref:`IDF <InstrumentDefinitionFile>` documentation.
+- The XML shape definitions have been updated to understand a hollow cylinder as a primitive shape. See :ref:`HowToDefineGeometricShape` for more details.
+Refactored `PeakShape` to better support arbitrary shapes.
-- A sorting members by name method was added to :ref:`WorkspaceGroup <WorkspaceGroup>`.
+- :ref:`ChangeBinOffset <algm-ChangeBinOffset>` should now run faster for a :ref:`MatrixWorkspace <MatrixWorkspace>` (not EventWorkspaces).
+- Applying ParameterMaps to Detectors now about 30% faster. Algorithms that involve applying ParameterMaps will see performance improvements.
+- This release saw the introduction of the StructuredDetector. This change has reduced load times via LoadInstrument from ~10minutes down to ~0.5seconds for the prospective ESS LOKI instrument.
+  For more information on how to generate a StructuredDetector based instrument follow
+  this `link <http://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/concepts/InstrumentDefinitionFile.html#creating-structured-irregular-geometry-detectors>`_
+- The destructors for ConvexPolygon and Quadrilateral objects are now faster, especially on Linux.
+- Concept page for :ref:`Mantid Fitting <Fitting>` has been added.
+- In order to guarantee a complete overlap between resolution and signal in the region of interest, Function :ref:`Convolution <func-Convolution>` can switch between a fast FFT mode for data defined over a symmetric domain, and slower direct calculations for data defined over an asymmetric domain.
+Script Repository
+- A bug has been fixed that caused uploads to fail with some incorrectly configured proxy servers.
@@ -37,9 +59,7 @@ New
 - :ref:`GetIPTS <algm-GetIPTS>` Returns the IPTS directory of the specified ORNL run.
 - :ref:`GSASIIRefineFitPeaks <algm-GSASIIRefineFitPeaks>` uses the GSAS-II
   software to refine lattice parameters (whole pattern refinement) and fit
-- :ref:`ImggAggregateWavelengths <algm-ImggAggregateWavelengths>`
-   aggregates stacks of images from wavelength dependent imaging
-   into one or more output bands.
+- :ref:`ImggAggregateWavelengths <algm-ImggAggregateWavelengths>` aggregates stacks of images from wavelength dependent imaging into one or more output bands.
 - :ref:`ImggTomographicReconstruction
   <algm-ImggTomographicReconstruction>` implements a method for 3D
   tomographic reconstruction from projection images.
@@ -71,38 +91,36 @@ Improved
    slightly different. (An error is still produced for large
    deviations). By default, this is set to false, keeping the original
-   `#15325 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15325>`_
 -  :ref:`ConvertUnits <algm-ConvertUnits>`
    now works correctly for 'distribution' data in a :ref:`MatrixWorkspace <MatrixWorkspace>` in
    in-place mode (``InputWorkspace`` = ``OutputWorkspace``).
-   `#15489 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15489>`_
 -  When plotting a workspace that had been normalized by bin widths, the y-axis unit label was incorrect.
-   An appropriate labelling has now been implemented
-  `#15398 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15398>`_
+   An appropriate labelling has now been implemented.
 -  :ref:`SumSpectra <algm-SumSpectra>` fixed broken scaling of bins for the `WeightedSum=true` case.
--  :ref:`LoadISISNexus <algm-LoadISISNexus>`now works correctly for data with non-contiguous detector IDs for either monitors or detectors. `#15562 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15562>`_
--  A bug has been fixed in several algorithms where they would crash when given a :ref:`WorkspaceGroup <WorkspaceGroup>` as input (if run in the GUI). These algorithms are: `#15584 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15584>`_
+-  :ref:`LoadISISNexus <algm-LoadISISNexus>` now works correctly for data with non-contiguous detector IDs for either monitors or detectors. 
+-  A bug has been fixed in several algorithms where they would crash when given a :ref:`WorkspaceGroup <WorkspaceGroup>` as input (if run in the GUI). These algorithms are:
    - :ref:`AsymmetryCalc <algm-AsymmetryCalc>`
    - :ref:`CalMuonDetectorPhases <algm-CalMuonDetectorPhases>`
    - :ref:`ConvertToDistribution <algm-ConvertToDistribution>`
    - :ref:`ChangeTimeZero <algm-ChangeTimeZero>`
    - :ref:`FFT <algm-FFT>`
    - :ref:`MaxEnt <algm-MaxEnt>`
 - :ref:`LoadNexusMonitors <algm-LoadNexusMonitors>`
   now allow user to choose to load either histogram monitor or event monitor only with 2 new
   properties (``LoadEventMonitor`` and ``LoadHistogramMonitor``).
-  `#15667 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15667>`_
 - :ref:`CreateSimulationWorkspace <algm-CreateSimulationWorkspace>` now matches the IDF of the simulation workspace to the IDF of a reference workspace (either Nexus or Raw).
-- :ref:`LoadNexusProcessed <algm-LoadNexusProcessed>` now correctly reads in event data that does not have a common x-axis. `#15746 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15746>`_
+- :ref:`LoadNexusProcessed <algm-LoadNexusProcessed>` now correctly reads in event data that does not have a common x-axis. 
 - :ref:`LoadNexusLogs <algm-LoadNexusLogs>` allows now to load logs from an entry other than the first. :ref:`LoadEventNexus <algm-LoadEventNexus>` now loads the correct logs when an *NXentry* is given
 - :ref:`FFT <algm-FFT>`: added property *AutoShift* to enable automatic phase correction for workspaces not centred at zero.
-- :ref:`SaveAscii <algm-SaveAscii2>` now has a SpectrumMetaData property that allows for addition information to be displayed along with the SpectrumNumber. Currently the supported MetaData is SpectrumNumber, Q and Angle.
+- :ref:`SaveAscii <algm-SaveAscii>` now has a SpectrumMetaData property that allows for addition information to be displayed along with the SpectrumNumber. Currently the supported MetaData is SpectrumNumber, Q and Angle.
 - :ref:`SaveMD <algm-SaveMD>` now writes MDHisto signal arrays as compressed data.
 - :ref:`SetUncertainties <algm-SetUncertainties>` has two new modes, ``oneIfZero`` and ``sqrtOrOne``.
 - :ref:`SetSampleMaterial <algm-SetSampleMaterial>` will now work out the number density from the chemical formula and mass density if these are given in the input. A user specified number density or if Z and the unit cell volume is given will override the value calculated from the chemical formula and mass density.
 - :ref:`ComputeCalibrationCoefVan <algm-ComputeCalibrationCoefVan>`
   does not perform fit of data by itself, but requires an additional argument: ``EPPTable``. This should accelerate the data reduction workflow, because fitting results can be reused. Table with elastic peak positions can be created using the new :ref:`FindEPP <algm-FindEPP>` algorithm.
-- :ref:`MonteCarloAbsorption <algm-MonteCarloAbsorption>` now supports inelastic instruments. It relies on :ref:`ConvertUnits <algm-ConvertUnits>` having set the correct EMode. `#15923 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15923>`_
+- :ref:`MonteCarloAbsorption <algm-MonteCarloAbsorption>` now supports inelastic instruments. It relies on :ref:`ConvertUnits <algm-ConvertUnits>` having set the correct EMode. 
@@ -110,6 +128,8 @@ Deprecated
 -  The `UserAlgorithms` package is no longer being shipped with the Windows packages.
+.. _R3.7 Vates CLI:
 MD Algorithms (VATES CLI)
@@ -130,32 +150,6 @@ MD Algorithms (VATES CLI)
 -  A Gaussian smoothing option has been added to SmoothMD. Note, this currently only supports specifying widths for the smoothing function in units of pixels along the dimensions of the workspace.
 -  LoadMD has an option to skip loading workspace history. This is useful for workspaces created form large number of files, treated separately.
-- The Instrument Definition File syntax has been extended to provide support for a new type of topologically regular, but geometrically irregular form of 2D detectors. This new type of detector available in the IDF is known as a Structured Detector. Information on how to use this new detector type can be found in the :ref:`IDF <InstrumentDefinitionFile>` documentation.
-- The XML shape definitions have been updated to understand a hollow cylinder as a primitive shape. See :ref:`HowToDefineGeometricShape` for more details.
-Refactored `PeakShape` to better support arbitrary shapes.
-- :ref:`ChangeBinOffset <algm-ChangeBinOffset>` should now run faster for a :ref:`MatrixWorkspace <MatrixWorkspace>` (not EventWorkspaces).
-- Applying ParameterMaps to Detectors now about 30% faster. Algorithms that involve applying ParameterMaps will see performance improvements.
-- This release saw the introduction of the StructuredDetector. This change has reduced load times via LoadInstrument from ~10minutes down to ~0.5seconds for the prospective ESS LOKI instrument.
-  For more information on how to generate a StructuredDetector based instrument follow
-  this `link <http://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/concepts/InstrumentDefinitionFile.html#creating-structured-irregular-geometry-detectors>`_
-- The destructors for ConvexPolygon and Quadrilateral objects are now faster, especially on Linux.
-- Concept page for :ref:`Mantid Fitting <Fitting>` has been added.
-- In order to guarantee a complete overlap between resolution and signal in the region of interest, Function :ref:`Convolution <func-Convolution>` can switch between a fast FFT mode for data defined over a symmetric domain, and slower direct calculations for data defined over an asymmetric domain .
@@ -170,16 +164,8 @@ Python
 - V3D is now iterable in Python, which makes it possible to easily construct numpy arrays like this ``np.array(V3D(1,2, 3))``.
-Python Algorithms
-Script Repository
-- A bug has been fixed that caused uploads to fail with some incorrectly configured proxy servers.
 Full list of
 `Framework <http://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pulls?q=is%3Apr+milestone%3A%22Release+3.7%22+is%3Amerged+label%3A%22Component%3A+Framework%22>`__
diff --git a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/index.rst b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/index.rst
index e69eafd24ac50bd140a086a35fdbfbd0774d6c08..8ea0abd312a5965e7285ac8aa86ba0cf0af43f09 100644
--- a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/index.rst
@@ -4,19 +4,17 @@
 Mantid 3.7.0 Release Notes
-.. figure:: ../../images/ReleaseUnderConstruction.jpg
+.. figure:: ../../images/VSIEllipses.png
    :class: screenshot
-   :width: 550px
    :align: right
-   Release image
+   Splatter plot views using translucent spheres and clearer sphere and ellipse wireframes
 .. contents:: Table of Contents
-.. warning:: This release is still under construction. The changes can be found in the nightly builds on the `download page`_.
-**TODO: Add paragraph summarizing big changes**
+We are proud to announce version 3.7 of Mantid, this release contains
+several improvements to the advanced visualisation and the CLI for multidimensional data.
 This is just one of many improvements in this release, so please take a
 look at the release notes, which are filled with details of the
@@ -47,8 +45,8 @@ Changes
 .. toctree::
-   Framework <framework>
    User Interface & Usability <ui>
+   Framework <framework>
    Direct Inelastic <direct_inelastic>
    Indirect Inelastic <indirect_inelastic>
    SANS <sans>
diff --git a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/indirect_inelastic.rst b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/indirect_inelastic.rst
index a8d7692aae6d0baa9a825d780ea15f7a5486fa0e..071a896b012e4f703dbb38c55d29d3cee305e649 100644
--- a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/indirect_inelastic.rst
+++ b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/indirect_inelastic.rst
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Jump Fit
-- OSIRIS Diffraction DiffOnly interface and the :ref `OSIRISDiffractionReduction <algm-OSIRISDiffractionReduction>` algorithm now support the use of multiple
+- OSIRIS Diffraction DiffOnly interface and the :ref:`OSIRISDiffractionReduction <algm-OSIRISDiffractionReduction>` algorithm now support the use of multiple
   contianer runs. Additional validation also ensures you have the same number of sample/vanadium/container runs.
diff --git a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/muon.rst b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/muon.rst
index 2ed7023f6dc967da22e33a2978d90ff2f047bf76..e3c05588c404f26d01630774c1483c2f8cf263a1 100644
--- a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/muon.rst
+++ b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/muon.rst
@@ -11,10 +11,9 @@ Interfaces
 Muon ALC
-- The default directory for the last run is now set to the same directory selected for the first run `#15524 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15524>`_
-- Fixed an occasional crash seen when "Auto" was selected `#15673 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15673>`_
-- Several usability fixes were made to the interface: `#16161 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/16161>`_
+- The default directory for the last run is now set to the same directory selected for the first run 
+- Fixed an occasional crash seen when "Auto" was selected 
+- Several usability fixes were made to the interface: 
   - The "Function" box was renamed "Take log value at" and moved next to the log to which it applies
   - The integration start time is initialised to the first good data rather than the first time bin
   - The choice of periods is no longer reset when a new first run is loaded
@@ -22,27 +21,27 @@ Muon ALC
 Muon Analysis
-- "Load current data" now works for ARGUS `#15474 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15474>`_
-- A bug was fixed where the user's choice of which group (or pair of groups) to plot was changed unexpectedly when the grouping table was updated `#15504 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15504>`_
-- The "run number" field of the results table has been improved: `#15615 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15615>`_
+- "Load current data" now works for ARGUS 
+- A bug was fixed where the user's choice of which group (or pair of groups) to plot was changed unexpectedly when the grouping table was updated 
+- The "run number" field of the results table has been improved:
   - It now shows the range of co-added runs, e.g. *15189-90*, rather than just the first one
   - It shows the period(s) analysed, for example *15189: 1* or *15189: 2* for one period, and *15189: 1+2-3* for a combination.
   - No period number is shown in the case of single-period data, or if the sum of all periods is used.
   - These changes can be combined, e.g. *15189-91: 1+2*
-- The "Run Information" box on the Home tab has been corrected for co-added sets of runs. The information shown now applies to all runs, where previously some of it was relevant to the first only: `#15648 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15648>`_
+- The "Run Information" box on the Home tab has been corrected for co-added sets of runs. The information shown now applies to all runs, where previously some of it was relevant to the first only: 
   - *Runs* label deals with non-consecutive ranges
   - *Sample Temperature* and *Sample Magnetic Field* are a range if not all the same value
   - *Average Temperature* is calculated from all logs
   - *Start* and *End* are the earliest start and latest end
-- When the window is resized, all widgets within the window should now resize with it. This enables the interface to be used on smaller screens. `#15382 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15832>`_
-- "Plot/Remove guess" now deals correctly with the case when a new run is loaded. `#15872 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15872>`_
-- When plotting data from a new run in the same window as the previous plot, previous fits now remain on the graph, to enable easy comparison between datasets. They can be removed with the "Clear fit curves" option. `#16018 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/16018>`_
-- A crash was fixed when loading data on Linux. `#16234 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/16234>`_
-- When loading a new run with a different main field direction, the correct grouping for the new field direction is now always loaded. `#16230 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/16230>`_
+- When the window is resized, all widgets within the window should now resize with it. This enables the interface to be used on smaller screens. 
+- "Plot/Remove guess" now deals correctly with the case when a new run is loaded. 
+- When plotting data from a new run in the same window as the previous plot, previous fits now remain on the graph, to enable easy comparison between datasets. They can be removed with the "Clear fit curves" option. 
+- A crash was fixed when loading data on Linux.
+- When loading a new run with a different main field direction, the correct grouping for the new field direction is now always loaded. 
@@ -50,25 +49,23 @@ Algorithms
 - :ref:`CalMuonDetectorPhases <algm-CalMuonDetectorPhases>`: speed increased by using a sequential fit. The shared frequency
   is found as a first step by grouping the spectra and fitting the asymmetry, then this frequency is treated as fixed
   in a sequential fit of all spectra individually. The grouping can be provided by the user or read automatically from
-  the instrument definition. `#15191 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15191>`_
+  the instrument definition. 
 - :ref:`FFT <algm-FFT>`: can now be run on muon workspaces without the need to run Rebin first. This is done by setting the
   property AcceptXRoundingErrors to true, meaning the algorithm will accept workspaces whose bin widths differ
   slightly. Large deviations will still produce a warning message or, if very large, an error.
-  `#15325 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15325>`_
-- :ref:`FFT <algm-FFT>`: added property *AutoShift* to enable automatic phase correction for workspaces not centred at zero. `#15747 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15747>`_
-- :ref:`AsymmetryCalc <algm-AsymmetryCalc>`: a bug was fixed where the algorithm failed to run on input WorkspaceGroups. `#15404 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15404>`_
-- :ref:`MaxEnt <algm-MaxEnt>`: MaxEnt now handles positive images `#15494 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15494>`_
-- :ref:`MaxEnt <algm-MaxEnt>`: Some improvements/fixes were added (output label, X rounding errors and ability to increase the
-  number of points in the image and reconstructed data) `#15606 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15606>`_
-- :ref:`MaxEnt <algm-MaxEnt>`: *AutoShift* property was added. As in :ref:`FFT <algm-FFT>` this property allows for automatic phase correction for workspaces not centred at zero `#16031 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/16031>`_
-- :ref:`LoadMuonNexus <algm-LoadMuonNexus>`: If the NeXus file (version 1) does not contain a grouping entry, or the grouping entry it contains is invalid, then the grouping will be loaded from the IDF. This enables use of such files in the ALC interface. `#16107 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/16107>`_
+- :ref:`FFT <algm-FFT>`: added property *AutoShift* to enable automatic phase correction for workspaces not centred at zero.
+- :ref:`AsymmetryCalc <algm-AsymmetryCalc>`: a bug was fixed where the algorithm failed to run on input WorkspaceGroups.
+- :ref:`MaxEnt <algm-MaxEnt>`: MaxEnt now handles positive images 
+- :ref:`MaxEnt <algm-MaxEnt>`: Some improvements/fixes were added (output label, X rounding errors and ability to increase the number of points in the image and reconstructed data) 
+- :ref:`MaxEnt <algm-MaxEnt>`: *AutoShift* property was added. As in :ref:`FFT <algm-FFT>` this property allows for automatic phase correction for workspaces not centred at zero 
+- :ref:`LoadMuonNexus <algm-LoadMuonNexus>`: If the NeXus file (version 1) does not contain a grouping entry, or the grouping entry it contains is invalid, then the grouping will be loaded from the IDF. This enables use of such files in the ALC interface.
 Fit Functions
 - :ref:`Keren <func-Keren>` has been added as a new fit function - Amit Keren's 
-generalisation of the Abragam relaxation function to a longitudinal field,
-for fitting the time-dependent muon polarisation.
+  generalisation of the Abragam relaxation function to a longitudinal field,
+  for fitting the time-dependent muon polarisation.
diff --git a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/reflectometry.rst b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/reflectometry.rst
index 54cfefc4cf0cba2e626c19b59391679188516b01..eb0307fd1c30df5df4ae6c5133aeaa17460fe509 100644
--- a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/reflectometry.rst
+++ b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/reflectometry.rst
@@ -8,22 +8,21 @@ Reflectometry Changes
 Reflectometry Instruments
-- An updated version of the OFFSPEC IDF is now being used in mantid `#15561 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15561>`_
+- An updated version of the OFFSPEC IDF is now being used in mantid 
 - CRISP and POLREF IDFs were causing problems in the ISIS Reflectometry (Polref) interface as they were using the `opening height` tag
   when defining their slits. This has now been changed to be uniform across all reflectometry instruments (INTER, POLREF, CRISP, SURF, OFFSPEC)
-  to `vertical gap` such that the CalculateResolution algorithm invoked by the interface will now work correctly. `#16040 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/16040>`_ 
+  to `vertical gap` such that the CalculateResolution algorithm invoked by the interface will now work correctly. 
-- A bug producing dark regions in *QxQz* maps was fixed `#15321 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15321>`_
+- A bug producing dark regions in *QxQz* maps was fixed 
 - Transmission corrections options are now applicable with both PointDetectorAnalysis and MultiDetectorAnalysis modes as long as a first 
-  transmission workspace has been provided. `#15683 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15683>`_
+  transmission workspace has been provided.
 Reflectometry Reduction Interface
@@ -32,23 +31,21 @@ Reflectometry Reduction Interface
   custom column heading titles. Any old ReflTBL files will still work with the new algorithms (SaveTBL and LoadTBL) however any new tables created
   using SaveTBL will now be made with the new format. In the new format, the first line of the TBL file will contain a comma-separated list of column headings
   and all subsequent lines will define the data for each row. For an example this new format see here `LoadTBL <http://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/algorithms/LoadTBL-v1.html>`_ .
-  `#15968 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15968>`_
 ISIS Reflectometry (Polref)
 - Bugfix: When using the ICAT search in the interface, if the wrong user credentials were entered or the login dialog
   was closed before the details had been entered then mantid crashed. This has been fixed.
-  `#15410 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15410>`_
 - Bugfix: When attempting to plot rows in the Processing Table, if the processing table contained a row without an associated Run Number
   Mantid will raise an unexpected exception. This has now been fixed resulting in a warning being shown to the user that a certain row does not
-  contain a Run Number. `#15820 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15820>`_
+  contain a Run Number. 
 - Some changes were made to the interface as part of a code refactoring (functional behaviour remains the same). 
   As a consequence there are some changes visible to users: a new progress bar that has been added to the *Search Runs* section, which shows the progress when
   transferring runs. The progress bar that existed before will only indicate the progress of processing that is
-  in progress. `#15670 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15670>`_. A new section below the processing table has been added. It
+  in progress. A new section below the processing table has been added. It
   summarises the algorithms used in the reduction and allows users to specify global options for them. Options to be applied to invidual rows can still
-  be specified via the 'Options' column. User documentation has been updated accordingly `#15943 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15943>`_.
+  be specified via the 'Options' column. User documentation has been updated accordingly.
   The aim of this code refactoring is to have a General Data Processor Framework shared accross different technique areas that need to execute complex
   batch-processing via DataProcessorAlgorithms. Standardisation across similar user interfaces will help avoid the maintenance effort involved in looking
   after specific user interfaces, making the wider project more robust to changes thanks to the introduction of fast, automated testing.
@@ -61,7 +58,6 @@ ISIS Reflectometry
 - A bug has been fixed regarding the calculation of the Q range for the ISIS Reflectometry interface where constants
   were being added to the values of Lambda min and max causing the calculation of the Qrange to be affected.
-  `#15143 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15143>`_
 `Full list of changes on github <http://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pulls?q=is%3Apr+milestone%3A%22Release+3.7%22+is%3Amerged+label%3A%22Component%3A+Reflectometry%22>`__
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/sans.rst b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/sans.rst
index a259935fc6d974ae30186c6e78832e1b6c1acb84..dbf75de17035e062363a23778e9de4c873e7d158 100644
--- a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/sans.rst
+++ b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/sans.rst
@@ -5,15 +5,17 @@ SANS Changes
 .. contents:: Table of Contents
+New features
+- The NXcanSAS format is now supported in Mantid using the :ref:`SaveNXcanSAS <algm-SaveNXcanSAS>` and :ref:`LoadNXcansSAS <algm-LoadNXcanSAS>` algorithms.
 Bug Fixes
 - :ref:`Q1D <algm-Q1D>`: Fix incorrect extra length for gravity correction to :math:`(L+L_{extra})^2 - L_{extra}^2`
-  `#15211 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15211>`_
-- Select the IDF based on the workspace which is being loaded. Previously the IDFs were hardcoded. Now the correct IDF is dynamically loaded.
-  `#14918 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/14918>`_
-- Implement the SaveNXcanSAS and LoadNXcansSAS which allow for loading and saving reduced 1D and 2D data into the NXcanSAS format.
-  `#15925 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pull/15925>`_
+- Select the IDF based on the workspace which is being loaded. Previously the IDFs were hardcoded. This solves a bug were the wrong IDF was sometimes used.
 `Full list of changes on github <http://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pulls?q=is%3Apr+milestone%3A%22Release+3.7%22+is%3Amerged+label%3A%22Component%3A+SANS%22>`__
diff --git a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/ui.rst b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/ui.rst
index 0900198f7e4613c5cb09de12ef8c155f2797583d..ad1147fb3ee2352c50991aead2581f782c68ffd8 100644
--- a/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/ui.rst
+++ b/docs/source/release/v3.7.0/ui.rst
@@ -5,15 +5,6 @@ UI & Usability Changes
 .. contents:: Table of Contents
 User Interface
@@ -37,8 +28,35 @@ Line plots
 - For single-spectrum data, the choice of spectrum number to plot has been disabled because it has only one possible answer.
+SliceViewer Improvements
+-  The SliceViewer is now able to display ellipsoidal peak shapes. Note
+   that the displayed ellipse is the result of the viewing plane cutting
+   the peak ellipsoid.
+.. figure::  ../../images/Elliptical_peaks_slice_viewer.png
+   :align: center
+VSI Improvements
+-  The representation of points in the splatter plot was changed from opaque cubes to translucent spheres.
+.. figure::  ../../images/VSIPointGaussianRepresentation.png
+   :align: center
+- The sphere and ellipse wireframes have been simplified so that it is easier to see the enclosed points.
+.. figure:: ../../images/VSIEllipses.png
+    :align: center
+- Removed the error-prone right-click option to view peaks workspaces in the VSI. One should load a MDWorkspace,
+  then drag the corresponding peaks workspace into the VSI window.
 Instrument View
 -  The instrument view is now exposed to python as a stand-alone widget.
    In it's current implementation, the instrument view depends on the
@@ -95,17 +113,14 @@ Instrument View
-Algorithm Toolbox
 Scripting Window
 - If `MantidPlot` was launched with the `-x` option but the script was already opened by the recent files list then
   the wrong script would be executed. This bug has been fixed. `#15682 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/issue/15682>`_
 - Documentation has been added for fitting functions :ref:`BSpline <func-BSpline>` and
   :ref:`CubicSpline <func-CubicSpline>` then attempts to be more verbose about their use and how to
@@ -144,33 +159,7 @@ Bugs Resolved
 - The Fit property browser (Fit Function window) in MantidPlot now supports fitting data plotted from a TableWorkspace.
-SliceViewer Improvements
--  The SliceViewer is now able to display ellipsoidal peak shapes. Note
-   that the displayed ellipse is the result of the viewing plane cutting
-   the peak ellipsoid.
-.. figure::  ../../images/Elliptical_peaks_slice_viewer.png
-   :align: center
-VSI Improvements
--  The representation of points in the splatter plot was changed from opaque cubes to translucent spheres.
-.. figure::  ../../images/VSIPointGaussianRepresentation.png
-   :align: center
-- The sphere and ellipse wireframes have been simplified so that it is easier to see the enclosed points.
-.. figure:: ../../images/VSIEllipses.png
-    :align: center
-- Removed the error-prone right-click option to view peaks workspaces in the VSI. One should load a MDWorkspace,
-  then drag the corresponding peaks workspace into the VSI window.
 Full list of
 `GUI <http://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/pulls?q=is%3Apr+milestone%3A%22Release+3.7%22+is%3Amerged+label%3A%22Component%3A+GUI%22>`_
diff --git a/scripts/Calibration/tube.py b/scripts/Calibration/tube.py
index 14974783a9114add0a3e060dd616d11b8ae20693..af37d207e73fd5d19f5ea55558c4130e76785fda 100644
--- a/scripts/Calibration/tube.py
+++ b/scripts/Calibration/tube.py
@@ -16,20 +16,20 @@ Among the examples, inside the :py:mod:`Examples` folder, the user is encouraged
 * :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.minimalInput` shows the easiest way to use calibrate.
 * :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.provideTheExpectedValue` shows the usage of **fitPar** parameter to provide
-the expected values for the peaks in pixels.
+  the expected values for the peaks in pixels.
 * :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.changeMarginAndExpectedValue` demonstrate how to use **margin**, **fitPar**,
- **plotTube**, and **outputPeak**
+  **plotTube**, and **outputPeak**
 * :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.improvingCalibrationSingleTube` explores the usage of **rangeList** and
-**overridePeaks** to improve the calibration of specific tubes.
+  **overridePeaks** to improve the calibration of specific tubes.
 * :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.improvingCalibrationOfListOfTubes` extends theimprovingCalibrationSingleTube
-to provide a good calibration to almost all instrument.
+  to provide a good calibration to almost all instrument.
 * :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.calibrateB2Window` explore a singularity of the MAP14919 example, where the
-second peak does not appear clear on some tubes inside one door. So, this example, shows how to use **rangeList** to
-carry a calibration to the group of tubes.
+  second peak does not appear clear on some tubes inside one door. So, this example, shows how to use **rangeList** to
+  carry a calibration to the group of tubes.
 * :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.completeCalibration` demonstrate how the **rangeList**, **overridePeaks**,
-may be used together to allow the calibration of the whole instrument, despite, its particularities in some cases.
+  may be used together to allow the calibration of the whole instrument, despite, its particularities in some cases.
 * :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.findThoseTubesThatNeedSpecialCareForCalibration` show an aproach to find the
-tubes that will require special care on calibrating. It will also help to find detectors that are not working well.
+  tubes that will require special care on calibrating. It will also help to find detectors that are not working well.
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ def savePeak(peakTable, filePath):
        savePeak(peakTable, 'myfolder/myfile.txt')
     :param filePath: where to save the file. If the filePath is not given as an absolute path, it will be considered
-    relative to the defaultsave.directory.
+                     relative to the defaultsave.directory.
     The file will be saved with the following format: