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  • Gagik Vardanyan's avatar
    Figaro refactor loader (#30825) · a097e6b6
    Gagik Vardanyan authored
    * cleanup of some hardcoded values in the loader
    * cleanup loading chopper gap and source to sample
    * added new figaro data from cycle 203 for tests
    * cleaned up chopper settings, edelay, x-axis
    * cleanup of some hardcoded values in the loader
    * cleanup loading chopper gap and source to sample
    * added new figaro data from cycle 203 for tests
    * cleaned up chopper settings, edelay, x-axis
    * revise the unit test to adjust for renamed entries
    * fix retrieval of sample angle
    * fixed one test tofFigaro
    * fixed one more test
    * removed unneeded warning
    * removed comment out code
    * make all the tests pass for the laoder
    * remove figaro tests with old files
    * formatting code
    * rerun formatting
    * rerun formatting