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  • Salko Jr, Robert's avatar
    Change the MatrixType exceptions to use DBC instead · 90b0fc32
    Salko Jr, Robert authored
    Also needed to strip out several unit tests because they were specifically
    using the MatrixType incorrectly (calling setShape out of order, accessing
    data out of bounds, etc.) and ensuring the code didn't crash.  In fact,
    we want it to crash when used incorrectly.  The new DBC causes it to start
    crashing on all of these tests.  Newly added unit tests ensure the DBC are
    hit for calling setShape out of order.  It doesn't seem possible to add unit
    tests for accessing arrays out of bounds because the code will segfault
    after the REQUIRE if you turn off DBC_STOP_ON_FAIL.
    CASL Ticket # - 5400