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Podhorszki, Norbert / ADIOS2
Apache License 2.0Next generation of ADIOS developed in the Exascale Computing Program
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frequently asked questions regarding GITLAB usage within the RNSD division
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Cianciosa, Mark / bcyclic_plus_plus
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Cianciosa, Mark / graph_framework
MIT LicenseGraph computation framework that supports auto differentiation.
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Miniapp version of ray-trace code used to simulate X-Ray lasers.
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Huck, Kevin / papyrus
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Latin for "a root" (of a plant). Contains core routines for every day development.
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Miniapp version of ray-trace code used to simulate X-Ray lasers.
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ORNL Quantum Computing Institute / gridsynth
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyxacc plugin that maps the IR to a clifford+t representation
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Restructured source code for step 40 of the deal.II tutorial: https://www.dealii.org/current/doxygen/deal.II/step_40.html
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