diff --git a/ExaDigiTUE5/pictures/ExadigitComponents.JPG b/ExaDigiTUE5/pictures/ExadigitComponents.JPG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66a22d2eac1cc635aa11a834fa8d40b07898f333
Binary files /dev/null and b/ExaDigiTUE5/pictures/ExadigitComponents.JPG differ
diff --git a/index.rst b/index.rst
index 38873502a2163e99a94d7d7d36c8a9700c9fdd85..205fd427d73c6cbab88689623ef920e3db8db3a8 100644
--- a/index.rst
+++ b/index.rst
@@ -18,9 +18,22 @@ It combines telemetry and simulations, providing a virtual representation of phy
 ExaDigiT is built on an open software stack (Modelica, SST Macro, Unreal Engine) with an aim to foster community-driven development, we have formed a partnership with national supercomputer centers (ORNL, LLNL, LANL (USA), PAWSEY (Australia), LUMI (Finland), CINES (France) , CINECA (Italy), ...) around the world to develop an open framework for modeling supercomputers.
+ExaDigiT architecture overview:
+.. figure:: ExaDigiTUE5/pictures/ExadigitComponents.JPG
+   :align: center
+   :width: 100%
+   :alt: ExaDigiT components and their interactions
 ExaDigiT uses four primary components:
     - **RAPS**: Resource Allocator and Power Simulator (https://code.ornl.gov/exadigit/raps) to model workloads, energy usage, and energy conversion losses.
     - **Cooling Model with Modelica FMU** (AutoCSM https://code.ornl.gov/exadigit/AutoCSM, LBNL https://github.com/lbl-srg/modelica-buildingsL, TRANSFORM https://github.com/ORNL-Modelica/TRANSFORM-Library) transient thermo-fluid simulation to model the cooling system from the cooling tower to the cold plate.
@@ -29,7 +42,24 @@ ExaDigiT uses four primary components:
     - **ExaDigiTUE5**: A visual analytics module (https://code.ornl.gov/exadigit/exadigitue5) using Unreal Engine 5 for augmented reality and a web-based dashboard for experiments.
+The schema above shows the architectural overview of the various components of ExaDigiT. There are three main modules that
+we develop:  RAPS,  a cooling model, and  visual
+analytics capabilities. The RAPS module can replay workloads
+from telemetry, reschedule them, or simulate synthetic work-
+loads on the supercomputer to analyze the resulting energy
+consumption; further details are provided in Section III-B. The
+cooling model simulates thermo-fluid dynamics and control
+of the Central Energy Plant (CEP), which itself includes
+three components:  a thermo-fluid model for predicting
+temperatures (T ), pressures (Π), and flow rates (Q);  a
+control system model for predicting the staging of cooling
+towers, hot/cold water pumps, and heat exchangers; and 
+a sub-module for predicting the system PUE. Both RAPS and
+the cooling model can be interfaced either via a terminal
+console, the web-based dashboard, or the ExadigitUE5 augmented reality
+environment for visual insights.
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1