diff --git a/sammy/samtry/tr066/answers/rc5.lpt b/sammy/samtry/tr066/answers/rc5.lpt
index e689fb6713242055887a8f2a7993ca7f204f47e2..3b8df9583cabfdcf8bf51911b4647fded5d2f84d 100755
--- a/sammy/samtry/tr066/answers/rc5.lpt
+++ b/sammy/samtry/tr066/answers/rc5.lpt
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
  ***                                                    ***
  ***                 SAMMY Version 8.1.0                ***
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ Adjusted  Itmax  Icorr  Nxtra  Iptdop Iptwid Ixxchn
  **** end of Alphanumeric Control Information *********
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-INP is        264 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-INP is       5214 ###
  Target Thickness=   0.000    
@@ -90,12 +91,8 @@ __________________________
  Number of spin groups is          2
  Number of flagged parametrs is    3
  Number of varied parameters is    3
-  If fitting gamma width for spin-group=           1  together, all need to be fitted
-  The fit flags have been adjusted!
-  If fitting gamma width for spin-group=           2  together, all need to be fitted
-  The fit flags have been adjusted!
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-PAR is          3 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-NEW is         21 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-PAR is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-NEW is         18 ###
@@ -143,23 +140,23 @@ __________________________
         STD. DEV.           STD. DEV.           STD. DEV. 
  (  1)  4.1298E-04   (  2)  9.6043E-04   (  3)  1.3736E-03
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-NEW is         19 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-NEW is          0 ###
      Emind               Emins               Eminr               Emin
         0.1000000000        0.1000000000        0.1000000000        0.1000000000
      Emax                Emaxr               Emaxs               Emaxd
         0.1050000000        0.1050000000        0.1050000000        0.1050000000
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-DAT is        145 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-DAT is        142 ###
  Energy range of data is from 1.00000E-01 to 1.05000E-01 eV.
  Number of experimental data points =      10
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-DAT is         93 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-THE is         63 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-DAT is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-THE is         60 ###
  Number of parameters affected by this data set=    3
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-THE is         26 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-XCT is        923 ###
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-XCT is        862 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-INT is        143 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-THE is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-XCT is          0 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-XCT is          1 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-INT is         23 ###
  ***** THEORETICAL VALUES (broadnd,normed,...as required)
@@ -184,17 +181,17 @@ __________________________
    8    0.103700          368.72        2.9525        16.670    
    9    0.104200          369.59        2.9470        16.643    
   10    0.104700          370.48        2.9416        16.615    
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-INT is        144 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-SQU is        135 ###
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-SQU is        120 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-IPQ is        120 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-INT is          2 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-SQU is         15 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-SQU is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-IPQ is          0 ###
  CUSTOMARY CHI SQUARED =   58.2594    
  BAYESIAN CHI SQUARED =   55.8055    
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-IPQ is        107 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-IPQ is          0 ###
  ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-FIN is   30000000 ###
@@ -233,13 +230,13 @@ __________________________
     Gamma-width for spin group # 1 =   4.0000E+01     
     Gamma-width for spin group # 2 =   3.0000E+01     
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-FIN is         49 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-THE is         87 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-FIN is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-THE is         60 ###
  Number of parameters affected by this data set=    3
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-THE is         50 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-XCT is        947 ###
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-XCT is        886 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-INT is        167 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-THE is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-XCT is          0 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-XCT is          1 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-INT is         23 ###
  ***** THEORETICAL VALUES (broadnd,normed,...as required)
@@ -264,12 +261,12 @@ __________________________
    8    0.103700          396.22        2.9560        16.738    
    9    0.104200          397.16        2.9505        16.710    
   10    0.104700          398.11        2.9451        16.683    
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-INT is        146 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-IPQ is        144 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-INT is          2 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-IPQ is          0 ###
  CUSTOMARY CHI SQUARED =   53.2803    
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-IPQ is        131 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-IPQ is          0 ###
  ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-FIN is         16 +    30000000 ###
@@ -341,7 +338,7 @@ __________________________
         NEW/OLD             NEW/OLD             NEW/OLD   
  (  1)  0.9756       (  2)   1.000       (  3)  0.9999    
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-FIN is         89 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-FIN is          0 ###
@@ -386,7 +383,7 @@ Adjusted  Itmax  Icorr  Nxtra  Iptdop Iptwid Ixxchn
  Name of initial parameter covariance file is: 
  >>> SAMMY.COV                                                              <<<
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-INP is        325 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-INP is       4920 ###
  Target Thickness=   0.000    
@@ -395,20 +392,16 @@ Adjusted  Itmax  Icorr  Nxtra  Iptdop Iptwid Ixxchn
  Spin of incident particle is  0.5
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-INP is         61 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-PAR is        172 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-INP is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-PAR is        111 ###
  Total  number of resonances is    5
  Number of particle channels is    3
  Number of spin groups is          2
  Number of flagged parametrs is    3
  Number of varied parameters is    3
-  If fitting gamma width for spin-group=           1  together, all need to be fitted
-  The fit flags have been adjusted!
-  If fitting gamma width for spin-group=           2  together, all need to be fitted
-  The fit flags have been adjusted!
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-PAR is         64 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-OLD is         79 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-PAR is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-OLD is         15 ###
  Number of non-zero off-diagonal cov matrix elements is       3
@@ -421,23 +414,23 @@ __________________________
                     DeltaL =   0.00000    
                     DeltaG =   0.00000    
                     DeltaE =   0.00000    
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-OLD is         82 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-OLD is          0 ###
      Emind               Emins               Eminr               Emin
         0.1000000000        0.1000000000        0.1000000000        0.1000000000
      Emax                Emaxr               Emaxs               Emaxd
         0.1050000000        0.1050000000        0.1050000000        0.1050000000
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-DAT is        221 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-DAT is        142 ###
  Energy range of data is from 1.00000E-01 to 1.05000E-01 eV.
  Number of experimental data points =      10
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-DAT is        169 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-THE is        139 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-DAT is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-THE is         60 ###
  Number of parameters affected by this data set=    3
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-THE is        102 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-XCT is        999 ###
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-XCT is        938 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-INT is        219 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-THE is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-XCT is          0 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-XCT is          1 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-INT is         23 ###
  ***** THEORETICAL VALUES (broadnd,normed,...as required)
@@ -462,18 +455,17 @@ __________________________
    8    0.103700          398.12        2.9561        16.738    
    9    0.104200          399.07        2.9506        16.710    
   10    0.104700          400.03        2.9452        16.683    
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-INT is        220 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-SQU is        211 ###
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-SQU is        196 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-IPQ is        196 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-INT is          2 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-SQU is         15 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-SQU is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-IPQ is          0 ###
  CUSTOMARY CHI SQUARED =   52.9316    
  BAYESIAN CHI SQUARED =   50.4704    
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-IPQ is        183 ###
- ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-FIN is        113 ###
- ### Array size used for SAMMY-FIN is        113 ###
-                              Total time =     0.01 seconds
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-IPQ is          0 ###
+ ### Estimated array size for SAMMY-FIN is          0 ###
+ ### Array size used for SAMMY-FIN is          0 ###
  Normal finish to SAMMY
diff --git a/sammy/src/amr/mamr1.f b/sammy/src/amr/mamr1.f
index abe8cfc86c1bd4f72c0f65d9bc842add15436fcf..54bf09572bc4dd99884d0064bb9b6282c1afdda4 100755
--- a/sammy/src/amr/mamr1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/amr/mamr1.f
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ C
       use fxxxdx_common_m
-C *** store LLF (from B51ZYX) into LF (from fixedi_m) as well
+C *** store LLF (from B51ZYX) into LFdim (from fixedi_m) as well
       DO I=1,300
-         Lf(I) = Llf(I)
+         Lfdim(I) = Llf(I)
       END DO
diff --git a/sammy/src/amr/mamr2.f b/sammy/src/amr/mamr2.f
index 963a73b606d10035bb588ffde272b2ff2aa5ba46..4bba65f8cc5f7c9630623cc677b7ab833af31d1b 100644
--- a/sammy/src/amr/mamr2.f
+++ b/sammy/src/amr/mamr2.f
@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ C
       COMMON /Keep/ Lllf(300)
       DO I=1,300
-         Lllf(I) = Lf(I)
+         Lllf(I) = Lfdim(I)
       END DO
       DO I=1,300
-         Lf(I) = Llf(I)
+         Lfdim(I) = Llf(I)
       END DO
       CALL Keepx
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ C
       COMMON /Keep/ Lllf(300)
       DO I=1,300
-         Lf(I) = Lllf(I)
+         Lfdim(I) = Lllf(I)
       END DO
diff --git a/sammy/src/amx/mamx1.f b/sammy/src/amx/mamx1.f
index d436455b7388f8138f2467cae39faea23fce0434..c66122aeee60dada2bc25bc3d192277b38222389 100644
--- a/sammy/src/amx/mamx1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/amx/mamx1.f
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ C
       use fxxxdx_common_m
-C *** store Llf (from fxxxdx_common_m) into LF (from fixedi_m) as well
+C *** store Llf (from fxxxdx_common_m) into LFdim (from fixedi_m) as well
       DO I=1,300
-         Lf(I) = Llf(I)
+         Lfdim(I) = Llf(I)
       END DO
diff --git a/sammy/src/ang/mang2.f b/sammy/src/ang/mang2.f
index e9efa6a2a601e9f929cec94f55bd508196410c3a..0d4fee893b4808973724bc311a28ae791f9b0caf 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ang/mang2.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ang/mang2.f
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ C
       K = Kjatti - 1
       DO Iangle=1,Nangle
          K = K + 1
-	Kkk = Iflmsc(K) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+        Kkk = Iflmsc(K) - Ndasig
 C ***    attenuate the cross sections
          IF (Sigxxx(Iangle).NE.Zero) THEN
             A = dEXP(-Parmsc(K)*Totalx)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ C
 C ***          finally, generate derivs of the [modified] cross section
 C ***             wrt the attenuation thickness
                IF (Iflmsc(K).GT.0) THEN
-                  Kkk = Iflmsc(K) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+                  Kkk = Iflmsc(K) - Ndasig
                   Dbsigx(Iangle,Kkk) = - Totalx*Sigxxx(Iangle)
      *            +    Dbsigx(Iangle,Kkk)
                END IF
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ C ***                here (above) use unbroadened derivs so not really right
                   END DO
                END IF
                IF (Iflmsc(Kkk).GT.0) THEN
-                  Kx = Iflmsc(Kkk) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+                  Kx = Iflmsc(Kkk) - Ndasig
                   Dbsigx(Iangle,Kx) = Dbsigx(Iangle,Kx) -
      *                                Totbrd*Sigxxx(Iangle)
                END IF
diff --git a/sammy/src/blk/AllocateFunctions.f90 b/sammy/src/blk/AllocateFunctions.f90
index f419fbb0f7416e760ec634c56b7e24bc135cd331..510eb1fe5327e786cf0e6ffebded8376f6663b5d 100644
--- a/sammy/src/blk/AllocateFunctions.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/blk/AllocateFunctions.f90
@@ -13,17 +13,21 @@ module AllocateFunctions_m
     subroutine allocate_real_data(array, want)
-        integer::want
+        integer,intent(in)::want
+        integer::local_want
+        local_want = want
+        if (want.eq.0) local_want = 1
         if (allocated(array)) then
            if( size(array).lt.want)  deallocate(array)
         end if
         if (.not.allocated(array)) then
-           allocate(array(want))
+           allocate(array(local_want))
         end if
-        array(1:want) = 0.0d0
+        array(1:local_want) = 0.0d0
       end subroutine allocate_real_data
@@ -41,7 +45,7 @@ module AllocateFunctions_m
       subroutine reallocate_real_data(array, want, nextra)
-         integer::want, nextra
+         integer,intent(in)::want, nextra
@@ -49,17 +53,17 @@ module AllocateFunctions_m
            optional nextra
-          if( .not.allocated(array)) then
-             nsize = want
-             if (present(nextra)) nsize = nsize + nextra
+           nsize = want
+           if (present(nextra)) nsize = nsize + nextra
+           if (nsize.eq.0) nsize = 1
+          if( .not.allocated(array)) then            
              call allocate_real_data(array, nsize)
           end if
           if (size(array).ge.want) return
-          current = size(array)
-          nsize = want
-          if (present(nextra)) nsize = nsize + nextra
+          current = size(array)         
           tmp(1:current) = array(1:current)
@@ -69,6 +73,49 @@ module AllocateFunctions_m
       end subroutine reallocate_real_data
+      !!
+      !! Make sure an array can take at
+      !! least want data. If the array size is smaller than
+      !! want, than re-allocate it so that it can take
+      !! (want+nextra) data. Previous data of the
+      !! array are preserved, newly allocated data are
+      !! set to zero.
+      !!
+      !! @param array to allocate
+      !! @param want the desired length
+      !! @param nextra, if we need to reallocate, we make sure
+      !!        capacity is (want + nextra)
+      !!
+      subroutine reallocate_integer_data(array, want, nextra)
+         integer,allocatable,dimension(:)::array
+         integer, intent(in)::want, nextra
+          integer,allocatable,dimension(:)::tmp
+          integer::current, nsize
+           optional nextra
+           nsize = want
+           if (present(nextra)) nsize = nsize + nextra
+           if (nsize.eq.0) nsize = 1
+          if( .not.allocated(array)) then      
+             call allocate_integer_data(array, nsize)
+             return
+          end if
+          if (size(array).ge.want) return
+          current = size(array)         
+          allocate(tmp(current))
+          tmp(1:current) = array(1:current)
+          deallocate(array)
+          allocate(array(nsize))
+          array(1:current) = tmp(1:current)
+          array(current+1:nsize) = 0
+          deallocate(tmp)
+      end subroutine reallocate_integer_data
       !! Make sure an 2-dim array of can take at
@@ -88,21 +135,25 @@ module AllocateFunctions_m
       subroutine reallocate_real_data_2d(array, want1, nextra1,  want2, nextra2)
-         integer::want1, want2, nextra1, nextra2
+         integer,intent(in)::want1, want2, nextra1, nextra2
           integer::current1,current2, nsize1, nsize2
+          nsize1 = want1 + nextra1
+          if (nsize1.eq.0) nsize1 = 1
+          nsize2 = want2 + nextra2
+          if (nsize2.eq.0) nsize2 = 1
           if( .not.allocated(array)) then
-             allocate(array(want1+nextra1, want2+nextra2))
+             allocate(array(nsize1, nsize2))
           end if
           if (size(array,dim=1).ge.want1.and. size(array,dim=2).ge.want2) return
           current1 = size(array,dim=1)
-          current2 = size(array,dim=2)
-          nsize1 = want1 + nextra1
-          nsize2 = want2 + nextra2
+          current2 = size(array,dim=2)      
           allocate(tmp(current1, current2))
           tmp(1:current1, 1:current2) = array(1:current1, 1:current2)
@@ -123,17 +174,21 @@ module AllocateFunctions_m
       subroutine allocate_integer_data(array, want)
-        integer::want
+        integer,intent(in)::want
+        integer::local_want
+        local_want = want
+        if (want.eq.0) local_want = 1
         if (allocated(array)) then
            if( size(array).lt.want)  deallocate(array)
         end if
         if (.not.allocated(array)) then
-           allocate(array(want))
+           allocate(array(local_want))
         end if
-        array(1:want) = 0.0d0
+        array(1:local_want) = 0
      end subroutine allocate_integer_data
 end module AllocateFunctions_m
diff --git a/sammy/src/blk/Exploc_common.f90 b/sammy/src/blk/Exploc_common.f90
index 024a5f77521df6892228d2036e21c26c507f653c..6bb6eb0b417413cc36b2d5fdf729dc2701e3f2ff 100644
--- a/sammy/src/blk/Exploc_common.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/blk/Exploc_common.f90
@@ -110,14 +110,11 @@ module exploc_common_m
-     real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Idcov 
      ! old group 6
-     real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Iddcov
      ! old group 7
-     integer,allocatable,dimension(:)::I_Iiuif
      integer :: Noffv    ! not an array index
@@ -570,22 +567,6 @@ module exploc_common_m
        call allocate_real_data(A_Izeta,want)
      end subroutine make_A_Izeta
-     subroutine make_A_Idcov(want)
-       integer::want
-       call allocate_real_data(A_Idcov,want)
-     end subroutine make_A_Idcov 
-      subroutine make_A_Iddcov(want)
-         integer::want
-         call allocate_real_data(A_Iddcov,want)
-      end subroutine make_A_Iddcov
-     subroutine make_I_Iiuif(want)
-       integer::want
-       call allocate_integer_data(I_Iiuif, want)
-     end subroutine make_I_Iiuif
       subroutine make_A_Idatb(want)
          call allocate_real_data(A_Idatb,want)
diff --git a/sammy/src/blk/Fixedi_common.f90 b/sammy/src/blk/Fixedi_common.f90
index 92155075256c567daef95949cde5a01b44887c47..fdda73e2f2ad797577de8c4dbd228757115e2094 100644
--- a/sammy/src/blk/Fixedi_common.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/blk/Fixedi_common.f90
@@ -15,265 +15,274 @@ module fixedi_m
      !    fin/mfin5.f
      ! Note:
-     !    ndatmn (lf(122)), lower limit for auxillary grid is no longer used
+     !    ndatmn (lfdim(122)), lower limit for auxillary grid is no longer used
      !                      covariance file will now always contain 0 for that value
-     !    ndatmx (lf(123)), upper limit for auxillary grid is no longer used
+     !    ndatmx (lfdim(123)), upper limit for auxillary grid is no longer used
      !                      covariance file will now always contain 0 for that value
-     integer, target,save ::lf(300)
+     !    Nyyres ( lfdim(107)) no longer used, was equal to new definition of Napres
+     !                      covariance file will now always contain 0 for that value
+     !    Nxxres ( lfdim(106)) no longer needed
+     !                      covariance file will now always contain 0 for that value
+     !    Nvadif (lfdim(54))   Historically it was used to allow for   a smaller array size in the derivivates
+     !                      covariance file will now always contain 0 for that value
+     !    Numpup (lfdim(56))   Historically the number of pup'ed parameters
+     !                      covariance file will now always contain 0 for that value
+     !    Napthe (lfdim(52))   Historically the number of adjusted parameters minus data parameters
+     !                      covariance file will now always contain 0 for that value
+     integer, target,save ::lfdim(300)
      ! old group 1
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpall  => lf(1)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvprmt  => lf(2)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpres  => lf(3)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvprad  => lf(4)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpext  => lf(5)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpbrd  => lf(6)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpiso  => lf(7)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpexp  => lf(8)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpdet  => lf(9)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpmsc  => lf(10)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvppmc  => lf(11)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvporr  => lf(12)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvprpi  => lf(13)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpudr  => lf(14)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpnbk  => lf(15)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpbgf  => lf(16)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpdtp  => lf(17)
-     ! indexer on lf covers up to 17 (next should be 18)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpall  => lfdim(1)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvprmt  => lfdim(2)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpres  => lfdim(3)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvprad  => lfdim(4)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpext  => lfdim(5)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpbrd  => lfdim(6)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpiso  => lfdim(7)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpexp  => lfdim(8)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpdet  => lfdim(9)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpmsc  => lfdim(10)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvppmc  => lfdim(11)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvporr  => lfdim(12)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvprpi  => lfdim(13)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpudr  => lfdim(14)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpnbk  => lfdim(15)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpbgf  => lfdim(16)
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpdtp  => lfdim(17)
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 17 (next should be 18)
      ! old group 2
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpall  => lf(18)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfprmt  => lf(19)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpres  => lf(20)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfprad  => lf(21)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpext  => lf(22)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpbrd  => lf(23)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpiso  => lf(24)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpexp  => lf(25)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpdet  => lf(26)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpmsc  => lf(27)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfppmc  => lf(28)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfporr  => lf(29)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfprpi  => lf(30)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpudr  => lf(31)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpnbk  => lf(32)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpbgf  => lf(33)
-     integer, pointer :: Nfpdtp  => lf(34)
-     ! indexer on lf covers up to 34 (next should be 35
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpall  => lfdim(18)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfprmt  => lfdim(19)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpres  => lfdim(20)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfprad  => lfdim(21)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpext  => lfdim(22)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpbrd  => lfdim(23)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpiso  => lfdim(24)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpexp  => lfdim(25)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpdet  => lfdim(26)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpmsc  => lfdim(27)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfppmc  => lfdim(28)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfporr  => lfdim(29)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfprpi  => lfdim(30)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpudr  => lfdim(31)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpnbk  => lfdim(32)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpbgf  => lfdim(33)
+     integer, pointer :: Nfpdtp  => lfdim(34)
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 34 (next should be 35
      ! old group 3
-     integer, pointer :: Numres  => lf(35)
-     integer, pointer :: Numrad  => lf(36)
-     integer, pointer :: Numext  => lf(37)
-     integer, pointer :: Numbrd  => lf(38)
-     integer, pointer :: Numiso  => lf(39)
-     integer, pointer :: Numdet  => lf(40)
-     integer, pointer :: Nummsc  => lf(41)
-     integer, pointer :: Numpmc  => lf(42)
-     integer, pointer :: Numorr  => lf(43)
-     integer, pointer :: Numrpi  => lf(44)
-     integer, pointer :: Numudr  => lf(45)
-     integer, pointer :: Numnbk  => lf(46)
-     integer, pointer :: Numbgf  => lf(47)
-     integer, pointer :: Numdtp  => lf(48)
-     integer, pointer :: Numusd  => lf(49)
-     integer, pointer :: Numbag  => lf(50)
-     ! indexer on lf covers up to 50 (next should be 51
+     integer, pointer :: Numres  => lfdim(35)
+     integer, pointer :: Numrad  => lfdim(36)
+     integer, pointer :: Numext  => lfdim(37)
+     integer, pointer :: Numbrd  => lfdim(38)
+     integer, pointer :: Numiso  => lfdim(39)
+     integer, pointer :: Numdet  => lfdim(40)
+     integer, pointer :: Nummsc  => lfdim(41)
+     integer, pointer :: Numpmc  => lfdim(42)
+     integer, pointer :: Numorr  => lfdim(43)
+     integer, pointer :: Numrpi  => lfdim(44)
+     integer, pointer :: Numudr  => lfdim(45)
+     integer, pointer :: Numnbk  => lfdim(46)
+     integer, pointer :: Numbgf  => lfdim(47)
+     integer, pointer :: Numdtp  => lfdim(48)
+     integer, pointer :: Numusd  => lfdim(49)
+     integer, pointer :: Numbag  => lfdim(50)
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 50 (next should be 51
      ! old group 4
-     integer, pointer :: Nvpthe  => lf(51)
-     integer, pointer :: Napthe  => lf(52)
-     integer, pointer :: Napres  => lf(53)
-     integer, pointer :: Nvadif  => lf(54)
-     integer, pointer :: Nppall  => lf(55)
-     integer, pointer :: Numpup  => lf(56)
-     integer, pointer :: Npar    => lf(57)
-     ! indexer on lf covers up to 57 (next should be 58
+     integer, pointer :: Nvpthe  => lfdim(51)
+     ! usually the same as Nfpres (number of varied resonance parameters
+     ! except if gamma width data are fitted together
+     ! in that case Napres counts the each of the combined gamma width
+     ! and Nfpres counts none of them
+     logical::needResDerivs
+     integer, pointer :: Nppall  => lfdim(55)
+     integer, pointer :: Npar    => lfdim(57)
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 57 (next should be 58
      ! old group 5
-     integer, pointer :: Kipdet  => lf(58)
-     integer, pointer :: Kipmsc  => lf(59)
-     integer, pointer :: Kippmc  => lf(60)
-     integer, pointer :: Kiporr  => lf(61)
-     integer, pointer :: Kiprpi  => lf(62)
-     integer, pointer :: Kipudr  => lf(63)
-     integer, pointer :: Kipnbk  => lf(64)
-     integer, pointer :: Kipbgf  => lf(65)
-     integer, pointer :: Kipdtp  => lf(66)
-     ! indexer on lf covers up to 66 (next should be 67
+     integer, pointer :: Kipdet  => lfdim(58)
+     integer, pointer :: Kipmsc  => lfdim(59)
+     integer, pointer :: Kippmc  => lfdim(60)
+     integer, pointer :: Kiporr  => lfdim(61)
+     integer, pointer :: Kiprpi  => lfdim(62)
+     integer, pointer :: Kipudr  => lfdim(63)
+     integer, pointer :: Kipnbk  => lfdim(64)
+     integer, pointer :: Kipbgf  => lfdim(65)
+     integer, pointer :: Kipdtp  => lfdim(66)
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 66 (next should be 67
      ! old group 6
-     integer, pointer :: Nnniso  => lf(67)
-     integer, pointer :: Nnnsig  => lf(68)
-     integer,pointer :: Nnnsii   => lf(69)
-     integer,pointer :: Niniso   => lf(70)
+     integer, pointer :: Nnniso  => lfdim(67)
+     integer, pointer :: Nnnsig  => lfdim(68)
+     integer,pointer :: Nnnsii   => lfdim(69)
+     integer,pointer :: Niniso   => lfdim(70)
-     ! indexer on lf covers up to 70 (next should be 71
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 70 (next should be 71
      ! restart group counts
      ! old group 1 
-     integer,pointer :: Ngroup  => lf(71)
-     integer,pointer :: Ntotc   => lf(72)
-     integer,pointer :: Ntotc2  => lf(73)
-     integer,pointer :: Ntriag  => lf(74)
-     integer,pointer :: Nres    => lf(75)
-     integer,pointer :: Nrext   => lf(76)
-     integer,pointer :: Nlfsiz  => lf(77)
-     integer,pointer :: Kjjjjj  => lf(78)
-     integer,pointer :: K2pls1  => lf(79)
-     integer,pointer :: Ngtvv   => lf(80)
-     integer,pointer :: Nxtra   => lf(81)
-     integer,pointer :: Jwwwww  => lf(82)
-     integer,pointer :: Nntype  => lf(83)
-     integer,pointer :: Jcros   => lf(84)
-     integer,pointer :: Jtrans  => lf(85)
+     integer,pointer :: Ngroup  => lfdim(71)
+     integer,pointer :: Ntotc   => lfdim(72)
+     integer,pointer :: Ntotc2  => lfdim(73)
+     integer,pointer :: Ntriag  => lfdim(74)
+     integer,pointer :: Nres    => lfdim(75)
+     integer,pointer :: Nrext   => lfdim(76)
+     integer,pointer :: Nlfdimsiz  => lfdim(77)
+     integer,pointer :: Kjjjjj  => lfdim(78)
+     integer,pointer :: K2pls1  => lfdim(79)
+     integer,pointer :: Ngtvv   => lfdim(80)
+     integer,pointer :: Nxtra   => lfdim(81)
+     integer,pointer :: Jwwwww  => lfdim(82)
+     integer,pointer :: Nntype  => lfdim(83)
+     integer,pointer :: Jcros   => lfdim(84)
+     integer,pointer :: Jtrans  => lfdim(85)
-     ! indexer on lf covers up to 85 (next should be 86
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 85 (next should be 86
      ! old group 2
-     integer,pointer :: Napthx  => lf(86)
-     integer,pointer :: Nsiggb  => lf(87)
-     integer,pointer :: Nmdets  => lf(88)
-     integer,pointer :: Kvpbrd  => lf(89)
-     integer,pointer :: Iu2627  => lf(90)
-     integer,pointer :: Iu16    => lf(91)
-     integer,pointer :: Iu22    => lf(92)
-     integer,pointer :: Iu32    => lf(93)
-     integer,pointer :: Iu62    => lf(94)
-     integer,pointer :: Iu64    => lf(95)
-     integer,pointer :: Numcro  => lf(96)
-     integer,pointer :: Numder  => lf(97)
-     integer,pointer :: Nsgbin  => lf(98)
-     integer,pointer :: Nsgbou  => lf(99)
-     integer,pointer :: Ngbinx  => lf(100)
+     integer,pointer :: Napthx  => lfdim(86)
+     integer,pointer :: Nsiggb  => lfdim(87)
+     integer,pointer :: Nmdets  => lfdim(88)
+     integer,pointer :: Kvpbrd  => lfdim(89)
+     integer,pointer :: Iu2627  => lfdim(90)
+     integer,pointer :: Iu16    => lfdim(91)
+     integer,pointer :: Iu22    => lfdim(92)
+     integer,pointer :: Iu32    => lfdim(93)
+     integer,pointer :: Iu62    => lfdim(94)
+     integer,pointer :: Iu64    => lfdim(95)
+     integer,pointer :: Numcro  => lfdim(96)
+     integer,pointer :: Numder  => lfdim(97)
+     integer,pointer :: Nsgbin  => lfdim(98)
+     integer,pointer :: Nsgbou  => lfdim(99)
+     integer,pointer :: Ngbinx  => lfdim(100)
-     ! indexer on lf covers up to 100 (next should be 101
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 100 (next should be 101
      ! old group 3
-     integer,pointer :: Ngbout  => lf(101)
-     integer,pointer :: Ncrsss  => lf(102)
-     integer,pointer :: Lllmax  => lf(103)
-     integer,pointer :: Nangle  => lf(104)
-     integer,pointer :: Kangmn  => lf(105)
-     integer,pointer :: Nxxres  => lf(106)
-     integer,pointer :: Nyyres  => lf(107)
-     integer,pointer :: Ntheta  => lf(108)
-     integer,pointer :: Ngausz  => lf(109)
-     integer,pointer :: Ngaus   => lf(110)
-     integer,pointer :: Nzzz    => lf(111)
-     integer,pointer :: Nxtptw  => lf(112)
-     integer,pointer :: Kpolar  => lf(113)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndatd   => lf(114)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndats   => lf(115)
+     integer,pointer :: Ngbout  => lfdim(101)
+     integer,pointer :: Ncrsss  => lfdim(102)
+     integer,pointer :: Lllmax  => lfdim(103)
+     integer,pointer :: Nangle  => lfdim(104)
+     integer,pointer :: Kangmn  => lfdim(105)
+     integer,pointer :: Ntheta  => lfdim(108)
+     integer,pointer :: Ngausz  => lfdim(109)
+     integer,pointer :: Ngaus   => lfdim(110)
+     integer,pointer :: Nzzz    => lfdim(111)
+     integer,pointer :: Nxtptw  => lfdim(112)
+     integer,pointer :: Kpolar  => lfdim(113)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndatd   => lfdim(114)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndats   => lfdim(115)
-     ! indexer on lf covers up to 115 (next should be 116
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 115 (next should be 116
      ! old group 4
-     integer,pointer :: Ndatr   => lf(116)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndatx   => lf(117)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndatxx  => lf(118)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndatrx  => lf(119)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndatsx  => lf(120)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndatdx  => lf(121)
-     integer,pointer :: Ixxchn  => lf(124)
-     integer,pointer :: Ktheta  => lf(125)
-     integer,pointer :: Kvprrt  => lf(126)
-     integer,pointer :: Kvprrf  => lf(127)
-     integer,pointer :: Kshift  => lf(128)
-     integer,pointer :: Klabcm  => lf(129)
-     integer,pointer :: Ifdif   => lf(130)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndatr   => lfdim(116)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndatx   => lfdim(117)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndatxx  => lfdim(118)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndatrx  => lfdim(119)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndatsx  => lfdim(120)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndatdx  => lfdim(121)
+     integer,pointer :: Ixxchn  => lfdim(124)
+     integer,pointer :: Ktheta  => lfdim(125)
+     integer,pointer :: Kvprrt  => lfdim(126)
+     integer,pointer :: Kvprrf  => lfdim(127)
+     integer,pointer :: Kshift  => lfdim(128)
+     integer,pointer :: Klabcm  => lfdim(129)
+     integer,pointer :: Ifdif   => lfdim(130)
-     ! indexer on LF covers up to 130 (next should be 131
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 130 (next should be 131
      ! old group 5
-     integer,pointer :: Ncrssx  => lf(131)
-     integer,pointer :: Kcarea  => lf(132)
-     integer,pointer :: Kreads  => lf(133)
-     integer,pointer :: Lithne  => lf(134)
-     integer,pointer :: Kwatta  => lf(135)
-     integer,pointer :: Nogeom  => lf(136)
-     integer,pointer :: Kenbbb  => lf(137)
-     integer,pointer :: Mres    => lf(138)
-     integer,pointer :: Mxwrec  => lf(139)
-     integer,pointer :: Jtheta  => lf(140)
-     integer,pointer :: Kaddcr  => lf(141)
-     integer,pointer :: Nrfil3  => lf(142)
-     integer,pointer :: Npfil3  => lf(143)
-     integer,pointer :: Nnnrpi  => lf(144)
-     integer,pointer :: Krefit  => lf(145)
+     integer,pointer :: Ncrssx  => lfdim(131)
+     integer,pointer :: Kcarea  => lfdim(132)
+     integer,pointer :: Kreads  => lfdim(133)
+     integer,pointer :: Lithne  => lfdim(134)
+     integer,pointer :: Kwatta  => lfdim(135)
+     integer,pointer :: Nogeom  => lfdim(136)
+     integer,pointer :: Kenbbb  => lfdim(137)
+     integer,pointer :: Mres    => lfdim(138)
+     integer,pointer :: Mxwrec  => lfdim(139)
+     integer,pointer :: Jtheta  => lfdim(140)
+     integer,pointer :: Kaddcr  => lfdim(141)
+     integer,pointer :: Nrfil3  => lfdim(142)
+     integer,pointer :: Npfil3  => lfdim(143)
+     integer,pointer :: Nnnrpi  => lfdim(144)
+     integer,pointer :: Krefit  => lfdim(145)
-     ! indexer on LF covers up to 145 (next should be 146
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 145 (next should be 146
      ! old group 6 
-     integer,pointer :: Numexc  => lf(146)
-     integer,pointer :: Numelv  => lf(147)
-     integer,pointer :: Numjjv  => lf(148)
-     integer,pointer :: Kkkiso  => lf(149)
-     integer,pointer :: Kiniso  => lf(150)
-     integer,pointer :: Kaaaac  => lf(151)
-     integer,pointer :: Kaaaad  => lf(152)
-     integer,pointer :: Iterp1  => lf(153)
-     integer,pointer :: J2mn    => lf(154)
-     integer,pointer :: J2mx    => lf(155)
-     integer,pointer :: Kompar  => lf(156)
-     integer,pointer :: Kkkmax  => lf(157)
-     integer,pointer :: Kascii  => lf(158)
-     integer,pointer :: Ktruet  => lf(159)
-     integer,pointer :: Kywywy  => lf(160)
+     integer,pointer :: Numexc  => lfdim(146)
+     integer,pointer :: Numelv  => lfdim(147)
+     integer,pointer :: Numjjv  => lfdim(148)
+     integer,pointer :: Kkkiso  => lfdim(149)
+     integer,pointer :: Kiniso  => lfdim(150)
+     integer,pointer :: Kaaaac  => lfdim(151)
+     integer,pointer :: Kaaaad  => lfdim(152)
+     integer,pointer :: Iterp1  => lfdim(153)
+     integer,pointer :: J2mn    => lfdim(154)
+     integer,pointer :: J2mx    => lfdim(155)
+     integer,pointer :: Kompar  => lfdim(156)
+     integer,pointer :: Kkkmax  => lfdim(157)
+     integer,pointer :: Kascii  => lfdim(158)
+     integer,pointer :: Ktruet  => lfdim(159)
+     integer,pointer :: Kywywy  => lfdim(160)
-     ! indexer on LF covers up to 160 (next should be 161
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 160 (next should be 161
      ! old group 7
-     integer,pointer :: Kwywyw  => lf(161)
-     integer,pointer :: Kdropp  => lf(162)
-     integer,pointer :: Kdtset  => lf(163)
-     integer,pointer :: Kntmax  => lf(164)
-     integer,pointer :: K33fil  => lf(165)
-     integer,pointer :: Matnum  => lf(166)
-     integer,pointer :: Kkkkza  => lf(167)
-     integer,pointer :: Knclab  => lf(168)
-     integer,pointer :: Kcolab  => lf(169)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndasig  => lf(170)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndbsig  => lf(171)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndaxxx  => lf(172)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndbxxx  => lf(173)
-     integer,pointer :: K2reso  => lf(174)
-     integer,pointer :: Mmmrpi  => lf(175)
+     integer,pointer :: Kwywyw  => lfdim(161)
+     integer,pointer :: Kdropp  => lfdim(162)
+     integer,pointer :: Kdtset  => lfdim(163)
+     integer,pointer :: Kntmax  => lfdim(164)
+     integer,pointer :: K33fil  => lfdim(165)
+     integer,pointer :: Matnum  => lfdim(166)
+     integer,pointer :: Kkkkza  => lfdim(167)
+     integer,pointer :: Knclab  => lfdim(168)
+     integer,pointer :: Kcolab  => lfdim(169)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndasig  => lfdim(170)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndbsig  => lfdim(171)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndaxxx  => lfdim(172)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndbxxx  => lfdim(173)
+     integer,pointer :: K2reso  => lfdim(174)
+     integer,pointer :: Mmmrpi  => lfdim(175)
-     ! indexer on LF covers up to 175 (next should be 176
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 175 (next should be 176
      ! old group 8 
-     integer,pointer :: Kntchn  => lf(176)
-     integer,pointer :: Kkkrsl  => lf(177)
-     integer,pointer :: Kkkdex  => lf(178)
-     integer,pointer :: K00001  => lf(179)
-     integer,pointer :: Kssmpr  => lf(180)
-     integer,pointer :: Nxtptv  => lf(181)
-     integer,pointer :: Legndr  => lf(182)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndexxx  => lf(183)
-     integer,pointer :: Nnnudr  => lf(184)
-     integer,pointer :: Mmmudr  => lf(185)
-     integer,pointer :: Nudwhi  => lf(186)
-     integer,pointer :: Nudeng  => lf(187)
-     integer,pointer :: Nudtim  => lf(188)
-     integer,pointer :: Nudmax  => lf(189)
-     integer,pointer :: Kkxlmn  => lf(190)
+     integer,pointer :: Kntchn  => lfdim(176)
+     integer,pointer :: Kkkrsl  => lfdim(177)
+     integer,pointer :: Kkkdex  => lfdim(178)
+     integer,pointer :: K00001  => lfdim(179)
+     integer,pointer :: Kssmpr  => lfdim(180)
+     integer,pointer :: Nxtptv  => lfdim(181)
+     integer,pointer :: Legndr  => lfdim(182)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndexxx  => lfdim(183)
+     integer,pointer :: Nnnudr  => lfdim(184)
+     integer,pointer :: Mmmudr  => lfdim(185)
+     integer,pointer :: Nudwhi  => lfdim(186)
+     integer,pointer :: Nudeng  => lfdim(187)
+     integer,pointer :: Nudtim  => lfdim(188)
+     integer,pointer :: Nudmax  => lfdim(189)
+     integer,pointer :: Kkxlmn  => lfdim(190)
-     ! indexer on LF covers up to 190 (next should be 191
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 190 (next should be 191
      ! old group 9
-     integer,pointer :: Numurr  => lf(191)
-     integer,pointer :: Kdtold  => lf(192)
-     integer,pointer :: Ndfdat  => lf(193)
-     integer,pointer :: Matdat  => lf(194)
-     integer,pointer :: Nucdrc  => lf(195)
-     integer,pointer :: Numdrc  => lf(196)
-     integer,pointer :: Montec  => lf(197)
-     integer,pointer :: Medrpi  => lf(198)
-     integer,pointer :: Lother  => lf(199)
-     integer,pointer :: Iq_Val  => lf(200)
-     integer,pointer :: Iq_Iso  => lf(201)
-     integer,pointer :: Kipiso  => lf(202)
-     integer,pointer :: Kipbrd  => lf(203)
-     integer,pointer :: Iwhrpi  => lf(204)
-     integer,pointer :: Nbinpd  => lf(205)
+     integer,pointer :: Numurr  => lfdim(191)
+     integer,pointer :: Kdtold  => lfdim(192)
+     integer,pointer :: Ndfdat  => lfdim(193)
+     integer,pointer :: Matdat  => lfdim(194)
+     integer,pointer :: Nucdrc  => lfdim(195)
+     integer,pointer :: Numdrc  => lfdim(196)
+     integer,pointer :: Montec  => lfdim(197)
+     integer,pointer :: Medrpi  => lfdim(198)
+     integer,pointer :: Lother  => lfdim(199)
+     integer,pointer :: Iq_Val  => lfdim(200)
+     integer,pointer :: Iq_Iso  => lfdim(201)
+     integer,pointer :: Kipiso  => lfdim(202)
+     integer,pointer :: Kipbrd  => lfdim(203)
+     integer,pointer :: Iwhrpi  => lfdim(204)
+     integer,pointer :: Nbinpd  => lfdim(205)
-     ! indexer on LF covers up to 205 (next should be 206)
+     ! indexer on lfdim covers up to 205 (next should be 206)
      ! old group a 
-     integer,pointer :: Kuncer  => lf(206)
-     integer,pointer :: Ifrel   => lf(207)
-     integer,pointer :: Ntepnt  => lf(208)
-     integer,pointer :: Ntefil  => lf(209)
-     integer,pointer :: Kaptur  => lf(210)
-     integer,pointer :: Nsqfb   => lf(211)
-     integer,pointer :: Nzzzz   => lf(212)
+     integer,pointer :: Kuncer  => lfdim(206)
+     integer,pointer :: Ifrel   => lfdim(207)
+     integer,pointer :: Ntepnt  => lfdim(208)
+     integer,pointer :: Ntefil  => lfdim(209)
+     integer,pointer :: Kaptur  => lfdim(210)
+     integer,pointer :: Nsqfb   => lfdim(211)
+     integer,pointer :: Nzzzz   => lfdim(212)
 !     * Kipiso integer :: Kipbrd
diff --git a/sammy/src/blk/Fixedr_common.f90 b/sammy/src/blk/Fixedr_common.f90
index afcc39efb54614eb9524b6a45fc29f32028e9938..f0cbcf6dbbe5b3e1bccdb2ccd8689c74cd49038d 100644
--- a/sammy/src/blk/Fixedr_common.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/blk/Fixedr_common.f90
@@ -74,8 +74,6 @@ module fixedr_m
      double precision, pointer :: Dosind  => Ff(57)
      double precision, pointer :: Sitemp  => Ff(58)
      double precision, pointer :: Sithck  => Ff(59)
-     double precision, pointer :: Concro  => Ff(60)
-     double precision, pointer :: Contot  => Ff(61)
      double precision, pointer :: Effcap  => Ff(62)
      ! old group 9
diff --git a/sammy/src/blk/Ifwrit_common.f90 b/sammy/src/blk/Ifwrit_common.f90
index b1ad3205631cdff1dd807a5481749d1e592baa2f..73522e0ec49bcd26e7ceecac044a47dbc24e2840 100644
--- a/sammy/src/blk/Ifwrit_common.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/blk/Ifwrit_common.f90
@@ -137,8 +137,6 @@ module ifwrit_m
      integer,pointer :: Kresol => Lwrit(103)
      integer,pointer :: Nresol => Lwrit(104)
      integer,pointer :: Krpitc => Lwrit(105)
-     integer,pointer :: Kconcr => Lwrit(106)
-     integer,pointer :: Kcontr => Lwrit(107)
      integer,pointer :: Kssdbl => Lwrit(108)
      integer,pointer :: Knocor => Lwrit(109)
      integer,pointer :: Kefcap => Lwrit(110)
diff --git a/sammy/src/blk/Templc_common.f90 b/sammy/src/blk/Templc_common.f90
index 6fa20557b1b88e95132d9b4d0e7a1c976cf211dd..915f01db19993af1c118cee9083c5215e817ca9d 100644
--- a/sammy/src/blk/Templc_common.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/blk/Templc_common.f90
@@ -7,12 +7,11 @@ module templc_common_m
-      integer,allocatable,dimension(:)::I_Inprdr
-      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Ibr
-      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Ibi
-      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Ipr
-      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Ipi
+      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:,:)::A_Ibr
+      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:,:)::A_Ibi
+      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:,:)::A_Ipr
+      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:,:)::A_Ipi
@@ -80,9 +79,6 @@ module templc_common_m
       ! cro and mlb
-      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Ipaone
-      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Ipatwo
-      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Ipathr
       real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Iaaone, A_Iaatwo
diff --git a/sammy/src/blk/Varyr_common.f90 b/sammy/src/blk/Varyr_common.f90
index e5ac6dce20306fe2806781e688eb72348eca9cac..0f2f3b058affe8ec50347ba5dcaec1765e8744f8 100644
--- a/sammy/src/blk/Varyr_common.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/blk/Varyr_common.f90
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module varyr_common_m
       integer, save :: Kstart
       integer, save :: Jstart
       integer, save :: Npr
+      logical::resDeriv
       integer, save :: Npx
       integer, save :: Nnnn
       integer, save :: Nn
diff --git a/sammy/src/blk/ifsubs_common.f90 b/sammy/src/blk/ifsubs_common.f90
index 5c7fd3124237b01767c732dfe5a155e43d1326bd..8554cff7c3af1d805423480c9068613e45d94570 100644
--- a/sammy/src/blk/ifsubs_common.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/blk/ifsubs_common.f90
@@ -5,12 +5,10 @@ module ifsubs_common
     implicit none
-    integer(4):: Ifres
-    integer(4):: Ifcap
     integer(4):: Ifzzz
     integer(4):: Ifext
     integer(4):: Ifrad
     integer(4):: Ifiso
     integer(4):: Ifradt
-end module ifsubs_common
\ No newline at end of file
+end module ifsubs_common
diff --git a/sammy/src/cro/mcro0.f b/sammy/src/cro/mcro0.f
index 98afad506216f0e71c9324752e02a739787c6a0a..e2d9beb63583fd918432cba354a994c589c6662c 100644
--- a/sammy/src/cro/mcro0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/cro/mcro0.f
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ C
       Segmen(3) = 'O'
       Nowwww = 0
-      IF (Numpup.GT.0) THEN
+      IF (covData%getPupedParam().GT.0) THEN
          WRITE (6,10100)
 10100    FORMAT ('SAMCRO coding does not include options for', /,
      *      'PUPs (Propagated-Uncertainty Parameters, Flag=3).', /,
@@ -76,20 +76,15 @@ C
 C *** one ***
       CALL Set_Kws_Xct
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <
-      call allocate_integer_data(I_Inprdr, Ngroup)
       call allocate_integer_data(I_Inpxdr, Ngroup)
       Krext = Nrext
       IF (Nrext.EQ.0) Krext = 1
-      IF (Ksolve.NE.2) CALL Ppar(I_Iflext ,
-     *   I_Iiuif , I_Inprdr, I_Inpxdr, Krext)
-C *** Sbroutine Ppar_Cro Sets Nprdr and Npxdr
+      IF (Ksolve.NE.2) CALL Ppar(I_Iflext, I_Inpxdr, Krext)
+C *** Sbroutine Ppar Sets  Npxdr
 C *** two ***
       N = N2
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ibr, N)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ibi, N)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ipr, N)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ipi, N)
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ixx, Nres)
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <
@@ -108,9 +103,9 @@ C *** Sbroutine Fixx sets Xx = energy shift
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
-c   Fals is passed to babb since it is used to set parameters NOT for numerical differentiation           
-      IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .AND. Napres.NE.0) CALL Babb(
-     *   A_Ipolar , I_Iflpol , I_Iiuif , A_Ibr , A_Ibi , A_Ixx ,.false.)
+c   Fals is passed to babb since it is used to set parameters NOT for numerical differentiation
+      IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .AND. needResDerivs) CALL Babb(
+     *   A_Ipolar , I_Iflpol , A_Ibr , A_Ibi , A_Ixx ,.false.)
 C *** Sbroutine Babb_cro generates energy-independent portion of
 C ***    partial derivatives
@@ -132,7 +127,6 @@ C *** five ***
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ialphr, Nres)
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ialphi, Nres)
       call allocate_integer_data(I_Inot, Nres)
-      call allocate_integer_data(I_Inotu, N4)
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <
 C *** six ***
@@ -186,7 +180,6 @@ C *** eight ***
      *       I_Inbt ,   I_Iint)
 C *** Sbroutine Work_Cro generates theory and derivatives
-      deallocate(I_Inprdr)
@@ -241,12 +234,10 @@ C
       IF (Kshift.NE.0) Na = Nres
       IF (Kshift.NE.0) Nb = Mxany*Mxany*Ngroup
       NN = (Ntotc*(Ntotc+1))/2
-      Nyyres = Napres
-      IF (Krdmsc.NE.0) Nyyres = Napres + Nres
       IF (Ksolve.NE.2) THEN
-         N2 = NN*Nyyres
+         N2 = NN*Nfpres
          N3 = Ngbout
-         N4 = Nyyres
+         N4 = Nfpres
          N2 = 1
          N3 = 1
diff --git a/sammy/src/cro/mcro1.f b/sammy/src/cro/mcro1.f
index c1648658fdd822bd563eb5ab7673a8897cde791b..611a6fcaa7f6e8262fe2cd9f386ccd6d7f32afe2 100644
--- a/sammy/src/cro/mcro1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/cro/mcro1.f
@@ -139,10 +139,6 @@ C ********* if there is normalization or background, include it
      *            Nnnsig)
             END IF
-C ********* if adding a constant cross section, do so now
-C           IF (Concro.NE.Zero) call Addcon (Sigxxx, Dbsigx, Iflmsc,
-C     *        Nnnsig)
 C ********* Write results onto theory if there is no broadening etc
             IF (Jjjdop.NE.1) THEN
                Kkkkkk = Kkkkkk + 1
diff --git a/sammy/src/cro/mcro2.f b/sammy/src/cro/mcro2.f
index 40550312a5456bc47848147ad0aa953a857f1793..af39ce09131824517fda13bde98b952b3d52691e 100644
--- a/sammy/src/cro/mcro2.f
+++ b/sammy/src/cro/mcro2.f
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ C
       DIMENSION Pieces(*)
       CALL Abpart_Cro (
-     *   A_Ialphr , A_Ialphi , A_Ibr   , A_Ibi   , A_Ipr ,
-     *   A_Ipi    , A_Idifen , A_Ixden ,
-     *   I_Iiuif  , A_Idifma , I_Inot  , I_Inotu , A_Ixx )
+     *   A_Ialphr , A_Ialphi ,
+     *   A_Idifen , A_Ixden ,
+     *   A_Idifma , I_Inot  , I_Inotu , A_Ixx )
       CALL Parsh (
-     *   I_Inprdr , I_Inpxdr , A_Izke  , A_Izkte  ,
+     *   I_Inpxdr , A_Izke  , A_Izkte  ,
      *   A_Izkfe  , I_Ifzke  , I_Ifzkte , I_Ifzkfe , Ipoten, Pieces,
      *   A_Isigxx , A_Idasig , A_Idbsig , I_Iisopa )
diff --git a/sammy/src/cro/mcro2a.f b/sammy/src/cro/mcro2a.f
index 080f33335e90810afb916387962854a1b899c9a0..8738969890532b614ad0c354aa2a0cf3fb6172e3 100644
--- a/sammy/src/cro/mcro2a.f
+++ b/sammy/src/cro/mcro2a.f
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
       SUBROUTINE Abpart_Cro (Alphar,
-     *   Alphai, Br, Bi, Pr, Pi, Difen, Xden, Iuif, Difmax,
+     *   Alphai, Difen, Xden, Difmax,
      *   Not, Notu, Xx)
@@ -18,22 +18,25 @@ C
       use EndfData_common_m
       use RMatResonanceParam_M
       use templc_common_m
+      IMPLICIT None
-     *   Alphar(*),Alphai(*), Br(Ntriag,*), Bi(Ntriag,*),
-     *   Pr(Ntriag,*), Pi(Ntriag,*), Difen(*), Xden(*),
-     *   Iuif(*), Difmax(*), Not(*), Notu(*), Xx(*)
+      real(kind=8)::
+     *   Alphar(*),Alphai(*),
+     *   Difen(*), Xden(*),
+     *   Difmax(*), Xx(*)
+      integer:: Not(*), Notu(*)
+      real(kind=8)::Zero, Two
+      real(kind=8)::Aa, G2, G3
+      integer::I, Igam, igr, Ij, Ipar, J, K, M, N2, N, Iflr
 C     *   Alphar(Nres), Alphai(Nres),
-C     *   BR(Ntriag,nyyres), BI(Ntriag,nyyres), Pr(Ntriag,nyyres),
-C     *   PI(Ntriag,nyyres), Difen(Nres), Xden(Nres),
-C     *   Iuif(nxxres), Difmax(Nres), Not(Nres),
-C     *   Notu(napres), Xx(Nres)
+C     *   Difen(Nres), Xden(Nres),
+C     *   Difmax(Nres), Not(Nres),
+C     *   Xx(Nres)
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/, Two /2.0d0/
@@ -68,63 +71,51 @@ C
-      Iiparx = 0
-      Iipar  = 0
-      Ipar   = 0
-      IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .AND. Napres.NE.0) THEN
+      IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .AND. needResDerivs) THEN
-C     Napres is the number of resonance paramaeters that are varied.
-C     If the gamma width data for one or more spingroup are fitted together
-C     the value for UPI and UPR is stored at index Napres + N, where
-C     N is the index of the resonance. This ensures that all values are calculated for
-C     all resonance in the group while using the correct parameter value.
-C     Later in the routine the varied parameters are tallied, relaying on
-C     Upr and/or UpI to be zero. This should happen with the lines
-C     Upr(Iiparx) = Zero and   Upi(Iiparx) = Zero. The count does not measure up,
-C     as the gamma width is counted in Napres.
+C     If gamma width for a spin group are fitted together,
+C     this number includes all gamma widths for that spin group,
+C     even so the derivative will be stored in the appropriate
+C     place in the array of derivatives
-         call allocate_real_data(Upr, Nyyres)
-         call allocate_real_data(Upi, Nyyres)
+         Upr = 0.0d0
+         Upi = 0.0d0
+         Ipar = 0
          DO N=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
             call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, N)
             igr = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
             if (.not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) then
                igr = -1 * igr
             end if
-            IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
-C           "if (Igr.GE.0)" but "resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().LT.0" means
-C              "Igr.LT.0" so it's OK
+            IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                call resparData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, Igr)
+               IF (.not.spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) cycle
                N2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
                DO M=1,N2
                   if (m.eq.1) then
-                     Ipar = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
+                     Iflr = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-                     Ipar = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(M-1)
-                  end if
-                  IF (Ipar.GT.0) THEN
-                     IF (M.EQ.2 .AND. Krdmsc.NE.0) Ipar = Nvpres + N
-                     IF (Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
-                        IF (M.NE.2 .OR. Krdmsc.EQ.0) Iipar = Iipar + 1
-                        Iiparx = Iipar
-                        IF (M.EQ.2 .AND. Krdmsc.NE.0) Iiparx = Napres +N
-                        Notu(Iiparx) = 1
-                        Upr(Iiparx) = Zero
-                        Upi(Iiparx) = Zero
-                        IF (dABS(Difen(N)).LE.Difmax(N)) THEN
-                           Notu(Iiparx) = 0
-                           Upr(Iiparx) = Alphar(N)
-                           Upi(Iiparx) = Alphai(N)
+                     Iflr = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(M-1)
+                  end if                  
+                  IF (Iflr.GT.0) THEN
+                     Ipar = Ipar + 1                    
+                     IF (covData%contributes(Iflr)) THEN
+                        if (Iflr.ne.abs(Notu(Ipar))) then
+                           STOP 'Count of varied resonance mcro2a'
+                        end if
+                        IF (dABS(Difen(N)).LE.Difmax(N)) THEN                          
+                           Upr(Ipar) = Alphar(N)
+                           Upi(Ipar) = Alphai(N)
                            IF (M.LT.2) THEN
-                              Upi(Iiparx) = Upr(Iiparx)*Upi(Iiparx)
-                              Upr(Iiparx) = -Two*Upr(Iiparx)*Upr(Iiparx)
+                              Upi(Ipar) = Upr(Ipar)*Upi(Ipar)
+                              Upr(Ipar) = -Two*Upr(Ipar)*Upr(Ipar)
      *                           + Xden(N)
                            ELSE IF (M.EQ.2) THEN
-                              Upr(Iiparx) = Upr(Iiparx)*Upi(Iiparx)
-                              Upi(Iiparx) = -Two*Upi(Iiparx)*Upi(Iiparx)
+                              Upr(Ipar) = Upr(Ipar)*Upi(Ipar)
+                              Upi(Ipar) = -Two*Upi(Ipar)*Upi(Ipar)
      *                           + Xden(N)
                            END IF
@@ -138,16 +129,20 @@ C
-         CALL Zero_Array (Pr, Nyyres*Ntriag)
-         CALL Zero_Array (Pi, Nyyres*Ntriag)
-         DO K=1,Nyyres
+         A_Ipr = 0.0d0
+         A_Ipi = 0.0d0
+         DO K=1,Ipar
             IF (Upr(K).NE.Zero .OR. Upi(K).NE.Zero) THEN
                Ij = 0
                DO I=1,Ntotc
                   DO J=1,I
                      Ij = Ij + 1
-                     IF (Br(Ij,K).NE.Zero) Pr(Ij,K) = Br(Ij,K)*Upr(K)
-                     IF (Bi(Ij,K).NE.Zero) PI(Ij,K) = Bi(Ij,K)*Upi(K)
+                     IF (A_Ibr(Ij,K).NE.Zero) then
+                         A_Ipr(Ij,K) = A_Ibr(Ij,K)*Upr(K)
+                     END IF
+                     IF (A_Ibi(Ij,K).NE.Zero) then
+                         A_Ipi(Ij,K) = A_Ibi(Ij,K)*Upi(K)
+                     END IF
                   END DO
                END DO
             END IF
@@ -161,7 +156,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
       SUBROUTINE Parsh (
-     *   Nprdr, Npxdr, Zke, Zkte, Zkfe, If_Zke,
+     *   Npxdr, Zke, Zkte, Zkfe, If_Zke,
      *   If_Zkte, If_Zkfe, Ipoten, Pieces, Sigxxx, Dasigx, Dbsigx,
      *   Isopar)
@@ -189,7 +184,7 @@ C
-     *   Nprdr(*), Npxdr(*),
+     *   Npxdr(*),
      *   Zke(Ntotc,*), Zkte(Ntotc,*), Zkfe(Ntotc,*), If_Zke(*),
      *   If_Zkte(Ntotc,*), If_Zkfe(Ntotc,*), Pieces(Ngroup),
      *   Sigxxx(*), Dasigx(*), Dbsigx(*), Isopar(*)
@@ -197,9 +192,10 @@ C
+      logical::ifcap
-C     *   Nprdr(Ngroup), npxdr(Ngroup),
+C     *   npxdr(Ngroup),
 C     *   Zke(Ntotc,Ngroup), Zkte(Ntotc,Ngroup), zkfe(Ntotc,Ngroup),
 C     *   If_Zke(Ngroup), If_Zkte(Ntotc,Ngroup), If_zkfe(Ntotc,Ngroup),
 C     *   Pieces(Ngroup)
@@ -212,25 +208,19 @@ C
       Nnf1 = 0
       Nn2 = 0
       Kstart = 0
-      Jstart = Napres
+      Jstart = Nfpres
-      istart = 1
+      istart = 0
       DO N=1,resParData%getNumSpinGroups()
-         min = istart
-         DO Ires = Min, resParData%getNumResonances()
-            call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, ires)            
-            istart = ires
-            igr = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
-            if( igr.ne.N) exit
-         end do
          call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, N)
-         IF (.not.spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
-            IF (Ksolve.NE.2) Kstart = Kstart + Nprdr(N)
-         ELSE
+         min = istart + 1
+         call  getParamPerSpinGroup(istart, N, Npr, resDeriv,
+     *                              Kstart, ifcap)
+         IF (spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             IF (Numiso.GT.0) THEN
                Iso = spinInfo%getIsotopeIndex()
                VarAbn = resParData%getAbundanceByIsotope(Iso)
@@ -240,7 +230,6 @@ C
             END IF
             Nnnn = N
-            IF (Ksolve.NE.2) Npr = Nprdr(N)
             IF (Ksolve.NE.2) Npx = Npxdr(N)
             Nnf1 = Nnf1 + Nn2
             ntot = spinInfo%getNumChannels()
@@ -290,7 +279,7 @@ C ***       TOTAL CROSS SECTIONS
             nent = spinInfo%getNumEntryChannels()
             next = spinInfo%getNumExitChannels()
             IF (Kcros.EQ.1) CALL Total (Agoj, nent, Ntotnn,
-     *         A_Iprext , I_Iflext , A_Ipr , A_Ipi , A_Ics, A_Isi,
+     *         A_Iprext , I_Iflext , A_Ics, A_Isi,
      *         A_Idphi , A_Iwr , A_Iwi , A_Ipwrr , A_Ipwri , A_Itr ,
      *         A_Iti , A_Iqr , A_Iqi , I_Inotu , Krext, Lrmat,
      *         min ,  N, Zke(1,N),
@@ -299,7 +288,7 @@ C ***       TOTAL CROSS SECTIONS
             IF (Kcros.EQ.2) CALL Elastc (Agoj, Nent, Ntotnn,
-     *         A_Iprext , I_Iflext , A_Ipr , A_Ipi , A_Ics,
+     *         A_Iprext , I_Iflext , A_Ics,
      *         A_Isi, A_Idphi , A_Iwr , A_Iwi, A_Ipwrr , A_Ipwri ,
      *         A_Itr , A_Iti , A_Iqr , A_Iqi , I_Inotu, Krext, Lrmat,
      *         Min , N, Zke(1,N),
@@ -309,7 +298,7 @@ C
             IF (Kcros.EQ.3 .OR. Kcros.EQ.5 .OR. Kcros.EQ.6) CALL Reactn
      *         ( Agoj, Nent, Next, Ntotnn, A_Iprext ,
-     *         I_Iflext , A_Ipr , A_Ipi , A_Iwr, A_Iwi, A_Ipwrr ,
+     *         I_Iflext , A_Iwr, A_Iwi, A_Ipwrr ,
      *         A_Ipwri , A_Itr , A_Iti , A_Iqr , A_Iqi , I_Inotu,
      *         Krext, Lrmat, Min , N,
      *         Zke(1,N), If_Zke(N), If_Zkte(1,N), Sigxxx, Dasigx,
@@ -318,15 +307,15 @@ C
             IF (Kcros.EQ.4 .OR. Kcros.EQ.5 .OR. Kcros.EQ.6) CALL Captur
      *         ( Agoj, Nent, Next, Ntotnn, A_Iprext ,
-     *         I_Iflext , A_Ipr , A_Ipi , A_Iwr, A_Iwi, A_Ipwrr ,
+     *         I_Iflext , A_Iwr, A_Iwi, A_Ipwrr ,
      *         A_Ipwri , A_Itr , A_Iti , A_Iqr , A_Iqi, I_Inotu,
      *         Krext, Lrmat,Min, N, 
      *         Zke(1,N), If_Zke(N), If_Zkte(1,N), Sigxxx, Dasigx,
      *         Dbsigx, Isopar, Iso)
-            IF (Ksolve.NE.2) Kstart = Kstart + Npr
             IF (Kpiece.EQ.1) Pieces(N) = Sigma
          END IF
+         Kstart = Kstart + Npr
       END DO
diff --git a/sammy/src/cro/mcro4.f b/sammy/src/cro/mcro4.f
index dda61213c65092f5f9ee78469195a3a850eb0e97..0644a71b4670b9b500cd94e75e2babc32ca714d7 100644
--- a/sammy/src/cro/mcro4.f
+++ b/sammy/src/cro/mcro4.f
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ C
       real(kind=8) :: AI, AR
       integer :: I, Ii, Ij, IM, J, K, Kl, L, M, JM
-      IF (Npr.NE.0 .OR. Npx.NE.0) THEN
+      IF (resDeriv .OR. Npx.NE.0) THEN
          Kl = 0
          DO K=1,Ntot
             DO L=1,K
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Total (Agoj, Nent, Ntot, Parext, Iflext, Pr, Ppi,
+      SUBROUTINE Total (Agoj, Nent, Ntot, Parext, Iflext,
      *   Cs, Si, Dphi, Wr, Wi, Pwrhor, Pwrhoi, TR, TI, Qr, Qi,
      *   Notu, Krext, Lrmat, Minres, igr, Zke, If_Zke,
      *   If_Zkte, If_Zkfe, Sigxxx, Dasigx, Dbsigx, Isopar, iso)
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ C
       real(kind=8) ::  Parext(Krext,Ntotc,*),
-     *   Pr(Ntriag,*), Ppi(Ntriag,*), Cs(*), Si(*), Dphi(*),
+     *   Cs(*), Si(*), Dphi(*),
      *   Wr(*), Wi(*), Pwrhor(*), Pwrhoi(*), Tr(*), Ti(*), Qr(NN,*),
      *   Qi(NN,*), Zke(*)
       integer ::  Iflext(Krext,Ntotc,*),Notu(*), 
@@ -204,8 +204,7 @@ C
       integer :: Isopar(*)
 C      DIMENSION Parext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup),
-C     *     Iflext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup), Pr(Ntriag,Napres),
-C     *     Ppi(Ntriag,Napres), Notu(Napres),
+C     *     Iflext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup),
 C     *     Cs(Ntotc), Si(Ntotc), Dphi(Ntotc), Wr(NN), Wi(NN),
 C     *     Pwrhor(NN), Pwrhoi(NN), Tr(NN), Ti(NN), Qr(NN,NN),
 C     *     Qi(NN,NN), Zke(Ntotc), if_Zkte(Ntotc), if_zkfe(Ntotc)
@@ -219,7 +218,7 @@ C
          Sum  = Zero
          Sumc = Zero
-         Kiso = If_Zke - Nvadif
+         Kiso = If_Zke
          Ij = 0
          B = Two*Agoj*Pi100/Squ
          DO I=1,Nent
@@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ C
             A = 1.0D0/Zke(I)**2
             Sumc = Sumc + A
             Sum  = Sum  + ( Cs(I)*Wr(Ij) + Si(I)*Wi(Ij) )*A
-            Ktru = If_Zkte(I) - Nvadif          
+            Ktru = If_Zkte(I)
             IF (Ktru.GT.0) THEN
                if(ktru.le.ndasig) then
                   Dasigx(1,Ktru) = Dasigx(1,Ktru) - B*
@@ -237,7 +236,7 @@ C
                    stop 'Out of range in total in mcro4 for ktru'
                end if
             END IF
-            Keff = If_Zkfe(I) - Nvadif
+            Keff = If_Zkfe(I)
             IF (Keff.GT.0) THEN
                if (keff.le.ndasig) then
                   Dasigx(1,Keff) = Dasigx(1,Keff) - Two*B*
@@ -273,7 +272,7 @@ C
          Sigxxx(1) = Sigxxx(1) + A
          IF (Ksolve.NE.2) THEN
-            Kiso = If_Zke - Nvadif
+            Kiso = If_Zke
             IF (Kiso.GT.0) THEN
                if (kiso.le.ndasig) then
                   Dasigx(1,Kiso) = Dasigx(1,Kiso) + A/VarAbn
@@ -291,7 +290,7 @@ C
       IF (Lrmat.EQ.1) RETURN
       IF (Ksolve.EQ.2) RETURN
-      IF (Npr.EQ.0 .AND. Npx.EQ.0) RETURN
+      IF (.not.resDeriv .AND. Npx.EQ.0) RETURN
       CALL Zero_Array (Tr, Ntriag)
       CALL Zero_Array (Ti, Ntriag)
@@ -315,8 +314,8 @@ C
          END DO
       END DO
-      IF (Npr.NE.0 .OR. Krdmsc.NE.0) CALL Derres_Cro (Agoj, Ntot, Pr,
-     *   Ppi, Tr, Ti, Notu, Minres, igr, Zke, Dasigx, Dbsigx,
+      IF (resDeriv) CALL Derres_Cro (Agoj, Ntot,
+     *   Tr, Ti, Notu, Minres, igr, Zke, Dasigx, Dbsigx,
      *   Isopar, Iso)
       IF (Npx.NE.0) CALL Derext_Cro (Agoj, Ntot, Parext, Iflext, TR,
@@ -328,7 +327,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Elastc (Agoj, Nent, Ntot, Parext, Iflext, Pr, Ppi,
+      SUBROUTINE Elastc (Agoj, Nent, Ntot, Parext, Iflext,
      *   Cs, Si, Dphi, Wr, Wi, Pwrhor, Pwrhoi, Tr, Ti, Qr, Qi, Notu,
      *   Krext, Lrmat, Minres, igr, Zke, If_Zke, If_Zkte,
      *   If_Zkfe, Sigxxx, Dasigx, Dbsigx, Isopar, Iso)
@@ -347,7 +346,7 @@ C
       integer :: Nent, Ntot, Krext, Lrmat, Minres, igr, If_Zke,Iso
       real(kind=8) :: Parext(Krext,Ntotc,*),
-     *   Pr(Ntriag,*), Ppi(Ntriag,*), Cs(*), Si(*), Dphi(*),
+     *   Cs(*), Si(*), Dphi(*),
      *   Wr(*), Wi(*), Pwrhor(*), Pwrhoi(*), Tr(*), Ti(*), Qr(NN,*),
      *   Qi(NN,*),  Zke(*)
       integer :: Iflext(Krext,Ntotc,*), Notu(*), 
@@ -357,8 +356,7 @@ C
       integer :: Isopar(*)
 C      DIMENSION Parext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup),
-C     *     Iflext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup), Pr(Ntriag,Napres),
-C     *     Ppi(Ntriag,Napres), Notu(Napres),
+C     *     Iflext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup),
 C     *     Cs(Ntotc), Si(Ntotc), Dphi(Ntotc), Wr(NN), Wi(NN),
 C     *     Pwrhor(NN), Pwrhoi(NN), Tr(NN), Ti(NN), Qr(NN,NN),
 C     *     Qi(NN,NN), Zke(Ntotc), If_Zkte(Ntotc), If_zkfe(Ntotc)
@@ -382,7 +380,7 @@ C
             Sumc = Sumc + B
             Sum  = Sum  + ( Cs(I)*Wr(Ii)+Si(I)*Wi(Ii) )*B
             B = C/Zke(I)
-            Ktru = If_Zkte(I) - Nvadif
+            Ktru = If_Zkte(I)
             IF (Ktru.GT.0) THEN
                if (ktru.le.ndasig) then
                   Dasigx(1,Ktru) = Dasigx(1,Ktru) -
@@ -392,7 +390,7 @@ C
                   stop 'Out of range in Elastc in mcro4 for ktru'
                end if
             END IF
-            Keff = If_Zkfe(I) - Nvadif
+            Keff = If_Zkfe(I)
             IF (Keff.GT.0) THEN
                if( keff.le.ndasig) then
                   Dasigx(1,Keff) = Dasigx(1,Keff) +
@@ -420,7 +418,7 @@ C
          END DO
          A = Two*Agoj*Pi100*(Sumc-Two*Sum+Sum1)/Su
          Sigxxx(1) = Sigxxx(1) + A
-         Kiso = If_Zke - Nvadif
+         Kiso = If_Zke
          IF (Kiso.GT.0) THEN
             if( kiso.le.ndasig) then
                Dasigx(1,Kiso) = Dasigx(1,Kiso)/VarAbn
@@ -450,7 +448,7 @@ C
          Sigxxx(1) = Sigxxx(1) + B
          IF (Ksolve.NE.2) THEN
-            Kiso = If_Zke - Nvadif
+            Kiso = If_Zke
             IF (Kiso.GT.0) THEN
                if (kiso.le.ndasig) then
                   Dasigx(1,Kiso) = Dasigx(1,Kiso) + B/VarAbn
@@ -466,7 +464,7 @@ C
       IF (Lrmat.EQ.1) RETURN
       IF (Ksolve.EQ.2) RETURN
-      IF (Npr.EQ.0 .AND. Npx.EQ.0) RETURN
+      IF (.not.resDeriv .AND. Npx.EQ.0) RETURN
       CALL Zero_Array (TR, Ntriag)
       CALL Zero_Array (TI, Ntriag)
@@ -495,8 +493,8 @@ C
          END DO
       END DO
-      IF (Npr.NE.0 .OR. Krdmsc.NE.0) CALL Derres_Cro (Agoj, Ntot, Pr,
-     *   Ppi, TR, TI, Notu, Minres, igr, Zke, Dasigx, Dbsigx,
+      IF (resDeriv) CALL Derres_Cro (Agoj, Ntot,
+     *   TR, TI, Notu, Minres, igr, Zke, Dasigx, Dbsigx,
      *   Isopar, Iso)
       IF (Npx.NE.0) CALL Derext_Cro (Agoj, Ntot, Parext, Iflext, TR,
@@ -508,7 +506,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Reactn (Agoj, Nent, Next, Ntot, Parext, Iflext, Pr,Ppi,
+      SUBROUTINE Reactn (Agoj, Nent, Next, Ntot, Parext, Iflext,
      *   Wr, Wi, Pwrhor, Pwrhoi, Tr, Ti, Qr, Qi, Notu, Krext, Lrmat,
      *   Minres, igr, Zke, If_Zke, If_Zkte, Sigxxx,
      *   Dasigx, Dbsigx, Isopar, Iso)
@@ -528,7 +526,7 @@ C
       integer :: If_Zke, Iso
       real(kind=8) :: Parext(Krext,Ntotc,*),
-     *   Pr(Ntriag,*), Ppi(Ntriag,*),  Wr(*), Wi(*), Pwrhor(*),
+     *   Wr(*), Wi(*), Pwrhor(*),
      *   Pwrhoi(*), Tr(*), Ti(*), Qr(NN,*), Qi(NN,*), Zke(*)
       integer :: Iflext(Krext,Ntotc,*), Notu(*), If_Zkte(*)
       real(kind=8) :: Sigxxx(*), Dasigx(Nnnsig,*),
@@ -536,8 +534,8 @@ C
        integer:: Isopar(*)
 C      DIMENSION Parext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup),
-C     *   Iflext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup), Pr(Ntriag,Napres),
-C     *   Ppi(Ntriag,Napres), Notu(Napres), Wr(NN), Wi(NN),
+C     *   Iflext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup),
+C     *   Wr(NN), Wi(NN),
 C     *   Pwrhor(NN), Pwrhoi(NN), Tr(NN), Ti(NN), Qr(NN,NN), Qi(NN,NN)
        real(kind=8) :: Zero = 0.0d0, One = 1.0d0, Two = 2.0d00
@@ -565,7 +563,7 @@ C
      *                     (Wr(Ij)**2+Wi(Ij)**2)*B
                         IF (Jj.EQ.2) F2sum = F2sum +
      *                     (Wr(Ij)**2+Wi(Ij)**2)*B
-                        Ktru = If_Zkte(I) - Nvadif
+                        Ktru = If_Zkte(I)
                         IF (Ktru.GT.0) THEN
                            if(ktru.le.ndasig) then
                              Isopar(Ktru) = Iso
@@ -585,7 +583,7 @@ C
             Sigxxx(1) = Sigxxx(1) + A*Sum
             Sig1 = Sig1 + A*F1sum
             Sig2 = Sig2 + A*F2sum
-            Kiso = If_Zke - Nvadif
+            Kiso = If_Zke
             IF (Kiso.GT.0) THEN
                if( kiso.le.ndasig) then
                   Dasigx(1,Kiso) = Dasigx(1,Kiso) + A*Sum/VarAbn
@@ -624,7 +622,7 @@ C
          Sig1 = Sig1 + F1Sum*B
          Sig2 = Sig2 + F2Sum*B
          IF (Ksolve.NE.2) THEN
-            Kiso = If_Zke - Nvadif
+            Kiso = If_Zke
             IF (Kiso.GT.0) THEN
                if( kiso.le.ndasig) then
                   Dasigx(1,Kiso) = Dasigx(1,Kiso) + B*Sum/VarAbn
@@ -639,7 +637,7 @@ C
       IF (Lrmat.EQ.1) RETURN
       IF (Ksolve.EQ.2) RETURN
-      IF (Npr.EQ.0 .AND. Npx.EQ.0) RETURN
+      IF (.not.resDeriv .AND. Npx.EQ.0) RETURN
       CALL Zero_Array (Tr, Ntriag)
       CALL Zero_Array (Ti, Ntriag)
@@ -667,8 +665,8 @@ C
          END DO
       END IF
-      IF (Npr.NE.0 .OR. Krdmsc.NE.0) CALL Derres_Cro (Agoj, Ntot, PR,
-     *   Ppi, Tr, Ti, Notu, Minres, igr, Zke, Dasigx, Dbsigx,
+      IF (resDeriv) CALL Derres_Cro (Agoj, Ntot,
+     *   Tr, Ti, Notu, Minres, igr, Zke, Dasigx, Dbsigx,
      *   Isopar, Iso)
       IF (Npx.NE.0) CALL Derext_Cro (Agoj, Ntot, Parext, Iflext, Tr,
@@ -680,8 +678,8 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Captur (Agoj, Nent, Next, Ntot, Parext, Iflext, Pr,
-     *   Ppi, Wr, Wi, Pwrhor, Pwrhoi, Tr, Ti, Qr, Qi, Notu, Krext,
+      SUBROUTINE Captur (Agoj, Nent, Next, Ntot, Parext, Iflext,
+     *   Wr, Wi, Pwrhor, Pwrhoi, Tr, Ti, Qr, Qi, Notu, Krext,
      *   Lrmat, Minres, igr,  Zke, If_Zke, If_Zkte, Sigxxx,
      *   Dasigx, Dbsigx, Isopar, Iso)
@@ -701,7 +699,7 @@ C
      *           igr, If_zke, iso, minres
       real(kind=8):: Parext(Krext,Ntotc,*), 
-     *   Pr(Ntriag,*), Ppi(Ntriag,*), Wr(*), Wi(*),
+     *   Wr(*), Wi(*),
      *   Pwrhor(*), Pwrhoi(*), Tr(*), Ti(*), Qr(NN,*),
      *   Qi(NN,*),  Zke(*)
       integer:: Iflext(Krext,Ntotc,*), Notu(*),  If_Zkte(*)
@@ -710,8 +708,7 @@ C
       integer :: Isopar(*)
 C      DIMENSION Parext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup),
-C     *   Iflext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup), Pr(Ntriag,Napres),
-C     *   Ppi(Ntriag,Napres), Notu(Napres),
+C     *   Iflext(Nrext,Ntotc,Ngroup),
 C     *   Cs(Ntotc), Si(Ntotc), Dphi(Ntotc), Wr(NN), Wi(NN),
 C     *   Pwrhor(NN), Pwrhoi(NN), Tr(NN), Ti(NN), Qr(NN,NN), Qi(NN,NN)
@@ -728,7 +725,7 @@ C
          DO J=1,Nent
             Jj = (J*(J-1))/2
             B = One/Zke(J)**2
-            Ktru = If_Zkte(J) - Nvadif
+            Ktru = If_Zkte(J)
             A = C/Zke(J)
             DO I=1,Ntot
                IF (I.LE.J) THEN
@@ -751,7 +748,7 @@ C                       ???????????  is this right ????????????  methinks not
          END DO
          B = Pi100*Agoj*(Sumc-Sum)/Su
          Sigxxx(1) = Sigxxx(1) + B
-         Kiso = If_Zke - Nvadif
+         Kiso = If_Zke
          IF (Kiso.GT.0) THEN
             if( kiso.le.ndasig) then
                Dasigx(1,Kiso) = Dasigx(1,Kiso) + B/VarAbn
@@ -780,7 +777,7 @@ C
          B = Pi100*Agoj*(Sumc-Sum)/Su
          Sigxxx(1) = Sigxxx(1) + B
          IF (Ksolve.NE.2) THEN
-            Kiso = If_Zke - Nvadif
+            Kiso = If_Zke
             IF (Kiso.GT.0) THEN
                if( kiso.le.ndasig) then
                   Dasigx(1,Kiso) = Dasigx(1,Kiso) + B/VarAbn
@@ -795,7 +792,7 @@ C
       IF (Lrmat.EQ.1) RETURN
       IF (Ksolve.EQ.2) RETURN
-      IF (Npr.EQ.0 .AND. Npx.EQ.0) RETURN
+      IF (.not.resDeriv .AND. Npx.EQ.0) RETURN
       CALL Zero_Array (Tr, Ntriag)
       CALL Zero_Array (Ti, Ntriag)
@@ -842,8 +839,8 @@ C                    ?? B=2.*Wi(Kl)
          END DO
       END IF
-      IF (Npr.NE.0 .OR. Krdmsc.NE.0) CALL Derres_Cro (Agoj, Ntot, PR,
-     *   Ppi, Tr, Ti, Notu, Minres, igr, Zke, Dasigx, Dbsigx,
+      IF (resDeriv) CALL Derres_Cro (Agoj, Ntot,
+     *   Tr, Ti, Notu, Minres, igr, Zke, Dasigx, Dbsigx,
      *   Isopar, Iso)
       IF (Npx.NE.0) CALL Derext_Cro (Agoj, Ntot, Parext, Iflext, Tr,
@@ -854,7 +851,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Derres_Cro (Agoj, Ntot, PR, Ppi, Tr, Ti, Notu,
+      SUBROUTINE Derres_Cro (Agoj, Ntot, Tr, Ti, Notu,
      *   Minres, igr,  Zke, Dasigx, Dbsigx, Isopar, Iso)
       use fixedi_m
@@ -863,81 +860,57 @@ C
       use constn_common_m
       use EndfData_common_m
       use SammyResonanceInfo_M
+      use templc_common_m, only : A_Ipr, A_Ipi
       real(kind=8) :: agoj
       integer :: Ntot, Minres, igr, Iso
-      real(kind=8) :: Pr(Ntriag,*), Ppi(Ntriag,*),
-     *   Tr(*), Ti(*), Zke(*)
+      real(kind=8) :: Tr(*), Ti(*), Zke(*)
       integer ::  Notu(*)
       real(kind=8) :: Dasigx(Nnnsig,*), Dbsigx(Nnnsig,Ndbxxx,*)
       integer :: Isopar(*)
-C      DIMENSION Pr(Ntriag,Nyyres), Ppi(Ntriag,Nyyres),
-C     *   Tr(NN), Ti(NN), Notu(Nyyres)
+C     *   Tr(NN), Ti(NN)
       real(kind=8) :: Zero = 0.0d0, One = 1.0d0
       real(kind=8) :: A, S
       integer :: I, Ifl, Ij, J, M, Mm
-      IF (Npr.GT.0) THEN
+      IF (resDeriv) THEN
          DO Mm=1,Npr
             M = Kstart + Mm
-            IF (Notu(M).NE.1) THEN
+            IF (Notu(M).NE.0) THEN
                S = Zero
                Ij = 0
                DO I=1,Ntot
                   A = 1.0D0/Zke(I)**2
                   DO J=1,I
                      Ij = Ij + 1
-                     IF (Ppi(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
-                        S = S + Ppi(Ij,M)*Ti(Ij)*A
+                     IF (A_Ipi(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
+                        S = S + A_Ipi(Ij,M)*Ti(Ij)*A
                      END IF
-                     IF (Pr(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
-                        S = S + Pr(Ij,M)*Tr(Ij)*A
+                     IF (A_Ipr(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
+                        S = S + A_Ipr(Ij,M)*Tr(Ij)*A
                      END IF
                   END DO
                END DO
-               Dasigx(1,M) = Dasigx(1,M) + Fourpi*Agoj*S/Su
-               Isopar(M) = iso
+               if (Notu(M).gt.0) then
+                  Dasigx(1,Notu(M)) = Dasigx(1,Notu(M)) +
+     *                                Fourpi*Agoj*S/Su
+                  Isopar(Notu(M)) = iso
+               else
+                  Ifl = -1 * Notu(M) - Ndasig
+                  Dbsigx(1,Ifl,iso) = Dbsigx(1,Ifl,Iso) +
+     *                                 Fourpi*Agoj*S/Su
+               end if
             END IF
          END DO
       END IF
-      IF (Krdmsc.EQ.0) RETURN
-      call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, minres)
-      Ifl = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(1)
-			IF (Ifl.LT.Ndasig) THEN
-			   STOP '[STOP in Derres_Cro in cro/mcro4.f]'
-			END IF
-      Ifl = Ifl - Ndasig
-      DO Mm=Minres,resParData%getNumResonances()
-         call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, Mm)
-         if (resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex().ne.igr) exit
-         M = Napres + Mm
-         IF (Notu(M).NE.1) THEN
-            S = Zero
-            Ij = 0
-            DO I=1,Ntot
-               A = One/Zke(I)**2
-               DO J=1,I
-                  Ij = Ij + 1
-                  IF (Ppi(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
-                     S = S + Ppi(Ij,M)*Ti(Ij)*A
-                  END IF
-                  IF (Pr(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
-                     S = S + Pr(Ij,M)*Tr(Ij)*A
-                  END IF
-               END DO
-            END DO
-            Dbsigx(1,Ifl,iso) = Dbsigx(1,Ifl,Iso) + Fourpi*Agoj*S/Su
-         END IF
-      END DO
@@ -975,7 +948,7 @@ C
          Ij = Ij + I
          Ifl = Iflext(1,I,Nnnn)
          IF (Ifl.NE.-1) THEN
-            Ifl = Ifl - Nvadif
+            Ifl = Ifl
             if( ifl.gt.ndasig) then
                 stop 'Out of range in Derext_Cro in mcro4 #1'
             end if
@@ -989,7 +962,7 @@ C
      *                         Parext(6,I,Nnnn)*Parext(1,I,Nnnn))/
      *            (Su-Parext(1,I,Nnnn))
             END IF
-            Ifl = Iflext(2,I,Nnnn) - Nvadif
+            Ifl = Iflext(2,I,Nnnn)
             if( ifl.gt.ndasig) then
                 stop 'Out of range in Derext_Cro in mcro4 #2'
             end if
@@ -1001,7 +974,7 @@ C
      *            (Parext(5,I,Nnnn)+Parext(6,I,Nnnn)*Parext(2,I,Nnnn))/
      *            (Parext(2,I,Nnnn)-Su) + Dasigx(1,Ifl)
             END IF
-            Ifl = Iflext(3,I,Nnnn) - Nvadif
+            Ifl = Iflext(3,I,Nnnn)
             if( ifl.gt.ndasig) then
                 stop 'Out of range in Derext_Cro in mcro4 #3'
             end if
@@ -1009,7 +982,7 @@ C
                Isopar(Ifl) = Iso
                Dasigx(1,Ifl) = Tr(Ij)*B + Dasigx(1,Ifl)
             END IF
-            Ifl = Iflext(4,I,Nnnn) - Nvadif
+            Ifl = Iflext(4,I,Nnnn)
             if( ifl.gt.ndasig) then
                stop 'Out of range in Derext_Cro in mcro4 #4'
             end if
@@ -1017,7 +990,7 @@ C
                Isopar(Ifl) = Iso
                Dasigx(1,Ifl) = Tr(Ij)*B*Su + Dasigx(1,Ifl)
             END IF
-            Ifl = Iflext(5,I,Nnnn) - Nvadif
+            Ifl = Iflext(5,I,Nnnn)
             IF (Ifl.GT.0) THEN
                Isopar(Ifl) = Iso
                Dasigx(1,Ifl) = -Two*Tr(Ij)*B * dSQRT(Parext(5,I,Nnnn))*
@@ -1025,7 +998,7 @@ C
      *            Dasigx(1,Ifl)
             END IF
             IF (Nrext.GT.5) THEN
-               Ifl = Iflext(6,I,Nnnn) - Nvadif
+               Ifl = Iflext(6,I,Nnnn)
                IF (Ifl.GT.0) THEN
                   Isopar(Ifl) = Iso
                   Dasigx(1,Ifl) = Dasigx(1,Ifl) - Tr(Ij)*B*
@@ -1033,7 +1006,7 @@ C
      *               Su*dLOG((Parext(2,I,Nnnn)-Su)/
      *                             (Su-Parext(1,I,Nnnn))) )
                END IF
-               Ifl = Iflext(7,I,Nnnn) - Nvadif
+               Ifl = Iflext(7,I,Nnnn)
                IF (Ifl.GT.0) THEN
                   Isopar(Ifl) = Iso
                   Dasigx(1,Ifl) = Tr(Ij)*B*Su**2 + Dasigx(1,Ifl)
diff --git a/sammy/src/cro/mcro5.f b/sammy/src/cro/mcro5.f
index 2ccde852d67e37163c4f52026baa013c1c3dffae..b39c474059f2f880637ece2a97e14843a933f51d 100644
--- a/sammy/src/cro/mcro5.f
+++ b/sammy/src/cro/mcro5.f
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ C
       use abro_common_m
       use cbro_common_m
       use lbro_common_m
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
 C     deltdp => delttt from fixedr_m (Ff(23) assigned to delt (from common block b39
@@ -32,14 +33,16 @@ C
       Odffff = Odfmul
       Nntype = 1
-      Ndasig = Napres + Nfpext + Nfprad + Nfpiso
+      Ndasig = Nfpres + Nfpext + Nfprad + Nfpiso
       if(Kvcrfn.gt.0) Ndasig = Ndasig + 1  ! account for fit of matching radius
-      Ndbsig = Napthe - Ndasig
+      Ntotal = covData%getNumTotalParam() -
+     *         Numusd -
+     *         Numdtp
+      Ndbsig = Ntotal - Ndasig
       IF (Ksolve.EQ.2) THEN
-         IF (Numpup.EQ.0) THEN
+         IF (covData%getPupedParam().EQ.0) THEN
             Ndasig = 0
             Ndbsig = 0
-            Napthe = 0
          END IF
       END IF
       Ndaxxx = Ndasig
@@ -51,13 +54,13 @@ C *** here there is no broadening and no angular distributions and
 C ***      no multiple-scattering, so all affected theory parameters
 C ***      occur in output files
       IF (.Not.Ydoppr .AND. .Not.Yresol .AND. .Not.Yangle. AND.
-     *     .Not.Yssmsc) Ngbout = Napthe
+     *     .Not.Yssmsc) Ngbout = Ntotal
 C *** if there is broadening (or ang dis or mul sct), figure ngbout =
 C ***      # of par in output GB file.  Note that this number may be 
 C ***      smaller than in the above case (where all are needed).
       IF (Ydoppr .OR. Yresol .OR. Yangle .OR. Yssmsc .OR. Ntgrlq.EQ.1)
-     *     Ngbout = Napres + Nvpext + Nvprad + Nvpiso + Nvpdet +
+     *     Ngbout = Nfpres + Nvpext + Nvprad + Nvpiso + Nvpdet +
      *              Nvpbrd + Nvpmsc + Nvppmc
diff --git a/sammy/src/cro/mnrm1.f b/sammy/src/cro/mnrm1.f
index 331469933396a66ebb2d846c9163847c75ab744c..d813517f7c484789cfa82731347203a46c5c5455 100644
--- a/sammy/src/cro/mnrm1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/cro/mnrm1.f
@@ -1,25 +1,6 @@
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Addcon (Sigxxx, Dbsigx, Iflmsc, Nummmm)
-C *** Purpose -- Add constant cross section
-      use fixedi_m
-      use ifwrit_m
-      use fixedr_m
-      DIMENSION Sigxxx(*), Dbsigx(Nummmm,*), Iflmsc(*)
-      IF (Nummmm.NE.1) STOP '[STOP in Addcon in cro/mnrm1.f]'
-      Sigxxx(1) = Sigxxx(1) + Concro
-      N = Nvadif - Ndasig
-      IF (Iflmsc(Kconcr).GT.N) Dbsigx(1,Iflmsc(Kconcr)-N) = 1.0d0
-      RETURN
-      END
-C --------------------------------------------------------------
       SUBROUTINE Norm (Parnbk, Iflnbk, Sig, dA, dB, Em, Nummmm)
@@ -66,7 +47,7 @@ C ***    that work for all cross sections
       Se = dSQRT(Em)
       IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .OR. Nfpnbk.GT.Nvpnbk) THEN
-         N = Nvadif + Ndasig
+         N = Ndasig
          DO I=1,Nummmm
             IF (Kvnorm.GT.0) dB(I,Iflnbk(1,1)-N) = Sig(I)/Anorm
             IF (KvbckA.GT.0) dB(I,Iflnbk(2,1)-N) = One
@@ -113,7 +94,7 @@ C *** here is for different normalizations for different cross sections
       Se = dSQRT(Em)
       IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .OR. Nfpnbk.GT.Nvpnbk) THEN
-         N = Nvadif + Ndasig
+         N = Ndasig
          DO Iangle=1,Nummmm
             IF (Iflnbk(1,Iangle).GT.N) dB(Iangle,Iflnbk(1,Iangle)-N) =
      *         Sig(Iangle)/Parnbk(1,Iangle)
@@ -169,7 +150,7 @@ C        Iflbgf(Numbgf), Kndbgf(Numbgf), Bgfmin(Numbgf), Bgfmax(Numbgf),
 C        Texbgf(Ntepnt,Ntefil), Teabgf(Ntepnt,Ntefil)
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/, One /1.0d0/
-      N = Nvadif + Ndasig
+      N = Ndasig
       IF (Nnniso.NE.1) STOP '[STOP in Bgfrpi in cro/mnrm1.f]'
       DO I=1,Numbgf
@@ -349,7 +330,6 @@ C
       IF (N.LE.Ndasig) THEN
          STOP '[STOP in Nnneta in cro/mnrm1.f]'
-         N = N - Nvadif
          DO Iso=1,Niso
             Dbsig(1,N,Iso) = Sig(1,Iso)/Etanuu
          END DO
diff --git a/sammy/src/cro/mnrm2.f b/sammy/src/cro/mnrm2.f
index 7a8c1ac6b41208ce39ba653ab5304ff67aaa1347..89069e0959098b524e1eedb541fd80a6d0c54475 100755
--- a/sammy/src/cro/mnrm2.f
+++ b/sammy/src/cro/mnrm2.f
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ C ***    modify the derivatives to be in terms of transmission
          IF (Kkkthc.GT.0) THEN
 C ***       generate derivative wrt thickness
-            Ipar = Kkkthc - Nvadif
+            Ipar = Kkkthc
             IF (Ipar.LE.Ndasig) THEN
-	       WRITE (6,10000) Ipar, Ndasig, Kkkthc, Nvadif
+               WRITE (6,10000) Ipar, Ndasig, Kkkthc, 0
 10000          FORMAT ('In Transm, Ipar,Ndasig=', 10I5)
                STOP '[STOP in Transm in cro/mnrm2.f]'
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ C ***    Modify the derivatives to be in terms of transmission
          IF (Kkkthc.GT.0) THEN
 C ***       Generate derivative wrt thickness
-            Ipar = Kkkthc - Nvadif
+            Ipar = Kkkthc
             IF (Ipar.LE.Ndasig) THEN
-	       WRITE (6,10000) Ipar, Ndasig, Kkkthc, Nvadif
+               WRITE (6,10000) Ipar, Ndasig, Kkkthc, 0
 10000          FORMAT ('In Transm, Ipar,Ndasig=', 10I5)
                STOP '[STOP in Transm in cro/mnrm2.f]'
diff --git a/sammy/src/dbd/mdbd1.f b/sammy/src/dbd/mdbd1.f
index 85692d9feddd9230a4c20891d540f0c3c30e9293..1e247e3faeb226c9a5614aa884e80eabcc00a871 100644
--- a/sammy/src/dbd/mdbd1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/dbd/mdbd1.f
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ C *** Perform integration for Doppler-Broadening from point number
 C ***    Kc to point number Iup
       use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndaxxx, Ndbxxx, Niniso,
-     *                     Ndasig, Ndbsig, Nvadif
+     *                     Ndasig, Ndbsig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Ksolve, Kvtemp
       use fixedr_m, only : Temp
       use brdd_common_m, only : Ipnts, Iup, Kc
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ C
       END DO
       IF (Kvtemp.GT.0.and.Ndbsig.GT.0) THEN
-         K = Kvtemp - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         K = Kvtemp - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,K) = Derdop(N)*Wdop*0.5d0/Temp
          END DO
diff --git a/sammy/src/dbd/mdbd3.f b/sammy/src/dbd/mdbd3.f
index 405af5a992f496a7d399b03cc9c056acc299c604..49e761c8a222d1dfcefd109296027164af6a5b55 100644
--- a/sammy/src/dbd/mdbd3.f
+++ b/sammy/src/dbd/mdbd3.f
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ C *** purpose -- COPY DATA AND DERIVATIVES, CUZ THERE ARE TOO FEW
 C ***            POINTS TO BROADEN
       use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndaxxx,  Ndbsig, Niniso,
-     *                     Ndbxxx, Nvadif, Ndasig
+     *                     Ndbxxx, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kvtemp
       IMPLICIT None
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ C
          END DO
       END IF
       IF (Kvtemp.GT.0) THEN
-         K = Kvtemp - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         K = Kvtemp - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,K) = Zero
          END DO
diff --git a/sammy/src/dop/mdop1.f90 b/sammy/src/dop/mdop1.f90
index 2834961f1812018b555b8f9ec23dc4da26f9860c..a51b003fd089a3857fa903da074f192cb7ba0096 100644
--- a/sammy/src/dop/mdop1.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/dop/mdop1.f90
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ module dop1_m
          Wsigsi(Kiniso,*), Wdbsis(Ndbxxx,Kiniso,*)
       Sig0 = 0.0d0
-      Kvt = Kvtemp - Nvadif - Ndasig
+      Kvt = Kvtemp - Ndasig
       delt6 = delt * 6.0d0
       DO Iso=1,Niniso
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
diff --git a/sammy/src/end/mout.f b/sammy/src/end/mout.f
index f7517498dacac2d2cb1858dc4b1629f6aa673d0d..b474a0098b0b082b4903f37e9de8b6bc8228c432 100644
--- a/sammy/src/end/mout.f
+++ b/sammy/src/end/mout.f
@@ -150,26 +150,20 @@ C
          if (.not.haveRes) goto 130
          IF (Iff.NE.0) THEN
             DO N=Minr,Maxr
-               call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)
-               IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().EQ.0) THEN
-                     GO TO 20
-               ELSE IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GT.0) THEN
-                  DO M=1,Mmax2
-                     if( m.eq.1) then
-                        ifl = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-                     else
-                        ifl = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m-1)
-                     end if
-                     IF (.not.covData%isPupedParameter(Ifl)) THEN
-                        GO TO 20
-                     ELSE
-                     END IF
-                  END DO
-               END IF
+               call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)               
+               IF (.not.resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) cycle
+               DO M=1,Mmax2
+                  if( m.eq.1) then
+                     ifl = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
+                  else
+                     ifl = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m-1)
+                  end if
+                  if (Ifl.gt.0) goto 20  ! found a varied parameter
+               end do
             END DO
-            GO TO 130
+            GO TO 130  ! no varied parameters in this spin group
          END IF
-   20    CONTINUE
+   20    CONTINUE  ! at least one varied parameter in this spin group
          IF (Kpolar.NE.1) THEN
@@ -202,11 +196,11 @@ C
                   call  resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
                end if
                pkenPr = getPkenPr(resonance%getEres(), reduced)
-               IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().LT.-1) THEN
+               IF (.not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                   Ixx = 1
                   IF (Iff.EQ.0 .OR.
-     *                 resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+     *                 resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) THEN
                      if( allocated(fitFlags).and.
      *                    size(fitFlags).lt.(Mmax2)) then
@@ -263,7 +257,7 @@ C
 99985          FORMAT (/' EXCLUDED RESONANCES .....')
                DO N=Minr,Maxr
                   call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)
-                  IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().LT.-1) THEN
+                  IF (.not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                      if( reduced) then
                         call  resParData%getRedResonance(resonance,
      *                        resInfo)
@@ -278,7 +272,7 @@ C
                      if( .not.allocated(fitFlags)) then
                      end if
-                     fitFlags(1) = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
+                     fitFlags(1) = 0  ! excluded from fit
                      do nc = 2, Mmax+2
                         fitFlags(nc) = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(nc-1)
                      end do
@@ -336,11 +330,11 @@ C ***       Here if want fission gamma widths in polar coordinates
                   call  resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
                end if
                pkenPr = getPkenPr(resonance%getEres(), reduced) 
-               IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().LT.-1) THEN
+               IF (.not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                   Ixx = 1
                   IF (Iff.EQ.0 .OR.
-     *                 resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+     *                 resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) THEN
                      DO J=1,5
                         if(j.eq.1) then
                            Iif(J) = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
@@ -385,7 +379,7 @@ C ***       Here if want fission gamma widths in polar coordinates
 Ccccc          FORMAT (/' EXCLUDED RESONANCES .....')
                DO N=Minr,Maxr
                   call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)
-                  IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().LT.-1) THEN
+                  IF (.not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                      if( reduced) then                    
                         call  resParData%getRedResonance(resonance,
      *                       resInfo)
@@ -876,7 +870,8 @@ C
             IF (Iff.EQ.0) GO TO 20
                DO N=Minr,Maxr
                   call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)
-                  IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) GO TO 20
+                  IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc().and.
+     *                resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) GO TO 20
                END DO
                GO TO 150
    20       CONTINUE
@@ -925,10 +920,10 @@ C
             Ixx = 0
             DO 90 N=Minr,Maxr
                call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)
-               IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().LT.-1) Ixx = 1
-               IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().LT.-1) GO TO 90
+               IF (.not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) Ixx = 1
+               IF (.not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) GO TO 90
                IF (Iff.NE.0 .AND.
-     *             resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().LT.0) GO TO 90
+     *             .not.resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) GO TO 90
                if( allocated(fitFlags).and.
      *              size(fitFlags).lt.(Mmax+2)) then
@@ -1060,7 +1055,7 @@ C
 99988          FORMAT (/' EXCLUDED RESONANCES .....')
                DO 140 N=Minr,Maxr
                   call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)
-                  IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.-1) GO TO 140
+                  IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) GO TO 140
                   if( allocated(fitFlags).and.
      *                 size(fitFlags).lt.(Mmax+2)) then
diff --git a/sammy/src/end/mout1.f b/sammy/src/end/mout1.f
index 30a36f582b8c65c12d9989d0fbb9afc10dca29c5..b08163b728b0ea4f165661a26b78dade94264a29 100644
--- a/sammy/src/end/mout1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/end/mout1.f
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ C
             tmp = ""            
             IF (Iflag(M).GT.0) THEN
                Keep = covData%getCovIndex(Iflag(M))
-               IF (Keep.LE.Nvpall) THEN
+               IF(.not.covData%isPupedParameter(Iflag(M))) THEN
                    if (keep.ge.1000) then
                        write(tmp,'(1a1,I4)') "(",keep       
                       write(tmp,'(1a1,I3,1a1)') "(",keep,")"               
                    end if
-               ELSE IF (Keep.GT.Nvpall) THEN
+               ELSE
                   if (keep.ge.1000) then  
                       write(tmp,'(1a1,I4)') "<",keep
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ C
             IF (Iff.NE.0) THEN
                DO N=Minr,Maxr
                  call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)
-                 IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) GO TO 20
+                 IF (resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) GO TO 20
                END DO
                GO TO 40
             END IF
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ C
             DO N=Minr,Maxr
                call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)
-               IF (Iff.EQ.0 .OR. resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+               IF (Iff.EQ.0 .OR. resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) THEN
                   call  resParData%getRedResonance(resonanceRed,resInfo)
                   eres = resonanceRed%getEres()
                   P = dSQRT(dABS(eres))
@@ -242,8 +242,7 @@ C
       else IF (Nfile.EQ.37) THEN
          call covData%getUCovariance(uCov)
          N = covData%getPupedParam()
-         Nn = (N*(N+1))/2
-         Kountr = Nvpall  
+         Kountr = covData%getNumParam()
          call covMat%initialize()
          do i = 1, N
@@ -702,7 +701,7 @@ C
             IF (Iff.EQ.0) GO TO 20
                DO Ires=Minr,Maxr
                   call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  Ires)
-                  IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) GO TO 20
+                  IF (resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) GO TO 20
                END DO
                GO TO 50
    20       CONTINUE
@@ -722,7 +721,7 @@ C
             DO Ires=Minr,Maxr
                call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  Ires)
                IF (Iff.EQ.0 .OR.
-     *              resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN 
+     *              resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) THEN
                   call  resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
                   call  resParData%getResonance(resonanceRed, resInfo)
                   eres = resonance%getEres()
diff --git a/sammy/src/end/mout2.f b/sammy/src/end/mout2.f
index 4fb030329ba0e6611a2e631564a4483281541e5d..dac3fdbba8d671f680f2ccb9113648ef04c318b1 100644
--- a/sammy/src/end/mout2.f
+++ b/sammy/src/end/mout2.f
@@ -487,9 +487,6 @@ C
      *                          Parmsc(N+1), (Draw(J,2),J=1,5)
 10800       FORMAT ('    self-indication temperature =', 1PE12.4, 5A1,
      *           /, '                  and thickness =', 1PE12.4, 5A1)
-         ELSE IF (Kconcr.EQ.N) THEN
-C ***       constant cross section, if I ever get around to finishing
          ELSE IF (Kefcap.EQ.N) THEN
             CALL Setflg (Iflmsc(N),  2)
diff --git a/sammy/src/end/mout4.f b/sammy/src/end/mout4.f
index 057266e93c826ae13b8fd43a00c46a5b0c68b800..b23b70582bbea06bbfda5ad7fb06156ac94c897a 100755
--- a/sammy/src/end/mout4.f
+++ b/sammy/src/end/mout4.f
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ C
       call covData%getCovariance(physCov)
       DO N=Minr,Maxr
          call resParData%getResonanceInfo(res1,  N)
-         IF (res1%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+         IF (res1%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             DO K=1,Mmax2
                if( k.eq.1) then
                   Ipar1 = res1%getEnergyFitOption()
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ C
                         K1(K) = K1(K) + 1
                         DO Np=Minr,Maxr
                            call resParData%getResonanceInfo(res2, Np)                         
-                           IF (res2%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+                           IF (res2%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                               DO Kp=1,Mmax2
                                  if( kp.eq.1) then
                                     Ipar2 = res2%getEnergyFitOption()
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ C *** Add over the resonances for each channel K
       DO N=Minr,Maxr
          call resParData%getResonanceInfo(res1,  N)
-         IF (res1%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+         IF (res1%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             DO K=1,Mmax2
                 if( k.eq.1) then
                   Ipar1 = res1%getEnergyFitOption()
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ C
                         Xa(Keep1) = Zero
                         DO Np=Minr,Maxr
                            call resParData%getResonanceInfo(res2, Np)
-                           IF (res2%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+                           IF (res2%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                               DO Kp=1,Mmax2
                                  if( kp.eq.1) then
                                     Ipar2 = res2%getEnergyFitOption()
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ C
             call resParData%getResonance(resonance1, res1)
          end if   
-         IF (res1%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+         IF (res1%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             DO K=1,Mmax2
                if( k.eq.1) then
                   Ipar1 = res1%getEnergyFitOption()
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ C
                               call resParData%getResonance(resonance2,
      *                              res2)
                             end if
-                            IF (res2%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+                            IF (res2%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                                DO Kp=1,Mmax2
                                   if( kp.eq.1) then
                                     Ipar2 = res2%getEnergyFitOption()
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ C
             call resParData%getResonance(resonance1, res1)
          end if
-         IF (res1%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+         IF (res1%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             DO K=1,Mmax2
                if( k.eq.1) then
                   Ipar1 = res1%getEnergyFitOption()
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ C
                                call resParData%getResonance(resonance2,
      *                              res2)
                             end if
-                            IF (res2%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+                            IF (res2%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                                DO Kp=1,Mmax2
                                   if( kp.eq.1) then
                                     Ipar2 = res2%getEnergyFitOption()
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/CovarianceData.cpp b/sammy/src/endf/CovarianceData.cpp
index 9c9df57dcddfdc20e8d54a18bf5fb8d65e67fed9..7073aece1173e9229949c08a26e9c43494fd5769 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/CovarianceData.cpp
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/CovarianceData.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // stdlib includes
 #include <cmath>
 #include <fstream>
+#include <algorithm>
 // SAMMY includes
 #include "CovarianceData.h"
@@ -201,4 +202,23 @@ namespace sammy{
             if ( covOld != 0.0) cov->setCovariance(ipar, jpar, 0.0);
+    void CovarianceData::clearIrrelevant(){
+        irrelevant.clear();
+    }
+    void CovarianceData::addToIrrelevant(int index){
+       irrelevant.push_back(index);
+    }
+    bool CovarianceData::contributes(int index) const{
+        return (std::find( irrelevant.begin(), irrelevant.end(), index) == irrelevant.end());
+    }
+    int CovarianceData::getNumIrrelevant() const{
+        return (int)irrelevant.size();
+    }
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/CovarianceData.h b/sammy/src/endf/CovarianceData.h
index 83534929bbb2c64de4a41cbf5850d0aed1737f3d..dd88b1e742d24311730ae4ac28a27af56844d3be 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/CovarianceData.h
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/CovarianceData.h
@@ -295,6 +295,37 @@ namespace sammy{
         * @param val   the new value
        static void setCovarianceData(endf::ResonanceCovariance * cov, int ipar, int jpar, double val);
+       /**
+        * Clear the list of parameters that are varied but don't contribute
+        */
+       void clearIrrelevant();
+       /**
+        * Mark a varied parameters as irrelevant to the result
+        */
+       void addToIrrelevant(int index);
+       /**
+        * Does the indicated parameter contribute to the result.
+        *
+        * Usually that is set before calculating the derivatives
+        * to avoid fitting and calculating derivatives that don't
+        * contribute to the cross section.
+        *
+        * Usually it is assumed that resonances do not affect cross
+        * section more than  3 times the (doppler+resolution) broadened width
+        * of the resonance away
+        *
+        * @return true if it contributes, false otherwise
+        */
+       bool contributes(int index) const;
+       /**
+        * Get the number of parameters marked as irrelevant
+        * @return the number of parameters marked as irrelevant
+        */
+       int getNumIrrelevant() const;
         /** The covariance data - can be NULL */
         std::shared_ptr<endf::ResonanceCovariance> covariance;
@@ -319,6 +350,9 @@ namespace sammy{
         /** The index of varied/pup'd parameters to resonance objects */
         std::vector<int> paramIndex;
+        /** Indices of parameters that are varied but don't matter, so they can be ignored */
+        std::vector<int> irrelevant;
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/SammyResonanceInfo.h b/sammy/src/endf/SammyResonanceInfo.h
index ea7c6349678eaa84a96d294944e50c3e75a79cc7..9e72b823d300378ce49ca71258a43569aed698a3 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/SammyResonanceInfo.h
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/SammyResonanceInfo.h
@@ -241,6 +241,14 @@ namespace sammy{
         void setXVal(double val){
             xVal = val;
+        bool hasAnyVariedParams(){
+            if (!includeInCalc) return false;
+            for ( auto v : fitOption){
+                if( v > 0) return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
         /** The index of the resonance in the input file */
         int inputIndex;
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cix/CovarianceData.cpp2f.xml b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cix/CovarianceData.cpp2f.xml
index c93db13a82794dee85a4ad9264b0dafc194b4efc..0feb3d3fde337be49e227154142f9369e4a83e0e 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cix/CovarianceData.cpp2f.xml
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cix/CovarianceData.cpp2f.xml
@@ -100,5 +100,14 @@
            <param name="jpar"    type="int" offset="-1"/>
            <param name="val"   type="double"/>
+       <method name="clearIrrelevant"/>
+       <method name="addToIrrelevant">
+           <param name="index"   type="int"  offset="-1"/>
+       </method>
+       <method name="contributes" return_type="bool">
+           <param name="index"   type="int"  offset="-1"/>
+       </method>
+       <method name="getNumIrrelevant" return_type="int"/>
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cix/SammyResonanceInfo.cpp2f.xml b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cix/SammyResonanceInfo.cpp2f.xml
index 870d7fd4714e2e888969211fee839b7fe3553e32..8628de98370f905d17e08088d7ab1e9be14cf6e1 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cix/SammyResonanceInfo.cpp2f.xml
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cix/SammyResonanceInfo.cpp2f.xml
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
         <method name="getResonance" return_type="RMatResonance*">
           <param name="spinGroup"   type="RMatSpinGroup *"/>
+       <method name="hasAnyVariedParams" return_type="bool"/>
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/CovarianceDataInterface.cpp b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/CovarianceDataInterface.cpp
index 6ca1128fcf9ab747f1b426f9e67b574f986bbf2c..4dab8c5f9b0e88ddfcee4619d813765a4637cfdf 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/CovarianceDataInterface.cpp
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/CovarianceDataInterface.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 * This file has been dynamically generated by Class Interface Xml (CIX) 
 * If changes need to occur, modify the appropriate CIX xml file
-* Date Generated: Tue Oct 20 10:09:41 EDT 2020
+* Date Generated: Thu Feb 18 16:56:27 EST 2021
 * If any issues are experiences with this generated file that cannot be fixed
 * with adjustment of the CIX xml file, please contact Robert A. Lefebvre, raq@ornl.gov
@@ -159,6 +159,26 @@ void CovarianceData_setCovarianceData( endf::ResonanceCovariance * cov,int * ipa
+void CovarianceData_clearIrrelevant(void * CovarianceData_ptr)
+    ((CovarianceData*)CovarianceData_ptr)->clearIrrelevant();
+void CovarianceData_addToIrrelevant(void * CovarianceData_ptr,int * index)
+    ((CovarianceData*)CovarianceData_ptr)->addToIrrelevant(*index);
+bool CovarianceData_contributes(void * CovarianceData_ptr,int * index)
+    return ((CovarianceData*)CovarianceData_ptr)->contributes(*index);
+int CovarianceData_getNumIrrelevant(void * CovarianceData_ptr)
+    return ((CovarianceData*)CovarianceData_ptr)->getNumIrrelevant();
 void* CovarianceData_initialize()
     return new CovarianceData();
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/CovarianceDataInterface.h b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/CovarianceDataInterface.h
index 4cf717dc78dcbc3953085b098925990cddefeebd..53fdfd866eab278a257f58129e345dc3e8c05e03 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/CovarianceDataInterface.h
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/CovarianceDataInterface.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 * This file has been dynamically generated by Class Interface Xml (CIX) 
 * If changes need to occur, modify the appropriate CIX xml file
-* Date Generated: Tue Oct 20 10:09:41 EDT 2020
+* Date Generated: Thu Feb 18 16:56:27 EST 2021
 * If any issues are experiences with this generated file that cannot be fixed
 * with adjustment of the CIX xml file, please contact Robert A. Lefebvre, raq@ornl.gov
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ void CovarianceData_saveOrigUParam(void * CovarianceData_ptr);
 void CovarianceData_dropCorrelation( endf::ResonanceCovariance * cov,double * cut,int * numRow);
 void CovarianceData_scaleCovariance( endf::ResonanceCovariance * cov,double * factor,int * numRow);
 void CovarianceData_setCovarianceData( endf::ResonanceCovariance * cov,int * ipar,int * jpar,double * val);
+void CovarianceData_clearIrrelevant(void * CovarianceData_ptr);
+void CovarianceData_addToIrrelevant(void * CovarianceData_ptr,int * index);
+bool CovarianceData_contributes(void * CovarianceData_ptr,int * index);
+int CovarianceData_getNumIrrelevant(void * CovarianceData_ptr);
 void* CovarianceData_initialize();
 void CovarianceData_destroy(void * CovarianceData_ptr);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/SammyResonanceInfoInterface.cpp b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/SammyResonanceInfoInterface.cpp
index 608d726ce64f3a596d6335ea07b0ce01d4fb40b7..f5fd7b876924e6a343f63ced781261749d6b4483 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/SammyResonanceInfoInterface.cpp
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/SammyResonanceInfoInterface.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 * This file has been dynamically generated by Class Interface Xml (CIX) 
 * If changes need to occur, modify the appropriate CIX xml file
-* Date Generated: Tue Jul 16 10:23:58 EDT 2019
+* Date Generated: Fri Feb 19 11:38:39 EST 2021
 * If any issues are experiences with this generated file that cannot be fixed
 * with adjustment of the CIX xml file, please contact Robert A. Lefebvre, raq@ornl.gov
@@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ void* SammyResonanceInfo_getResonance(void * SammyResonanceInfo_ptr,endf::RMatSp
     return (void*)((SammyResonanceInfo*)SammyResonanceInfo_ptr)->getResonance(spinGroup);
+bool SammyResonanceInfo_hasAnyVariedParams(void * SammyResonanceInfo_ptr)
+    return ((SammyResonanceInfo*)SammyResonanceInfo_ptr)->hasAnyVariedParams();
 void* SammyResonanceInfo_initialize()
     return new SammyResonanceInfo();
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/SammyResonanceInfoInterface.h b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/SammyResonanceInfoInterface.h
index 26e0279f057143d347ecd98eda3eb70ef5bf0ab2..5d89f5524ccc339119f9c48d3fbd0b5ad7145fc8 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/SammyResonanceInfoInterface.h
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/interface/cpp/SammyResonanceInfoInterface.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 * This file has been dynamically generated by Class Interface Xml (CIX) 
 * If changes need to occur, modify the appropriate CIX xml file
-* Date Generated: Tue Jul 16 10:23:58 EDT 2019
+* Date Generated: Fri Feb 19 11:38:39 EST 2021
 * If any issues are experiences with this generated file that cannot be fixed
 * with adjustment of the CIX xml file, please contact Robert A. Lefebvre, raq@ornl.gov
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ int SammyResonanceInfo_getChannelFitOption(void * SammyResonanceInfo_ptr,int * n
 void SammyResonanceInfo_setXVal(void * SammyResonanceInfo_ptr,double * val);
 double SammyResonanceInfo_getXVal(void * SammyResonanceInfo_ptr);
 void* SammyResonanceInfo_getResonance(void * SammyResonanceInfo_ptr,endf::RMatSpinGroup * spinGroup);
+bool SammyResonanceInfo_hasAnyVariedParams(void * SammyResonanceInfo_ptr);
 void* SammyResonanceInfo_initialize();
 void SammyResonanceInfo_destroy(void * SammyResonanceInfo_ptr);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/CovarianceData_I.f90 b/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/CovarianceData_I.f90
index 2c7a9f94ea441d48ba8fdae46742805daaab2941..a0db95191e90d0dab6e1a4bc94118d3d144e8001 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/CovarianceData_I.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/CovarianceData_I.f90
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 !! This file has been dynamically generated by Class Interface Xml (CIX) 
 !! If changes need to occur, modify the appropriate CIX xml file
-!! Date Generated: Tue Oct 20 10:09:41 EDT 2020
+!! Date Generated: Thu Feb 18 16:56:27 EST 2021
 !! If any issues are experiences with this generated file that cannot be fixed
 !! with adjustment of the CIX xml file, please contact Robert A. Lefebvre, raq@ornl.gov
@@ -183,6 +183,28 @@ subroutine f_CovarianceData_setCovarianceData(  cov,ipar,jpar,val ) BIND(C,name=
     integer(C_INT) :: jpar;
     real(C_DOUBLE) :: val;
 end subroutine
+subroutine f_CovarianceData_clearIrrelevant(CovarianceData_ptr ) BIND(C,name="CovarianceData_clearIrrelevant")
+    use,intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
+    implicit none
+    type(C_PTR), value :: CovarianceData_ptr;
+end subroutine
+subroutine f_CovarianceData_addToIrrelevant(CovarianceData_ptr, index ) BIND(C,name="CovarianceData_addToIrrelevant")
+    use,intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
+    implicit none
+    type(C_PTR), value :: CovarianceData_ptr;
+    integer(C_INT) :: index;
+end subroutine
+logical(C_BOOL) function f_CovarianceData_contributes(CovarianceData_ptr, index ) BIND(C,name="CovarianceData_contributes")
+    use,intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
+    implicit none
+    type(C_PTR), value :: CovarianceData_ptr;
+    integer(C_INT) :: index;
+end function
+integer(C_INT) function f_CovarianceData_getNumIrrelevant(CovarianceData_ptr ) BIND(C,name="CovarianceData_getNumIrrelevant")
+    use,intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
+    implicit none
+    type(C_PTR), value :: CovarianceData_ptr;
+end function
 type(C_PTR) function f_CovarianceData_initialize( )BIND(C,name="CovarianceData_initialize")
     use,intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
     implicit none
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/CovarianceData_M.f90 b/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/CovarianceData_M.f90
index e110aa8307e46a7380af3126a7021ec71be8759b..30fee024e39399c444b3e1681b17cf38ab9dba0d 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/CovarianceData_M.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/CovarianceData_M.f90
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 !! This file has been dynamically generated by Class Interface Xml (CIX) 
 !! If changes need to occur, modify the appropriate CIX xml file
-!! Date Generated: Tue Oct 20 10:09:41 EDT 2020
+!! Date Generated: Thu Feb 18 16:56:27 EST 2021
 !! If any issues are experiences with this generated file that cannot be fixed
 !! with adjustment of the CIX xml file, please contact Robert A. Lefebvre, raq@ornl.gov
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ type CovarianceData
     procedure, pass(this) :: dropCorrelation => CovarianceData_dropCorrelation
     procedure, pass(this) :: scaleCovariance => CovarianceData_scaleCovariance
     procedure, pass(this) :: setCovarianceData => CovarianceData_setCovarianceData
+    procedure, pass(this) :: clearIrrelevant => CovarianceData_clearIrrelevant
+    procedure, pass(this) :: addToIrrelevant => CovarianceData_addToIrrelevant
+    procedure, pass(this) :: contributes => CovarianceData_contributes
+    procedure, pass(this) :: getNumIrrelevant => CovarianceData_getNumIrrelevant
     procedure, pass(this) :: initialize => CovarianceData_initialize
     procedure, pass(this) :: destroy => CovarianceData_destroy
 end type CovarianceData
@@ -236,6 +240,30 @@ subroutine CovarianceData_setCovarianceData(this, cov, ipar, jpar, val)
     call f_CovarianceData_setCovarianceData(  cov%instance_ptr,ipar-1,jpar-1,val)
 end subroutine
+subroutine CovarianceData_clearIrrelevant(this)
+    implicit none
+    class(CovarianceData)::this
+    call f_CovarianceData_clearIrrelevant(this%instance_ptr)
+end subroutine
+subroutine CovarianceData_addToIrrelevant(this, index)
+    implicit none
+    class(CovarianceData)::this
+    integer(C_INT)::index
+    call f_CovarianceData_addToIrrelevant(this%instance_ptr, index-1)
+end subroutine
+function CovarianceData_contributes(this, index) result(result2Return)
+    implicit none
+    class(CovarianceData)::this
+    integer(C_INT)::index
+    logical(C_BOOL):: result2Return
+    result2Return=f_CovarianceData_contributes(this%instance_ptr, index-1)
+end function
+function CovarianceData_getNumIrrelevant(this) result(result2Return)
+    implicit none
+    class(CovarianceData)::this
+    integer(C_INT):: result2Return
+    result2Return=f_CovarianceData_getNumIrrelevant(this%instance_ptr)
+end function
 subroutine CovarianceData_initialize(this)
     implicit none
     class(CovarianceData) :: this
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/SammyResonanceInfo_I.f90 b/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/SammyResonanceInfo_I.f90
index 01ee986d6389f2ca8bdda0f75d1e9a431751ad29..0eff114efcce063162dfb48385cc2767bfb7b29d 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/SammyResonanceInfo_I.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/SammyResonanceInfo_I.f90
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 !! This file has been dynamically generated by Class Interface Xml (CIX) 
 !! If changes need to occur, modify the appropriate CIX xml file
-!! Date Generated: Tue Jul 16 10:23:58 EDT 2019
+!! Date Generated: Fri Feb 19 11:38:39 EST 2021
 !! If any issues are experiences with this generated file that cannot be fixed
 !! with adjustment of the CIX xml file, please contact Robert A. Lefebvre, raq@ornl.gov
@@ -124,6 +124,11 @@ type(C_PTR) function f_SammyResonanceInfo_getResonance(SammyResonanceInfo_ptr, s
     type(C_PTR), value :: SammyResonanceInfo_ptr;
     type(C_PTR), value :: spinGroup;
 end function
+logical(C_BOOL) function f_SammyResonanceInfo_hasAnyVariedParams(SammyResonanceInfo_ptr ) BIND(C,name="SammyResonanceInfo_hasAnyVariedParams")
+    use,intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
+    implicit none
+    type(C_PTR), value :: SammyResonanceInfo_ptr;
+end function
 type(C_PTR) function f_SammyResonanceInfo_initialize( )BIND(C,name="SammyResonanceInfo_initialize")
     use,intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
     implicit none
diff --git a/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/SammyResonanceInfo_M.f90 b/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/SammyResonanceInfo_M.f90
index fc4da162f15caaa2a35645573ea0f807d9cd5f14..d96a3d2661a05028cfa002865a2e06b2e9207aa0 100644
--- a/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/SammyResonanceInfo_M.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/endf/interface/fortran/SammyResonanceInfo_M.f90
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 !! This file has been dynamically generated by Class Interface Xml (CIX) 
 !! If changes need to occur, modify the appropriate CIX xml file
-!! Date Generated: Tue Jul 16 10:23:58 EDT 2019
+!! Date Generated: Fri Feb 19 11:38:39 EST 2021
 !! If any issues are experiences with this generated file that cannot be fixed
 !! with adjustment of the CIX xml file, please contact Robert A. Lefebvre, raq@ornl.gov
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type SammyResonanceInfo
     procedure, pass(this) :: setXVal => SammyResonanceInfo_setXVal
     procedure, pass(this) :: getXVal => SammyResonanceInfo_getXVal
     procedure, pass(this) :: getResonance => SammyResonanceInfo_getResonance
+    procedure, pass(this) :: hasAnyVariedParams => SammyResonanceInfo_hasAnyVariedParams
     procedure, pass(this) :: initialize => SammyResonanceInfo_initialize
     procedure, pass(this) :: destroy => SammyResonanceInfo_destroy
 end type SammyResonanceInfo
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ subroutine SammyResonanceInfo_setResonanceIndex(this, index)
     call f_SammyResonanceInfo_setResonanceIndex(this%instance_ptr, index-1)
 end subroutine
-function SammyResonanceInfo_getResonanceIndex(this) result(result2Return) 
+function SammyResonanceInfo_getResonanceIndex(this) result(result2Return)
     implicit none
     integer(C_INT):: result2Return
@@ -110,8 +111,8 @@ subroutine SammyResonanceInfo_setChannelCovarianceIndex(this, nc, index)
     call f_SammyResonanceInfo_setChannelCovarianceIndex(this%instance_ptr, nc-1,index-1)
 end subroutine
-function SammyResonanceInfo_getChannelCovarianceIndex(this, nc) result(result2Return) 
-    implicit none 
+function SammyResonanceInfo_getChannelCovarianceIndex(this, nc) result(result2Return)
+    implicit none
     integer(C_INT):: result2Return
@@ -162,6 +163,12 @@ subroutine SammyResonanceInfo_getResonance(this, object_ptr, spinGroup)
     object_ptr%instance_ptr = f_SammyResonanceInfo_getResonance(this%instance_ptr, spinGroup%instance_ptr)
 end subroutine
+function SammyResonanceInfo_hasAnyVariedParams(this) result(result2Return)
+    implicit none
+    class(SammyResonanceInfo)::this
+    logical(C_BOOL):: result2Return
+    result2Return=f_SammyResonanceInfo_hasAnyVariedParams(this%instance_ptr)
+end function
 subroutine SammyResonanceInfo_initialize(this)
     implicit none
     class(SammyResonanceInfo) :: this
diff --git a/sammy/src/fff/mfff0.f90 b/sammy/src/fff/mfff0.f90
index 26123ad0f30a6cfa54c36867e380a97d0c910c58..670a3eeb9aacc971f1ee84f643a30a55b6d21249 100644
--- a/sammy/src/fff/mfff0.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/fff/mfff0.f90
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ module fff_m
       use broad_common_m
       use exploc_urr_common_m
-      CALL Zero_Integer (Lf   , 200)
+      Lfdim = 0
       CALL Zero_Integer (Lwrit, 200)
       CALL Zero_Array   (Ff   , 200)
       CALL Zero_Array   (Abcd_real , 30 )      
diff --git a/sammy/src/fgm/mfgm3.f b/sammy/src/fgm/mfgm3.f
index 969ac7587b0896883c4c2af7d400a9c942a518be..ad940daa1ceaa3f27d2b837f577d26eddb64191c 100644
--- a/sammy/src/fgm/mfgm3.f
+++ b/sammy/src/fgm/mfgm3.f
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ C *** purpose -- COPY DATA AND DERIVATIVES, CUZ THERE ARE TOO FEW
 C ***            POINTS TO BROADEN
       use fixedi_m, only : Niniso, Ndaxxx, Ndbxxx,
-     *                     Ndbsig, Ndasig, Nvpall, Nvadif
+     *                     Ndbsig, Ndasig, Nvpall
       use ifwrit_m, only : Ksolve
       IMPLICIT None
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ C
       END IF
       IF ((Ksolve.NE.2 .AND. Ktempx.GT.0) .OR. Ktempx.GT.Nvpall) THEN
-         Kmin = Ktempx - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kmin = Ktempx - Ndasig
          IF (Locate.NE.0) THEN
             Db(1,Kmin) = Zero
diff --git a/sammy/src/fgm/mfgm4.f b/sammy/src/fgm/mfgm4.f
index 404b2234106f658f48885ab0a6c0f56eda44b08f..3b36d6d37edeea5a002764c10da59065b862f7b0 100644
--- a/sammy/src/fgm/mfgm4.f
+++ b/sammy/src/fgm/mfgm4.f
       use fixedi_m, only : Niniso, Ndaxxx, Ndbxxx,
-     *                     Ndasig, Ndbsig, Nvadif, Nvpall
+     *                     Ndasig, Ndbsig, Nvpall
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Ksolve
       use brdd_common_m, only : Ipnts, Kc
       use fgm2_m
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ C
       IF (Ktempx.LE.0 .OR. (Ksolve.EQ.2 .AND. Ktempx.LE.Nvpall)) THEN
          GO TO 200
-         K = Ktempx - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         K = Ktempx - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Na
             Db(N,K) = Derdop(N)*Ddo*0.5d0/Tempx
 C                     Derdop already has 1/Em built in
diff --git a/sammy/src/fin/mfin0.f90 b/sammy/src/fin/mfin0.f90
index 77b7ee578c063699f67251f46d621fcaee2838da..94df9c11d8bc348b7ae7c321a0c4a2cf986b5159 100644
--- a/sammy/src/fin/mfin0.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/fin/mfin0.f90
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ module fin
                   A_Iprbgf , I_Iflbgf , A_Idebgf , I_Indbgf , A_Ibgfmi , &
                   A_Ibgfma , A_Iprdtp , I_Ifldtp , A_Idedtp , &
                   A_Iprusd , A_Iprbag , I_Iflbag , &
-                  A_Iddcov , A_Iux    , Ratio, &
+                  A_Iux    , Ratio, &
                   0, 1, relevantData, .true.)
 ! ***          Routine Oldord reorders parameters into original order,
 ! ***             and writes the new PARameter file
diff --git a/sammy/src/fin/mfin1.f90 b/sammy/src/fin/mfin1.f90
index b9fc4155f888dc3eaf3859132517ed8d227a1d5c..4bf88e1e4f8110f6a98452941030e34189ce31ee 100644
--- a/sammy/src/fin/mfin1.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/fin/mfin1.f90
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ module fin1
       DO Ires=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
          Jpken = 0
          call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  Ires)
-         IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN ! why do we check E-fit here? We could only fit Gn,Gg,...
+         IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             call resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
             call resParData%getRedResonance(resonanceRed, resInfo)
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ module fin1
       Iiipar = 0
       DO Ires=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
         call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  Ires)
-        IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+        IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
           call resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
           call resParData%getRedResonance(resonanceRed, resInfo)
           Igrp = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
diff --git a/sammy/src/fin/mfin2.f90 b/sammy/src/fin/mfin2.f90
index 47d17b26acd9b5cd030bfd394061f9ef2c84f3c5..29af18d1e56ef157ea7aceb22bb101ed1754c3bd 100644
--- a/sammy/src/fin/mfin2.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/fin/mfin2.f90
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ module fin2
          END IF
       END DO
       Ii = Nfpres + 1
-      DO Iparq=Ii,Nfpall
+      DO Iparq=Ii,covData%getNumTotalParam()
          Ipar = covData%getCovIndex(Iparq)
          IF (.not.covData%isPupedParameter(Iparq)) THEN
             DO Jparq=1,Iparq
diff --git a/sammy/src/fin/mfin3.f90 b/sammy/src/fin/mfin3.f90
index 68c3e2ef99331fd329c849fcd63dec7115af9f61..8a08a3030c2e3de37b62f380ab95af5935efaae6 100644
--- a/sammy/src/fin/mfin3.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/fin/mfin3.f90
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module fin3
          Parnbk, Iflnbk, Delnbk, &
          Parbgf, Iflbgf, Delbgf, Kndbgf, Bgfmin, Bgfmax, &
          Pardtp, Ifldtp, Deldtp, &
-         Parusd, Parbag, Iflbag, Ddcov ,  &
+         Parusd, Parbag, Iflbag, &
          Uncxxx, Ratio,  Iuxx  , If_Pub, &
          relevantData, resetFitFlags)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module fin3
          Parnbk(*), Iflnbk(*), Delnbk(*), &
          Parbgf(*), Iflbgf(*), Delbgf(*), Kndbgf(*), Bgfmin(*), &
          Bgfmax(*), Pardtp(*), Ifldtp(*), Deldtp(*), Parusd(*), &
-         Parbag(*), Iflbag(*), Ddcov (*),  &
+         Parbag(*), Iflbag(*),  &
          Uncxxx(Ntotc2,*),  Ratio(*)
 !      DIMENSION Parbrd(Numbrd), Iflbrd(Numbrd),
@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ module fin3
 !     *   Kndbgf(Numbgf), Bgfmin(Numbgf), Bgfmax(Numbgf),
 !     *   Pardtp(Numdtp), Ifldtp(Numdtp), Parusd(Numusd),
 !     *   Parbag(Numusd), Iflbag(Numusd),
-!     *   Ddcov(Nres),    
 !     *   Uncxxx(Ntotc2,Nres)
       CALL Newopn (38, Sam38x, 0)
       CALL Newopn (36, Sam36x, 0)
       IF (Ifrel.EQ.1) CALL Newopn (40, Sam40x, 0)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ module fin3
       END IF
       IF (resParData%getNumResonances().GT.0) THEN
-         CALL Ordres (Iflpol, Ddcov, &
+         CALL Ordres (Iflpol,      &
             Uncxxx, Ratio, If_Pub, &
             relevantData,  resetFitFlags)
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ module fin3
 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Ordres (  Iflpol, Ddcov, &
+      SUBROUTINE Ordres (  Iflpol, &
          Uncxxx, Ratio, &
          If_Pub, relevantData, resetFitFlags)
@@ -240,15 +240,14 @@ module fin3
       type(RMatResonance)::resonance, resonanceRel, resonanceRed
+      real(kind=8)::Ddcov
       DATA Ww /'Width_'/, Uu /'Uncer_'/
       DIMENSION  Iflpol(2,*), &
-         Ddcov(*), Uncxxx(Ntotc2,*), Ratio(*)
+                 Uncxxx(Ntotc2,*), Ratio(*)
       Tab = CHAR(9)
       Ifk = If_Pub*Kpblsh
       IF (Ifk.GT.0) then
@@ -270,6 +269,7 @@ module fin3
 !   Get original input order         
         call resParData%getResonanceInfoByInput(resInfo, Nn, N)
         call resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
+        Ddcov = resInfo%getXVal()
 !     rewrite fit flag data to parameter flags, i.e. 0, 1, 3
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ module fin3
          if (ig.lt.0) ig = -1 * ig
          CALL Reswrt (resonance%getEres(), resonance, Ifits(1:N2),  &
-            IgroupW, Ddcov(N), spinInfo%getNumChannels(), &
+            IgroupW, Ddcov, spinInfo%getNumChannels(), &
             Kdecpl, Kenunc, Kkkgrp, 38)
 !  repeat for reduced resonance parameters
              call resParData%getRedResonance(resonanceRed, resInfo)
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ module fin3
                PSQR = -dSQRT(-resonanceRed%getEres())
             END IF
             CALL Reswrt (PSQR, resonanceRed, Ifits,  &
-               IgroupW, Ddcov(N), spinInfo%getNumChannels(), Kdecpl, &
+               IgroupW, Ddcov, spinInfo%getNumChannels(), Kdecpl, &
                Kenunc, Kkkgrp, 36)
          IF (Ifrel.EQ.1) then
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ module fin3
             call relevantData%getResonanceInfoByInput(resRelInfo, Nn, N)
             call relevantData%getResonance(resonanceRel, resRelInfo)
             CALL Reswrt (resonanceRel%getEres(),resonanceRel, &
-            Ifits(N2+1:2*N2), IgroupW, Ddcov(N), &
+            Ifits(N2+1:2*N2), IgroupW, Ddcov, &
             spinInfo%getNumChannels(), Kdecpl, Kenunc, &
             Kkkgrp, 40)
          end if
diff --git a/sammy/src/fin/mfin4.f90 b/sammy/src/fin/mfin4.f90
index 4d525c630f00d9e4bef7f02ee9b1a1b4653aa7eb..00c55e70a4bb0c43566a30dbb353551bafc08e3a 100644
--- a/sammy/src/fin/mfin4.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/fin/mfin4.f90
@@ -598,9 +598,6 @@ module fin4
             WRITE (Iunit,10700) Iflmsc(I), Iflmsc(I+1), Parmsc(I), &
                 Delmsc(I), Parmsc(I+1), Delmsc(I+1)
 10700       FORMAT ('%14SELFI', 2I2, 1X, 4F30.15)
-         ELSE IF (Kconcr.EQ.I) THEN
-! ***       constant cross section, if I ever get this finished !
          ELSE IF (Kefcap.EQ.I) THEN
             WRITE (Iunit,10900) Iflmsc(I), Iflmsc(I+1), Parmsc(I), &
diff --git a/sammy/src/fin/mfin5.f90 b/sammy/src/fin/mfin5.f90
index 94c872ae23ad80e62ef1c527c5caed39e00cea09..37cbbaa412e9581cb01599a82ac74d5df5062f31 100644
--- a/sammy/src/fin/mfin5.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/fin/mfin5.f90
@@ -533,7 +533,10 @@ module fin5
       WRITE (Iu64) Versn
 !#      WRITE (Iu64) 'B01ZYX', 300, 0
-      WRITE (Iu64) Lf
+      lfdim(56) = covData%getPupedParam()
+      lfdim(52) = covData%getNumTotalParam() -  &
+               Numusd -   Numdtp
+      WRITE (Iu64) Lfdim
diff --git a/sammy/src/grp/mgrp0.f b/sammy/src/grp/mgrp0.f
index 283636bff149f36dc1c72ce549460ae88231ef89..e07ac680b22a9f3d3449877b50088a75991143d4 100644
--- a/sammy/src/grp/mgrp0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/grp/mgrp0.f
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <
       call allocate_integer_data(I_Ikmn, Ndatq)
       call allocate_integer_data(I_Ikmx, Ndatq)
 C *** Grpavg calculates group-averaged cross section
-      CALL  Grpavg (I_Iiuif ,  A_Iemn , A_Iemx , A_Iebond ,
+      CALL  Grpavg (A_Iemn , A_Iemx , A_Iebond ,
      *   A_Ibonda , A_Iwsigx , A_Iwdasi , A_Iwdbsi , Weights,
      *   A_Iemmmq , A_Idum, A_Iwts, A_Ivsigx , A_Ivdasi , A_Ivdbsi ,
      *   A_Ifintg , A_Iaa, A_Ix3, I_Ikmn, I_Ikmx, Sig000,
diff --git a/sammy/src/grp/mgrp3.f b/sammy/src/grp/mgrp3.f
index 786e24da9e955de1d451a29ebc1de95172675dde..479db322435fcab8d047a36f3c3ef786efdcdffc 100644
--- a/sammy/src/grp/mgrp3.f
+++ b/sammy/src/grp/mgrp3.f
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Grpavg (Iuif, Emn, Emx, Ebonda, Bondar,
+      SUBROUTINE Grpavg (Emn, Emx, Ebonda, Bondar,
      *  Wsigxx, Wdasig, Wdbsig, Weight, Emmmq, Dum, Wts, Vsigxx, Vdasig,
      *  Vdbsig, Fintgr, Aa, X, Kmn, Kmx, Sig000, Kdatb, Ndatq,
      *  Nbonda, Ngbxxx, Jx)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ C
-      DIMENSION Iuif(*), Emn(*), Emx(*),
+      DIMENSION Emn(*), Emx(*),
      *   Ebonda(*), Bondar(*), Wsigxx(*), Wdasig(Ndaxxx,*),
      *   Wdbsig(Ndbxxx,*), Weight(*), Emmmq(*), Dum(*), Wts(*),
      *   Vsigxx(Nnnsig,*), Vdasig(Nnnsig,Ndaxxx,*),
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ C ***    Multiply Wts by integrands and add; combine results
       Ndatqq = (Ndatq*(Ndatq+1))/2
 C *** figure covariance matrix
-      CALL Fixcov_Mxw (Iuif, Emmmq, Wdasig, Wdbsig, X, Ndatq,
+      CALL Fixcov_Mxw (Emmmq, Wdasig, Wdbsig, X, Ndatq,
      *   Ndatqq)
       CALL Qprint (Kaverg+1, Emn, Emx, Wsigxx, Emmmq, X, Ndatq)
diff --git a/sammy/src/inp/minp01.f b/sammy/src/inp/minp01.f
index 173648202bc2a674851c45ca9946972ad9500d5e..16330f04fee6cac410c1cdbe53f5e4e99ed585b8 100644
--- a/sammy/src/inp/minp01.f
+++ b/sammy/src/inp/minp01.f
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ C
       use fixedr_m
       use broad_common_m
       use MultScatPars_common_m
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
       IF (Ngroup.GT.Ngr) THEN
@@ -224,8 +225,9 @@ C ***    eight PAR
       END IF
 C *** nine PAR
-      IF (Numpup.NE.0) THEN
-         K = K + (Numpup*(Numpup+1))/2
+      npups = covData%getPupedParam()
+      IF (npups.NE.0) THEN
+         K = K + (npups*(npups+1))/2
       END IF
 C *** ------------------------------- end of set3
@@ -285,9 +287,9 @@ C
 C      EQUIVALENCE (Nvpres,Nvp(1)), (Nfpres,Nfp(1))
-C    nvp => Nvpres => (common block start of nvpres section 1) or lf(3)
+C    nvp => Nvpres => (common block start of nvpres section 1) or lfdim(3)
-C    nfp =>  Nfpres    => (common block start of nfpres section 2)  or lf(20)     
+C    nfp =>  Nfpres    => (common block start of nfpres section 2)  or lfdim(20)
       IF (Lllmax.LT.1000) Lllmax = 2*Lllmax + 1
       IF (Lllmax.GE.1000) Lllmax = 0
@@ -517,18 +519,16 @@ C
       Nvpall = 0
       DO I=1,15
          !Nvpall = Nvpall + Nvp(I)
-         Nvpall = Nvpall + lf(2+i)
+         Nvpall = Nvpall + lfdim(2+i)
       END DO
       call covData%setNumParameters(Nvpall)
       Nfpall = 0
       DO I=1,15
          !Nfpall = Nfpall + Nfp(I)
-          Nfpall = Nfpall + lf(19 + I)
+          Nfpall = Nfpall + lfdim(19 + I)
       END DO
       call covData%resetTotalParam(Nfpall)
-      Numpup = Nfpall - Nvpall
       N = (Nfpall+Numusd+Numbag+1)
diff --git a/sammy/src/inp/minp02.f b/sammy/src/inp/minp02.f
index 093f68e7517d7c99725608b1b97240f135c92189..10c7debb975579702c794ce2f0cf9800719d8606 100644
--- a/sammy/src/inp/minp02.f
+++ b/sammy/src/inp/minp02.f
@@ -163,14 +163,14 @@ C
       Nvpall  = 100
       call covData%setNumParameters(Nvpall)
       DO I=1,57
-         lf(i) = 0
+         lfdim(i) = 0
       END DO
       Numbrd = Numbrdx
       Kvpbrd = 0
       DO I=1,9
          !Kipall(I) = -1
-         lf(57 + I) = -1
+         lfdim(57 + I) = -1
       END DO
       Kipbrd = -1
diff --git a/sammy/src/inp/minp18.f b/sammy/src/inp/minp18.f
index a451efd4540b0682f325afd48d82e5f4bb80fb71..3eb849972600a368c8d85fa410056f1fcee45469 100644
--- a/sammy/src/inp/minp18.f
+++ b/sammy/src/inp/minp18.f
@@ -803,6 +803,7 @@ C
          IF (J.EQ.3) K3 = K3 + 1
       ELSE IF (Charac.EQ.Concrz) THEN
+         stop 'Adding of a constant cross section is not supported'
          Nummsc = Nummsc + 2
          N = N + 2
          IF (I.EQ.1) K1 = K1 + 1
diff --git a/sammy/src/int/mint0.f b/sammy/src/int/mint0.f
index c5f0b47caf435c20896a28b086589e1d9c0c0228..1e0a02f24d4365ea8ee309c54f7014aca8a6369a 100644
--- a/sammy/src/int/mint0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/int/mint0.f
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ C
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <
       IF (Jjjdop.EQ.1) THEN
 C             (intermediate results, using Leal-Hwang Energy grid)
-         CALL Leal_Hwang (Nblmax, I_Iiuif )
+         CALL Leal_Hwang (Nblmax)
       ELSE IF (Segnam.NE.'sambrd') THEN
 C             (intermediate results, using regular auxiliary grid) 
diff --git a/sammy/src/int/mint0a.f b/sammy/src/int/mint0a.f
index b7cd6dfb8dea81cc9a3162a3e29394a84006e3c2..dac025c11b69cc90e4f2b80e50f39dbe7d3a6a69 100644
--- a/sammy/src/int/mint0a.f
+++ b/sammy/src/int/mint0a.f
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ C
                Nanb = Nnnsig*Ndasig
                call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjder, Nanb)
                call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjpar, Nanb)
-               CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Iwdasi , gridAccess,I_Iiuif,
+               CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Iwdasi , gridAccess,
      *            I_Jjjder , I_Jjjpar, Nnnsig, Ndasig, Nanb, 1, Jgbmax,
      *            0)
             END IF
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ C
                Nanb = Nnnsig*Ndbsig
                call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjder, Nanb)
                call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjpar, Nanb)
-               CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Iwdbsi , gridAccess,I_Iiuif,
+               CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Iwdbsi , gridAccess,
      *            I_Jjjder, I_Jjjpar, Nnnsig, Ndbsig, Nanb, Niniso,
      *            Jgbmax, 1)
             END IF            
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ C
                   call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjder, Nanb)
                   call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjpar, Nanb)
                   CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Iwdass , gridAccess,
-     *               I_Iiuif,
      *               I_Jjjder, I_Jjjpar, 1, Ndasig, Nanb, 1, Jgbmax,0)
                END IF
                IF (Ndbsig.GT.0) THEN
@@ -91,7 +90,6 @@ C
                   call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjder, Nanb)
                   call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjpar, Nanb)
                   CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Iwdbss , gridAccess,
-     *               I_Iiuif,
      *               I_Jjjder, I_Jjjpar, 1, Ndbsig, Nanb, Kiniso,
      *               Jgbmax, 1)
                END IF
@@ -163,14 +161,14 @@ C
             Nanb = Nnnsig*Ndasig
             call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjder, Nanb)
             call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjpar, Nanb)
-            CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Iwdasi , gridAccess, I_Iiuif,
+            CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Iwdasi , gridAccess,
      *         I_Jjjder, I_Jjjpar, Nnnsig, Ndasig, Nanb, 1, Ndat, 0)
          END IF
          IF (Ndbsig.GT.0) THEN
             Nanb = Nnnsig*Ndbsig
             call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjder, Nanb)
             call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjpar, Nanb)
-            CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Iwdbsi , gridAccess, I_Iiuif,
+            CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Iwdbsi , gridAccess,
      *         I_Jjjder, I_Jjjpar, Nnnsig, Ndbsig, Nanb, 1, Ndat, 1)
          END IF
       END IF
@@ -187,9 +185,9 @@ C
 C ***    seven ***
 C        - - - - - - - - - - - - - <
          call allocate_real_data(A_Idd, Ndat)
-         call allocate_real_data(A_Ide, Nfpall)
+         call allocate_real_data(A_Ide, covData%getNumTotalParam())
          call allocate_real_data(A_Ivarda, Ndat)
-         CALL Pdwrit (A_Idd, A_Ivarda, A_Iwdasi , A_Ide, I_Iiuif)
+         CALL Pdwrit (A_Idd, A_Ivarda, A_Iwdasi , A_Ide)
diff --git a/sammy/src/int/mint2.f90 b/sammy/src/int/mint2.f90
index ce55d22560bf0edddabacd691396c2c9ff928b3a..5ef582c4f0776fce1becc226a9099599d52d58a6 100644
--- a/sammy/src/int/mint2.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/int/mint2.f90
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ module mint2_m
 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Out_Deriv (Ixciso, Vd, grid, Iuif, Jjder, Jjpar,  &
+      SUBROUTINE Out_Deriv (Ixciso, Vd, grid, Jjder, Jjpar,  &
          Na, Nb, Nanb, Nc, Nd, Iff)
 ! *** PURPOSE -- OUTPUT E VS derivatives
@@ -205,90 +205,120 @@ module mint2_m
       use titles_b30_common_m
       use EndfData_common_m
       use SammyGridAccess_m
+      IMPLICIT none
-      DIMENSION Ixciso(*), Vd(Nanb,Nc,*), Iuif(*), Jjder(*), Jjpar(*)
-!      DIMENSION Vd(Nanb,Nc,Nd), Iuif(Nfpres)
+      real(kind=8)::Vd(Nanb,Nc,*)
+      integer::Ixciso(*), Jjder(*), Jjpar(*)
+      integer::Maxcol
+      integer::Nanb, Na, Nb, Nc, Nd, Iff
+      integer::Ifw, I, Ii, Ip, Iso, Isox, Iwrite, J
+      integer::Max, Min, N, Nnn, Iipar, Ipos, nn
+      integer,allocatable,dimension(:)::positioner, params
+      logical::wroteHeader, wroteIso  ! ensure header and isotope header are only printed once
       Data Maxcol /4/
       Nnn = Nd
-      WRITE (21,99999) Partia
+      wroteHeader = .false.
+      wroteIso = .false.
+      allocate(positioner(Maxcol))
+      allocate(params(Maxcol))
       DO Iso=1,Nc
          Iwrite = 0
          Isox = Iso
-         IF (Nc.GT.1) WRITE (21,10000) Iso
+         Ipos = 0
+         wroteIso =.false.
 10000    FORMAT (/, ' *** Nuclide Number', I3)
          IF (Nc.NE.Numiso .OR. Ixciso(Iso).NE.1) THEN
-            Iipar = 0
             Ip = 0
+            Ipos = 0
             IF (Iff.EQ.0) THEN
                DO Ii=1,Nfpres
-                  IF (Iuif(Ii).NE.1) THEN
-                     Iipar = Iipar + 1
-                     DO J=1,Na
-                        Ip = Ip + 1
-                        Jjder(Ip) = J
-                        Jjpar(Ip) = Ii
+                  Iipar = Iipar + 1  ! count the derivatives of all resonance parameters
+                  IF (covData%contributes(Ii)) THEN  ! count only the ones that contribute
+                     DO J=1,Na    ! loop over angles, which might be 1 (=numcro in most other places)
+                        Ipos = Ipos + 1
+                        Jjder(Ipos) = J  ! the angle index for this derivative
+                        Jjpar(Ipos) = Ii ! the index of the resonance for which this derivative is given
                      END DO
                   END IF
                END DO
-               N = Iipar + 1
-               IF (N.GT.Nb) GO TO 50
+               N = Nfpres + 1      ! we count all varied resonance parameters
+               IF (N.GT.Nb) GO TO 50    ! if Nb (other varied parameters) does not exist, we are done
                Ii = Nfpres + 1
-               Ii = Ndasig + Nvadif + 1
+               Ii = 1   ! no resonance parameters are varied, skip right to the other parameters
                N = 1
             END IF
-            DO Iipar=N,Nb
-               DO J=1,Na
-                  Ip = Ip + 1
-                  Jjder(Ip) = J
-                  Jjpar(Ip) = Ii
+            DO Iipar=N,Nb          ! count the remaining derivatives by index
+               DO J=1,Na           ! and angle
+                  Ipos = Ipos + 1
+                  Jjder(Ipos) = J
+                  Jjpar(Ipos) = Ii
                END DO
                Ii = Ii + 1
             END DO
    50       CONTINUE
             Min = 1
-            Max = MIN0 (Maxcol, Nanb)
+            Max = MIN0 (Maxcol, Ipos)
    60       CONTINUE
-            CALL Chzero (Vd, Nanb, Nc, Nd, Min, Max, Isox, Ifw)
-            IF (Ifw.NE.0) THEN
+            do I = Min, Max
+               ip = Jjpar(I)
+               Ii = Jjder(I)
+               positioner(I - Min + 1) = (ip-1)*Na + ii   ! position of the desired derivative in array Vd
+               params(I-Min+1) = ip                       ! index to print
+               if (Iff.Ne.0)  params(I-Min+1) =  params(I-Min+1)  + Ndasig ! which needs to be corrected if all parameters are printed
+            end do
+            CALL Chzero (Vd, Nanb, Nc, Nd, Min, Max, Isox, Ifw, positioner)  ! check whether there are any non-zero derivatives in this block
+            IF (Ifw.NE.0) THEN  ! if so, print
                Iwrite = 1
+               if (.not.wroteHeader) WRITE (21,99999) Partia  ! make sure header is only printed once
+               wroteHeader = .true.
+               IF (Nc.GT.1) then   ! add isotope header if needed, but only once
+                  if(.not.wroteIso) WRITE (21,10000) Iso
+               end if
+               wroteIso = .true.
                IF (Nnnsig.EQ.1) THEN
                   WRITE (21,99998) Parame
 99999             FORMAT (//, ' ***** ', A50)
-                  WRITE (21,99997) Chaene, (Jjpar(Ip),Ip=Min,Max)
+                  WRITE (21,99997) Chaene, (params(Ip-min+1),Ip=Min,Max)
                ELSE IF (Nnnsig.GT.1) THEN
                   WRITE (21,99988)
 99988             FORMAT (20X, 'CROSS SECTION # / PARAMETER #')
-                  WRITE (21,89997) Chaene, (Jjder(Ip),Jjpar(Ip),       &
+                  WRITE (21,89997) Chaene, (Jjder(Ip),params(Ip-min+1),      &
                ELSE IF (Nnnsig.LT.1) THEN
                   STOP '[STOP in Out_Deriv in int/mint2.f]'
                END IF
                DO J=1,Nnn
-                  WRITE (21,99996) J, grid%getEnergy(J, expData), (Vd(I,Iso,J),I=Min,Max)
+                  WRITE (21,99996) J, grid%getEnergy(J, expData), (Vd( positioner(I-Min+1),Iso,J),I=Min,Max)
                END DO
             END IF
             Min = Max + 1
-            IF (Min.LE.Nanb) THEN
+            IF (Min.LE.Ipos) THEN
                Max = Max + Maxcol
-               IF (Max.GT.Nanb) Max = Nanb
+               IF (Max.GT.Ipos) Max = Ipos
                GO TO 60
             END IF
          END IF
-         IF (Iwrite.EQ.0) THEN
+         IF (Iwrite.EQ.0.and.Ipos.ne.0) THEN
+            ! if desired, print that there are no non-zero derivatives
+            if (.not.wroteHeader) WRITE (21,99999) Partia
+            wroteHeader = .true.
             WRITE (21,20000)
 20000       FORMAT ('There are no non-zero derivatives of this type for'    &
                , 1x, 'this nuclide.', /)
          END IF
       END DO
+      deallocate(positioner)
+      deallocate(params)
@@ -301,14 +331,18 @@ module mint2_m
 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Chzero (Vd, Nanb, Nc, Nd, Min, Max, Isox, Ifw)
+      SUBROUTINE Chzero (Vd, Nanb, Nc, Nd, Min, Max, Isox, Ifw, ipos)
       use fixedi_m
-      DIMENSION Vd(Nanb,Nc,*)
+      IMPLICIT None
+      integer::Nanb, Nc, Nd, Min, Max, Isox, Ifw
+      real(kind=8):: Vd(Nanb,Nc,*)
+      integer::ipos(*)
+      integer::index, I, J
       Ifw = 0
       DO J=1,Nd
          DO I=Min,Max
-            IF (Vd(I,Isox,J).NE.0.0d0) THEN
+            index = ipos(I - Min + 1)
+            IF (Vd(index,Isox,J).NE.0.0d0) THEN
                Ifw = 1
             END IF
diff --git a/sammy/src/int/mint4.f b/sammy/src/int/mint4.f
index c1d7c0c1fdda2ee1bc1bf376a1516cfe6b00a13b..ce404a0d5ece97a9e283de7db721eb432ce63ae5 100644
--- a/sammy/src/int/mint4.f
+++ b/sammy/src/int/mint4.f
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ C
 C _________________________________________________________________
-      SUBROUTINE Pdwrit (Data, Vardat, Wdasig, Deriv, Iuif)
+      SUBROUTINE Pdwrit (Data, Vardat, Wdasig, Deriv)
       use fixedi_m
       use ifwrit_m
@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ C
       use cbro_common_m
       use lbro_common_m
       use EndfData_common_m
+      IMPLICIT none
-      DIMENSION Data(*), Vardat(*), Wdasig(Nnpar,*), Deriv(*), Iuif(*)
-C        Data(Ndat), Vardat(Ndat), Wdasig(Nnpar,Ndat), Deriv(Nfpall),
-C     *   Iuif(Nfpall)
+      real(kind=8)::Data(*), Vardat(*), Wdasig(Nnpar,*), Deriv(*)
+      integer::I, idat, Ii, Iipar, Ipar, ipos
+      real(kind=8)::val
+C        Data(Ndat), Vardat(Ndat), Wdasig(Nnpar,Ndat), Deriv(Nfpall)
 C For now assume only one grid
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ C
          STOP '[STOP in Pdwrit in int/mint4.f]'
       END IF
-      IF (Numpup.GT.0) THEN
+      IF (covData%getPupedParam().GT.0) THEN
          WRITE (6,10200)
          WRITE (21,10200)
 10200    FORMAT ('Cannot write out partial derivatives if there are PUPped
@@ -48,18 +49,14 @@ C
       DO Idat=1,Ndat
-         Ipar = 0
-         Iipar = 0
          DO Ii=1,Nfpres
-            Ipar = Ipar + 1
-            Deriv(Ipar) = 0.0d0
-            IF (Iuif(Ii).NE.1) THEN
-               Iipar = Iipar + 1
-               Deriv(Ipar) = Wdasig(Iipar,Idat)
+            Deriv(Ii) = 0.0d0
+            IF (covData%contributes(Ii)) THEN
+               Deriv(Ii) = Wdasig(Ii,Idat)
             END IF
          END DO
          WRITE (71,10000) Data(Idat), Vardat(Idat),
-     *      (Deriv(Ipar),Ipar=1,Nfpall)
+     *      (Deriv(Ipar),Ipar=1,covData%getNumTotalParam())
       END DO
       CLOSE (UNIT=71)
diff --git a/sammy/src/int/mint6.f b/sammy/src/int/mint6.f
index 9fd2f2a488d2a42e7b782dc2630c827afbfa1d9c..135ad4946223656164c326748701aa06329c4763 100644
--- a/sammy/src/int/mint6.f
+++ b/sammy/src/int/mint6.f
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Leal_Hwang (Nblmax, I_Iuif)
+      SUBROUTINE Leal_Hwang (Nblmax)
       use oops_common_m
       use fixedi_m
       use ifwrit_m
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ C
       integer,allocatable,dimension(:)::I_Jjjder, I_Jjjpar
-      DIMENSION  I_Iuif(*)
       real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Idum, A_Iblock
 C *** Here when using Leal-Hwang so need to interpolate to present results
@@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ C
                Nanb = Nnnsig*Ndasig
                call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjder, Nanb)
                call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjpar, Nanb)
-               CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Ivdasi , gridAccess,I_Iuif,
+               CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Ivdasi , gridAccess,
      *            I_Jjjder, I_Jjjpar, Nnnsig, Ndasig, Nanb, 1, Ndat,
      *            0)
             END IF
@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ C
                Nanb = Nnnsig*Ndbsig
                call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjder, Nanb)
                call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjpar, Nanb)
-               CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Ivdbsi , gridAccess, I_Iuif,
+               CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Ivdbsi , gridAccess,
      *            I_Jjjder , I_Jjjpar, Nnnsig, Ndbsig, Nanb, Niniso,
      *            Ndat, 1)
             END IF
@@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ C
                   call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjder, Nanb)
                   call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjpar, Nanb)
                   CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Ivdass , gridAccess,
-     *               I_Iuif,
      *               I_Jjjder, I_Jjjpar , 1, Ndasig, Nanb, 1, Ndat, 0)
                END IF
                IF (Ndbsig.GT.0) THEN
@@ -91,7 +89,6 @@ C
                   call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjder, Nanb)
                   call allocate_integer_data(I_Jjjpar, Nanb)
                   CALL Out_Deriv (I_Ixciso , A_Ivdbss , gridAccess,
-     *               I_Iuif,
      *               I_Jjjder , I_Jjjpar, 1, Ndbsig, Nanb, Niniso,
      *               Ndat, 1)
                END IF
diff --git a/sammy/src/ipq/mipq0.f b/sammy/src/ipq/mipq0.f
index 4dd5d7a99f9fac3d25f1e59868c3e810ef19eb75..445e33026a64269210dea19bb8821cb44693ae2b 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ipq/mipq0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ipq/mipq0.f
@@ -177,8 +177,9 @@ C
       SUBROUTINE Estx (Nnndat, Jidc1, Jidc3, Kkkidc, Numidc,
      *   N1, N2, K1, Kdat, Izz)
-      use fixedi_m, only : Numcro, Numpup, Nvpall
+      use fixedi_m, only : Numcro, Nvpall
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kidcxx, Ndat, Ntgrlq
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
       use samxxx_common_m, only : Sam30x
       IMPLICIT None
       integer::Nnndat, Jidc1, Jidc3, Kkkidc, Numidc,
@@ -211,10 +212,10 @@ C --- start of Get_Idc
          Jidc1 = Kkkidc**2
          Jidc3 = Kkkidc*Nvpall
          K4 = Jidc1 + Ndat + Ndat
-      ELSE IF (Numpup.GT.0) THEN
+      ELSE IF (covData%getPupedParam().GT.0) THEN
 C ***    Here PUPs are used, but no other kind of IDCM
-         Jidc1 = Numpup**2
-         Jidc3 = Numpup*Nvpall
+         Jidc1 = covData%getPupedParam()**2
+         Jidc3 = covData%getPupedParam()*Nvpall
          K4 = Jidc1
          K4 = 0
diff --git a/sammy/src/ipq/mipq1.f90 b/sammy/src/ipq/mipq1.f90
index 8fd3977db061ba3b2dbc86dd07a8eda76f712406..5517bbfd533f71b40f04407071b18d3707f54862 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ipq/mipq1.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/ipq/mipq1.f90
@@ -211,7 +211,8 @@ contains
       use sammy_ipq_common_m, only :resultData,derivStart,npars, implicitInv
       real(kind=8):: Dminth(:)
-      real(kind=8):: Gvg(:,:), P1(:), Q(:,:), Gvx(:,:), Dvx(:)
+      real(kind=8):: Gvg(:,:), P1(:), Q(:,:)
+      real(kind=8),allocatable::Gvx(:,:), Dvx(:)
       integer::i, J, idat, Ipar, jpar, Kpar, Kkkpar, Ldat
diff --git a/sammy/src/mas/mmas0.f90 b/sammy/src/mas/mmas0.f90
index bc4bb01e7b08692e28dff40ec538693deec82be3..77d7368ac6a926cda2477cd250cbf7c0a527102a 100644
--- a/sammy/src/mas/mmas0.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/mas/mmas0.f90
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ module Sammas_0_m
       CALL Timer (1)
 ! *** Zero all variables in B0?ZYX
-      CALL Zero_Integer (Lf, 300)
+      Lfdim = 0
       CALL Zero_Integer (Lwrit, 200)
       Nsize  = Msize
diff --git a/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb0.f b/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb0.f
index 7fbd9ed661960b71d31863e9224a8fe860c44f4b..a0e1197be6870fa411d6cab844c3def3d3ad4433 100644
--- a/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb0.f
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ C
       use AllocateFunctions_m
       use rsl7_m
       use xct_m
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
       use AuxGridHelper_M, only : setAuxGridOffset, setAuxGridRowMax
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ C
       Segmen(3) = 'B'
       Nowwww = 0
-      IF (Numpup.GT.0) THEN
+      IF (covData%getPupedParam().GT.0) THEN
          WRITE (6,10100)
 10100    FORMAT ('Breit-Wigner coding does not include options for', /,
      *      'PUPs (Propagated-Uncertainty Parameters, Flag=3).', /,
@@ -76,10 +77,6 @@ C ### one ###
       Ks_Res = Ksolve
       CALL Set_Kws_Xct
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <
-      call allocate_integer_data(I_Inprdr, Ngroup)
-      IF (Ksolve.NE.2) CALL Ppar_Mlb (I_Iiuif , I_Inprdr)
-C *** SUBR Ppar_Mlb sets Nprdr
 C ### three ###
       N = Ndatb
@@ -87,12 +84,7 @@ C ### three ###
       call allocate_real_data(A_Iaaone, N)
       call allocate_real_data(A_Iaatwo, N)
       N = Ntriag*Ngroup
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Iaathr, N)
-      N = N1
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ipaone, N)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ipatwo, N)
-      N = N2
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ipathr, N)
+      call allocate_real_data(A_Iaathr, N)         
       N = Ntotc
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ics, N) ! this was set equal to Ip
       call allocate_real_data(A_Isi, N) ! this was set equal to Igami
@@ -118,10 +110,6 @@ C *** Sub Work generates Theory and derivatives
      *       A_Iwdbsi , A_Isigxx , A_Idasig , A_Idbsig , I_Iisopa ,
      *       A_Ipiece , A_Idum   , A_Iadder , A_Iaddcr , I_Inbt   ,
      *       I_Iint)
-      deallocate(I_Inprdr)
-      deallocate(A_Ipaone)
-      deallocate(A_Ipatwo)
-      deallocate(A_Ipathr)
@@ -175,7 +163,7 @@ C
       use rsl7_m
-      N1 = Ntotc*Napres
+      N1 = Ntotc*Nfpres
       IF (N1.EQ.0) N1 = 1
 C ### one ###
       CALL Figure_Kws_Cro (Kone)
@@ -184,7 +172,7 @@ C
 C ### three ###
       Ntriag = (Ntotc*(Ntotc+1))/2
       N2 = 1
-      IF (Ksolve.NE.2) N2 = Ntriag*Napres
+      N2 = Ntriag*Nfpres
       N3 = 1
       IF (Ksolve.NE.2) N3 = Ngbout
       N5 = 1
diff --git a/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb1.f b/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb1.f
index 3b3b6e3d446483accf45c71aaac893f28a5a2934..46fb0ae2069fa7238cf2d72e5227998dd1272c7d 100644
--- a/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb1.f
@@ -1,69 +1,5 @@
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Ppar_Mlb (Iuif, Nprdr)
-C *** Purpose -- Set Nprdr(K) = Number of varied parameters in group K
-      use fixedi_m
-      use ifwrit_m
-      use EndfData_common_m
-      use SammyResonanceInfo_M
-      type(SammyResonanceInfo)::resInfo
-      type(SammySpinGroupInfo)::spinInfo
-      DIMENSION Iuif(*), Nprdr(*)
-C     DIMENSION Ntot(Ngroup),
-C     *      Iuif(Nvpres), Nprdr(Ngroup)
-      DO M=1,resParData%getNumSpinGroups()
-         Nprdr(M) = 0
-      END DO
-      Ipar = 0
-      Iipar = 0
-      DO I=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
-         call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, I)         
-         IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
-            igrp = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
-            call resparData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, igrp)
-            Mmax = spinInfo%getNumChannels()
-            Mmax2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
-            DO M=1,Mmax2
-               if( m.eq.1) then
-                  Ifl = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-               else
-                  ifl = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(M-1)
-               end if
-               IF (Ifl.GT.0) THEN
-                  Ipar = Ipar + 1
-                  IF (Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
-                     Iipar = Iipar + 1
-                     Nprdr(Igrp) = Nprdr(Igrp) + 1
-                  END IF
-               END IF
-            END DO
-         END IF
-      END DO
-      IF (Ipar.NE.Nvpres) THEN
-         WRITE (6,99998) Ipar, Nvpres
-         WRITE (21,99998) Ipar, Nvpres
-99998    FORMAT (' PROBLEM IN Ppar_Mlb -- Nvpres NOT CORRECT', 2I5)
-         STOP '[STOP in Ppar_Mlb in mlb/mmlb1.f]'
-      END IF
-      IF (Iipar.NE.Napres) THEN
-         WRITE (6,99999) Iipar, Napres
-         WRITE (21,99999) Iipar, Napres
-99999    FORMAT (' PROBLEM IN Ppar_Mlb -- Napres NOT CORRECT', 2I5)
-         STOP '[STOP in Ppar_Mlb in mlb/mmlb1.f    # 2]'
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-      END
-C --------------------------------------------------------------
       SUBROUTINE Work_Mlb ( Iflmsc, Parnbk, Iflnbk, Parbgf,
      *   Iflbgf, Kndbgf, Bgfmin, Bgfmax, Texbgf, Teabgf,
@@ -214,10 +150,6 @@ C *********       If there is normalization or background ...
      *                  Dbsigx, Su, Nnnsig)
                   END IF
-C *********       If adding a constant cross section, do so now
-C                 IF (Concro.NE.Zero) call Addcon (Sigxxx, Dbsigx,
-C     *              Iflmsc, Nnnsig)
 C *********       Write results onto Theory if there is no broadening etc
                   IF (Jjjdop.NE.1) THEN
                      Theory(Jdat) = Zero
diff --git a/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb2.f b/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb2.f
index f3dab763b4a2813bfa4813a149412c0080235b99..0cf5d246e78ab071f5f0e881a74946e42a96d7aa 100755
--- a/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb2.f
+++ b/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb2.f
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ C
       CALL Abpart_Mlb (A_Iechan ,
-     *     I_Iiuif  , A_Izkte  , A_Iaaone , A_Iaatwo, A_Iaathr ,
-     *     A_Ipaone , A_Ipatwo , A_Ipathr,
+     *     A_Izkte  , A_Iaaone , A_Iaatwo, A_Iaathr ,
+     *     A_Ipathr,
      *     A_Ics    , A_Isi    ,  A_Idphi )
-      CALL Parsh_Mlb (I_Inprdr,
+      CALL Parsh_Mlb (
      *     A_Izke   , A_Izkfe  , I_Ifzke  , I_Ifzkte , I_Ifzkfe ,
      *     A_Iaaone , A_Iaatwo , A_Iaathr , A_Ipiece , Ipoten,
      *     A_Isigxx , A_Idasig , A_Idbsig , I_Iisopa )
diff --git a/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb3.f b/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb3.f
index 2d6f241dbc80af95b5f24994365acb6281f57d9a..3e16f0978870b4df1bef0d2ffb8207bea5b83816 100644
--- a/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb3.f
+++ b/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb3.f
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
       SUBROUTINE Elastc_Mlb (Goj, Nent, Next, Zke, If_Zke, If_Zkte,
-     *   If_Zkfe, Aaaone, Aaatwo, Aaathr, Paaone, Paatwo, Paathr,
+     *   If_Zkfe, Aaaone, Aaatwo, Aaathr,
      *   Cs, Si, Dphi, Sigxxx, Dasigx, Isopar, Iso)
 C *** Purpose -- Generate Sigxxx = elastic cross section
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ C
       use ifwrit_m
       use varyr_common_m
       use constn_common_m
+      use templc_common_m, only : A_Ibr, A_Ibi, A_Ipr
       DIMENSION Zke(*), If_Zkfe(*), If_Zkte(*), Aaaone(*), Aaatwo(*),
-     *   Aaathr(*), Paaone(Ntotc,*), Paatwo(Ntotc,*), Paathr(Ntriag,*),
+     *   Aaathr(*),
      *   Cs(*), Si(*), Dphi(*), Sigxxx(*), Dasigx(Nnnsig,*), Isopar(*)
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/, One /1.0d0/, Two /2.0d0/
@@ -47,14 +48,14 @@ C
          IF (Krmatx.EQ.1) Sum = Sum + ( (One-Cs(J))*A + Si(J)*B + E ) *D
          IF (Krmatx.EQ.-1) Sum = Sum + ( (One-Cs(J))*A + Si(J)*B +
      *      Aaathr(JJ) ) * D
-         Ktru = If_Zkte(J) - Nvadif
-         IF (Ktru.GT.0) THEN
+         Ktru = If_Zkte(J)
+         IF (Ktrue.gt.0.and.Ktru.LE.Ndasig) THEN
 cq            Dasigx(1,Ktru) = Dasigx(1,Ktru) + X
 Cq *** note this is not right!  don't have x defined yet!  someday do it right!
             Isopar(Ktru) = Iso
          END IF
-         Keff = IF_Zkfe(J) - Nvadif
-         IF (Keff.GT.0) THEN
+         Keff = IF_Zkfe(J)
+         IF (Keff.Gt.0.and.Keff.LE.Ndasig) THEN
             Dasigx(1,Keff) = Dasigx(1,Keff) + 
      *         ( (Si(J)*A+Cs(J)*B)*Dphi(J) ) * C / Zke(J)
             Isopar(Keff) = Iso
@@ -63,8 +64,8 @@ Cq *** note this is not right!  don't have x defined yet!  someday do it right!
       C = Goj*Pi100/Su
       Sigxxx(1) = C*Sum + Sigxxx(1)
       IF (Ksolve.EQ.2) RETURN
-      Kiso = If_Zke - Nvadif
-      IF (Kiso.GT.0) THEN
+      Kiso = If_Zke
+      IF (Kiso.gt.0.and.Kiso.le.Ndasig) THEN
          Dasigx(1,Kiso) = Dasigx(1,Kiso) + A/VarAbn
          Isopar(Kiso) = Iso
       END IF
@@ -77,23 +78,23 @@ C
             Jj = 0
             DO J=1,Nent
                Jj = Jj + J
-               Paatot = Paatwo(J,M)
+               Paatot = A_Ibi(J,M)
                DO I=1,Ntot
                   IF (I.LE.J) THEN
                      Ij = (J*(J-1))/2 + I
                      Ij = (I*(I-1))/2 + J
                   END IF
-                  Paatot = Paatot + Paathr(Ij,M)
+                  Paatot = Paatot + A_Ipr(Ij,M)
                END DO
                IF (Krmatx.EQ.1) THEN
                   A = -One + Cs(J) + 0.5*Aaatot
                   B = Two*(SI(J)+Aaaone(J))
-                  Sum = Sum + (A*Paatot+B*Paaone(J,M))/Zke(J)**2
+                  Sum = Sum + (A*Paatot+B*A_Ibr(J,M))/Zke(J)**2
                ELSE IF (Krmatx.EQ.-1) THEN
                   A = -One + Cs(J)
                   B = Two*Si(J)
-                  Sum = Sum + (A*Paatot+B*Paaone(J,M)+Paathr(Jj,M)) /
+                  Sum = Sum + (A*Paatot+B*A_Ibr(J,M)+A_Ipr(Jj,M)) /
      *                                                   Zke(J)**2
                   STOP '[STOP in Elastc_Mlb in mlb/mmlb3.f]'
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
       SUBROUTINE Reactn_Mlb (Goj, Nent, Next, Zke, If_Zke, If_Zkte,
-     *     Aaathr, Paathr, Sigxxx, Dasigx, Isopar, Iso)
+     *     Aaathr, Sigxxx, Dasigx, Isopar, Iso)
 C *** Purpose -- Generate Sigxxx = reaction cross section
 C ***                 and Dasigx = partial derivative of reaction cross
@@ -120,11 +121,12 @@ C
       use ifwrit_m
       use varyr_common_m
       use constn_common_m
+      use templc_common_m, only : A_Ipr
-      DIMENSION Zke(*), If_Zkte(*), Aaathr(*), Paathr(Ntriag,*),
+      DIMENSION Zke(*), If_Zkte(*), Aaathr(*),
      *   Sigxxx(*), Dasigx(Nnnsig,*), Isopar(*)
-C      DIMENSION Aaathr(ntriag), Paathr(Ntriag,Napres)
+C      DIMENSION Aaathr(ntriag)
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/
       IF (Next.EQ.0) RETURN
@@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ C
       C = Zero
       DO J=1,Nent
          B = A/Zke(J)**2
-         Ktru = If_Zkte(J) - Nvadif
+         Ktru = If_Zkte(J)
          IF (Ktru.GT.0) Dasigx(1,Ktru) = Dasigx(1,Ktru) + C
          DO I=Nent1,NextN
             IJ = (I*(I-1))/2 + J
@@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ C
       Sig2  = Sum2 + Sig2
       IF (Ksolve.EQ.2) RETURN
-      Kiso = IF_Zke - Nvadif
+      Kiso = IF_Zke
       IF (Kiso.GT.0) THEN
          Dasigx(1,Kiso) = Dasigx(1,Kiso) + Sum/VarAbn
          Isopar(Kiso) = Iso
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ C
                B = A/Zke(J)**2
                DO I=Nent1,Nextn
                   Ij = (I*(I-1))/2 + J
-                  Sum = Sum + Paathr(Ij,M)*B
+                  Sum = Sum + A_Ipr(Ij,M)*B
                END DO
             END DO
             Dasigx(1,M) = Sum + Dasigx(1,M)
@@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
       SUBROUTINE Captur_Mlb (Goj, Nent, Zke, If_Zke, If_Zkte, Aaatwo,
-     *     Paatwo, Sigxxx, Dasigx, Isopar, Iso)
+     *     Sigxxx, Dasigx, Isopar, Iso)
 C *** Purpose -- Generate Sigxxx = capture cross section
 C ***                 and Dasigx = partial derivative of capture cross
@@ -189,9 +191,10 @@ C
       use ifwrit_m
       use varyr_common_m
       use constn_common_m
+      use templc_common_m, only : A_Ibi
-      DIMENSION Zke(*), If_Zkte(*), Aaatwo(*), Paatwo(Ntotc,*),
+      DIMENSION Zke(*), If_Zkte(*), Aaatwo(*),
      *   Sigxxx(*), Dasigx(Nnnsig,*), Isopar(*)
       Data Zero /0.0d0/
@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ C
       B = Zero
       DO I=1,Nent
          Sum = Sum + Aaatwo(I)/Zke(I)**2
-         Ktru = If_Zkte(I) - Nvadif
+         Ktru = If_Zkte(I)
          IF (Ktru.GT.0) THEN
             Dasigx(1,Ktru) = Dasigx(1,Ktru) + B
             Isopar(Ktru) = Iso
@@ -208,7 +211,7 @@ C
       A = Goj*Pi100/Su
       Sigxxx(1) = A*Sum + Sigxxx(1)
       IF (Ksolve.EQ.2) RETURN
-      Kiso = If_Zke - Nvadif
+      Kiso = If_Zke
       IF (Kiso.GT.0) THEN
          Dasigx(1,Kiso) = Dasigx(1,Kiso) + A*Sum/VarAbn
          Isopar(Kiso) = Iso
@@ -218,7 +221,7 @@ C
             M = Kstart + Mm
             Sum = Zero
             DO I=1,Nent
-               Sum = Sum + Paatwo(I,M)/Zke(I)**2
+               Sum = Sum + A_Ibi(I,M)/Zke(I)**2
             END DO
             Dasigx(1,M) = A*Sum + Dasigx(1,M)
             Isopar(M) = Iso
diff --git a/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb4.f b/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb4.f
index 4e73b838ba481dfa861775657a5e488dd5c8fc9d..754f3782a0f86d9033f9616b88529a2e48fd1b00 100644
--- a/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb4.f
+++ b/sammy/src/mlb/mmlb4.f
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Abpart_Mlb (Echan, Iuif, Zkte, Aaaone,
-     *   Aaatwo, Aaathr, Paaone, Paatwo, Paathr, P, Gami  , Dphi)
+      SUBROUTINE Abpart_Mlb (Echan, Zkte, Aaaone,
+     *   Aaatwo, Aaathr, P, Gami  , Dphi)
 C *** Purpose -- Generate Aaaone(I ,ig) = Gamma(I)*(E-Pken)/Den
 C ***                     Aaatwo(I ,ig) = Gamma(I)*Gamgam  /Den
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ C
       use SammySpinGroupInfo_M
       use EndfData_common_m
       use RMatResonanceParam_M
+      use templc_common_m, only : I_Inotu, A_Ibr, A_Ibi, A_Ipr
+      IMPLICIT none
@@ -30,29 +31,32 @@ C
-      DIMENSION Echan(Ntotc,*), Iuif(*), Zkte(Ntotc,*),
+      real(kind=8):: Echan(Ntotc,*), Zkte(Ntotc,*),
      *   Aaaone(Ntotc,*), Aaatwo(Ntotc,*), Aaathr(Ntriag,*),
-     *   Paaone(Ntotc,*), Paatwo(Ntotc,*), Paathr(Ntriag,*),
      *   P(*), Gami(*), Dphi(*)
+      real(kind=8)::Zero, One
+      real(kind=8)::D, De, Den, E, eres, G, Gamgam, Gamj
+      real(kind=8)::gammaRed, Gamtot, Pfd
+      integer::I, ichan, Igr, Ij, Ipar, Ires, istart, Iflr
+      integer::J, K, L, Min, Ntott, Ig
+      real(kind=8)::W, Rho, width, X, Y, Z
 C      DIMENSION Ntot(Ngroup), Echan(Ntotc,Ngroup),
-C     *   Iuif(Nvpres), Zkte(ntotc,Ngroup),
+C     *   Zkte(ntotc,Ngroup),
 C     *   Aaaone(Ntotc,Ngroup),
 C     *   Aaatwo(Ntotc,Ngroup), Aaathr(Ntriag,Ngroup),
-C     *   Paaone(Ntotc,Napres), Paatwo(Ntotc,Napres),
-C     *   Paathr(Ntriag,Napres), P(Ntotc), Gami(Ntotc), Dphi(ntotc)
+C     *   P(Ntotc), Gami(Ntotc), Dphi(ntotc)
       EXTERNAL Pfd
       Data Zero /0.0d0/, One /1.0d0/
-      CALL Zero_Array (Paaone, Ntotc*Napres)
-      CALL Zero_Array (Paatwo, Ntotc*Napres)
-      CALL Zero_Array (Paathr, Ntriag*Napres)
+      A_Ibr = 0.0d0
+      A_Ibi = 0.0d0
+      A_Ipr = 0.0d0
       CALL Zero_Array (Aaaone, Ntotc*Ngroup)
       CALL Zero_Array (Aaatwo, Ntotc*Ngroup)
       CALL Zero_Array (Aaathr, Ntriag*Ngroup)
-      Iipar = 0
       Ipar = 0
       istart = 1
@@ -119,13 +123,17 @@ C *** Note that, in what follows, X is prtl( (E-Pken)/Den ) wrt U-variable,
 C ***                             Y           Gamgam /Den
 C ***                         and Z          Gamma(J)/Den
-                   IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+                   IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc().and.
+     *                 spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
-                      IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().NE.0) THEN
+                      IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().gt.0) THEN
+                         Iflr = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
                          Ipar = Ipar + 1
-                         IF (Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
-                            Iipar = Iipar + 1
+                         IF (covData%contributes(Iflr)) THEN
+                            if (Iflr.ne.abs(I_Inotu(Ipar)))then
+                              STOP 'Count of varied resonance mmlb4'
+                            end if
                             eres = resonance%getEres()
                             X = 2.0D0*dSQRT(dABS(eres))*
      *                         (-One+2.0D0*De**2/Den)/Den
@@ -133,11 +141,11 @@ C ***                    HERE RESONANCE ENERGY IS A VARIABLE
                             Y = Z*Gamgam
                             Ij = 0
                             DO I=1,Ntott
-                               Paaone(I,Iipar) = Gami(I)*X
-                               Paatwo(I,Iipar) = Gami(I)*Y
+                               A_Ibr(I,Ipar) = Gami(I)*X
+                               A_Ibi(I,Ipar) = Gami(I)*Y
                                DO J=1,I
                                   Ij = Ij + 1
-                                  Paathr(IJ,Iipar) = Gami(I)*Gami(J)*Z
+                                  A_Ipr(IJ,Ipar) = Gami(I)*Gami(J)*Z
                                END DO
                             END DO
                          END IF
@@ -145,9 +153,12 @@ C ***                    HERE RESONANCE ENERGY IS A VARIABLE
                       IF (resInfo%getChannelFitOption(1).NE.0) THEN
 C ***                    HERE Gamma-SUB-Gamma IS A VARIABLE
+                         Iflr =  resInfo%getChannelFitOption(1)
                          Ipar = Ipar + 1
-                         IF (Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
-                            Iipar = Iipar + 1
+                         IF (covData%contributes(Iflr)) THEN
+                           if (Iflr.ne.abs(I_Inotu(Ipar)))then
+                             STOP 'Count of varied resonance mmlb4'
+                            end if
                             X = -2.0D0*gammaRed*(De/Den)*
      *                         (Gamtot/Den)
                             Y = 2.0D0*gammaRed*
@@ -155,11 +166,11 @@ C ***                    HERE Gamma-SUB-Gamma IS A VARIABLE
                             Z = -2.0D0*gammaRed*Gamtot/Den**2
                             Ij = 0
                             DO I=1,Ntott
-                               Paaone(I,Iipar) = X*Gami(I)
-                               Paatwo(I,Iipar) = Y*Gami(I)
+                               A_Ibr(I,Ipar) = X*Gami(I)
+                               A_Ibi(I,Ipar) = Y*Gami(I)
                                DO J=1,I
                                   Ij = Ij + 1
-                                  Paathr(Ij,Iipar) =Z*Gami(I)*Gami(J)
+                                  A_Ipr(Ij,Ipar) =Z*Gami(I)*Gami(J)
                                END DO
                             END DO
                          END IF
@@ -169,9 +180,12 @@ C
                          IF (resInfo%getChannelFitOption(K+1).NE.0) THEN
 C ***                       HERE Gamma-CHANNEL-K IS A VARIABLE
+                            Iflr = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(K+1)
                             Ipar = Ipar + 1
-                            IF (Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
-                               Iipar = Iipar + 1
+                            IF (covData%contributes(Iflr)) THEN
+                               if (Iflr.ne.abs(I_Inotu(Ipar)))then
+                                 STOP 'Count of varied resonance mmlb4'
+                               end if
                                ichan = spinInfo%getWidthForChannel(K)
                                width = resonance%getWidth(ichan)
                                W = 0.5D0*Gamtot*Gami(K)/Den
@@ -182,13 +196,13 @@ C ***                       HERE Gamma-CHANNEL-K IS A VARIABLE
                                DO I=1,Ntott
                                   D = Zero
                                   IF (I.EQ.K) D = One
-                                  Paaone(I,Iipar) = X*Gami(I)*(D-W)
-                                  Paatwo(I,Iipar) = Y*Gami(I)*(D-W)
+                                  A_Ibr(I,Ipar) = X*Gami(I)*(D-W)
+                                  A_Ibi(I,Ipar) = Y*Gami(I)*(D-W)
                                   DO J=1,I
                                      Ij = Ij + 1
                                      E = Zero
                                      IF (J.EQ.K) E = One
-                                     Paathr(Ij,Iipar) =
+                                     A_Ipr(Ij,Ipar) =
      *                                  Z*Gami(I)*Gami(J)*(D+E-W)
                                   END DO
                                END DO
@@ -208,7 +222,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
       SUBROUTINE Parsh_Mlb (
-     *           Nprdr, Zke, Zkfe, Jfzke, Jfzkte, Jfzkfe,
+     *   Zke, Zkfe, Jfzke, Jfzkte, Jfzkfe,
      *   Aaaone, Aaatwo, Aaathr, Pieces, Ipoten, Sigxxx, Dasigx,
      *   Dbsigx, Isopar)
@@ -231,15 +245,16 @@ C
-     *   Nprdr(*), Zke(Ntotc,*), Zkfe(Ntotc,*),
+     *   Zke(Ntotc,*), Zkfe(Ntotc,*),
      *   Jfzke(*), Jfzkte(Ntotc,*), Jfzkfe(Ntotc,*), Aaaone(Ntotc,*),
      *   Aaatwo(Ntotc,*), Aaathr(Ntriag,*), Pieces(*), Sigxxx(*),
      *   Dasigx(*), Dbsigx(*), Isopar(*)
+      type(SammyResonanceInfo)::resInfo
-C     *   Nprdr(Ngroup), Aaaone(Ntotc,Ngroup), Aaatwo(Ntotc,Ngroup),
+C     *   Aaaone(Ntotc,Ngroup), Aaatwo(Ntotc,Ngroup),
 C     *   Aaathr(ntriag,Ngroup), Cayiso(Numiso), Pilmis(Numiso),
 C     *   Pilsis(Numiso), Pieces(Ngroup)
@@ -248,7 +263,8 @@ C
       NNF1 = 0
       NN2 = 0
       Kstart = 0
-      Jstart = Napres
+      Jstart = Nfpres
+      imax = 0
 C *** Do loop over groups (i.e., spin-parity groups) --
 C ***    Goes to end of sub_routine
@@ -256,7 +272,30 @@ C
       DO N=1,resParData%getNumSpinGroups()
          Kiso = 0
          call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, N)
-         IF (spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN           
+         imin = imax + 1
+         Npr = 0
+         DO I=imin,resParData%getNumResonances()
+           call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, I)
+           if( resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex().ne.n) exit
+           imax = i
+           IF (.not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) cycle
+           Mmax2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
+           DO M=1,Mmax2
+              if( m.eq.1) then
+                   Ifl = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
+               else
+                  ifl = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(M-1)
+               end if
+               IF (Ifl.GT.0) THEN
+                  Npr  = Npr + 1
+               END IF
+            end do
+          END DO
+          IF (spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             IF (Numiso.GT.0) THEN
                isoN =  spinInfo%getIsotopeIndex() 
@@ -268,7 +307,6 @@ C
             END IF
             Nnnn = N
-            IF (Ksolve.NE.2) Npr = Nprdr(N)
             Nnf1 = Nnf1 + Nn2
             Ntot = spinInfo%getNumChannels()
             Nn2 = Ntot*(Ntot+1)
             IF (Kcros.EQ.1 .OR. Kcros.EQ.2) CALL Elastc_Mlb (Agoj,
      *         Nent, Next, Zke(1,N), Jfzke(N), Jfzkfe(1,N),
      *         Jfzkfe(1,N), Aaaone(1,N), Aaatwo(1,N), Aaathr(1,N),
-     *         A_Ipaone, A_Ipatwo , A_Ipathr, A_Ics, A_Isi,
+     *         A_Ics, A_Isi,
      *         A_Idphi , Sigxxx, Dasigx, Isopar, Iso)
             IF (Kcros.EQ.1 .OR. Kcros.EQ.3 .OR. Kcros.EQ.5) CALL
      *         Reactn_Mlb (Agoj, Nent, Next, Zke(1,N), Jfzke(N),
-     *         Jfzkte(1,N), Aaathr(1,N), A_Ipathr,
+     *         Jfzkte(1,N), Aaathr(1,N),
      *         Sigxxx, Dasigx, Isopar, Iso)
             IF (Kcros.EQ.1 .OR. Kcros.EQ.4 .OR. Kcros.EQ.5) CALL
      *         Captur_Mlb (Agoj, Nent, Zke(1,N), Jfzke(N),
-     *         Jfzkte(1,N), Aaatwo(1,N), A_Ipatwo,
+     *         Jfzkte(1,N), Aaatwo(1,N),
      *         Sigxxx, Dasigx, Isopar, Iso)
             IF (Ksolve.NE.2) Kstart = Kstart + Npr
diff --git a/sammy/src/mpw/mmpw0.f b/sammy/src/mpw/mmpw0.f
index fac8a985a942bbf2ef0ff3a18acf629d28a0068e..98a5f4dc25acf6b029e2559587eb79cf8acd9914 100644
--- a/sammy/src/mpw/mmpw0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/mpw/mmpw0.f
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ C
+      integer::npars
@@ -47,8 +48,9 @@ C
       IF (Ksolve.NE.2) WRITE (21,99996)
 99996 FORMAT (/, ' Use (M+W) inversion scheme ')
-      Kkkkkk = Nvpall
-      IF (Nvpall.EQ.0) Kkkkkk = 1
+      npars = covData%getNumParam()
+      Kkkkkk = npars
+      IF (Kkkkkk.EQ.0) Kkkkkk = 1
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <
@@ -60,18 +62,18 @@ C *** GUESSTIMATE ARRAY SIZE REQUIRED --
       call allocate_real_data(A_Iwww, Ntri)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Iyyy, Nvpall)
-      CALL Readwy (A_Iwww , A_Iyyy , Nvpall, Ntri)
+      call allocate_real_data(A_Iyyy, npars)
+      CALL Readwy (A_Iwww , A_Iyyy , npars, Ntri)
 C *** Www = sum (all data sets) g v^-1 g
 C *** Yyy = sum (all data sets) g v^-1 (d-t)
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ivrpr, Ntri)
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ivrprx, Ntri)
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ivrprn, Ntri)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Idum, Nvpall)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Istd, Nvpall)
-      call allocate_integer_data(I_Ikpvt, Nvpall)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Idelpa, Nvpall)
+      call allocate_real_data(A_Idum, npars)
+      call allocate_real_data(A_Istd, npars)
+      call allocate_integer_data(I_Ikpvt, npars)
+      call allocate_real_data(A_Idelpa, npars)
       CALL Newpar_Mpw (A_Iwww , A_Iyyy , A_Ivrpr ,
      *  A_Ivrprx , A_Ivrprn , A_Idum , A_Istd , I_Ikpvt, A_Idelpa,
@@ -109,11 +111,16 @@ C
 C *** purpose -- estimate array size needed for segment MPW
       use fixedi_m
-      Ntri = (Nvpall*(Nvpall+1))/2
-      K1 = 4*Ntri + 5*Nvpall
-      K2 = Nvpall**2 + Ntri + Nvpall
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
+      IMPLICIT none
+      integer::Ntri, npars, I, K, K1, K2
+      integer::Idimen
+      external Idimen
+      npars = covData%getNumParam()
+      Ntri = (npars*(npars+1))/2
+      K1 = 4*Ntri + 5*npars
+      K2 = npars**2 + Ntri + npars
       K = MAX0 (K1, K2)
       K = Idimen (K, 1, 'K, 1')
       I = Idimen (K, -1, 'K, -1')
diff --git a/sammy/src/mpw/mmpw1.f b/sammy/src/mpw/mmpw1.f
index 161631e5cf6fdab7db34703c37fd5894972ccd33..4bf3c43260aa9a9c9a47ab7c71fbf0c2ab416821 100644
--- a/sammy/src/mpw/mmpw1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/mpw/mmpw1.f
@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ C
       DIMENSION Www(*), Yyy(*), Vrpr(*), Vrprx(*),
      *   Vrprnv(*), Dum(*), Std(*), Kpvt(*), Delpar(*)
       type(ResonanceCovariance)::uCov, invCov
+      integer::npars
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/, One /1.0d0/
+       npars = covData%getNumParam()
       IF (KLeast.EQ.1 .OR. Kleast.EQ.2) THEN
 C ***    set Vrpr = Www; this is inverse of new par cov matrix
          DO I=1,Ntri
@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ C ***    set Vrpr = Www; this is inverse of new par cov matrix
           call covData%getInverseUCovariance(invCov)   
           Ii = 0           
-          DO Ipar=1, Nvpall
+          DO Ipar=1, npars
              do i = 1, Ipar                    
                Vrpr(Ii+i) = invCov%getCovariance(ipar,i) + WWw(Ii+i)              
              end do    
@@ -50,22 +52,22 @@ C
       END DO
 C *** Scale Vrpr
-      CALL Qscale (Vrpr, Std, Nvpall, Ntri)
+      CALL Qscale (Vrpr, Std, npars, Ntri)
-      CALL Sspcod (Vrpr, Nvpall, Kpvt, Rcond, Dum)
+      CALL Sspcod (Vrpr, npars, Kpvt, Rcond, Dum)
       IF (One+Rcond.EQ.One) RETURN
 C *** SCALE Yyy
-      DO I=1,Nvpall
+      DO I=1,npars
          Dum(I) = Yyy(I)*Std(I)
       END DO
 C *** CALCULATE Vrpr**-1 * Dum
-      CALL Sspsld (Vrpr, Nvpall, Kpvt, Dum)
+      CALL Sspsld (Vrpr, npars, Kpvt, Dum)
-      DO I=1,Nvpall
+      DO I=1,npars
          Delpar(I) = Dum(I)*Std(I)
          call covData%setFitStep(I, Delpar(I))
          val = covData%getOrigUParam(I) + Delpar(I)
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ C
 C  After this we have u parameter covariance in Vrpr and inverse in Vrprx
-      CALL Fixvrp (Vrpr, Vrprx, Dum, Std, Kpvt, Nvpall)
+      CALL Fixvrp (Vrpr, Vrprx, Dum, Std, Kpvt, npars)
 C *** Multiply by fudge factor if needed
       IF (Fcvout.NE.Zero) THEN
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ C
       Kxxx = 1        
       call covData%getUCovariance(uCov)    
-      call setCovMatrix(nvpall, uCov, Vrprx)
+      call setCovMatrix(npars, uCov, Vrprx)
       IF (Iterat.EQ.Itmax) THEN  
@@ -108,7 +110,7 @@ C   Inverse  U covariance (and U covariance and parameters) were previously save
          call covData%makeNewInverseUCovariance()
          call covData%getInverseUCovariance(invCov)  
-         call setCovMatrix(nvpall, invCov, Vrprnv) 
+         call setCovMatrix(npars, invCov, Vrprnv)
       END IF
diff --git a/sammy/src/mso/mmso0.f b/sammy/src/mso/mmso0.f
index 5a2c56fcf5eb84ba659ab49e7f4d15a9816a0f78..e8ac5f7e787a2b7b5d987f86a4fa9df728a56ee7 100644
--- a/sammy/src/mso/mmso0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/mso/mmso0.f
@@ -341,9 +341,9 @@ C
       IF (Nx.EQ.0) THEN
          Nx = 1
-         IF (Kvthck-Nvadif.GT.Nx) Nx = Kvthck - Nvadif
+         IF (Kvthck.GT.Nx) Nx = Kvthck
       END IF
-      IF (Debug) WRITE (6,12345) Kvthck, Nvadif, Nx
+      IF (Debug) WRITE (6,12345) Kvthck, 0, Nx
 12345 FORMAT (' Kvthck, Nvadif, Nx=', 3I5)
       Nnx = Nx
       IF (Kssdbl.NE.1) Nnx = 1 
diff --git a/sammy/src/mso/mmso5.f b/sammy/src/mso/mmso5.f
index 21a8d54527c8b820bfcf8c9cd7a0ac25a525557b..c925e96838b5840e0a3340a4b844b1f2a26b0589 100644
--- a/sammy/src/mso/mmso5.f
+++ b/sammy/src/mso/mmso5.f
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ C
      *   Y2aaaq, Total, Exp1, Costhe, Ep, Ggg, Iiso, Nx, Jj, Ientrp,
      *   Itntrp, Jfb, Jth, Knthet, Nn, Kdatb, Izero, Idone, Nxtptn)
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nvadif
       use ifwrit_m, only : Ksolve, Kssdbl, Kssmsc, Kvthck, Nnpar
       use ssm_18_m, only : Hmez3x
       use ssssss_common_m, only :  Costh1, Dthick, Fffdbl
@@ -186,7 +185,7 @@ C
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/, Half /0.5d0/, One /1.0d0/
       Izero = 1
-      Kv = Kvthck - Nvadif
+      Kv = Kvthck
 C *** find differential elastic scattering cross section Elas and 
 C ***    derivatives Delas at Energy Em and angle Theta
@@ -531,7 +530,7 @@ C
       IF (Kvthck.GT.0) THEN
 C ***    Add deriv of Y0 wrt Thickness; modify deriv of Y1 & Y2 wrt Thick
-         Kv = Kvthck - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kv = Kvthck - Ndasig
          IF (yld%normTypeIsSelfShielded()) THEN
             Dbsigx(Kv) = Exp1*Cap + Dbsigx(Kv)
          ELSE IF (yld%normTypeIsDivideByN()) THEN
@@ -554,7 +553,7 @@ C
          IF (yld%normTypeIsSelfShielded()) Asensn = Asensn * Dthick
          IF (yld%normTypeIsTimesSigTot()) Asensn = Asensn *Dthick *Total
 C ***    Add deriv of Y0 wrt neutron sensitivity multiplier
-         Kv = Ksensc - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kv = Ksensc - Ndasig
          Dbsigx(Kv) = Asensn
       END IF
@@ -683,7 +682,7 @@ C ***       capture sample
       IF (Kv.GT.0) THEN
 C ***      Add deriv of Y0 wrt Thickness of transmission sample
-           Kv = Kv - Nvadif - Ndasig
+           Kv = Kv - Ndasig
            Dbsigx(Kv) = Dbsigx(Kv) - Sigxxx(1)*Total2
          END IF
diff --git a/sammy/src/mxw/mmxw0.f b/sammy/src/mxw/mmxw0.f
index 71cc98926aaa0982e0d2486530aea2c366de2292..c83d117281956080ab9dc5e6709688baae815547 100644
--- a/sammy/src/mxw/mmxw0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/mxw/mmxw0.f
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ C
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <
 C ***    four ***
          call allocate_real_data(A_Ix, Ndatq*Nvpall)
-         CALL Fixcov_Mxw (I_Iiuif , A_Iemmmq, A_Iwdasi , A_Iwdbsi ,
+         CALL Fixcov_Mxw (A_Iemmmq, A_Iwdasi , A_Iwdbsi ,
      *                    A_Ix , Ndatq, Ndatqq)
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
diff --git a/sammy/src/mxw/mmxw2.f b/sammy/src/mxw/mmxw2.f
index 6f28f250f693a8ba78246b845fa882e475a06359..e21cea94e990b332f64ed6c3885d710851f516b0 100755
--- a/sammy/src/mxw/mmxw2.f
+++ b/sammy/src/mxw/mmxw2.f
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Fixcov_Mxw (Iuif, Emmmq, Wdasig, Wdbsig,  X,
+      SUBROUTINE Fixcov_Mxw (Emmmq, Wdasig, Wdbsig,  X,
      *   Ndatq, Ndatqq)
 C *** PURPOSE -- multiply Emmmq = gq * (u parameter covariance) * gq
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ C
       use ResonanceCovariance_M
-      DIMENSION Iuif(*), Emmmq(*), Wdasig(Ndaxxx,*), Wdbsig(Ndbxxx,*),
+      DIMENSION Emmmq(*), Wdasig(Ndaxxx,*), Wdbsig(Ndbxxx,*),
      *   X(Ndatq,*)
-C     DIMENSION Iuif(Nvpres), Emmmq(Ndatqq), Wdasig(Ndasig,Ndatq),
+C     DIMENSION Emmmq(Ndatqq), Wdasig(Ndasig,Ndatq),
 C    *   Wdbsig(Ndbsig,Ndatq),  X(Ndatq,Nvpall)
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/
@@ -25,19 +25,17 @@ C
       Call Zero_Array (Emmmq, Ndatqq)
       CALL Zero_Array (X, Nvpall*Ndatq)
-      Jjpar = 0
       call covData%getUCovariance(uCov)
       DO Jpar=1,Nvpthe
-         IF (Jpar.GT.Nvpres .OR. Iuif(Jpar).NE.1) THEN
-            Jjpar = Jjpar + 1
+         IF (covData%contributes(Jpar)) THEN
             DO Kpar=1,Nvpall
                cov = uCov%getCovariance(Kpar, Jpar)
                IF (cov.NE.Zero) THEN
                   DO Idatq=1,Ndatq
-                     IF (Jjpar.LE.Ndasig) THEN
-                        Wd = Wdasig(Jjpar,Idatq)
+                     IF (Jpar.LE.Ndasig) THEN
+                        Wd = Wdasig(Jpar,Idatq)
-                        Wd = Wdbsig(Jjpar-Ndasig,Idatq)
+                        Wd = Wdbsig(Jpar-Ndasig,Idatq)
                      END IF
                      IF (Wd.NE.Zero) X(Idatq,Kpar) = X(Idatq,Kpar) +
      *                  Wd*cov
@@ -47,16 +45,14 @@ C
          END IF
       END DO
-      Kkpar = 0
       DO Kpar=1,Nvpthe
-         IF (Kpar.GT.Nvpres .OR. Iuif(Kpar).NE.1) THEN
-            Kkpar = Kkpar + 1
+         IF (covData%contributes(Kpar)) THEN
             Kk = 0
             DO Kdatq=1,Ndatq
-               IF (Kkpar.LE.Ndasig) THEN
-                  Wd = Wdasig(Kkpar,Kdatq)
+               IF (Kpar.LE.Ndasig) THEN
+                  Wd = Wdasig(Kpar,Kdatq)
-                  Wd = Wdbsig(Kkpar-Ndasig,Kdatq)
+                  Wd = Wdbsig(Kpar-Ndasig,Kdatq)
                END IF
                DO Idatq=1,Kdatq
                   IK = Kk + Idatq
diff --git a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf0.f b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf0.f
index 96b25678258e8a92439be0d96f99964f57b1b1a0..a63f626269558c4083a920ca394bde304843ecf2 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf0.f
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ C
       use hhhhhh_common_m
       use format_common_m
       use AllocateFunctions_m
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
       integer,allocatable,dimension(:)::I_Ilocat, I_Icov, I_Ix
       real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Ksj, A_Ispi, A_Izai
@@ -41,8 +42,9 @@ C
 cx      WRITE (6,10200)
 cx10200 FORMAT (' Initialized')
       If (Ndfcov.NE.0) THEN
-         N = (Nvpall*(Nvpall+1))/2
-         allocate(I_Ix(Nvpall))
+         N = covData%getNumParam()
+         N = (N*(N+1))/2
+         allocate(I_Ix(N))
          CALL Get_Allvr (I_Ix )
@@ -71,12 +73,12 @@ cx      WRITE (6,10600)
 cx10600 FORMAT (' After Pre_Endfb6')
       call allocate_integer_data(I_Kresis, Nres)
       call allocate_real_data(A_Iunc, Nres*Ntotc2)
-      N = Nres*Ntotc2 - Nvpall
+      N = Nres*Ntotc2 - covData%getNumParam()
       call allocate_real_data(A_Iunkun, N)
       IF (Lcomp.EQ.1 .AND. Lrf.EQ.3 .AND. Nsrs.GT.0) THEN
          call allocate_integer_data(I_Iisrs, Nsrs*Ngroup)
          call allocate_real_data(A_Iesrs, 2*Nsrs)
-         N = Nvpall
+         N = covData%getNumParam()
          N = (N*(N+1))/2
          call allocate_real_data(A_Ivsrs, N)
       END IF
@@ -91,9 +93,10 @@ C
       IF (Ndfcov.NE.0) THEN
          IF (Lcomp.EQ.2) THEN
-            call allocate_real_data(A_Idiag, Nvpall)
+            call allocate_real_data(A_Idiag, covData%getNumParam())
             CALL Write_Compact_Cov (I_Icov, A_Idiag,
-     *         Nvpall, Num_Res_Parx, Ndigit, Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns)
+     *        covData%getNumParam(),
+     *        Num_Res_Parx, Ndigit, Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns)
          ELSE IF (Lcomp.EQ.1 .AND. If_Diag.EQ.0 .AND. Nsrs.LE.0) THEN
             CALL Fix_Allvr (I_ILocat)
diff --git a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf1.f b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf1.f
index edf28a2e0e077c772496bf10a432863da1b27f22..481e01a407759dab65fec16b907069598a6c298f 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf1.f
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ C *** Set Is(Ipar) = 0 if width is positive, 1 if negative
                ifl = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(M-1)
             end if
-            IF (Ifl.GT.0 .AND. Ifl.LE.Nvpall) THEN
+            IF (Ifl.GT.0 .AND.
+     *         .not.covData%isPupedParameter(ifl)) THEN
                Ipar = Ipar + 1
                Ix(Ipar) = 0
                IF (M.EQ.1) THEN
@@ -44,12 +45,14 @@ C *** Set Is(Ipar) = 0 if width is positive, 1 if negative
             END IF
          END DO
       END DO
-      IF (Ipar.NE.Nvpall) STOP '[STOP in Get_Allvr in mndf1.f]'
+      IF (Ipar.NE.covData%getNumParam()) then
+         STOP '[STOP in Get_Allvr in mndf1.f]'
+      end if
 C *** Adjust the covariance matrix to be in terms of G not Gamma
       call covData%getCovariance(physCov) 
       Ij = 0
-      DO I=1,Nvpall
+      DO I=1,covData%getNumParam()
          DO J=1,I
             Ij = Ij + 1
             cov = physCov%getCovariance(I,J)
@@ -215,7 +218,9 @@ C
          Iux = 58
          CALL Newopn (58, Sam58x, 0)
-         IF (Lrf.NE.7) CALL Two_Flip (Ntotc2, Nvpall)
+         IF (Lrf.NE.7) then
+            CALL Two_Flip (Ntotc2, covData%getNumParam())
+         end if
 C ***    Test whether fission widths are flagged
          Knofis = Ntotc2
          IF (Lcomp.EQ.1 .AND. Lrf.EQ.3 .AND. Ntotc2.GT.3) THEN
diff --git a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf3.f b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf3.f
index 48ec1c133a5a7fc0d3c40f696b335366700df406..68426bbe8f1303f3604b449e0ceac656396838ca 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf3.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf3.f
@@ -79,19 +79,11 @@ C ***    Here only resonances with flags are to be included in File 32,
 C ***       ergo must count how many resonances have flags
          Nres_Included = 0
          DO I=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
-            call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  I)
-            call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo,
-     *           resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex())
-            Ntot2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
+            call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  I)           
             Iflag = 0
-            if (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().gt.0) then
+            if (resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) then
                Iflag = 1
             end if
-            DO J=2,Ntotc2
-               IF (resInfo%getChannelFitOption(j-1).GT.0) then
-                  Iflag = 1
-               end if
-            END DO
             IF (Iflag.EQ.1) Nres_Included = Nres_Included + 1
          END DO
       END IF
@@ -213,7 +205,7 @@ C ******************    write the resonances into File 32
                      IF (Nsrs.EQ.0) THEN
                         CALL Write_Lrf3 (resonance, Sj(Igy),
      *                       Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns, Iux)
-                     ELSE IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+                     ELSE IF (resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) THEN
 C ********************* For Nsrs < 0, add to File 32 only if flags
                         CALL Write_Lrf3 (resonance, Sj(Igy),
      *                       Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns, Iux)
@@ -221,7 +213,7 @@ C ********************* For Nsrs < 0, add to File 32 only if flags
                      IF (Lcomp.EQ.2 .AND.
      *                    (Nsrs.EQ.0 .OR.
-     *                       resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0)) THEN
+     *                       resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams())) THEN
 C ********************* Write uncertainties into File 32 for LCOMP=2
                         CALL Write_Lrf3_2 (ntotIgy, E, Ax, Ga, Gb, Gc,
      *                     Gd, Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns, Iux)
@@ -267,6 +259,7 @@ C     *** Energy
       call covData%getCovariance(physCov)
       Nn = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
+      if (.not.resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) Nn = -1
       Nne = Nn
       IF (Nn.LE.0) THEN
          IF (Defunc.EQ.Zero) THEN
diff --git a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf4.f b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf4.f
index fb093ac8e9e80c9b79f01eeeb6b42abcc756f611..d2badf7c25bdf8ea82a451035b7191392d0781f0 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf4.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf4.f
@@ -83,14 +83,9 @@ C ***       ergo must count how many resonances have flags
             call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, igrp)
             Ntot2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
             Iflag = 0
-            DO J=1,Ntot2
-               if (j.eq.1) then
-                  ifl = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-               else
-                  ifl = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(j-1)
-               end if
-               IF (Ifl.GT.0) Iflag = 1
-            END DO
+            if (resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) then
+               Iflag = 1
+            end if
             IF (Iflag.EQ.1) Nres_Included = Nres_Included + 1
          END DO
       END IF
@@ -131,15 +126,9 @@ C
                      call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)
                      IF (Kresis(N).EQ.1) THEN
                         K = 0
-                        DO I=1,Ntotc2
-                           if (i.eq.1) then
-                              ifl = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-                           else
-                              ifl = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(i-1)
-                           end if
-                           IF (Ifl.GT.0) K = 1
-                        END DO
+                        if( resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) then
+                           K = 1
+                        end if
                         IF (K.EQ.1) Nsrsx = Nsrsx + 1
                      END IF
                   END DO
@@ -232,7 +221,7 @@ C ******************    write the resonances into File 32
                      IF (Nsrs.EQ.0) THEN
                         CALL Write_Lrf2 (resonance, Sj(Igy),
      *                      Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns, No, N1, Iux)
-                     ELSE IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+                     ELSE IF (resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) THEN
 C ********************* For Nsrs < 0, add to File 32 only if flags
                         CALL Write_Lrf2 (resonance, Sj(Igy),
      *                      Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns, No, N1,  Iux)
@@ -240,7 +229,7 @@ C ********************* For Nsrs < 0, add to File 32 only if flags
                      IF (Lcomp.EQ.2 .AND.
      *                    (Nsrs.EQ.0 .OR.
-     *                       resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0)) THEN
+     *                       resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams())) THEN
 C ********************* Write uncertainties into File 32 for LCOMP=2
                         CALL Write_Lrf2_2 (ntotIgy, E, Ax, Ga, Gb, Gc,
      *                     Gd, Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns, Iux)
@@ -251,7 +240,7 @@ C *********************    wrt resonances
                         IF (Nsrs.EQ.0) THEN
                            CALL Write_Lrf2_3 (ntotIgy, E, Ax, Ga, Gb,
      *                        Gc, Gd, Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns, Iux)
-                        ELSE IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().ge.0) THEN
+                        ELSE IF (resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) THEN
                            CALL Write_Lrf2_3 (ntotIgy, E, Ax, Ga, Gb,
      *                        Gc, Gd, Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns, Iux)
                         END IF
@@ -261,7 +250,7 @@ C ********************* Write cov mtrx for LCOMP=0
                         IF (Nsrs.EQ.0) THEN
                            CALL Write_Lrf2_0 (ntotIgy, E, Ax, Ga, Gb,
      *                        Gc, Gd, Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns, Iux)
-                        ELSE IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+                        ELSE IF (resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) THEN
                            CALL Write_Lrf2_0 (ntotIgy, E, Ax, Ga, Gb,
      *                        Gc, Gd, Mat, Mfx, Mt, Ns, Iux)
                         END IF
diff --git a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf6.f b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf6.f
index 3b1ec379489c3ab4f89c7a4a2e5a85fab48be854..46d45672f5022d0a8fa5280f99d101bfb84d8e06 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf6.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf6.f
@@ -319,14 +319,9 @@ C ***          and (if needed) Nrsx = how many have varied parameters
                   Nrs = Nrs + 1
                   IF (Iux.NE.0 .AND. Nsrs.LT.0) THEN
                      Ifl = 0
-                     if (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().gt.0) then
+                     if ( resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) then
                         Ifl = 1
                      end if
-                     DO J=2,Ntotc2x
-                        IF (resInfo%getChannelFitOption(j-1).GT.0) then
-                           Ifl = 1
-                        end if
-                     END DO
                      IF (Ifl.NE.0) Nrsx = Nrsx + 1
                      Nrsx = Nrs
@@ -484,15 +479,9 @@ C ****************** If needed, find and write covariance information
                         Ifl = 0
                         Locate(N) = Lful
                         IF (Nsrs.LT.0) THEN
-                           if (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().gt.0) then
-                              Ifl = 1
-                           end if
-                           DO J=2,Ntotc2x
-                              IF (resInfo%getChannelFitOption(j-1)
-     *                    .GT.0) then
+                           if (resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) then
                               Ifl = 1
-                              end if
-                           END DO                          
+                           end if             
                            Ifl = 1
                         END IF
diff --git a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf7.f b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf7.f
index 9d1f32e5b989e0bfaad063bbbf155f0cf4cb7e33..53c6e06a8475889ceda2c2f2eda5b0d5d507c7ea 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf7.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf7.f
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ C *** Energy
       call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)
       call  resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
       Nn = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
+      if (.not.resInfo%hasAnyVariedParams()) Nn = -1
       Iparf = Iparf + 1
       IF (Nn.GT.0) THEN
             Icov(Iparf) = Nn
diff --git a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf8.f b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf8.f
index e4369406f1d6e87132fad3038a97d51b1dc41d24..20282cf68a181c297328fa02303d6a7ca579e635 100755
--- a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf8.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf8.f
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ C
          DO J=2,resParData%getNumResonances()
             IF (Locate(J).LT.Locate(J-1)) THEN
                Iflip = 1
-               CALL Full_Flip (J, Ntotc2, Nvpall)
+               CALL Full_Flip (J, Ntotc2, covData%getNumParam())
                Ifl = Locate(J)
                Locate(J) = Locate(J-1)
                Locate(J-1) = Ifl
@@ -751,14 +751,9 @@ C ######################################################## find Ipar ####
          IF (Nn2.GT.Knofis) Nn2 = Knofis
          Iflag = 0
          IF (Nsrs.LT.0) THEN
-            DO M=1,Nn2
-               if (m.eq.1) then
-                  Iparx = resN%getEnergyFitOption()
-               else
-                  Iparx = resN%getChannelFitOption(M-1)
-               end if
-               IF (Iparx.GT.0) Iflag = 1
-            END DO
+            if ( resN%hasAnyVariedParams()) THEN
+               Iflag = 1
+            END IF
          END IF
          IF (Nsrs.EQ.0 .OR. Iflag.EQ.1) THEN
 C ***       This resonance is to be included
@@ -786,14 +781,9 @@ C ######################################################## find Jpar ####
                      IF (Ll2.GT.Knofis) Ll2 = Knofis
                      Jflag = 0
                      IF (Nsrs.LT.0) THEN
-                        DO K=1,Ll2
-                           if (K.eq.1) then
-                              Jparx = resL%getEnergyFitOption()
-                           else
-                              Jparx = resL%getChannelFitOption(K-1)
-                           end if
-                           IF (Jparx.GT.0) Jflag = 1
-                        END DO
+                        IF ( resL%hasAnyVariedParams()) then
+                           Jflag = 1
+                        end if
                      END IF
                      IF (Nsrs.EQ.0 .OR. Jflag.EQ.1) THEN
 C ***                   This resonance is to be included
@@ -840,14 +830,9 @@ C ######################################################## find Jpar ####
                      IF (Ll2.GT.Knofis) Ll2 = Knofis
                      Jflag = 0
                      IF (Nsrs.LT.0) THEN
-                        DO K=1,Ll2
-                           if (K.eq.1) then
-                              Jparx = resL%getEnergyFitOption()
-                           else
-                              Jparx = resL%getChannelFitOption(K-1)
-                           end if
-                           IF (Jparx.GT.0) Jflag = 1
-                        END DO
+                        if( resL%hasAnyVariedParams()) then
+                           Jflag = 1
+                        end if
                      END IF
                      IF (Nsrs.EQ.0 .OR. Jflag.EQ.1) THEN
 C ***                   This resonance is to be included
diff --git a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf9.f b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf9.f
index 245930a8eacff42cf219fd39e9e6dc0642d08167..01aee9ba825e0c9b415ffbef6269bb5405f10284 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ndf/mndf9.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ndf/mndf9.f
@@ -466,7 +466,8 @@ C
       IF (Lrf.EQ.6) RETURN
-      IF (Ireord.EQ.1) CALL Reorder (Ntotc, Ntotc2, Nvpall, Ndfcov)
+      IF (Ireord.EQ.1) CALL Reorder (Ntotc, Ntotc2,
+     *                      covData%getNumParam(), Ndfcov)
 C *** This is to reorder resonances by energy, in the case where more than
 C ***      one SAMMY spin group contribute to one ENDF/B-VI spin group.
diff --git a/sammy/src/new/SetUResonanceCovData.cpp b/sammy/src/new/SetUResonanceCovData.cpp
index 9d762d2a5d78fe9fe6b9ef9b5f400b6a0e85bebd..dce60d5e73e94f66504eea53528825ecfbf78d58 100644
--- a/sammy/src/new/SetUResonanceCovData.cpp
+++ b/sammy/src/new/SetUResonanceCovData.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ namespace sammy{
         for( int ires = 0; ires < resData.getNumResonances(); ires++){
             SammyResonanceInfo * resInfo = resData.getResonanceInfo(ires);
-            if (resInfo->getEnergyFitOption() < 0) continue;  // this flags to omit the resonance
+            if (!resInfo->getIncludeInCalc()) continue;  // this flags to omit the resonance
             updateNumbers(resInfo->getEnergyFitOption(), covData, initial);
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace sammy{
         for( int ires = 0; ires < resData.getNumResonances(); ires++){
             SammyResonanceInfo * resInfo = resData.getResonanceInfo(ires);
-            if (resInfo->getEnergyFitOption() < 0) continue;  // this flags to omit the resonance
+            if (!resInfo->getIncludeInCalc()) continue;  // this flags to omit the resonance
             int flag = getUpdatedFitFlag( resInfo->getEnergyFitOption(), covData,  index, indexVar, indexPup);            
             resInfo->setEnergyFitOption( flag);           
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace sammy{
         for( int ires = 0; ires < resData.getNumResonances(); ires++){
             SammyResonanceInfo * resInfo = resData.getResonanceInfo(ires);
-            if (resInfo->getEnergyFitOption() < 0) continue;  // this flags to omit the resonance
+            if (!resInfo->getIncludeInCalc()) continue;  // this flags to omit the resonance
             endf::RMatResonance * redResonance = resData.getRedResonance(resInfo);
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ namespace sammy{
          for( int ires = 0; ires < resData.getNumResonances(); ires++){
             SammyResonanceInfo * resInfo = resData.getResonanceInfo(ires);
-            if (resInfo->getEnergyFitOption() < 0) continue;  // this flags to omit the resonance
+            if (!resInfo->getIncludeInCalc()) continue;  // this flags to omit the resonance
             endf::RMatResonance * resonance = resData.getResonance(resInfo);
diff --git a/sammy/src/new/mnew0.f b/sammy/src/new/mnew0.f
index 76faba21f19a7cabcec4b6107947cd40e34a77c5..dee5d72cbeee90de946598a932731c48df8161b8 100644
--- a/sammy/src/new/mnew0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/new/mnew0.f
@@ -76,8 +76,9 @@ C ***    Put quantum numbers into PARameter file
       END IF
-      Nn = (Numpup*(Numpup+1))/2
-      IF (Numpup.EQ.0) Nn = 1
+      Nn = covData%getPupedParam()
+      Nn = (Nn*(Nn+1))/2
+      IF (covData%getPupedParam().EQ.0) Nn = 1
       IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .OR. (Ksolve.EQ.2 .AND. Nfpall.NE.Nvpall)) THEN
          Ks_Res = 0
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ C
      *         I_Iflorr , A_Ideorr , I_Iflrpi , A_Iderpi ,
      *         I_Ifludr , A_Ideudr ,
      *         I_Iflnbk , A_Idenbk , I_Iflbgf , A_Idebgf ,
-     *         I_Ifldtp , A_Idedtp , A_Iddcov ,
+     *         I_Ifldtp , A_Idedtp ,
      *         I_Inn    , I_Imm    , I_Ikk    , I_Ill    , A_Ivv     ,
      *         A_Idiag  , A_Iuncs  , I_Ijuncs ,
      *         A_Ipriox , I_Iiprio , I_Ijprio ,
@@ -417,7 +418,7 @@ C     write the par file but with the new fit values
      *      A_Iprbgf , I_Jflbgf , A_Idebgf , I_Indbgf , A_Ibgfmi ,
      *      A_Ibgfma , A_Iprdtp , I_Jfldtp , A_Idedtp ,
      *      A_Iprusd , A_Iprbag , I_Jflbag ,
-     *      A_Iddcov , A_I2 ,
+     *      A_I2     ,
      *      A_I1     ,
      *      Iu32, 0, relevantData, .false.)
 C *** Routine Oldord reorders parameters into original order,
diff --git a/sammy/src/new/mnew2.f b/sammy/src/new/mnew2.f
index 99deb67b8b2779fbb40ff3e01be4c9eea471e65c..4316cf1868ae2efe2c464d6cf4e5c6216d5798a6 100644
--- a/sammy/src/new/mnew2.f
+++ b/sammy/src/new/mnew2.f
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ C *** Now convert
             call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, Nnnn)
             N = Nnnn
             Iparx = 0
-            IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+            IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                call  resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
                eres = resonance%getEres()
                igr = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ C
          igr = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
          call resparData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, Igr)
          Mmax2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
-         IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+         IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             call  resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
             eres = resonance%getEres()
             DO L=1,Mmax2
diff --git a/sammy/src/new/mnew3.f90 b/sammy/src/new/mnew3.f90
index 3f8a0678532f8d769935540c66c67c29d57e227c..35d6fefdf9888d07de4e36e7d1741c216f9cf7ff 100644
--- a/sammy/src/new/mnew3.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/new/mnew3.f90
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
             if( .not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) then
               igrp = -1 * igrp
             end if
-            IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+            IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                call  resParData%getRedResonance(resonance, resInfo)
                igrp = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
                call resparData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, Igrp)
diff --git a/sammy/src/new/mnew4.f b/sammy/src/new/mnew4.f
index 8bc8bfe219d3b64c4530fb056594c4f21ca83ac8..379c5e161334df9f67ce8c7e116c99577bd8c92d 100644
--- a/sammy/src/new/mnew4.f
+++ b/sammy/src/new/mnew4.f
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ C
      *   Iflmsc, Delmsc, Iradms, Iflpmc, Delpmc,
      *   Iflorr, Delorr, Iflrpi, Delrpi, Ifludr, Deludr,
      *   Iflnbk, Delnbk, Iflbgf, Delbgf, Ifldtp, Deldtp,
-     *   Ddcov , Nn, Mm, Kk, Ll, Vv, Diag,
+     *   Nn, Mm, Kk, Ll, Vv, Diag,
      *   Runcs , Juncs , Prior , Iprior, Jprior,
      *   Noffv , Nuncer, Nprior)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ C
      *   Delbgf(*), Deldtp(*),
      *   Vv(*), Diag(*),
      *   Runcs(Ntotc2+1,*),
-     *   Prior(*), Ddcov(*)
+     *   Prior(*)
      *   Ifleff(*), Ifltru(*), 
      *   Ifliso(*), Iflpmc(*),
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ C     are given as correlations
 C *** If necessary, reorganize covariance data
-      IF (Numpup.GT.0) THEN
+      IF (covData%getPupedParam().GT.0) THEN
          CALL Reorg_Cov
          Iterat = 0
diff --git a/sammy/src/new/mnew6.f b/sammy/src/new/mnew6.f
index f79c9b1a72973f455ff430a9e383a16b03cd53d7..83a894fca25ac16144cb658af514363a3382086e 100644
--- a/sammy/src/new/mnew6.f
+++ b/sammy/src/new/mnew6.f
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ C
          call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, N)
          igrp = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex() 
-         if (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().lt.0) cycle
+         if (.not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) cycle
             call  resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
             call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, igrp)
             Mmax2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
diff --git a/sammy/src/new/mnew9.f b/sammy/src/new/mnew9.f
index 1f3b07b90855b7d8600dc6e2f02a6efc999dbbc6..6e4505b5f547d822ad4fd2a06b91855b536eea9f 100644
--- a/sammy/src/new/mnew9.f
+++ b/sammy/src/new/mnew9.f
@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ C
             N = Nnnn
             Iparx = 0
-            IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+            IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                call  resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
                eres = resonance%getEres()
                call resparData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, igr)
@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ C
          Kxx = K
          call resparData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, Igr)
          Mmax2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
-         IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+         IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             call  resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
             eres = resonance%getEres()
             DO L=1,Mmax2
diff --git a/sammy/src/npv/mnpv7.f b/sammy/src/npv/mnpv7.f
index 4b3c7fb424239e358df1097e74c67078fa842b96..b86b9b7ff752e588d203049f357d7c76997cbdd9 100644
--- a/sammy/src/npv/mnpv7.f
+++ b/sammy/src/npv/mnpv7.f
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Setg (Iuif, Wgxa, Wgxb)
+      SUBROUTINE Setg (Wgxa, Wgxb)
 C *** Purpose == Rewrite partial derivatives Gx into resultData
       use fixedi_m, only : Numcro, Ndaxxx, Ndbxxx, Nfpres,
-     *                     Nfpall, Nvpthe
+     *                     Nvpthe
       use ifwrit_m, only : Ksolve
       use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
       use sammy_ipq_common_m, only :resultData,derivStart,
@@ -58,10 +58,9 @@ C
       IMPLICIT None
-      Integer::Iuif(*)
       real(kind=8)::Wgxa(Numcro,Ndaxxx,*), Wgxb(Numcro,Ndbxxx,*)
       integer:: Kdat
-      integer::Ipar, Ii, I, K, Iffy, Iipar, keep
+      integer::Ipar, Ii, I, K, Iffy, keep
       real(kind=8)::gg, getDeriviative
@@ -80,22 +79,14 @@ C
          End do
-         Iipar = 0
          DO Ipar=1,covData%getNumTotalParam()
-            Iffy = 0
-            IF (Ipar.GT.Nfpres) THEN
-               Iffy = 1
-            ELSE IF (Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
-               Iffy = 1
-            END IF
-            IF (Iffy.EQ.1) THEN            
-               keep = covData%getCovIndex(Ipar)
-               Iipar = Iipar + 1
+            IF (covData%contributes(Ipar))THEN
+               keep = covData%getCovIndex(Ipar)            
                Ii = 0
                DO I=1,Kdat
                   DO K=1,Numcro
                      Ii = Ii + 1
-                     gg = getDeriviative(i, k, iipar, Wgxa, Wgxb)
+                     gg = getDeriviative(i, k, ipar, Wgxa, Wgxb)
                      ipos = 0
                      IF (Keep.LE.Nvpthe) THEN     ! derivatives start right after derivStart
@@ -112,19 +103,17 @@ C
          END DO
       ELSE IF (covData%getPupedParam().ne.0) THEN ! just do PUPs
-         Iipar = 0
          DO Ipar=1,covData%getNumTotalParam()
-            IF (Ipar.GT.Nfpres .OR. Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
+            IF (covData%contributes(Ipar)) THEN
                Keep = covData%getCovIndex(Ipar)
-               Iipar = Iipar + 1
                IF (Keep.LE.Nvpthe) THEN
 C                 These are not part of IDC so not needed at Ksolve=2
-               ELSE IF (covData%isPupedParameter(ipar)) THEN
+               ELSE IF (covData%isPupedParameter(Ipar)) THEN
                   Ii = 0
                   DO I=1,Kdat
                      DO K=1,Numcro
                         Ii = Ii + 1
-                        gg = getDeriviative(i, k, iipar, Wgxa, Wgxb)
+                        gg = getDeriviative(i, k, Ipar, Wgxa, Wgxb)
                         ipos =  keep + derivStart + nimplgiven  ! pup'ed derivatives start after implicit derivatives
                         call resultData%addData(Ii, ipos, gg)
diff --git a/sammy/src/npv/mnpv9.f b/sammy/src/npv/mnpv9.f
index 23fa851881d02cf3af05d9ff8c6c85691ea7826c..637b3301064af53d264686d16aba69d93c42168d 100644
--- a/sammy/src/npv/mnpv9.f
+++ b/sammy/src/npv/mnpv9.f
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ C *** Purpose -- Create the arrays Th, G, X, in lowest possible storage
 C ***            location so that other needed arrays will not wipe out
 C ***            the storage
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nfpall, Numcro, Nvpdtp
+      use fixedi_m, only : Numcro, Nvpdtp
       use ifwrit_m, only : Ksolve, Ntgrlq
       use exploc_common_m
       use samxxx_common_m, only : Sam30x
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ C ***    Open SAM30.DAT for integral quantities, read dimensions
       IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .OR. covData%getPupedParam().gt.0) THEN
 C ***    Put derivatives into resultData
-         CALL Setg (I_Iiuif , A_Iwdasi , A_Iwdbsi)
+         CALL Setg (A_Iwdasi , A_Iwdbsi)
       END IF
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
diff --git a/sammy/src/ntg/mntg0.f b/sammy/src/ntg/mntg0.f
index 04610f3eace7d7fc1ac22e19719025f36574d1e7..be046984306be9076327f0cf9acb53e1796b0dfd 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ntg/mntg0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ntg/mntg0.f
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ C *** Write theoretical values & derivatives onto SAM30
 C *** Calculate theoretical covariance matrix for integral quantities
       IF (Ksolve.NE.2) THEN       
-         CALL Fixcov (I_Iiuif , A_Iemmmq, A_Iwdasi , A_Iwdbsi ,
+         CALL Fixcov (A_Iemmmq, A_Iwdasi , A_Iwdbsi ,
      *                A_Ix1, Numntg, Numxxx)
       END IF
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
@@ -192,10 +192,15 @@ C *** purpose -- guesstimate size of array needed for sammxw
       use fixedi_m
       use ifwrit_m
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
-      Ngbout = Napthe
-      Nsgbou = Napthe + 1
+      IF (Ksolve.EQ.2 .AND. covData%getPupedParam().eq.0) THEN
+         Ngbout = 0
+      else
+         Ngbout = covData%getNumTotalParam() - Numusd -  Numdtp
+      end if
+      Nsgbou = Ngbout + 1
 C *** one ***
       Kddddd = Kdatb
diff --git a/sammy/src/ntg/mntg5.f b/sammy/src/ntg/mntg5.f
index 9b9e4e8294bb81ba136d3e4cb1bf9fe972ec903b..14fc3f57c65ec4526e6734837193649a08955fc1 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ntg/mntg5.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ntg/mntg5.f
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ C
       END IF
       IF (Etanuu.NE.0.0d0 .AND. Kjetan.GT.0) THEN
          Dt = Wsigxx(Kountr-12)*Tosp
-         Wdbsig(Kjetan-Nvadif-Ndasig,Kountr) = Dt
+         Wdbsig(Kjetan-Ndasig,Kountr) = Dt
       END IF
       WRITE (21,10000) Wsigxx(Kountr), Xnu
 10000 FORMAT (' K1    = [MXFIS*nu-MXABS]*2/Sqrtpi =', 1P4G14.6)
diff --git a/sammy/src/ntg/mntg9.f b/sammy/src/ntg/mntg9.f
index 82e7120e053e4425fec43dde3a4bc16b89738bbe..7686d5f146694b0550e0341211ac3385dcd823d9 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ntg/mntg9.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ntg/mntg9.f
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Fixcov (Iuif, Emmmq, Wdasig, Wdbsig,  X, Numntg,
+      SUBROUTINE Fixcov (Emmmq, Wdasig, Wdbsig,  X, Numntg,
      *   Numxxx)
 C *** PURPOSE -- multiply Emmmq = Gq * Vrpr * Gq where Gq=wd?sig
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ C
 cx      INCLUDE 'B34ZYX'
-      DIMENSION Iuif(*), Emmmq(*), Wdasig(Ndaxxx,*), Wdbsig(Ndbxxx,*),
+      DIMENSION Emmmq(*), Wdasig(Ndaxxx,*), Wdbsig(Ndbxxx,*),
      *    X(Numntg,*)
-C     DIMENSION Iuif(Nvpres), Emmmq(Numxxx),
+C     DIMENSION  Emmmq(Numxxx),
 C    *   X(Numntg,Nvpall)
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/
@@ -99,18 +99,16 @@ C
       call covData%getUCovariance(uCov)
-      Jjpar = 0
-      DO Jpar=1,Nvpthe
-         IF (Jpar.GT.Nvpres .OR. Iuif(Jpar).NE.1) THEN
-            Jjpar = Jjpar + 1
+      DO Jpar=1,Nvpthe         
+         IF (covData%contributes(Jpar)) THEN
             DO Kpar=1,Nvpall
                cov  = uCov%getCovariance(Kpar, Jpar)
                IF (cov.NE.Zero) THEN
                   DO Idatq=1,Numntg
-                     IF (Jjpar.LE.Ndasig) THEN
-                        Gq = Wdasig(Jjpar,Idatq)
+                     IF (Jpar.LE.Ndasig) THEN
+                        Gq = Wdasig(Jpar,Idatq)
-                        Gq = Wdbsig(Jjpar-Ndasig,Idatq)
+                        Gq = Wdbsig(Jpar-Ndasig,Idatq)
                      END IF
                      IF (Gq.NE.Zero) THEN
                       X(Idatq,Kpar) = X(Idatq,Kpar) + Gq*cov
@@ -121,16 +119,14 @@ C
          END IF
       END DO
-      Kkpar = 0
       DO Kpar=1,Nvpthe
-         IF (Kpar.GT.Nvpres .OR. Iuif(Kpar).NE.1) THEN
-            Kkpar = Kkpar + 1
+         IF (covData%contributes(Kpar)) THEN
             Kk = 0
             DO Kdatq=1,Numntg
-               IF (Kkpar.LE.Ndasig) THEN
-                  Gq = Wdasig(Kkpar       ,Kdatq)
+               IF (Kpar.LE.Ndasig) THEN
+                  Gq = Wdasig(Kpar       ,Kdatq)
-                  Gq = Wdbsig(KKpar-Ndasig,Kdatq)
+                  Gq = Wdbsig(Kpar-Ndasig,Kdatq)
                END IF
                IF (Gq.NE.Zero) THEN
                   DO Idatq=1,Kdatq
diff --git a/sammy/src/old/mold0.f b/sammy/src/old/mold0.f
index f1b72db40314d7f43105d6549f31c31c0b7f88a2..c527ab5287a0dc19466d81d1ef4a85be7f59f799 100644
--- a/sammy/src/old/mold0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/old/mold0.f
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ C *** Generate associated flags
      *   I_Ifliso ,            I_Ifzke  , I_Ifzkte , I_Ifzkfe )
 C *** Organized PUPs
-      IF (Numpup.GT.0) CALL Set_Keep
+      IF (covData%getPupedParam().GT.0) CALL Set_Keep
       IF (Kpara+Kparv.NE.0) THEN
@@ -204,12 +204,14 @@ C
       use exploc_common_m
       use oopsch_common_m
       use AllocateFunctions_m
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
       real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:):: A_Idummy
       call allocate_real_data(A_Idiag, Nfpall)
-      Nn = (Numpup*(Numpup+1))/2
+      Nn = covData%getPupedParam()
+      Nn = (Nn*(Nn+1))/2
       Kkrext = Nrext
       IF (Kkrext.EQ.0) Kkrext = 1
       CALL Bet_Pup( A_Iprbrd , I_Iflbrd , A_Iechan ,
@@ -231,7 +233,7 @@ C
      *   I_Iflorr , A_Ideorr , I_Iflrpi , A_Iderpi ,
      *   I_Ifludr , A_Ideudr ,
      *   I_Iflnbk , A_Idenbk , I_Iflbgf , A_Idebgf ,
-     *   I_Ifldtp , A_Idedtp , A_Iddcov ,
+     *   I_Ifldtp , A_Idedtp ,
      *   I_Inn    , I_Imm    , I_Ikk    , I_Ill    , A_Ivv     ,
      *   A_Idiag  ,
      *   A_Iuncs  , I_Ijuncs ,
diff --git a/sammy/src/old/mold1.f b/sammy/src/old/mold1.f
index 1d1402ddb564d9f46ee2d87cefdafaf4ef373fbe..12a9fd8e204604b19f81951b2d8d1aff64115ed4 100644
--- a/sammy/src/old/mold1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/old/mold1.f
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ C
       END IF
       Npups = covData%getPupedParam()
       IF (Npups.NE.0) THEN
-         call allocate_real_data(A_Id2, Numpup)
+         call allocate_real_data(A_Id2, Npups)
          DO I=1,Npups
             II = I + covData%getNumParam()
             A_Id2(I) = covData%getUParamValue(II)
diff --git a/sammy/src/old/mold4.f90 b/sammy/src/old/mold4.f90
index 05a3dfdc7e4fa5ef8f9eef76b47de5453d95948c..f747b9eb5558fa7f1118c30905f4dd4f30220f8b 100644
--- a/sammy/src/old/mold4.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/old/mold4.f90
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE
          WRITE (6,99998) (Llf(I),I=1,50)
-         WRITE (6,99997) (Lf(I),I=1,50)
+         WRITE (6,99997) (Lfdim(I),I=1,50)
 99998    FORMAT (/, ' Jvpall,...', 10I5, /, (11X,10I5))
 99997    FORMAT (/, ' Nvpall,...', 10I5, /, (11X,10I5))
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE
       WRITE (6,99998) (LLF(I),I=1,20)
-      WRITE (6,99997) (LF(I),I=1,20)
+      WRITE (6,99997) (LFdim(I),I=1,20)
 99998 FORMAT (/, ' Jvpres,...', 10I5, /, (11X,10I5))
 99997 FORMAT (/, ' Nvpres,...', 10I5, /, (11X,10I5))
       Ifff = 1
@@ -594,8 +594,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE
       Ipar = 0
       DO Ires=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
          call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, Ires)
-         Iflr = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-         IF (Iflr.GE.0) THEN
+         IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             Igr =  resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
             call resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
             E = resonance%getEres()
diff --git a/sammy/src/old/mold8.f b/sammy/src/old/mold8.f
index 61930e562559b9a101ddb25b7ccc4472198dad17..3352e6aead3778ed67b725e22460d9ab31566112 100644
--- a/sammy/src/old/mold8.f
+++ b/sammy/src/old/mold8.f
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ C
      *   Parmsc, Iflmsc, Delmsc, Iradms, Iflpmc, Delpmc,
      *   Iflorr, Delorr, Iflrpi, Delrpi, Ifludr, Deludr,
      *   Iflnbk, Delnbk, Iflbgf, Delbgf, Ifldtp, Deldtp,
-     *   Ddcov,  Nn, Mm, Kk, Ll, Vv, Diag,
+     *   Nn, Mm, Kk, Ll, Vv, Diag,
      *   Runcs, Juncs, Prior, Iprior, Jprior,
      *   Noffv, Non, Nuncer, Nprior)
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ C
      *   Iflorr(*), Delorr(*), Iflrpi(*), Delrpi(*),
      *   Ifludr(*), Deludr(*), Iflnbk(*), Delnbk(*),
      *   Iflbgf(*), Delbgf(*), Ifldtp(*), Deldtp(*),
-     *   Ddcov(*),
      *   Nn(*), Mm(*), Kk(*), Ll(*), Vv(*),
      *   Diag(*), Runcs(Ntotc2+1,*), Juncs(Ntotc2,*),
      *   Prior(*), Iprior(*), Jprior(Ntotc2,*) ,Parmsc(*)
@@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ C     *   Iflpmc(4,Numpmc), Delpmc(4,Numpmc),
 C     *   Iflorr(Numorr), Delorr(Numorr), Iflrpi(Numrpi), Delrpi(Numrpi),
 C     *   Iflrpi(Numudr), Deludr(Numudr), IFlnbk(Numnbk), Delnbk(Numnbk),
 C     *   Iflbgf(Numbgf), Delbgf(Numbgf), Ifldtp(Numdtp), Deldtp(Numdtp),
-C     *   Ddcov(Nres), Nn(Noffv), Mm(Noffv), Kk(Noffv), Ll(Noffv),
+C     *   Nn(Noffv), Mm(Noffv), Kk(Noffv), Ll(Noffv),
 C     *   Vv(Noffv), Diag(Nfpall),
 C     *   Runcs(Ntotc2+1,Nuncer), Juncs(Ntotc2,Nuncer),
 C     *   Prior(Nprior), Iprior(Nprior), Jprior(Ntotc2,Nres)
diff --git a/sammy/src/old/mold9.f b/sammy/src/old/mold9.f
index 600f9dbd86c793cdf5b342b5421841464542c5c1..35ed7b5a2ba5510158922bf80384daeae7fed3ae 100644
--- a/sammy/src/old/mold9.f
+++ b/sammy/src/old/mold9.f
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ C
 C ***    First -- resonance parameters
          DO Ires=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
             call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, Ires)
-            IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+            IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                call resParData%getRedResonance(resonance, resInfo)
                igr = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
diff --git a/sammy/src/orr/morr1.f90 b/sammy/src/orr/morr1.f90
index 477eefa2da62cecd0f72d740c1484bdd6d95e7ce..3cc46d42f61a3d06c387c8d7ba0c6913243caa7f 100644
--- a/sammy/src/orr/morr1.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/orr/morr1.f90
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ module orr1_m
       SUBROUTINE Xorres (Wts, Weight, Sigxxx, Dasigx, Dbsigx,  &
          Vsigxx, Vdasig, Vdbsig, Em, Parorr, Iflorr, Ecrnch, Sigmns, Sigpls, Dist)
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Ndaxxx, Ndbsig, Ndbxxx, Nfporr, Numorr, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Ndaxxx, Ndbsig, Ndbxxx, Nfporr, Numorr
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Ksolve
       use brdd_common_m, only : Ipnts, Kc
       use orr2_m
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ module orr1_m
                B = Zero
             END IF
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
-               Dbsigx(n,Iflorr(I)-Nvadif-Ndasig) = B
+               Dbsigx(n,Iflorr(I)-Ndasig) = B
             END DO
             IF (Kdebug.NE.0) THEN
                IF (Kwarn.LE.100) THEN
diff --git a/sammy/src/par/mpar0.f90 b/sammy/src/par/mpar0.f90
index a1453bcb72e5955cb1aebde6a34aca434435a9cd..3c99b968e28b0f63b2e108124a48ad8f64f36529 100644
--- a/sammy/src/par/mpar0.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/par/mpar0.f90
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ module par_m
       Nunit = 21
       IF (Kdecpl.NE.0) CALL Outddc (Nunit)
-      CALL Order (A_Iprmsc , I_Irdmsc , A_Iddcov)
+      CALL Order (A_Iprmsc , I_Irdmsc)
 ! *** Sub routine Order reorders resonances according to J-Pi groups
 ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
@@ -154,9 +154,8 @@ module par_m
       IF (Kpolar.EQ.1.AND. Nres.NE.0) CALL Flgpol (I_Iflpol )
-      IF (Kdecpl.NE.0.AND. Nres.NE.0) CALL Dddcov (A_Iddcov, A_Idcov )
-! *** Routine Dddcov puts background covariance in terms of Nvpres instead
-! ***    of Nres
+      IF (Kdecpl.NE.0.AND. Nres.NE.0) CALL Dddcov
+! *** Routine Dddcov  updates zero uncertainties in resInfo%getXVal
       IF (Nudwhi.NE.0) THEN
          CALL Read_User (I_Inud_E , I_Inud_T , A_Iude , A_Iudr ,A_Iudt )
diff --git a/sammy/src/par/mpar01.f90 b/sammy/src/par/mpar01.f90
index 3210b195f046a2a1c96254682d7afee312f990f5..8a373ec96619714079e36ad5bfec6ed8628541c2 100644
--- a/sammy/src/par/mpar01.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/par/mpar01.f90
@@ -81,13 +81,6 @@ module par1_m
 ! *** eleven
       N = Nres
       IF (Kdecpl.EQ.0 .AND. Kenunc.EQ.0) N = 1
-      IF (Nres.EQ.0) N = 1
-      call make_A_Iddcov(N)
-! *** twelve
-      N = Nvpres
-      IF (Kdecpl.EQ.0) N = 1
-      call make_A_Idcov(N)
 ! *** thirteen
       K = Nfpall
@@ -187,4 +180,4 @@ module par1_m
            I5, ' but you need', I6, '... ERROR')
-end module par1_m
\ No newline at end of file
+end module par1_m
diff --git a/sammy/src/par/mpar04.f90 b/sammy/src/par/mpar04.f90
index 91fa53e38d494bc41684b26f4517af84795c6a23..f7cbb76bd1e8c3ba68d03c4ec2cd932971a66bf9 100644
--- a/sammy/src/par/mpar04.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/par/mpar04.f90
@@ -457,19 +457,7 @@ module par4_m
       ELSE IF (Xx.EQ.Concrz) THEN
 ! ***    Line # xx *** Constant cross section added to what's calculated
-         Parmsc(N+1) = A
-         Parmsc(N+2) = C
-         Delmsc(N+1) = B
-         Delmsc(N+2) = D
-         Iflmsc(N+1) = I
-         Iflmsc(N+2) = J
-         Nammsc(N+1) = Concrz
-         Nammsc(N+2) = Concry
-         Kconcr = N + 1
-         Kcontr = N + 2
-         Concro = A
-         Contot = C
-         N = N + 2
+         stop 'Adding of a constant cross section is not supported'
       END IF
       GO TO 10
diff --git a/sammy/src/par/mpar11.f90 b/sammy/src/par/mpar11.f90
index 2a98c2a318f3d2718d0e06618fbce787247d4090..b14387cb9a89757a922a0b40800c6cb6764b5470 100644
--- a/sammy/src/par/mpar11.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/par/mpar11.f90
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ module par11_m
 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Order (Parmsc, Iradms, Ddcov)
+      SUBROUTINE Order (Parmsc, Iradms)
 ! *** Purpose -- Reorder resonance parameters by energy (low to high) and
 ! ***              by J-pi groups
@@ -179,14 +179,14 @@ module par11_m
       use EndfData_common_m, only : covData, resParData
-      real(kind=8)::Parmsc(*), Ddcov(*)
+      real(kind=8)::Parmsc(*)
-      integer::I, ier, iffres, igrp, iopt, J, ntot, numChan
+      integer::I, ier, igrp, iopt, J, ntot, numChan
       integer::jpar, jres, jgroup, jparAll, jpup
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/
@@ -262,35 +262,10 @@ module par11_m
             WRITE (21,99997) igrp, Ntot, numChan
             STOP '[STOP in Order in par/mpar11.f   # 3]'
          end if
-         iffres = 0  ! count number of varied parameters
          IF (Iradms(igrp).NE.0) then
             call resonance%setWidth(1, Parmsc(Iradms(igrp)))
-         end if
-         iffres = iffres + resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-         iffres = iffres + resInfo%getChannelFitOption(1)
-         do i = 2, resonance%getNumChan()                  
-            iffres = iffres + resInfo%getChannelFitOption(i)
-            if (i.eq.2.and.spinInfo%getGammWidthParIndex().gt.0) then
-              iffres = iffres + spinInfo%getGammWidthParIndex() 
-            end if
-         end do
-         if( .not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) then
-            iopt = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-            iopt = iopt  - 3  ! flag that we do not want to vary any data
-            call resInfo%setEnergyFitOption(iopt)
-         else
-            if (iffres.eq.0) then ! no variead parameters 
-               call resInfo%setEnergyFitOption(-1) ! flag that we do not want to vary any data
-            end if
-         end if
-         IF (Kenunc.NE.0 .OR. Kdecpl.NE.0) then
-            Ddcov(j)  = resInfo%getXVal()
+            call resInfo%setChannelFitOption(1, spinInfo%getGammWidthParIndex())
          end if
       end do
@@ -382,7 +357,7 @@ module par11_m
 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Dddcov (Ddcov, Dcov)
+      SUBROUTINE Dddcov
       use fixedi_m
       use ifwrit_m
@@ -391,7 +366,6 @@ module par11_m
       use EndfData_common_m
       IMPLICIT none
-      real(kind=8):: Dcov(*), Ddcov(*)
       real(kind=8):: Zero
@@ -403,31 +377,12 @@ module par11_m
 ! *** Adjust Dcov to be with respect to Nfpall not Nres
       IF (Kdecpl.NE.1) THEN
          DO N=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
-            IF (Ddcov(N).EQ.Zero) Ddcov(N) = 1.d-6
+            call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, N)
+            IF (resInfo%getXVal().EQ.Zero) then
+               call resInfo%setXVal(1.d-6)
+            end if
          END DO
       END IF
-      Ipar = 0
-      DO N=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
-         call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, N)
-         if ( resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().le.0) cycle ! this resonance is ignored in the fit
-         call resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
-         II = 0
-         ! count energy fit options
-         Ipar = Ipar + 1
-         II = II + 1
-         IF (II.EQ.1) Dcov(Ipar) = Ddcov(N)
-         IF (II.NE.1) Dcov(Ipar) = Zero
-         ! and the rest of the channels
-         do M = 1, resonance%getNumChan()
-            Ipar = Ipar + 1
-            II = II + 1
-            IF (II.EQ.1) Dcov(Ipar) = Ddcov(N)
-            IF (II.NE.1) Dcov(Ipar) = Zero
-         end do     
-      END DO
 end module par11_m
diff --git a/sammy/src/rec/mrec3.f b/sammy/src/rec/mrec3.f
index 4b82287eb5b8323ca6e2d420a20e8edb693df5d3..981894b9fe88064a7d28d506f44eeb25168ce3e4 100644
--- a/sammy/src/rec/mrec3.f
+++ b/sammy/src/rec/mrec3.f
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ C
       Squ = dSQRT(Su)
       Ks_Res = 2
-      Ifres  = 1
       Ifcap  = 1
       Ifzzz  = 1
       Ifext  = 1
@@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ C --------------------------------------------------------------
       SUBROUTINE Uuuset (Difmax)
-C *** PURPOSE -- GENERATE Uup, Udown, Iuif, Nnpar, Difmax
+C *** PURPOSE -- GENERATE Uup, Udown, Nnpar, Difmax
 C *** modified from program Uset in mthe1
       use fixedi_m
diff --git a/sammy/src/ref/mrfs0.f b/sammy/src/ref/mrfs0.f
index 8008f344230f4bfa75ec73d0cb76a8af527e4a17..bc32c7d9d682ca8686834564b08717a25a36fdb9 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ref/mrfs0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ref/mrfs0.f
@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ C *** collect values needed for parameter file
      *   A_Iprnbk , I_Iflnbk , A_Idenbk ,
      *   A_Iprbgf , I_Iflbgf , A_Idebgf , I_Indbgf , A_Ibgfma ,
      *   A_Ibgfma , A_Iprdtp , I_Ifldtp , A_Idedtp ,
-     *   A_Iprusd , A_Iprbag , I_Iflbag ,
-     *   A_Iddcov)
+     *   A_Iprusd , A_Iprbag , I_Iflbag)
       I = Idimen (0, 0, '0, 0')
       CALL Write_Commons_Few
diff --git a/sammy/src/ref/mrfs4.f b/sammy/src/ref/mrfs4.f
index 733358c91670e5b0e28a514afbdb36dbbd96aaa1..48d47216452e58ba77602396b280053b35adef67 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ref/mrfs4.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ref/mrfs4.f
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ C
      *     parrpi, Iflrpi, Delrpi, Parnbk, Iflnbk, Delnbk,
      *     Parbgf, Iflbgf, Delbgf, Kndbgf, Bgfmin, Bgfmax,
      *     Pardtp, Ifldtp, Deldtp,
-     *     Parusd, Parbag, Iflbag, Ddcov )
+     *     Parusd, Parbag, Iflbag)
 C *** purpose -- convert from REFIT to SAMMY parameters
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ C
      *     Parnbk(*), Iflnbk(*), Delnbk(*),
      *     Parbgf(*), Iflbgf(*), Delbgf(*), Kndbgf(*), Bgfmin(*),
      *     Bgfmax(*), Pardtp(*), Ifldtp(*), Deldtp(*), Parusd(*),
-     *     ParBAG(*), Iflbag(*), Ddcov(*)
+     *     ParBAG(*), Iflbag(*)
 C      DIMENSION Parbrd(Numbrd), Iflbrd(Numbrd),
 C     *     Igrrad(Ntotc,Ngroup),
@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ C     *     Parbgf(Numbgf), Iflbgf(Numbgf), Delbgf(Numbgf),
 C     *     Kndbgf(Numbgf), Bgfmin(Numbgf), Bgfmax(Numbgf),
 C     *     Pardtp(Numdtp), Namdtp(Numdtp), Ifldtp(Numdtp),
 C     *     Parusd(Numusd), Namusd(Numusd),
-C     *     Parbag(Numusd), Iflbag(Numusd),
-C     *     Ddcov(Nres)
+C     *     Parbag(Numusd), Iflbag(Numusd)
       IF (Nres.NE.0) THEN     
diff --git a/sammy/src/ref/mwrt0.f b/sammy/src/ref/mwrt0.f
index c95fc70de19ad49f0497fb11a7e1f60ade6bfc32..a42fd8cdcec9e4b46e75af7233ec0a5254641a81 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ref/mwrt0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/ref/mwrt0.f
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ C *** Write Parameter file
      *            A_Iprbgf , I_Iflbgf , A_Idebgf , I_Indbgf , A_Ibgfmi ,
      *            A_Ibgfma , A_Iprdtp , I_Ifldtp , A_Idedtp ,
      *            A_Iprusd , A_Iprbag , I_Iflbag ,
-     *            A_Iddcov , A_I3 ,     A_I4 ,
+     *            A_I3 ,     A_I4 ,
      *            0, 0, relevantData, .true.)
 C ***          Routine Oldord reorders Parameters into original order,
 C ***             and writes the new Parameter file
diff --git a/sammy/src/rpi/mrpi7.f90 b/sammy/src/rpi/mrpi7.f90
index 7ff629355ad3cea19a162f827e15eab5f90a6378..467d40328010002d194cc3870d82a9f863b991a0 100644
--- a/sammy/src/rpi/mrpi7.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/rpi/mrpi7.f90
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       use rpi5_m
       use rpi8_m
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Lother, Ndasig, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Lother, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug
       use rpijnk_common_m
       use rpires_common_m
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ module rpi7_m
 ! *** Note that Wtsx assume a factor of 1/Www is missing from d(I)/d(www).
 ! *** Also note that Www=S4ln2/p and p is the variable of interest.
       Der = - Der*Www /Thous/S4ln2
-      Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+      Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
       DO N=1,Nnnsig
          Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der
       END DO
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       use rpi5_m
       use rpi8_m
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Midrpi
       use rpijnk_common_m
       use rpires_common_m
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 2
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = dEXP(-Taub*Em)/Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 3
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = -Taua*Em*dEXP(-Taub*Em)
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 4
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = dEXP(-Taud*Em)/Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 5
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = -Tauc*Em*dEXP(-Taud*Em)
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 6
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = One/Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 7
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = Em**Taug / Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 8
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = dLOG(Em)*Tauf*Em**Taug
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       use rpi5_m
       use rpi8_m
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Midrpi
       use rpijnk_common_m
       use rpires_common_m
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Dl = dLOG(Em)
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = One/Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO  N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 10
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = Dl/Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 11
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = Dl**2/Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 12
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = Em**El4/Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 13
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = El3 * Em**El4 * Dl
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          Do N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ module rpi7_m
             Vsigxx, Em, Parrpi, Iflrpi, Qqa, Sigt)
       use rpi5_m
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Midrpi
       use rpijnk_common_m
       use rpires_common_m
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 14
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = dEXP(-A1b*Em)*Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 15
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = -A1a*Em*dEXP(-A1b*Em)
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 16
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = dEXP(-A1d*Em)*Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 17
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = -A1c*Em*dEXP(-A1d*Em)
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 18
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = One*Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 19
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = Em**A1g*Thous
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
           DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Irpi = 20
       IF (Iflrpi(Irpi).NE.0) THEN
          Fudgex = A1f * Em**A1g * dLOG(Em)
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Fudgex
          END DO
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ module rpi7_m
             Vsigxx, Em, Parrpi, Iflrpi, Sigt)
       use rpi5_m
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Midrpi
       use rpijnk_common_m
       use rpires_common_m
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Timej = F
       Der = Getder (Sigpls, Sigt, Sigmns, Ddeelx(21), A, Kdebug, &
                 Kwarn, Irpi, Em)
-      Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+      Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
       DO N=1,Nnnsig
          Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der/Thous
       END DO
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ module rpi7_m
             Vsigxx, Em, Parrpi, Iflrpi, Qqa, Sigt)
       use rpi5_m
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Midrpi
       use rpijnk_common_m
       use rpires_common_m
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       T2    = H
       Der = Getder (Sigpls, Sigt, Sigmns, Ddeelx(22), A, Kdebug, &
                Kwarn, Irpi, Em)
-      Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+      Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
       DO N=1,Nnnsig
          Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der
       END DO
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ module rpi7_m
             Vsigxx, Em, Parrpi, Iflrpi, Qqa, Sigt)
       use rpi5_m
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Medrpi, Ndasig, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Medrpi, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Midrpi
       use rpijnk_common_m
       use rpires_common_m
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Der = Getder (Sigpls, Sigt, Sigmns, Ddeelx(23), A, Kdebug, &
                Kwarn, Irpi, Em)
       IF (Medrpi.EQ.0) THEN
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Thous
          END DO
@@ -850,49 +850,49 @@ module rpi7_m
          IF (Parrpi(23).LT.-One) Sqe = dSQRT(Em)
          Sqe = Sqe * Thous
          IF (Iflrpi(26).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(26) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(26) - Ndasig
             X = Sqe*dEXP(-Parrpi(27)*Em)
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(27).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(27) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(27) - Ndasig
             X = - Sqe*dEXP(-Parrpi(27)*Em)*Parrpi(26)*Em
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(28).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(28) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(28) - Ndasig
             X = Sqe*dEXP(-Parrpi(29)*Em)
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(29).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(29) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(29) - Ndasig
             X = - Sqe*dEXP(-Parrpi(29)*Em)*Parrpi(28)*Em
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(30).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(30) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(30) - Ndasig
             X = Sqe
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(31).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(31) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(31) - Ndasig
             X = Sqe*Em**(Parrpi(32))
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(32).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(32) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(32) - Ndasig
             X = Parrpi(31)*Sqe*Em**(Parrpi(32))*dlog(Em)
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
@@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ module rpi7_m
             Vsigxx, Em, Parrpi, Iflrpi, Qqa, Sigt)
       use rpi5_m
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Midrpi
       use rpijnk_common_m
       use rpires_common_m
@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       T2    = H
       Der = Getder (Sigpls, Sigt, Sigmns, Ddeelx(24), A, Kdebug, &
                Kwarn, Irpi, Em)
-      Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+      Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
       DO N=1,Nnnsig
          Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der
       END DO
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ module rpi7_m
             Vsigxx, Em, Parrpi, Iflrpi, Qqa, Sigt)
       use rpi5_m
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Mmmrpi, Ndasig, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Mmmrpi, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Midrpi
       use rpijnk_common_m
       use rpires_common_m
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       Der = Getder (Sigpls, Sigt, Sigmns, Ddeelx(25), A, Kdebug, Kwarn, Irpi,Em)
       IF (Mmmrpi.EQ.0) THEN
          Irpi = 25
-         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
          DO N=1,Nnnsig
             Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*Thous
          END DO
@@ -1052,49 +1052,49 @@ module rpi7_m
          IF (Parrpi(25).LT.Zero) Sqe = dSQRT(Em)
          Sqe = Sqe * Thous
          IF (Iflrpi(33).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(33) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(33) - Ndasig
             X = Sqe*dEXP(-Parrpi(34)*Em)
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(34).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(34) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(34) - Ndasig
             X = - Sqe*dEXP(-Parrpi(34)*Em)*Parrpi(33)*Em
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(35).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(35) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(35) - Ndasig
             X = Sqe*dEXP(-Parrpi(36)*Em)
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(36).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(36) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(36) - Ndasig
             X = - Sqe*dEXP(-Parrpi(36)*Em)*Parrpi(35)*Em
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(37).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(37) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(37) - Ndasig
             X = Sqe
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(38).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(38) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(38) - Ndasig
             X = Sqe*Em**(Parrpi(39))
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (Iflrpi(39).GT.0) THEN
-            Kkk = Iflrpi(39) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            Kkk = Iflrpi(39) - Ndasig
             X = Parrpi(38)*Sqe*Em**(Parrpi(39))*dlog(Em)
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der*X
@@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       use rpi5_m
       use rpi8_m
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Lother, Medrpi, Nvadif, Ndasig
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Lother, Medrpi, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Midrpi
       use rpijnk_common_m
       use rpires_common_m
@@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ module rpi7_m
    10          CONTINUE
             END DO
             IF (Iflrpi(Irpi+1).NE.0) THEN
-               Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi+1) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+               Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi+1) - Ndasig
                DO N=1,Nnnsig
                   Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der1*Thous
                END DO
@@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@ module rpi7_m
             IF (Ifx.GT.0) THEN
                DO Im=2,8
                   If (Iflrpi(Irpi+Im).GT.0) THEN
-                     Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi+Im) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+                     Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi+Im) - Ndasig
                      IF (Im.EQ.2) THEN
                         Q = dEXP(-Parrpi(Irpi+3)*Em)
                      ELSE IF (Im.EQ.3) THEN
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ module rpi7_m
                CALL Rpi_Br_Der (Weight, Wtsx, Wts_Norm, &
                Der = Sumupd (Wtsx, Vsigxx)
-               Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+               Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
                Der = Der*Thous
                DO N=1,Nnnsig
                   Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der
@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ module rpi7_m
                DO Im=2,8
                   Irpi = Irpi + 1
                   IF (Iflrpi(Irpix).NE.0) THEN
-                     Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+                     Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
                      IF (Im.EQ.2 .OR. Im.EQ.4 .OR. Im.EQ.6 .OR. &
                          Im.EQ.7) Der = Der*Thous
                      DO N=1,Nnnsig
@@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ module rpi7_m
       use rpi5_m
       use rpi8_m
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug
       use rpijnk_common_m
       use rpires_common_m
@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ module rpi7_m
                 Irpi, Em)
       END IF
       Der = Der/Thous
-      Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+      Kkk = Iflrpi(Irpi) - Ndasig
       DO N=1,Nnnsig
            Dbsigx(N,Kkk) = Der
       END DO
diff --git a/sammy/src/rsl/mrsl1.f90 b/sammy/src/rsl/mrsl1.f90
index b195a1449d23f197c204090b5889fd0b71488df2..ff8e1940464ef62b8d54dd561420ccaa76d2abcf 100644
--- a/sammy/src/rsl/mrsl1.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/rsl/mrsl1.f90
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ module rsl1_m
       SUBROUTINE Xresol (auxGrid, Wts, Weight, Sigxxx, Dasigx, Dbsigx,     &
         Vsigxx, Vdasig, Vdbsig, Iflmsc, Widgau, Widexp, Est, Em, Ifirst)
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndaxxx, Ndbsig, Ndasig, Ndbxxx, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndaxxx, Ndbsig, Ndasig, Ndbxxx
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Kjdele, Ksolve, Kvdell, Kvdlt2, Kvdlte, Kvdltg, Kjdell, Kvdltc
       use broad_common_m, only : Ao2, Bo2, DeltaE,  Deltag, deltal, Deltc1, Deltc2
       use brdd_common_m, only : Ipnts, Kc
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ module rsl1_m
          IF (Kvdell.GT.0) THEN
 ! ***       Here we generate derivative wrt Delta-L
             B = A*Bo2/Deltal
-            K = Kvdell - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            K = Kvdell - Ndasig
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,K) = B
             END DO
@@ -337,13 +337,13 @@ module rsl1_m
 ! ***          energy-dependent
             B = A*Bo2/Deltal
             IF (Iflmsc(Kjdell).GT.0) THEN
-               K = Iflmsc(Kjdell) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+               K = Iflmsc(Kjdell) - Ndasig
                DO N=1,Nnnsig
                   Dbsigx(N,K) = B*Em
                END DO
             END IF
             IF (Iflmsc(Kjdell+1).GT.0) THEN
-               K = Iflmsc(Kjdell+1) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+               K = Iflmsc(Kjdell+1) - Ndasig
                DO N=1,Nnnsig
                   Dbsigx(N,K) = B
                END DO
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ module rsl1_m
          IF (Kvdltg.GT.0) THEN
 ! ***       Here generate derivative wrt Delta-t-sub-G
-            K = Kvdltg - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            K = Kvdltg - Ndasig
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,K) = A*Em*Ao2/dABS(Deltag)
             END DO
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ module rsl1_m
          IF (Kvdltc.GT.0) THEN
 ! ***       Here generate derivative wrt Delta-t-sub-C1
             Deltac = Deltc1 + Em*Deltc2
-            K = Kvdltc - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            K = Kvdltc - Ndasig
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,K) = Dergau * Deltac/Widgau
             END DO
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ module rsl1_m
          IF (Kvdlt2.GT.0) THEN
 ! ***       Here generate derivative wrt Delta-t-sub-C2
             Deltac = Deltc1 + Em*Deltc2
-            K = Kvdlt2 - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            K = Kvdlt2 - Ndasig
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,K) = Dergau * Em*Deltac/Widgau
             END DO
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ module rsl1_m
          A = ( 0.5d0*(Esigp-Esigm) / (Edel*DeltaE) )
          IF (Kvdlte.GT.0) THEN
 ! ***       Here generate derivative wrt Delta-t-sub-E
-            K = Kvdlte - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            K = Kvdlte - Ndasig
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(N,K) = A
             END DO
@@ -392,19 +392,19 @@ module rsl1_m
 ! ***       Here generate derivative wrt Delta-e when Delta-e is
 ! ***          energy-dependent
             IF (Iflmsc(Kjdele).GT.0) THEN
-               K = Iflmsc(Kjdele) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+               K = Iflmsc(Kjdele) - Ndasig
                DO N=1,Nnnsig
                   Dbsigx(N,K) = A*Em
                END DO
             END IF
             IF (Iflmsc(Kjdele+1).GT.0) THEN
-               K = Iflmsc(Kjdele+1) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+               K = Iflmsc(Kjdele+1) - Ndasig
                DO N=1,Nnnsig
                   Dbsigx(N,K) = A
                END DO
             END IF
             IF (Iflmsc(Kjdele+2).GT.0) THEN
-               K = Iflmsc(Kjdele+2) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+               K = Iflmsc(Kjdele+2) - Ndasig
                DO N=1,Nnnsig
                   Dbsigx(N,K) = A*dLOG(Em)
                END DO
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ module rsl1_m
       END IF
       IF (Kvdlte.GT.0) THEN
-         Derexp = Dbsigx(1,(Kvdlte-Nvadif-Ndasig))
+         Derexp = Dbsigx(1,(Kvdlte-Ndasig))
          Sigt   = Sigxxx(1)
          Derex1 = (Esigp-Sigt)/(Edel*DeltaE)
          Derex2 = (Sigt-Esigm)/(Edel*DeltaE)
diff --git a/sammy/src/rsl/mrsl2.f90 b/sammy/src/rsl/mrsl2.f90
index 0b5efa2b0333fa360aa286537346674474e1952d..5c18daefcbd314eae58794642fbe6527e01de05e 100644
--- a/sammy/src/rsl/mrsl2.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/rsl/mrsl2.f90
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module rsl2_m
 ! *** purpose -- convert from transmission back to cross sections
-      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Ndbsig, Nvadif
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Ndbsig
       use ifwrit_m, only : Ksolve, Kvthck
       use abro_common_m, only : Thck
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ module rsl2_m
       END DO
       IF (Ksolve.NE.2) THEN
          IF (Kvthck.GT.0) THEN
-            K = Kvthck - Nvadif - Ndasig
+            K = Kvthck - Ndasig
             DO n=1,Nnnsig
                Dbsigx(n,K) = Dbsigx(n,K) + A*Sigxxx(n)
             END DO
diff --git a/sammy/src/sammy/CMakeLists.txt b/sammy/src/sammy/CMakeLists.txt
index cac32a9e942175e8357279f2f2cfa321e635e3b3..e6c16d1887eeac3612ee2557e9c249066ad8e4dd 100644
--- a/sammy/src/sammy/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/sammy/src/sammy/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ APPEND_SET(SAMMY_SOURCES
-            ../xct/mxct11.f
+            ../xct/mxct11.f90
diff --git a/sammy/src/squ/msqu0.f b/sammy/src/squ/msqu0.f
index db8a84af55c37229363334926adea6c437222382..6b76bfe1d6c5300d0a55cfa7b57c60b0420e579b 100644
--- a/sammy/src/squ/msqu0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/squ/msqu0.f
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ C
       use sammy_ipq_common_m, only : N1, N2, nimplgiven, nimplict
       use SammyFlowControl_M, only : fitOption, Where_To_Next
       use SammyLptPrinting_m
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ C
       IF (Kaverg.NE.0) GO TO 110
       Nnndat = Numcro*Ndat
       Numidc = Kumidc
-      Kkkidc = Kumidc + Numpup
+      Kkkidc = Kumidc + covData%getPupedParam()
       Numidc = nimplgiven
       Kkkidc = nimplict
diff --git a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm00.f90 b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm00.f90
index 9ae3d2fa37f92a6422ad062d45080e86fc547c55..7d7561db789297d70c2b237f6544a45665572b24 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm00.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm00.f90
@@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ module ssm_m
       IF (Nx.EQ.0) THEN
          Nx = 1
-         IF (Kvthck-Nvadif.GT.Nx) Nx = Kvthck - Nvadif
+         IF (Kvthck.GT.Nx) Nx = Kvthck
       END IF
-      IF (Debug) WRITE (6,12345) Kvthck, Nvadif, Nx
+      IF (Debug) WRITE (6,12345) Kvthck, 0, Nx
 12345 FORMAT (' Kvthck, Nvadif, Nx=', 3I5)
       Nnx = Nx
       IF (Kssdbl.NE.1) Nnx = 1 
diff --git a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm11.f90 b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm11.f90
index 8365f837df32f7796c39057b8b71f993e29c43cf..3ff8a5e56a4d9c88d7c0d95917dd8dda8aecf7ff 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm11.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm11.f90
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module ssm_11_m
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/
       Izero = 1
-      Kv = Kvthck - Nvadif
+      Kv = Kvthck
 ! *** Find differential elastic scattering cross section Elas and 
 ! ***    derivatives Delas at Energy Em and angle Theta
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ module ssm_11_m
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/
       Izero = 1
-      Kv = Kvthck - Nvadif
+      Kv = Kvthck
 ! *** Find differential elastic scattering cross section Elas and 
 ! ***    derivatives Delas at Energy Em and angle Theta
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ module ssm_11_m
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/
       Izero = 1
-      Kv = Kvthck - Nvadif
+      Kv = Kvthck
 ! *** Find differential elastic scattering cross section Elas and 
 ! ***    derivatives Delas at Energy Em and angle Theta
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ module ssm_11_m
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/
       Izero = 1
-      Kv = Kvthck - Nvadif
+      Kv = Kvthck
 ! *** Find differential elastic scattering cross section Elas and 
 ! ***    derivatives Delas at Energy Em and angle Theta
diff --git a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm18.f90 b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm18.f90
index 0b38602f3a4e72975038f9ef9875e8e4da75c4dd..e9a7ff2249af94d6a739b35beea0cf85c0a713ab 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm18.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm18.f90
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module ssm_18_m
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/, Half /0.5d0/, One /1.0d0/
-      Kv = Kvthck - Nvadif
+      Kv = Kvthck
       CALL Xsect22 (Dy2ddd, Dy2ddq, Y2cccc, Dy2ccc, Y2dddd, &
          Y2dddq, Ep, Nx, Ientrp, Nn, Non_Quad)
diff --git a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm19.f90 b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm19.f90
index 812239de5e1e221d0297650682c2a9c40f0d5fbd..e1c030276b827cfcd5a1083a7e44f12e55f11abd 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm19.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm19.f90
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ module ssm_19_m
       IF (Kvthck.GT.0) THEN
 ! ***    Add deriv of Y0 wrt Thickness
-         Kv = Kvthck - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kv = Kvthck - Ndasig
          IF (yld%normTypeIsSelfShielded()) THEN
             IF (Noyzer.EQ.0) THEN
                Dbsigx(Kv) = Exp1*Cap + Dbsigx(Kv)
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ module ssm_19_m
          if ( .not.yld%normTypeIsSelfShielded() .and. &
               .not.yld%normTypeIsTimesSigTot() ) n_sensitivity = Asensn
 ! ***    Add deriv of Y0 wrt neutron sensitivity multiplier
-         Kv = Ksensc - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kv = Ksensc - Ndasig
          Dbsigx(Kv) = n_sensitivity
       END IF
diff --git a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm20.f90 b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm20.f90
index 543c6ddc3fc843f186dcdadf1218fba4cae322cd..9607f5e4bc4b04f0638bcfdaf5bc044e1412265f 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm20.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm20.f90
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ module ssm_20_m
       IF (Kvthck.GT.0) THEN
 ! ***    Add deriv of Y0 wrt Thickness; modify deriv of Y1 & Y2 wrt Thick
-         Kv = Kvthck - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kv = Kvthck - Ndasig
          IF (yld%normTypeIsSelfShielded()) THEN
             IF (Noyzer.EQ.0) THEN
                Dbsigx(Kv) = Exp1*Cap + Dbsigx(Kv)
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ module ssm_20_m
          if ( .not.yld%normTypeIsSelfShielded() .and. &
               .not.yld%normTypeIsTimesSigTot() ) n_sensitivity = Asensn
 ! ***    Add deriv of Y0 wrt neutron sensitivity multiplier
-         Kv = Ksensc - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kv = Ksensc - Ndasig
          Dbsigx(Kv) = n_sensitivity
       END IF
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ module ssm_20_m
       IF (Kv.GT.0) THEN
 ! ***      Add deriv of Y0 wrt Thickness of transmission sample
-           Kv = Kv - Nvadif - Ndasig
+           Kv = Kv - Ndasig
            Dbsigx(Kv) = Dbsigx(Kv) - Sigxxx(1)*Total2
          END IF
diff --git a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm21.f90 b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm21.f90
index 88babadd8d5d246ad1b84f88bfbc53f0cd627c3b..a89e1a059a8b11b37a24d4cbcadca918651aaed4 100644
--- a/sammy/src/ssm/mssm21.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/ssm/mssm21.f90
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ module ssm_21_m
       IF (Kvthck.GT.0) THEN
 ! ***    Add deriv of Y0 wrt Thickness; modify deriv of Y1 & Y2 wrt Thick
-         Kv = Kvthck - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kv = Kvthck - Ndasig
          IF (yld%normTypeIsSelfShielded()) THEN
             IF (Noyzer.EQ.0) THEN
                Dbsigx(Kv) = Exp1*Cap + Dbsigx(Kv)
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ module ssm_21_m
          IF (yld%normTypeIsSelfShielded()) Asensn = Asensn * Dthick
          IF (yld%normTypeIsTimesSigTot()) Asensn = Asensn * Dthick * Total
 ! ***    Add deriv of Y0 wrt neutron sensitivity multiplier
-         Kv = Ksensc - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         Kv = Ksensc - Ndasig
          Dbsigx(Kv) = Asensn
       END IF
diff --git a/sammy/src/the/mthe0.f b/sammy/src/the/mthe0.f
index 80164a2c47a1e7edff8a91ad9a4a93e6ee8f56f1..05384bb5bc7631fa3de5cc1c154f7fde54dd3537 100644
--- a/sammy/src/the/mthe0.f
+++ b/sammy/src/the/mthe0.f
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ C
       use oopsch_common_m, only : Nowwww, Segmen
       use AllocateFunctions_m
       use SammyLptPrinting_m
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
       IMPLICIT None
-      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Iudown, A_Ivarda, A_Idum
-      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Iuup,A_Idum2
+      real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::A_Idum, A_Idum2
       real(kind=8)::Emax, Emin
-      integer::N, N1, N2, N3, Ndatnu, Ndatt
+      integer::N, N1, N2, N3, Ndatnu, Ndatt, Nn
           WRITE (line,99999)
@@ -47,34 +47,25 @@ C  aray
       Ndatnu = max(Ndatnu, Ndatb*N)
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ith, Ndatnu)
       call allocate_real_data(A_Idifma, Nres)
-      call  make_I_Iiuif(N1)
+      A_Idifma  = 1.d30
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Iudown, max(1,N1))
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Iuup, max(1,N1))
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ivarda, ndatt)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Idum, ndat)
-      CALL Uset (A_Ibcf , A_Icf2 ,
-     *   A_Idcov , A_Iudown , A_Iuup , I_Iiuif , A_Idifma ,
-     *   A_Ivarda , A_Idum)
-C *** Uset determines Napres, sets up arrays Udown, Uup,
-C ***    Iuif, and modifies Vardat
+      CALL Uset (A_Ibcf , A_Icf2 , A_Idifma)
+C *** Uset determines which parameters need derivatives
       CALL Set5
 C *** Set5 initializes Napxxx variables
       IF (Kdecpl.NE.0 .AND. Kdata.NE.0 .AND. Ksolve.NE.2) THEN
+         call allocate_real_data(A_Idum, ndat)
          call allocate_real_data(A_Idum2, Ndat)
-         CALL Out_Mod (A_Ivarda , A_Idum , A_Idum2, Ndat)
+         CALL Out_Mod (A_Idum , A_Idum2, Ndat)
+         deallocate(A_Idum)
       END IF
-      deallocate(A_Iudown)
-      deallocate(A_Ivarda)
-      deallocate(A_Idum)
-      deallocate(A_Iuup)
 C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
@@ -104,7 +95,7 @@ C
       SUBROUTINE Estthe (N1, N2, N3, Ndatt)
       use fixedi_m, only : Mres, Nfpdtp, Nfpres, Nres, Numcro,
-     *                     Nummsc, Nxxres
+     *                     Nummsc
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdata, Kdatv, Kdecpl, Kfake, Krdmsc, Ksolve,
      *                     Ndat, Ndatb
       IMPLICIT  None
@@ -117,7 +108,6 @@ C
       N1 = 0
       IF (Nummsc.GT.0 .AND. Krdmsc.NE.0) N1 = Nres
       N1 = Nfpres + N1
-      Nxxres = N1
       IF (N1.EQ.0) N1 = 1
       Ndatt = (Ndat*(Ndat+1))/2
       IF (Kdatv.EQ.0) Ndatt = Ndat
diff --git a/sammy/src/the/mthe1.f b/sammy/src/the/mthe1.f
index 947809d2a944deab92a1754a06bc3c842cec1923..2354777ab212d29205439c752360ee542eafbf31 100644
--- a/sammy/src/the/mthe1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/the/mthe1.f
@@ -2,17 +2,18 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Uset (Bcf, Cf2, 
-     *   Dcov, Udown, Uup, Iuif, Difmax,
-     *   Vardat, Dum)
+      SUBROUTINE Uset (Bcf, Cf2, Difmax)
-C *** PURPOSE -- GENERATE Uup, Udown, Iuif, Nnpar, and Difmax
+C *** PURPOSE -- GENERATE   Nnpar, and Difmax
-      use fixedi_m, only : Napres, Nfpres, Numcro, Nvadif,
-     *                     Nxxres, Nvpres
+      use fixedi_m, only : Nfpres, Numcro, Nvpres, Ntotc,
+     *                     needResDerivs
       use fixedr_m, only : Emax, Emin
-      use ifwrit_m, only : Kdecpl, Krdmsc, Kscut, Ksolve, ktzero, Ndat
+      use ifwrit_m, only : Kdecpl, Kscut, Ksolve, ktzero, Ndat
       use broad_common_m, only : Dopple, Iesopr
+      use templc_common_m, only : I_Inotu, A_Ibr, A_Ibi,
+     *                            A_Ipr, A_Ipi, Upi, Upr
+      use AllocateFunctions_m
       use EndfData_common_m
       use SammyResonanceInfo_M
       use RMatResonanceParam_M
@@ -27,118 +28,134 @@ C
-      real(kind=8)::Bcf(*), Cf2(*),
-     *   Dcov(*),
-     *   Udown(*), Uup(*), Difmax(*), Vardat(*),
-     *   Dum(*)
-      integer::Iuif(*)
+      real(kind=8)::Bcf(*), Cf2(*), Difmax(*)
       real(kind=8)::Zero, One, Two, Three
       real(kind=8)::ener, eres, G, P, val, Widgau
       real(kind=8)::Wdop, Widexp, Wlow, Wup, X, Y
-      integer::I, idat, Ie, iela, igr, II, Iipar, Ipos
-      integer::J, K_Use, Kdown, Kup, M, Mmax, Mmax2, N
-      integer::Ipar, Kwhere
-      external Kwhere
+      real(kind=8)::Udown, Uup
+      logical::combined, havePups
+      integer::I, idat, Ie, iela, igr, II, Iflr, icomp, Iuif
+      integer::J, K_Use, Kdown, Kup, M, Mmax, Mmax2, N, ntotres
+      integer::Napres
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/, One /1.0d0/, Two /2.0d0/, Three /3.0d0/
-      IF ( (Ksolve.NE.2 .AND. Nfpres.NE.0) .OR.
-     *     (Ksolve.EQ.2 .AND. Nfpres.NE.Nvpres) ) THEN
-         DO Ipar=1,Nxxres
-            Udown(Ipar) = Zero
-            Uup(Ipar) = 1.d30
-         END DO
-      END IF
       call gridAccess%initialize()
       call gridAccess%setParameters(numcro, ktzero)
       call gridAccess%setToExpGrid(expData)
+      call covData%clearIrrelevant()
-      IF (Kscut.EQ.-1) THEN
-C     ***    No cutoff on cross sections or derivatives
-         IF (resParData%getNumResonances().GT.0) THEN
-            DO N=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
-               Difmax(N) = 1.d30
-            END DO
-         END IF
-         DO Ipar=1,Nxxres
-            Iuif(Ipar) = 0
-         END DO
-         Napres = Nvpres
-      ELSE
+      IF (Kdecpl.Ne.0) then
+          call expData%getGrid(grid, 1)
+          idat = grid%getLength()
+      END If
+         Napres = 0
+         needResDerivs = .false.
+         havePups = .false.
+         icomp = 0
 C ***    Use cutoff on derivatives
          X = Two
          Y = One
          P = Zero
          G = Zero
-         Ipar = 0
+         ntotres = 0
          IF (resParData%getNumResonances().GT.0) THEN
+            call allocate_integer_data(I_Inotu,
+     *                 covData%getNumTotalParam())
             DO N=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
                call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, N)
                call resParData%getResonance(resonance, resInfo)
                eres = resonance%getEres()
                igr = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
                IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                   call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, igr)
+                  combined = spinInfo%getGammWidthParIndex().gt.0
                   Mmax = spinInfo%getNumChannels()
                   Mmax2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
-                  IF (spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
-                     Difmax(N) = 1.d30
+                  if ((Mmax2-1).gt.ntotres) then
+                      ntotres = Mmax2-1
+                  end if
+                  IF (.not. spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) cycle
                      iela = spinInfo%getElasticChannel()
                      call spinInfo%getChannelInfo(channelInfo, iela)
                      call resParData%getChannel(channel, channelInfo)
-                     IF (Kscut.NE.0 .OR. channel%getL().NE.0) THEN
-                        P = eres
-                        IF (P.GE.Zero) THEN
-                           G = 0.0d0
-                           DO M=1,resonance%getNumChan()
-                              G = G + dABS(resonance%getWidth(M))
-                           END DO
-                           G = G*0.02d0
+                     if (Kscut.ne.-1) then
+                       IF (Kscut.NE.0 .OR. channel%getL().NE.0) THEN
+                         P = eres
+                         IF (P.GE.Zero) THEN
+                            G = 0.0d0
+                            DO M=1,resonance%getNumChan()
+                               G = G + dABS(resonance%getWidth(M))
+                            END DO
+                            G = G*0.02d0
 C                                0.02 is 20*(width) and 1/1000 = 
 C                                      conversion from meV to eV
-                           IF (Iesopr.NE.0) THEN
-                              IF (eres.GE.Zero) THEN
-                                 Wdop = Dopple*dSQRT(eres)
-                                 CALL Wdsint (Bcf, Cf2, eres, Widgau,
-     *                              Widexp, Wlow, Wup)
-                                 G = G + (Wdop+Widgau+Widexp)*Three
-                              END IF
-                           END IF
-                           IF (Kscut.NE.0 .AND. channel%getL().EQ.0)
-     *                                                         G = G*two
-                           Difmax(N) = G
+                            IF (Iesopr.NE.0) THEN
+                               IF (eres.GE.Zero) THEN
+                                  Wdop = Dopple*dSQRT(eres)
+                                  CALL Wdsint (Bcf, Cf2, eres, Widgau,
+     *                               Widexp, Wlow, Wup)
+                                  G = G + (Wdop+Widgau+Widexp)*Three
+                               END IF
+                            END IF
+                            IF (Kscut.NE.0 .AND. channel%getL().EQ.0)
+     *                                                     G = G*two
+                            Difmax(N) = G
+                         End if
                         END IF
                      END IF
-                  END IF
                   DO M=1,Mmax2
                      if (m.eq.1) then
-                        Ipar = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
+                        Iflr = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-                        Ipar = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(M-1)
+                        Iflr = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(M-1)
+                     end if
+                     if (Iflr.gt.0) then
+                        if (.not.(M.EQ.2 .AND. combined)) then
+                           icomp = icomp + 1
+                        end if
                      end if
-                     IF (Ipar.GT.0) THEN                       
-                        IF (Ksolve.EQ.2) THEN
+                     IF (Iflr.GT.0) THEN
+                        Napres = Napres + 1
+                        ! this should always be big enough as we
+                        ! sized it to number of varied parameters
+                        ! Exception: If gamma width data are combined
+                        ! we have more varied (but linked) resonance
+                        ! parameters than flagged
+                        call reallocate_integer_data(I_Inotu,
+     *                                               Napres, Mmax2)
+                        I_Inotu(Napres) = Iflr
+                        if (combined.and.m.eq.2) then
+                            I_Inotu(Napres) = -1 * Iflr
+                        end if
+                        Iuif = 0  ! assume it does contribute
+                        ! if not solving bayes equation, it only contributes if pup'ed
+                        ! otherwise we check
+                        K_use = 0
+                        IF (Ksolve.EQ.2) THEN                           
                            K_Use = 1
-                           IF (covData%isPupedParameter(Ipar)) K_Use = 0
-                        ELSE
-                           K_Use = 0
+                           IF (covData%isPupedParameter(Iflr)) K_Use = 0                       
                         END IF
-                        IF (M.EQ.2 .AND. Krdmsc.NE.0) THEN
-                           Ipar = Nfpres + N
+                        ! and always use if gamma width are fitted together
+                        IF (M.EQ.2 .AND. combined) THEN
                            K_Use = 0
-C ***                      This is not correct for PUPd constant-Gamma-gamma
                         END IF
-                        IF (Ipar.GT.Nxxres) THEN
-                           STOP '[Ipar.GT.Nxxres in mthe1.f]'
-                        END IF
-                        IF (K_Use.EQ.1) THEN
-                           Udown(Ipar) = 1.D30
-                           Uup(Ipar) = Zero
+                        IF (K_Use.EQ.1) THEN                        
+                           Udown = 1.D30
+                           Uup = Zero
+                           Iuif = 1
-                           IF (spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
+                           Udown = 0.0
+                           Uup = 1.d30
+                           IF (spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN                              
                              iela = spinInfo%getElasticChannel()
                              call spinInfo%getChannelInfo(channelInfo,
      *                                                    iela)
@@ -147,101 +164,179 @@ C ***                      This is not correct for PUPd constant-Gamma-gamma
                               IF (Kscut.NE.0 .OR.
      *                           channel%getL().NE.0) THEN
                                  IF (eres.GE.Zero) THEN
-                                    Udown(Ipar) = P - G
-                                    Uup(Ipar) = P + G
+                                    Udown = P - G
+                                    Uup = P + G
                                  END IF
                               END IF
+                              Iuif = 1
+                              IF (Udown.LT.Emax) THEN
+                                 IF (Uup.GT.Emin) THEN
+                                  Iuif = 0
+                                  if (m.eq.1) then
+                                  call UpdateExperimentalMatrix(resInfo,
+     *                                   Udown, Uup, idat,
+     *                                   gridAccess)
+                                  end if
+                                 END IF
+                              END IF
+                              IF (M.EQ.2 .AND. combined) THEN
+                                  Iuif= 0  ! always use for combined gamma width
+                              END IF
+                              if (Kscut.eq.-1) Iuif = 0  ! always use
-C *************               Here this spin group is excluded, so we 
-C *************                  never want to use this parameter
+                              Iuif = 1
                            END IF
                         END IF
-                     END IF
+                        if (Iuif.eq.1) then
+                           call covData%addToIrrelevant(Iflr)
+                           I_Inotu(Napres) = 0
+                        else
+                          if (covData%isPupedParameter(Iflr)) then
+                             havePups = .true.
+                          end if
+                        end if
+                     END IF                     
                   END DO
                END IF
             END DO
          END IF
+         if (napres.gt.0) then
+            needResDerivs = .true.
+         end if
+         ! todo: Sometimes ntotc is set wrong
+         ! and A_Ibr, A_Ibi, A_Ipr, and A_Ipi
+         ! are queried up to that number
+         if( ntotres.lt.Ntotc) then
+            ntotres = Ntotc
+         end if
+         ntotres = (ntotres*(ntotres+1))/2
+         if (Napres.eq.0) ntotres = 0
+         call reallocate_real_data_2d(A_Ibr, ntotres, 0, Napres, 0)
+         call reallocate_real_data_2d(A_Ibi, ntotres, 0, Napres, 0)
+         call reallocate_real_data_2d(A_Ipr, ntotres, 0, Napres, 0)
+         call reallocate_real_data_2d(A_Ipi, ntotres, 0, Napres, 0)
+         call allocate_real_data(Upi, Napres)
+         call allocate_real_data(Upr, Napres)
-         DO Ipar=1,Nxxres
-            Iuif(Ipar) = 1
-         END DO
-         Napres = 0
-         IF ( (Ksolve.NE.2 .AND. Nfpres.NE.0) .OR.
-     *        (Ksolve.EQ.2 .AND. Nfpres.NE.Nvpres) ) THEN
-            Iipar = 0
-            DO Ipar=1,Nxxres
-               IF (Udown(Ipar).LT.Emax) THEN
-                  IF (Uup(Ipar).GT.Emin) THEN
-                     Iuif(Ipar) = 0
-                     GO TO 100
-                  END IF
-               END IF
-  100          CONTINUE
-            END DO
-            DO Ipar=1,Nfpres
-               IF (Iuif(Ipar).EQ.0) Iipar = Iipar + 1
-            END DO
-            Napres = Iipar
-         END IF
-      END IF
-      Nvadif = Nfpres - Napres
-      IF (Kdecpl.EQ.0) RETURN
-      IF (Nfpres.GT.0) THEN
-         call expData%getGrid(grid, 1)
-         ipos = grid%getDataColumn()
-         idat = grid%getLength()
-C  This was wrong - but is never called in any
-C  of the SAMMY tests
-         do J = 1, Ndat
-            Dum(J) = grid%getData(J, ipos)
-            val =  expData%getExperimentalCov(J, J)           
-            Vardat(J) = val
-         end do
-         DO Ipar=1,Nfpres
-            IF (Udown(Ipar).NE.Zero) THEN
-               IF (Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
-                  IF (Dcov(Ipar).NE.Zero) THEN
-                     Ie = 1
-                     Kdown = Kwhere (gridAccess, Udown(Ipar), Ndat, Ie)
-                     Kup   = Kwhere (gridAccess, Uup  (Ipar), Ndat, Ie)
-                     IF (Kup.NE.Ndat) THEN
-                        ener = gridAccess%getEnergy(Kup+Ie, expData)
-                        IF (ener.EQ.Uup(Ipar)) Kup = Kup+1
-                     END IF
-                     Kup   = Kup   + Ie - 1
-                     Kdown = Kdown + Ie - 1
-                     II = 0
-                     DO I=1,Ndat
-                        IF (I.LT.Kdown .OR. I.GT.Kup) THEN
-                           II = II + I
-                        ELSE
-C                       ELSE IF (I.GE.Kdown .AND. I.LE.Kup) THEN
-                           DO J=1,I
-                              II = II + 1
-                              IF (J.GE.Kdown.AND.J.LE.Kup) Vardat(II)
-     *                           = Vardat(II) + Dcov(Ipar)
-                           END DO
-                        END IF
-                     END DO
-                  END IF
-               END IF
-            END IF
-         END DO
-         do J = 1, Ndat
-            val =  Vardat(J)
-            call expData%addExperimentalCov(J, J, val)
-         end do
-      END IF
+         if( Ksolve.eq.2) then
+             needResDerivs = .false.
+             if (havePups) needResDerivs = .true.
+         end if
       call gridAccess%destroy()
+      subroutine UpdateExperimentalMatrix(resInfo, udown, uup, ndat,
+     *           gridAccess)
+      use SammyResonanceInfo_M
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : expData
+      use ifwrit_m, only : Kdecpl
+      use SammyGridAccess_M
+      implicit none
+      real(kind=8)::Udown, Uup
+      integer::ires, ndat
+      type(SammyGridAccess)::gridAccess
+      type(SammyResonanceInfo)::resInfo
+      integer::Ie, Kdown, Kup, I, II, J
+      real(kind=8)::val, ener
+      integer::Kwhere
+      external Kwhere
+      IF (Kdecpl.EQ.0) RETURN
+      Ie = 1
+      Kdown = Kwhere (gridAccess, Udown, Ndat, Ie)
+      Kup   = Kwhere (gridAccess, Uup  , Ndat, Ie)
+      IF (Kup.NE.Ndat) THEN
+          ener = gridAccess%getEnergy(Kup+Ie, expData)
+          IF (ener.EQ.Uup) Kup = Kup+1
+      END IF
+      Kup   = Kup   + Ie - 1
+      Kdown = Kdown + Ie - 1
+      II = 0
+      DO I=1,Ndat
+        if (I.LT.Kdown .OR. I.GT.Kup) then
+            II = II + I
+        else
+          DO J=1,I
+            II = II + 1
+            IF (J.GE.Kdown.AND.J.LE.Kup) then
+               val = expData%getExperimentalCov(II, II)
+               val = val + resInfo%getXVal()
+               call expData%addExperimentalCov(II, II, val)
+            end if
+          END DO
+        END IF
+      END DO
+      end subroutine UpdateExperimentalMatrix
+      subroutine getParamPerSpinGroup(ires, igr, npr, needDeriv,
+     *                                Kstart, ifcap)
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData, resParData
+      use SammySpinGroupInfo_M
+      use SammyResonanceInfo_M
+      use templc_common_m, only : I_Inotu
+      use fixedi_m, only : needResDerivs
+      implicit none
+      integer,intent(inout)::ires  ! on input the last resonance in previous spin group.
+                                   ! on output the last resonance in this spin group
+      integer,intent(inout)::npr   ! number of flagged parameters in this spin group
+      integer,intent(in)::igr      ! spin group for which to get the number of varied parameters
+      integer,intent(in)::Kstart   ! the number of flagged paramters up to this spin group
+      logical,intent(out)::needDeriv   ! do any matter enough to need derivatives
+      logical,intent(out)::ifcap       ! are there any combined gamma width data that matter
+      type(SammySpinGroupInfo)::spinInfo
+      type(SammyResonanceInfo)::resInfo
+      integer::Iflr, M, Mmax2, i, start
+      logical::combined, includeGrp
+      call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, igr)
+      Mmax2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
+      combined = spinInfo%getGammWidthParIndex().gt.0
+      Npr = 0
+      needDeriv = .false.
+      ifcap = .false.
+      includeGrp = spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()
+      start = ires + 1
+      do i = start, resParData%getNumResonances()
+         call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, i)
+         if( resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex().ne.igr) exit
+         ires = i
+         if( .not.needResDerivs) cycle
+         if( .not.includeGrp) cycle
+         if( .not.resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) cycle
+         DO M=1,Mmax2
+            if(m.eq.1) then
+               Iflr = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
+            else
+               Iflr = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m-1)
+            end if
+            IF (Iflr.GT.0) THEN
+               Npr = Npr + 1
+               if(covData%contributes(Iflr)) then
+                  needDeriv =  .true.
+                  if (Iflr.ne.
+     *                abs(I_Inotu(Npr + Kstart))) then
+                      STOP
+     *                'wrong number of varied getParamPerSpinGroup6'
+                  end if
+                  if (m.eq.2.and.combined) then
+                      ifcap = .true.
+                  end if
+               end if
+            END IF
+         END DO
+      end do
+      end subroutine getParamPerSpinGroup
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -297,14 +392,15 @@ C
 C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Out_Mod (V, S, Ic, N)
+      SUBROUTINE Out_Mod (S, Ic, N)
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : expData
       IMPLICIT None
-      real(kind=8):: V(*), S(*)
+      real(kind=8):: S(*)
       integer::IC(*), N
-      real(kind=8)::Zero, Half
+      real(kind=8)::Zero, Half, val
       real(kind=8)::D, SI
       integer::I,IL, Imax, Imin, J, JJ, Jjp, Jmax
       integer::L, M, Many, Max, Min, Mm, NN, Not
@@ -316,16 +412,15 @@ C
       IL = 0
       DO I=1,N
-         IL = IL + I
-         S(I) = dSQRT(V(IL))
+         S(I) = dSQRT(expData%getExperimentalCov(I,I))
       END DO
       IL = 0
       DO I=1,N
          DO L=1,I
-            IL = IL + 1
             IF (I.NE.L) THEN
-               IF (V(IL).NE.Zero) GO TO 40
+              val = expData%getExperimentalCov(I,L)
+              IF (val.NE.Zero) GO TO 40
             END IF
          END DO
       END DO
@@ -361,8 +456,8 @@ C
             SI = S(I)
             IL = Min - 1
             DO L=Imin,Jmax
-               IL = IL + 1
-               D = V(IL)*100./(S(L)*SI)
+               val = expData%getExperimentalCov(I,L)
+               D = val*100./(S(L)*SI)
                IF (D.GT.Zero) D = D + half
                IF (D.LT.Zero) D = D - half
                IC(L) = D
@@ -450,31 +545,30 @@ C --------------------------------------------------------------
       SUBROUTINE Set5
-      use fixedi_m, only : Napres, Napthe, Nfpbgf, Nfpbrd, Nfpdet,
-     *                     Nfpdtp, Nfpext, Nfpiso, Nfpmsc, Nfpnbk,
-     *                     Nfporr, Nfppmc, Nfprad, Nfprpi, Nfpudr,
-     *                     Numpup
+      use fixedi_m, only : Numusd
       use ifwrit_m, only : Ksolve, Nnpar
       use lbro_common_m, only : Debug
+      use EndfData_common_m, only : covData
       IMPLICIT None
+      integer::naffected,nn
-      IF (Ksolve.EQ.2 .AND. Numpup.EQ.0) THEN
-         Napthe = 0
+      IF (Ksolve.EQ.2 .AND. covData%getPupedParam().eq.0) THEN
          Nnpar = 0
-         Napthe = Napres + Nfpext + Nfprad + Nfpiso + Nfpdet + Nfpbrd +
-     *            Nfpmsc + Nfppmc + Nfporr + Nfprpi + Nfpudr + Nfpnbk +
-     *            Nfpbgf
-         Nnpar = Napthe + Nfpdtp
-         IF (Debug) WRITE (6,99999) Nnpar
-         WRITE (21,99999) Nnpar
+         Nnpar = covData%getNumTotalParam() - Numusd
+         naffected = covData%getNumTotalParam() -
+     *               covData%getNumIrrelevant() -
+     *               Numusd
+         if(naffected.lt.0) naffected = 0
+         IF (Debug) WRITE (6,99999) naffected
+         WRITE (21,99999) naffected
 99999    FORMAT (' Number of parameters affected by this data set=', I5)
-         IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .AND. Nnpar.EQ.0) THEN
+         IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .AND. naffected.EQ.0) THEN
             WRITE (21,99998)
             WRITE ( 6,99998)
 99998       FORMAT (' Oops--Data has no affect on any of the specified',
diff --git a/sammy/src/udr/mudr1.f b/sammy/src/udr/mudr1.f
index 46428393da9629b4226a72736fbef118d000fb98..8b1700d1618e77a78fe564fc95fd269c38acd315 100644
--- a/sammy/src/udr/mudr1.f
+++ b/sammy/src/udr/mudr1.f
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ C
      *   Ide_X, Ecrnch, Sigmns, Sigpls)
       use fixedi_m, only : Nnnsig, Ndasig, Ndbsig, Ndaxxx, Ndbxxx,
-     *                     Numudr, Nvadif, Nvpudr
+     *                     Numudr, Nvpudr
       use ifwrit_m, only : Kdebug, Ksolve
       use brdd_common_m, only : Ipnts, Kc
       IMPLICIT None
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ C
                B = Zero
             END IF
             DO N=1,Nnnsig
-               Dbsigx(N,Ifludr(I)-Nvadif-Ndasig) = B
+               Dbsigx(N,Ifludr(I)-Ndasig) = B
             END DO
             IF (Kdebug.NE.0) THEN
                IF (Kwarn.LE.100) THEN
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct0.f90 b/sammy/src/xct/mxct0.f90
index 55162b69a2140a91d3d919a130242d818dca7963..33d302292f688160004244a76e1a44aef955ea33 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct0.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct0.f90
@@ -128,16 +128,14 @@ module xct_m
 !        come back to it later via "I = Idimen (Ifinal, -1)"
 ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <
-      IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .OR. Numpup.GT.0) THEN
+      IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .OR. covData%getPupedParam().GT.0) THEN
          Ks_Res = 0
          ng = resParData%getNumSpinGroups()
-         call allocate_integer_data(I_Inprdr, Ng)
          call allocate_integer_data(I_Inpxdr, Ng)
          Krext = Nrext
          IF (Nrext.EQ.0) Krext = 1
-         CALL Ppar (  I_Iflext ,  &
-                      I_Iiuif , I_Inprdr , I_Inpxdr, Krext)
-! ***    Sbroutine Ppar Sets Nprdr and Npxdr
+         CALL Ppar (  I_Iflext, I_Inpxdr, Krext)
+! ***    Sbroutine Ppar Sets  Npxdr
          Ks_Res = 2
       END IF
@@ -176,20 +174,16 @@ module xct_m
 ! *** four ***
       N = Nfour
-!                     Nfour = (Ntriag) * (Napres)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ibr, N)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ibi, N)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ipr, N)
-      call allocate_real_data(A_Ipi, N)
+!                     Nfour = (Ntriag) * (Nfpres)
       N   = Nfour1
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ibga, N)
       N   = Nfour2
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ipgar, N)
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ipgai, N)
-      IF (Napres.NE.0) THEN
+      IF (needResDerivs) THEN
          CALL Babb (   A_Ipolar , I_Iflpol , &
-            I_Iiuif  , A_Ibr    , A_Ibi    , XxTmp, .true.)
+                       A_Ibr    , A_Ibi    , XxTmp, .true.)
       END IF
@@ -230,8 +224,7 @@ module xct_m
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ialphr, Mres)
       call allocate_real_data(A_Ialphi, Mres)
       call allocate_integer_data(I_Inot, Mres)
-      call allocate_integer_data(I_Inotu, Nsix)
-!                                Nsix = Napres
+!                                Nsix = Nfpres
       IF (IfCoul.GT.0) THEN
          ng = resParData%getNumSpinGroups()
          call allocate_real_data(A_Icx, Ntotc*Ng)
@@ -355,7 +348,7 @@ module xct_m
       Ks_Res = Ksolve
       Ksolve = 0
       IF (Ks_Res.EQ.2) THEN
-         IF (Nfpall.EQ.Nvpall) Ksolve = 2
+         IF (covData%getPupedParam().eq.0) Ksolve = 2
       END IF
       Ifinal = Idimen (Ifinal, -1, '          Ifinal, -1')
@@ -441,9 +434,7 @@ module xct_m
 ! *** four
       Nfour = 1
-      Nyyres = Napres
-      IF (Krdmsc.NE.0) Nyyres = Napres + resParData%getNumResonances()
-      IF (Napres.NE.0) Nfour = Ntriag*Nyyres
+      IF (needResDerivs) Nfour = Ntriag*Nfpres
       Nfour1 = Ntriag*Ntotc*resParData%getNumResonances()
       IF (Nfour1.EQ.0) Nfour1 = 1
       Nfprrr = Nfprad
@@ -482,7 +473,7 @@ module xct_m
 ! *** six
       nsix = 0
-      IF (Nyyres.NE.0) Nsix = Nyyres
+      IF (needResDerivs) Nsix = Nfpres
       IF (Nsix.EQ.0) Nsix = 1
       K6 = 3*Mres + Nsix
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct01.f90 b/sammy/src/xct/mxct01.f90
index 0e3a3a2b43839f18042e5d59b157d16f39604300..2fa76fc4b74ae5d87719d741f0f836801691aee9 100755
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct01.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct01.f90
@@ -4,11 +4,9 @@ module xct1_m
 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Ppar (Iflext, Iuif, Nprdr, &
-         Npxdr, Krext)
+      SUBROUTINE Ppar (Iflext, Npxdr, Krext)
 ! *** Purpose --
-! *** Set Nprdr(K) = number of varied resonance parameters in group K
 ! *** and Npxdr(K) = number of varied external parameters in group K
       use fixedi_m
@@ -19,42 +17,12 @@ module xct1_m
-      DIMENSION Iflext(Krext,Ntotc,*), &
-         Iuif(*), Nprdr(*), Npxdr(*)
+      DIMENSION Iflext(Krext,Ntotc,*), Npxdr(*)
-!      DIMENSION Iflext(.,.,Ngroup),
-!     *   Iuif(Nxxres), Nprdr(Ngroup), Npxdr(Ngroup)
+!      DIMENSION Iflext(.,.,Ngroup)
-      CALL Zero_Integer (Nprdr, resParData%getNumSpinGroups())
       CALL Zero_Integer (Npxdr, resParData%getNumSpinGroups())
-      Ipar = 0
-      Iipar = 0
-      DO Ires=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
-         call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  Ires)
-         IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
-            igr = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
-            call resparData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, igr)
-            Mmax = spinInfo%getNumChannels()
-            Mmax2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
-            DO M=1,Mmax2
-               if(m.eq.1) then
-                  Iflr = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-               else
-                  Iflr = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m-1)
-               end if
-               IF (Iflr.GT.0 .AND. Iflr.LE.Nfpres) THEN
-                  Ipar = Ipar + 1
-                  IF (Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
-                     Iipar = Iipar + 1
-                     Nprdr(Igr) = Nprdr(Igr) + 1
-                  END IF
-               END IF
-            END DO
-         END IF
-      END DO
       IF (Nfpext.GT.0) THEN
          DO Igr=1,resParData%getNumSpinGroups()
@@ -65,40 +33,6 @@ module xct1_m
             END DO
          END DO
       END IF
-      IF (Ipar.NE.Nfpres) THEN
-         WRITE (6,99998) Ipar, Nfpres
-         WRITE (21,99998) Ipar, Nfpres
-99998    FORMAT (' Problem in Ppar -- Nfpres is not correct', 2I5)
-         DO Ires=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
-            call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  Ires)
-            igrp = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
-            call resparData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, igr)
-            ntot = spinInfo%getAllChannels()
-            WRITE (21,99997) Ires,resInfo%getEnergyFitOption(), &
-                 (resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m), &
-                  M=1,Ntot)
-         END DO
-         STOP '[STOP in Ppar in xct/mxct01.f]'
-      END IF
-      IF (Iipar.NE.Napres) THEN
-         WRITE (6,99999) Iipar, Napres
-         WRITE (21,99999) Iipar, Napres
-99999    FORMAT (' Problem in Ppar -- Napres is not correct', 2I5)
-         DO Ires=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
-            call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  Ires)
-            igrp = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
-            call resparData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, igr)
-            ntot = spinInfo%getAllChannels()
-            WRITE (21,99997) Ires,resInfo%getEnergyFitOption(), &
-                 (resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m), &
-                 M=1,Ntot)
-99997       FORMAT ('Iflres(M,', I4, ') =', 10I4)
-         END DO
-         STOP '[STOP in Ppar in xct/mxct01.f   # 2]'
-      END IF
@@ -108,76 +42,69 @@ module xct1_m
 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Babb (Polar, Iflpol, Iuif, Br, Bi, Xx, numDiff)
+      SUBROUTINE Babb (Polar, Iflpol, Br, Bi, Xx, xct)
 ! *** Purpose -- Generate energy-independent portion of partial
 ! ***            derivatives of R with respect to U-parameters
       use fixedi_m
       use ifwrit_m
+      use templc_common_m, only : I_Inotu
       use EndfData_common_m
       use SammyResonanceInfo_M
       use RMatResonanceParam_M
+      IMPLICIT None
-      logical::numDiff
-      DIMENSION  Polar(2,*), &
-         Iflpol(2,*), Iuif(*), Br(Ntriag,*), Bi(Ntriag,*), Xx(*)
-!      DIMENSION Polar(2,Nres), Iflpol(2,Nres),
-!     *   Iuif(Nxxres), Br(Ntriag,Nyyres), Bi(Ntriag,Nyyres)
+      logical::xct
+      integer::Iuse
+      real(kind=8)::Br(:,:), Bi(:,:)
+      real(kind=8):: Polar(2,*), Xx(*)
+      integer::  Iflpol(2,*)
+      real(kind=8)::Zero, Two
+      real(kind=8)::Aa, arg, Bb, D, D1, f1, f2
+      integer::ichan, iFis1, iFis2, Iflr, Igam, Igr, Ipar, Index
+      integer::Ires, J, Jk, K, Kj, Kk, M, Mmax, Mmax2, Mmm
+      real(kind=8)::W2, W3
+!      DIMENSION Polar(2,Nres), Iflpol(2,Nres)
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/, Two /2.0d0/
-      CALL Zero_Array (Br, Nyyres*Ntriag)
-      CALL Zero_Array (Bi, Nyyres*Ntriag)
       Ipar = 0
-      Iipar = 0
-      Iiparx = 0
+      Br = 0.0d0
+      Bi = 0.0d0
       DO Ires=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
          call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  Ires)
          Igr = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex() 
          IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             call resParData%getRedResonance(resonance, resInfo)
             call resparData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, igr)
+            IF (.not.spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) cycle
             Mmax = spinInfo%getNumChannels()
             Mmax2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
             iGam = spinInfo%getGammaWidthIndex()
             DO M=1,Mmax2
                if(m.eq.1) then
-                  ifl = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
+                  iflr = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-                  ifl = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m-1)
+                  iflr = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m-1)
                end if
-               IF (Ifl.GT.0) THEN
-                  Ipar = ifl
-                  if (numDiff) then
-                     IF (M.EQ.2 .AND. Krdmsc.NE.0) Ipar = Nfpres + Ires
-                  end if
-                  IF (Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
-                     if( numDiff) then
-                        IF (M.EQ.2 .AND. Krdmsc.NE.0) THEN 
-                           Iiparx = Napres + Ires
-                        ELSE
-                           Iipar = Iipar + 1
-                           Iiparx = Iipar
-                        END IF
-                     else
-                        IF (M.NE.2 .OR. Ifl.LE.Nvpres) Iipar = &
-                             Iipar + 1
-                        Iiparx = Iipar
-                        IF (M.EQ.2 .AND. Ifl.GT.Nvpres) &
-                             Iiparx = Napres + Ires
-                     end if   
+               IF (Iflr.GT.0) THEN
+                  Ipar = Ipar + 1  ! count all                  
+                  IF (covData%contributes(Iflr)) THEN  ! but don't calculate all
+                     if (Iflr.ne.abs(I_Inotu(Ipar))) then
+                         STOP 'Count of varied resonance parameter inconsistent in mxct01'
+                     end if
                      IF (M.EQ.1) THEN
-                        if (numDiff) then
+                        if (xct) then
                            arg = resonance%getEres()
                            arg = resonance%getEres() + Xx(Ires)
@@ -192,8 +119,8 @@ module xct1_m
                               f2 = resonance%getWidth(ichan)
                               Kj = Kj + 1
                               D = f1*f2*D1
-                              Br(Kj,Iiparx) =  D
-                              Bi(Kj,Iiparx) = -D - D
+                              Br(Kj,Ipar) =  D
+                              Bi(Kj,Ipar) = -D - D
                            END DO
                         END DO
@@ -210,8 +137,8 @@ module xct1_m
                               Kj = Kj + 1
                               D = f1*f2*D1
                               D = D + D
-                              Br(Kj,Iiparx) = - D - D
-                              Bi(Kj,Iiparx) =   D
+                              Br(Kj,Ipar) = - D - D
+                              Bi(Kj,Ipar) =   D
                            END DO
                         END DO
@@ -226,8 +153,8 @@ module xct1_m
                                  ichan = spinInfo%getWidthForChannel(k)
                                  D = resonance%getWidth(ichan)
                                  IF (K.EQ.Mmm) D = D + D
-                                 Br(Kj,Iiparx) = D
-                                 Bi(Kj,Iiparx) = D
+                                 Br(Kj,Ipar) = D
+                                 Bi(Kj,Ipar) = D
                               END IF
                            END DO
                            IF (K.NE.Mmax) THEN
@@ -239,52 +166,47 @@ module xct1_m
                                     D = resonance%getWidth(ichan)
                                     IF (K.EQ.Mmm) D = D + D
-                                    Br(Jk,Iiparx) = D
-                                    Bi(Jk,Iiparx) = D
+                                    Br(Jk,Ipar) = D
+                                    Bi(Jk,Ipar) = D
                                  END IF
                               END DO
                            END IF
                         END DO
-                        IF (Kpolar.NE.0 .AND. Mmm.EQ.3) THEN   ! >>> mmm.eq.3 (numdiff) mmm.gt.1 otherwise
+                        IF (Kpolar.NE.0 .AND. Mmm.EQ.3) THEN   ! >>> mmm.eq.3 (xct) mmm.gt.1 otherwise
 ! ***                      Here we use polar coordinants for fission
-! ***                         channels  
-                           if (numdiff) then
-                              index =iiparx
-                           else
-                              index = Iipar
-                           end if
+! ***
                            Kj = 0
                            iFis1 = spinInfo%getFirstFissionChannel()
                            iFis1 = spinInfo%getWidthForChannel(iFis1)
                            iFis2 = spinInfo%getSecondFissionChannel()
-                           iFis2 = spinInfo%getWidthForChannel(iFis2)
+                           iFis2 = spinInfo%getWidthForChannel(iFis2)                          
                            DO K=1,Mmax
                               DO J=1,K
                                  Kj = Kj + 1
-                                 Aa = Br(Kj,index-1)
-                                 Bb = Br(Kj,index)
+                                 Aa = Br(Kj,Ipar-1)
+                                 Bb = Br(Kj,Ipar)
                                  IF (Aa.NE.Zero .OR. Bb.NE.Zero) THEN
                                     W2 = resonance%getWidth(iFis1)
                                     W3 = resonance%getWidth(iFis2)
-                                    Br(KJ,index-1) = -W3* Aa +W2*Bb
+                                    Br(KJ,Ipar-1) = -W3* Aa +W2*Bb
                                     IF (Iflpol(2,Ires).EQ.0) THEN
-                                       Br(Kj,index) = Zero
+                                       Br(Kj,Ipar) = Zero
-                                       Br(Kj,index) = ( W2*Aa + w3*Bb ) &
+                                       Br(Kj,Ipar) = ( W2*Aa + w3*Bb ) &
                                           / Polar(2,Ires)
                                     END IF
                                  END IF
-                                 Aa = Bi(Kj,index-1)
-                                 Bb = Bi(Kj,index)
+                                 Aa = Bi(Kj,Ipar-1)
+                                 Bb = Bi(Kj,Ipar)
                                  IF (Aa.NE.Zero .OR. Bb.NE.Zero) THEN
                                     W2 = resonance%getWidth(iFis1)
                                     W3 = resonance%getWidth(iFis2)
-                                    Bi(Kj,index-1) = -W3*Aa + W2*Bb
+                                    Bi(Kj,Ipar-1) = -W3*Aa + W2*Bb
                                     IF (Iflpol(2,Ires).EQ.0) THEN
-                                       Bi(Kj,index) = Zero
+                                       Bi(Kj,Ipar) = Zero
-                                       Bi(Kj,index) = ( W2* Aa + W3*Bb ) &
+                                       Bi(Kj,Ipar) = ( W2* Aa + W3*Bb ) &
                                           / Polar(2,Ires)
                                     END IF
                                  END IF
@@ -298,16 +220,16 @@ module xct1_m
          END IF
       END DO
-      if (numDiff) then
-      DO Iipar=1,Nyyres
+      if (xct) then
+      DO m=1,Ipar
          Kj = 0
          DO K=1,Ntotc
             DO J=1,K
                Kj = Kj + 1
-               IF (Br(Kj,Iipar).NE.Zero) Br(Kj,Iipar) = &
-                    Two*Br(Kj,Iipar)
-               IF (Bi(Kj,Iipar).NE.Zero) Bi(Kj,Iipar) = &
-                    Two*Bi(Kj,Iipar)
+               IF (Br(Kj,M).NE.Zero) Br(Kj,M) = &
+                    Two*Br(Kj,m)
+               IF (Bi(Kj,M).NE.Zero) Bi(Kj,M) = &
+                    Two*Bi(Kj,M)
             END DO
          END DO
       END DO
@@ -364,7 +286,7 @@ module xct1_m
                   Iflr = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m-1)
                end if
-               IF (Iflr.LE.0 .OR. Iflr.GT.Nfpres) THEN
+               IF (Iflr.LE.0) THEN
                   call spinInfo%getChannelInfo(channelInfo, Mmm)
                   call resParData%getChannel(channel, channelInfo)
                   call resParData%getParticlePairInfo( &
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct02.f90 b/sammy/src/xct/mxct02.f90
index 419297820f4d8f800862ece3ae72d2d4653f065c..e58cc943f28dbd9ea4e42da107f86710dc3cdfdf 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct02.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct02.f90
@@ -101,9 +101,6 @@ module xct2_m
       Kkkkkk = 0
       Kkkmin = 0
-!ccc  Nfpall = Nfpres + Nfpext + Nfprad + Nfpiso + Nfpdet + Nfpbrd +
-!ccc           Nfpmsc + Nfppmc + Nfporr + Nfprpi + Nfpudr + Nfpnbk +
-!ccc           Nfpbgf
 ! *** (ordering is as variable # is assigned)
@@ -163,7 +160,7 @@ module xct2_m
 ! ************ Generate cross sections and derivatives
                IF (Nd_Xct.NE.0 .AND. Ksolve.NE.2) THEN
-                  CALL N_D_Zcross (I_Iiuif , Kount_Helmut)
+                  CALL N_D_Zcross (Kount_Helmut)
                   CALL Zcross (Nnndrc, Ipoten, Kount_Helmut)
                END IF
@@ -250,10 +247,6 @@ module xct2_m
                      Sigxxx, Dbsigx, Su, Nnnsig)
                END IF
-! *********    If adding a constant cross section, do so now
-!              IF (Concro.NE.Zero) CALL Addcon (Sigxxx, Dbsigx,
-!     *           Ifl_msc, Nnnsig)
 ! *********    write results onto theory if there is no broadening etc
                IF (Jjjdop.NE.1) THEN
                   Kkkkkk = Kkkkkk + 1
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct03.f90 b/sammy/src/xct/mxct03.f90
index 70a9367ac931f47fc04d2f2e8adc9da9902697ab..b35a6b3509b6f9c2f24abf65a76751cb273019e0 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct03.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct03.f90
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module xct3_m
 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE N_D_Zcross (Iuif, Kount_Helmut)
+      SUBROUTINE N_D_Zcross (Kount_Helmut)
 ! *** PURPOSE -- Calculate numerically the partial derivatives 
 ! ***               of the cross section wrt R-matrix parameters
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ module xct3_m
-      DIMENSION Iuif(*)
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/, One /1.0d0/
       DATA U_Increment /0.0001d0/
@@ -46,21 +45,21 @@ module xct3_m
 !     *** Generate energy-independent pieces
 !   True is passed to babb since it is used to set parameters for numerical differentiation      
       CALL Babb (   &
-        A_Ipolar , I_Iflpol , I_Iiuif , A_Ibr, &
+        A_Ipolar , I_Iflpol , A_Ibr, &
         A_Ibi , Xxtmp, .true.)
        CALL Abpart (  &
        A_Ialphr , A_Ialphi , A_Ibr    , &
        A_Ibi    , A_Ipr    , A_Ipi    , A_Idifen , A_Ixden  , &
-       I_Iiuif  , A_Idifma , I_Inot   , I_Inotu  , A_Ixx    , &
+       A_Idifma , I_Inot   , I_Inotu  , A_Ixx    , &
        A_Iprer  , A_Iprei )
 ! *** Form the cross section Crss
-      CALL Crosss ( &
+      CALL Crosss (   &
            I_Ifexcl , &
            A_Ibound , A_Iechan , I_Ifcros ,  &
            A_Iprmsc , I_Iflmsc , I_Ijkmsc , A_Izke   , &
            A_Izkte  , A_Izkfe  , A_Izeta  , I_Ifzke  , I_Ifzkte , &
-           I_Ifzkfe , I_Inprdr , I_Inpxdr , A_Icrss  , A_Ideriv , &
+           I_Ifzkfe , I_Inpxdr , A_Icrss  , A_Ideriv , &
            A_Icrssx , A_Idervx , A_Iprer  , A_Iprei  , A_Ixdrcp , &
            I_Indrcp , Nnndrc, 0, Kount_Helmut)
@@ -74,8 +73,6 @@ module xct3_m
       END IF
 ! *** Now vary parameters one-by-one to get derivatives
-      Ipar = 0
-      Iipar = 0
       DO Ires=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
         call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  Ires)
@@ -83,6 +80,10 @@ module xct3_m
         IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN           
           Igrp =  resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
           call resparData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, Igrp)
+          if (spinInfo%getGammaWidthIndex().gt.0) then
+              write(0,*)" Combined gamma width and numerical derivatives are not supported"
+              stop
+          end if
           Ntotn = spinInfo%getNumChannels()
           Ntotn2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
           iGam = spinInfo%getGammaWidthIndex()
@@ -95,16 +96,8 @@ module xct3_m
                 Iflr = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m-1)
              end if
-             IF (Iflr.GT.0) THEN
-               Ipar = Ipar + 1
-               IF (Iflr.NE.Ipar) THEN
-                 WRITE (6,10000) M, Ires, Iflr, Ipar
-10000            FORMAT(' Iflres(',I1,',',I3,')=',I5,'.NE.Ipar=',I5)
-                 STOP '[STOP in N_D_Zcross in xct/mxct03.f    # 2]'
-               END IF
-               IF (Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
-                 IF (M.NE.2 .OR. Krdmsc.EQ.0) THEN
-                   Iipar = Iipar + 1
+             IF (Iflr.GT.0) THEN              
+               IF (covData%contributes(Iflr)) THEN
                    IF (M.EQ.1) THEN
@@ -139,25 +132,24 @@ module xct3_m
                         END IF
                       END IF
-                   END IF
 ! ***              Generate energy-independent pieces with new parameter
                    CALL Babb ( A_Ipolar , &
-                               I_Iflpol , I_Iiuif  , A_Ibr    , A_Ibi, &
+                               I_Iflpol , A_Ibr    , A_Ibi, &
                                Xxtmp, .true.)
                    CALL Abpart (A_Ialphr , &
                      A_Ialphi , A_Ibr    , A_Ibi    , A_Ipr    , &
                      A_Ipi    , A_Idifen , A_Ixden  , &
-                     I_Iiuif  , A_Idifma , I_Inot   , &
+                     A_Idifma , I_Inot   , &
                      I_Inotu  , A_Ixx    , A_Iprer  , A_Iprei  )
 ! ***              Form the cross section Crss with new parameter value
-                   CALL Crosss ( &
+                   CALL Crosss (   &
                         I_Ifexcl , A_Ibound , A_Iechan , &
                         I_Ifcros ,  &
                         A_Iprmsc , I_Iflmsc , I_Ijkmsc , A_Izke  , &
                         A_Izkte  , A_Izkfe  , A_Izeta  , I_Ifzke  , &
-                        I_Ifzkte , I_Ifzkfe , I_Inprdr , I_Inpxdr , &
+                        I_Ifzkte , I_Ifzkfe , I_Inpxdr , &
                         A_Icrsnd , A_Ideriv , A_Icrxnd , A_Idervx , &
                         A_Iprer  , A_Iprei  , A_Ixdrcp , I_Indrcp , &
                         Nnndrc, 0, Kount_Helmut)
@@ -165,7 +157,7 @@ module xct3_m
 ! ***              Generate numerical derivatives
                    CALL Fix_N_D (A_Icrss , A_Icrssx , A_Ideriv , &
                      A_Idervx , A_Icrsnd , A_Icrxnd , X, &
-                     Iipar, Igrp, Ntotn)
+                     Iflr, Igrp, Ntotn)
 ! ***              Reset original parameters
                    IF (M.EQ.1) THEN
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct04.f90 b/sammy/src/xct/mxct04.f90
index 08b8b29051809888233dd62fb56c5ae9d7b58e60..c73b691e843b59cbc3316c5f650b56ea4074df87 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct04.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct04.f90
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ module xct4_m
 ! *** Generate Pr and Pi = Partial of R wrt U-parameters
-! ***    from Upr and Upi = energy-dependent pieces of those derivs
+! ***    from Upr and Upi = energy-dependent pieces of those derivs    
       IF (resParData%getNumResonances().NE.0)  then
          CALL Abpart (   &
          A_Ialphr , A_Ialphi , A_Ibr    , &
          A_Ibi    , A_Ipr    , A_Ipi    , A_Idifen , A_Ixden  , &
-         I_Iiuif  , A_Idifma , I_Inot   , I_Inotu  , A_Ixx  , &
+         A_Idifma , I_Inot   , I_Inotu  , A_Ixx  , &
          A_Iprer  , A_Iprei )
          end if
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ module xct4_m
-      CALL Crosss ( &
+      CALL Crosss (   &
            I_Ifexcl , &
            A_Ibound , A_Iechan , I_Ifcros , &
            A_Iprmsc , I_Iflmsc , I_Ijkmsc , A_Izke   , &
            A_Izkte  , A_Izkfe  , A_Izeta  , I_Ifzke  , I_Ifzkte , &
-           I_Ifzkfe , I_Inprdr , I_Inpxdr , A_Icrss  , A_Ideriv , &
+           I_Ifzkfe , I_Inpxdr , A_Icrss  , A_Ideriv , &
            A_Icrssx , A_Idervx , A_Iprer  , A_Iprei  , A_Ixdrcp , &
            I_Indrcp , Nnndrc, Ipoten, Kount_Helmut)
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct05.f90 b/sammy/src/xct/mxct05.f90
index c41d2bb1e2e8f2952e5a9187d81eaa1606af51e7..fdc48521337554aa775cdea29172fdd2fb1e0288 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct05.f90
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct05.f90
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module xct5_m
       SUBROUTINE Abpart ( &
          Alphar, Alphai, Br, Bi, Pr, Pi, Difen, Xden, &
-         Iuif, Difmax, Not, Notu, Xx, Prer, Prei)
+         Difmax, Not, Notu, Xx, Prer, Prei)
 ! *** Purpose -- Generate Alphar & Alphai = energy-independent bits
 ! ***            and Upr and Upi = Energy-dependent pieces of Pr & Pi
@@ -21,24 +21,27 @@ module xct5_m
       use RMatResonanceParam_M
       use SammySpinGroupInfo_M
       use templc_common_m
+      IMPLICIT None
-      DIMENSION &
+      real(kind=8)::Bi(:,:), Br(:,:), Pr(:, :), Pi(:,:)
+      real(kind=8):: &
          Alphar(*), Alphai(*), &
-         Br(Ntriag,*), Bi(Ntriag,*), Pr(Ntriag,*), Pi(Ntriag,*), &
-         Difen(*), Xden(*), Iuif(*), Difmax(*), &
-         Not(*), Notu(*), Xx(*), Prer(Ntriag,*), Prei(Ntriag,*)
+         Difen(*), Xden(*), Difmax(*), &
+         Xx(*), Prer(Ntriag,*), Prei(Ntriag,*)
+      integer:: Not(*), Notu(*)
+      real(kind=8)::Zero, One, Two
+      real(kind=8)::Aa, Bb, channelWidthC, channelWidthCPrime, G2, G3
+      integer::I, ichan, Ig, igrp, Ij, Ijk, Ijl, Iflr, Ipar, J, M, N, N2, K
 !      DIMENSION 
-!     *     Alphar(Nres), Alphai(Nres), Br(Ntriag,Nyyres),
-!     *     Bi(Ntriag,Nyyres), Pr(Ntriag,Nyyres),
-!     *     Pi(Ntriag,Nyyres), Difen(Nres), Xden(Nres),
-!     *     Iuif(Nyyres), Difmax(Nres),
-!     *     Not(Nres) , Notu(Nyyres), Xx(Nres), Prer(Ntriag,Ngroup),
+!     *     Alphar(Nres), Alphai(Nres),
+!     *     Difen(Nres), Xden(Nres),
+!     *     Difmax(Nres),
+!     *     Not(Nres) , Xx(Nres), Prer(Ntriag,Ngroup),
 !     *     Prei(Ntriag,Ngroup)
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/, One /1.0d0/, Two /2.0d0/
@@ -77,33 +80,29 @@ module xct5_m
 ! *** Generate Upr and Upi = Energy-Dependent part of partial derivs
-      Iiparx = 0
-      Iipar = 0
 ! *** if ( (do not solve) or (no resonance parameters are varied) )
-! ***    then don't do this
-      IF (Napres.NE.0) THEN
-         call allocate_real_data(Upr, Nyyres)
-         call allocate_real_data(Upi, Nyyres)
+! ***    then don't  do this
+      IF (needResDerivs) THEN
+         Upr = 0.0d0
+         Upi = 0.0d0
-!     Napres is the number of resonance paramaeters that are varied.
 !     If the gamma width data for one or more spingroup are fitted together
-!     the value for UPI and UPR is stored at index Napres + N, where
+!     the value for UPI and UPR include this information.
 !     N is the index of the resonance. This ensures that all values are calculated for
 !     all resonance in the group while using the correct parameter value.
 !     Later in the routine the varied parameters are tallied, relaying on
-!     Upr and/or UpI to be zero. This should happen with the lines
-!     Upr(Iiparx) = Zero and   Upi(Iiparx) = Zero. The count does not measure up,
-!     as the gamma width is counted in Napres.
+!     Upr and/or UpI to be zero.
 !     The allocate function automatically sets the arrays to zero
+         Ipar = 0
          DO N=1,resParData%getNumResonances()
             call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo,  N)
-            IF (resInfo%getEnergyFitOption().GE.0) THEN
+            IF (resInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
                igrp = resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex()
                call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, igrp)
+               IF (.not.spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) cycle
 !   resonance has spinInfo%getNumChannels() + 1 width associated with it
 !   as gamma width does not have a channel number               
@@ -111,36 +110,29 @@ module xct5_m
                N2 = spinInfo%getNumResPar()
                DO M=1,N2
                   if(m.eq.1) then
-                     Ipar = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
+                     Iflr = resInfo%getEnergyFitOption()
-                     Ipar = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m-1)
-                  end if                  
-                  IF (Ipar.GT.0) THEN
-                     IF (M.EQ.2 .AND. Krdmsc.NE.0) Ipar = Nfpres + N
-                     IF (Iuif(Ipar).NE.1) THEN
-                        IF (M.EQ.2 .AND. Krdmsc.NE.0) THEN
-                           Iiparx = Napres + N
-                        ELSE
-                           Iipar = Iipar + 1
-                           Iiparx = Iipar
-                        END IF
-                        Notu(Iiparx) = 1                        
-                        Upr(Iiparx) = Zero
-                        Upi(Iiparx) = Zero
-                        IF (Dabs(Difen(N)).LE.Difmax(N)) THEN
-                           Notu(Iiparx) = 0
-                           Upr(Iiparx) = Alphar(N)
-                           Upi(Iiparx) = Alphai(N)
+                     Iflr = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(m-1)
+                  end if
+                  IF (Iflr.GT.0) THEN
+                     Ipar = Ipar + 1
+                     IF (covData%contributes(Iflr)) THEN
+                        if (Iflr.ne.abs(notu(Ipar))) then
+                          STOP 'Count of varied resonance parameter inconsistent in mxct05'
+                        end if
+                        IF (Dabs(Difen(N)).LE.Difmax(N)) THEN                          
+                           Upr(Ipar) = Alphar(N)
+                           Upi(Ipar) = Alphai(N)
                            IF (M.EQ.1) THEN
 !                             Variable is resonance-energy
-                              Upi(Iiparx) = Upr(Iiparx)*Upi(Iiparx)
-                              Upr(Iiparx) = Xden(N) - &
-                                 Two*Upr(Iiparx)*Upr(Iiparx)
+                              Upi(Ipar) = Upr(Ipar)*Upi(Ipar)
+                              Upr(Ipar) = Xden(N) - &
+                                 Two*Upr(Ipar)*Upr(Ipar)
                            ELSE IF (M.EQ.2) THEN
 !                             Variable is capture width
-                              Upr(Iiparx) = Upr(Iiparx)*Upi(Iiparx)
-                              Upi(Iiparx) = Xden(N) -  &
-                                 Two*Upi(Iiparx)*Upi(Iiparx)
+                              Upr(Ipar) = Upr(Ipar)*Upi(Ipar)
+                              Upi(Ipar) = Xden(N) -  &
+                                 Two*Upi(Ipar)*Upi(Ipar)
                            END IF                           
                         END IF
                      END IF
@@ -152,10 +144,10 @@ module xct5_m
 ! ***    Multiply by Br and Bi to give partial of R wrt U-parameters
-         CALL Zero_Array (Pr, Nyyres*Ntriag)
-         CALL Zero_Array (Pi, Nyyres*Ntriag)
-         DO K=1,Nyyres
+         Pr = 0.0D0
+         Pi = 0.0d0
+         DO K=1,Ipar
             IF (Upr(K).NE.Zero .OR. Upi(K).NE.Zero) THEN
                IJ = 0
                DO I=1,Ntotc
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct06.f b/sammy/src/xct/mxct06.f
index 23bce6eef0c5ec82d70989ae948a7a98cb150621..581454701e07adf2bc5dd717d34713698219c007 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct06.f
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct06.f
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ C
       SUBROUTINE Crosss (
      *   Jfexcl, Bound  , Echan  ,
      *   Jfcros, Parmsc, Jflmsc , Jjkmsc , Zke   ,
-     *   Zkte  , Zkfe  , Zeta  , If_Zke, If_Zkte, If_Zkfe, Nprdr ,
+     *   Zkte  , Zkfe  , Zeta  , If_Zke, If_Zkte, If_Zkfe,
      *   Npxdr , Crss  , Deriv , Crssx , Derivx , Prer   , Prei  ,
      *   Xdrcpt, Ndrcpt, Nnndrc, Ipoten, Kount_Helmut)
@@ -28,16 +28,18 @@ C
       use SammyResonanceInfo_M
       use ifsubs_common
       use par_parameter_names_common_m
+      use templc_common_m, only : I_Inotu
       use Derrho_m
       use xct7_m
+      use mxct11_m
       implicit none
       real(8), intent(in):: Bound, Echan, Parmsc, Zke, Zkte, Zkfe, Zeta,
      *                      Crssx, Derivx, Prer, Prei, Xdrcpt
       real(8), intent(out):: Crss, Deriv
       integer(4), intent(in):: Jfexcl, Jfcros, Jflmsc, Jjkmsc, If_Zke,
-     *                         If_Zkte, If_Zkfe, Nprdr, Npxdr, Ndrcpt,
+     *                         If_Zkte, If_Zkfe, Npxdr, Ndrcpt,
      *                         Nnndrc, Ipoten, Kount_Helmut
       real(8):: Zero, Dgoj
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ C
       DIMENSION Jfexcl(Ntotc,*),
      *   Bound(Ntotc,*), Echan(Ntotc,*),
-     *   Jfcros(*), Nprdr(*), Npxdr(*),
+     *   Jfcros(*), Npxdr(*),
      *   Parmsc(*), Jflmsc(*), Jjkmsc(*),
      *   Crss(Ncrsss,*), Deriv(Ncrsss,Nnpar,*), Crssx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,*),
      *   Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,Nnpar,*), Zke(Ntotc,*), Zkte(Ntotc,*),
@@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ C
 C     *   Jfexcl(Ntotc,Ngroup), Bound(Ntotc,Ngroup),
 C     *   Echan(Ntotc,Ngroup), Jfcros(Ncrsss),
-C     *   Nprdr(Ngroup), Npxdr(Ngroup),
+C     *   Npxdr(Ngroup),
 C     *   Crss(Ncrsss,Ngroup), Deriv(Ncrsss,Nnpar,Ngroup),
 C     *   Crssx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,Ngroup), Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,Nnpar,Ngroup),
 C     *   Zke(Ntotc,Ngroup), Zkte(Ntotc,Ngroup), Zkfe(Ntotc,Ngroup),
@@ -66,6 +68,8 @@ C     *   Prer(Ntriag,Ngroup), Prei(Ntriag,Ngroup)
+      integer::M
+      logical::needDeriv,ifcap
       DATA Zero /0.0d0/
@@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ C
       Nn2 = 0
       Kstart = 0
-      Jstart = Napres
+      Jstart = Nfpres ! Jstart+1 starts derivatives external R-Matrix
       IF (Ncrssx.NE.0) THEN
          CALL Zero_Array (Crss, Ngroup*Ncrsss)
       END IF
@@ -97,35 +101,21 @@ C
-      maxr  = 0      
+      maxr  = 0
       DO N=1,resParData%getNumSpinGroups()
+          call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, N)
+          minr = maxr + 1
+          call  getParamPerSpinGroup(maxr, N, Npr, needDeriv,
+     *                               Kstart, ifcap)
-         ! determine minimum and maximum resonance
-         IF (resParData%getNumResonances().GT.0) THEN
-            minr = maxr + 1
-            do i = minr, resParData%getNumResonances()
-               call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, i)
-               if( resInfo%getSpinGroupIndex().ne.n) exit
-               maxr = i
-            end do
-         ELSE
-            Minr = 0
-            Maxr = 0
-         END IF
-         Nnnn = N
-         call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, N)
+         Nnnn = N         
          Ntotnn = spinInfo%getNumChannels()
          IF (Ifdif.NE.0) CALL Zero_Array (A_Icscs, 2*Ntriag)
-         IF (.not.spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
-            If (Ks_Res.NE.2) Kstart = Kstart + Nprdr(N)
-         ELSE
+         IF (spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
             VarAbn = spinInfo%getAbundance()
             Nnnn = N
-            Npx = 0
-            Npr = 0
-            IF (Ks_Res.NE.2) Npr = Nprdr(N)
+            Npx = 0          
             IF (Ks_Res.NE.2) Npx = Npxdr(N)
             Nn2 = Ntotnn*(Ntotnn+1)
             Nn = Nn2/2
@@ -179,7 +169,7 @@ C ***       generate cross section pieces
             IF (Ks_Res.NE.2) THEN
                IF ( Lrmat.EQ.0                 .AND.
-     *            ( (Npr.NE.0 .AND. Ifres .EQ.0) .OR.
+     *            ( needDeriv .OR.
      *              (Npx.NE.0 .AND. Ifext .EQ.0) .OR.
      *             Ifzzz.EQ.0 .OR.  Ifradt.EQ.0 ) ) THEN
@@ -196,7 +186,7 @@ C ***                      T = [ partial (sigma) wrt X ] * Q
      *               A_Iqi, A_Itr, A_Iti, A_Itx, Ntotnn)
                END IF
-               IF (Lrmat.EQ.0 .AND. Npr.NE.0 .AND. Ifres.EQ.0) THEN
+               IF (Lrmat.EQ.0 .AND. needDeriv) THEN
 C ***             Find derivatives of cross sections wrt res pars
                   CALL Derres (Nentnn, Jfexcl(:,N), Jfcros,
      *               A_Ipr , A_Ipi , Deriv(:,:,N), Derivx(:,:,:,:,N),
@@ -204,7 +194,7 @@ C ***             Find derivatives of cross sections wrt res pars
      *               Ntotnn, Minr, Maxr)
                END IF
-               IF (Lrmat.EQ.0 .AND. Ifcap.EQ.0) THEN
+               IF (Lrmat.EQ.0 .AND. Ifcap) THEN
 C ***             Find derivatives of cs wrt universal capture width
                   CALL Dercap (Nentnn, Jfexcl(:,N), Jfcros,
      *               A_Ipr , A_Ipi , Deriv(:,:,N), Derivx(:,:,:,:,N),
@@ -289,7 +279,7 @@ C ***             Find derivative of Crss wrt isotopic abundance
                   CALL Deriso (If_Zke(n), Crss(:,N),Deriv(:,:,N),VarAbn)
                END IF
-               IF (Ks_Res.NE.2) Kstart = Kstart + Npr
             END IF
          END IF
@@ -306,7 +296,7 @@ C
                            Crss(2:Ncrsss,N) = Crss(2:Ncrsss,N) + 
      *                        Xdrcpt(Iiidrc)*Parmsc(Ijk)
                            IF (Ks_Res.NE.2 .AND. Jflmsc(Ijk).GT.0) THEN
-                              Ipar = Jflmsc(Ijk) - Nvadif
+                              Ipar = Jflmsc(Ijk)
                               Deriv(2:Ncrsss,Ipar,N) = Xdrcpt(Iiidrc)
                               GO TO 10
                            END IF
@@ -320,6 +310,7 @@ C
          END IF
    10    CONTINUE
+         Kstart = Kstart + Npr
       END DO
@@ -333,28 +324,17 @@ C
       use ifwrit_m
       use EndfData_common_m
       use ifsubs_common
+      use SammySpinGroupInfo_M
       implicit none
+      integer::n, ifgam
+      type(SammySpinGroupInfo)::spinInfo
 C *** Purpose -- Set flags = 0 if (maybe) calculate derivatives
 C ***                      = 1 if do not calculate derivatives
-      IF (Ksolve.EQ.2 .AND. Nfpres.NE.Nvpres) THEN
-         Ifres = 0
-      ELSE IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .AND. Nfpres.NE.0) THEN
-         Ifres = 0
-      ELSE
-         Ifres = 1
-      END IF
-      Ifcap = 1
-      IF (Ksolve.EQ.2 .AND. Krdmsc.GT.0) THEN
-         IF (covData%isPupedParameter(Krdmsc)) THEN
-            Ifcap = 0
-         END IF
-      ELSE IF (Ksolve.NE.2 .AND. Krdmsc.NE.0) THEN
-         Ifcap = 0
-      END IF
+C     Need combined capture width derivatives if any gamma width is a
+C     combined gamma width
       Ifzzz = 1
       IF (Itzero.GT.0) THEN
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct11.f b/sammy/src/xct/mxct11.f
deleted file mode 100644
index 11bcc909c9c69a8e9e6c9ced5fc0d06004276b03..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct11.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Derres (Nent,If_Excl, Ifcros, Pr, Pi, Deriv,
-     *   Derivx, Tr, Ti, Tx, Notu, Ddddd, Dgoj, Ntot, Minres, Maxres)
-C *** Purpose -- Generate Deriv(k,ipar) = partial Crss(k) wrt U(ipar) for
-C                                 resonance params
-      use fixedi_m
-      use ifwrit_m
-      use varyr_common_m
-      DIMENSION  If_Excl(*), Ifcros(*), Pr(Ntriag,*),
-     *  Pi(Ntriag,*), Deriv(Ncrsss,*), Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,*),
-     *  Tr(Ncrsss,*), Ti(Ncrsss,*), Tx(2,Ntriag,*), Notu(*), Ddddd(*)
-C      DIMENSION Ifcros(Ncrsss), Pr(Ntriag,Nyyres), Pi(Ntriag,Nyyres),
-C     *   Deriv(Ncrsss,Nyyres), Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,Nnpar),
-C     *   Tr(Ncrsss,Nn), Ti(Ncrsss,Nn), Tx(2,Ntriag,Ntriag),
-C     *   Notu(Nyyres), Ddddd(Ncrsss)
-      DATA Zero /0.0d0/
-      IF (Ncrssx.NE.0) THEN
-         DO Mm=1,Npr
-            M = Kstart + Mm
-C                                      Note that M = parameter number
-            IF (Notu(M).NE.1) THEN
-               IJ = 0
-               DO K=1,Ncrsss
-                  Ddddd(K) = Zero
-               END DO
-               DO I=1,Ntot
-                  DO J=1,I
-                     IJ = IJ + 1
-                     IF (Pi(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
-                        DO K=1,Ncrsss
-                           IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
-                              IF (K.LE.2 .OR.
-     *                            If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
-C *** Kaptur=1 and If_Excl=1 means subtract this excluded channel from
-C ***    absorption to give the eliminated gamma channel contribution
-                                 Ddddd(K) = Ddddd(K) - Pi(Ij,M)*Ti(K,Ij)
-                              END IF
-                           END IF
-                        END DO
-                     END IF
-                     IF (Pr(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
-                        DO K=1,Ncrsss
-                           IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
-                              IF (K.LE.2 .OR.
-     *                            If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
-                                 Ddddd(K) = Ddddd(K) + Pr(Ij,M)*Tr(K,Ij)
-                              END IF
-                           END IF
-                        END DO
-                     END IF
-                  END DO
-               END DO
-               DO K=1,Ncrsss
-                  IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
-                     IF (K.LE.2 .OR. If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
-                        Deriv(K,M) = Dgoj*Ddddd(K) + Deriv(K,M)
-                     END IF
-                  END IF
-               END DO
-            END IF
-         END DO
-      END IF
-      IF (Ifdif.NE.0) THEN
-         DO Mm=1,Npr
-            M = Kstart + Mm
-            IF (Notu(M).NE.1) THEN
-               DO IJ=1,NN
-                  IF (Pi(Ij,M).NE.Zero .OR. Pr(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
-                     DO Ichan=1,Ntot
-                        Ifs = If_Stay (Ichan, Ifdif, Nent,
-     *                                 If_Excl(Ichan), Kaptur)
-                        IF (Ifs.EQ.0) THEN
-                           DO Ichanx=1,Nent
-                              IF (Ichanx.LE.Ichan) THEN
-                                 Kl = (Ichan*(Ichan-1))/2 + Ichanx
-                              ELSE
-                                 Kl = (Ichanx*(Ichanx-1))/2 + Ichan
-                              END IF
-                              Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,M) =
-     *                          Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,M) +
-     *                          Pr(Ij,M)*Tx(1,Ij,KL) -
-     *                          Pi(Ij,M)*Tx(2,Ij,KL)
-                              Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,M) =
-     *                          Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,M) +
-     *                          Pr(Ij,M)*Tx(2,Ij,KL) +
-     *                          Pi(Ij,M)*Tx(1,Ij,KL)
-                           END DO
-                        END IF
-                     END DO
-                  END IF
-               END DO
-            END IF
-         END DO
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-      END
-C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Dercap (Nent, If_Excl, Ifcros, Pr, Pi, Deriv,
-     *   Derivx, Tr, Ti, Tx, Notu, Ddddd, Dgoj, Ntot, Minres, Maxres)
-C *** Here only if treating all capture-widths as one variable
-C *** Generate Deriv(k,ipar) = partial Crss(k) wrt U(ipar) for
-C                                 resonance params
-      use fixedi_m
-      use ifwrit_m
-      use varyr_common_m
-      use EndfData_common_m
-      use SammyResonanceInfo_M
-      DIMENSION If_Excl(*), Ifcros(*), Pr(Ntriag,*),
-     *  Pi(Ntriag,*), Deriv(Ncrsss,*), Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,*),
-     *  Tr(Ncrsss,*), Ti(Ncrsss,*), Tx(2,Ntriag,*), Notu(*), Ddddd(*)
-C      DIMENSION Ifcros(Ncrsss), Pr(Ntriag,Nyyres), Pi(Ntriag,Nyyres),
-C     *   Deriv(Ncrsss,Nyyres), Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,Nnpar),
-C     *   Tr(Ncrsss,Nn), Ti(Ncrsss,Nn), Tx(2,Ntriag,Ntriag),
-C     *   Notu(Nyyres), Ddddd(Ncrsss)
-      type(SammyResonanceInfo)::resInfo
-      DATA Zero /0.0d0/
-      call resParData%getResonanceInfo(resInfo, Minres)  
-      Ifl = resInfo%getChannelFitOption(1)
-      if( Ifl.eq.0) return  ! user linked gamma width either for one channel only, or linked and did not fit
-      IF (Ncrssx.NE.0) THEN
-         DO Mm=Minres,Maxres
-            M = Napres + Mm
-            DO K=1,Ncrsss
-               Ddddd(K) = Zero
-            END DO
-            Ij = 0
-            DO I=1,Ntot
-               DO J=1,I
-                  Ij = Ij + 1
-                  IF (Pi(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
-                     DO K=1,Ncrsss
-                        IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
-                           IF (K.LE.2 .OR.
-     *                         If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
-                              Ddddd(K) = Ddddd(K) - Pi(Ij,M)*Ti(K,Ij)
-                           END IF
-                        END IF
-                     END DO
-                  END IF
-                  IF (Pr(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
-                     DO K=1,Ncrsss
-                        IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
-                           IF (K.LE.2 .OR.
-     *                         If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
-                              Ddddd(K) = Ddddd(K) + Pr(Ij,M)*Tr(K,Ij)
-                           END IF
-                        END IF
-                     END DO
-                  END IF
-               END DO
-            END DO
-            DO K=1,Ncrsss
-               IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
-                  IF (K.LE.2 .OR. If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
-                     Deriv(K,Ifl) = Dgoj*Ddddd(K) + Deriv(K,Ifl)
-                  END IF
-               END IF
-            END DO
-         END DO
-      END IF
-      IF (Ifdif.NE.0) THEN
-         DO Mm=Minres,Maxres
-            M = Napres + Mm
-            DO IJ=1,NN
-               IF (Pi(Ij,M).NE.Zero .OR. Pr(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
-                  KL = 0
-                  DO Ichan=1,Ntot
-                     DO Ichanx=1,Ichan
-                        KL = KL + 1
-                        Ifs = If_Stay (Ichan, Ifdif, Nent,
-     *                                 If_Excl(Ichan), Kaptur)
-                        IF (Ifs.EQ.0 .AND. Ichanx.LE.Nent) THEN
-                           Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,Ifl) =
-     *                        Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,Ifl) +
-     *                        Pr(Ij,M)*Tx(1,Ij,KL) - 
-     *                        Pi(Ij,M)*Tx(2,Ij,KL)
-                           Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,Ifl) =
-     *                        Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,Ifl) +
-     *                        Pr(Ij,M)*Tx(2,Ij,KL) +
-     *                        Pi(Ij,M)*Tx(1,Ij,KL)
-                        END IF
-                     END DO
-                  END DO
-               END IF
-            END DO
-         END DO
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-      END
-C --------------------------------------------------------------
-      SUBROUTINE Dereee (Nent, If_Excl, Ifcros, Derivx, Tr, Ti,
-     *   Tx, Prer, Prei, Ddddtl, Ntot)
-C *** generate Deriv(k,Itzero) & Deriv(k,Ilzero); ditto Derivx
-C *** ie Deriv(k,i) = partial Crss(k) wrt either Tzero or LZero
-      use fixedi_m
-      use ifwrit_m
-      use varyr_common_m
-      DIMENSION If_Excl(*), Ifcros(*), Prer(Ntriag), Prei(Ntriag),
-     *   Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,*), Tr(Ncrsss,*), Ti(Ncrsss,*),
-     *   Tx(2,Ntriag,*), Ddddtl(*)
-C      DIMENSION Ifcros(Ncrsss), Prer(Ntriag), Prei(Ntriag),
-C     *   Deriv(Ncrsss,Nyyres), Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,Nnpar),
-C     *   Tr(Ncrsss,Nn), Ti(Ncrsss,Nn), Tx(2,Ntriag,Ntriag),
-C     *   Notu(Nyyres), Ddddtl(Ncrsss)
-      DATA Zero /0.0d0/
-      Itz = Itzero - Nvadif
-      Ilz = IlZero - Nvadif
-      IF (Ncrssx.NE.0) THEN
-C ***    Calculating Deriv(K,I?z) = (2T)(Pre)(Z)(E?z), where
-C ***               Tr   + i Ti   = (partial sigmaX  wrt R) * Half
-C ***               Prer + i Prei =  partial R       wrt E
-C ***               Z             =  partial E       wrt sqrt(E) = 2*Squ
-C ***               Etz           =  partial sqrt(E) wrt  tzero
-C ***               ELz           =  partial sqrt(E) wrt eLzero
-C ***    but do not include the E?z part yet, or missing {dgoj * 1/E^2},
-C ***    and store in Ddddtl
-         Zz = Squ*4.0D0
-         DO K=1,Ncrsss
-            Ddddtl(K) = Zero
-         END DO
-         Ij = 0
-         DO I=1,Ntot
-            DO J=1,I
-               Ij = Ij + 1
-               IF (Prei(Ij).NE.Zero) THEN
-                  DO K=1,Ncrsss
-                     IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
-                        IF (K.LE.2 .OR. If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.0) THEN
-                           Ddddtl(K) = Ddddtl(K) - Prei(Ij)*Ti(K,Ij)*Zz
-                        END IF
-                     END IF
-                  END DO
-               END IF
-               IF (Prer(Ij).NE.Zero) THEN
-                  DO K=1,Ncrsss
-                     IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
-                        IF (K.LE.2 .OR. If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.0) THEN
-                           Ddddtl(K) = Ddddtl(K) + Prer(Ij)*Tr(K,Ij)*Zz
-                        END IF
-                     END IF
-                  END DO
-               END IF
-            END DO
-         END DO
-      END IF
-      IF (Ifdif.NE.0) THEN
-C ***    careful... i don't believe the following yet !!
-         DO Ij=1,NN
-            IF (PreI(Ij).NE.Zero .OR. PreR(Ij).NE.Zero) THEN
-               KL = 0
-               DO Ichan=1,Ntot
-                  DO Ichanx=1,Ichan
-                     KL = KL + 1
-                     Ifs = If_Stay (Ichan, Ifdif, Nent,
-     *                              If_Excl(Ichan), Kaptur)
-                     IF (Ifs.EQ.0 .AND. Ichanx.LE.Nent) THEN
-                        IF (Itz.GT.0) THEN
-                           Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,Itz) =
-     *                        Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,Itz) +
-     *                        Prer(Ij)*Tx(1,Ij,KL) -
-     *                        Prei(Ij)*Tx(2,Ij,KL)*Etz
-                           Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,Itz) =
-     *                        Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,Itz) +
-     *                        Prer(Ij)*Tx(2,Ij,KL) +
-     *                        Prei(Ij)*Tx(1,Ij,KL)*Etz
-                        END IF
-                        IF (iLz.GT.0) THEN
-                           Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,iLz) =
-     *                        Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,iLz) +
-     *                        Prer(Ij)*Tx(1,Ij,KL) -
-     *                        Prei(Ij)*Tx(2,Ij,KL)*Elz
-                           Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,iLz) =
-     *                        Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,iLz) +
-     *                        Prer(Ij)*Tx(2,Ij,KL) +
-     *                        Prei(Ij)*Tx(1,Ij,KL)*Elz
-                        END IF
-                     END IF
-                  END DO
-               END DO
-            END IF
-         END DO
-      END IF
-      RETURN
-      END
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct11.f90 b/sammy/src/xct/mxct11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..010adc890a8ceefc4754a4ce7956aa8ed22b301b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+module mxct11_m
+! --------------------------------------------------------------
+      SUBROUTINE Derres (Nent,If_Excl, Ifcros, Pr, Pi, Deriv,           &
+         Derivx, Tr, Ti, Tx, Notu, Ddddd, Dgoj, Ntot, Minres, Maxres)
+! *** Purpose -- Generate Deriv(k,ipar) = partial Crss(k) wrt U(ipar) for
+!                                 resonance params
+      use fixedi_m
+      use ifwrit_m
+      use varyr_common_m
+      real(kind=8)::Pr(:,:), Pi(:,:)
+      integer::Notu(:)
+      DIMENSION  If_Excl(*), Ifcros(*),                               &
+        Deriv(Ncrsss,*), Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,*),                     &
+        Tr(Ncrsss,*), Ti(Ncrsss,*), Tx(2,Ntriag,*), Ddddd(*)
+       integer::idPos
+!  Napres -> all parameters for which derivatives are needed
+!            not restricted to resonance parameters
+!            only distantly related to the parameter of the same
+!            name that was in fixedi_m
+!      DIMENSION Ifcros(Ncrsss),
+!     *   Deriv(Ncrsss,Napres), Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,Nnpar),
+!     *   Tr(Ncrsss,Nn), Ti(Ncrsss,Nn), Tx(2,Ntriag,Ntriag),
+!     *   Ddddd(Ncrsss)
+      DATA Zero /0.0d0/
+      IF (Ncrssx.NE.0) THEN
+         DO Mm=1,Npr
+            M = Kstart + Mm
+            idPos = Notu(M)
+!                                      Note that M = parameter number
+            IF (idPos.gt.0) THEN
+               IJ = 0
+               DO K=1,Ncrsss
+                  Ddddd(K) = Zero
+               END DO
+               DO I=1,Ntot
+                  DO J=1,I
+                     IJ = IJ + 1
+                     IF (Pi(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
+                        DO K=1,Ncrsss
+                           IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
+                              IF (K.LE.2 .OR.If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
+! *** Kaptur=1 and If_Excl=1 means subtract this excluded channel from
+! ***    absorption to give the eliminated gamma channel contribution
+                                 Ddddd(K) = Ddddd(K) - Pi(Ij,M)*Ti(K,Ij)
+                              END IF
+                           END IF
+                        END DO
+                     END IF
+                     IF (Pr(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
+                        DO K=1,Ncrsss
+                           IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
+                              IF (K.LE.2 .OR.If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
+                                 Ddddd(K) = Ddddd(K) + Pr(Ij,M)*Tr(K,Ij)
+                              END IF
+                           END IF
+                        END DO
+                     END IF
+                  END DO
+               END DO
+               DO K=1,Ncrsss
+                  IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
+                     IF (K.LE.2 .OR. If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
+                        Deriv(K,idPos) = Dgoj*Ddddd(K) + Deriv(K,idPos)
+                     END IF
+                  END IF
+               END DO
+            END IF
+         END DO
+      END IF
+      IF (Ifdif.NE.0) THEN
+         DO Mm=1,Npr
+            M = Kstart + Mm
+            idPos = Notu(M)
+            IF (idPos.gt.0) THEN
+               DO IJ=1,NN
+                  IF (Pi(Ij,M).NE.Zero .OR. Pr(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
+                     DO Ichan=1,Ntot
+                        Ifs = If_Stay (Ichan, Ifdif, Nent,    &
+                                       If_Excl(Ichan), Kaptur)
+                        IF (Ifs.EQ.0) THEN
+                           DO Ichanx=1,Nent
+                              IF (Ichanx.LE.Ichan) THEN
+                                 Kl = (Ichan*(Ichan-1))/2 + Ichanx
+                              ELSE
+                                 Kl = (Ichanx*(Ichanx-1))/2 + Ichan
+                              END IF
+                              Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,idPos) =     &
+                                Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,idPos) +   &
+                                Pr(Ij,M)*Tx(1,Ij,KL) -           &
+                                Pi(Ij,M)*Tx(2,Ij,KL)
+                              Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,idPos) =     &
+                                Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,idPos) +   &
+                                Pr(Ij,M)*Tx(2,Ij,KL) +           &
+                                Pi(Ij,M)*Tx(1,Ij,KL)
+                           END DO
+                        END IF
+                     END DO
+                  END IF
+               END DO
+            END IF
+         END DO
+      END IF
+      RETURN
+      END SUBROUTINE Derres
+! --------------------------------------------------------------
+      SUBROUTINE Dercap (Nent, If_Excl, Ifcros, Pr, Pi, Deriv,         &
+         Derivx, Tr, Ti, Tx, Notu, Ddddd, Dgoj, Ntot, Minres, Maxres)
+! *** Here only if treating all capture-widths as one variable
+! *** Generate Deriv(k,ipar) = partial Crss(k) wrt U(ipar) for
+!                                 resonance params
+      use fixedi_m
+      use ifwrit_m
+      use varyr_common_m
+      use EndfData_common_m
+      type(SammyResonanceInfo)::resInfo
+      real(kind=8)::Pr(:,:), Pi(:,:)
+      DIMENSION If_Excl(*), Ifcros(*),                &
+        Deriv(Ncrsss,*), Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,*),     &
+        Tr(Ncrsss,*), Ti(Ncrsss,*), Tx(2,Ntriag,*), Notu(*), Ddddd(*)
+       DATA Zero /0.0d0/
+!  Napres -> all parameters for which derivatives are needed
+!            not restricted to resonance parameters
+!            only distantly related to the parameter of the same
+!            name that was in fixedi_m
+!      DIMENSION Ifcros(Ncrsss),
+!     *   Deriv(Ncrsss,Napres), Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,Nnpar),
+!     *   Tr(Ncrsss,Nn), Ti(Ncrsss,Nn), Tx(2,Ntriag,Ntriag),
+!     *   Ddddd(Ncrsss)
+      IF (Ncrssx.NE.0) THEN
+         DO Mm=1,Npr
+            M = Kstart + Mm
+            if (Notu(M).ge.0) cycle
+            Ifl = -1 * Notu(M)
+            DO K=1,Ncrsss
+               Ddddd(K) = Zero
+            END DO
+            Ij = 0
+            DO I=1,Ntot
+               DO J=1,I
+                  Ij = Ij + 1
+                  IF (Pi(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
+                     DO K=1,Ncrsss
+                        IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
+                           IF (K.LE.2 .OR.If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
+                              Ddddd(K) = Ddddd(K) - Pi(Ij,M)*Ti(K,Ij)
+                           END IF
+                        END IF
+                     END DO
+                  END IF
+                  IF (Pr(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
+                     DO K=1,Ncrsss
+                        IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
+                           IF (K.LE.2 .OR.If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
+                              Ddddd(K) = Ddddd(K) + Pr(Ij,M)*Tr(K,Ij)
+                           END IF
+                        END IF
+                     END DO
+                  END IF
+               END DO
+            END DO
+            DO K=1,Ncrsss
+               IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
+                  IF (K.LE.2 .OR. If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.Kaptur) THEN
+                     Deriv(K,Ifl) = Dgoj*Ddddd(K) + Deriv(K,Ifl)
+                  END IF
+               END IF
+            END DO
+         END DO
+      END IF
+      IF (Ifdif.NE.0) THEN
+         DO Mm=1,Npr
+            M = Kstart + Mm
+            if (Notu(M).ge.0) cycle
+            Ifl = -1 * Notu(M)
+            DO IJ=1,NN
+               IF (Pi(Ij,M).NE.Zero .OR. Pr(Ij,M).NE.Zero) THEN
+                  KL = 0
+                  DO Ichan=1,Ntot
+                     DO Ichanx=1,Ichan
+                        KL = KL + 1
+                        Ifs = If_Stay (Ichan, Ifdif, Nent, If_Excl(Ichan), Kaptur)
+                        IF (Ifs.EQ.0 .AND. Ichanx.LE.Nent) THEN
+                           Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,Ifl) =     &
+                              Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,Ifl) +  &
+                              Pr(Ij,M)*Tx(1,Ij,KL) -        &
+                              Pi(Ij,M)*Tx(2,Ij,KL)
+                           Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,Ifl) =     &
+                              Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,Ifl) +  &
+                              Pr(Ij,M)*Tx(2,Ij,KL) +        &
+                              Pi(Ij,M)*Tx(1,Ij,KL)
+                        END IF
+                     END DO
+                  END DO
+               END IF
+            END DO
+         END DO
+      END IF
+      RETURN
+      END SUBROUTINE Dercap
+! --------------------------------------------------------------
+      SUBROUTINE Dereee (Nent, If_Excl, Ifcros, Derivx, Tr, Ti,   &
+         Tx, Prer, Prei, Ddddtl, Ntot)
+! *** generate Deriv(k,Itzero) & Deriv(k,Ilzero); ditto Derivx
+! *** ie Deriv(k,i) = partial Crss(k) wrt either Tzero or LZero
+      use fixedi_m
+      use ifwrit_m
+      use varyr_common_m
+      DIMENSION If_Excl(*), Ifcros(*), Prer(Ntriag), Prei(Ntriag),  &
+         Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,*), Tr(Ncrsss,*), Ti(Ncrsss,*),       &
+         Tx(2,Ntriag,*), Ddddtl(*)
+!  Napres -> all parameters for which derivatives are needed
+!            not restricted to resonance parameters
+!            only distantly related to the parameter of the same
+!            name that was in fixedi_m
+!      DIMENSION Ifcros(Ncrsss), Prer(Ntriag), Prei(Ntriag),
+!     *   Deriv(Ncrsss,Napres), Derivx(2,Ntotc,Ntotc,Nnpar),
+!     *   Tr(Ncrsss,Nn), Ti(Ncrsss,Nn), Tx(2,Ntriag,Ntriag),
+!     *   Ddddtl(Ncrsss)
+      DATA Zero /0.0d0/
+      Itz = Itzero
+      Ilz = IlZero
+      IF (Ncrssx.NE.0) THEN
+! ***    Calculating Deriv(K,I?z) = (2T)(Pre)(Z)(E?z), where
+! ***               Tr   + i Ti   = (partial sigmaX  wrt R) * Half
+! ***               Prer + i Prei =  partial R       wrt E
+! ***               Z             =  partial E       wrt sqrt(E) = 2*Squ
+! ***               Etz           =  partial sqrt(E) wrt  tzero
+! ***               ELz           =  partial sqrt(E) wrt eLzero
+! ***    but do not include the E?z part yet, or missing {dgoj * 1/E^2},
+! ***    and store in Ddddtl
+         Zz = Squ*4.0D0
+         DO K=1,Ncrsss
+            Ddddtl(K) = Zero
+         END DO
+         Ij = 0
+         DO I=1,Ntot
+            DO J=1,I
+               Ij = Ij + 1
+               IF (Prei(Ij).NE.Zero) THEN
+                  DO K=1,Ncrsss
+                     IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
+                        IF (K.LE.2 .OR. If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.0) THEN
+                           Ddddtl(K) = Ddddtl(K) - Prei(Ij)*Ti(K,Ij)*Zz
+                        END IF
+                     END IF
+                  END DO
+               END IF
+               IF (Prer(Ij).NE.Zero) THEN
+                  DO K=1,Ncrsss
+                     IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) THEN
+                        IF (K.LE.2 .OR. If_Excl(K-2+Nent).EQ.0) THEN
+                           Ddddtl(K) = Ddddtl(K) + Prer(Ij)*Tr(K,Ij)*Zz
+                        END IF
+                     END IF
+                  END DO
+               END IF
+            END DO
+         END DO
+      END IF
+      IF (Ifdif.NE.0) THEN
+! ***    careful... i don't believe the following yet !!
+         DO Ij=1,NN
+            IF (PreI(Ij).NE.Zero .OR. PreR(Ij).NE.Zero) THEN
+               KL = 0
+               DO Ichan=1,Ntot
+                  DO Ichanx=1,Ichan
+                     KL = KL + 1
+                     Ifs = If_Stay (Ichan, Ifdif, Nent, If_Excl(Ichan), Kaptur)
+                     IF (Ifs.EQ.0 .AND. Ichanx.LE.Nent) THEN
+                        IF (Itz.GT.0) THEN
+                           Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,Itz) =    &
+                              Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,Itz) + &
+                              Prer(Ij)*Tx(1,Ij,KL) -       &
+                              Prei(Ij)*Tx(2,Ij,KL)*Etz
+                           Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,Itz) =    &
+                              Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,Itz) + &
+                              Prer(Ij)*Tx(2,Ij,KL) +       &
+                              Prei(Ij)*Tx(1,Ij,KL)*Etz
+                        END IF
+                        IF (iLz.GT.0) THEN
+                           Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,iLz) =      &
+                              Derivx(1,Ichanx,Ichan,iLz) +   &
+                              Prer(Ij)*Tx(1,Ij,KL) -         &
+                              Prei(Ij)*Tx(2,Ij,KL)*Elz
+                           Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,iLz) =      &
+                              Derivx(2,Ichanx,Ichan,iLz) +   &
+                              Prer(Ij)*Tx(2,Ij,KL) +         &
+                              Prei(Ij)*Tx(1,Ij,KL)*Elz
+                        END IF
+                     END IF
+                  END DO
+               END DO
+            END IF
+         END DO
+      END IF
+      RETURN
+      END SUBROUTINE Dereee
+end module mxct11_m
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct15.f b/sammy/src/xct/mxct15.f
index 3acf3c532478ec0fc303de8ee3fa2a95e0ddbb45..3c2f1af169fd1322f4cc9c0f52177778e60e8e47 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct15.f
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct15.f
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ C ***       derivatives of elastic cross section wrt effective radius
 C ***       [d sigma-el/d phi] * [d phi/d effective radius]
             DO Ichan=1,Nent
                IF (IF_Zkfe(Ichan).GT.0) THEN
-                  Ifzk = IF_Zkfe(Ichan) - Nvadif
+                  Ifzk = IF_Zkfe(Ichan)
                   IF (Su.GT.Echan(Ichan)) THEN
                      Zz = Dgoj * dSQRT(Su-Echan(Ichan))*Zke(Ichan)
 C ***                Note that Dgoj * {partial rho wrt a, for channel
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ C ***          derivatives of elastic & absorption wrt true radius
                         IF (IF_Zkte(Ichan).GT.0 .AND.
      *                      Su.GT.Echan(Ichan)) THEN
                            Zz = Dgoj * dSQRT(Su-Echan(Ichan))*Zke(Ichan)
-                           Ifzk = If_Zkte(Ichan) - Nvadif
+                           Ifzk = If_Zkte(Ichan)
                            Deriv(k,Ifzk) = Deriv(k,Ifzk) + 
      *                        Dst(k,Ichan)*zz
                         END IF
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ C ***             (true) radius
                END DO
                IF (Ifc.EQ.1) THEN
                   DO Ichan=1,Nent
-                     Ifzk = If_Zkte(Ichan) - Nvadif
+                     Ifzk = If_Zkte(Ichan)
                      IF (Su.LE.Echan(Ichan)) THEN
                         Zz = Zero
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ C ***             (true) radius
      *                        Deriv(Jj+2,Ifzk) = Deriv(Jj+2,Ifzk) +
      *                                           Dstt(Jj,Ichan)*Zz
                            IF (If_Zkte(Jchan).GT.0) THEN
-                              Ifzkj = If_Zkte(Jchan) - Nvadif
+                              Ifzkj = If_Zkte(Jchan)
                               IF (Su.GT.Echan(Jchan)) THEN
                                  Zzj = Dgoj*Zke(Jchan)*
      *                                 Dsqrt(Su-Echan(Jchan))
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ C ***          effective radius; First, diagonal pieces
             IF (Ifdif.EQ.1) THEN
                DO Ichan=1,Nent
                   IF (If_Zkfe(Ichan).GT.0) THEN
-                     Ifzk = If_Zkfe(Ichan) - Nvadif
+                     Ifzk = If_Zkfe(Ichan)
                      Zz = Zke(Ichan)*Squ
                      Derivx(1,Ichan,Ichan,Ifzk) =
      *                  Derivx(1,Ichan,Ichan,Ifzk) +
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ C ***             effective radius; Now, off-diagonal pieces
      *                       (Ifdif.EQ.2 .AND. Ichan.GT.Nent .AND.
      *                        If_Excl(Ichan).EQ.Kaptur) ) THEN
                            IF (If_Zkfe(Ichan).GT.0) THEN
-                              Ifzk = If_Zkfe(Ichan) - Nvadif
+                              Ifzk = If_Zkfe(Ichan)
                               Zz = Zke(Ichan)*Squ
                               Derivx(1,Jchan,Ichan,Ifzk) =
      *                           Derivx(1,Jchan,Ichan,Ifzk) +
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ C ***             effective radius; Now, off-diagonal pieces
      *                           Zz*Dsfx(2,Jchan,Ichan)
                            END IF
                            IF (If_Zkfe(Jchan).GT.0) THEN
-                              Ifzk = If_Zkfe(Jchan) - Nvadif
+                              Ifzk = If_Zkfe(Jchan)
                               Zz = Zke(Jchan)*Squ
                               Derivx(1,Jchan,Ichan,Ifzk) =
      *                           Derivx(1,Jchan,Ichan,Ifzk) +
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ C
          IF (Kvprrt.GT.0) THEN
 C ***       derivatives of pieces of angular distribution wrt true radius
             DO Ichan=1,Ntot
-               Ifzk = If_Zkte(Ichan) - Nvadif
+               Ifzk = If_Zkte(Ichan)
                Zz = Zero
                IF (If_Zkte(Ichan).GT.0) THEN
                   Zz = Zke(Ichan)*Squ
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ C ***       derivatives of pieces of angular distribution wrt true radius
      *                        Zz*Dstx(2,Jchan,Ichan)
                         END IF
                         IF (If_Zkte(Jchan).GT.0) THEN
-                           Ifzkj = If_Zkte(Jchan) - Nvadif
+                           Ifzkj = If_Zkte(Jchan)
                            Z = Zke(Jchan)*Squ
                            Derivx(1,Jchan,Ichan,Ifzkj) =
      *                        Derivx(1,Jchan,Ichan,Ifzkj) +
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct16.f b/sammy/src/xct/mxct16.f
index a6cb70d7451d1ca6e200e157e9078d62a745b4c3..aade390bae6f921b5a52ebac63e508ae08d83719 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct16.f
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct16.f
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ C
                      M = Kvcrfn
                   END IF
-                  M = M - Nvadif
                   DO K=1,2
                      IF (Ifcros(K).NE.0) Deriv(K,M) = Dgoj*Ddddd(K)
      *                  + Deriv(K,M)
@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ C *** now for differential elastic cross sections
             Ix = Ifltru(Ir)
             IF (Ix.GT.0) THEN
                Ix = Ix - Nfpres - Nfpext
-               M = Ifltru(Ir) - Nvadif
+               M = Ifltru(Ir)
                Ij = 0
                DO Ij=1,NN
                   IF (Pgai(Ij,Ix,Nnnn).NE.Zero .OR.
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct17.f b/sammy/src/xct/mxct17.f
index 62da9cfaffdc9cc01beb7aab16c3f044ff6f21f0..7d869761a3ca788dee45348dfff6a724d2fe54b6 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct17.f
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct17.f
@@ -236,11 +236,15 @@ C
       DIMENSION Crss(*), Deriv(Ncrsss,*), Ddddtl(*)
-C     DIMENSION Crss(Ncrsss), Deriv(Ncrsss,Nyyres)
+      !  Napres -> all parameters for which derivatives are needed
+      !            not restricted to resonance parameters
+      !            only distantly related to the parameter of the same
+      !            name that was in fixedi_
+C     DIMENSION Crss(Ncrsss), Deriv(Ncrsss,Napres)
       DATA Two/2.0d0/
-      Itz = Itzero - Nvadif
-      ILz = Ilzero - Nvadif
+      Itz = Itzero
+      ILz = Ilzero
       DO I=1,Ncrsss
          A = Ddddtl(I)*Dgoj - Crss(I)*Two/Squ
          IF (Itz.GT.0) Deriv(I,Itz) = A*Etz
@@ -261,10 +265,14 @@ C
       DIMENSION Crss(*), Deriv(Ncrsss,*)
-C     DIMENSION Crss(Ncrsss), Deriv(Ncrsss,Nyyres), Ifzke
+      !  Napres -> all parameters for which derivatives are needed
+      !            not restricted to resonance parameters
+      !            only distantly related to the parameter of the same
+      !            name that was in fixedi_
+C     DIMENSION Crss(Ncrsss), Deriv(Ncrsss,Napres), Ifzke
       IF (Ifzke.LE.0) RETURN
-      Ifzk = Ifzke - Nvadif
+      Ifzk = Ifzke
       DO I=1,Ncrsss
          Deriv(I,Ifzk) = Crss(I)/AbnVal
       END DO
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct19.f b/sammy/src/xct/mxct19.f
index 245aceeee23f75d42379829cb5efae4b3328c3ea..3f478ee866bd80533bc68a3557a4a8d0fd9ff27c 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct19.f
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct19.f
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ C
             IF (Kcros.EQ.6) THEN
                IF (Kefcap.NE.0) THEN
                   IF (Iflmsc(Kefcap).GT.0) THEN
-                     Nd = Iflmsc(Kefcap) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+                     Nd = Iflmsc(Kefcap) - Ndasig
                      IF (Nd.LT.0) STOP '[STOP in Prtclr in mxct19.f #4]'
                      D = F + C
                      IF (Dbsigx(1,Nd,Iso).EQ.Zero) THEN
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ C
                      END IF
                   END IF
                   IF (Iflmsc(Keffis).GT.0) THEN
-                     Nd = Iflmsc(Keffis) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+                     Nd = Iflmsc(Keffis) -  Ndasig
                      IF (Nd.LT.0) STOP '[STOP in Prtclr in mxct19.f #6]'
                      D = F + C
                      IF (Dbsigx(1,Nd,Iso).EQ.Zero) THEN
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ C
                   END IF
                END IF
                IF (Iflmsc(K1+Kjetan-1).GT.0) THEN
-                  Nd = Iflmsc(K1+Kjetan-1) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+                  Nd = Iflmsc(K1+Kjetan-1) - Ndasig
                   IF (Nd.LT.0) STOP '[STOP in Prtclr in mxct19.f   # 8]'
                   IF (Dbsigx(1,Nd,Iso).EQ.Zero) THEN
                      Dbsigx(1,Nd,Iso) = A1*A3
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ C
                   END IF
                END IF
                IF (K2.GT.0 .AND. Iflmsc(K2+Kjetan-1).GT.0) THEN
-                  Nd = Iflmsc(K2+Kjetan-1) - Nvadif - Ndasig
+                  Nd = Iflmsc(K2+Kjetan-1) - Ndasig
                   IF (Nd.LT.0) STOP '[STOP in Prtclr in mxct19.f   # 9]'
                   IF (Dbsigx(1,Nd,Iso).EQ.Zero) THEN
                      Dbsigx(1,Nd,Iso) = A2*A3
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct22.f b/sammy/src/xct/mxct22.f
index 3a5c6541f768c59107671ec1b3fbb117a2525044..fc3fb3f72a93c90b2e59861e67ecd52e3bf6398c 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct22.f
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct22.f
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ C ##################### maybe NOT CORRECT YET FOR Iq_Val>0
          DO Iso=1,Numiso
             Ifl = Ifliso(Iso)
             IF (Ifl.GT.0) THEN
-               Ifl = Ifl - Nvadif
+               Ifl = Ifl
                Isopar(Ifl) = Iso
                DO L=1,Lllmax
                   Dddlll(L,Ifl) = Ccclll(L,Iso)/
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct23.f b/sammy/src/xct/mxct23.f
index 6d8fb0732b1bc4af7a723a9e99fe3747802df7bd..159c7e3e2f590dc0803c48bb3079861fe3cde0c6 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct23.f
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct23.f
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ C ***    beginning with self-indication transmission
             Ik = Ik + 1
             Iipars = Iflmsc(ik)
             IF (Iipars.GT.0) THEN
-               Ipars = Iipars - Nvadif - Ndasig
+               Ipars = Iipars - Ndasig
                DO N=1,Ngroup
                   call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, N) 
                   IF (spinInfo%getIncludeInCalc()) THEN
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ C *** si2 now do derivatives wrt resonance parameters et al
          Ik = Ik + 1
          Iipars = Iflmsc(ik)
          Ipars = 0
-         IF (Iipars.GT.0) Ipars = Iipars - Nvadif - Ndasig
+         IF (Iipars.GT.0) Ipars = Iipars - Ndasig
          Lk = Ifliso(Iso)
          DO N=1,Ngroup
             call resParData%getSpinGroupInfo(spinInfo, N)
             isoN = spinInfo%getIsotopeIndex()
             IF (isoN.EQ.Iso .AND. Ndasig.GT.0) THEN
                DO Iipar=1,Ndasig
-                  IF (Lk.LE.0 .OR. Lk-Nvadif.NE.Iipar) THEN
+                  IF (Lk.LE.0 .OR. Lk.NE.Iipar) THEN
 C ***                If this parameter is an abundance for the capture
 C ***                     sample, then derivatives here are zero
                      Dasigs(Iipar) = Dasigs(Iipar) +
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ C ***                     sample, then derivatives here are zero
                DO Iipar=1,Ndbsig
                   IF (Ipars.NE.Iipar) THEN
 C ***             IF (this is self-indication Abndnc) it's already done
-                     IF (Lk.LE.0 .OR. Lk-Nvadif.NE.Iipar) THEN
+                     IF (Lk.LE.0 .OR. Lk.NE.Iipar) THEN
 C ***                If this parameter is an abundance for the capture
 C ***                     sample, then derivatives here are zero
                         Dbsigs(Iipar,Iso) = Dbsigs(Iipar,Iso) +
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ C
                DO Isox=1,Nnnnis
                   Lkk = Lkk + 1
                   Lk = Iflmsc(lkk)
-                  IF (Lk.GT.0 .AND. Lk-Nvadif.EQ.Iipar) GO TO 80
+                  IF (Lk.GT.0 .AND. Lk.EQ.Iipar) GO TO 80
                END DO
             END IF
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct24.f b/sammy/src/xct/mxct24.f
index e4708892c9bc34379fec55aa8def51321bcadc40..97f5766ef046f85d39233b5d187fc72b407e5cf6 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct24.f
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct24.f
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ C
             IF (Iflpmc(1,Ipmcs).GT.0) THEN
                X = Abx*Parpmc(1,Ipmcs)*F**2*Two
                IF (Eb.LT.Zero) X = -X
-               Ifl = Iflpmc(1,Ipmcs) - Nvadif
+               Ifl = Iflpmc(1,Ipmcs)
                IF (Ifl.LE.Ndasig) THEN
                   STOP '[STOP Ifl.LE.Ndasig in Dddpmc in xct/mxct24.f]'
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ C
                Df = X*Two*F*Df
                Df = Df/Parpmc(2,Ipmcs)
                IF (Eb.LT.Zero) Df = -Df
-               Ifl = Iflpmc(2,Ipmcs) - Nvadif
+               Ifl = Iflpmc(2,Ipmcs)
                IF (Ifl.LE.Ndasig) THEN
                   STOP '[Ifl.LE.Ndasig in Dddpmc in xct/mxct24.f   # 2]'
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ C
                Df = X*Two*F*Df
                Df = Df*dLOG(Su)
                IF (Eb.LT.Zero) Df = -Df
-               Ifl = Iflpmc(3,Ipmcs) - Nvadif
+               Ifl = Iflpmc(3,Ipmcs)
                IF (Ifl.LE.Ndasig) THEN
                   STOP '[Ifl.LE.Ndasig in Dddpmc in xct/mxct24.f   # 3]'
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ C
                X = Abx*(Parpmc(1,Ipmcs)*F)**2
                Df = X/Parpmc(4,Ipmcs)
                IF (Eb.LT.Zero) Df = -Df
-               Ifl = Iflpmc(4,Ipmcs) - Nvadif
+               Ifl = Iflpmc(4,Ipmcs)
                IF (Ifl.LE.Ndasig) THEN
                   STOP '[Ifl.LE.Ndasig in Dddpmc in xct/mxct24.f   # 4]'
diff --git a/sammy/src/xct/mxct32.f b/sammy/src/xct/mxct32.f
index 4960e65e7c745e97621a2b22cc1864b4b2c6ba1c..108e07890c014da3e0cc75e21369eb83fef1227b 100644
--- a/sammy/src/xct/mxct32.f
+++ b/sammy/src/xct/mxct32.f
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ C ##################### maybe NOT CORRECT YET FOR Iq_Val>0
          DO Iso=1,Numiso
             Ifl = Ifliso(Iso)
             IF (Ifl.GT.0) THEN
-               Ifl = Ifl - Nvadif
+               Ifl = Ifl
                Isopar(Ifl) = Iso
                DO L=1,Lllmax
                   Dddlll(L,Ifl) = Ccclll(L,Iso)/