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  • v0.1-alpha
    4e99b93b · LEX-0.1-alpha ·
    An alpha version of the LIVVkit Extensions repository to demonstrate our extension functionality. It includes the CESM Greenland analyses of cloud cover, energy balance and surface mass balance, as will be documented in the Evans et al. (2018) LIVVkit validation paper, which will be submitted soon.
  • v0.1-beta
    b6958ea4 · LEX-0.1-beta ·
    A beta version of the LIVVkit Extensions repository to demonstrate our
    extensions functionality. It includes the CESM Greenland analyses for
    cloud cover, energy balance, and surface mass balance, as well the
    CISM-Albany dynamics analyses, which will be documented in the Evans et
    al. (2018) LIVVkit validation paper.
  • v0.1-rc1
    4c4655cf · LEX-0.1-rc1 ·
    A first release candidate of the LIVVkit Extensions repository to demonstrate our extensions functionality. It includes the CESM Greenland analyses for cloud cover, energy balance, and surface mass balance, as well the CISM-Albany dynamics analyses, which will be documented in the Evans et al. (2018) LIVVkit validation paper.
  • v0.1-rc2
    91b00ea7 · LEX-0.1-rc2 ·
    Second release candidate of the LIVVkit Extensions repository to demonstrate our extensions functionality. It includes the CESM Greenland analyses for cloud cover, energy balance, and surface mass balance, as well the CISM-Albany dynamics analyses, which will be documented in the Evans et al. (2018) LIVVkit validation paper.
  • v0.1-rc3
    8e785485 · LEX v0.1-rc3 release ·
    This release candidate includes:
    * better documentation 
    * better colors in many of the plots
    * the postprocessing scripts used to produce the model data
  • v0.1.0 Release: v0.1.0
    The v0.1.0 release of the LIVVkit Extensions repository to demonstrate our extension functionality.