... | ... | @@ -3,11 +3,19 @@ |
Computing resources are limited and valuable.
Email **doakpw@ornl.gov** if you need assistance in using these resources.
## [OIC](OIC) -- User Cluster
## [CADES](Cades) -- New Cluster
## [NERSC](Nersc) -- DOE's general use super computing center
## [Monitoring Codes](Monitoring Codes) -- :star: Realtime data collection from codes
## [PBS Tricks](PBS Tricks) -- Job Chaining, etc.
## [OSX](OSX) -- How to use a OSX machine for Scientific Computation (IOHO)
## [Learning resources](Learning Resources) |
## Clusters
### [OIC](OIC) -- User Cluster
### [CADES](Cades) -- New Cluster
## Super Computing Centers
### [NERSC](Nersc) -- DOE's general use super computing center
## Utilties
### [Monitoring Codes](Monitoring Codes) -- :star: Realtime data collection from codes
## Tips
### [Computing at ORNL](computing-at-ornl) -- emphasis on what to do if you are offsite
### [PBS Tricks](PBS Tricks) -- Job Chaining, etc.
### [OSX](OSX) -- How to use a OSX machine for Scientific Computation (IOHO)
### [Learning resources](Learning Resources) |