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IEEE Short Course 4: Introduction to Machine Learning



This course uses Python version 3.10. It is recommended to install the Anaconda version as below:

  • Install from Anaconda (recommended): Navigate to and download/install the version for your machine.


This course makes use of some common open-source machine learning and data science tools such as Tensorflow, scikit-learn, numpy, and scipy.

  1. Create new anaconda environment: conda create -n ieee_sc4_env python=3.10.4
  2. Activate anaconda environment: conda activate ieee_sc4_env
  3. Install requirements

(Apple Silicon Users): 4. conda install numpy scipy scikit-learn matplotlib seaborn tqdm notebook 5. conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps 6. python -m pip install tensorflow-macos 7. python -m pip install tensorflow-metal

(All Other Users): 4. conda install numpy scipy scikit-learn matplotlib seaborn tqdm tensorflow notebook


This code uses Jupyter notebooks for interactive development and exploration.

  1. Navigate to base directory of code
  2. Start a Jupyter notebook server by typing in the command line: jupyter notebook
  3. The program will tell you which link it is serving on, usually localhost:8888. Open a browser and navigate to the link.
  4. Once in the browser, you will be able to navigate to each module and open up the notebooks (.ipynb files)
  5. Once in a notebook, you can run a cell by clicking on the cell and pressing SHIFT+ENTER. You can also run all cells from the menu
  6. If you are not familar with Jupyter notebook, take a quick read to learn about it: